All Saints Chronicle: September 2009

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A (mostly) Quarterly Newsletter - Volume III, Issue No 3: September 27 09

Do you know Carl Funke? He’s been coming to All Saints this year and just become a christian in the last few months. Read on Page 2 Bible Society

Blast from the past... A snapshot of the Chronicle back in 1942 courtesy of our own resident historian Noel Cragg. Page 4

Jesus Australia

Designer Christian

Everything (except an accident) is designed. Flowers, cars, advertising, clothing, music players, roads, policy, laws, etc … are all designed. If you were to design a Christian what would you make? A better question to ask is: What design does God have for the mature Christian? In other words ‘into what person is God making you?’ Our answer must come from God’s Word. So then, when we turn to the Bible what do we learn of his designs for us and his church? There are many things we could talk about, yet at All Saints we want to emphasise 6 dimensions of the mature Christian. The mature Christian at All Saints: • Is continually transformed by the Word of God (1 Thess. 1:3-6,9-10), through consistent personal devotions, fellowship in a small group and active corporate worship. • perseveres in prayer (Colossians 4:2) for their neighbour, their church and the world. • lovingly serves (Luke 22:25-27) others in practical ways. • is extraordinarily generous (2 Corinthians 8:1-8) with their time, money and possessions. • boldly, relevantly and prayerfully advances the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 4:5-6). • Presents a godly example (Titus 2:11-14) of lives lived in the power of the Holy Spirit, after the pattern of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the honour of the Father our creator and redeemer. What do you reckon? How do you compare to the design specs? What can you work on to become more like the Christian God has designed us to be? Antony Barraclough

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A modern Parable... What did the nose say to the hand? And how would the body function without any ears? Page 3



Jesus All About Life Jesus. All About Life (JAAL) is not a public profile campaign or even a public relations campaign. JAAL encourages people to seek for themselves the truth of the Bible and more particularly who Jesus is and what he actually said. The JAAL campaign uses prime time television and mainstream media to connect with the community, but the ads are not meant to deliver the Gospel. The ads are designed to create interest and to challenge people about their understanding of Jesus. It’s the local church that will present the person of Jesus in a culturally sensitive way to

the enquirer. Churches are being encouraged to get involved by running their own cultural and community events and to connect with their local community during the JAAL campaign in September-October. Here at All Saints Petersham we're running 4 weeks of "back to church Sundays" where we want to make a concentrated effort to invite people back to church. To add extra incentive, on the 4th Sunday (Oct. 18th) Antony will preach a sermon on a topic that has been chosen by the public. You can vote online until Oct. 11th at preachonthis. 1


Meet Carl Funke... The Chronicle (TC): Carl, can you tell us a bit about your background, where you grew up? Carl: I was born in Paddington, I have 5 brothers 2 sisters, and I'm number 6. I lived in Ultimo when I was young but was fostered out into government housing out at Wentworthville and other places because mum and dad were on the grog and couldn't really look after us. TC: How did you feel about that? Carl: When I was young I didn't really care where I was going and I didn't really know what was going on. TC: Would you say you had a hard childhood? Carl: Yep. Hard and rough... being moved around place to place. TC: So where did all that lead you? Carl: When I was 18 I got a job in a sheltered workshop in Granville and got addicted to smoking cigarettes. My first alcoholic drink was at 19 and I got a taste for it and got addicted to it. I became a rebel... like James Dean... without a cause. TC: What was it like for you to have addictions? Carl: It was easy at the start because I had the money. But I lost my job because of alcohol and found myself going down and down. When I was 24-25 I was also hit by a car while I was drunk, which has caused me problems. Eventually I ended up in the Crystal St. Boarding house and that was the first time I met Bazz (Antony Barraclough). TC: What did you think of All Saints when you lived there? Carl: This place was just a building and tell you truth, I couldn't give 2 hoots about it. I

