WATER giant United Utilities is inviting readers to its second Customer Vulnerability Summit
Taking place during Disability Awareness Week, it’s a perfect chance to find out how the water company are supporting people living with additional needs – and discuss way to improve the help available
And there will be the opportunity to register yourself or someone you know for Priority Services
United Utilities’ Amanda Phillips said: “We want to share future plans of how we’ll be there for those that need that little bit of extra help, which could be due to illness, disabilities, mental
HEALTHY FUTURE: Sue Weir, centre, with Emma Whitby and Paul Winter, from the Clatterbridge Cancer Charity
health, life events or language barriers
“You will once again hear direct from our customer vulnerability managers, offering lots of opportunity to have your say, plus, share your own lived experiences to help us to highlight the difficulties many people have ”
The week of events and activities at Walton Hall Gardens, Warrington, ends with the biggest disability event in the North West
The 32nd annual Disability Awareness Day – affectionately known as DAD – is set to be the best yet
n The Customer Vulnerability Summit, Thurs July 13, Marquee 5
n Disability Awareness Day, Sun Jul 16
NEW guidance that stresses employers ARE allowed to reserve jobs for disabled people should help narrow the disability employment gap, say campaigners
The guidance, published by independent employment advice and conciliation service, Acas, says bosses can “specifically advertise for and recruit a disabled person without the risk of disability discrimination”
n Blue badge parking
(300 spaces in main car park, plus another 700 spaces on grass)
n Free accessible Park and Ride service
n Free accessible buses from Warrington Town Centre
n Free scooter and wheelchair loan service with trained enablers
n British Sign Language interpreters
HEALTH cash plan provider Medicash is giving £2 1m to support NHS hospitals and facilities across the North West over the next four years.
The pledge comes after the Liverpool-based company’s reported its best year on record, which saw it record its 500,000th policy holder
Helping to pay for a new Trainee Research Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) at Liverpool’s Clatterbridge Cancer Centre is the first project to benefit Sue Weir, chief executive of Medicash and trustee of
the Medicash Foundation, said: “The phenomenal growth that Medicash has seen in recent years is the direct result of just how much we value good health and wellbeing in the modern world
”Our goal is to provide as many people as possible with easy, affordable access to the healthcare they and their families need ”
n In 2017, Medicash was honoured with the Freedom of the City of Liverpool in recognition of its long-standing contribution to healthcare and commitment to charitable giving since 1871
Acas adviser Gary Wedderburn said: “The law allows recruiters to treat a disabled person more favourably compared to a nondisabled person for any type of job role
“However, if an employer wants to recruit a person with a specific disability then they would have to justify that there’s an occupational requirement for that specific disability in the role, otherwise a job applicant with a different disability could claim disability discrimination under the law.”
A SHORTAGE of occupational therapists means those who are practising feel overwhelmed by the pressure.
A report from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists found nine of ouf 10 OTs reported an increase in demand for their services over the past year, The College’s director of practice and innovation, Karin Orman, said: “We want to see more investment in the workforce, including more occupational therapists in leadership roles
“And we want the Government and NHS to recognise that investment in health and social care will not only benefit everyone’s health, but could ultimately help boost the economy ”
‘Too few OTs overwhelmed’
HARI Budha Magar has become the first double above-the-knee amputee to scale Everest
As reported in our spring edition, it was a boyhood dream for the former Gurkha corporal, who served 15 years with the British Army, until a bomb took both his legs in 2010
Thirt years overturned a Nepalese law banning disabled climbers from the mountain, Hari has achieved what many thought impossible
On reaching the summit, he said: “That was tough Harder than I could have ever
imagined If I can climb to the top of the world then anyone, regardless of their disability, can achieve their dream ”
Hari added: “The whole aim of this expedition was to change perceptions: the huge amount of support we have had has shown that we are doing just that ”
THE sight of thousands of children with learning disabilities will potentially be saved, thanks to a £10m roll-out of free eye tests at special schools
The Government’s go-ahead for the scheme next year follows research from sight loss charity SeeAbility that found that children with learning disabilities are 28 times more likely to have serious sight issues
SeeAbility’s chief Lisa Hopkins said: “Thousands of children who would have no other way of getting sight tests and glasses will now get a service in their school
“Sight will be saved and lives will be transformed This is such a significant and wonderful step forward in improving eye care for people with learning disabilities ”
Parent Alyson Farrell added: “This announcement means everything to us, and I’m sure to thousands more parents, to definitively know the scheme will roll out to all special schools at last ”
WORKERS across the UK have finally won the legal right to take unpaid leave to care for loved ones
Ahas teamed up with Wirral Mencap for the annual Seaside
In a joint fundraising initiative that celebrates this newspaper ’s 18th and Wirral Mencap’s 60th anniversaries, we want to get as many readers as possible striding out – or wheeling – along the Wirral coastline on Saturday September 9
Two routes are being planned – a two-mile stretch along the promenade from Seacombe to the Floral Pavlion, New Brighton; and a 10-miler that ends at the Green Lodge pub in Hoylake
Debbie Green, fundraiser for Wirral Mencap, said: “We want to use this year ’s Seaside walk as a special double celebration for both charities
“We are absolutely delighted to say we have secured two amazing sponsors –Chester-based law firm Elysium Law and United Utilities North West, who are both impressed by the work we do and the impact it has on people’s lives
“They both recognise how important support from local businesses is in helping us raise vital funds, and are keen to help us continue to ensure that families with loved ones with a learning disability can live and lead fulfilled and happy lives through not only the fabulous courses we run, but also the advocacy service we offer ”
FLASHBACK: Striding out along the New Brighton promenade last year
People taking part in the walk are asked to raise about £60 in sponsorships
n Registration fees, £6 adults, £3 children Contact Wirral Mencap, Market Street, Birkenhead, Mon-Fri Tel 0151 666 1829
n You can also register online at www wirralmencap org uk or by emailing Debbie at dgreen@mencapwirral org uk
MEANWHILE, the Big Lottery’s Community Fund has awarded us £10K for the printing costs of the next two issues
It’s very much appreciated by our small team – and I’m certain by all our readers
Finally, another massive thanks to
Jane Harris, pictured, wh retiring as grants directo at the Steve Morgan Foundation
For almost as long as this newspaper has been running, Jane has been a fantastic supporter of our work
It’s no exaggeration to say that without the help we’ve had from her and Steve Morgan Foundatio have ceased to exist long ago
We send her all our best wishes for a long and happy retirement See Page 7
TOM DOWLING, editorAfter a long passage through Parliament the Carers Leave Bill received Royal Assent, meaning it will now become law
The earliest date the legislation will come into force is next April
A BRITISH Sign Language GCSE is one step closer to being taught in schools as the Government launches a consultation on the content of the subject
The Government is aiming for the British Sign Language (BSL) GCSE to be first taught to pupils in England from September 2025
Views on the qualification – including the language skills to be studied and the role of history – are being sought from teachers, employers and the deaf and hearing communities in a 12-week consultation
In 2018, the Government said it would consider introducing a GCSE in BSL after deaf schoolboy Daniel Jillings campaigned for the new qualification
Last year, BSL was recognised in law as a language of Great Britain
Hundreds complain over ‘toxic’ newspaper report
A WATCHDOG has received hundreds of complaints about a national newspaper inviting readers to calculate how much people on out-of-work benefits was costing them
The Daily Telegraph said millions were claiming benefits “without ever having to look for work” and it produced an automatic calculator that allowed readers to discover “just how much of our hardwon salaries are spent on the benefits of those who do not work”
More than 600 people have so far complained about the article to the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO)
Dr Jay Watts, a disabled activist and consultant clinical psychologist, drafted a letter to the Telegraph that has been signed by nearly 300 mental health professionals and describes the distress the “divisive” story has caused Natasha Hirst, President of the National Union of Journalists, said: “There is no place for toxic reporting that undermines and further marginalises a significant proportion of the population ”
BENEFIT levels are too low to meet disabled people’s needs, MPs have been told
An annual independent assessment is what is needed, says national charity Disability Rights UK
The Commons work and pensions committee was hearing evidence on the adequacy of benefit levels in the UK Ken Butler, welfare rights and policy adviser for DRUK, said he believed most disability organisations would agree that such a test was essential and that benefits are inadequate to pay for the essentials of life for sick and disabled people
Debbie Abrahams, a Labour member of the committee, said the biggest cuts had fallen on sick and disabled people in recent years
A GROUP of 1,000 care workers will receive up to £25,000 each in back pay in a landmark equality victory
The local authority that employed the domestic carers has accepted they were underpaid by £3 per hour, compared to care staff in residential care homes
The pay claim is being backdated from October 2020, meaning a carer working 35 hours a week will now receive £17,000 and those working more hours up to £25,000
Previously, South Lanarkshire council had argued that the “home help” staff had distinct jobs with fewer responsibilities – but in recent years carers in private homes have increasingly taken on more complex tasks including medication and assisting with medical procedures
ONE million people closed their internet accounts in the last year as the cost of living crisis left them unable to afford it.
And people receiving Universal Credit are six times more likely to have switched off their connection compared to non-claimants, according to new research from Citizens Advice
The charity is concerned the problem could get worse, with people claiming the benefit four times more likely to be behind on broadband bills
People on Universal Credit are among customers who should be eligible for discounted social tariffs to help them stay connected
However, as uptake of these tariffs is currently just 5%, the charity claims these important discounts aren’t reaching those who need it
The latest figures from Ofcom show 95% of the 4 3m eligible households are missing out on saving £200 on broadband costs each year –equivalent to £824m of support going unclaimed
Dame Clare Moriarty, chief executive of Citizens Advice, said: “People are being priced out of internet access at a worrying rate
“As providers continue to drag their feet in making social tariffs a success, it’s clear that Ofcom needs to hold firms’ feet to the fire ”
FAMILY and other loved ones are carrying out more than £160 billion worth of unpaid care every year in England and Wales
The staggering value of the care they provide would be enough to fund a second NHS in the two countries
New findings show those looking after relatives or friends with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or needing extra help as they grow older, contribute £446 million to the economy every day
Professor Matt Bennett, from the centre for care at the University of Sheffield said: “Without unpaid carers, our health and social care systems would collapse ” Despite increases to NHS funding over the last 10 years, increases to social care funding have not kept pace and the care system is now relying ever more heavily on unpaid carers to prop it up
Providing increasing hours of unpaid care, family members have no choice but to give up work or reduce their hours to do so, also putting their physical and mental health needs to one side
The findings show unpaid carers are providing more hours of care than they were 10 years ago While the latest 2021 census shows there are fewer carers in England and
ales, the number of hours are they provide has shot leading to their higher mic contribution Walker, chief executive of Carers UK, said the situation was deeply concerning “The ever-declining availability of social care means there is shrinking support for families to pull on, and they are left without a choice but to put other areas of their life on hold and provide more care
“The Government must show that it values and supports unpaid
carers by investing in and delivering quality care services for families in the longer-term
“Carers need a funded National Carers Strategy and recognition within the NHS Hundreds of thousands of carers on low incomes are desperate to see their financial support urgently reviewed ”
Professor Bennett added: “We hope policy makers see the urgent need to act to support unpaid carers ”
n Carers UK Helpline: 0808 808 7777.
DISABLED households are now facing an average extra cost of £1,122 per month to pay for essential products and services
Two years ago the average extra cost was £583 a month, says national disability charity Scope
The extra costs involved are the additional amount of money a disabled household would need to have the same standard of living as a non-disabled household
The charity’s report also shows how disability benefit payments like Personal Independence Payment (PIP), are failing to keep pace with extra costs
Between 2016 and 2020, the poorest 20% of households saw their income fall by 11% in real terms
Many disabled households now have some of the lowest income levels in the country, with 33% of disabled people in the lowest household income group
A Scope spokesperson said: “As disabled households’ extra costs have dramatically increased since 2016/17, it is vital the Government targets support for extra costs to those who most need it
“Tackling the extra cost of disability must be seen as a political priority, so that every disabled person can participate in society and reach their potential “
Connecting with 250,000 people across the region . . .
THE TUC is calling for a big increase in funding for bus and rail services after a report revealed their crucial role in getting people to work.
Research by the body that represents most trade unions found one in 10 bus users would be forced to either look for another job or give up work altogether if they could not travel by public transport
Their report also found:
n In 2020, one fifth of all households did not have access to a car, rising to 35% of households on the lowest incomes
n Households with the lowest incomes have the greatest dependency on buses for their travel, with disabled people concentrated in this group
n A survey of unemployed people found 57% did not have a full car or motorcycle driving licence and depended heavily on public transport for access to employment
PEOPLE across Merseyside are being asked for their views on plans totransform the region’s bus services
Residents, businesses, trade unions and stakeholders can have their say on a new bus franchising scheme proposed by Liverpool City Region Mayor Steve Rotheram
Currently, private operators decide the routes, timetables, fares and standards There is also limited coordination between private bus operators and other forms of public transport
Bus franchising would give the Combined Authority greater control over fares, routes and timetables, allowing
the services to be operated in the interests of local bus users with private operators running them under a contract with authority
Reform of the region’s bus network is a key part of Mayor Rotheram’s wider ambition to build a London-style transport system that makes getting about faster, cheaper, cleaner, more reliable Mayor Rotheram said: “For far too long, people in our communities have been forced to contend with a secondclass bus service that’s too confusing, too unreliable, and too expensive
“I want this to become a thing of the past – because we simply can no longer
A BEST practice guide for bus and rail companies could make using public transport less of an ordeal for those with sight loss.
The Royal National Institute of Blind People’s latest report highlights the numerous accessibility issues that make bus and rail journeys a daunting prospect for blind and partially sighted people.
afford to accept a public transport service that leaves behind the very people who need it most
“I want our residents to have their say on our plans So, whether you regularly take the bus or not, I’m encouraging everyone to get involved in this consultation and make their voice heard ”
n To take part in the survey visit liverpoolcityregion-ca gov uk /movingbusesforward
n The consultation team can also be contacted with questions via email at movingbusesforward@ liverpoolcityregion-ca gov uk or phone 0151 330 1249
The charity is calling for transport providers to use its checklist – based on extensive research – to make their services more accessible and enable visual impairment people travel independently.
The availability and consistency of important physical features and services varies greatly across transport types and regions, and is especially poor in rural areas.
They include things like tactile paving; detectible curbs; handrails; step-free access; clear signage and markings; and accurate, frequent, and clear audio announcements n Helpline: 0303 123 9999.
SUPPORT for autistic students at mainstream school has been condemned as “woeful”.
Classroom places for children with autism are both inappropriate and in short supply, says the National Autistic Society
The charity is now calling on the Government to create a special taskforce to deal with the situation.
Head of influencing Tim Nicholls said: “Every child should be able to get the education they need But as our new report reveals, many autistic students are being failed and denied the most basic support ”
The study shows that seven in 10 autistic students are in mainstream schools, but only four in 10 teachers have received more than half a day’s training in autism Mr Nicholls said: “The Government has a long way to go – every autistic child needs to get the right support at school.
“ We won’t accept a world where autistic children miss out on an education, and families are left exhausted and on the brink of crisis ”
NEARLY all of the Department for Work and Pensions’ high-profile websites were rated as being inaccessible to many disabled people and potentially breaking the law
A Freedom of Information request by Disability News Service found that only two out of 18 DWP websites were said to comply with the Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations 2018, with the other 16 all seen as “very high risk”
In all, of the 56 public-facing DWP digital services that were not due to be decommissioned, only 24 were said to be compliant with the regulations Cabinet Office guidance warns that public sector bodies like DWP that do not ensure their websites or apps meet accessibility requirements “may be breaking the law”
A BIG step forward to protect firefighters from the deadly effects of toxic chemicals is under way in the North West
Recent research found cancer among firefighters aged 35-39 is up to more than three times higher than in the general population at the same age, and that firefighters are significantly more likely to die from rare cancers, heart attacks and stroke, and several other diseases
Anna Stec, professor in fire toxicity at the University of Central Lancashire, said: “Firefighters are dying from rare cancers up to 15-20 years earlier than the general public ”
Blood and urine samples from 100 firefighters across Greater Manchester are now being analysed .
The tests are the first of their kind for firefighters in the UK following the World Health Organisation announcement that occupational exposure as a firefighter is carcinogenic.
DISABILITY minister Tom Pursglove told a UN conference of his ambition to make the UK the most accessible place in the world for disabled people to live and work
He told an international conference on disability rights: “The global context of numerous humanitarian and economic crises, plus the continuing impact of the pandemic, means disability inclusion risks falling further down the agenda
“The UK remains committed to championing disability rights and inclusion globally ”
Addressing the 16th Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP16), he added: “Following the launch of our international Disability Inclusion and Rights Strategy last year, the UK is focussed on embedding its principles ”
‘BRITAIN still has a long way to go to just securing access right for disabled travellers, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson told MPs.
A crossbench peer, wheelchairuser and accessible transport campaigner, Baroness Grey-Thompson said there was “a complete failure to enforce” laws on accessible travel
She added: “We’re constantly told, ‘It will never happen again, it’s just you [this is happening to], we’re really sorry,’ and we’re expected to go away ”
The Baroness said the Disability
Discrimination Act had promised accessible rail travel by 2020, but the Government was now suggesting it would be 100 years before there was step-free access She tole the House of Commons Transport Select Committee: “So in my lifetime I will not be able to get on a train without the permission or support of a non-disabled person ”
She also highlighted concerns that Network Rail was building new inaccessible footbridges
“How can Network Rail build a footbridge that has steps, in this day and age? How did it get through?”
Baroness GreyThompson said the Government’s Inclusive Transport Strategy was “just another strategy, and disabled people are slightly bored by strategies
AIRLINES are to be rated on the service they provide to passengers with a disability in a bid to drag up standards
The body that regulates the industry is calling for views on a proposed framework aimed at improving the experience of disabled and less mobile flyers
Assessments will then be carried out on all UK and non-UK airlines operating in the UK – and the results made public
Anna Bowles, head of consumer policy at the UK Civil Aviation Authority, said the move was about “holding airlines to account in meeting their obligations to disabled and less mobile passengers across all aspects of their journey
“Consumers should have confidence that the standard of support they receive when flying will meet their needs ”
The regulator ’s framework will rank the performance of each airline’s service – from booking flight tickets and assistance at the airport, through to their onboard experience and complaints handling
Ratings would include the level of access around requesting assistance, onboard facilities including seating and toilets, as well as boarding and disembarking
The framework also sets standards for bringing assistance dogs onto flights, along with providing guidance on how airlines should handle mobility equipment and provide compensation when it is lost or damaged
In developing their proposals, the regulator engaged extensively with disabled people and major airlines
Ms Bowles added: “We’re asking for feedback from individuals, disability rights groups and the industry to help shape our plans ”
n The consultation runs until July 21 consultations caa co uk/corporatecommunications/performance-framework-forairline- accessibility/
n You can also write to: Consumer Protection, Consumer & Markets Group, Civil Aviation Authority, 11 Westferry Circus, London E14 4HD
“For me, the Government needs to take equal access seriously We need action and investment ” Christiane Link, a consultant and adviser on accessibility to the aviation and transport industry for more than 20 years, said: “We have to change the culture in the industry from the top down
“The Department for Transport must give a clear message that this is not acceptable anymore and that there will be severe issues if this doesn’t stop ”
Activist Alan Benson, said: “Until we treat accessibility like we treat health and safety, it’s not going to change ”
And campaigner
Stephen Anderson said he has been refused service by private hire vehicles 43 times because he was travelling with his guide dog
He said: “The problem is with these regulators there’s no teeth, there’s absolutely no teeth ”
Connecting with 250,000 people across the region
We’re bored with strategies . . . we want action and investment will be
THE Steve Morgan Foundation has been changing people’s lives ever since it was founded by entrepreneur Steve Morgan CBE in 2001
The philanthropist has committed assets of £300m, and the Foundation has funded everything from the purpose-built Maggie’s Wirral, cuttingedge research into type1 diabetes, as well as helping charities struggling with the impact of Covid-19
However, one of the biggest changes the Foundation has consistently made to the lives of
individuals and their families has been through the Enable Fund
The Enable Fund supports people of all ages in financial hardship, who are in need of specialised equipment, including mobility aids, wheelchairs and trikes
The list also includes sleep systems, car seats, sensory equipment and communication aids
Mr Morgan explained: “The Enable Fund was set up to support people to do the things most of us take for granted It helps them to lead more fulfilling lives ”
JANE HARRIS, the Director of Grants at The Steve Morgan Foundation, is retiring from her role at the end of July
Following a 17-year tenure at the charity, Jane will continue her longstanding association by immediately joining the Board of Trustees
Jane has been integral to the development of the Foundation, starting as the sole employee and managing its growth into one of the UK’s leading foundations today
She has built lasting relationships with many charities and organisations across the UK and was also behind the annual conference and awards events, which have seen numerous charities recognised for their excellent work
Commenting on Jane’s service to the charity, founder and chairman Steve Morgan CBE, said: “When the history of
n is written, it will largely consist of the history of Jane Harris and her leadership She has been at the absolute centre of the work of the Foundation for the past 17 years and has been responsible for developing and maintaining our exceptional network
“During her tenure, some of Jane’s most notable achievements include the Community Match Challenge, where £20m was awarded to over 120 organisations and individuals across Merseyside and Cheshire within a period of just 59 days
“Jane has also played a key role in the Cradle to Career scheme, which has cumulatively been awarded over £6m for improving children’s literacy standards across North Birkenhead and the Liverpool City Region
“We can’t thank Jane enough for her commitment over the years and we are delighted that ,she will continue to support us by joining our Board of Trustees ” Jane said: “Through my work at the Foundation, I have been lucky enough to meet many people doing extraordinary things that truly change lives
“It has been an honour and a privilege to work with so many incredible charities over the years, to help them grow and make a real difference to our local communities
“I’m looking forward to continuing to work with the dedicated team at the Foundation, as a member of the Board, and seeing our CEO Liam Eaglestone continue to steer the charity towards an even brighter, more promising future ”
‘For 17 years, she has been at the absolute centre of our work’
Steve Morgan CBE, founder/chairman, the Steve Morgan Foundation
Retirement beckons, but it’s far from the end of her links with the FoundationHAPPY, LASTING MEMORIES: Jane with the team at Knowsley Dementia Care Support; with Liam Eaglestone; with the late Amy from Amy & Friends, and with Walton Youth Project
THOUSANDS of people with long-term health conditions are likely to have lost the right to vote in May’s local elections, it is claimed
Scores of people with compromised or suppressed immune systems contacted a campaign group to say they had not been able to vote because of the new voter identification laws
They wear masks because they are still shielding from Covid-19, but as voters in England must now show photographic identification, they were required to remove them
Some reported distressing arguments with polling station staff – with some being turned away and denied a vote
The experiences were related to Evusheld for the UK, which campaigns for the drug Evusheld – said to offer protection from Covid-19 – to be funded in the UK
Co-leader, Mark Oakley, said: “To stand in front of someone in an enclosed space, you don’t know if they are Covid-positive or not, and to take your mask off is something a lot of people are not willing to do because of the increased risk if they contract Covid ”
TAKING steps to tackle hearing loss could significantly reduce your chances of developing dementia
Alzheimer ’s UK has joined forces with hearing aid makers to urge people to have regular tests and get any concerns checked out with GPs
The call comes after a study found use of hearing instruments was associated with a 32% lower prevalence of dementia
Dr Susan Mitchell, from Alzheimer ’s Research UK, said: “While there’s no sure-fire way to prevent dementia, which is caused by a complex mix of our age, genes, and lifestyle, we know there are steps we can take to reduce our risk
“Research has shown that people with unaddressed hearing loss are FIVE TIMES more likely to develop dementia than those without hearing loss ”
Dr Mitchell added: “It is essential that any perceived barriers to getting a hearing check are minimised
“We believe that integrating a hearing check within the NHS Health Check, freely available for over 40s in England, is one potential way to do this ”
Mel at work and “living life to the full”
WHEN Mel Smith woke one morning 23 years ago, he was to find his life drastically and permanently altered
Overnight, the former military man had gone profoundly deaf
Coming without warning – “I had a slight cold in the week preceding, but nothing drastic” – it was a huge blow
Yet within a day or so, cricket-mad Mel had vowed he would not allow his disability to stop him pursuing his passion
And now, celebrating a decade as a county cricket club scorer, he says: “Every day is like Christmas ”
Mel, 75, recalls: “I was on the 2nd XI umpiring panel for 25 years, umpiring county 2nd XI and club games and player pathway games and youth Tests
“Then, out of the blue one morning early in January 2000, I woke up and couldn’t hear a word I’d gone profoundly deaf overnight ”
Doctors told Mel it was the result of contracting a virus, but there was worse news to come
Mel said: “Once it had been made clear to me that my hearing loss was irrevocable, I was completely floored for 24 hours
“I was probably not a very nice person for that time I then just picked myself up, realising that there were and are many people far worse off than me ”
Losing his hearing crushed Mel’s dream of becoming a first-class umpire but he refused to accept it was the end of his association with a game he had been involved with since the age of eight
“I had always taken it upon myself, as an
umpire, to learn exactly what scorers do and I was also a qualified scorer
“When I saw that Warwickshire were looking for a scorer, I applied and the rest, as they say, is history ”
“So, it was off with one hat and on with another,” added Mel, with an astonishing matter-of-factness “With hearing aids in place, I can score perfectly well – even in the hubbub of a Twenty20
“Now I have scored Ashes Tests and Champions Trophy finals and Lord’s finals I would never have been involved in those as an umpire! I am a firm believer that when one door shuts, another one opens ”
High up in his scorebox on Level Three at the Hollies Stand end of the South Stand, every dot, every boundary, every wicket and every leg-bye in every game is recorded by Mel – twice
“We use the ECB’s preferred scoring programme, PCS Pro,” he said “But computers sometimes fail, so I score on paper at the same time and keep those records in the scorebox, so that if in five, 10, 50 years’ time, people want to research games, the information is there
“My computer runs both scoreboards at the ground and also the livestream, so if somebody in Australia wants to know how the Bears (Warwickshire’s nickname) are doing, they just have to log on It’s all pumping out from me
“During championship and 50-over matches the spectators also have the pleasure – or not! – of hearing my dulcet tones on the public address ”
This season is Mel’s 11th in a role that the lifelong cricket enthusiast loves He well remembers his debut, on a freezing morning at the ground of Oxford University
“It was bitterly cold,” Mel said So cold that at one point it was suggested the game should be called off “I was sitting there shivering in the scorebox thinking, ‘what the bloody hell have I let myself in for?’
