The All Saints Chronicle - December 2008

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A Quarterly Newsletter

Volume III, Issue No 1: Christmas 08

Do you know Ed Hart? Here’s your chance to meet a new member to the All Saints Family! Page 2

What does All Saints do? What is All Saints on about? Ever wanted to know? Read on... Page 3 It’s time to Represent Jesus! Hear stories from the Youth Group about how they’ve been able to Represent Jesus! Page 2

magine every resident in Sydney being offered a chance to read a gospel and find out more. This is Connect 09! The initiative is designed to rebuild long lost relationships with our community so that we might be able to share Christ. It will be run in every parish of the Diocese as each parish determines best.


he commencement date of the All Saints’ monthly paper is not known. The earliest paper in the collection is dated April 1890 and is numbered volume II (2) number 4. This seems to indicate that the paper may have commenced in

parishioners with information services, church organisations, baptisms, wedding and funerals as well as a lot of other articles on church life. The monthly paper collection held in the parish archives is missing records of the Chronicle during the

1889. It was called “All Saints’ Petersham Monthly Paper”. This name continued until mid 1924 when the name was changed to “The Chronicle of The Parish of All Saints’ Petersham”. The parish at that time included All Saints’ Church and St. Augustines Stanmore. The monthly paper provided

period 1890 to 1936. However, from 1937 to 1996 - when the Chronicle ceased publication there are only four editions missing. This collection has now been put on a DVD and CD for those who are interested in church or family history. Noel Cragg

Simply Christianity is a five-part course based entirely on the Gospel of Luke. For anybody who would like to find out more about Jesus and the Christian faith, we run the course here at All Saints in 5 week blocks. Speak to Antony about joining in.

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Our plans are well underway to make the most of the Connect 09. For instance we expect to have the community garden in place soon and Petersham Little School operating in the first half of the year. That being so, we will have two 'on-site' avenues for building relationships and for ministry. In addition, we will run 2x day long camps on the pupil free days of school term so as to connect with kids (experience in other places suggest there will be high demand for this). Investigations are underway to see if we can provide several ‘hot meals and a prayer’ to those from our suburb who have recently been in hospital. We are in the process of producing an introductory DVD about the church and local area for those who move into the parish. The latter will be part of a concerted effort to contact and connect with locals through a sustained visitation program - more below. We expect to have a Moore College mission here just before Easter. We will continue with our

Carols, youth services, kids services and Open for Inspection programs as in previous years. Regular Simply Christianity courses will be a special focus of Connect 09 for this is the chief way we will be able to share the gospel in a clear and compelling way. As such 2009 is the year to be asking ‘who can I bring to the next Simply course?’ Do you have 16 hours for Jesus in 2009: How can we build a relationship with people when we currently do not have one? Answer: we will need to go to them and keep going back. Therefore a visitation program has been devised to connect and build relationships over a 4 week period. Can you set aside Sunday afternoons from 2 to 4pm for just four weeks a term? If everyone does this for just two of the four terms next year (ie: 16 hours) we will cover every dwelling in our parish. Obviously not everyone will want a second visit or even a third, but many will. Simple! What can I do now: Pray, pray pray – as we have been! Pray for our local community to be expecting us when we meet them. Get involved! Join one or more of these activities and maintain it throughout the year. More details will come on Feb 1st & 8th 2009. Antony Barraclough 1

YOUTH Salt Youth Ministry: Represent! epresent! is a segment that we have at youth group. It’s a segment that gives everyone an opportunity to share a time when they’ve been able to represent (or fly the flag for) Jesus. It could be something like not gossiping while all your friends were… or supporting scripture at school by turning up… or telling someone about Jesus… the possibilities are endless! We even have a page on our website where people have been adding their “Represent!” stories to share. So here are a couple of “Represent!” stories from the youth group. Erin & Justin: “We were in a drama workshop that went for five days, and all the other kids were to put it bluntly - very immature, swearing, telling rude jokes, disrespecting the leaders, etc. It was really difficult to work with them in a group because of it, and we wasted a lot of time just waiting for the other kids to start

listening to the leaders. Justin and I tried our best to respect the leaders, and not to swear or go along with the jokes, even though we were around it for about six hours for five days straight :(. But afterwards the leaders, Chris and Hannah, thanked us for being helpful during classes - they said they noticed we were different to the other kids. So there you go! Staying Christian in a non-Christian environment never goes unnoticed. Even though it’s hard, it was worth it in the end, even though, I must admit, we felt a bit lame at times when everyone else was mucking around. Afterwards not so much!” Katie: “I was working on the cash register and a lady paid for her groceries but accidently gave me two $5.00 notes stuck together. I didn’t notice at first, but when I did I called to the lady and gave her money back. It would’ve been easy to keep one of the $5.00 notes for myself and no one would’ve known.” Read more “Represent!” stories on the Salt website! Mike Dicker

TEAR Gift Shop The TEAR gift catalogue is arguably the world’s greatest gift catalogue, and now Salt has it’s very own TEAR Gift Shop!!! It's called... wait for it... The Salt Youth Ministry Shoppe! (original, we know... but we did put 2 P's and an E on “shop” for a bit of spark). So now you know where to buy all your gifts this Christmas! And you can love God and love your neighbour this Christmas. Shoppe here:

KIDS Playtime

This year we've enjoyed meeting a small group of mums and their children over craft, delicious morning teas and singing together. We've also seen 3 new babies come into the world and join Playtime. (You can never be too young!). It's been a privilege to teach the kids about Jesus through the story time. We've heard stories on a colour theme, like GOLD for Heaven. We've heard stories on Friendship like Peter

and Jesus. We also heard stories on the Garden of Eden and met various interesting puppets along the way. The over all message of these stories has been Jesus loves the children and they need to follow Him. It's been wonderful to have so much help from church members again this year. A special mention goes to Mary Westbrook for her tireless efforts to prepare and clean up morning tea for us. This has been a wonderful act of service to the mums and an example of Jesus' sacrificial service to others. And a special farewell to Helen Ding who has helped on the team for 2 years now Please pray for us as we seek to persevere in making Jesus known among the families in the area. Lara Blair

PEOPLE Meet Ed Hart The Chronicle (TC): So Ed, tell us a bit about yourself. Ed: Well I'm 21 years old, born up in Queensland, moved to Gosford NSW when I was about 5. My parents divorced in 1999 so I came to Sydney with my father (my mother and older brother stayed in Gosford). I went to school at St. Pius X Catholic Chatswood College for boys. I went to Bradfield Senior College Crows Nest for year 11 & 12. I took a year off after the HSC to become an amateur film maker. TC: It hasn’t all been smooth sailing then? Ed: I've given you the short story of it all, but in detail it's less black and white and a lot more grey... There have been good times and bad times and this isn't the first time I've moved out of home. My current step mum and I have had troubles living together, especially during the time of my HSC... And in the middle of this year my dad and step mum moved up to Queensland, so I'm staying down here to complete my acting course. If I get into all the fine details we could be here all night! TC: OK, so now you're in Sydney studying drama at TAFE and you've been coming to All Saints for about 8 weeks now. Can you tell us a bit about your 2

background with faith and Christianity? Ed: Sure. Growing up in my family (before the divorce) my parents taught me a little about God, Jesus and faith. They did (and as far as I'm aware still do) believe in God, but they were never church people. I'm not sure why this was, maybe their faith wasn't that strong or maybe they just wanted to have that extra hour or two on a Sunday morning... I don't remember them mixing their faith with anything else, the spiritual side was there but stayed only there as a belief and not something to use everyday. TC: So you've just taken on more of the Christian faith in your adult life? Ed: Well during my year off after the HSC I began to look into Buddhism, checking out a Buddhist center of worship and reading about their system of faith. The whole "peace and removal of the ego" appealed to me. Then, one day, I was door knocked by two Jehovah Witnesses. We talked briefly and they asked if I was interested about learning the faith. I was more than happy to learn about any religion, and after a few visits we agreed on a regular time that we could meet every week to discuss the Bible (Which later I discovered was their translation of the Bible - The New Worlds) and we started to delve into their faith. I was

