Sleepy sprinkles & dudu drops

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We all struggle to sleep sometimes - children are no exception. Sometimes children's sleep problems become chronic and a pattern of childhood insomnia sets in. This can cause much frustration for children and their parents and can even result in relationship and behavioural difficulties if the problem is not addressed. If you find yourself struggling to put your child to sleep night after night, then it is important to do something about it. Sleep problems in children can be caused by teething, night terrors, lack of routine and bedtime ritual, childhood depression or trauma, family problems, intestinal worms and incorrect diet. Natural herbal and homeopathic remedies to help children sleep can be the answer, along with healthy, consistent sleep routines. Developed by Director and Clinical Psychologist, Feelgood Health has a range of natural remedies for children to help them fall asleep and stay asleep, establishing healthy sleep patterns naturally, without unwanted side effects.

Sleepy Sprinkles - Natural homeopathic sleep remedy safe for babies

Help baby sleep naturally with Sleepy Sprinkles!      

Natural sleep remedy for babies from 0 - 12 months Safely soothes and calms babies into peaceful slumber without the risk of synthetic drugs Assists with sleep problems caused by teething and colic Helps babies feel relaxed and more secure in their immediate surroundings Helps establish healthy, regular sleeping patterns Formulated for babies by a Clinical Psychologist

NOTE: Sleepy Sprinkles is formulated for babies from newborn to 12 months. For babies and young children older than 12 months, please see our 100% homeopathic Du Du Drops. All about sleep patterns in new babies If there is one thing newborns have in common it's that they sleep, a lot! Most babies can sleep up to 18 hours a day during the first few weeks and about 15 hours a day by the time they reach their third month. At this stage babies are very light sleepers and need to feed regularly, so they will usually only sleep three to four hours in one go, any time of the day or night. So for parents, it's usually saying goodbye to regular sleeping hours! However, letting babies follow their own sleep cycle at this stage is an essential phase for their development. For most parents those first few months are a marked by a lot of disrupted sleep! Luckily by around four months, parents can start enjoying longer sleeps as their baby begins to develop a more regular sleeping pattern as their digestive systems mature and they begin to fall into a routine. By four months babies are able to sleep longer during the night (which generally means a stretch of 8 – 12 hours) and have dropped most of their night feedings. This is an important milestone celebrated enthusiastically by parents as a decent night’s sleep is on the horizon once more. By around six months, your baby is ready for night weaning if not before and many babies will start to sleep through the night at this age. While this can come as a welcome relief, don’t be alarmed if your baby initially sleeps like a dream – and then starts waking at night again! Remember that each baby and each family is different. Some babies sleep through the night from an early age and seem to be able to fall asleep by themselves just like clockwork! Others are still needing to be rocked to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night, causing great exhaustion in their parents, who often feel that they must be doing ‘something wrong’.

Sleep problems in small babies & newborns While each baby is different, there are a number of things that can keep your baby out of sleep or cause restlessness at night. In small babies, reasons could include colic, digestive discomfort, hunger, cold or heat, wet nappies or even an anxious parent – as small babies can pick up on this. Other times, your baby may just not be sleepy – believe it or not – as small babies do not yet have a well established sleep routine! Slightly older babies may have become dependent on being rocked to sleep or may have started waking up expecting a bottle to help them to sleep – due to habits developed or a disruptive sleep routine. From around six to twelve months of age it is common for babies who used to be great sleepers to wake up and not be able to fall back asleep. This is mainly because these sleep disturbances can coincide with the development of separation anxiety as well as reaching major milestones in cognitive and motor development. You may find your baby who has been blissfully sleeping through the night for weeks starts waking up at night again. It may feel puzzling (not to mention frustrating!) to have your nights broken up again, but your little one will have her reasons for doing so. She might be becoming more socially aware and feel anxious when she wakes up to find you not there or it could be she is trying so hard to master new skills such as sitting up or rolling over that she practices in her sleep and wakes herself up! Some other possible causes for sleep problems in babies can include:  Teething  Colic  Digestive discomfort (such as introducing solids too early)  Trauma Note: A baby's life in the uterus is pretty noisy so most newborns will sleep through activity and white noise (such as a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or fan), although any sudden noises can wake him or her. However, most babies will sleep quite happily through normal household noises, so don't worry about noise while baby is sleeping. In fact, normal household noises are reassuring to your baby and will help him or her feel secure.