“But it was the best thing I’ve ever done I am so fortunate to do what I do I work at an amazing stadium with some great people and I know and appreciate that From the middle of March to the end of September, every day is like Christmas for me!”
“I love my job I look back to a rainy day in 2012 when I was on the internet and saw that Warwickshire were looking for a firstteam scorer I phoned my good lady wife and said, ‘what do you reckon?’ and Jean said ‘go for it’
“How glad am I that I did!”
And of the loss of hearing that stopped him in his tracks 23 years ago, he adds: “You just have to play the cards you’re dealt and get on with living life to the full ”
n Watch the video about Mel at: /www youtube com/watch?v=R5RsVaDDIL
Connecting with 250,000 people across the region
‘Going deaf ‘Going deaf floored me floored me but I played but I played the cards the cards I was dealt’ I was dealt’
Follow our water saving tips to keep your garden looking lovely and vibrant all summer long.
Try planting drought-resistant plants, such as lavender. It looks fabulous and requires a lot less water.
Water your garden in the early morning or late evening, when less water is lost through evaporation. Aim for the plant roots, not the leaves.
Add a layer of mulch (e.g. bark chips, manure) over your soil to help retain moisture and keep weeds at bay.
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in our lives. This could be due to age, ill health, disability, barriers.
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• Notice of interruptions to your water supply
• Translation services
• Every two years we’ll check that your details are still correct
Last year, the Allied Vehicles Charitable Trust gave more than £80,000 to charities
Now, they are committing £20,000 a month to good causes
The company, which has premises in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Coventry, employs more than 600 people, mostly at its Possilpark HQ, where it was co-founded 30 years ago by Gerry Facenna
Gerry, pictured, said:
“Possilpark is one of the poorest parts of Glasgow and our charitable trust was set up to try and do something positive for the whole community
“I’m well aware that we’ll never be able to solve all the problems that are brought to us, but I hope that doubling our donations to £240,000 a year will have even more of an impact on our local community – and beyond
“We want as many people as possible to have a positive impact from the Trust and are inviting anyone involved in charity and community organisations who are needing support to apply on our website or email charity@alliedvehicles co uk ”
MORE charging points for electric vehicles is something we should all welcome in the drive to combat climate change.
But a new investigation reveals that in many cases charge points are a major obstacle for disabled people – and undermining other efforts to help the planet
Climate charity Possible has found electric vehicle (EV) charge points are “invading pavements” with significant impacts on anyone making walking or wheeling trips, especially those with a disability
A report from Possible, with support from disabled cycling charity Wheels for Wellbeing,
shows while London has made the most progress on public charge points in the UK, 2,500 have been installed on pavements –despite this being explicitly recommended against in the Government’s national EV strategy
The charities are now calling on Active Travel England and the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles to agree on a country-wide set of common principles to ensure charge points do not obstruct walking and wheeling, and are accessible to all road users
Leo Murray, co-director at Possible, said: “Our investigation reveals that space is being taken from pedestrians and given to private
cars instead of the other way around It is right that drivers without off-street parking are supported to switch to electric vehicles
“However, it is deeply ironic that we are paying councils to enable private cars to invade precious pavement space in the name of the environment
“Ensuring active travel is a viable option for all is just as important for meeting climate targets as changing the way cars are fuelled, but to do that, we need to be removing clutter from footways, not adding to it ”
The Government has said that around half a million public EV charge points will need to be installed by 2030 in order to meet demand
from drivers under net zero plans But they also want half of all short trips in towns and cities to be walked, wheeled or cycled by 2030, with de-cluttering pavements officially recognised as an essential part of enabling more trips to be made by active travel
Possible also points out that for disabled people who do not use private vehicles, electric vehicle charge points are just a new obstacle on the street
And even disabled people who do have access to cars, and would like to switch to EVs, have found the overwhelming majority of public charge points totally inaccessible
AN ONLINE employment agency matching disabled jobseekers with inclusive employers has launched a new improved service.
Evenbreak first set up their job board in 2011 and it now has more than 700,000 inclusive jobs posted each year.
The upgraded job board will allow more job seekers to access and find positions and help employers better target candidates
Jane Hatton, head of Evenbreak said: “We are thrilled that our new job board can give a better experience for everyone ”
People can search more effectively, set up job alerts so they are informed of those matching their criteria as soon as they are posted, and complete profiles and upload CVs
Employers can be seen as inclusive employers of choice, and target specific types of candidate (e g regionally, or by skill set)
n www evenbreak co uk
DISABLED jobseekers are being let down by the one place they should be able to rely on for support –their local Jobcentre
A new report – focusing on the experience of people living with complex disabilities – lays bare the barriers preventing many from finding work
Eight out of every 10 people with complex disabilities are unemployed, according to national disability charity Sense, who produced the report
One in two of those say a lack of adequate assistance and equipment means they are not receiving help they need
Crucially, Sense’s research found Jobcentres across the country are without specialist assistive technology on their computers, making it more difficult for those who rely on it to look and apply for work
Zoe Bates, Sense employment co-ordinator, said: “There are many people with complex
disabilities who want to work, and with the right support will thrive, but sadly they’re being denied at the first hurdle – the job search “Jobcentres are the frontline tool the Government use for supporting people to find work, but they aren’t being provided with the equipment and training they need to do this ” Assistive technology can include text to speech screen readers, dictation software and braille displays, making it possible for some disabled people – such as those with sight and hearing impairments – to use computers
But the Department for Work and Pensions
only funds this equipment once someone is in work Jobseekers often can’t afford to buy it for themselves, meaning they need support from external services
Currently, the computers in Jobcentres only offer Microsoft’s “standard accessibility features”, which Sense says is inadequate
The charity is calling on the Government to provide specialist assistive technology in its Jobcentres through an assistive technology fund, which it says would be a relatively lowcost change that will make a huge difference
The report also found more than half of jobseekers with complex disabilities did not feel supported by their Jobcentre work coach, who should help identify skills, assist with applications and interview techniques
And as fewer than a quarter of those who had seen a work coach said they received one to one support, Sense revealed that initial training for work coaches does not include disability equality training
ANEW kind of college is creating opportunities for young people with learning disabilities who have a passion for all things digital
DISC (Digital Independent Specialist College) offers young people aged 16 – 24 across Manchester the chance to learn web development, videography, photography, graphic design, coding, animation and project management
The college was set up by Digital Advantage, a charity that has delivered digital work experiences to over 5,000 young people of all ages and abilities across the North West
The Supported Internship is a year-
long, full-time programme for young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Andy Lovatt, CEO of Digital Advantage, said: “It’s shocking that only 29% of autistic adults in the UK are in paid employment, and that figure is just 4 8% for adults with learning disabilities
“Young people with disabilities are still guided towards traditional supported internships in retail, hospitality or healthcare and for some people this is right, but for many, these roles limit their aspirations
“DISC helps young people with a passion for digital get their dream job ”
Dylan O’Brien, 19, who has autism and dyspraxia, said: “I left school in Year 8 because I got no support, it was overwhelming, and I struggled to get in on time
“When I went to a mainstream college it was the same: no support, the work was too easy, and I ended up not going in Things are different with Digital Advantage
“There aren’t big classrooms or hundreds of students Every day I go to their studio and make websites, edit videos and take photos I’m really happy with the progress I’ve made ” n Tel. 07568 116 353. n www.disc.ac.uk
DISABLED Tranmere Rovers fans will be able to register their requirements and book tickets, coach travel and parking quickly and easily
It’s thanks to sports venue ticketing platform Alloc8 teaming up with social enterprise Nimbus Disability to incorporate Nimbus’s awardwinning Access Card software –which is operated at Tranmere – into its own system Pete Hewison, of Alloc8, said their partnership with Nimbus “is a natural step in our commitment to transforming the way clubs, venues and fans interact “The Access Card allows holders to complete online registration and access tickets within seconds Alloc8 will apply venue specific adjustments to support and
enhance the fan experience, based on the individual
“These include the assignment of accessible entrances to tickets, the autoselection of adjacent seats for personal assistants, granting access to easy access seats and wheelchair accommodation, and access to services such as audio descriptive commentary, sensory rooms, and meet and greet car park transfers ”
Nimbus’ Access Card translates its holder ’s disability/impairment/access requirements into symbols highlighting the barriers they face
Then, when cardholders book tickets online, the booking system is automatically informed about the individual’s access requirements
New card could be a winner for footy fans
OUR friends at VisitEngland have come up with some of the best accessible travel experiences including outdoor adventures and award-winning attractions.
Roman Baths, Bath, Somerset
The Roman Baths is one of the finest historic sites in northern Europe and its many accolades include being named the Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Award Gold winner at the VisitEngland Awards for Excellence 2018 The site is 90% accessible to wheelchair users Visitors with hearing or visual impairments can enjoy the site using the British Sign Language or fully descriptive audio tour and tactile models The venue also provides information for visitors with autism and potential claustrophobia
Tel 01225 477786
www romanbaths co uk/accessibility
LEGOLAND Windsor Resort, Berkshire
The resort offers a Ride Access Pass, which is a virtual queuing system designed to help guests who need extra assistance or are unable to queue due to a condition or disability There’s also a Total Sensory Space, the first dedicated sensory facility of its kind in a theme park
n Tel 01753 626416
www legoland co uk/plan-your-day/ before-you-visit/accessibility
Bear Grylls Adventure, Birmingham
The attraction uses a variety of sensory effects including audio, visual, touch and smell designed to enhance the overall experience of each area In the last year, the venue has been recognised twice for its accessibility facilities The attraction’s event days (supported by Bear and his team) welcome guests of a variety of ability levels, many achieving things they may not have thought possible
n Tel 0121 725 2616
www beargryllsadventure com/plan-yourvisit/before-you-visit/accessibility-guide
Eden Project, Cornwall
Eden has a dedicated Access Team You can pre-book an Access Guide to help you get around The site offers a range of complimentary mobility aids including wheelchairs, powered chairs and an all- terrain Tramper mobility scooter, as well as electric
WE’VE some fine beaches across Merseyside – but it seems we have some way to go to impress the experts at Go Outdoors, who have come up with their magnificent seven
Brighton and Hove, Sussex
One of the most accessible in the country Ramps to the promenade, Changing Places toilets (with equipment such as hoists, curtains, adult-sized changing benches and space for carers) and accessible walkways
This southern beach has fully accessible cliff lifts and land
golf buggies driven by volunteer stewards Braille guide book available on site and a text reader that can be borrowed to read and interpret signs
n Tel 01726 811911
www edenproject com
Alton Towers Resort, near Stoke, Staffordshire
Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Award Silver winner at the VisitEngland Awards for Excellence last June This year, working with
trains, providing access to both the pier and beach, which you can also access along the promenade You can get sand wheelchairs at the Beach Office
Summerleaze, Cornwall
Conveniently situated close to the town centre, with direct wheelchair access to the beach and toilets via a level tarmac path. Sand wheelchairs available.