shocked to be told whole different stories about the Bible, and how the Christian churches had got it wrong. I didn't know any better than what they told me, even going to a Catholic College as a young teenager hadn't taught me much besides the sign of the cross, the Holy Trinity and communion. So I began to adapt myself more to the ways of the Watchtower Society, and I studied a few months with them. TC: Sounds like you were quite involved with the JW's, how did you come to be here at All Saints? Ed: Work was demanding more of my time I started pulling back from the JW's. About two months before my dad moved I was invited to the Church of Christ out at Kingsford by my fairly recent Christian convert friend Steve. At the church I was introduced to the Minister Ian Docker who gave an insightful sermon, and my eyes where opened (both physically and metaphorically). I decided to visit the following week and again the week after. But the early mornings where having a toll on me and recommencing full time study meant that spare time was a thing of the past. So I fell into the group of fatigued and lazy students and enjoyed my weekends for sleeping and resting once again. Steve did keep asking me if I wanted to come, but I needed rest and hated early starts. Not before long Steve and I moved into a flat in Petersham. We moved in and settled into the area, and every so often I'd join Steve on Sunday, but I wanted to find a church closer and more suited to me. I typed in "Petersham churches" into

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google and a list appeared on my screen. After looking through this list I came across the All Saints church. I checked out the website and that night I went through the list of recorded sermons and I listened to one after the other. TC: Excellent, so you found us through the website and you liked the sermons! What was it like visiting the first time? Ed: That Sunday I walked into the church and felt my heart rate picking up. I was in a new place, not knowing anyone, without any idea of this church’s traditions or protocols. I was a little early and the service hadn't started yet. Before long Bazz sat down beside me with a welcome pamphlet. We talked and Bazz asked if it was okay if he sat next to me during the service. I found this a nice welcoming gesture. By the end of the service I was certain that this was the place I wanted to call my church. I made new friends that welcomed me with open arms. And to top it all off there was tea and cake in the hall. This place was fantastic. I felt a real bonding. TC: I'm so glad to hear that you felt welcomed at All Saints on your first visit. Still feeling welcome? Ed: By the second Sunday I was feeling like I was being accepted into the church already! Now I've joined the Thursday night Bible study and this is something I had been looking for for a long time. TC: Thanks for your time Ed, it’s great having you as part of the All Saints family.








Simply Speaking…

5 Reasons Not to Join a Bible Study Group in 2009... 5. Bible study doesn’t fit into my value system at the moment. I’m trying to embrace the individualistic emphasis of our society... So I’m trying to withdraw myself from the community of God’s people that I’ve been called to as much as possible. 4. What’s left to study? I already have expert knowledge in every part of the Bible, therefore I see no reason to pursue further study in this matter. 3. I’m really quite anti-social and don’t want to encourage other Christians in their faith by attending a Bible study. 2. I’m really more of a “do-all-your-bible-Christian-stuffonly-on-Sunday” type of person, so I don’t have to think about Jesus during the week. 1. I need “me” time. I’ve got family, and work, and sport, and I don’t want to waste my spare time with a Bible study group. There’s 5 bad reasons for not joining a Bible Study Group. Here’s one good reason: Bible Studies are a great place to meet with other Christians, explore the Bible, be encouraged in your faith, be other person focused, and help keep Jesus at the centre of your life. Bible study groups meet at a variety of different places and times during the week so everyone has more opportunity to be involved. Stay tuned in the coming weeks to hear what groups are meeting where and when for 2009 or contact Mike Dicker about joining a group today.





