PANDEMIC The best 100 Photos according to their authors
Vol_01: The First Fifty
PANDEMIC The best 100 Photos according to their authors
Vol_01: The First Fifty
Adriano Pellegrini ▪ Ahmer Inam ▪ Alfredo Pereira da Costa ▪ Ana Raquel Pratas ▪ Antonio Alfredo ▪ Beatriz Rodrigues ▪ Brooke McCreary ▪ Bruno Cavalcanti ▪ Camilla Calato ▪ Celestino Santos ▪ Chris Kelly ▪ Cláudia Jorge ▪ David Dores ▪ DeJuan West ▪ Didier Candel ▪ Evandro Martin ▪ Gabriela Gonçalves ▪ Heidy Bastos ▪ Hellen Hernández ▪ Irina Kovalchuk ▪ Jorge Pinto Guedes ▪ Jorge Simão Meira ▪ Joseph Etchingham ▪ Karol Wójcik ▪ Kristian Skeie ▪ Lee Ann Brown ▪ Lennox Roach ▪ Leslie Yearman ▪ Manuel Martinez ▪ Marcos Jerlich ▪ Maria João Gonçalves ▪ Maria Jorge Soares ▪ Mariana Cortesão ▪ Michiel Knaven ▪ Miguel Matias ▪ Mirko Sloots ▪ Muojen ▪ Nasos Karabelas ▪ Norbert Fenske ▪ Nuno Pacheco ▪ Olu Jameson ▪ Paulo Martins ▪ Paulo Roberto ▪ Rachel Wolfe ▪ Ricky Shore ▪ Tara Campling ▪ Thomas Weiler ▪ Vladimir Bodin ▪ Yanis Ourabah ▪ Zito Colaço PUBLISHING HOUSE
Almalusa, Portugal PUBLISHER
Jorge Pinto Guedes DESIGN & PRODUCTION
B&B for Almalusa COVER PHOTO
March, 2022
All the photos are exclusive property of the authors © Copyright of the Book: Almalusa
“One discovers the light in darkness, that is what darkness is for; but everything in our lives depends on how we bear the light. It is necessary, while in darkness, to know that there is a light somewhere, to know that in oneself, waiting to be found, there is a light.” James Baldwin (1924-1987)
Adriano Pellegrini ▪ Italy
Back to where we belong
Ahmer Inam ▪ USA 6
Makeshift Outside Dining I want to convey a sense of unease that we get from observing liminal spaces, which the pandemic has forced on society, and the small amounts of socially distanced joy that we are seeking out as a way to hold on to our sense of humanity. The candle in the middle subliminally acts as a beacon of hope. Location: 3 Doors Down Cafe, Portland, Oregon, USA
Alfredo Pereira da Costa ▪ Portugal 8
“Despair and prostration are confronted with hope and confidence in the future of light and peace!”
It was Carnevale di Venezia. Covid19 burst and the crowd drained like the water from the lagoon. The revelry gave way to fear and the Carnevale masks have lost place to the sanitary ones. Derisively this Angel of Death remained. Roaming the empty city with his silent wide wings, his scythe dripped around the threat of the vírus. Venice, February 2020
Ana Raquel Pratas ▪ Potugal
Os tempos da peste
The plague times
Antonio Alfredo ▪ Portugal 12
Social distancing and isolation The reduction of physical and social contact with family and friends develops emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety, we are left with the comfort of good memories.
Beatriz Rodrigues ▪ Portugal
I have, like so many, watched in disbelief the unfolding of a chapter in the History of Humanity that I never imagined living: SARS Cov2, aka Covid19, came from the east and quickly settled in every corner of the planet. They told us that it was a sly virus, as bad as snakes, and with a desire to take thousands of us to the last address. They described endless lists of symptoms that were so similar that they confused us with other diseases of the time, of bygone eras. They filled us with “Diaries on TV”, with posters, audio messages and billboards: “Stay at home”; “Keep a safe distance” “Wash and disinfect your hands frequently”, “Protect yourself and protect others”. They covered our faces and smiles with artificial masks. They made the most disbelievers believe that this virus would be quiet outside if the doors of the house and the heart were closed. They convinced those who let themselves be convinced, that hugs would trigger the contagion. Dose 1 arrived, all flashing, a little stunned; soon after, in a row, the 2, the 3, the 4… and the reinforcement! Freedom, as can be seen and will be written, was resisting. Hand in hand with Photography, they dared, in a way of contemplation, to register the Values and Beauty of this extraordinary World! And no one doubts or erases this! The rest and what’s left is another story.
The Faithfull Man Sameiro, Braga
After more than 2 years since the pandemic turned all our lives upside down we have asked 100 photographers to choose and send us to feature their best photo captured in this dark period. We have received the contributions of more than the initial 100 autors so we have decided to turn this title in two volumes of 50 authors each. Like we can give the photos the space they deserve, a whole spread—2 pages—to each one of them. In this first volume you can see a bit of everything a photographer can give us: pandemic photos as a theme but also other types, many of them taken in special conditions that, otherwise, would be almost impossible to take.