was just interested in food. Bazz would say I was constantly around for freezer meals I was usually drunk and had no money left for food because I spent it all on the grog. TC: So what changed? Carl: The only thing that woke me up was going to hospital because my big toe was infected and gangrenous and they were going to cut it off. They said if I kept drinking the way I was, I would end up dead or in a wheel chair. And living in the boarding house, who's going to push me around? So that was the final straw for me. I went and got a second opinion from my doctor but he said the same thing. So I just gave up cold turkey. TC: Well, how did you get from being there to here, from giving up the drink to following Jesus? Carl: I find that a bit funny myself... I haven't got a clue... Bazz invited me to church and I said yeah, but kept putting it off. I came to the 8:30am service once for an hour and couldn't wait to get out of there. I came back next week because I thought I should give it go - if it worked it worked, if it didn't I was out of there and you wouldn't see me again. Then I just gave myself to Jesus and I thought I'm going all the way with this - full throttle. The way I see it, that was bad Carl over there and this is now good Carl over here. And all the love I'm getting from All Saints and Petersham Baptist Church (PBC) gives me a good feeling and a lot of encouragement, and it's helped me get out of the boarding house. TC: So you're out of the boarding house now and just moved into your own unit, how's that working out for you?

“The way I see it, that was bad Carl over there and this is now good Carl over here.”


Carl: It's quiet. It's good. It's made a big difference living away from the boarding house, away from drugs and grog. It's like putting the past behind you and moving on. TC: Do you find it hard to relate to any of your old mates? Carl: I find it hard with a bunch of friends... I get the urge to have a taste [of alcohol], but I know that taste will be the end of me. TC: What about connecting in with All Saints and getting to know Jesus? Carl: I've been going to All Saints in the morning and PBC at night. It's good getting different types of preaching. I'm involved in 2 bible studies at the moment: tuesday night with bazz, and wednesday night with PBC. I'm trying to get as much education of the bible as I can take in. The more it sinks in the better it is because I've got a bad memory, which is why I also find it hard to remember people's names straight off the bat... TC: Is it a weird experience for you being in a bible study for the first time? Carl: No. I'm slowly getting adapted to the bible. I can't read it because I'm blind in left eye, but I can hear it.

TC: So what's next Carl? Do you have plans for the future? Carl: Nah, I'm just plugging along at the moment, living everyday as it comes. I could walk across the road and get wacked by another car... just take everyday as it comes. I would like to get a part time job to fill my day, and get some cash to pay my rent and the bills, and so I'm not just sitting around. TC: But you've been pretty busy doing things around the church. I've seen you doing some leafleting, watering the community garden, church gardening, and mowing the lawn... Carl: I don't know if you get this, but when I'm sitting at home watching TV I get some feeling that I need to get out and do something.... to serve at church, or go for a walk... so I ask Bazz if there's things to do... TC: It's brilliant Carl. We're very grateful for all the things you do around here. Carl: I think God wanted me alive even before I gave myself to him because he kept me alive even after I was hit by the car. He's given me a second chance in life to pass on the good word of Jesus. I pray to the lord every night and I thank him constantly everyday... I think he's getting bored of hearing it! TC: Carl it's been great to hear some of your story. Carl has just started coming to All Saints this year and he attends the 10:15am congregation.

Seconds With… Chris Daniel My earliest memory is…!living in Zambia and having the time of my life. I wish I had… become a teacher earlier. While working in pathology was interesting, teaching is my passion and I wish I had entered the profession a few years ago. I wish I hadn’t…!eaten a whole box of melting moments over the past week....but in my defence I ran the Bridge Run on Sunday and have been pretty active all week ;) It’s not fashionable but… who cares? My friends always tell me… I am one of the happiest people they know. My kids always ask me... "why, why, why?" They are very inquisitive.

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I get really annoyed by… people who are too lazy to use their indicator when driving. I find a lot of joy in… my husband Phil and my!delightful!kids Abigail and Elijah. I also find joy in life as I have God as my saviour and find myself coming closer to Him every day. Once upon a time I…!dreamed of playing cricket for the Australian women's team.....alas it was not to be. If my life was a book, the title would be... Out of Africa. Chris Daniel has just started working as the All Saints office administrator. She is wife to Phil and mother of Abi and Eli


A Parable... God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" -1 Corinthians 12:18-21 Nose and Hand were sitting in the church pew talking. The morning service, led by Ear and Mouth, had just ended, and Hand was telling Nose that he and his family had decided to look for a different church. "Really?" Nose responded to Hand's news. "Why?" "Oh, I don't know" Hand said, looking down. He was usually slower to speak than the other members of the church body. "I guess because the church doesn't have what Mrs Hand and I are looking for." "Well, what are you looking for in a church?" Nose asked. The tone in which he spoke these words was sympathetic. But even as he was speaking them he knew he would dismiss Hand's answer. If the Hands couldn't see that Nose and the rest of the leadership were pointing to the church body in the right direction, the body could do without them. Hand had to think before answering. He and Mrs Hand like pastor Mouth and his family. And Minister of Music Ear meant well. "Well, I guess we're looking for a place where people are more like us" Hand finally stammered. "We tried spending time the Legs.








Sometimes people joke about rating 'the sermon' as if they were Olympic diving judges. "That sermon was a 6 1/2 out of 10!"! As long as this is not as measure of the of the value of the Word of God, but a subjective measure of the effectiveness or impact with which it was preached then I suppose this is Ok. Even preachers know when they've preached a dud sermon. But have you ever stopped to asses your own spiritual health? Are you growing in Christ? Is the penetration of your faith into your life deeper than 12 months ago? What about All Saints as a church are we growing spiritually? If it is, then what would you see in our church life to indicate growing faith?! Here are a few indicators as suggested by Mark Dever (Baptist minister in Washington)" The healthy Christian church is evidenced by: Growing numbers being called into mission 3"


but we didn't connect with them. Next we joined a small group for all the Toes. But they kept talking about socks and shoes and odours. And that didn't interest us." Nose looked at him this time with genuine dismay: "Aren't you glad they're concerned with odours?!" "Sure, sure. But it's not for us. Then we attended the Sunday School for all you facial features. Do you remember? We came for several Sundays a couple of months ago?" "It was great to have you." "Thankyou. But everyone just wanted to talk, and listen, and smell, and taste. It felt like, well, it felt like you never wanted to work and get your hands dirty. Anyway, Mrs Hand and I were thinking about checking out the new church over on East Side. We hear they do alot of clapping and hand raising, which is closer to what we need right now." "Hmmm" Nose replied. "I see what you mean. We'd hate to see you go. But I guess you have to do what's good for you." At that moment, Mrs Hand, who had been caught up in another conversation, turned back to join her husband and Nose. Hand briefly explained what he and Nose had been talking about, after which Nose repeated his sadness at the prospect of losing the Hands. But he again said he understood since it sounded like their needs weren't being met.

“She wanted to be polite, but, truth be told, she wasn't sad to be leaving.�

How do you rate it?


10 Older members getting a fresh sense of their responsibility in evangelism and in discipling younger members - "Why don't you come over for dinner?" Younger members attending the funerals of older members out of love. "As a single man in my twenties, it was good to be taken in by Mr. & Mrs. ..." Increased praying in the church and more prayers centred on evangelism and ministry opportunities - "I'm starting an evangelistic Bible study at work and I'm a little nervous. Would the church pray that ..." Find us online:


