E rubric june 2016

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All Souls’ Episcopal Church

June 2016 Volume 2, Issue 6

The e-Rubric From the Rector, The Rev. Joseph J. Dirbas

Got Change? They say change is inevitable. The only thing that never changes is that things always change. Change can be hard. It can be uncomfortable. It can be scary. And, the truth of the ma er is that change is life-giving as it allows us to open our minds and our experiences to new reali'es, new ways of looking at the world. The best example of this forms the founda'on of our faith. Jesus and his disciples were on a mission. They were spreading the good news. Jesus was leading the way, healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, forgiving sins, and calling people into a rela'onship with God filled with love and mercy rather than fear and judgment. All was going well. And then, things changed. Jesus was arrested, tortured, and executed. Sudden abrupt change which brought fear into the disciples hearts. If not for this change, the life giving power of the resurrec'on would not have been revealed. And it is in the power of the resurrec'on, with the risen Christ, that the disciples con'nued to move on in their work. But wait— change comes again as the resurrected Jesus leaves his disciples and ascends to the Father in the heaven. Once again, leaving his friends behind, leaving us wondering what’s in store. And his departure is followed by the incredible gi9 of the Holy Spirit. The gi9, the change in our very being, as we are empowered with the very presence of God in our lives to spread the gospel. Change is crea've. Change is empowering. Change is all around us. And, because change implies uncertainty, our ini'al response may be to resist the change. Our kneejerk reac'on may be avoid change, return to steady state. We like it the way things are: comfortable, famil-

Inside this issue From the Pastoral Associate ........... 2 From the Deacon’s Desk ................. 3 Commi ee Updates ........................ 6 All Soul’s Parish Workday................ 8 A Look at our Finances .................... 11 Music at All Souls’ .......................... 12 Recogni'on and Achievements....... 14

Special points of interest • Forums • Outreach Ac'vi'es • Musings by Marlene • Dear Abbey • CAT Survey

From the Rector, Cont. iar. But, in all honesty, that’s not usually an op'on. And even if it is an op'on, it’s stagna'ng and impinges growth, and it is not a faithful reponse to God. God calls us forward. God calls us in and through change to con'nue to grow into the community of love that Jesus sought. We were changed at our bap'sm and called into service for God and we are changed each and every 'me we receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Together we must have the courage to move into the change, to seek God’s blessing in the change, and to discover how this change empowers us and others to fulfill the mission we are called to. Change comes in all manners and all degrees. (I can a est to that as it seems that there’s more gray hair on my head every morning.) In many ways, we are in a season of transforma'on. We have several young

people in our parish who are gradua'ng high school this year and heading off to college. We have a music program which is beginning to blossom. We have families and friends who are leaving town to pursue new jobs, embarking on new deployments, and expec'ng addi'ons to their families. We have new energy in our parish as we begin to engage more with the local community through our evangelism commi ee. Change should not be feared but welcome as an ever present companion. Let’s embrace change together. Let’s have the courage to hear God’s call, to step into the unknown, to see what’s next and trust in the power of God and Holy Spirit to be there with us every step of the way. And let’s remember the old adage, “don’t worry about tomorrow, God is already there!”

From the Pastoral Associate by the Very Rev. James E. Carroll The hit song from a Broadway musical years ago, “June is bus'ng out all over,” leads me to reflect on the anniversary significance of the month of June in my life. June 2, 1929 - the day of my birth. June 6, 1943 - the day of my Confirma'on. June 15, 1960 - the birth of my oldest son. June 15, 2014 - the death of my older brother. June 27, 1975 - the death of my mother. June 29, 1954 - Ordina'on to the Diaconate. June 29, 1955 - Ordina'on to the Priesthood. These events, from birth to death, and the ordina'ons in between, ranged from Tucson to Long Beach to Sea le to Chicago and back to Sea le. They are remembered with grief and thanksgiving. Grief is absorbed into God’s gi9 of sharing our life and our death. The happy events remind us of the mystery of crea'on, and of life itself. I’m certain that anyone reading this chronology can make a similar reflec'on. 2

