The Facts about Cheek Reduction
The cheek reduction overview gives a brief but a comprehensive idea about the nature of the treatment. A lot of people due to obesity or irregularity of hormones develops irregular and oversized cheeks which compromise their facial looks. The procedure is also alternatively known as malarplasty and it is very commonly preferred by most of the Asians. Many of them feel that their cheekbones are not complementing their other prominent facial features. Types of procedures: The two common types of cheek reduction procedures include buccal fat removal and the facial liposuction procedures. Both are cosmetic procedures, but the buccal fat removal process is more preferred as it doesn’t leave any visible scars after the surgery. It is the most cost effective and beneficial facial cosmetic surgery procedure which gives patients much thinner cheeks with enhanced facial looks. It really doesn’t require any other procedure to further glorify your looks. The facial liposuction is effective, but it is generally not preferred due to possible visible scars after the surgery is performed. Who is the right person for the cheek reduction surgical procedure? Although it is a cosmetic procedure, but it isn’t an option for anyone to enhance their facial looks. Anyone with obvious irregularity in cheekbones and cheek size are the right candidate for the surgical procedure. A person should be in good physical health and must be over the age of 18 years. He should also be psychologically fine and well adjusted. The people should have realistic expectations from the surgery and shouldn’t expect it to completely transform their looks which are unidentifiable. If you are a smoker or an alcohol drinker, then you have to quit it for a certain time before and after the surgery as well. Your doctor will discuss such matters with you as it can have an adverse effect on the outcome of
the surgical procedure. There are certain medications too, which should be stopped if you are taking any. Again, your doctor has the final verdict who will guide you about such matters. What to expect after the surgery? The surgery is performed as an outpatient usually and you may experience some extreme bruises and swelling which will gradually settle with time. For the first two weeks you need to take proper rest and can resume your working routine after that. The final results of the surgery may take up to 4 months. Conclusion: The chin reduction overview tells about the entire surgical process. The buccal fat removal is a preferred type which gives minimal scarring. The recovery process can take time and the final results become visible in about 4 months of time. Cheek reduction before after photos: