The Almanac 08.18.2010 - Section 1

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WOODSIDE: Jackling house preservationists throw in the towel. Page 5


AUGUST 18, 2010

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Candidates for three seats on the Menlo Park City Council are, from left, Chuck Bernstein, Rich Cline, Peter Ohtaki, Russell Peterson and Heyward Robinson. A photo of Kirsten Keith was not available.

Who are these people? ■ Scrutiny of Menlo Park candidates begins. By Sandy Brundage Almanac Staff Writer


ll six candidates running for Menlo Park City Council have spent time in the public eye, one way or another, some moments more pleasant than others, but rewarding enough that they’re back for more.

The teacher

Educator and “unofficial” community leader Chuck Bernstein stands opposed to the Menlo Gateway Project (Dave Bohannon’s big office-hotel development proposal that will be on the November ballot) and high-speed rail, and led the drive to put the pension-reform initiative on the ballot. He served on a Willows neighborhood watch group, the city’s 2005 budget advisory committee, and task forces on residential development and child care. Mr. Bernstein released a statement Aug. 12 calling for campaign-spending limits and a voluntary code of conduct, proposing a ceiling of $40,000 per candidate. Although he said there are no groups from whom he won’t accept a limited contribution, one clause of the campaign spending limit agreement calls for candidates to exclude all contributions from anyone with a current or pending matter before the City Council during the past six months or upcoming six months. The lawyer

Criminal defense attorney Kirsten Keith indicated she

agreed with the essence of Mr. Bernstein’s proposals and would sign, provided a few tweaks were made. She did not specify what changes she wanted. A self-described fiscal conservative, she said she has a track record of building consensus after listening to all sides. In addition to serving on the Planning Commission for six years, she has volunteered time with county agencies dealing with women’s issues, including domestic violence, and city commissions on conflict resolution and housing. Now for the “big issues” of this year’s election: She voted in support of the Menlo Gateway project. A two-tier pension system, she believes, would prevent the city’s finances from buckling under spiraling pension costs. That leaves high-speed rail. As with the other candidates — no one likes the idea of aerial tracks — Ms. Keith supports an underground solution. The mayor

Many residents know Mayor Rich Cline’s positions on highspeed rail through his work with the Peninsula Cities Consortium, which opposes the current above-ground design, and on the Bohannon Gateway project (he voted to put it on the ballot). The city needs pension reform, he said, but a two-tier system won’t solve all the problems. “Pension reform is but a small part of a long-term realignment of our city’s organization to provide the high level of service we have come to expect, but more efficiently and with an

eye toward long-term sustainability,” he said. He has drawn a line regarding campaign funding. “Given the current environment with employee negotiations and some development projects, I will not take money from employee unions and the developers with projects under way or pending,” Mr. Cline said. “Conflict of interest concerns are real.” Why should he be re-elected? “We want leaders who are willing to make decisions that may go against their own personal convictions if the community feedback and data collection proves that decision correct,” he answered, citing his focus on preserving Menlo Park’s quality of life while building financial soundness. The CFO

Peter Ohtaki, likewise, said he will not accept contributions from unions. The board president of the Menlo Park Fire Protection District said he supports the pension-reform initiative, and thinks his background as a former chief financial officer would help the city control expenses. He referred to high-speed rail as a “very risky make-work program,” and opposes elevated tracks. On the issue of development, Mr. Ohtaki said: “We need to revitalize our local economy, including not only east of Bayshore but also along El Camino Real. The council promised to fix the empty dealerships on El Camino and empty storefronts on Santa Cruz Avenue. That See ELECTION, page 7

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P R E S E RV E M E N LO ' S SMALL-TOWN CHARM Request that BevMo's Use Permit be Denied BevMo, a big chain, is already in nearby Redwood City and Menlo Park has enough liquor outlets (8). Menlo Park wisely requires use permits for liquor stores, gun shops, and massage parlors.

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August 18, 2010 N The Almanac N 3

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Jackling house preservationists throw in towel ■ Uphold Our Heritage drops appeal of Steve Jobs’ demolition permit. By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


he end seems nearer than ever for the Jackling house, that rambling Jazz Age Woodside summer home designed by architect George Washington Smith for copper baron Daniel C. Jackling and owned since 1984 by Apple Corp. chief executive Steve Jobs, who’s been trying since 2001 to replace it with something smaller and more modern. Uphold Our Heritage, a group that sought to preserve the house as an important piece of Woodside history, on July 19 dropped its appeal of a March 2010 ruling by San Mateo County Superior Judge Marie S. Weiner that granted Mr. Jobs a demolition permit, said Doug Carstens, Uphold’s attorney. Uphold made this decision, he said, after Mr. Jobs did not respond to a proposal by Woodside residents Jason and Magalli Yoho to dismantle the house and move it from its current location at 460 Mountain Home Road to 215 Lindenbrook Road, a journey of about two miles. It was “a really great proposal” in which the Yohos would have paid “a very large part of the relo-