From the Deacons Desk by The Rev. Pamela Rieger

Popcorn Ministry

You may have no'ced a few ar'cles in the bulle'n, something in the E-Blast, or in Prayers of the People, or a no'ce for a potluck pinned on the bulle'n board in Gooden Hall…all about this Ministry called “Cursillo.” There are some folks at All Souls’ who have been to or “made” their Cursillo- but my guess would be that most of you haven’t heard of it or don’t know much about it. For those interested in learning more about Evangelism, (that scary E Word for Episcopalians) …it might surprise you all to know that Cursillo is about deepening the faith of people in our congrega'on and preparing them to evangelize! It is not a movement; it is a ministry. It is a local (San Diego Episcopal Diocese) community, that is part of a worldwide community- suppor'ng each other, leading their congrega'ons into the world to “Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ.” The Cursillo Weekend held at Camp Steven’s in Julian, CA is held twice a year, in April and in October. There is a lot of prepara'on, planning, supplying and love that goes into these weekends (actually 3 days). Cursillo #138, which I a ended as part of the Team had approximately 60 team members who come from all churches in the Diocese- some work in the kitchen, some work in the “Rollo Rooms,” some are clergy, or spiritual advisors, some are table leaders, some are on the “Rector’s” (the Cursillo leader) team. There are six Team Mee'ngs prior to the weekend, to prepare for the event- and at each mee'ng we celebrate the Eucharist, pray, sing, laugh and get to know each other, and then prac'ce and prepare for the upcoming Cursillo weekend. All pray daily for each other and the candidates- from about 6 months before the actual weekend event! During the event, mes-

We’ve been having great fun watching movies and engaging in some meaningful conversa'on a9erward. Join us on Sunday evenings (dates announced ahead of 'me) as we gather to watch a movie, share some snacks, and end our evening with conversa'on about the film. We’ll be gathering on June 5th to watch Risen. Stay tuned for what’s next and join us for popcorn and a movie.

Senior Lounge The new Peninsula Shepherd Center Senior Lounge is opening on Monday June 6th. Stop by between 12:00 and 3:00pm to see the new digs. This will be a great space for seniors to gather for conversa'on, to relax, to play games, and get access to and training on computers. Thanks to the PSC board for making the lounge a reality!



From the Deacon’s Desk, Cont.

Let’s spread the good news of the missions and ministries of All Souls’ via social media!

sages of prayer are received from other Diocesan Cursillos from around the worldat #138, we received messages of prayer from Australia, South America, the Philippines, Mexico, Canada, and from many other states as well.

Take a moment to ‘LIKE’ our Facebook presence in Cyberspace. All Souls’ Episcopal Church, Point Loma and Music at All Souls’ Church. Once there, you’ll enjoy a steady stream of exci'ng news and announcements, including the weekly music list, posted on the music ministry’s facebook page and links to sermons and Sunday forums. See you there!

Nextdoor is a great way to communicate to your neighbors and keep up to date on local happenings. All Souls’ posts events and services on Nextdoor. Share those posts with your neighbors! Invite your friends to join us!

Hey! The bishop follows us on twi er, you can, too, @AllSoulsPtLoma… and then retweet to your friends!


Finally, when the day of Cursillo #138 arrived, the team was assembled early on Thursday to ready camp Stevens for the arrival of the candidates around 7 pm. I remember wai'ng in the driveway at Camp Stevens with the team, wai'ng for each candidate to arrive – driven up to “the mountain” by their sponsor(s)…everyone was filled with excitement and love for each candidate…we are all excited for THEM, knowing what they will soon experience…they will be served by everyone on the team…it is truly a “mountain-top experience”- unforge able, yet different for everyone. I “made” my Cursillo at the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida Retreat Center ten years ago- and for me, it was a life-changing experience. My heart was filled with Christ’s love and presence through the “team” and other candidates at the Cursillo weekend. It is not the same experience for everyone…each of us are called in God’s own way…but, just like that weekend 10 years ago, I am s'll joyful to share my experience with others, to be Christ’s love and light in the world…to be a spark to the fire in the faith of others -and hopefully encourage them to “make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ.” To see a short clip about the San Diego Episcopal Cursillo Ministry, click on or copy and paste in your browser the link below: h p://www.sdcursillo.org/Video%20Clips/sdCursillo_the_face.mov

A Bit of This and That! SUMMER CONCERTS WITH ALL SOULS’ One exci'ng outgrowth of the Compass Plan is the opportunity to build an Evangelism Commi ee. As part of that, we want to establish a visible presence at the Concerts in the Park. This summer, the concerts will be every Friday from July 8th through August 5th. Please save the dates. VICARIOUS VACATIONING So many of us go on wonderful vaca'ons during the summer months. Let’s share our experiences with members of our community. We’d love to share photos and a brief descrip'on of your travels in our newsle er and let others see the wonderful places you’ve been! Send them to office@allsoulspointloma.org. HELP IN CRISIS Let’s face it, we all deal with crises now and then. Some'mes we might find it difficult to talk to people about the crisis we are in. The clergy of All Souls’ is always here to listen and pray with you. You can always set an appointment with Fr. Joe, Fr. Jim, or Deacon Pam. However, there may be 'mes when you need more immediate help. Maybe help from a trained counselor. Maybe help from someone anonymous. There’s a new way to reach out for help: The Crisis Text Line. Yup, believe it or not, there are some amazing things happening in community with smart phone technology. Simply text “Start” to 741-741 and begin an anonymous counseling session. You can also visit them on-line for more informa'on at www.crisistextline.org. “The Beau'ful thing about Crisis Text Line is that these are strangers counseling other strangers on the most in'mate issues.” - Nancy Lublin, Founder and CEO

FAMILY SUNDAY AND CHORAL EVENSONG Please note, beginning in June, Family Sundays and Evensongs will be moving from the 4th Sunday of the Month to the 3rd Sunday of the Month. The 10:15 service will include a children’s sermon and will feature the All Souls’ Choristers. 5

Committees And Opportunities The Outreach Commi-ee: Opportuni0es to Serve May was a great month for the outreach commi ee. We offered our support to Kilo Company at MCRD, collected clothing and hygiene items for God’s Extended Hand, and hosted the Empty Bowls fundraiser for the Third Avenue Charitable Organiza'on. Our outreach commi ee remains commi ed to serve those in need. If you have a heart for outreach, please join us at our mee'ngs, we’d love to include you on the team and discover how God is calling us into ministry.

Evangelism at All Souls’ Evangelism is gearing up. Our commi ee has met several 'mes, we are working on our charter, and we are excited about opportuni'es that will con'nue to connect All Souls’ with our local community. Look for events and opportuni'es to par'cipate with the evangelism commi ee in weeks to come.

Worship at All Souls’ Our worship will be changing a bit in the month of June as our choir begins their summer break (although we hope to see them back at the Feast of the Transfigura'on). We will con'nue to sing our beau'ful hymns and offer evensong once per month. Our summer evensongs will be more congrega'onal with simple seVngs of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimmi s, sung by all. Our compline service is being placed on “hold” for the 'me being as Ruben and Fr. Joe explore new and exci'ng ways to pray the close of the day together. Pastoral Care—Loving care for those in our community: One of the events hosted by the Pastoral Care Commi ee is the “Tea with the Rector.” At these informal gatherings, several parishioners enjoy tea and scones with the rector as we get to know each other be er. There is no agenda, no topic of conversa'on, simply the desire to grow more closely together as we worship and serve in the name of Christ. If you’d like to be included on the invita'on list please contact Carol Sands.

Youth and Families Ministry In June, we will begin planning in earnest for our 2017 youth mission trip to Belize. This trip is intended for high school students. If you, someone in your family, or friends are interested in this trip, please send an e-mail to youth@allsoulspointloma.org. For our younger members, we will be planning several summer events, including a talent show and a pool party.


Upcoming Forums—Crazy Jack and Exploring the Mysteries! Our June and July Forums are shaping up to be quite wonderful as we begin our 'me with Jack Northam (aka “Crazy Jack”) as he tells us about his many trips up Mt. Whitney. From there, we’ll begin a series en'tled, “Exploring the Mysteries” as shown below. June 12—Part 1: Symbolism in the Nicene Creed and the Bible. Dr. Mark Mann will lead us in exploring the various symbolism throughout the Hebrew Scripture and the New Testament. June 19—Part 2: The Third Day. Fr. Jim will lead us on a journey through scripture as we look at the significance and occurrence of the third day and the meanings that may lay behind this thought. June 26—Part 3: Angels and their Instruments. Ever wonder about the music suppor'ng the angelic choir? Dr. Ruben Valenzuela will share with us the presenta'on he recently made at Indiana University. July 3—Part 4: The Fear of God is The Beginning of Wisdom. We read in the psalms and in wisdom literature that God is to be feared. How does this reconcile with our God of love, mercy, and grace. July 10—Part 5: Experiencing God through our Senses: Dr. Elisabeth Koenig, Professor Emerita of Asce'cal Theology at the General Theological Seminary will be with us to help us explore interac'ons with the divine through our various facul'es. July 17—Part 6: The Holy Spirit - We’ll finish up our series on mysteries with Dr. Mark Mann. Guiding us through some conversa'on regarding the gi9 of God, the Holy Spirit.

