All Saints Chronicle: December 2009

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A (mostly) Quarterly Newsletter - Volume III, Issue No 4: December 13th 2009

All Care and No Responsibility...

It sounds like a harsh title (and it’s an attempt at being provocative), but this seems to be the trend that is appearing out of the latest statistical research in the USA: Christian parents love their children and want them to grow up in the faith, but the responsibility of teaching children the Bible is being neglected in the home. Here are some numbers to give you an idea: 1 56% of Christian parents never or rarely read the Bible with their children. 52% of Christian parents never or rarely pray together. 24% of Christian parents never or rarely pray with their children. And only 29% of Christian parents talk about spiritual values with their children on a weekly basis. It's easy to feel guilty when we look at those stats and then look at our own home (I certainly feel a pang of guilt when I reflect on my own habits), and it’s even easier still to lay blame on the busyness of living in a time-poor society... but the importance of discipling children within the family is something too important to ignore. And it's far too important to leave in the hands of third party programs like SRE, kid's club, or youth groups. Leaving the guilt trip totally aside, take a moment to think about where your children are receiving the majority of their instruction in the Christian faith. How often would you open the Bible with them? Pray with them? Or pray with your spouse for your children? In the U.S., close to nine out of ten parents of children under age 13 (85%) believe they have the primary responsibility for teaching their children about religious beliefs and spiritual matters. However, other Find us online:

research revealed that a majority of parents do not spend any time during a typical week discussing religious matters or studying religious materials with their children. This should serve as a sobering reminder of the privilege and responsibility that parents have in first teaching the gospel to their children at home.

The Bible affirms that the family is the central place for the religious instruction of children (just compare passages like Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:18-21, Psalm 78:5, Proverbs 1:8-9, & Ephesians 6:4). However, the church is not left out of the picture here either, for one of its roles is to also give religious instruction as the “word of Christ” dwells richly in the church, through many different ways, from teaching to hymn singing (Col. 3:16), and not only this, the church has a responsibility to bring the gospel to all people (children included). However, first and foremost, the family remains the central place for raising children in the Christian faith. Without reading too much into 1 Timothy 3:4-5 & Titus 1:6, it seems the Apostle Paul even goes so far as to suggest that religious instruction done in the church context is not greater than how you first instruct your children at home… The church, therefore,

should partner with parents in raising their children in the Christian faith and complement what is being done at home. At All Saints, we want to partner with you as you raise your children in the Christian faith, and to support the family as the primary place of religious instruction. Within our Sunday church service, we have deliberately shaped the gathering so that you have the chance to sing, hear the reading of God’s word, the teaching of God’s word (so called “Kid’s Talk”), and pray together as a family (which is why we have a kid's prayer in the service). It would be great to cherish this time with your children in church, and to teach them the value of being part of the church gathering (after all, Sunday school is only 6 years and church is for a life time!). Here are some ideas of things you can do with your children: Help them to prepare the kid’s prayer when they’re on the roster, teaching them to be thoughtful about community prayers. Talk through what they’ve learnt in Sunday school, SRE, or youth group etc. (HOT TIP FOR TEENAGERS: ask them for a one sentence summary, something just big enough to fit in a Facebook status). Use the Bible for your children’s bedtime story. Become a leader of the weekly youth group Bible study that your child attends. Become a club WOW leader to spend more time teaching the Bible to your child. Take every opportunity to use a biblical framework in evaluating common life experiences with your child. Of course, you have to do what works for your family, but the key aim is to do something regularly. There is certainly more that All Saints can do to help you raise your children in the Christian faith and we’d be grateful for your ideas & suggestions. Mike Dicker 1 Family!

Needs Survey (FamilyLife, 2008)

What happens on Camp doesn’t stay on camp! What do the young people at Salt get up to on the annual October camp? Kristy Lacoba gives us her reflections on Page 2

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Do you h know C le wo rt C h a r le s Charles Cleworth? He’s been coming regularly to All Saints for the past 2 years, and part of Salt youth group for the last 6… Page 2 Ayu She’s the Sunday School sponsor child. Ay u How much do you know about her family, her country, and her life? Page 3

What is Year 13? You’re going to be hearing alot about Year 13 at All Saints over the next few years with the youth group planning to have at least one person doing Year 13 every year from now on. So just what is it? Page 2 1


