A Brief Insight into Eyelid Surgery Procedure
The eyelid surgery is also alternately known as blepharoplasty which involves the adjustment of skin fats in the eyelids. A lot of people get confused with the term ‘eyelid lift’ as the procedure has nothing to do with the lifting of your eyelids. Why the surgical procedure is needed? The eyelid surgery process is needed to remove/ adjust the excessive fats, especially in the upper eyelid, which sometimes gives an impression of a very heavy eyelid with aged looks, puffiness and a lot of times it can block your vision as well. The surgery is performed to remove excessive skin and enhance your vision. There is also a surgical procedure in this domain by the name of double eyelid surgery, which actually creates an eyelid crease. This procedure is also sometimes referred to as ‘Westernization of the eyelid’. Then there is a lower eyelid procedure which is intended to remove wrinkles, reduce lower eyelid fats and to control the droopiness of the lower eyelid. The surgical procedure: In the upper eyelid surgery, the surgeon begins the procedure by marking the individual crease and the line. It is usually performed under local anesthesia and the entire process is painless. The surgeon tries his best to keep it invisible along the natural folds of the eyes. Then, the surgeon makes incisions to take out or adjust the fatsin the upper eyelid accordingly. Very fine soluble stitches are used by the surgeons to minimize the visibility of the scars. The shape and size of the eyelid are corrected and the patient has a much better visibility after the upper eyelid surgery. Then, there is also the lower eyelid surgery where surgeons make the incision in the same way as the upper eyelid but this one is along the lash line. The surgeons then remove any excess fat and trim the skin before closing the incision with soluble stitches. The puffiness of the eyelid and the wrinkles around are primarily corrected after the lower eyelid surgery. As the incision is made inside the lower eyelid, so the surgeon closes the incision by making stitches which are invisible to the eye or the eyesight. The
stitches are self dissolving which ensures that there is no visible scar left anywhere in or around the lower eyelid. As far as the time taken by the procedure is concerned, it depends on the complexity of the disorder. Usually, an upper or lower eyelid surgery can take anywhere between 1 to 2 hours. Conclusion: The eyelid surgical procedure can be either for lower or the upper eyelid. The incisions are made which are sealed with soluble stitches while ensuring no scars are visible. The procedure can take a maximum of 2 hours. Eyelid Surgery Before & After Photos: