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Share your views on stroke services
The NHS in Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton and West Lancashire has launched a 12-week public consultation about the creation of a Comprehensive Stroke Centre at Aintree University Hospital. The proposal aims to help improve hyper-acute stroke services, which is the hospital care provided in the 72-hour period immediately after someone has a stroke.
Currently, people in the areas named above use hyperacute stroke services at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Aintree University Hospital, and Southport Hospital. But with local expertise and resources spread across three sites, it can be di cult to ensure that patients get access to the specialist sta , tests, equipment and procedures they need - especially in the critical three days following a stroke.
That’s why local clinicians have developed plans for a single, Comprehensive Stroke Centre at Aintree University Hospital which would bring together local hyper-acute services onto a single hospital site, alongside The Walton Centre which provides a specialist stroke treatment called thrombectomy.
At the moment, people in Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton and West Lancashire tend to be taken to the closest hospital
that o ers emergency stroke care, which could be Aintree, the Royal Liverpool or Southport hospital. If this change went ahead, it would mean that *all patients believed to have had a stroke would be taken to Aintree for the first 72-hours of care – even those who may have previously been treated at the Royal Liverpool or Southport.
Afterwards, up to half of patients would leave hospital to continue their recovery in their own homes with an early supported discharge team. Those not ready for discharge, would transfer one of three acute stroke rehabilitation units at either Aintree, Broadgreen, or Southport hospitals to continue their recovery.
*Please note: Only the hospitals named above are involved in these proposals. If you would be taken to a di erent hospital now – and not one of the three named above – this would still happen if this change went ahead.
Get involved between 22 November 2021 - 14 February 2022
Further information about this consultation, and an online questionnaire are available at: www.liverpoolccg.nhs.uk/stroke
Those who would prefer to talk through their feedback, can also call (0151) 247 6406 (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm). People can also use this number to request a paper version of the questionnaire, or information in a di erent language or format, or they can text: 07920 206 386 or email: csc.consultation@nhs.net