Skegness, Lincolnshire
A very accessible beach, thanks to flat walkways from the main car park to the sand The toilets, which are adjacent to the beach, have good disabled access – a standard now for the majority of the Lincolnshire coast
AccessAble and the Business Disability Forum, the team has overhauled and improved services in many areas including Changing Places facilities, Ride Access Passes, wheelchair hire, hearing loops/ear defender hire, mobility scooters, accessibility maps and installation of quiet spaces to support those with sensory issues Also, there’s a new online Accessibility Guide n Tel 01538 704671 www altontowers com/plan-yourvisit/before-you-visit/accessibilit
SIX beach wheelchairs are proving to be a red-hot attraction at New Brighton and West Kirby beaches for people with mobility difficulties
Cllr Yvonne Nolan, chair of the Wirral Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee, said: “We know that this is something which many people have been asking about for some time, so it is great that we have been able to provide the funding to not only purchase the equipment, but to also make them free to hire
“This specialist equipment gives access to the beach and to the water for people who had previously been denied it due to their disability or mobility issues and their use will bring so much enjoyment ”
There are three different types of wheelchair available – two that need pushing and a powered one, available only at the Floral Pavilion
All chairs are equipped with support straps, cushions and harnesses
You can book the chairs through the Floral Pavilion website or the Wirral Leisure booking system (www activewirral com/leisurehub) for chairs from the Watersports Centre n Tel 0151 666 0000 www floralpavilion com
oseisle Forest, Burghead, Scotland
Wheelchair users can access the forest on a flat tarmac path. ’s then an easy trek along a wooden boardwalk to an ccessible look-out, where you can enjoy the coastline cenery without getting sand stuck in your wheels.
oppit sands, Pembrokeshire, Wales
or those wanting an active beach day out, Pembrokeshire’s dventure Wheelchair Walk at Poppit Sands could be the lace for you – a 380m walkway with spectacular views owever, if you prefer a more leisurely pace, nearby berporth beach is an excellent choice too, with both having
The Blackpool Tower and Sandcastle Waterpark, Lancashire
The Tower has good accessibility for visitors with reduced mobility Carers also go free Having won multiple VisitEngland access awards, Sandcastle Waterpark welcomes guests with a wide variety of access needs with all staff having received accessibility and autism awareness training Facilities include pool accessible wheelchairs, wide access gangways, four poolside wet rooms, poolside lockers,
wheelchairs available to hire There’s also an accessible luxury Safari Tent with a campfire nearby, just five minutes drive from Aberaeron, situated between three Welsh national parks
Whitley Bay, Newcastle
A stunning coastline with a picturesque lighthouse, minutes from an accessible car park.
What makes this beach so accessible, however, is its all-terrain wheelchair called a ‘Hippocampe’ which you can rent to access this stunning part of the North East.
private treatment room and there’s extra help for people with assistance dogs
n Tel 01253 622242
www theblackpooltower com/plan/informati on/accessibility
n Tel 01253 343602
www sandcastle-waterpark co uk/accessfor-all
The Deep in Hull, East Yorkshire
One of the most spectacular aquariums in the world, The Deep is committed to accessibility
for all visitors Free use of mobility aids, including electric scooters, wheelchairs and walking aids Sensory packs are available
Each week (during term time)
The Deep holds Tranquil Tuesdays, where lights and sounds are subdued from 3pm until closing time There are also two Quiet Day events a year with British Sign Language interpretation n Tel 01482 381000
www thedeep co uk/plan-your-visit/ access-for-all
GOING abroad with a wheelchair or mobility scooter? Here are some tips to stop that dream holiday turning into a nightmare
1 Make your airline aware of your accessibility needs:
Tell your airline in advance about the mobility equipment you are bringing This includes the make, model, weight and size of your wheelchair or scooter It is also worth taking the operating manual of the equipment as this will be useful for airline employees
2 Check the accessibility of your destination: Unfortunately, when it comes to accessibility, not all destinations are created equal Use websites such as Tripadvisor or Trustpilot to find out if your desired holiday destination and lodgings are accessibility friendly for wheelchair and mobility scooter users
3 Booking accessible accommodation: Be sure to specify that you need a wheelchair or mobility scooter-accessible room This can be done through a holiday booking site like Jet 2 Holidays or TUI, or you can contact the hotel directly via phone or email Using email means you can have a written record of evidence in case the hotel fails to deliver on its promise
4 Hire a wheelchair accessible vehicle:
By hiring a wheelchair or mobility scooterfriendly taxi service to take you to and from the airport, you will be able to carry all of your luggage and mobility aids in one trip, offering comfort and a stress-free journey
5 Take a portable ramp:
They can be very useful! You can carry up to two mobility items free of charge It is also worth telling your airline you need to take these mobility aids
6 Get travel insurance that covers pre-existing medical conditions:
Make sure you are covered for medical expenses and getting you home if you’re injured or fall ill
7 Insurance can cover lost or damaged items: Airlines hold responsibility for any damage to mobility equipment, although the compensation may be limited to around £1,300 Consider taking extra insurance coverage
n Our thanks to Mobility Solutions Direct for these wise words
Make it a heavenly holiday – not hellish
n ALTRINCHAM Tel 0161 929 1714
n ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE Tel 0161 339 9500
n BARROW Tel 01229 434039
n BIRKENHEAD Tel 0151 647 6162
n BLACKBURN AND DARWEN Tel 01254 690566 or 07757 502217
n BLACKPOOL Tel 01253 349427
n BOLTON Tel 01204 392946
n CARLISLE Tel 01228 631564
n CHESTER Tel 01244 312626
n CHORLEY Tel 01257 260 888
n COLWYN BAY Tel 01492 533822
n ELLESMERE PORT Tel 01244 312626
n KENDAL Tel 01539 740 933
n LEIGH, Wigan Tel 01942 777 985
n LIVERPOOL Tel 0151 707 0877
n MANCHESTER Trafford Centre Tel 0161 747 2684
n MANCHESTER Arndale Centre Tel 0161 839 4060
n NELSON Tel 01282 692 502
n NORTHWICH, Vale Royal Tel 01244 312626
n OSWESTRY Tel 01691 656882
n PENRITH Tel 01768 895 438
n PRESTON Tel 01772 204 667
n RHYL Tel 01745 350665
n ROCHDALE Tel 01706 865 986
n RUNCORN, Halton Lea Tel 01928 710144
n SHREWSBURY Tel 01743 236900
SKELMERSDALE Tel 01695 550066
n STOCKPORT Tel 0161 666 1100
n WARRINGTON Tel 01925 240064
n WARRINGTON Birchwood Tel 01925 822 411
WIDNES: 0151 511 8833
n WIGAN Tel 01942 776 070
n WINSFORD Tel 01244 312626
n WREXHAM Tel 01978 312390
Railway Station Tel 0121 236 8980 Level 2, Centre Car Park, Bullring Tel 0121 616 2942
n STAFFORD Tel 01785
n STOKE ON TRENT Tel 01782 233333
n SUTTON COLDFIELD Tel 0121 355 1112
n TAMWORTH Tel, 01827 709392
n WALSALL Tel 01922
rsonal Budgets Helpline 0330 995 0404
ning hours: 9 30am-1 30pm, and Thurs
pe sonalbudgets@ disabilityrightsuk org
n Disabled Students Helpline Tel 0330 995 0414 Opening hours: 11am-1pm on Tues and Thurs students@disabilityrightsuk.org
n Scope’s Disabilty Information and Advice Line (DIAL) Freephone 0808 800 3333
HIT TV show Love Island’s next series will be the most accessible yet Hopefuls taking part in the 10th series will record self-descriptions for blind and partially-sighted viewers
Producers of the ITV programme will also be audio-describing a tour of the Love Island villa, giving audiences an understanding of the visual geography of the key locations
The self-descriptions will be available on the ITVX YouTube page And as part of a package of accessibility improvements, ITV has worked closely with Monterosa, creators of the Love Island app, to make several design upgrades
All episodes of the next series, which launches this summer on ITVX and ITV2, will be subtitled Specialist teams across the broadcaster work closely with Lifted Entertainment (part of ITV Studios),
who produce the show, to secure access to episodes as early as possible to prepare subtitles in advance of transmission
ITV’s director of accessibility David Padmore said: “We’re always looking for ways to make our shows more accessible to our audiences
“We hope that having these islander self-descriptions and villa tours available alongside the show will really help bring this summer ’s Love Island to life for our audience ”
Sonali Rai, RNIB’s broadcast and audio-description manager, said: “By embracing self-descriptions, ITV is demonstrating a great understanding of the importance of providing equal access to content
“This proactive initiative sets a remarkable example for the industry, highlighting the power of alternative solutions in creating an inclusive viewing experience ”
The pandemic and the cost of living crisis has put more pressure on a social security system already battered by years of cuts Keeping up with the changing rules is more crucial than ever
The new Disability Rights Handbook, at a cost of £20 for individuals, £43 for organisations and advisers, might seem a lot to have to fork out But it could also be the best investment you’ve made for ages Full of tips to help you make a successful claim, the guide has top advice for:
n Anyone with an illness, injury or disability
n Carers, children and young people
n People in education or work, looking for work, not in work or in retirement
n People injured at work or serving in the Armed Forces
n Disability Rights UK, Plexal, 14 East Bay Lane, Here East, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London E20 3BS Tel 020 3687 0790
n ANGLESEY: TARAN Tel 01407 721933
n BLACKPOOL Disability Information and Support Tel 01253 472 202
Textphone 01253 476 450
n CHESHIRE CIL Tel 01606 331853
n CHESTER Dial House Tel 01244 345655
789 7365
n Disabled People’s Network Solihull Tel 0121 788 1544
n STOKE: Disability Solutions
Tel 01782 683800
Elder and Disabled Group Tel 01902 448552
n WEST MIDS Amputee Group 07891 794733; 07585 958322; 07557 228154
YOU may have seen Ellie Burke busking on the streets of her home city Liverpool.