cation and restoration costs,” Mr. Carstens told The Almanac. The Yohos would have lived in the house and opened it to the public once a year, Uphold spokeswoman Clotilde Luce said in an e-mail. “Naturally,” she added, she expected Mr. Jobs to “put in something” to help finance the move, but that the Yohos “were going to cover almost everything.” Had Mr. Jobs agreed to it, she said, it would have solved landclearing problems and would have prevented adding to area landfills. The “agreement” between the Yohos and Uphold, said Town Manager Susan George, was never formally presented to the town and included “many unilateral stipulations, including the town taking financial responsibility for the relocation of the house The Jackling house, shown here in 2001, is now undergoing an inventory to photograph salvageable artifacts. should the other parties fail to do The items will be distributed according to a hierarchical list of interested parties, with the town of Woodside so.” Such stipulations would likely being first on the list. have doomed the proposal, she added. Yohos that would have allowed advanced via an unsolicited offer said. As for Mr. Jobs’ response, his Those stipulations were them to prepare their site for the of mediation by a program within attorney Howard Ellman had no removed in a revised proposal, Jackling house and (for) moving the state appellate court in con- comment. Mr. Carstens said. the house to the site. The applica- nection with Uphold’s appeal “That’s the heart of the story,” “The townís involvement,” Ms. tion was never deemed complete of Judge Weiner’s decision. The Mr. Carstens said. “If you can George said when asked to com- and the Yohos dropped it after a Yohos proposal could have been figure out why they rejected such ment, “was limited to attempting point, so that was that.” on the table, Mr. Carstens said. See JACKLING, page 10 to process an application from the The proposal might have Uphold agreed to participate, he

Menlo Park district opens new school facilities The Menlo Park City School District invites the public to ribbon-cutting ceremonies this month at its three renovated elementary schools. Laurel School ceremonies at 9 a.m. Monday, Aug. 23, will celebrate the opening of the third-grade pod of classrooms, and other buildings, including art and science facilities and a small multipurpose room. The construction project to renovate the campus began in June 2008. Encinal School will host a ribbon-cutting at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 23, for its new fourth- and fifth-grade complex. The facilities include 12 classrooms; a new multipurpose room/gymnasium; and art, music and science classrooms. The Encinal renovation and expansion project was designed to turn the Grade 3-5 school

into a K-5 school, and accommodate projected enrollment growth. The expanded campus can accommodate about 700 students. On Tuesday, Aug. 31, ribboncutting takes place at 6 p.m. at Oak Knoll School. The back-toschool program begins at 6:30 p.m. Oak Knoll has a new fourthand fifth-grade complex of 12 classrooms; a multipurpose room/gymnasium; and art, music and science classrooms. The renovated K-5 campus is designed to accommodate a projected enrollment of up to about 700 students. School principals and presidents of the parent-teacher organizations will cut the ribbons and welcome the public to tour the new facilities.

Murder suspect struggles to find attorney By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


fter six unsuccessful attempts to obtain a plea from Pooroushasb “Peter” Parineh to a murder charge, prosecutors from the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office are out of patience. Mr. Parineh, 64, has been in county jail since midJune on charges connected with the shooting death of his 56-year-old wife Parima Parineh. Sheriff ’s deputies found her dead on April 13 of multiple gunshot wounds in the bedroom of their home in unincorporated Woodside. Mr. Parineh has repeatedly asked judges to continue his arraignment proceedings while he tries to arrange

for a defense attorney in a case that, if he is convicted, may end in his being put to death or kept in prison for life without “Peter” Parineh the possibility of parole, said Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. Mr. Parineh has been in negotiations with at least three attorneys since his arrest on June 17, according to reports from Mr. Wagstaffe’s office. He has been in court about every other week for the purpose of entering a plea, but the judge has always granted him a continuance while he seeks an attorney. In death penalty cases,

attorney fees usually run from $250,000 to $500,000, Mr. Wagstaffe said, noting that Mr. Parineh’s difficulties in obtaining a lawyer revolve around what it’s going to cost him. His next arraignment is set for Aug. 19, Mr. Wagstaffe told The Almanac. If Mr. Parineh hasn’t settled on an attorney by then, prosecutors are going to ask the judge to require him to list his assets so the judge can determine whether he has the wherewithal to afford his own defense. Ms. Parineh had a “large” life insurance policy and Mr. Parineh had several properties in foreclosure, no liquidity and “enormous debt,” Mr. Wagstaffe has said. See ATTORNEY, page 10

See FACILITIES, page 10

August 18, 2010 N The Almanac N 5


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by Monica Corman

Police call evacuates Safeway People shopping at the Sharon Heights Safeway in Menlo Park around 1 a.m. Monday, Aug. 16, got more than they bargained for when police surrounded and evacuated the building. A woman called police to report seeing two men arming themselves before entering the store. However, a search of the premises turned up no sign of the pair. A review of the store’s security camera footage also came up empty, according to police spokesperson Nicole Acker. She said it’s possible the wit-


ness saw employees outside on a break holding price ticket guns or box cutters. Police planned to re-interview the witness Monday evening. The Palo Alto Police Department and San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office also responded to the call.

Celebration of Bill Lane’s life Friends and relatives of former Sunset publisher and philanthropist Bill Lane will

Share Your Thoughts and Stories

celebrate his life at a memorial service set for noon Friday, Oct. 1, at the Stanford Memorial Church. Mr. Lane died July 31. He was 90. A reception will follow at the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center on the campus, according to a statement from Mr. Lane’s office. Relatives are asking that gifts in Mr. Lane’s memory be directed to the Peninsula Open Space Trust, the California State Parks Foundation, the Yosemite Conservancy, and/or the Portola Valley Open Space Acquisition Fund.

