"Womanity by the Sea", by Pedro Pargana

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After 10 years of diverse shootings, the perfect moment has arrived to produce “Womanity By the Sea”. A book of 150 images of diverse narratives and photo compositions.


Around 2012, a dear friend challenged me to do a photoshoot at an isolated beach, some 50 km away from Lisbon with selected models. She was the supervisor of that shoot, and the location was absolutely superb. Some 500 metres of sandy beach, just 2 extra random people, iconic shaped rocks in the middle of the ocean, and a very clear blue sea texture that occurs particularly on that beach because of the local quarry nearby, that produces white sediments that flow into the beach after the regular rains. In other words, it was absolutely magical. An absolute crystal blue sea. I was not expecting that at all. A connection with nature started in me because of this very first shoot.




Womanity by the Sea AUTHOR

Pedro Pargana

(pedropargana@exclusiva.com.pt) contact 00 351 91 754 67 65 PUBLISHING HOUSE

Almalusa, Portugal https://issuu.com/almalusa.org PUBLISHER

Jorge Pinto Guedes/ Beatriz Pinto Guedes DESIGN & PRODUCTION

B&B Design for Almalusa RETOUCHER

Filipa Silva WRITING

Pedro Pargana and sweet help from Paula Marques, Rui & Ana Santos, Luis Rocha Antunes MODELS

MUA, Logistics & team leaders

Big thank you to Catarina Fartaria (supervisor), Carlos Santos (supervisor), Joana Paula (supervisor), Ines Lapa (MUA), Catarina Santiago (MUA), Maria Francisca (MUA). Big Big thank you to models Amanda Santos, Sophy Angel, Elena Panaipe (Lenne_j), Vera Fonseca, Mónica Juliana Santos, Margarida Coelho, Johanna Lattimore, Pavlina Seemannova, Brooke Timmons, Vera Ventura, Ligia lélé, Monica dos Santos, Catarina Correia, Joana Santos, Joana Baptista, Iara Martins, Helena Fonseca, Ana Coelho and Nikky (Nikolart).


Rita Évora and Jorge Rocha PUBLICATION DATE

September, 2021

© Copyright of the Photos: Pedro Pargana © Copyright of the Book: Almalusa administracao@almalusa.org

PREFACE This living work represents a collection of photographs with a soul that, in my opinion, is an ODE to beauty, nudity and humanity in the feminine. In essence, we are all quite similar in humanity, but significantly different in identity. So unique. So poetic. So real. So complex. So raw and So naked. It is an honor to have accepted this challenge from my dear friend Pedro, the opportunity to convey in loose lines the essence of his work. It’s impossible to share the essence of the book, without speaking about Pedro´s personality. Pedro and his many creative works merge into a single expression; they are not dissociable, since knowing his work in depth is to connect with the soul of its Creator. Perhaps this is the magic of ART, in whatever form it takes, to think from the experiences, the stories told, the realization, the lenses that perceive the mystery of life built from the person who narrates them, the creator himself. Therefore, the best of works is not found in fiction, it is found in the real life of those who feel life intensely with the pure eyes of a child, fascinated, confident and with an open heart for the best to come. That’s Pedro in a nutshell, that’s every masterpiece he transmits to us. In this book, now finally compiled and edited, Pedro narrates the greatest passion that he cherishes in this life, a brilliant and harmonious fusion between his talent for photography, the naked beauty of Women and Nature, which will always be the refuge and connection with the Divine. Much more than naked bodies, this work portrays, what for me seems to be the greatest nudity of all, the undressing of these souls portrayed in these 150 images, which keep memories and tell their own stories. Thank you Pedro Pargana, for honoring this commitment to the mission that was imbued in you: to bring more nudity, soul and humanity to the art of portraits, to the Universe of photography.