E Mrs Hand nodded in agreement. She wanted to be polite, but, truth be told, she wasn't sad to be leaving. Her husband had made just enough critical remarks about the church over the years that her heart had begun to reflect his. No, he had never burst into an open tirade against the body, In fact, he usually apologised for "being so negative" as he put it. But the little complaints that he let slip out here and there had had an effect. The small groups were a little cliquish. The music was a little out of date. The programs did seem a little silly. The teaching wasn't entirely to their liking. In the end, it was hard for the two of them to put their fingers on it, but they finally decided that church wasn't for them. In addition to all that, Mrs Hand knew that their daughter Pinkie was not comfortable with the youth group. Everyone was so different from her, she felt out of joint. Mrs Hand then said something about how much she appreciated Nose and the leadership. But the conversation had already run too long for Nose. Besides, her perfume made him want to sneeze. He thanked Mrs Hand for her encouragement, repeated that he was sorry to hear of their departure, then turned and walked away. Who needed the Hands? Apparently they didn't need him.

More members sharing the gospel with outsiders. Less reliance among members on the church's programs and more spontaneous ministry activities arising from members - "Pastor, what would you think if Sally and I organised a Christmas tea for the ladies in the church as an evangelistic opportunity?" Informal gatherings among church members characterised by spiritual conversation, including a willingness to confess sin while simultaneously pointing to the cross - "Hey I'm struggling with ..." Increased and sacrificial giving - "Honey, how can we cut $50 from our monthly budget to support ..." Increased fruits of the Spirit Members making career sacrifices so that they can serve the church. I'd add: A struggle to live lives worthy of the gospel by an attentiveness to implementing

the Word of God - "I will show more grace, I will control my temper, I will make an effort to begin my prayers with praise ..." A real care of the unlovely be they in church or outside or church. the avoidance of cliques, or to put it positively that we be a place when anyone could join in on any conversation at morning tea. a real and loving care of those who are hurting - "Can I pray for you ... Can I bring over a meal later this week ...?" How do we rate on all this? 6 1/2 out of 10? Better? Worse? There is more than one thing to measure on a Sunday? "We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.! 29 To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me."!Colossians 1:28 Antony Barraclough








Blast from the Past... 1942






Reflections David Dawson from the All Saints 8.30am congregation makes a habit of reflecting on the Sunday sermon each week. David has been kind enough to share his reflection on John 4:1-43. It seems to me that the ministry of the disciples to the Samaritans was limited because the disciples had not taken the time to pray (and fast). I’m reminded that we must pray. When it comes to John 4:1-42 where Jesus meets a Samaritan woman, and speaks to her of life and spiritual things, the encounter is suprising. He had asked the woman for a drink of water. She said that she is a

Samaritan and a woman, and she shouldn’t have had any dealings with a Jew (Jews & Samaritans had different religious worship). The woman however, continued to listen to Jesus and believed. Returning back to her village at Sychar, she told them all that Jesus had told her about her affairs. After hearing of her encounter with Jesus, many went to see and hear him for themselves. Her simple faith bore so much fruit! David Dawson

All Saints Sermon Archive

Ke ep a loo k ou t fo r th es e th ings ...


Trying to remember that great sermon you heard at All Saints weeks, months, or years ago? Or wanting to revisit a sermon series from All Saints? Perhaps just looking to fill up that space on your iPod… Well now all the All Saints sermons are easy to search and find at Just sign in and go to the resources page and click sermon archive.

Salt October Camp

The Salt October camp is an annual camp for young people of high school age. The camp is organised by the Salt Youth Ministry at All Saints Petersham and you can register for the camp by picking up a form from Salt on Sunday night or downloading a form from the Salt website:

Outreach Poster - September 09

Find out more:


Senior Minister Antony Sarah Barraclough Clarke 0413933838 0401838530

Kate Nicol 0423955804

Student Ministers Rob Andrew Adele Patterson Southerton Southerton 0425359928 0410605986 0411614044

Youth Minister Dan Michael Webster Dicker 0424243431 0400308112

If you have ideas for the next issue of The Chronicle or feedback on this issue, em ail the editor, we’d love your fe edback and commen ts! michael@allsai ntspetersham.o

(AKA: Bazz)


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