Generosity Surrounds Us We are blessed with an incredibly generous congrega'on suppor'ng the work of our parish and the community in various ways. Over the last two months, our parish con'nues to par'cipate in the UTO Thank Offering, has contributed to God’s Extended Hand, has hosted an Empty Bowls Fundraiser raising $1,800 for the Third Avenue Charitable Organiza'on (TACO), and has celebrated with our choristers and raising over $30,000 for that important and life-giving ministry in our midst. Thanks to be God for the support, for the recogni'on that our community and our children ma er, for the willingness to offer our gi9s of 'me, talent, and treasure for the sake of others. 7

All Souls’ Parish Work Day: Let’s Make it the Best Ever! by the Properties Committee We are called to be good stewards of what God has provided for us to use to serve God, so come and join in on All Souls’ Parish Work Day! Who doesn’t want to make a difference in the church? Let’s work together on Saturday, June 18 from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., beau'fying the church and church grounds while having the opportunity for members to get to know each other through a 'me of rich fellowship and food. From pain'ng, to weeding, to gardening, to organizing, to cleaning, to sprucing up the sanctuary…and whatever ideas that you may have…bring ‘em all! We may even be looking for a toilet crew! How about partnering with a fellow parishioner or friend in a long term project of your choice? Let’s make this the biggest Parish Work Day ever! Any amount of 'me you can give is welcomed. Bring yard work tools such as shovels, rakes, and pruners. But wait…there is more. This will be an extra special Parish Work Day as we will be, for the first 'me, star'ng to prepare and plant in our Community Garden! If you would like to be a member of the Garden Commi ee, the Parish Work Day would be a great opportunity to come out and dive right into this new offering at All Souls’. Our hope is that our garden will become a gathering place where volunteers of all ages work alongside each other and build las'ng friendships, while doing life together. Let’s dream together that our community garden will become a place of beauty with a varied selec'on of vegetables that God will boun'fully bless with a prolific harvest each year. Even if you do not know anything about gardening, come on out… One of the greatest benefits of gardening is learning from other gardeners. There will be experienced gardeners who will be glad to share their knowledge and skills with gardening novices…and maybe a master garden or two will be with us! Recalling the words to Hymn 586 in the Hymnal: “Every task, however simple, sets the soul that does it free; every deed of human kindness done in love is done to thee….” Jesus, Thou divine Companion, By Thy lowly human birth Thou hast come to join the workers, Burden-bearers of the earth. Thou, the Carpenter of Nazareth, Toiling for thy daily food, By thy pa'ence and thy courage, Thou hast taught us toil is good. (Con nued on page 9)


Where the many toil together, There art thou among thine own; Where the solitary labor, Thou art there with them alone; Thou, the peace that passeth knowledge, Dwellest in the daily strife; Thou, the Bread of heaven, art broken In the sacrament of life. Every task, however simple, Sets the soul that does it free; Every deed of human kindness Done to love is done to Thee. Jesus, thou divine Companion, Help us all to work our best; Bless us in our daily labor, Lead us to our Sabbath rest. So save the date. All ages are welcome to join in and make a difference. We will be offering a con'nental breakfast and a delicious lunch. Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex and at Coffee Hour.

Peninsula Shepherd Center: Out and About Peninsula Shepherd Center’s leading program is our Out and About Peninsula Senior Transporta'on Program. Out and About Peninsula provides door-through-door transporta'on to seniors who live in the zip codes of 92106, 92107 and the Midway/Sports Arena area of 92110. The Out an About Peninsula Senior Transporta'on Program has two components: a shu le van service and a volunteer/escort service. Our volunteer/escort service provides each transporta'on client two rides a month to medical appointments or necessary errands up to 25 miles. PSC is greatly in need of volunteers in the volunteer/escort component. Volunteers set their own schedules and can now view volunteer opportuni'es on a computer so9ware program called Ridescheduler. If you or a family member or friend want more informa0on on this most needed and important volunteer opportunity please call the PSC office at 619-223-1640 or visit our website at sdpsc.org. 9

Mother’s Day Photos

Taking our Pulse by Scott Crispell When you see a friend on the street or even someone you haven’t seen in a li le while at coffee hour it is normal to inquire as to their welfare. “How have you been?” “How are you doing?” What’s new?” These are common expressions of interest among friends and family members. These same ques'ons can, and should, apply to larger families… say, parish families for an example.

Thank you so much to Mike Conner for once again volunteering to provide Mother’s Day photos for the parishioners, family, and visitors of All Souls’. Those photos will be available soon! Here are just a few samples. Next 'me you see Mike, please let him know how much we appreciate his art and this special gi9 he offers our parish.