Now, the singer-songwriter is set to raise mental health awareness with her university music dissertation-turnedmusic video, Filtered Reality
The video takes you into Ellie’s world of social media insecurities, with accounts of individuals who have suffered mental health problems due to cyber bullying and self-comparison to the filtered realities portrayed online Ellie, 24, said: “One girl spoke about how social media exacerbated her eating disorder due to the negative content surrounding her disorder
“Another account discussed how cyber bullying ruined their mental health and wellbeing
“One influencer spoke about how she suffered with anxiety due to Instagram because she was sharing her life in unhealthy ways, ways that weren’t the real her, and people were influenced by her unrealistic lifestyle This is where my idea for Filtered Reality came from ” n Check out her video –https://youtu be/s0DL3ALd0bw
PROFESSOR Carolyn Wilkins has been appointed as the new chair of Mid Cheshire Hospitals
As Director of Contain with Test & Trace, Prof Wilkins supported local authorities across the country with their Covid response
She takes over at the NHS Foundation Trust from Dennis Dunn, now High Sheriff of Cheshire
Previously chief executive of Oldham Council and accountable officer for NHS Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group, Prof Wilkins was awarded an OBE in June 2016 for her services to local government and public service reform
STAGE and TV star Charlotte Arrowsmith is helping deaf children fall in love with Shakespeare
Charlotte, the first deaf actor to star in a mainstream Royal Shakespeare Company production, is filming scenes from one of the Bard’s best-loved plays, Macbeth, in British Sign Language
She and fellow deaf actors are part of a pioneering project from the RSC and University of Birmingham academics to make Shakespeare more accessible to deaf children in schools
Tel 01254 233332
n BARROW Tel 01229
n BIRMINGHAM Action for
Blind Tel 0121 665 4200
Tel 0125 554143
Tel 01253 362696
n BURY Tel 0161 763 7014
Tel 01282 438507
Tel 01254 387 444
Tel 01254 688
www bwdcarers org
Blackpool Borough Council, Tel 01253 477 716
Tel 01228 542 156
Tel 01768 890 280
Tel 01229 822 822
Tel 01539 732 927
Whitehaven, Tel 01946 592 223
Helpline:0300 102 0008
n KNOWSLEY Tel 0151 549 1412
Tel 01524 66475
Tel 0151 705 2307
Tel 0161 835 2995
Tel 01524 833456
n PRESTON Tel 01772 200173
Tel 01928 580182
Tel 0151 257 9673
Tel 0161 833 0217
Tel 0151 288 6060
n ST HELENS Tel 01744 675 615
There currently aren’t any standardised BSL signs for many character names in Shakespeare’s plays, so the experts created signs which could be integrated into the BSL performance
For example, the sign name for Macbeth uses a combination of the sign for ‘ruler ’ , the BSL sign for the letter M and a claw-like hand-shape – which alludes to the dragon that one of the actors found on the crest for the Macbeth clan
Dr Abigail Rokison-Woodall, who co-led the Signing Shakespeare project and is the
parent of a deaf child, said: “Shakespeare, as well as being a compulsory part of the curriculum in England, is part of our national identity, so it is wrong that for so many young people they can’t be as involved with Shakespeare as other students, simply because the resources aren’t there
“It was important that we made Signing Shakespeare engaging and exciting so that students would enjoy the experience of learning about the play ”
n www rsc org uk
n CARLISLE: Action for Blind People Tel 01228 595121
n CHESHIRE & N WALES: Vision Support Tel 01244 381515
n CUMBRIA (West) Tel 01946 592474
n CUMBRIA (Sth Lakeland) Tel 01539 726613
n GUIDE DOGS Tel 0118 983 5555
n HENSHAW’S 0161 872 234 or 0151 708 7055
n LIVERPOOL: Bradbury Fields Tel 0151 221 0888: Action for Bind Tel 0151 298 3222
n MANCHESTER: Action for Blind Tel 0161 787 9252
n PRESTON: Action for Blind People Tel 01772 320550
n OLDHAM Tel 0161 682
n ROSSENDALE Tel 01706 873256
n SIGHTLINE (North West)
Tel 0800 587 2252
n WIGAN Tel 01942 242891
n WIRRAL Tel 0151 652 8877
n BIRMINGHAM Institute for Deaf Tel 0121 246 6101
n CHESHIRE Deaf Society Tel 01606 47831
n CUMBRIA Deaf Society
Tel 01228 606434
n LANCASHIRE (EAST) Deaf Society Tel 01282 839180
n MANCHESTER Deaf Centre Tel 0161 273 3415
Genie Networks Tel 0161 941 4549
Text 18001 0161 941 4549
n MERSEYSIDE Society for Deaf Tel 0151 228 0888
n SOUTHPORT Centre for the Deaf Tel 01704 537001
n ST HELENS: Deafness
Resource Centre Tel 01744 23887
n WOLVERHAMPTON Centre for Deaf Tel 01902
Tel 0161 442 0442
Tel 01925 633 492
Tel 01695 711243
Tel 01942 705959 / 486923
Tel 0121 675 8000
Tel 0121 788 1143
Tel 01922 610 810
Tel 01248 722828
n BANGOR Tel 01248 370 797
Tel 01492 533714
Tel: 0845 603 3187
Tel 01341 421167
n FLINTSHIRE: NEWCIS, Tel: 01352 751436
“WE HAD a brilliant response to your article about our Atrial Fibrillation Ambassador programme –and lots of people phoned us to find out how they could become an AF Ambassador Thanks to All Together NOW! many more people with an irregular heart rhythm will now be detected, get the right medication and this will prevent them from having strokes ” NHS Innovation Agency
“All Together
NOW! is a valuable link to hundreds of thousands of disabled people We have used this free charity newspaper to promote the services of our mobility shops and the annual Disability Awareness Day and know that it is reaching huge numbers of people who otherwise would go uniformed ”
Dave Thompson Warrington Disability Partnership“WE’VE advertised in All Together NOW! for the past 14 years – and haven't missed a single issue It's a fantastic publication that does a brilliant job of presenting disability interests and issues in a positive and inclusive manner We get a great respons to our advertising –and the team is always great to deal with.”
Donald Pow, MD, Allied Mobility
–“WE HAVE proudly advertised in All Together NOW! for over 12 years It is an excellent newspaper, with endless, interesting and helpful facts for all readers
We have always received great responses to our advertisements
The newspaper is freely available to so many people throughout the North West and is appreciated by so many.
Heather Maddox, A-Line Mobility“OF
A NEW organisation has been created support people with autoimmune diseases
The Autoimmune Support and Awareness Foundation UK aims to “support, transform and save” the lives of those affected
It was set up by Asal Shirazi – who has nine different autoimmune conditions –as a direct response to the lack of information available for sufferers, combined with the limited training provided for medical professionals
An autoimmune disorder occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks their own body
“Benjamin Button-esque” hope for treatments
ATEAM of top scientists is aiming to develop better treatments for Parkinson’s with a pioneering study that uses a “Benjamin Button” reverse ageing technique
They are turning skin cells donated by people with the condition back into stem cells using a combination of “reprogramming factors”
This will allow a team at Cardiff University to investigate how cells in the brain deteriorate in those with the condition – information that could lead to earlier and better targeted treatments
Stem cells have the potential to become almost any other cell in the body, making them a good tool for studying conditions like Parkinson’s, as they can make the brain more accessible
This method of producing stem cells has been likened to something out of the 2008 fantasy movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, in which Brad Pitt plays a character who ages in reverse
Explaining how they are created, Dr Beccano-Kelly, who is leading the study, said: “In essence they regress to their original form before starting to develop again You’re taking the skin cells and you’re pushing them all the way back to that stem cell state in a way that’s Benjamin Button-esque You’ve pushed them all the way to their origin
“You’ve reset the computer effectively It’s a fantastic piece of technology and it’s really useful because it’s giving us human cells to
A NEW series of fitness videos are designed to help people with Parkinson’s be as active as possible
The Parkinson’s UK charity has joined forces with digital workout creator, 1FitLife, to produce the online videos, featuring specialist physiotherapists, as well as people living with Parkinson’s
With high intensity, moderate and low impact
workouts, they are suitable for people with mild symptoms and those for whom the disease has progressed, as well as those with complex severe symptoms
All the videos are designed to be upbeat and positive, and each includes modifications and seated exercise options
Tim Morton, of Parkinson’s UK said: “Evidence shows being active for two and a
work with a human disease It can’t be used to turn back time in the people with Parkinson’s But what it does allow is for us to reset the cells and assess them as they age!”
The three-year study is being funded by a £325,000 grant from Parkinson’s UK Dr Beccano-Kelly, added: “The communication between cells and how the cells get rid of old proteins within the cells are both things that are known to be affected in Parkinson’s But we don’t know how they interact with one another
half hours a week or more can help manage Parkinson’s symptoms
“And the community are increasingly telling us that physical activity, especially vigorous workouts, are helping them temporarily alleviate symptoms
“We are excited to see what future research reveals, but it is clear that physical activity has a positive impact ” www fitlife com
“We think that those two functions actually directly relate to one another so we’ll be looking at that using some really cool wonderful techniques that will allow us to see if there is a direct link between those two things
“I’m optimistic that a cure for Parkinson’s will be found eventually I think that the work that we’re doing brings us ever closer to understanding the different aspects of the condition ”
There are nearly 100 identified autoimmune diseases, and they include MS, Alzheimer ’s, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, endometriosis, asthma, autism, Parkinson’s, Crohn’s, eczema and psoriasis
In the UK, 7% of the population, or four million people, are known to live with at least one autoimmune condition There is generally no cure, but the symptoms can be managed
Asal was initially misdiagnosed which led to more internal damage, affecting her physical and mental health
She said: “It’s all down to awareness and education We need everyone to be able to spot the signs and be able to access the right kind of tests quickly ” n Tel 0800 804 7142
n www asafoundation org uk
SCIENTISTS have received new funding to improve survival rates for secondary breast cancer in the brain
Patients from six cancer centres across the UK, including Liverpool and Manchester, are being recruited for a study co-funded by secondary breast cancer charity Make 2nds Count
The £220K grant will enable researchers to investigate asymptomatic patients for brain metastases in the hope that early detection will improve survival rates.
Secondary breast cancer claims 1,000 lives each month in the UK.
Professor David Cameron, chairman of the Make 2nds Count board of trustees, said: “We’re thrilled to be able to fund this initial research which we believe could lead to more positive outcomes for greater numbers of patients.”
The study is expected to last for up to three years and led by Professor Carlo Palmieri, Professor of translational oncology at The University of Liverpool and a consultant at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, and Dr Sara Meade, consultant oncologist at University Hospitals
Birmingham NHS Trust.
reaching people who are digitally excluded
Until Aug 27: The Great Gatsby Dolphin Pub, Mold Here’s your invitation to the best roaring 1920s party ever! Theatr Clwyd’s hit show returns and this is going to be the afterparty of the century Cocktails are flowing in an era of bootleg liquor and red-hot jazz 1920s dress code encouraged; dancing shoes recommended! Signed, July 22, Aug 23; audio described, Jul 28, Aug 25
Until Aug 27: A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre Storyhouse, Chester
Jul 4-22: Alice in Wonderland
Playhouse, Liverpool A funked-up remix of Lewis Carroll’s classic, where musical streams and digital dreams collide in a riotous adventure for all the family!
Jul 4-8: Heathers the Musical Empire, Liverpool Westerberg High’s Veronica Sawyer is just another nobody dreaming of a better day But when she joins the beautiful and impossibly cruel Heathers and her dreams of popularity may finally come true, mysterious teen rebel JD teaches her that it might kill to be a nobody, but it is murder being a somebody Also at Palace, Manchester, Aug 8-12
Jul 4-8: Titanic the Musical The Lowry, Salford In the final hours of 14
April 1912, the RMS Titanic, on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, collided with an iceberg
The “unsinkable ship” slowly sank
1,517 men, women and children lost their lives Also at Empire, Liverpool, Jul 24-29
Jul 7: Steve Steinman’s Anything for Love Grand, Blackpool The Meat Loaf story
Jul 8: Arabs Are Not Funny Royal Court, Liverpool One of the hottest comedy nights among the Arab community and beyond!
Jul 8: Oh, What a Night Venue
Cymru, Llandudno A musical journey through the incredible career of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
Jul 10-15: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Lyceum, Crewe
Jul 10-15: Greatest Days Empire, Liverpool
Grand Theatre: 01253 290190
Octagon: 01204 520661
Storyhouse: 01244 409 113
Lyceum: 01270 368 242
LIVERPOOL Empire: 08444 999 999
Everyman & Playhouse: 0151 709 4776
Philharmonic Hall: 0151 709 3789
Royal Court: 0870 787 1866
Unity 0151 709 4988
Venue Cymru: 01492 872000
Theatr Clwyd: 0845 3303565
Opera House: 0870 401 9000
Palace: 0870 401 3000
The Lowry: 0843 208 6000
Access line: 0333 320 2838
Floral Pavilion: 0151 666 0000
Pavilion: 01745 330 000
The Brindley: 0151 907 8360
Theatre Royal: 01744 756000
Regent Theatre: 0844 871 7627
Storyhouse: 01244 409 113
BBC TV’s Strictly Come Dancing celebs
Anton Du Beke and Giovanni Pernice have teamed up for their spectacular tour –Him & Me!