Meet Charles Cleworth... The Chronicle (TC): Charles, how long have you been a regular at All Saints? Charles: I have been coming to Salt Youth Group since year 6, but I have been a regular at morning church for about 2 years. TC: You've been with us for a while, and you've just finished year 12 at St. Andrews. Can you tell us what your plans are for next year? Charles: Next year I'll be doing Year 13 with Youthworks College. I'll be working here at All Saints a few days a week and I'll be going to Bible College a few days a week as well. I'll also be learning life skills and serving in whatever way I can. TC: So, why Year 13 and not straight to Uni or work or a gap year overseas? Charles: I would like to do Year 13 because I want to spend a year serving God and learning more about his word. I would like to go into ministry when I am older, and this year would be a great way to get some experience and learn how I can best serve in ministry. TC: Sounds like a good goal to have! What sort of things

So what is Year 13…? In a nutshell, the Year 13 Youthworks Gap Year is all about getting to know Jesus better (just like Paul prays in Ephesians 1:17). It’s an opportunity to firmly plant yourself in God’s Word, the knowledge of his love and a community of believers, to radically prepare for your life journey ahead! Many school leavers take the opportunity for a year off between high school and Uni so they can go overseas and explore the world on their own. Year 13 however, is NOT a year off but a year ON… designed to get you out of your comfort zone as you explore and 2"










will you be doing at All feeling a little anxious about Saints next year? my HSC marks, which I receive on the 16th, but I trust Charles: I’ll be working God that He is in control and mainly with the Youth Group that whatever marks He gives and Children's groups. I will me is part of his plan for me. be doing scripture at Stanmore and continuing to TC: What about the cost of lead at Club WOW. I will also doing Year 13 next year? be a leader at Salt and be What's the financial cost? And helping out with Bible studies. how is that all going to work our for you? TC: Excellent! What are some things you can tell us about Charles: Well it's yourself so that All Saints can approximately $11000 for fees get to know you better? and books as well, but my family are Charles: Well I helping me out enjoy listening and mostly, and I playing music and I plan to have a also enjoy sport and job and fitness. I am contribute to the interested in physics cost. The Youth and science and I Group has also think this universe $1000 to help me is an amazing place out, which is and so complex. really a great This complexity blessing. proves God to me. ar les Cle wo rth Ch TC: That's a bit TC: So you're a of dough... What music loving sporty can the people guy who likes science... how of All Saints be praying for as do you think these interests you prepare for next year and might help you serve God and during Year 13? his people? Charles: I would really Charles: I love to serve by appreciate some prayer for playing music for church and guidance next year as well as youth group as well as other opportunities to serve. It musical things such as carols. would be great if All Saints I'm not sure how sport or could also pray that I would science could help me serve grow and mature in Christ God, but I trust that God will next year. use me for whatever his purpose is. TC: Thanks for your time Charles. TC: Nice. As you start this new phase of your life, are Charles: Anytime. there particular things that are Charles starts working at All on your mind? Saints and the Year 13 program Charles: Well right now I'm from February 2010. discover things about God, yourself and the world you never knew before. It’s a year for stirring up a holy passion, for growing in character and maturity and for developing skills that will equip you for the future! Instead of beginning the new phase of your adult life by removing yourself from your church, country, and support networks to go overseas, why not start your Christian adulthood by serving in your local church, digging deeper into God’s word, and discovering how to continue serving God with your Christian brothers & sisters by your side? What bigger plans can you have after high school than to make an investment for eternity? More at:



Reflections on the Salt October Camp 2009...

Salt October Camp was something that I had been looking forward to all year and I had the time of my life. Some of the highlights included our ninja missions, the drive in movie, the talent show and the raft challenge. Basically, for our ninja missions, each person is given someone throughout the camp that they have to do nice things for but in secret. There were some interesting ninja moments, such as a giant banner in the dining hall that said, “Jono has super powers, he just doesn’t want to show you” and the entire camp was populated with posters promoting the wonders of different campers. The best part for me though, was the talks. The theme of SOC was “Living the Revolution” and the speaker, Dave Miers did a brilliant job

bringing the gospel to us. What struck me the most was, as a Christian we are called to be ‘Radically Different’ and to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. The illustration I found really helpful was that being a Christian can sometimes feel like we’re running the “city to surf”, but running the other way - against a crowd of thousands. However, we have Jesus who is ploughing ahead through the crowd in front of us. I guess the biggest challenge for me was not during camp, but when I left camp, the challenge for me was to keep living the revolution. It’s so easy to get spiritually high during a camp and come home without changing anything about yourself. But I left camp determined to keep living the revolution, keeping in my mind something that Dave said, “Jesus is better than anything the world can offer”. Kristy Lacoba has been coming to Salt for the last 3 years and this is her 3rd October Camp.