Atherton residents sue over football field lights at M-A By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


group of about a dozen Atherton residents whose homes are near the campus of Menlo-Atherton High School have filed a lawsuit over plans to install five temporary light towers so that the school can have night football games, an attorney for the group told The Almanac. The Sequoia Union High School District has failed to comply with state regulations on environmental impacts and Atherton regulations on the ELECTION continued from page 3

hasn’t happened. Menlo Park deserves better. “ The businessman

Russell Peterson, perhaps best known by local residents as the man who sued the high-speed rail authority, would also like to be known for other qualities. “I’m an independent thinker with a reasoned approach. I tend towards a smaller footprint in Menlo Park,� he said. “I want to add the voice of folks I don’t think are being heard as much as the developers or the anti-developers.� He referred to “certain legalistic or Brown Act things that get in the way of doing what most people would consider sensible.� He describes his budget approach as “fiscally conservative. If you don’t have it, don’t spend it.� That philosophy applies to his campaign, which he intends to conduct primarily online. He doubts the unions would donate, even though his father was a union man. Where does he stand on the

lighting of athletic fields, height of structures and noise limits, said Anna Shimko, a San Francisco attorney who specializes in environmental and property law. The light towers are 53 feet high and the zoning code restricts structures to 35 feet, Ms. Shimko said, adding that the school district has specified “absolutely no limits� as to the number of activities to be held at the field and the hours during which they would be held. The state grants school districts broad exemptions from local zoning regulations.

The San Mateo County Counsel’s Office, which represents the Sequoia district, did not respond to a request for comment. The lights are temporary as the district investigates permanent lights. Olivia Martinez, president of the Sequoia board of trustees, in November called the matter “one of the more difficult topics we’ve taken on since I’ve been on the board.� The investigation will include an environmental analysis of noise, traffic, artificial light and safety impacts, then-assistant superintendent Jim Lianides told the board.

“big four� issues? Smaller Gateway development, same for the downtown plan, yes to pension reform — “you don’t plan to fail; if the plan is to be bankrupt in the future, I don’t think it’s a good plan� — no to putting issues like these on the ballot, and then there’s the last issue: high-speed rail. Speaking with Mr. Peterson, one characteristic becomes clear —he can’t go more than one minute without mentioning highspeed rail. It remains to be seen how his dedication to that topic would gel with sitting on the City Council, as the state ethics commission would likely not allow him to vote or speak on the issue as a councilmember. Mr. Peterson himself is not sure he wants to surrender that option; he’s taking the month of August to decide whether to actually run. “I filed to qualify for the ballot,� he said.

projects pending before the city, but added a caveat: that only applies to unions who represent Menlo Park employees. He voted yes to pension reform, but doesn’t think the ballot box is the place to decide such matters, since that leaves the initiative open to legal challenge. “It’s best to continue our history of having council make decisions about pension rates in the framework of labor negotiations and as part of a total compensation package,� he said. Like the sixth member of a Greek chorus, Mr. Robinson voiced his dislike of elevated highspeed rails, saying it “would be a disaster for our city.� Not so much dislike for the Bohannon project, however, which he said would be located in an appropriate non-residential area, and increase Menlo Park’s available office space while adding jobs and revenue. “There’s no substitute for experience,� Mr. Robinson said when asked why he should be re-elected. “I ask better questions than when I joined the council. Better questions result in better solutions.�

The councilman

That leaves Councilman Heyward Robinson. The engineer joins Mr. Cline and Mr. Ohtaki in stating he will not accept money from unions, or developers with


Dear Almanac Readers: After more than ten years of writing this column in The Almanac, I would like to widen the scope beyond answering a single question and invite you to tell me your stories about your real estate experience. Each of you probably has at least one story to share whether you are a long time resident or a relative newcomer. Anything that has to do with the broad topic of housing is welcome. If you are a buyer in this market, what has been your experience? How have you looked for a house, what has worked best for you and what have you learned? If you are looking for a home but sitting on the fence when it comes to actually making an offer, what is holding you back? If you are a seller, what has been your experience? Is there a memorable person

or house that you have a story about? Have you remodeled your home or built a new one and how was the process? Do you want to weigh in about future housing development in this area or the impact of the economy on housing? You can email me at mcorman@, fax me at 650-462-1199, leave a voicemail at 650-543-1164, or write to me at Alain Pinel Realtors, 1550 El Camino Real, Menlo Park 94025. I will not use your name without permission. Our homes and our communities are so important in our lives and we can learn from each other’s experiences. Monica Corman Alain Pinel Realtors 650-543-1164 Direct 650-465-5971 Cell

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A community health education series from Stanford Hospital & Clinics

Arteries’ Mere Millimeters A Mainstay Until Aneurysms Raise Risk of Lethal Rupture Precision Vascular Surgery Can Repair and Restore

He could walk, but his leg felt cold and numb. He called his doctor, who squeezed him in as the last appointment of the day. That doctor took a quick look and immediately sent Lee to the local hospital. After some tests, Lee heard a verdict that shook him. “They wanted to amputate my leg,” he said. By midnight that same day, Lee and his wife, Wendy, were at Stanford Hospital & Clinics, transferred there for the higher degree of care Lee need-

ed. Quickly surveying Lee’s circulatory system, Stanford vascular specialists could easily see the aneurysm that had created a clot in Lee’s right leg. They discovered another similar aneurysm in Lee’s left leg. But they also found two other serious problems: a significant blockage in Lee’s carotid artery, in his neck, which put him at risk for a stroke and an aneurysm deep in his abdomen, in the aorta, the main blood vessel routing blood from the heart to the rest of the body. That aneurysm had swollen the aorta to four times its normal size and looked ready to rupture. An aneurysm in a limb threatens only the limb. This large aortic aneurysm in his abdomen threatened his life.

“My leg wasn’t swollen, but I felt something was wrong.” – Eugene Lee, patient, Stanford Hospital & Clinics Multiple aneurysms are not uncommon, said Ronald L. Dalman, MD, Chief of Stanford’s Division of Vascular Surgery, who accepted Lee’s transfer from the community hospital. “When you have four or five problems, it’s about setting priorities and figuring out the best sequence of treatment,” he said. “What you need is a coherent plan.”

