1 minute read
Richard: ‘I’m rooting for you’
THE new head of a Merseyside-based charity has vowed to ensure the hundreds of autistic adults they support “have a voice that is heard”
Former support worker Richard Whitby is returning to his Wirral roots to become chief executive of Autism
From its Bromborough base, the organisation supports autistic people of all ages, with around 800 staff providing residential, supported living and day services to over 400 autistic adults, and support to many more families across Merseyside and Cheshire Whitby, who has held senior leadership roles with some of the UK’s largest care providers, said: “Autism Together will continue to be a modern, inclusive charity, working positively for the people we support and our dedicated staff teams
“I want to ensure the people we support genuinely have a voice and that this voice is heard, so we need to help push the dialogue on autism acceptance and support ” 0