Blast from the Past... 1926

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What do you know about the Sunday School sponsor child? Alison Nutt (from the 10:15am congregation) is our sponsor child contact person and has given us the run down... Name: Dwi Kartika Rahayu (Ayu) Birthday: 2nd March 1998 Where she lives: Lamper Lor, 2km southeast of Semarang, Indonesia. The plains of Lamper Lor is home to approximately 5,600 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, wood walls and tile roofs. The primary ethnic group and language is Javanese. The regional diet consists of rice. Common health problems in this area include skin diseases and dengue fever. Most adults in Lamper Lor work as day labourers and earn the equivalent of $US20 per month. Ayu is presently in level 4 of primary school in Indonesia, which is equivalent to fourth





grade in Australia. Her performance is making considerable progress. In the future she plans to attend college. Singing and playing house are Ayu's favourite recreational activities. She also attends church activities regularly. Ayu lives with her father and her mother. Her duties at home include cleaning. There are two children in the family. Her father is employed and her mother maintains the home. Due to low income, her family struggles to survive. Because of the generosity of the Sunday School children Ayu has new opportunities to learn and grow physically, mentally and spiritually. Thank you for your concern and prayers.


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On Sunday November 22nd, All Saints had the privilege of witnessing the baptisms of 5 members and hearing about their story with Jesus. Here is a shorter version of those stories in print: Rebecca Romer: I!wanted to be baptised because I felt like there was something missing in my life without this ceremony. I had never been baptised as a child, nor brought up in a Christian household. As I learnt more about Jesus during my time at All Saints, I knew I wanted to show the world that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. I already knew this in my heart, but I wanted to demonstrate my commitment to those who matter to me - my family and friends. ****** Erin Latimer: I have grown up in a Christian family and known my heavenly father my whole life. For me, baptism is an outward sign of an inward reality. It symbolizes being reborn from what I was into a new creation under Christ. As a Christian, I want the world to know 3"

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Dear my beloved family, the All Saints Petersham Sunday School, How are you and the other families doing? Here my family and I are healthy. I am so glad for having the opportunity to write to you again. The Lord Jesus is so kind. The Lord Jesus really loves me and you. His love warms my heart while I feel sad and while I am facing a problem. Do you also feel his great love to you? What do you feel? What proof shows how the Lord Jesus loves you? As for me, the proof that the Lord Jesus loves me is that until now I still can feel all that the Lord has given me. The Lord Jesus is my true friend who always accompanies me in sad and happy times. I always pray to the Lord that He will always bless you with blessings and good health and that you will always be protected wherever you are. I will close this letter here but I will write to you again later. I love you. May the Lord Jesus bless. Love, Ayu.

who I am, what I stand for, and that my faith is my own and I belong only to Christ. Salvation from Jesus is the greatest gift I have ever received, and I want others to know of this gift. As I continue to grow in Christ I want also to be

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Here is a copy of Ayu’s most recent letter:

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****** Justin Latimer: My story is pretty basic: I grew up in a loving Christian family where we have always gone to church. I didn’t like church very much when I was younger, but then started going to youth group 2 years ago. Our youth group has 2 camps each year (Kyck and SOC) and in 2008, 24th of April at the Kyck camp, I became a Christian, making my own personal decision for Jesus. After I made that choice for Find us online:

With… Michael Jensen My earliest memory is… a nightmare of some wolves attacking me. I wish I had… an Aston Martin DB9. I wish I hadn’t…!said that. It’s not fashionable but… I like the music of Duran Duran. My friends always tell me… to pay up. My kids always ask me... to feed them and to read to them. I find a lot of joy in… reading to them. And cricket. I get really annoyed by… long meetings. Once upon a time I…!was an English teacher. If my life was a book, the title would be... 'Near enough IS good enough' Michael Jensen is the husband of Catherine, father of Simon, Sacha, Matilda & Freya. Michael teaches Christian Doctrine at Moore Theological College and is the All Saints Petersham Locum minister while Antony is on long service leave (Dec-Jan).