Joined by a cast of dancers and singers, the Ballroom King and the Jive Master have put together a show that’s guaranteed to lift your spirits.
Jul 15: Regent, Stoke
Jul 16: The Lowry, Salford
Jul 19: Venue Cymru, Llandudno
Jul 20: Empire, Liverpool
Tony, and Sue As the alcohol flows and the nibbles are handed around, Mike Leigh’s ruthless, achingly funny examination of 1970s
British life begins
Jul 13-14: Seussical JR Regent, Stoke
The Take That musical following five boy band obsessed best friends in the 1990s, who reunite over 20 years later to see their heartthrobs one last time in what could be the greatest days of their lives
Jul 11-30: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Palace, Manchester Escape to a world of pure imagination Based on the iconic story, this spectacular stage show combines the memorable songs from the original 1970s film (The Candy Man and Pure Imagination) with all new numbers from the multi award-winning songwriters of Hairspray
Jul 11-15: TONY! (The Tony Blair Rock Opera) Storyhouse, Chester
Jul 11-15: Matthew Bourne’s Romeo & Juliet The Lowry, Salford
Jul 12-15: Abigail’s Party Venue
Cymru, Llandudno In her suburban living room, Beverly prepares for the arrival of her guests She and husband, Laurence, are playing host to neighbours Angela,
Jul 13-14: Scousewives: Susan and Nessa
Movin’ On The Brindley, Runcorn
Jul 13: The Very Best of Tommy Cooper Floral Pavilion, New Brighton Daniel Taylor wearing the big man’s Fez Also at Grand, Blackpool,
Jul 23
Jul 14: Simon & Garfunkel – Through the Years. Octagon, Bolton Tribute show
Jul 12-16: Waterloo and Crosby Theatre Company present School of Rock Merchant
Taylors Boys School, Crosby Matinees,
Jul 15/16 Tel 0151 318 0833
www theatreco org uk
Jul 15: Don’t Stop Queen Now Octagon, Bolton Tribute show
Jul 15: Him & Me: Anton Du Beke and Giovanni Pernice Regent, Stoke
Jul 16: Him & Me. Anton Du Beke and Giovanni Pernice The Lowry, Salford Also at Empire, Liverpool, Jul 20
Jul 16: The Elvis Tribute Artist World Tour Empire, Liverpool
Jul 18-13: Six. Opera House, Manchester
Musical From Tudor queens to pop princesses, the six wives of Henry VIII take to the mic to tell their tales, remixing 500 years of historical heartbreak into an 80-minute celebration of 21st century girl power
Jul 18: Morrisey Empire, Liverpool A night to remember with the former Smiths’ legend
Jul 19: Him & Me Anton Du Beke and Giovanni Pernice Venue Cymru, Llandudno
Jul 19: When You’re Smiling Floral Pavilion, New Brighton Neil Sands and his West End cast back with a nostalgic afternoon of music
Jul 20: An Evening of Burlesque. Floral Pavilion, New Brighton
Jul 20: Him & Me Anton Du Beke and Giovanni Pernice Empire, Liverpool
Jul 21-25: Faulty Towers Dining Experience
Floral Pavilion, New Brighton
Jul 21: Divas The Brindley, Runcorn Tribute show
Jul 21: Totally Tina Pavilion, Rhyl Tribute show
Jul 21: 80s Live. Empire, Liverpool
Jul 21: Legend: The Music of Bob Marley
Venue Cymru, Llandudno
Jul 21: Calling Planet Earth Floral Pavilion, New Brighton New romantic symphony that goes on a journey through one of the greatest
musical eras of all time – the electrifying ‘80s
July 22: Summer of Love: Bee Gees.
Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool Dust off your disco gear, dig out those sunglasses and boogie as the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and a team of star West End vocalists celebrate the groove, the era and the legend that was the Bee Gees
Jul 22: Jurassic Live Empire, Liverpool
Beware – dinosaurs are on the march – and in flight – in Lime Street
Jul 22: Gary & Robbie Theatre Royal, St Helens Tribute show
July 22: Romeo and Macbeth. Theatr Clwyd, Mold Both shows performed by four actors (2pm and 7 30pm)
Jul 23: Luther Empire, Liverpool Luther Vandross celebration
Jul 23: Fanny Galore’s Big Bingo Party. Lyceum, Crewe
Jul 24-29: Titanic the Musical Empire, Liverpool
Jul 24-26: Winnie the Pooh Opera House, Manchester
Jul 25-26: Time Vine – Breeep! The Lowry, Salford Also, Lyceum, Crewe, Jul 27
Jul 27-29: Message in a Bottle The Lowry, Salford Extraordinary new dance show
BEATLES fans from all over the world will be flocking to Liverpool for the annual International Beatleweek. Two highlights of the week are topping the bill at the Philharmonic Hall
On Aug 25, Dutch band The Analogues take to the stage No wigs, no costumes, but an obsessive attention to authentic musical detail
Next day, it’s the turn of The Fab Four Deemed America’s finest Beatles’ tribute band, you can expect uncanny note-for-note live renditions.
International Beatleweek, August 23-29
DEVILISHLY Good Food is just your average, everyday, normal caff Regular staff and regular hours for Mandy and Shannon
They need to get the doors open for the customers but there is a bit of cleaning up to do first Well, a lot of cleaning up, really They’ve just murdered their boss Jul 28-Aug 26: Greasy Spoon, Royal Court, Liverpool
AFTER hearing a plot by her children to have her put into a home, Agnes decides to prove them wrong by displaying a new lease of life However, this is not as easy as it seems Aug 30: Mrs Brown’s Boys – Mrs Brown Rides Again Opera House, Manchester Also at Empire, Liverpool, Sep 20-23
Jul 28-Aug 26: A Greasy Spoon Royal Court, Liverpool Quick-fire comedy about two women having the worst day of their lives will have you laughing all night long Get your order in now
Jul 28: Rhythm of the Dance Floral Pavilion, New Brighton The National Dance Company of Ireland
Jul 28: The ELO Experience. Opera House, Manchester Tribute show
Jul 29: Cirque – The Greatest Show Grand, Blackpool The smash-hit musical Also at The Lowry, Salford, Aug 3-4; here again, Aug 12-13; and Theatre Royal, St Helens, Sep 3
Jul 29: Encato in Concert Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool Disney’s film comes to life in a UK tour for the first time ever, featuring the entire feature-length film with a full orchestra performing the score
Jul 31-Aug 2: Rock for Heroes Grand, Blackpool
Aug 1-12: Shrek the Musical Opera House, Manchester Join the adventure as Shrek and Donkey endeavour to complete their new quest, finding unexpected friendships and surprising romance along the way
Aug 1-3: Time of our Lives Grand, Blackpool Classic soundtracks of the movies of the 80s
Aug 2: An Evening of Burlesque The Lowry, Salford
Aug 2: Joe Pasquale: The New Normal; 40 Years of Cack Lyceum, Crewe
Aug 3-4: Cirque: The Greatest Show. The Lowry, Salford
Aug 4: Magic of Motown Grand, Blackpool
Aug 5-6: They All Came Tumbling Down Valley Community Theatre, Liverpool The story of the notorious Netherley flats – and the dreams of working class families that turned sour Tel 07746 697263 Tickets: www valleytheatre co uk
Aug 5: Bridesmaids of Britain Regent, Stoke Will this wedding story have a happy ending, or will these best friends rip each other apart?
Aug 5: Queen by Candlelight Empire, Liverpool Tribute show
Aug 5: Hayley Ellis – Hayley’s Comic Royal Court, Liverpool
Aug 8-12: Blood Brothers Venue Cymru, Llandudno Willy Russell’s musical tale of twins separated at birth, who grow up on opposite sides of the tracks, only to meet again with tragic consequences Weekday matinees
Aug 8-12: Heathers the Musical Palace, Manchester The black comedy rock musical based on the 1988 film Westerberg High’s
Veronica Sawyer is just another nobody dreaming of a better day But when she joins the beautiful and impossibly cruel Heathers her dreams of popularity may finally come true
Aug 11: Magic of the Bee Gees. Grand, Blackpool
Aug 12-13: Cirque – The Greatest Show Grand, Blackpool
Aug 12: Gary Murphy presents Music and Laughter. Floral Pavilion, New Brighton Ricky Tomlinson and Sean Styles join the top guitarist
Aug 17-19: La Bamba! The Lowry, Salford
Aug 17: The Wizard of Oz Pavilion, Rhyl
Aug 18-20: Grease Theatre Royal, St Helens
Musical Youth production
Aug 18: The Upbeat Beatles Grand, Blackpool
Aug 18: Legally Blonde Empire, Liverpool
The Empire’s Youth Theatre are back with the smash-hit romantic musical
Aug 19: Thank You for the Music. Grand, Blackpool Abba tribute show
Aug 19: The Musicals in Concert Floral Pavilion, New Brighton Stars from the West End perform some of the best musical hits
Aug 20: Jurassic Earth. Lyceum, Crewe
Aug 20: Ireland the Show! Floral Pavilion, New Brighton A journey through the decades of
dance, music and comedy
Aug 22-23: Jurassic Live Regent, Stoke
Aug 24: The Magic of Motown Venue Cymru, Llandudno
Aug 25: A Country Night in Nashville Venue Cymru, Llandudno
Aug 25: The Analogues. Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool This is are anything but a typical Beatles’ tribute band Their mission: to play those iconic, never-performed Beatles’ albums live No wigs, no costumes, but an obsessive attention to authentic musical detail, using the same vintage instruments and sounds
Aug 26: The Diana Ross Story Theatre
Royal, St Helens
Aug 26: The Fab Four Philharmonic Hall, You can expect precise attention to detail and uncanny note-for-note live renditions of Beatles’ classics
Aug 26: Barry Steele and Friends – The Roy Orbison Story Venue Cymru, Llandudno
Aug 26: The Diana Ross Story Theatre
Royal, St Helens
Aug 29-Sep 2: Darren Brown presents Unbelievable Palace, Manchester New show starring a multi-talented cast of seven who perform magic like you have never seen
Aug 30: Mrs Brown’s Boys – Mrs Brown Rides Again Opera House, Manchester After hearing a plot, by her children, to have her put into a home, Also at Empire, Liverpool, Sep 20-23
Aug 31-Sep 3: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Grand, Blackpool New production from Blackpool-based Ensemble Theatre
Aug 31: Rave On: The Rise of Rock and Roll Theatre Royal, St Helens
Sep 1: An Evening of Burlesque. Pavilion, Rhyl
Sep 1: ELO Again The Brindley, Runcorn Tribute show
Sep 1: Soul Train Theatre Royal, St Helens
Sep 1: Lost in Music. Floral Pavilion, New Brighton
Sep 2: The ELO Tribute Show Pavilion, Rhyl
Sep 2: An Audience with Rory Stewart The Lowry, Salford
Sep 2: Fastlove Lyceum, Crewe The music of George Michael
Sep 2: Pinked Floyd Floral Pavilion, New Brighton Tribute show
Sep 2: The Jerseys Floral Pavilion, New Brighton The timeless music of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
Sep 2: A Tribute to the Carpenters Theatre Royal, St Helens
Sep 2: Killer Rhapsody: A Night of Queen
The Brindley, Runcorn Tribute show
Sep 2: Simply Dylan. Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool The songs of Bob Dylan
Sep 2: The Serial Killer Next Door with Emma Kenny Empire, Liverpool
Sep 3: Loose Women Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool Kaye Adams, Nadia Sawalha, Denise Welch and Sunetra Sarker share their stories
Sep 3: Cirque – The Greatest Show Theatre
Royal, St Helens
Sep 4: 42nd Street. Empire, Liverpool It’s big, it’s bright and it’s a brand-new production of the original musical
Sep 5: Elkie Brooks Floral Pavilion, New Brighton
Sep 5: Luther – Luther Vandross
Celebration Opera House
Sep 6: The Makings of Murder. Floral Pavilion, New Brighton
Continued Page 22
n Continued from Page 21
Sep 6: The Illegal Eagles Theatre Royal, St Helens
Sep 7: An Evening with the Dexys
Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool Dexys bring you their new record in full alongside a selection of classic hits
Sep 7: Learning to Fly Theatr Clwyd Bighearted, tender and hilarious tory of a lonely teenager, a scary old lady in living in a spooky house, and her last wish to get high before she dies
Sep 8-30: A View from the Bridge Octagon, Bolton Arthur Miller's timeless masterpiece Beatrice and Eddie Carbone have built an allAmerican life in Brooklyn where people are meant to look out for each other When wife and husband agree to take in their relations –two hard-working Sicilian immigrants – the family should pull together Instead, everything starts to unravel Eddie included
Sep 8: Northern Soul Pavilion, Rhyl
Sep 8: Fascinating Aida – The 40th Anniversary Show Storyhouse, Chester
Sep 8: I Like It! Theatre Royal, St Helens
Tribute to Gerry Marsden
Sep 8: The 80s Show Floral Pavilion, New Brighton
Sep 8: Loose Women Opera House
Sep 8: Piece of Work Theatr Clwyd
When James receives a letter that explodes into his life, a search begins to save a life
Sep 9: Magic of the Dance. Pavilion, Rhyl Strictly’s Ian Waite and Vincent Simone
Sep 9: Rachel Fairburn Showgirl Opera House, Manchester
Sep 10: Cirque – The Greatest Show Floral Pavilion, New Brighton
Sep 10: Lipstick on your Collar The Brindley, Runcorn Music from the 50s and 60s
Sep 10: Some Guys Have All the Luck. Grand, Blackpool Rod Stewart story
Sep 10: Alexander O’Neal: Time to Say Goodbye Farewell Tour Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool Soul star O’Neal is hitting the road one final time with his exemplary 9-piece band
Sep 10: Calling Planet Earth Venue Cymru, Llandudno A New Romantic Symphony that goes on a musical journey through – the electrifying 80s
Sep 11-23: Jesus Christ Superstar. Palace, Manchester the final weeks in the life of Jesus Christ, as seen through the eyes of Judas