That’s it! That’s what we do at All Saints! – Would a picture help?

ne of the hardest things to do is be simple. Simplicity is clarity. So simply put, what is All Saints on about? I’ve been wrestling with this question lately, in the hope that a simple expression of who we are and what we do will provide clarity, focus and energy. There are multiple ways we could express the big picture. Yet it seems to me the clearest expression of our purpose is to build God’s kingdom in the Inner West. This is in fact an activity that God is doing through his church throughout the world. And yet … our direct sphere of influence is the Inner West – so this is our mission field. Our efforts to build God’s kingdom finds 3 focal points. First, we seek to save the lost. To do this we need to contact them, connect with them and gospel them. For a number of years we have been using the excellent 5 week course “Simply Christianity” as our gospelling tool. Our efforts as part of Connect 09 will re-invigorate our contacting and connecting. Second, we strengthen faith. Having seen people saved our aim is to strengthen or mature that faith. This is a life long process. It is achieved in personal devotion to Christ, together with faithful corporate worship, together with fellowship in a prayer and bible study group. Thirdly and finally, we mobilize the faithful to serve. Our focus here is the service of each other as well as the service of our community. In other words, the mature All Saints Christian will be serving in the church and outside it.



As we approach a new year why not consider the second line in each of the three focal points. Consider what you can do in each area. For example: with whom in the Inner West do I have contact? Have I connected with them? Would I be able to invite them into a Simply Christianity course? At All Saints we seek to: Save all sinners. Strengthened all the forgiven in faith. Involve all the saints in serving. Antony Barraclough

All Saints Website ave you ever trawled through the internet looking for information on a church and it’s activities only to find the information hasn’t been updated since sometime in the late 1990’s? Well you’ll never have that problem with the All Saints church website! The All Saints website is updated each week at a minimum (often updated daily). It contains new mp3’s for the sermon each www.alls week plus a catalogue of sermon aintspeters mp3’s for the last few years that can be u accessed by members. All Saints even has page for Bible Study Groups, Sunday its own podcast that you can subscribe to meetings, and Children’s and Youth through iTunes or your chosen mp3 player. Ministries (snapshot of the Salt Youth website You’ll also find information on the on left). There are blogs, articles, resources, various ministries at All Saints. There is a video, links to other useful Christian websites, an up to date calendar of events and details, and information for weddings, baptisms, and funerals. There have been a number of people who have come and stayed at All Saints because they were able to find us on the web, and if you have your own website why don’t you provide a link to us from your page and boost our rating on google… This is the day and age to make full use of communicating through the internet! Mike Dicker


“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he

who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:23-25 Bible Study coordinator 3

(AKA: Bazz)

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The annual All Saints Carols in the Park is on again this year in Maundrell Park (opposite the church). The evening will begin with live jazz music from 6:00pm with the carols commencing at 7:00pm. You’re invited to come








“Since we have flesh and blood, he too shared in our humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” (Hebrews 2:14-15)

All Saints Christmas Eve Service This year All Saints is having a Christmas Eve service at 9:00pm 10:00pm. The service will be run by the youth group with a casual and contemplative feel. All welcome! Open For Inspection Next year’s Open For Inspection series is on Sunday May 29th & April 5th. This is an evangelistic series that invites people to inspect the Christian Faith, and our church.

Petersham Little School

We have received both DA approval (from Marrickville Council) and ordinance approval (from the Anglican Diocese) to proceed with a business arrangement for operating a day care centre in the main church hall. The business operator is Melanie Carrol who already runs Vaucluse Little School out of a Uniting church. The hours of operation will be 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and we retain after hours access to the hall. Agreement with PLS has been reached to provide chaplaincy services to the children and parents, and it is expected that this will provide a strong ministry link for us. The agreement with PLS means renovations to the hall floor, storage, kitchen and the modernising of the bathrooms will be undertaken – timing TBA. For more information please speak to Antony or someone on parish council. 4


along with your own chair and picnic blanket to enjoy the show. There will be a stall selling carols packs that include candles, glow sticks, and songbook. There will also be drinks for sale and a sausage sizzle. Feel free to bring your own picnic and drinks and just sit back and enjoy a great community experience in celebrating the advent of God entering the world as Jesus!