Rita Évora Ferreira Master in Community Psychology, Somatic Therapist with Holistic guidance and Trainer in Socio-Emotional Skills. Rita has been doing research in the fields of Coaching & NLP for 8 years; Non-formal education; Analytical Psychology; Reiki; Psychological Astrology; Tantra; Ayurveda; Dance Therapy; Mindfullnes; Biodanza, among other tools that applies in life and professionally. Currently specializing in Somatic Psychotherapy which adds value to a deeper knowledge. In the area of education, Rita´s path began in 2014 as a trainer in personal development at an NGDO, then as a Community Action Technician at a Social Center and, in the course, as a Facilitator in intercultural projects (within the scope of Erasmus +). Her mission is to unite Psychology (Science) with Spirituality, bringing human development to young people and adults, through the deep affective experience and the potentials that reside within them.


“WOMANITY BY THE SEA” CREATION PROCESS Around 2012, a dear friend challenged me to do a photoshoot at an isolated beach, some 50 km away from Lisbon with selected models. She was the supervisor of that shoot, and the location was absolutely superb. Some 500 metres of sandy beach, just 2 extra random people, iconic shaped rocks in the middle of the ocean, and a very clear blue sea texture that occurs particularly on that beach because of the local quarry nearby, that produces white sediments that flow into the beach after the regular rains. In other words, it was absolutely magical. An absolute crystal blue sea. I was not expecting that at all. A connection with nature started in me because of this very first shoot.

ABOUT ME Dear readers, My name is Pedro Pargana, and I’m the author of the Nude Fine Art book “Womanity By the Sea”. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and all story behind the creation of “Womanity by the Sea” as I feel so fulfilled and really happy with the final result of the book.

This shoot was the very first seed. The seed for nature, for connection, for creation and shooting the most gracious element nature has ever produced: the WOMAN!

I am 52 years old, with a degree in management and economics, and I’m a full time business entrepreneur, since 1996, in Lisbon, Portugal.

Then, I also started to feel the need for shooting once, twice or even three times a year. It became a mandatory personal therapy. I feel truly accomplished when I shoot, and I find most of my images to be gracious, elegant, feminine and eloquent. I believe that through photography I achieve the very best of me. It was also the drive to discover new stunning locations, new textures, new compositions. The travelling international professional photo models became also a common element to consider (through renowned professional web platforms) and it all became easier and more accessible. I managed to be more careful in terms of the selection process, the locations were so challenging and all the models had that creativity drive, so powerful that it always made me go further and further. I am telling you, it’s a unique team

Despite of my professional and main activity, I am a complete passionate, emotional and devoted photographer, without professional life or training within the field. I would say I really crave, desire and connect with photo images. I love them, printed and framed on the wall. How powerful they are, as an aesthetic form and as a powerful message, many times having people we love represented on it. My passion started from my early days in the 80’s and 90’s, throughout my entire youth and current adulthood. From the time where we had only analog images and films rolls. We had to wait for 3 days for the images to be developed. It was a moment of anxiety with the growing expectations towards the final results of the images. I miss that expectation and ecstasy. How happy we were to rejoice with the details, angles and light that the final developed images showed. I still have and cherish 25 old photo albums which I adore pristinely. They are the real proof of my whole life, friends, affections and unique moments lived. I guess, after graduating, I focused completely on my professional life and the development of my companies, also having a family, enjoying fatherhood and other social responsibilities. But then, something joyful started lurking inside me. Something special. There is a saying “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy” by Rumi, that I identified myself a lot with. For me, that river was, is and will be photography.


One word in advance, I will never mention the name of any of the locations/beaches in order to preserve its isolation, even though many of the places I shoot are already very well know among local and in some cases national level. I understand, that what is beautiful can be contemplated by everybody, but honestly, I feel those places as my own and part of my inner identity. I want them to be as less known as possible. Excuse this personal selfish behaviour of mine.

work, with everyone engaged, with mutual understanding and commitment regarding the image creation. After 10 years of diverse shootings, the perfect moment has arrived to produce “Womanity By the Sea”. A book of 150 images of diverse narratives and photo compositions.