The natural way Remember that your little one’s sleeping pattern at this point is very dependent on his or her feeding patterns. Small babies require regular feeds and may only be able to manage intervals of 1-3 hours between each meal. Your baby is also dependent on you for comfort and assurance, and may need your help to fall back asleep once woken. Understanding your baby's developmental stage and needs will help you to understand your baby's sleeping patterns. However, remember that every baby is an individual and so it would not be helpful for you to compare your baby with others who may be sleeping through the night already! It helps to start getting in a healthy sleep routine as early as possible. You can do this by winding down at bath time, dimming the lights and hushing your voice when bed time approaches. When it comes tonight feeds, help your baby understand that there is a difference between night and day feeds by keeping the light off or dimmed, speaking in a soft voice and only changing your baby's nappy if necessary. Day time feeds and nappy changes can involve more interaction and playfulness. This will help your baby begin to distinguish between night and day. From around four months you can start getting your little one ready for bed when he or she is feeling drowsy but not yet fully asleep. This will help to encourage babies to fall asleep on their own. Try to avoid introducing solids too early as this can cause digestive discomfort in your little one, especially at night. These tips can help your little one to relax, fall asleep easier and learn to sleep through the night, which will help to establish healthier sleeping patterns.

How can Sleepy Sprinkles help?

Sleepy Sprinkles is a safe and effective 100% homeopathic remedy formulated especially for BabyNature by our Clinical Psychologist to gently support relaxation and induce a state of drowsiness in infants. Sleepy Sprinkles has been specifically formulated for newborns up to twelve months of age, but can be safely given to toddlers and older children alike (although our Du Du Drops are more appropriate for toddlers and children). Together with a regular sleep routine, consistent night time rituals and ensuring a loving environment, Sleepy Sprinkles can support healthy sleep in newborns and infants. Sleepy Sprinkles comes in an easy to administer form consisting of tiny granules that are simply sprinkled directly into the mouth where they dissolve easily to quickly help your baby drift off into peaceful slumber while restoring peace in your home once more. Like all Feelgood Health products, Sleepy Sprinkles has been developed with care by our Clinical Psychologist, is 100% natural and manufactured according to the highest pharmaceutical standards. Individual ingredients are well-researched and have been specially chosen for their high safety profile in babies’ remedies.

Ingredients Sleepy Sprinkles contains the following 100% active homeopathic ingredients in baby-safe therapeutic dosage:  

Aconite (30C) – a proven homeopathic remedy to soothe anxiety, fretfulness and restlessness. Cina (6C) – Cina works well for babies that are irritable, 'touchy' and tend to become irritable at bedtime and who often twitch, toss and turn in their sleep.  Chamomilla (6C) – this is a well-known on-the-spot homeopathic remedy used for its soothing and calming properties. Not only is Chamomilla beneficial for inducing drowsiness safely in newborns, it is also effective in calming digestive upsets and colic, soothing teething babies and alleviating feelings of separation anxiety.  Pulsatilla (6C) – is an important nerve relaxant with well known calming and soothing properties. This homeopathic ingredient is particularly beneficial for fretful, restless and anxious babies that struggle to fall asleep. Sucrose (inactive ingredient)

How have Sleepy Sprinkles helped others? 'These were bought for me by my mother-in-law and I really love her for it! They have changed my nights!' 
- Lori 'I'm a young mom and I get VERY nervous about medications for my baby… i was thrilled to see this not a drug and that it is safe. My little girl falls right to sleep….'
 - Jen 'What a great idea - sprinkles in the mouth! PLUS it's so easy to give to my twins. They have slept right through for the first time in weeks! My husband made me write in and say thank you!!' - Noreen

How do I use Sleepy Sprinkles?

Directions: Sprinkle a small pinch of Sleepy Sprinkles directly into your baby's mouth 5 minutes before bedtime or during the night if baby wakes up and fusses. May be repeated after 15 minutes if necessary or during the night for up to 5 doses. For toddlers older than 1 year old, see DuDu Drops. Caution: Always consult a doctor or health professional if you are concerned or need advice about your baby’s health. Keep this and all medicines out of reach of children. Other remedies in this range: Colic Calmer (for infant colic)

Infant Massage Oil (massage for newborns - 12 weeks)

Blissful Baby Massage Oil (for babies 12 weeks +)

OralSoothe Teething Sprinkles (safely soothes teething babies)

Disclaimer: This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.