Sep 11: The Magic of the Dance Grand, Blackpool Strictly’s Ian Waite and Vincent Simone
Sep 11: Showbiz The Brindley, Runcorn
Sep 12-16: SIX the Musical Storyhouse, Chester
Sep 12-16: Faith Healer. Theatr Clwyd In a Welsh village the sick come in search of a cure They want a moment with Frank, the mercurial showman, who offers hope and salvation Matinees Sep 14 and 16
Spending time with family makes you feel treasured, secure and fulfilled It’s a good time for a reunion Taking a relaxing vacation is advised; if you keep working at the same rate, you’ll suffer from burnout An oppressive authority figure will try to crush your spirit Don’t give them the satisfaction Neither a lender nor a borrower be in August; the Full Moon makes mixing friendship with finance disastrous On the 16th, the New Moon warns against taking an emotional or financial risk It’s better to take a conservative approach Your diligence will pay off on the 25th Shift your attention to relationships on the 27th; you’re overdue for some cosy companionship
TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)
Your earthy sense of humour makes a great impression Making friends with thoughtful people paves the way for a happier future The New Moon on the 17th inspires a great idea about rearranging your home As August arrives, an egotistical family member resents your star power; make it clear that you’re not trying to compete On the 16th, the New Moon makes you restless A loved one’s selfish behaviour could take your breath away on the 22nd; it’s time to reassess this relationship A past love reconnects with you on the 23rd, giving your self-esteem a much-needed boost
GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)
A big windfall could be on the way Use this money to pay off debts, then put the rest into savings On the 17th, the New Moon attracts another big financial opportunity You’ll enjoy working with the most talented experts in the field People will be much more receptive to your ideas August’s Full Moon on the 1st brings an end to an adventure that has brought you great joy Try not to be sad – there will be better days ahead On the 16th, the New Moon warns against only talking about yourself with a creative person You’ll learn something important by listening more than you speak Nostalgic thoughts prompt you to frame some favourite photos or look at beautiful mementoes on the 23rd
CANCER (Jun 22nd-Jul 23rd)
The 9th is perfect for taking a course in a subject you’ve always loved Don’t bother getting into a war of words with an authority figure; you have better things to do with your time An innovator is impressed with your star power; this is the beginning of a great collaboration The New Moon on the 17th inspires you to adopt an exciting role or change your look in some dramatic way Rein in your spending Don’t lend or borrow money on the 7th, or a close friendship could be seriously damaged You’ll receive a lavish gift on the 13th, making you sigh with happiness On the 16th, the New Moon attracts a moneymaking opportunity A second Full Moon on the 31st is perfect for claiming your power as a respected expert
LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)
Working behind the scenes boosts your reputation Money will go out as quickly as it comes on the 10th, but don’t let that bother you Getting your ideas across will be easy on the 11th On the 17th, the New Moon prompts you to take a much-needed rest Your charisma will be especially strong on the 23rd; use it to your advantage August’s Full Moon on the 1st brings significant changes to a close relationship Striking a healthier life-work balance is critical – take a relaxing vacation
Your allure will be especially powerful on the 13th Ignore a powerful urge to radically change your appearance; the New Moon is tempting you to assume a look that won’t suit you The second Full Moon on the 31st brings an end to a difficult situation
VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)
Friendship can turn to love; if you’ve developed tender feelings for someone in your social circle, it’s time to confess your crush Cancelled travel plans fill you with frustration, but you should know that a better plan for getting away is unfolding for you On the 17th, the New Moon finds you teaming up with a special person who fills you with confidence August’s Full Moon warns against overdoing it with an exercise routine The New Moon on the 16th makes you yearn for privacy, but an annoying pest keeps disturbing your peace Sneak off to a quiet place where nobody can find you Don’t pressure a dreamer into making a decision before they are ready
LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)
A creative project brings you fame and acclaim; it’s gratifying to be in demand Don’t let limiting beliefs keep you from pursuing your dream on the 10th The New Moon on the 17th brings good news Someone you knew from childhood or a former job will contact you on the 23rd A friend is about to ask for a loan, but you shouldn’t feel guilty about turning down this request You could find romance at a party on the 13th The New Moon on the 16th warns against scattering your energies far and wide A boost of energy on the 27th helps you realise a big dream You’ll turn the corner with a demanding health issue on the 31st, courtesy of the second Full Moon
(October 24th-November 22nd)
A close relationship is a source of profound excitement Listen to your best friend or romantic partner ’s advice and take a bold risk On the 17th, the New Moon inspires you to
travel to a place that has always had an air of mystery for you Getting into an argument will be cause for regret; you don’t want to make an enemy of this person A tense domestic situation ends in August, thanks to the Full Moon Your best friend or business partner ’s erratic behaviour affects your morale; it’s time to set some firm boundaries On the 16th, the New Moon warns against going public with information An intense connection on the 25th will prompt you to pursue a lifelong dream A partnership will become more secure starting on the 29th
(November 23rd-December 21st)
Your personal magnetism is strong and will lead to an exciting offer Beware of engaging in negative self-talk; replace every critical thought with praise The New Moon on the 17th finds you forming a close alliance with someone who brings emotional and financial stability You’ll become more efficient about managing your time on the 28th The August Full Moon on the 1st makes you reconsider the way you talk to a wild-eyed optimist The 10th is perfect for signing a contract that draws on your expert knowledge On the 16th, the New Moon tempts you to venture into unfamiliar territory, but be careful
(December 22nd-January 20th)
Beware of imposing your limiting beliefs on your best friend or amour What seems like a common-sense safety precaution for you is claustrophobic for your loved one Be open to trying a wild suggestion, even if you’re dealing with someone who has a lot less experience than you August’s Full Moon brings a cheque that is less than expected Stick to your guns
The New Moon on the 16th warns against letting down your guard with someone you don’t know very well The 23rd brings an opportunity to work with a respected expert you’ve always admired An old love interest comes back into your life on the 29th
Don’t let a hot-headed relative criticise your romantic partner; it’s important to set healthy boundaries Making money from a passion project fills you with joy on the 9th, while the New Moon on the 17th prompts you to launch a health regimen Beware of lending money to a pushy friend or colleague A former romantic partner will make their way back into your life on the 23rd The Full Moon on the 1st marks the end of a role you’ve held for a long time, and on the 9th, your family disapproves of choices you make in your personal life Setting a healthy boundary is best for everyone involved The New Moon on the 16th tempts you to embark on a romance, but be careful
20th-March 20th)
You should be proud of the progress you’ve made Your air of mystery draws an admirer into your web of intrigue on the 9th On the 17th, the New Moon inspires an empowering art project A business or romantic partner will encourage you to take a risk on the 20th; do it It’s time to break out a bit in August Beware of discouraging your business or romantic partner from developing a bright idea on the 2nd; the more outrageous the notion, the more promising it will be The New Moon on the 16th warns against launching an extreme fitness regimen Your best friend will deliver some harsh truths on the 22nd; prepare for a shock
THE influence of John Tradescant the Elder on our gardens is huge
He was not a designer but introduced numerous plants to Britain and effectively founded the tradition of great British plant-hunters. Yet little is known of his early life.
He was born around 1570, became a gardener and was ultimately appointed keeper of Charles I’s garden in Surrey. In between, he made seven adventurous journeys as far as Turkey
and North Africa, fighting off pirates on the way
He was as keen on exotic fruits as flowers and brought back such delights as apricot, cranberry and unusual vines
Tradescant died in 1638 and is buried in the churchyard at St Mary-atLambeth, across the Thames from the Houses of Parliament – the church is now the Museum of Garden History
Among his huge range of introductions were daffodils, crocus, gladiolus, jasmine, lavender and
Michaelmas daisies – but not tradescantia, best known in Britain as a trailing houseplant with three-petalled flowers and often with colourful striped leaves, which was collected by his son, John Tradescant the Younger (16081662)
The Tradescant collection, which became even more extensive when added to by Tradescant the Younger, was later given to Oxford University and combined with an older collection to become the famous Ashmolean Museum, which opened in 1683
THRIVING: Well cared for containers –pink pelargoniums (geraniums) and trailing petunias
THERE’S a simple key to keeping patio pots pretty, hanging baskets beautiful and window boxes wonderful: tend to them little and often.
It is the best way to enjoy the results of your planting efforts all summer
Fill a watering can with a half-strength solution of high-potash fertiliser – rose or tomato feed is fine – to promote continuous flowering Then make a daily tour of inspection with the can, a pair of secateurs and a spray bottle containing insecticide
The secateurs are for dead-heading, that is trimming off plants’ dying flower heads In many cases, when blooms die the plant automatically cuts off the hormones which produce flowers and instead starts to set seed Dead-heading keeps the hormones flowing and the flowers blooming
Look closely at the foliage, on the surface
and the underside, for the first signs of any aphids or other pests and spray immediately to minimise damage
All the popular container and bedding flowers such as petunias, lobelias, pelargoniums (geraniums), begonias, sweet peas and pansies benefit from this attention and treatment
Many varieties of rose, whether shrubs or climbers, will also produce more flowers if dead-headed as soon as petals fade on individual blooms Trim them to a leaf joint below the dying bloom
For late summer blooming, sow in early July seeds of quick-growing flowers; night-scented stocks for perfume, and nemesias for colour
OR a tidy looking lawn –despite any patches turned brown by shortage of rain – keep the edges clipped and the whole garden will suddenly look smarter after just a few minutes’ work.
Freshly hoed soil, especially at the border edge, not only controls weeds but adds to that smart appearance Carried out once or twice a week, hoeing can be a fairly quick task
As well as dead-heading container and bedding plants, trim perennial border plants and they’ll keep flowering longer Dead-headed rhododendrons and azaleas will flower better next year A little heavier
Fpruning with shears, over spring-flowering heathers and aubrieta, will encourage the formation of new side shoots bearing flower Mulching flower and fruit borders saves work in the long run A 5cm-8cm (2in-3in) layer of well-rotted organic matter –manure, garden compost, leaf mould or shredded bark – on the soil surface will save water and keep weeds down, and any that grow through will be much easier to pull out
Mulch can be applied at any time of year but, in summer, is best put on after heavy rain or a thorough watering
Finally, before going on holiday, don’t leave your garden in full bloom Snip off all the flowers – tough love, maybe – and your return should be greeted by a fresh flush of bloom rather than a collec of dead flowers
Can you find the celebrity name hidden in this Starspot Crossword? Complete the crossword in the normal way then make a note of the letters contained in all the squares which are marked with shaded stars. These letters will make an anagram of the name you are looking for.