The Diocese of San Diego (along with other Dioceses in the Episcopal Church and other denomina'ons) has adopted a vehicle by which worshipping communi'es can check in with themselves to see how they are doing—they can take their pulse. This vehicle is called the Church Assessment Tool, or CAT for short. Well over half of the parishes/missions in our diocese have already taken this survey and have been greatly enlightened by the results. There is a group of 15-20 people who have spent two full days in learning how to interpret the results of the CAT Survey which is typically presented to the Vestry several weeks a9er the “close” of the ques'onnaire. With every parish/mission in the Diocese taking this same survey, it becomes easier for the Bishop, the Standing Commi ee, and the Execu've Council to see emerging trends within our Diocesan family. Fr. Joe, the Wardens, and Vestry have determined that this is a good 'me in our parish life for this survey to be taken. It does, by the way, feed right into a vital piece of our Compass Plan making it that much more important for our par'cular parish family. Please be looking for the CAT to appear in your e-mail inbox. Yes, for those who prefer, we will most happily provide you with a wri en form to fill out. The actual wording for the “Sender” and dates for this to occur have not yet been finalized, but we are hoping for a two week period toward the end of June. “How have we been?” “How are we doing?” “What’s new with us?” These are all ques'ons we hope to have answered in the CAT Survey. Please make comple'ng this a top priority. Thank you.


An Update on Our Finances Our income for the month is right on plan. Expenses year to date have been greater than expected. Some of that is due to 'ming issues in when we expected dollars to be spent. There are several ministry areas that are over budget for the year already due to beginning new programs. These include Sunday School and Fellowship. Finally, we con'nue to grow and develop our music program and, as the program grows, we are geVng a be er understanding of actual costs. INCOME

Q1 Total

Apr 2016

May 2016

Jun 2016


Income Budget

$ 141,445

$ 44,665

$ 38,290

$ 45,315

$ 186,110

Income Actual

$ 142,989

$ 45,012




$ 1,544

$ 347

Difference EXPENSE

Q1 Total

Apr 2016

$ 1,891 May 2016

Jun 2016


Expense Budget

$ 144,498

$ 46,557

$ 43,298

$ 52,454

$ 191,055

Expense Actual

$ 154,818

$ 49,881



$ 204,669


($ 10,320)

($ 3,324)

Cumulative to Date

($ 13,644)

Did you know? Our Chorister Gala exceeded it’s fundraising goal assuring the All Souls’ will con'nue to offer outstanding musical educa'on and training for the youth of our parish. Thank you so much to Lanita Carrol and the en're Gala Commi ee for their 'reless work and dedica'on which made this possible.


Music at All Souls’ CHORAL EVENSONG Sunday, June 19 at 5:00pm Parish Choir & All Souls’ Choristers Introit: View me, Lord, Richard Lloyd Responses: M.J. Gibson Psalm 46 a9er Mar'n Luther Magnificat & Nunc Dimi1s in E, Herbert Murrill Sicut cervus, G.P. da Palestrina Including the appointed Hymns DIRECTOR OF MUSIC PRESENTS PAPER AT INDIANA UNIVERSITY Dr. Ruben Valenzuela recently presented a paper at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music (Bloomington). The paper formed part of a musicology conference 'tled: Historical Performance:Theory, Prac ce, and Interdisciplinarity hosted by the school’s Historical Performance Ins'tute. Dr. Valenzuela’s paper was 'tled: Mexican Religious Iconography: Angel Musicians and the Basso Con nuo in Mexico City Cathedral, which formed part of his recent disserta'on work. This paper will be presented at an upcoming All Souls’ forum on Sunday, June 26 at 9:10am. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about angel musicians in Mexican religious iconography! ALL SOULS’ CHORISTER INVESTITURE Seven of our wonderful choristers were recently awarded their white surplices and Royal School of Church Music medals following the comple'on and examina'on of the White Level ‘Voice for Life’ curriculum. Congratula'ons to the following who are now full choristers in this program! Bella Alioto Zoe Steers Cliodhna McClellan Landyn Mercer Emma Taylor Sophie Taylor Helen Walter The program is always open to prospec've new choristers. If you are interested in knowing more about this unique opportunity for children, please contact Director of Music, Ruben Valenzuela. 12