Du Du Drops - Homeopathic remedy to help children sleep naturally Top Selling Natural Sleep Drops for toddlers & children      

Our Top Selling natural sleep remedy for babies & children Formulated by our Clinical Psychologist to help children sleep Prevents night time behavioural problems & restores healthy, regular sleep patterns Relaxes & calms your child & promotes natural, peaceful sleep Assists with sleep problems caused by teething Pure effective homeopathic formula

Note: For babies under 12 months, use BabyNature Sleepy Sprinkles

Sleep problems in children We all struggle to sleep sometmes and children are no exception. Sometimes sleep problems become chronic and a pattern of insomnia sets in. This can cause much frustration for children and their parents and can even result in relationship difficulties if the problem is not addressed. If you find yourself struggling to put your child to sleep night after night, then it is important to do something about it. Here are some of the main causes of insomnia in children and babies:  Teething  Night Terrors  Lack of routine and bedtime ritual  Childhood depression or trauma  Family problems  Intestinal worms  Diet high in sugar and stimulants like coffee and tea As a parent, you will know that sleep remedies especially formulated for children are few and far between. In desperation many parents resort to using pain killers, cough medicines, antihistamines and other over-the-counter medicines. This is very bad for children and can seriously affect their health. These medicines have not been designed to use as sleep aids for children and regular use can result in addiction, nightmares and chronic insomnia. Doctors sometimes prescribe scheduled drugs for children to help them sleep. Once again, these drugs can result in addiction and do not solve the problem in the long term. Side effects are common and children are often very drowsy in the morning.

How can Du Du Drops help? Some children remain difficult to put to sleep, no matter what you do - especially those with stubborn sleep problems and children who tend to become agitated and restless at bedtime. There are children who become anxious around bedtime as they anticipate a struggle with tired parents and this makes them exhausted, tearful and 'difficult' to manage, yet determined not to go to sleep! To address these problems, Du Du Drops is now 100% homeopathic with proven ingredients making the formula even more effective for a wider range of childhood sleep problems. Du Du Drops is a safe and effective homeopathic remedy specially formulated by our Clinical Psychologist to calm and relax young children and induce a state of drowsiness. Du Du Drops can safely be used by all children and babies but has been specifically formulated for toddlers and children 12 months and older (for babies under 12 months see our BabyNature Sleepy Sprinkles instead), is gentle and non-addictive and will not unduly sedate your child. Together with consistent discipline, a regular routine and night time ritual and a loving home environment, Du Du Drops can help to break poor and irregular sleep patterns and restore peace to your home.

Ingredients: Du Du Drops is 100% homeopathic and contains the following ingredients in therapeutic dosage: 

Chamomilla (6C) – this is a well-known on-the-spot homeopathic remedy used for its soothing and calming properties. Not only is Chamomilla beneficial for inducing drowsiness safely in babies and children, it is also effective in calming digestive upsets and colic, soothing teething babies and alleviating feelings of separation anxiety.  Cina (30C) - Also homeopathically prepared, Cina works well for children who are irritable, 'touchy' and tend to have temper tantrums at bedtime and who often twitch, toss and turn in their sleep. Also beneficial for those who grind their teeth and for children with intestinal worms.  Coffea (30C) - Homeopathy works on the principle of 'like treats like' and homeopathically formulated Coffea is an excellent remedy to calm the over-exited and irritable person. Children who become very sensitive, restless and 'unreasonable' at bedtime will benefit from this proven homeopathic remedy. Pulsatilla (6C) – is an important nerve relaxant with well-known calming and soothing properties. This homeopathic ingredient is particularly beneficial for fretful, restless and anxious babies that struggle to fall asleep.

How have Du Du Drops helped others? "My daughter is 5 years old and has been having nightmares - she is afraid to go to sleep. I got so desperate I am ashamed to say that I even gave her a big dose of cough medicine and paracetamol to try and get some peace. (which I will never do again) Thank you for a wonderful product that has really worked. Even the nightmares have gone!" - Jill, Pinetown "We have struggled to get our twins to sleep ever since they were born and have always been reluctant to use anything that might harm their health. We tried Du Du on a friend's recommendation and have been very impressed from the very first day. Peace reigns in our house in the evenings once again!!!" - Bill and Karen McGregor, Cape Town "I am very happy to be able to recommend Du Du to any parent. It is very effective and has helped to settle my daughter at night without the usual fuss and struggle that used to go on for hours. It is great to have a natural product that works so well without causing any harm." - Sara

How do I use Du Du Drops? Du Du Drops are easy and convenient to use. Directions: Dilute 5 drops in a teaspoon of milk or water just before bedtime or add to the bedtime bottle. May be repeated after 15 minutes if necessary or during the night up to 5 doses. For babies younger than 12 months: Use BabyNature Sleepy Sprinkles Children over 12 years: Use Feelgood Health's Serenite Plus Drops for teenagers and adults. Caution: Always consult a doctor or health professional if you are concerned or need advice about your child’s health. Keep this and all medicines out of reach of children. Note: Du Du Drops may also be used along with the following remedies: Blissful Baby Massage Oil - Aromatherapy massage oil for babies & children Good Dream Sprinkles - Natural remedy prevents nightmares & night terrors

This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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