Miles of arteries

Norbert von der Groeben

Keeping up with the family dogs is easy for Lee now. When he brings out the jar of treats, they are ready. 8 N The Almanac N August 18, 2010

The network of blood vessels that delivers oxygen and nutrients, fights infection and removes waste is not, perhaps, as understood or appreciated as are other major parts of our bodies like the heart, brain and lungs. When something goes wrong with that network−when an aneurysm blows open or a stroke-triggering clot forms in the brain−then it is obvious that the circulatory system, powering around its contents 1,500 times daily, is essential to life. Vascular medicine, from the Latin word for vessel, treats the

Norbert von der Groeben

At 60, Eugene Lee’s vigor is impressive. Here is someone whose energy puts a spring in every step he takes. And he is not someone to complain about minor aches and pains. Three years ago, when his right leg became a little painful, he didn’t pay much attention until one day when it gave way completely, in mid-stride. “It just buckled under me,” he said. “For about 30 minutes I felt very uncomfortable. My leg wasn’t swollen, but I felt something was wrong.”

Eugene Lee didn’t think much about the pain in his right leg until one day when it collapsed under him as he took a step. He had no idea that the problem was not just in his leg. Stanford surgeons found and repaired two aneurysms whose rupture could have ended Lee’s life. tens of thousands of miles of arteries, veins and capillaries that convey blood to do its crucial job throughout the body. Major vascular diseases include atherosclerosis, the build-up of fat and cholesterol that slows and diminishes blood flow, setting the scene for heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure. Clots in the system also impede blood flow, with similarly serious health impacts. Treatment varies, from medication to surgery, but problems can occur everywhere in the

vascular system. As a group, vascular diseases are the major cause of illness and death in the United States.

“When you have four or five problems, it’s about setting priorities and figuring out the best sequence of treatment. - Ronald L. Dalman, MD, Chief, Stanford Hospital Divison of Vascular Surgery

Aneurysms can appear at any age, but they are especially common in men beyond age 60 who have smoked cigarettes, Dalman said. The phenomenon is so closely linked to smoking that, in 2007, the U.S. Congress added an abdominal and aortic aneurysm screening benefit to Medicare. If such screening were widely conducted, Dalman believes, the mortality rate In these striking images, the distortion and bulge of Lee’s abdominal aortic aneurysm could drop by half. is clearly visible on the left. On the right, after surgery, stents that protect the aorta Aortic aneurysms artery have returned it to its normal size for proper blood flow and full function. are the third leading

special feature

How to Keep Your Arteries Healthy t Quit smoking−or just don’t start. Smoking accelerates the aging process of the vascular system, constricting and reducing arterial strength.

t Exercise−becoming more active on a daily basis−will always support good health. Some research indicates it can even repair vascular damage. Even a 15-minute session of vigorous movement gives the heart, which is a muscle, a useful workout. Increased physical activity also activates certain components in the blood to work against atherosclerosis. It can also reduce stress.

t If you have a family history of vascular disease, talk to your doctor about screening tests that might be appropriate. t Maintain a healthy weight. Choose foods with special attention to cholesterol, which is an important part of keeping cell walls properly functioning. But, too much of one type of cholesterol gums up the arteries. Saturated fat, especially in meat and dairy products, can raise the amount of that kind of cholesterol. Reduce your salt intake. Too much causes the vascular system to constrict.

Center to include a focus on stem cellbased therapies.

Screening is especially important with a condition that usually does not announce itself months or weeks or even days ahead of a rupture. Once rupture occurs, its fatal effects are just minutes away.

One of the goals of this area of research, Dalman said, will be to reduce the rate of vascular disease progression by a more thorough understanding of its origins. “We need to know just what starts the cell death that causes the destruction and remodeling of the aortic walls,” he said. “We’re approaching that on multiple fronts.” Genetics also play a significant role, he said.

Breakthroughs in reliable repair Work to identify aneurysms at the earliest possible stage is intense. In addition to caring for patients, Dalman is the director and principal investigator of Stanford’s Specialized Center of Clinically Oriented Research program in aortic disease. The program, funded by the National Institutes of Health, is identifying new medical treatment strategies for aortic aneurysms to help patients avoid the need for surgery altogether. The growing importance of non-surgical management of vascular disease, Dalman said, prompted the expansion of Stanford’s Vascular

“I was lucky. I was at the right hospital with the right doctor.” – Eugene Lee, patient, Stanford Hospital & Clinics

Norbert von der Groeben

Vascular patients have benefited significantly from recent technological breakthroughs, many pioneered at Stanford, including high-speed CT and MRI angiography and 3D image reconstruction technologies used to give surgeons detailed information about what was happening in Lee’s vascular system. Lee also benefited from another Stanford strength, and one of the most important vascular treatment approaches: minimally invasive, or endovascular, techniques to repair aortic aneurysms. By reducing blood loss and time in surgery, these techniques, which employ a catheter threaded into the body through a small incision, have reduced the risk of death during surgical repair by more than 50%.

Lee’s wife, Wendy, was as shocked as he was when doctors first told Lee he would lose his right leg. The couple prayed, she said, and had faith in the Stanford physicians.

Stanford surgeons also developed the first two commercial aortic endografts, metal mesh tubes to fortify damaged arteries. Stanford’s vascular medicine team continues to work with the Stanford Cardiovascular Biomechan-

Join us at:

Norbert von der Groeben

cause of sudden death in men over 65, he said.

For more information about vascular health: (Phone: 650.725.5227)

Lee has three bikes and rides as often as he can. He enjoys the exercise for its own sake and knows that it’s good for his overall health. ics Lab, to further advance innovation in vascular treatment tools. Repairing Lee’s aortic aneurysm became the first priority for Dalman and his collaborative team, which included a cardiovascular anesthesiologist and nurse specialists in cardiovascular care. Before he did anything else, Dalman placed an endograft in the abdominal aorta. Then, with that aorta stabilized, he removed the clot blocking blood flow to Lee’s right leg. Lee recovered quickly and returned to work. Later, in a second procedure, Dalman repaired Lee’s carotid artery and repaired the left leg aneurysm with precise revascularization procedures.