Jesus, I felt a lot happier. I’ve realized since that not EVERY day is a happy day, but I know that God still loves me and always will. I’ve been helping out with the primary aged kids at Sunday school for the last 2 years. I like working with kids and I’m thinking that for my future job I would like to be a youth minister. Thank you for coming to share my baptism with me.

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strengthened as a servant of Jesus, and encourage you in your walk with Christ, whether you are on the journey already or haven’t yet begun. I want to thank you for sharing this joyful day with me; and will celebrate my salvation in Jesus until the day he calls me home.



****** Sam Hutchinson:

I was born into a Christian family but unlike most of my Christian friends I wasn’t baptised at birth. I remember asking my parents why I hadn’t been baptised as a baby, and they told me that they wanted me to be baptised at my own initiative, when I was ready to tell the world that I was a Christian. At first I wasn’t so keen, and I thought that you didn’t need to be baptised because it doesn’t make you what you are. Its only been since the start of this year that I’ve actually considered being baptised and that I’m ready to tell the world that I’m a follower of Christ. I guess I’ve begun to think this through the past two years because I have begun to be more committed to the church I attend, our Lord God and his son Jesus, and I guess I’ve decided to tell the world this, through baptism.

God has given me everything I have today, my family, my friends, food, clothes, education, church, the choice to go God’s way and most importantly the ultimate sacrifice of God's son Jesus Christ to forgive us our sins. ****** Gaylene McNeice: Some of the earliest memories that I have are of my parents reading Bible stories to me, so I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know Jesus or want him to be my friend. However, my understanding was somewhat limited, and as I grew older I realised that although I was generally thought of as the good kid, the Bible says in Romans chapter 3 that no one can be good enough to have a relationship with God by themself, and that only because Jesus died to save me could I be assured of spending the rest of eternity with Him. So I accepted Jesus as my Saviour back then and I’m coming to know Him more all the time. I decided to get baptised because Jesus commands us to be baptised in Matthew chapter 28 and I wanted to obey Him and to make a public declaration of my faith. Sam Hutchins on













All Saints Bible study groups 2010

All Saints Church Camp

It’s been a while since All Saints has had a church camp (4 years to be exact!) but the church camp is now back on the calendar for 2010! So pull out your brand new planner for next year and mark down July 30th - August 1st. Church camps are a great way to build and consolidate community! Stay tuned for more details.

Outreach Poster - December 09

Find out more:


All Saints Bible study groups are now winding up for 2009 BUT… The sign up for new Bible study groups will begin in late January/early February 2010! From 2010 onwards the Bible study groups at All Saints will start the year with a fresh sign up of members. That means that no one is assumed to be continuing in the group from the previous year. You may re-sign with your previous group or join a new one.

Psalm 123:23

K e e p a lo o k o u t f or t he se t h ing s .. .

Help Bazz make it back from long service leave to All Saints.



December from 6pm

The Christianese Dictionary Christianese [Kris-chuhn-eez], n. The language, esp. the vocabulary & phrases, peculiar to those that confess the Christian faith.

! “If it be God’s will.” TRANSLATION: “I really don’t think God is going to answer this one.”


Senior Minister Antony Sarah Barraclough Clarke 0413933838 0401838530

Kate Nicol 0423955804

Student Ministers Rob Andrew Adele Patterson Southerton Southerton 0425359928 0410605986 0411614044

Youth Minister Dan Michael Webster Dicker 0424243431 0400308112

! “That’s not my spiritual gift.” TRANSLATION: “Find someone else to do it.” ~ ! “Lord willing...” TRANSLATION: “You may think I’ll be there, but I won’t.” ~ ! “I don’t feel led.” TRANSLATION: “You can’t make me.” ~ ! “You just have to put it in God’s hands.” TRANSLATION: “Don’t expect me to help you.” ~ ! “God laid it on my heart.” TRANSLATION: “I have a divine blank cheque to do what I want.”

If you have ideas for the next issue of The Chronicle or feedback on this issue, em ail the editor, we’d love your fe edback and commen ts! michael@allsai ntspetersham.o

(AKA: Bazz)


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