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Transparent marketing and communication

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Shoe as a service

Shoe as a service

Up until now, we have not communicated much about our plans in the area of sustainability. This was deliberate. Honesty and providing the right information is very important to us. We wanted to be sure of the facts first. The publication of this report is a first step for us. From now on, we will communicate more and more often about our sustainability strategy and the results we have achieved.

In doing so, we focus on quantifiable sustainability. Since we have made our impact measurable, we can support our communication with hard data. Our accountability is up to par and we can be transparent in including our stakeholders in our story. This does not mean that we know everything. Sustainable developments follow one another at a rapid pace and new scientific research ensures that we are able to better understand the interaction between human activities and processes. We, too, learn and grow on a daily basis. So challenge us and ask your questions.

If you have questions or comments about this report, we would love to hear from you! Email your question to sustainability@allshoes.eu

We will be happy to tell you about our working method and motives. And if we do not have the answers, allow us to look for the solution together. After all, are we not all on the same team? Team Earth?

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