Back on a healthy track Lee’s first stay in the hospital lasted 10 days, a difficult time of waiting

and hoping. “We prayed and prayed,” said his wife. “That 10 days was very important−it saved his life and saved his leg.” As soon as he was allowed to, Lee started to work on regaining his physical strength. “I walked two miles a day,” he said. “It took me two to three hours, but I did it every day and I feel much better now.” Lee takes his bike out for a ride often, and returned to work with no restrictions on what he can do. Now, it’s a question of managing his arterial disease and keeping very conscious watch on his health in a way that reflects what he nearly lost. What happened to him is never very far from his mind and he is quick to voice his gratitude. “I was lucky,” he said. “I was at the right hospital with the right doctor.”

Stanford Hospital & Clinics is known worldwide for advanced treatment of complex disorders in areas such as cardiovascular care, cancer treatment, neurosciences, surgery, and organ transplants. Consistently ranked among the top institutions in the U.S. News & World Report annual list of “America’s Best Hospitals,” Stanford Hospital & Clinics is internationally recognized for translating medical breakthroughs into the care of patients. It is part of the Stanford University Medical Center, along with the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford. For more information, visit August 18, 2010 N The Almanac N 9

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Jackling preservationists throw in towel JACKLING continued from page 5

a great proposal, that would be news.” Mr. Ellman, when asked if he had a comment on Uphold’s decision to drop its appeal, replied: “No. The result speaks for itself. They abandoned the appeal and we’re going forward.” Uphold’s decision ends a multiyear effort in the courts to stop Mr. Jobs. Uphold succeeded in preventing the demolition in a 2004 lawsuit, a decision that Mr. Jobs appealed but that was upheld by the state Courts of Appeal in 2007. Mr. Jobs then modified his demolition plans to address the issues noted in the 2004 decision and won a judgment in March. Ms. Luce, whose family owned the house in the 1960s and who now lives in Miami Beach, said that the town “will be deprived of this quite interesting piece of California history.” Earlier proposal

Gordon Smythe, a Palo Alto venture capitalist and a fan of homes designed by George Washington Smith, offered in 2009 to salvage parts of the house and

use them in a new house at an undetermined site in California. That three-way agreement that included the town was contingent upon Uphold ending litigation, however, and that did not happen in time, Mr. Ellman said. Mr. Carstens noted that while it was true that Uphold did not drop its litigation, Mr. Jobs never signed. And Mr. Carstens wondered why Mr. Jobs did not offer to consider the Yohos’ proposal in lieu of Mr. Smythe’s. Commenting on the Smythe proposal to re-use parts of the house, Ms. Luce said: “Smith was an artist, this is a work of very sophisticated architecture. If you smash a Faberge egg and pick up some pieces, what have you ‘saved’?” In a biography on the website, Mr. Smith is cited as “one of that rare breed of architects who was able to produce buildings that were both subservient to their environment and at the same time able to project strong, beautiful forms into the landscape.” Orderly salvage

The town has hired architectural historian Michael R. Corbett to

conduct an inventory of historically significant parts of the house. Preserving these items for posterity is a key condition of the demolition permit issued by the town in 2009. Among the historically significant parts, according to a staff report, are a 50-foot flagpole, a copper mailbox, Spanish roof tiles, an organ and other features, including decorative tile, stone, woodwork, fireplace mantles, light fixtures and moldings. Where these objects end up is a matter of first dibs, and that privilege goes to the town of Woodside in every case. Next listed in the report are the San Mateo County Historical Association, and the George Washington Smith collection at the art museum of the University of California at Santa Barbara. Mr. Corbett, who is now engaged in photographing the significant objects, will be succeeded by an expert on how to remove them safely, Ms. George told The Almanac. Copies of the completed inventory then go to the agencies noted above for review. This sequence of events is likely to unfold over the next several weeks, Ms. George said. A

Menlo Park prepares to go out to bid on pool contract Perhaps learning from history, the city of Menlo Park released a staff report Aug. 11 on a contract renewal for the Burgess swimming pools almost two weeks in advance of the next City Council meeting. The council voted four years ago to hand over operation of the then brand-new Burgess facility to

Team Sheeper, a private contractor, without charging rent or putting the contract out to bid. The current lease expires in May 2011. Community Services Director Cherise Brandell said the city is releasing the documents early “to ensure a transparent and contemplative process.” The council will ATTORNEY continued from page 5

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in your e-mail inbox daily. Sign up today at 10 N The Almanac N August 18, 2010

Asked if Mr. Parineh was indigent, Mr. Wagstaffe said that prosecutors do not have access to information that would answer that question. “Some money is coming in from somewhere,” he said. “Evidently this attorney he is seeking to hire is not an inexpensive attorney.” If Mr. Parineh is shown to be indigent, the county will pay his legal bills and appoint a defense attorney from a pool of about 115 members of the county bar association, Mr. Wagstaffe said. About a quarter of these lawyers have experience in death penalty cases and would be “as good or better” in court than any attorney Mr. Parineh could hire on his own, Mr. Wagstaffe said. Prosecuting a case against appointed attorneys can be daunting, Mr. Wagstaffe said.

consider the request for proposals at its next meeting on Aug. 24, with an anticipated deadline to receive proposals in October. Prior to the deadline, the staff report states, the city intends to mail a survey to pool users, seeking input about operating hours, services and fees. Recalling his own experience in a recent death penalty case against a court-appointed defense, Mr. Wagstaffe noted that he was alone while his opposition had four attorneys to draw on, and that he had two investigators whereas the defense had four. A

FACILITIES continued from page 5

The campus renovation and modernization projects, which include the recently begun Hillview Middle School project, are funded by the Measure U bond measure passed by voters in June 2006. For more information about the events, call the district office at 321-7140. Go to for more information about the renovation projects.