ABOUT PORTUGAL For logistic, financial and reasonable motives all of my shoots are made in my home country Portugal, and in a range of 200 km from Lisbon. We can go to a perfect spot, shoot and return home all in the same day. I want to share with you my love for the uniqueness of the Portuguese geological coastal line, where most of “Womanity by the Sea” photos were taken. Let me share a written sentence from Nikky, one of the models from the book: “What started 6 months ago, with an e-mail, culminated the past two days (…), shooting at the most amazing beach I’ve ever been to, with fantastic weather and most importantly with a dream team of Pedro, the man with a passion! Thank you Pedro, Joana, Inês, Bernardo, Mr. Valente, the brave Catarina, everyone, you are wonderful”. It really summarizes the photo mood: teamwork, stunning locations, collective passion for their jobs and a joy growing inside of us for the rest of our lives. And allow me to smile, thinking I brought the model I absolutely have an aesthetic devotion, to the most beautiful beach she has ever seen in her entire life. Is there a better compliment about a nation than this one? If you ever plan to visit Lisbon, please book and demand a window plane seat on the left side of the plane. Usually the landings are absolutely stunning as the airport is within the city center (another unique characteristic of Lisbon). You will understand that the love for Portugal starts exactly there, from that oval double glass window where you will see several ocean sights, the magnificent 25 de Abril bridge on your left side and so, so close to you, the river monuments which you can observe, that seem so tiny (Torre de Belém, Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, Padrão dos descobrimentos and Praça do comércio) and the overall notion you will land in a country full of affections. If you don’t believe it, just allow yourself and come! See it with your own eyes. Then there is also another secret: spectacular geological rock formations, 700 kms of sandy beaches, beautiful, serene coves, isolated beaches just for you. I frequently listen to American or European models that I work with, saying “We don’t have anything like this in my country”. Maybe a bit exaggerated but when I hear that I feel that what I am doing makes all sense. Sandy beaches are very present in our summer existence. But again, surprise: in the peak of summer, mid-August, you can find dozens of sandy crystal beaches with NO ONE! And that is pure joy. You can also find beautiful rock formations, unique in the world and also extensive sand banks that result from river estuaries. I must confess I need to explore more the sand compositions and this huge extensive location that I selfishly

refuse to share because of the reasons mentioned before and mostly because I know my future photo will be probably out there somehow. On my next future captures you will understand what I mean. And again, when you leave Portugal, this time book the right side of the plane window seat, and you will see the magnificent and extensive 16 km Vasco da Gama’s bridge, and I guarantee you will drop dry tears of joy and pure commotion.

WOMANITY Womanity (noun): the nature of women. The disposition, character, or qualities traditionally attributed to women; womanliness. (…) From woman + ity, after humanity. Here is maybe where I find myself to be more personal and deep thinking: why do I shoot Women? Simple answer: I absolutely adore everything in them. I just feel it. Everyday single day. A deeper thought comes to mind: a woman´s intriguing dichotomy between both flowery fragility and intense power, and often, as I notice it, simultaneously. No matter how old I get, this female characteristic remains absolutely remarkable to me. Is there any greater power then making a statement just by simply a woman being present? I certainly don’t know any, and that is why I am so passionate about my work. It is because women are so special and intriguing to me, in the most respectful manner ever, that they will forever be an inspiration to me as a photographer. Their very gracious movements, their delicate quotidian gestures, the stunning elegant bodies with endless beautiful and unique details. The most beautiful and balanced harmony of forms, which by adding movement provides an extraordinary contemplation. How many times in life am I astonished by the diversity, versatility and beauty of women existence? For me they are real magnets of beauty. I feel an attraction for everything they represent. Have you ever watched a woman combing her hair? On the book there is one image about that. My jaw dropped of contemplation just by observing the model doing it. I didn’t ask for that narrative, it just happened and it was so, so beautiful. The moment is still is in my heart and I guess the model didn´t even realised it. Have you ever observed “in slow motion mind mode” a woman adjusting her bikini or lingerie? Or the female’s hair flowing through the wind? Have you ever noticed the gracious female hands? Have you ever observed a nude woman entering into the ocean, at an isolated location? How profoundly beautiful it is. In my mind, there is a real sense of connection and belonging between the mind-blowing female presence and the surprising nature. Nature and women complete each other in a garceful way, in total harmony, becoming one.


