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7 Judi backs Blue Badge protesters
DAME Judi Dench has taken on a new role – campaigning for a ban on Blue Badge parking in York city centre to be lifted
A permanent ban on disabled parking in pedestrianised areas was introduced in November 2021
The decision angered many of those affected, who said they had been made to feel like “second-class citizens”
Now the Oscar-winning actress says she is giving her wholehearted support to the Reverse The Ban group Dame Judi, 88, who was born in Heworth, York, said: “York city centre is a rare jewel that should be free for all to enjoy, including those with a disability and for whom accessible parking is essential
“As someone living with sight loss, I know only too well how gaining access to places can be exceptionally difficult
“York city centre fully accessible th these types of sch

“I should like to my wholehearted support to people are asking the loc council to reconsi any ban to the Blu Badge scheme in city centre ”
Marilyn Crawsha from the group Re The Ban, said the “absolutely deligh message from the J
The parking ban came into force after the council installed anti-terror measures to prevent the risk of so-called hostile vehicle attacks
Councillors previously said they had approved a series of mitigation measures, ropped kerbs, the employment of an cer and a feasibility study into an shuttle service findings from a new study by postgraduate students from the University of York has found the Blue Badge ban had wideranging impacts, not only affecting current and future badge holders but also their family members and carers
Fazilet Hadi, head of policy at Disability
Rights UK, said: “This report strips away the spurious justification that the ban was necessary to prevent terrorism
“We urge York City Council to consider the report and reverse the ban It is hugely discriminatory, and has stopped thousands of disabled people and their families from accessing public services and social, retail and cultural opportunities open to all other citizens ”