Four vie for three seats on Atherton council By Renee Batti Almanac News Editor


oters will choose from among four candidates to fill three vacant seats on the Atherton City Council on Nov. 2, with two incumbents, one civic volunteer, and one newcomer to town qualifying for the ballot. Incumbents Jerry Carlson and Jim Dobbie are running to retain their seats. They will be on the ballot with Bill Widmer and Cary Wiest. Councilman Charles Marsala chose not to seek another term. The election of three council members comes at a time of divisiveness and strife in the small, affluent community. The town has been hit with a number of lawsuits, two of which it recently settled at a high cost to its general fund. Two pending legal conflicts are based on complaints against the town’s police and building departments. Employee compensation is rapidly driving up town spending, and is a major cause of a structural budget deficit. As a result, there is a growing call for the town to seriously study options such as outsourcing services to reduce staff.


Councilman Jerry Carlson said he’s running for another term to address “some big, unfinished business.� Among the issues he wants to focus on is “reinventing the town’s financial structure.� He said that Atherton, like most financially strapped towns, will have to tackle tough wage and benefit issues with employees, and “look at the way town services are delivered� and options for changing those methods. Mr. Carlson has been a leader on the high-speed rail issue, serving as the town’s representative on the Peninsula Cities Consortium, and chairing the town’s rail committee. He voted to support Atherton’s joining with other cities to sue the HighSpeed Rail Authority. His involvement with highspeed rail issues has been challenged by some residents, who say that he has a conflict of interest because he lives near the tracks. The town attorney recently reviewed the charge, and determined that Mr. Carlson’s participation in those issues didn’t constitute a legal conflict of interest because his house is sufficiently distant from the tracks — about 710 feet from the right-of-way. Mr. Carlson is on the Town Center Committee, and is Atherton’s representative on the City/

County Association of Governments in San Mateo County. Now retired, he spent many years in finance positions, and was Hewlett-Packard’s first corporate controller, he said. Councilman Dobbie could not be reached for comment before press time. He was elected in June 2008 to fill the council seat vacated by Alan Carlson, who resigned because he was moving from town. Before that, Mr. Dobbie served on the town’s Planning Commission and General Plan Committee. Mr. Dobbie, a retired high-tech executive, now serves on the town’s finance, audit and transportation committees. Challengers

An Atherton resident since 1996, Mr. Widmer is a member of the town’s Audit Committee, and participates on its Finance Committee. While his two children were growing up, he was active in the community as a soccer coach and referee, and in other youth programs. He has attended council meetings “here and there� since moving to town, but for the last two years has been a regular attendee, he said. Now the deputy vice president for commercial management for France Telecom’s Orange Business Services, Mr. Widmer said he has worked for 30 years “at the forefront of high-technology organizations.� His work and civic experience, plus his commitment to accountability and listening to residents, make him well-suited to serve on the council, he said. Areas he said he’d work to improve include fiscal management of the town, and communication between the town and its residents. “I think we should expect more (from the town), and I think I can help get more,� he said. Mr. Wiest, a real estate appraiser, moved to Atherton in the latter part of 2009, he said. Although that hasn’t given him much time to participate in local civic matters, he has been involved with San Mateo County issues. He was a member of the San Mateo County Charter Review Committee, convened last November to review the county’s charter and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on issues such as by-district elections and how to fill vacancies on the board. He also has been involved with youth programs, he said. Mr. Wiest is currently a member of the county’s Jail Planning

Advisory Committee, which is examining possible locations to build a new jail. Before moving to Atherton, he lived in unincorporated San Mateo Highlands, and was active on that neighborhood’s community association for about 10 years, serving for a time as president, he said. Mr. Wiest said he has attended some City Council meetings since moving to town, and “monitored the town’s (issues) through the newspapers.� He said his involvement in neighborhood and county government issues for the last 10 years gives him the kind of experience that “would be a real contribution to the town council.� He comes in “with a fresh face and with neutrality ... and without baggage,� he said. A

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August 18, 2010 N The Almanac N 11


Hillview rebuild: Handling noise, parking issues By Sandy Brundage Almanac Staff Writer


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he Menlo Park City School district is taking steps to address concerns voiced by neighbors of Hillview Middle School, who are worried about how construction will affect their quality of life, according to Superintendent Ken Ranella. Mr. Ranella e-mailed an update to interested parties on Aug. 9 detailing how the school will handle noise and parking during construction. Workers will follow the city’s noise ordinance by working between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. during the week. If construction must occur outside regular hours, the school plans to notify residents living near the campus, he said. As for parking, the school district has asked the city to designate staff-only parking on the east side of Elder Street once classes start on Aug. 24. Mr. Ranella said the staff will be encouraged to share rides or get to work by bike or foot. Traffic has been an ongoing issue near the campus at the corner of Santa Cruz and Elder avenues. In June, the City Council voted to begin talks with the

school district about installing a stoplight on the corner to help ease the impact of the expanded campus. The move led to opposition by residents, who think the traffic signal will impede access to Santa Cruz Avenue from their homes. The school district and the city still have to decide who will foot the estimated $240,000 bill for the signal. Construction work on the new campus began in July. The school’s tennis and basketball courts, field, and parking lot, along with a next-door playground, are being demolished during the first phase of construction, which is expected to last up to five months, according to Ahmad Sheikholeslami, district director of facility planning and construction. The school district aims to complete construction of the new campus, with 80,000 square feet of structures, by December 2011. Residents are encouraged to call Construction Manager Brenda Parella at 321-7140, ext. 5616, to report issues with regard to compliance or safety. A