ODE TO GOD’S GREATEST CREATION Those who appreciate boudoir/nude photography, and do not know and/or follow Pedro on social networks do not imagine what they lose, because he is someone who knows how to value as few others the female universe, beauty and sensuality, whether they are professional or amateur models, national or international, high or low, of the standard of beauty in vogue or fuller. Of all of them, with his refined look as a photographer Pedro can extract the best they have, from a sensuality that can be latent to an inner glow. His photos are an ode to God’s greatest creation. Proof of this, are the very varied sessions he created, of which I highlight two: “Tribute to Lisbon” and “Timeless versatile and Unique”; the latter, a remote shoot with a Canadian model which, according to him, “has its own identity, with an eternal and overwhelming elegance comparable even to a Greek statue” In this book “WOMANITY BY THE SEA”, we may have a link, which refers to his work on social networks, thus offering the possibility to everyone to appreciate his work. It is also planned to launch a new book soon, with several extraordinary photos that remain unshown in this edition, and that once again refer to his unique look at the art of photography. Still in relation to “WOMANITY BY THE SEA”, I confess. I suspect myself, since I already know several of his sessions and photos with several models that pose for him, and all of them always surprised me positively. It should be noted that despite the numerous scenarios in which he photographed, the sea and coastline are undoubtedly the touchstone of his work. Pedro has an incredible photographic look and leaves nothing to chance: he first goes through a careful and accurate study of the place where the session will take place, sees the strengths and weaknesses,


which can highlight or discard, studies natural light and the best way to use it among so many other points that would become tedious to mention here. Pedro’s work is also valued by the fact that, although he is the one looking for the places where he wants to photograph, the best light, the best way to direct the models, national or international, he also leaves some space for the creativity of the latter; it is from this surroundings that the authentic masterpieces that are Pedro’s photos are born, incredibly beautiful, some with vibrant colors, others of low-key or even high-key. In his work, Pedro sometimes adapts and fuses the curves of the model to the scenario, sometimes he does the opposite thus highlighting the scenario or the model; from the model both extracts an apparent alienation, and then part of it to an intermediate phase of sensuality until it reaches pure female sensuality, always with extreme good taste. It can be like no one else to incorporate in a very personal way the curves or straightest lines of a model and merge them into the scenario; so I suggest that each photo be looked at and appreciated as a whole, as if it were a picture, paying attention to the small details, sometimes almost imperceptible in a first reading, from small nuances of light to the placement of the trunk, legs or arms, hands and fingers, placement of the head and in which part of them merge or highlight the scenario. In all of them, more or less latent, is the female condition as a central point. It exalts, in my opinion, the female body and sensuality and everything that underlies it. Women are, through his eyes, extraordinarily powerful, sensual, empowered beings, which he highlights like no one else, and through his lens, all his works exhibit delicious details and details [some even with a certain aura of mystery], although they may go unnoticed in a less attentive first reading.

Jorge Rocha










After 10 years of diverse shootings, the perfect moment has arrived to produce “Womanity By the Sea”. A book of 150 images of diverse narratives and photo compositions.


Around 2012, a dear friend challenged me to do a photoshoot at an isolated beach, some 50 km away from Lisbon with selected models. She was the supervisor of that shoot, and the location was absolutely superb. Some 500 metres of sandy beach, just 2 extra random people, iconic shaped rocks in the middle of the ocean, and a very clear blue sea texture that occurs particularly on that beach because of the local quarry nearby, that produces white sediments that flow into the beach after the regular rains. In other words, it was absolutely magical. An absolute crystal blue sea. I was not expecting that at all. A connection with nature started in me because of this very first shoot.

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