E ach question has four possible answers and is worth from one to 15 points. Circle your chosen answers and keep a record of your points total. Maximum total points 120.
QUESTION 1 – for 1 point:
In which forest did the fabled outlaw Robin Hood and his band of merry men live?
A Nutwood
B Epping
C Sherwood
D Arden
QUESTION 2 – for 2 points:
What is the prevalent colour of the shirts worn by the Dutch international soccer team?
A Red
B Blue
C Orange
D White
QUESTION 3 – for 3 points:
What is the points value of the blank tile in Scrabble?
A Zero
B Five
C Ten
D Twenty
QUESTION 4 – for 4 points:
7. Gloomy (6)
9. Mountain lake (4)
10. Spot of ink (4)
13. Jewish priest (5)
15. Freshwater fish (5)
18. Sauntered (6)
19. Out-and-out (6)
20. Make beloved (6)
21. Animal’s den (4)
22. Measure (4)
23. Gaseous element (6)
24. Central US state (6)
25. Streamer (6)
In which country is the port of Bilbao?
A Portugal
B Spain
C Argentina
D Brazil
QUESTION 5 – for 5 points: How many balls are used in the game of billiards?
A Two
B Three
C Four
D Six
QUESTION 6 – for 6 points: Which novel by Charles Dickens ends with the words: “God bless us, every one”?
A The Pickwick Papers
B Oliver Twist
C A Christmas Carol
D Little Dorrit
THERE is just one simple rule in Sudoku. Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 box. This is a logic puzzle, and you should not have to guess.
QUESTION 7 – for 7 points:
Big Brother and The Voice UK presenter Emma Willis married a member of which long-standing boy band?
A Busted
B Take That
C Westlife
D McFly
QUESTION 8 – for 8 points:
Which of the following is a sheepshank?
A A shepherd’s crook
B A leg of mutton
C A rustler
D A type of knot
QUESTION 9 – for 9 points: Which type of fruit has varieties called Careless and Invicta?
A Gooseberry
B Strawberry
C Greengage
D Raspberry
FILL in the blank squares in the grid with numbers so that each horizontal or vertical line adds up to the total given in the box either to the left or above it. Horizontal totals are given in the top right corners of the shaded boxes; vertical totals in the bottom left corners. You can use the numbers 1 to 9, but may not use the same number more than once in any run. The number may be used again, however, in the same row or column but as part of another run.
QUESTION 10 – for 10 points: Which of the following is the name given to a young hare?
A Elver
B Leveret
C Eyas
D Whelp
QUESTION 11 – for 11 points:
Which price comparison website’s adverts feature the character Aleksandr Orlov?
A moneysupermarket.com
B confused.com
C moneysavingexpert.com
D comparethemarket.com
QUESTION 12 – for 12 points:
In which American state are the towns of Norfolk and Suffolk?
A Virginia
B Pennsylvania
C Illinois
D North Carolina
QUESTION 13 – for 13 points: Which celebrity couple have a daughter called Blue Ivy?
A Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
B Tom Cruise and Katy Holmes
C Beyoncé Knowles and Jay Z
D Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr
QUESTION 14 – for 14 points: What is a cartouche?
A An oval emblem bearing Egyptian writing
B An elaborate coffin
C A four-wheeled carriage
D A Greek pillar
QUESTION 15 – for 15 points:
In which year was the Open University established?
A 1959
B 1964
C 1969
D 1974
Telephone dialling pads combine several letters on one key. Here we have encoded several sets of words or items by using numbers rather than letters. Then we have divided them into groups of three characters and run all the names one after another to make your task a little more difficult. Can you crack the codes?
EACH number in our Cross Code grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. You have three letters in the control grid to start you off.
Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares.
As you get the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check off the alphabetical list of letters as you identify them.
Each pair of words has a missing word between them that acts as a link to both (e.g. FRONT – DOOR – MAT). The initial letters of the six answers (reading downwards) will spell out a stone fruit.
LOIN – – – – – CAP
UPPER – – – – – PROUD
SLEEP – – – – – SHOD
GET – – – – LIFE
BACK – – – – STICK
6. scorpion; maggot; millipede; tarantula; snail; earwig; leatherjacket; woodlouse; stick insect; centipede; cockroach. Spot Check A = 6; B = 2; C = 1; D = 5; E = 4; F = 3. Missing Link cloth; house; ear; rough; real; yard. Fruit: cherry. Make a Date The year was 1982. Transformer Loud + C = Cloud.
5. cross-country; marathon; obstacle; hare and hounds; wheelbarrow; relay; sack; triathlon; slalom; sprint; time trial.
Starting from the central shaded letter, move one letter at a ime (up, down, right or left, but not diagonally) to find 17
Can you place the six dominoes (right) into the grid below in such a way that the number of spots in all four rows across and all four rows down totals 12?
Here is an unusual word with three definitions, only one of which is correct. Can you identify the right definition?
In which year did all three of these significant historical events take place?
1. Prince William Arthur Philip Louis is born, becoming second in line to the British throne.
2. The partial remains of the Tudor warship Mary Rose are lifted from the seabed at the entrance to Portsmouth harbour.
3. The Thames flood barrier at Woolwich becomes operational.
a) 1978; b) 1980; c) 1982; d) 1984; e) 1986.
1) A blue and orange coloured butterfly, with a distinctive elongated wing shape;
2) A flintlock, or a weapon with a flintlock;
3) A fastening device used on corsets in Elizabethan times.
3. Bonnie and Clyde; Paris and Helen; Dido and Aeneas; Romeo and Juliet; Eros and Psyche; Napoleon and Josephine.
2. Kat Slater; Sharon Watts; Ian Beale; Phil Mitchell; eAlfi Moon; Denise Fox; Max Branning; David Wicks; Dot Cotton.
1. Siamese; Chausie; Ragdoll; Manx; British Shorthair; Burmese; Persian; Russian Blue; Scottish Fold; Siberian; Sphynx.
Dialling Codes
Word Wizard No 2 is correct. A snaphaunce is a intlock.fl
4. dry martini; Harvey Wallbanger; highball; rusty nail; pink gin; screwdriver; Singapore Sling; Manhattan; daiquiri.
28 Dirty; 29 Leaner; 30 Eggs on; 31 Dotard; 32 Unison. Down – 1 Sights; 2 Risqué; 3 Prefer; 5 Afresh; 6 Middle; 7 Dreary; 9 Tarn; 10 Blot; 13 Rabbi; 15 Tench; 18 Ambled; 19 Arrant; 20 Endear; 21 Lair; 22 Mete; 23 Oxygen; 24 Kansas; 25 Pennon.
14 Ostler; 16 Earn; 17 Thee; 19 Abel; 22 Mock; 26 Marina; 27
10 Bridge; 11 Fable; 12
KEN PYE’s latest book, Even More Merseyside Tales, is available in all good bookshops or from Ken directly – as are all of his books and factsheets
Contact details, below.
LIVERPOOL’S wartime history –especially the city’s battering in the Blitz – is well known
But a few miles upstream, on opposite banks of the River Mersey, Runcorn and Widnes played their part in the major military conflicts of the 20th century
During the First World War, large numbers of men from the towns served with the armed forces Many fought and many died
Most of the factories in the area contributed significantly to the production of goods and munitions for the war effort, so some local men were in reserved occupations during the conflict Older children, too, worked in the munitions factories
However, large numbers of women played an often overlooked role, and it is important to acknowledge and remember their contribution, too
Although the First World War was mostly fought on the continent,
in 1918 two bombs were dropped on Widnes by a German Zeppelin air balloon Both bombs fell in the area of Bold and fortunately there were no casualties Today there is a damaged milestone with a plaque in Victoria Park, Widnes, commemorating the attack
During the so-called Great War, both Runcorn and Widnes produced soldiers who were recognised for their bravery
Private Thomas “Todger” Alfred Jones (1880–1956), from Runcorn, was presented with the Victoria Cross by King George V, in
1916 for bravery in the face of enemy fire and for singlehandedly capturing over 100 German soldiers
Also awarded the Victoria Cross was Flight Sergeant Thomas Mottershead (1892-1917), of the Royal Flying Corps, who had been born in Widnes Following an attack by two German airplanes over Belgium, and having been badly burnt, Sergeant Mottershead managed to return his aircraft to Allied lines, saving the life of his passenger Tragically, Sgt Mottershead died from his injuries five days later and was awarded his medal posthumously
Commander Thomas Wilkinson (18981942) of the Royal Navy, from West Bank, Widnes, was also awarded the Victoria Cross in 1942 Sadly, this medal was also presented posthumously following the sinking of Commander Wilkinson’s ship in East Asia It was awarded for inflicting significant damage on a Japanese naval force despite being heavily outnumbered
In March 1941, a German aircraft was shot down over Widnes and landed on Leigh Recreation Ground The three surviving members of crew were captured
On South Lane, Bold there was a POW camp built to house Italian prisoners of war, many of whom worked as labourers on local farms
Often overlooked in history, it is important to remember that every town and village in Britain has some story to tell, some significance in our long history, or some hero or heroine to remember and honour, and Widnes and Runcorn are no exceptions
GOALBALL is one of the fastest growing sports for blind people – and is certain to attract big crowds at the 2023 International Blind Sports Federation World Games
Mark Winder, head of Goalball UK, said: “Our GB squads are deep in preparation for the Games It’s going to be a fantastic showcase of high-performance VI (visually impaired) sport right here in the UK ”
The aim of the game is to score goals by quickly and precisely firing a 1 25kg ball across the court and defending shots from the opposing team using their bodies
Games are split into two 12minute halves and are played on a court measuring 18m x 9m wide with two teams made up of three players each, and goals spanning the width of each nine-metre court end
HUNDREDS of volunteers are wanted to make the 2023 International Blind Sport Federation (IBSA) World Games the best ever
About 1,250 athletes from 70 countries are set to compete in Birmingham in August
Sallie Barker, chair of British Blind Sport, said: “Hosting the 2023 IBSA World Games has the potential to be a watershed moment for the two million people in the UK who are blind or partially sighted – many of whom are currently reluctant to engage in sporting activities due to a range of factors
“Not only will the Games showcase to the
wider public blind and partially sighted athletes’ abilities, it is aiming to inspire others to take advantage of the pathways into sport and other volunteering opportunities ”
David Clarke, Chief Operating Officer at the Royal National Institute of Blind people and record goalscoring Paralympics GB footballer, said: “There are many sports that
people wrongly think blind and partially sighted people are unable to participate in Hopefully, the Games will challenge these misconceptions ” Sports include men’s and women’s goalball, men’s blind football, judo, shooting, archery, chess, men’s and women’s cricket, powerlifting, ten-pin bowling, tennis, and showdown (a form of table tennis)
n The World Games are being held across the University of Birmingham’s Edgbaston campus, and at other regional venues, from August 18-27 n www forms volunteero org/view/ b11c5349-8d4f-4116-9663-495e2ebb8059
GOLF will welcome many new players with a disability to the game if a groundbreaking project is successful
The body that oversees the game in the UK and abroad is spending a year examining the golf swing of players with impairments,
EDGA (formerly the European Disabled Golf Association) believes the study will lead to better competitive opportunities, fewer injuries, and more disabled people playing the game
A key ambition of the project
is to improve on the current classification of players with different impairments into “sports classes” that will ultimately help the golf industry to understand and attract more of the 15% of people worldwide who have a disability
Work began at back-to-back EDGA Tour events in Portugal in January and the aim is to analyse at least 200 golfers over the next year, including players with visual impairments Research will continue at key EDGA Tour events in Scotland, Ireland and England, including at the inaugural The G4D Open,
staged by The R&A with support from the DP World Tour, at Woburn in May
EDGA project leader Dr Roger Hawkes, said a detailed examination of the swing of players with a disability “should give the golf industry far better understanding of how different impairments influence a golf swing, thus unlocking a door to the needs of more golfers
“This research will help golf’s governing bodies in the important areas of classification, and sports classes, around different player impairments for events ”
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