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Books Getset,go–ontruly inspirationaljourney
Dead Man To Iron Man:ATen Month Journey from Dead Meat toAthlete, by Paul Smith, Pitch Publishing Ltd, £12.99
YOU’RE 43, cruising through life when suddenly you’re diagnosed with cancer. What do you do next?
When Paul Smith found himself facing that question he decided to swim 2.4 miles, cycle 112 more and then run a marathon.
There are tears and laughter in this brutally honest, goodhumoured and intensely personal account of Paul’s inspiring journey from being at death’s door to conquering a triathlon.
Join him on a life-affirming mission encompassing exhilarating highs and painful lows.
After his devastatingly rare one-in-amillion bowel cancer diagnosis and his time in hospital confronting an operation ominously dubbed the ‘Mother of all Surgeries’ , Paul has just 10 months to train his broken body to peak fitness and fulfil his dream of completing one of the world’s toughest and most intimidating triathlons, Ironman Wales.
If you think completing an ironman triathlon is an impossible dream, read this truly inspirational story and think again.
Football Cancer Life Death, by Michael Heinicke, Pitch Publishing Ltd, £12.99
AN unconventional and surprisingly uplifting real-life account of football fan Michael Heinicke’s experience with cancer.
Interspersed with 25 years of exhilarating and heartening memories of life as a Burnley FC supporter, the book takes readers back to his first match, as seen through the eyes of a six-year-old boy.
The depth of detail woven into Michael’s accounts of Burnley matches through the decades – from the old, decaying terraces of Division Four to the euphoria of a Wembley promotion to the Premier League – will strike a chord with football fans everywhere.
Michael, 39, was the father of three young children when he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 2014.
His story breaks down conventional cancer myths and shows us that sometimes, for a lucky few, life’s curveballs can be more positive than negative, bringing a tale of hope to that unfathomable and unbearable cancer diagnosis. ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
Challenging a time-honoured institution will backfire; pour your rebellious energy into a creative project instead. Pushy behaviour will get an angry reception.As the month nears its end your love life starts to gather an exciting momentum all of its own while another Full Moon on the 31st brings an unexpected boost to your bank balance and a little extra to splash out on life’s little luxuries. Mid-November sees an intriguing opportunity coming your way. It will become much easier to get projects off the ground starting on the 14th; life is about to move much faster. The New Moon on the 15thfinds you letting down your defences with an attentive lover. If you have a partner, their financial good fortune will spill over to you, allowing you to indulge in some creature comforts.
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 21)
The New Moon on the 16th warns against taxing your system with too much junk food and alcohol. By feeding your body pure ingredients, you’ll avoid burnout. Turn a deaf ear to friends who criticise your plans to launch a creative venture.Asecond Full Moon on the 31st prompts you to listen to a wild impulse and transform your look in some way.Avoid spreading gossip – that’s the message for November. Your love life sizzles with excitement on the 21st; but the Lunar Eclipse on the 30th causes a source of income to dry up, prompting you to look for a more rewarding line of work. Finding a job at a government agency, university or hospital is strongly advised, as this position will include excellent benefits.
GEMINI (May 22-Jun 21)
October’s New Moon warns against getting involved in a troubled romance. Returning to a hobby you enjoyed as a child will make you feel years younger. Indulge your playful side. Another Full Moon on the 31st brings an unexpected opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Plan to do something, go somewhere or just quietly meditate and reconnect with your inner self. Resist the impulse to buy someone’s affection.Astalled project will start moving forward again, filling you with excitement.After a prolonged silence, you’ll finally hear back from a charitable or creative institution on the 29th; the news will be good.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Be wary about associating with snobs and power players. Don’t let a childish temper tantrum keep you from pursuing a moneymaking opportunity on the 19th; this will bring you much pleasure. If you feel you’ve outgrown a childhood ambition why not start working on a new set of aims and aspirations as October gives way to November.Another Full Moon on the 31st brings wonderful news about a medical matter. Neither a lender nor a borrower be on the 16th; mixing friendship and finance nearly always leads to heartache. Create a private place where you can hear yourself think. On the 30th, the Lunar Eclipse brings an end to a close relationship.As the festive season draws near think about building upon a romantic or business alliance that encourages exploration.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 20)
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 23)
As October gets up and running the Full Moon brings a stressful situation that might be too much to bear. Instead of battling with a jealous rival, strike out on your own. Signing a business deal on the 21st is strongly advised. This contract will pave the way to long-term financial stability.Asecond Full Moon on the 31st finds you finishing a group project. Don’t be surprised when you’re named the most valuable player.A pleasure trip in November could be just what the doctor ordered so long as you respect your environment and surroundings. Encourage your business or romantic partner to undergo a radical transformation on the 12th; they’ll appreciate your support and the changes they make will make things better for all concerned.