Carols in the Park

Keep a look out for these things...


Christmas Outreach Poster

When famous celebrities come to Australia, we’re often concerned that they ‘like Australia’. And to help that outcome we show them the sights and interview them endlessly until they finally tell us how much they do in fact ‘like Australia’. Yet when the greatest celebrity of all visited we had very little interest. When Jesus came to visit we were hostile and suspicious and treated him with contempt. Even though God promised he’d come, we weren’t ready. When it was time for the Virgin Mary to give birth to Jesus in the small town of Bethlehem, there was no royal reception, no soft bed or interior decoration. In fact, there wasn’t even a room left at the inn that Mary so desperately needed for her labour. Instead, when he was born, the infant Jesus was put in a ‘manger’ or animal feed trough. Hardly a place fit for the King of creation! Read more:

Connect 09 Launch Sunday 8th Feb – ‘Big Day In’ – launch of the Connect 09 program at All Saints 10:15am service.

Community Garden The council has awarded us a $5000 grant to begin a community garden in partnership with Petersham Op-Shop on Crystal St. The garden will be located at the rear of the church hall on Frederick St.

Did You Know?

...All Saints has a bike rack? It’s around the back of the church by the steps that lead down from the grass to the hall. Who’s brave enough to start riding to church? ...All Saints has name tag stickers for regulars and guests? They’re on the righthand side as you walk into church. If you are a regular your name tag will be printed. If you are new please help yourself to a blank label and write your name on it with one of the pens provided. ...All Saints sends out email announcements to keep you up to date with church life? To get on the mailing list, give your email to Bazz. ...All Saints has a crying room? It’s in the room that can be accessed through the door at the right-hand side of the stage. It’s got a big sign that says “Crying room”. Find us online:

Green Cards Feedback

"Just visiting Sydney for a course. Lovely service! Very refreshing to see so many kids and families in such a relaxed setting. Bless you all. God bless your ministry in this area." Kirsten (from Vic) at the Oct kids service. "I enjoyed my visit last year so I returned when I was in the area again. May God continue to use your ministry. I have felt blessed both times I have visited." Christine (from Vic) at the Oct kids service. "Bible studies - do they occur here?" - Michael (on sabbatical from the Solomons) Editors note: You bet we do! See the article on Bible Study Groups in this Chronicle.

Just For Fun!

Who’s in charge here? Rector: Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. More powerful than a locomotive, Faster than a speeding bullet. Makes Policy with God. Curate: Able to leap short buildings in a single bound. As powerful as a switch engine. Just as fast as a speeding bullet. Walks on water if the sea is calm. Warden: Leaps short buildings with a running start. Almost as powerful as a switch engine. Faster than a speeding BB. Walks on water if he knows where the stumps are. Is occasionally addressed by God. Ministry Apprentice: Able to leap the fence if the rector shows him how. As powerful as his toy train set. Faster than a rubber band sling shot by the end of 2 years. Walks in sprinkled baptism water. Hears about conversations the rector has with God. Student Minister: Runs into small buildings. Recognizes locomotives 2 out of 3 times. Uses a squirt gun. Knows how to use the water fountain. Mumbles to himself. Rector's Wife: Lifts buildings to walk under them, kicks locomotives off the track. Catches speeding bulletins in her teeth. Freezes water with a single glance. When God speaks she says; 'Who may I say is calling?'

If you have ideas for the next issue of The Chronicle or feed back on this issue, email th e editor, we’d love your feedback an d comments ! michael@allsa intspetersham

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