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No sign of work on project By Sandy Brundage Almanac Staff Writer


ast week came and went at 1906 El Camino Real without any sign of the tile installers who were scheduled to show up on Aug. 10, according to what the developer told Menlo Park city officials. Residents in the area are losing patience with the construction project, whose fencing has blocked off most of the sidewalk bordering the site for months and forced pedestrians into the busy thoroughfare. (There is no sidewalk across the street.) The city’s community liaison for the project, Cherise Brandell, is out of the office until Aug. 19. City Manager Glen Rojas replied to The Almanac’s request for an update, saying he continues to press the developer to finish work and open the sidewalk, but that the city’s options are limited because it can’t take action on the project until the developer violates the building permit. “The only real violation related to the sidewalk would be if the developer stopped working for 180 consecutive days,� Mr. Rojas said. “Once they conduct work on the site, the clock stops on the 180 days and starts again if they stop work.� He acknowledged the frustration of both residents and city. The site’s building permit expires on the last day of September, according to the planning department, but could be extended another six months if the city inspects the site before the deadline. The last inspection took place on March 30. Mr. Rojas said the city had looked at the site for code-enforcement issues, but did not find any violations. “It’s properly fenced,� the city manager said. He added that the city attorney did not identify any legal hazards. Nearly a month ago, work began on the sidewalk, but remains unfinished. Project manager Phil Giurlani suggested last week that the

focus was on opening the sidewalk sooner rather than later. In July he told The Almanac that the city code required the fencing and there was no way to push it back from the walkway. Installing a temporary sidewalk would only impede construction, he said. Mr. Rojas said the project manager did not explain why the latest deadline for opening the sidewalk, Aug. 15, would not be met. Construction seems hindered even without the impediment of a temporary sidewalk. The developer hopes to fill the new two-story, 9,852-square-foot building with medical and dental offices. Residents wonder whether the repeated construction delays are due to financial problems; as of Aug. 12, the amount of late taxes owed on the parcel had risen to $12,732.88, according to the San Mateo County Tax Collector’s Office. A

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August 18, 2010 N The Almanac N 13

Serving Menlo Park, Atherton, Portola Valley, and Woodside for 44 years.

Editor & Publisher Tom Gibboney

Editorial Managing Editor Richard Hine News Editor Renee Batti Lifestyles Editor Jane Knoerle Senior Correspondents Marion Softky, Marjorie Mader Staff Writers David Boyce, Sandy Brundage Contributors Barbara Wood, Kate Daly, Katie Blankenberg Special Sections Editors Carol Blitzer, Sue Dremann Photographer Michelle Le

Design & Production Design Director Raul Perez Designers Linda Atilano, Gary Vennarucci

Advertising Vice President Sales & Marketing Walter Kupiec Display Advertising Sales Heather Hanye Real Estate Manager Neal Fine Real Estate and Advertising Coordinator Diane Martin Published every Wednesday at 3525 Alameda De Las Pulgas, Menlo Park, Ca 94025 Newsroom: (650) 854-2690 Newsroom Fax: (650) 854-0677 Advertising: (650) 854-2626 Advertising Fax: (650) 854-3650

Ideas, thoughts and opinions about

Dialog needed on BevMo application


he Menlo Park Planning Commission, and maybe ultimately the City Council, soon will decide whether the city should use its power to keep out chain retailers that might pose a competitive threat to locally owned businesses. Beverages and More (BevMo), a regional chain of more than 100 stores, sells wine and liquor at discount prices and plans to open a new location in the former Chili’s restaurant space if the commission approves a use permit. The strip mall, which faces the Caltrain tracks, backs up to El Camino Real and is already ED ITORI AL home to other chain stores, The opinion of The Almanac including Big 5 sporting goods, Staples office supplies and Lens Crafters. Local liquor and wine merchants such as Beltramo’s argue that the addition of a BevMo, which already has a location on El Camino Real in Redwood City, could be a devastating blow to them, especially in a tough economy. The more important issue, in our view, is when and whether the city should support locally owned, independent businesses in the face of chain stores that might bring lower prices but threaten locally owned businesses. There is a clause in the governing ordinance that allows the commission to deny the permit if it finds the use “detrimental to the general welfare of the city.” If the permit is denied, BevMo could appeal to the City Council, which would make the final decision. There are plenty of reasons for the city to turn BevMo down. For example, over the years city surveys have consistently found

e-mail news and photos with captions to: e-mail letters to: The Almanac, established in September, 1965, is delivered each week to residents of Menlo Park, Atherton, Portola Valley and Woodside and adjacent unincorporated areas of southern San Mateo County. The Almanac is qualified by decree of the Superior Court of San Mateo County to publish public notices of a governmental and legal nature, as stated in Decree No. 147530, issued November 9, 1969. Subscriptions are $60 for one year and $100 for two years.



All views must include a home address and contact phone number. Published letters will also appear on the web site,, and occasionally on the Town Square forum.

TOWN SQUARE FORUM POST your views on the Town Square forum at EMAIL your views to: and note this it is a letter to the editor in the subject line. MAIL or deliver to: Editor at the Almanac, 3525 Alameda de las Pulgas, Menlo Park, CA 94025.