CHORISTER TRAVELS TO ENGLAND AND VISITS WESTMINSTER ABBEY “I have to say we were absolutely delighted when the boys came out in the iden'cal ou]its our choristers wear.” Conor Howell and his family recently visited England and had the rare privilege of siVng in on a chorister rehearsal at Westminster Abbey. Tricia Howell (Conor’s mom) writes, “When Ruben first suggested we email the director of the choristers at Westminster Abbey, I was delighted by the idea. Li le could I appreciate though, what a unique opportunity it would be. We were ushered in to beau'ful wood carved seats with cushions in the interior of the Abbey – I plan to learn about exactly where we sat, the seats were clearly special – and there we listened for at least an hour to the beau'ful voices prac'ce. They moved effortlessly from piece to piece, both ancient and contemporary, working on specific notes and phrases and the children followed along perfectly – to say we were impressed is an understatement. The music and harmonies are so complex. All of it was just masterful, the voices truly sounded like angels singing….We are deeply grateful to Ruben for his inspired recommenda'on.”

Musings by Marlene I’m thinking about how vital the assistance of others is to our well-being. When we see in someone a gi9, we fill them with courage and strength of purpose. I’m recalling recently someone asking me a ques'on about something she saw in me. Her statement was encouraging, fostering, promo'ng to do what is within me to accomplish. Being encouraging is a selfless way of showing our

affec'on. All in the past were encouraged by others by loving teachers and mentors. Let us all be illuminators to those around us.

Bible Studies at All Souls’ Tuesday Evenings: The Acts of the Apostles Using the video series A.D., the Rev. Pam Rieger leads a study through the events of the book of Acts. Together we’ll learn about the growth of the early church, the courage of the apostles to preach the good news to the gen'les, the conversion of Paul, and how the followers of Christ dealt with conflict regarding the message of the gospel. We meet in the Sherman Room, Tuesday nights, at 7:00pm. Thursday Mornings: The Gospel According to John Our Thursday Morning group will con'nue to gather at 10:15 in the Sherman Room and will meet for 45 minutes. We’ll be diving into the fourth gospel, the Gospel of John. This gospel is significantly different than the synop'c gospels. Join us : Read, Study, Share, Learn! 13

Recognizing Achievements Among Us! Valerie Lynne is a senior a ending Point Loma High School. She is preparing to graduate in June (Class of 2016). She has received Honor Roll awards for academic excellence and outstanding effort throughout high school. In her senior year she maintained a 4.2 G.P.A. Valerie has a passion for the French language and culture. She enrolled in the 7-8 Honors French class and she is the teacher’s assistant for her teacher Madame Lee. She also went to Paris with her French class during the Summer of 2015 and immediately fell in love. She is planning to a end a University in Paris for a year a9er a ending two years at Mesa College. She wants to stay local to save money and fully prepare for studying abroad. She hopes to teach English to French students and to con'nue her life in France. Helen’s brother, Joseph Walter, graduated with a bachelor’s degree: biology and biochemistry double major from University of Southern Maine on May 13, 2016. He plans to con'nue his educa'on at University of Maine Orono and in a couple more years he hopes to teach high school science. Helen and all the family went to Maine for the ceremony.

Kris0n Faulk, All Souls’ parishioner since 1992, has just graduated from Medical School. Kris'n graduated from Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, CA. She is leaving shortly for her Residency in Pediatrics at the University of New Mexico where she will reside for the next three years. Her passion for children was inspired by work with All Souls’ Youth Group, MADCAPS and volunteering at clinics during her medical school


Our choral scholar, Clara Valenzuela, recently graduated from La Jolla Country Day school with honors, having received high school honor awards in English, Music, and Ci'zenship. Congratula'ons to Clara who will be leaving us this August. Clara plans on going to study Choral Music at Thornton School of Music at the University of Southern California with a double major in Philosophy. She hopes to sing with the USC Chamber Singers and par'cipate in other smaller choral a capella groups. She also looks forward to par'cipa'ng in the Trojan Band and con'nuing to write music with fellow musicians.

Kathryn Garcia, Daughter of Dan Garcia, is gradua'ng Coronado High School. Kathryn will be a ending UC Santa Cruz with a double major in Psychology and Art. She plans to be a clinical psychologist who specializes in crea've therapies such as art and music therapy. She is gradua'ng as a member of Na'onal Honor Society and has been the president of Health Occupa'on Students of America for the past two years

Nancy Holland has graduated from the School for Ministry and will be ordained to the deaconate on Saturday, June 11 at 10:00am. Nancy serves as the chief-of-staff in the Diocesan Office and will serve as a deacon in a local parish. Join us on June 12 as we celebrate Nancy’s ordina'on at All Souls’.