LEO (Jul 24-Aug 23)
Your powerful allure will cause someone to fall head over heels in love with you while the New Moon on the 16th brings an intriguing moneymaking opportunity. Indeed, more money for luxuries becomes available on the 19th so give yourself a treat or two.Asecond Full Moon on the 31st could bring news of an interesting new opening. It will be easier to deal with a financial issue during the first few days of November. On the 15th, the New Moon inspires you to delve more into a subject that has always fascinated you.Avoid getting drawn into a nasty argument. You don’t want angry words to come back to haunt you. The Lunar Eclipse on the 30th results in more time for the people and pursuits you adore.
LIBRA(Sep 24-Oct 23)
On the 16th, the New Moon tempts you to radically change your appearance. Resist this impulse, as you probably won’t be happy with the results. Be realistic about your work responsibilities on the 18th; don’t force colleagues to pick up your slack. Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or insurance refund will arrive on the 21st.Another Full Moon on the 31st marks a thrilling romantic encounter. November’s New Moon on the 15th brings an exciting moneymaking opportunity. Flattery will get you nowhere with a stern relative on the 16th. Instead of trying to win over this family member, it would be better to please yourself and do your own thing. The New Moon on the 16th brings an intriguing opportunity, but it might involve too much personal responsibility. Your generous spirit attracts an exciting travel opportunity on the 19th; making this a good time to finally make a booking. You’ll get a chance to share your expert knowledge with some appreciative people on the 24th.After a prolonged silence, you’ll finally get the news you have been waiting for in the early days of November. Friends in high places will promote your talent on the 19th; don’t be shy about having your work put before the public.Acreative block will dissolve on the 29th.
AQUARIUS (Jan 21-Feb 19)
Don’t let your ego get in the way of learning valuable skills. On the 16th, the New Moon will tempt you to throw yourself into a nasty argument. Don’t say anything you will come to regret. Your moneymaking ability will soar starting on the 22nd.Another Full Moon on the 31st marks a thrilling turning point. It’s likely that COVID-19 will still be restricting our movements, but the early days of November are perfect for finding new ways to connect with your family. Powerful desires prompt you to embark on a fitness regimen on the 19th. Starting on the 21st, you’ll feel a strong urge to take a long-distance trip for pleasure. You may have to wait a while, but plan a trip to a country that has an exotic flavour.
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
The New Moon on the 16th could force you to adopt a low profile. Beware of overshadowing a powerful egotist. Your powers of persuasion will be strong on the 19th.Asecond Full Moon on the 31st marks an exciting turning point in an intimate relationship.Asudden engagement, marriage or divorce will open a door that was once firmly shut to you. Mid-November prompts you to undergo a dramatic makeover. This is a great time to change your hairstyle, overhaul your wardrobe, develop a whole new style or give your home a top to toe makeover. The transformation will change the way people treat you.ALunar Eclipse on the 30th puts an end to a financial obligation allowing you to forge a new path and open up a new world.
Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or insurance refund will inspire you to buy a beautiful luxury item. Don’t hesitate to indulge your sensual side. On the 16th, the New Moon makes you yearn to expand your horizons, but official duties will keep you rooted to the spot. Another Full Moon on the 31st marks an exciting turning point in your home life. You might relocate to an unusual area that stimulates your imagination. November’s New Moon finds you mixing with powerful people who appreciate your resourceful behaviour.A family emergency will require you to rethink your plans during the middle of the month; be as flexible as possible.
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
Think twice before opening a credit account; it’s best to keep debts to a minimum. Take a realistic view of a loved one’s strengths and weaknesses on the 18th; putting anyone on a pedestal is a recipe for disaster. Friendship could turn to romance on the 21st. If you’re single, obey an impulse to push a close relationship to the next level. Do you have a partner? Sweep them off their feet. It will be much easier to clarify your thoughts and come to terms with your ambitions at the start of November. Resist the temptation to indulge in retail therapy on the 9th; you don’t want to go into debt over things you really don’t need. This is a great time to pursue your dream.