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Pioneering bid to treat age-related sight loss Big push for eye remedy
EXCITING new research could lead to a breakthrough in the treatment of an eye disease affecting 190 million people worldwide
Ground-breaking techniques will be used to study age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a common condition affecting the vision, particularly in older people
It is believed the project could provide the key to new treatments for AMD and help develop new and faster ways to diagnose and prevent it
A team of scientists led by a Northumbria University professor will use a type of stem cell that allows them to follow the development of the disease and the effects of treatment at different stages
The cutting-edge research has been made possible by £100,000 in funding from the
Academy of Medical Sciences’ Springboard
The macula is part of the retina at the back of eye that allows you to see fine detail and is responsible for our central vision Macula cells can deteriorate for a number of reasons, the most common being ageing, but smoking, poor diet, high blood pressure and genetic history can all play a part too
Blurred vision
Symptoms include blurred vision, difficulty seeing in low light, and seeing straight lines as wavy The condition can develop slowly over several years or can develop very quickly and so far, there is no cure

The risk of developing advanced AMD increases from 2% for those aged 50-59, to nearly 30% for those over 75
In 2020, the condition is believed to affect
Come up with answers, benefits officials told
THE Department for Work and Pensions has been warned over its failure to properly answer requests for information on disability benefits, universal credit and claimant deaths Information commissioner John Edwards criticised officials for “systematically failingto comply with the law” more than 190 million people globally but tthat figure is expected to rise to 288 million people by 2040 as the elderly population increases Dr Gerrit Hilgen, an assistant professor in neuroscience at Northumbria University, who is leading the work, said the project was “at the forefront of discovery “This will help us better understand AMD as well as find new ways to treat the disease ”
Professor Dianne Ford, from the university’s faculty of health and life sciences, said: “These awards are highly competitive and prestigious The fact that Gerrit has secured this award is testament to the excellence of his research ”
Dr Suzanne Candy, from the Academy of Medical Sciences, said: “Together with our partners, we are fortunate to be able to support this talented group of researchers doing excellent science ”
He said cases were increasingly being brought to him where the public interest in releasing information was “not being adequately considered” by DWP
If DWP fails to confirm that it has complied with the report’s recommendations, it could be issued with an enforcement notice and possibly be subject to an “adverse comment” in a report to Parliament
A DWP spokesperson said: “The department is carefully considering all points raised by the Information Commissioner ’s Office and will take any necessary steps to implement any changes required ahead of the ICO’s deadline of 23 June
“The department takes very seriously its compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and compliance with the Cabinet Office code of practice ”