OTHER TRANSITIONS, GRADUATIONS, AND ACHIEVEMENTS Correia Middle School: Zoe Latham, Eloise Lubsen Dana Middle School: Emma Taylor Loma Portal Elementary: Jackson Melton Sliver Gate Elementary: Cliodhna McClellan Preschool: William Fosnaught, Colin Wilson Honor Roll: Lexi Mercer, Landyn Mercer, Bella Alioto


Dear Abbey Dear Abbey, I have many friends, Episcopalians as well as members of other denomina'ons, who do not know of or understand the AngloCatholic contribu'ons to and of the Episcopal faith and Church. I was in Boston with a fellow Episcopalian and we toured an historic Anglo-Catholic Episcopal Parish. He said, “this Parish, obviously, at one 'me must have been a Roman Catholic Church”. It would be too long and arduous for me to explain to him the histories involved in our Church, so is there a “Reader’s Digest” version I can use that describes the diverse rainbow of colors that fill the Episcopal Church’s liturgical prac'ces and tradi'ons from High to Broad to Low? signed, Lover of Our Faith-every part of it. Dear Lover of our Faith, It’s truly amazing how many people are surprised when they walk into an Episcopal Church and see a “tabby and six.” More o9en than not, we perceive the Anglican Church (and hence the American offshoot of the Episcopal Church) as a product of the reforma'on and fail to remember that the church in England has deep roots in the Catholic tradi'on. Many of our customs and tradi'ons are directly descendent from the Catholic Church on the Bri'sh Isles. These customs, in some cases, followed closely the customs and tradi'ons of the churches on the con'nent. In some cases, however, the customs began to take on a local flavor. The best example of this is the Sarum Use of the Roman Rite (some'mes incorrectly referred to as the Sarum Rite) which had dis'nct differences in worship from the catholic tradi'on received from Rome, including, but not limited, to liturgical colors and genuflec'ng at the altar. That said, we can’t ignore the effects of the protestant and catholic reforma'ons that swept across the European con'nent. Those movements, too, have impacted the shape and the culture of the Anglican Church. The church in England, during the 16th Century, was moving back and forth from its catholic origins to its reformed expressions resul'ng in arguments over theology, expression of faith, and corrup'on in the church and government. The Anglican church we have today has been walking this middle way, via media, ever since. The hope and the goal is to incorporate the best pieces of all tradi'ons while remaining faithful to the apostolic teachings we’ve received through the centuries. As a result, we can see various expressions of worship throughout the Episcopal Church: High Church, Low Church, Broad Church, sung liturgy, Morning Prayer worship, and AngloCatholic just to name a few. And, in addi'on to these liturgical expressions, we also find varia'ons in our theological understandings from crea'on to Eucharist. It’s incredibly important to remind ourselves that the Anglo-Catholic movement in the church stemmed from the 19th Century Oxford Movement. The Oxford Movement was not about the adi16

Dear Abbey, Cont. aphora of worship. It was not about pre y vestments, incense, and bells. The Oxford Movement was about orthodox worship (orthodox in the sense of offering “right praise”) and, most importantly, was a social jus'ce movement, drawing the church back to it’s tradi'onal role of speaking for the poor and underprivileged, seeking jus'ce, and caring for the poor among us. The Episcopal Church con'nues to offer this rich expression of faith. And, God willing, we will remain focused on the social aspect of the Gospel and not get lost in the details. In the mean'me, we celebrate the wide range of expressions and give thanks to God for unity in diversity! And, by the way, “tabby and six” refers to the tabernacle containing the reserved sacrament and six candles, three on either side, behind the altar. Do you have a ques'on for Dear Abbey? Send it to DearAbbey@allsoulspointloma.org!

