2 minute read
THOUSANDS of people living in remote areas are finding their descent into blindness halted and their lives transformed
But this is no miracle
A UK charity is restoring the sight of those living in Cambodia’s poorest regions, who would otherwise be unable to access or afford the treatment needed
Bou Sarron, 62, is one of those to benefit from the work of the Khmer Sight Foundation (KSF)
She said: “I noticed that my vision started to get less clear for distance over many years, but since the last few months it was getting more difficult to see ”
At a free eye screening, organised by the KSF and National Bank of Cambodia, Bou was told she had cataracts in both eyes and would need surgery in the capital, Phnom Penh, four hours drive from her home
Bou said: “I informed the doctors that I
UK charity restores sight of thousands in poorest regions
need to take care of my family and could not afford to travel to Phnom Penh or pay for the cataract surgery
“The team assured me that the surgery and everything else would be free of cost ”
Doctors carried out the surgery in two separate operation
A delighted Bou said: “I arrived for a check-up and was surprised to see everything very clearly – including the small letters!
“I was really happy to get my vision back and was instructed by the doctor to take care of my eyes properly
“I went back to my province with better vision, and now after a few weeks since my surgery I can see much clearer and take care of my family nicely ”
Hers was one of more than 200 procedures conducted under a mission of UK volunteers led by Professor Sunil Shah, a consultant ophthalmologist at Midland Eye Clinic in Solihull
Sunil led his first mission to the country in 2016, providing free eye surgery to those for whom access to eye care would otherwise be impossible
Since then, KSF has performed more than 25,000 surgeries However, it is estimated that more than 180,000 Cambodians are still blind, with 10,000 suffering avoidable blindness each year
KSF is seeking donations, international medically qualified volunteers, and volunteers with no medical experience for a variety of roles n www gofundme com/f/khmer-sightfoundation-save-sight-in-cambodia
Help At The End Of A Phone
n ANGLESEY: TARAN Tel 01407 721933 n BLACKPOOL Disability Information and Support Tel 01253 472 202
Textphone 01253 476 450 n CHESHIRE CIL Tel 01606 331853 n CHESTER Dial House Tel 01244 345655
789 7365 n Disabled People’s Network Solihull Tel 0121 788 1544 n STOKE: Disability Solutions
Tel 01782 683800 n WOLVERHAMPTON
Elder and Disabled Group Tel 01902 448552 n WEST MIDS Amputee Group 07891 794733; 07585 958322; 07557 228154
Sahara kids’ challenge
SCIENTISTS from the UK and Zambia are teaming up to tackle a condition affecting millions of children in sub-Saharan Africa
Environmental enteropathy, or EE, is a disorder of the gut believed to cause malnutrition and stunted growth in children
Across the world it contributes to around 150 million cases of childhood stunting –which brings with it impaired cognitive ability and reduced school and work performance
A £2 9m collaboration between researchers at the University of Glasgow, the University of Zambia, Queen Mary University of London and Imperial College London is working on a test for EE, which can recognise how much gut damage there is by analysing samples of patients’ breath
Tel 01254 233332 n BARROW Tel 01229
820698 n BIRMINGHAM Action for
Blind Tel 0121 665 4200 n BLACKBURN
Tel 0125 554143 n BLACKPOOL: N-Vision
Tel 01253 362696 n BURY Tel 0161 763 7014 n BURNLEY
Tel 01282 438507