Vacation Bible School: Registration Open! Calling all kids! All Souls’ Vaca'on Bible School registra'on is open! Parents/guardians may pick up registra'on forms in the church office, on the Narthex Table, at Coffee Hour, at the Coffee Corner and at Kids’ Club classes. Registra'on is also available on line at www.allsoulspointloma.org The $30 registra'on fee includes a Vaca'on Bible School music CD for each family and a T-shirt with an iron-on logo transfer for each child. We also look forward to a special missions project this year so that we can help our neighbors in need. We already have amazing volunteers and are con'nuing to look for addi'onal youth and adults to volunteer in many fun areas including cra9s, snacks, bible stories, games, small group leader, registra'on, photography and decora'ons! If you would be interested, please contact the church office because you will not want to miss out on the adventure of VBS at All Souls’! At VBS Surf Shack, August 1 – August 5 from 9:00-Noon with registra'on beginning at 8:30 a.m., kids ages 5 through 5th grade, will be invited to celebrate their faith and plunge into the incredible experience of knowing God. Kids will enjoy beach–themed music, cra9s, games, Bible stories and more, learning to become fully equipped to live out God’s mission in their lives. Our VBS will feature videos with professional surfers including Georgia Cook, Nikki Viesin, Colton Kane, Joey Cook, and Jared Kane. Throughout the five day adventure kids will have the opportunity to learn how: • God created the world to show God’s love for us in a truly epic way. • God helps and protects us in amazing, unexpected ways. With God’s help, we can also help others. • Jesus is God’s Son, loved by God. And the evidence of God’s amazing love for us is that we get to receive and be part of God’s love. • God can bring peace to any situa'on and calm our fears, even when things aren’t going well. • God wants to show love through us. Jesus invites us and sends us to par'cipate in this amazing experience. 17

Looking Ahead at All Souls’ June 3, 6:30pm—9:30pm: ECS Holy Smoke Join ECS for their Annual Mee'ng and celebra'on at Good Samaritan in UTC. Visit www.ecscalifornia.org for more informa'on.

June 4/5, Rock ‘n Roll 5k, Half Marathon and Marathon Come on out and be part of our 5k walk/run team in support of ECS. June 6, 12:00-3:00pm: Senior Lounge Opening Come visit the new Peninsula Shepherd Center Senior Lounge in the Admin Building.

June 7: Election Day June 10, 7:00pm: Peninsula Singers Buy your 'ckets today and support the Peninsula Singers as they offer a Spring Recital in All Souls’ Church

June 11: Ordination of Deacons Four outstanding individuals will be ordained to the deaconate, including our very own Nancy Holland. Come show your support.

June 12: Recognition Sunday Join us at the 10:15 service as we give thanks to our Sunday School Volunteers and recognize the achievements of our students and youth.

June 18: Parish Work Day June 19: Father’s Day, Family Sunday, Choristers, Evensong Join us for a Sunday full of wonderful worship as we give thanks to the choir for their offering!

June 25: Ocean Beach Street Fair June 25, 6:00pm : Youth Talent Show and Mission Trip Fundraiser

Upcoming Worship at All Souls’ WEDNESDAY EUCHARIST: June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 at 7:00am Worship with us in the chapel. Stop by on your way to work or before that first cup of morning coffee. THURSDAY EUCHARIST: June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 9:30am Join us in the chapel for a quiet service of Holy Eucharist. (Prayers for Healing on 1st Thursday) “THE BROTHERHOOD” MEN’S GROUP EUCHARIST: Saturday, June 11 at 8:00am Join us for the celebra'on of Holy Eucharist and breakfast a9erwards at the Red Sails Inn. EVENSONG: June 19 at 5:00pm Come and close your day with the Divine Office as the All Souls’ Choir offers their gi9s to God in a beau'ful choral evensong. 18

Pentecost BBQ, Chorister Gala, and Empty Bowls


All Souls’ Episcopal Church All Souls’ is a vibrant Episcopal congrega'on in the heart of Point Loma. All ages are welcome; infants and children enliven our worship. To learn more about membership, please contact the church office or visit us on-line. Visit our website at www.allsoulspointloma.org Listen to our sermons on-line at allsouls.sermon.net Reach us by e-mail at office@allsoulspointloma.org Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/allsoulspointloma Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/allsoulspointloma

All Souls’ Episcopal Church

Sunday Services

1475 Catalina Blvd. San Diego, CA 92107 619-223-6394

Holy Eucharist: 8:00 am and 10:15 am Nursery Care from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm (infants - 3 years old) Kids’ Club and Godly Play: 9:10 am Small Souls Worship: 10:15 am except 3rd Sunday of each month Family Eucharist – 3rd Sunday @ 10:15 am Choral Evensong – 3rd Sunday @ 5:00 pm

In the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego The Rt. Rev. James R. Mathes, Bishop

Staff The Rev. Joseph J. Dirbas, Rector The Very Rev. James E. Carroll, Associate The Rev. Pamela Rieger, Deacon Ruben Valenzuela, Director of the Music Jayne Ricker, Facili'es and Office Manager Be y Nork, Nursery Assistant Vanessa Hiday, Office Assistant

Weekday Services: Wednesday Holy Eucharist: 7:00 am Thursday Holy Eucharist: 9:30 am Saturday Cel'c Eucharist: 5:00 pm

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