CALL the Viewpoint desk at 854-2690, ext. 222.

local issues from people in our community. Edited by Tom Gibboney.

that residents value shopping at businesses such as Beltramo’s, Draeger’s market, Kepler’s Books and Magazines, Flegels furniture store, and others, rather than chain stores. Hometown Peninsula, a shop-local group based in Menlo Park and chaired by independent bookseller Clark Kepler, notes that member businesses tend to spend more locally, while big box chain stores send their profits off to the home office in another state. Most local business owners and employees live in the community, which means their customers often can be their neighbors. And there is another good reason to support local businesses. In just a few months, Menlo Park will begin final deliberations on a major “visioning plan” for El Camino Real and downtown areas. Planners aim to preserve the city’s charm, character and smalltown appeal. In arguments made in an unsigned flier sent out a few weeks ago, local liquor and wine retailers make that point, saying the city should not open the door to another liquor and wine outlet. On the other hand, there are plenty of chain-owned stores already and distinguishing among prospective tenants is a slippery slope without any clear goal or policy. We think this is a debate worth having, and urge the commission to deny the permit so it can go before the full council for a policy discussion. At the very least, the permit application will generate a healthy dialogue about whether the city is correct in protecting its small businesses from outside competition. As part of that discussion, we would urge local business owners, such as the Beltramos, to be open in making their case. Use of anonymous mailers serves neither the Beltramos nor the citizens of Menlo Park.

L ETT E RS Our readers write

BevMo supporter believes other stores can compete Editor: I support without question the BevMo application for Menlo Park. I am not likely to be a BevMo customer. †I buy better wine than they offer. †However, I believe that the owners of Draegerís and Beltramoís are working purely out of self-interest by campaigning against†BevMo. The argument that BevMo would lower prices to the disadvantage of higher-price venues is unsavory, of course, and the threat (previously stated by Draegerís) that they would close the Menlo Park location is blackmail of the lowest sort (quite frankly, if they closed then maybe finally we could get our own Whole Foods). In summary, I don’t particularly think that BevMo would be a great addition to Menlo Park but I certainly do believe that an argument that prices would be lower and variety less to be wrong. I do see K&L Liquors in Redwood City thriving even though there is a BevMo within a few blocks of its location. Joshua W. Sommer Lemon Street, Menlo Park

14 N The Almanac N August 18, 2010

Our Regional Heritage Just after Leland Stanford, with his wife Jane at left, sealed the cornerstone of the university they dedicated to their son, they posed for this classic photo taken in 1887 by San Jose photographer A.P. Hill. Stanford Archives

No need for two sets of tracks on the Peninsula Editor: I very much appreciate Menlo Park Mayor Rich Cline’s stance on the high-speed rail project and agree with his guest opinion published in last week’s Almanac. As it stands now, there are not enough riders on Caltrain to pay the costs, and there’s talk about reduced service and eliminating weekend service. To add a second

set of tracks along the Peninsula seems like a total waste, whether above ground, in trenches, or in a tunnel. Why can’t high-speed rail go from Los Angeles to San Jose — and just upgrade and electrify the existing Caltrain tracks between San Jose and San Francisco? If people want to ride from San Francisco to L.A. they can take Caltrain to San Jose, and transfer to the high-speed rail which would take them to L.A. Why subject the Pen-

insula to two sets of tracks, running side by side and essentially serving the same communities? Originally high-speed rail was promoted as an express, but all this talk about numerous stops along the Peninsula really negates the need for two sets of tracks. Caltrain already runs numerous express trains between San Jose and San Francisco, and if improveSee LETTERS, next page


Lions Club questions city plan By John Hickson


n behalf of the Menlo Park Live Oaks Lions Club, which has run the Sunday Farmers’ Market in Menlo Park for 18 years, I would like to respond to the guest opinion by Susan Gillman in last week’s Almanac. We are of course delighted that she is a dedicated shopper at the Farmers Market but we cannot agree with her view that we are fearmongering. We feel it is necessary to let our many loyal customers know what effect the city’s draft specific plan is likely to have on the market. Just this week one of the key aspects of the plan, as it appears on Page 6 of the city of Menlo Parks fall Activity GUEST Guide, Shaping our Future OPINION Together, reads: “Enhances the Farmers Market Home: The parking plaza currently used by the market would be improved with new landscaping, paving and other features.� It was only a few years ago that this very plaza was redone so we do not see how new landscaping, paving and other features (whatever that means) will help. We are more than happy the way it is now.

L E T T ER S Continued from previous page

ment were made to the existing Caltrain tracks, they could easily get riders there and back quicker. Increased noise, loss of land, and homes along the Peninsula can be avoided if the new high-speed rail ended in San Jose. Or just retire†Caltrain entirely and have the high-speed train replace it. It’s totally unnecessary to have two sets of track along the Peninsula.†I urge the City Council to stay on track and try to talk some sense into the planners who don’t seem to see the forest for the trees. Nancy Wagner Morgan Lane, Menlo Park

Not surprised at director’s decision to avoid Peninsula Editor: Mr. (Rod) Diridon’s recent announcement that he would avoid the mid-Peninsula and discussions of high-speed rail came as no surprise to me. Some months ago, I attended an early meeting on high-speed rail, hoping to learn more about the issue.†At that time I felt sure that high-speed rail was “an essential part of our infrastructure.�†Mr. Diridon (a member of the rail authority board of directors) made a presentation that was uninspired and uninformative. Basically, he said that high-speed rail is coming, like it or not. In my mind, I objected at that time to his high-handed and dismissive approach.†When he finished his presentation, he did not even have the common decency to

The facts as we know them today are that we would lose a total of 68 parking spaces from Plaza 6 (the location of the existing market) and Plaza 7 (behind Trader Joe’s). The draft specific plan then proposes to build a seven-day-a-week covered market in their place and close the Chestnut Street connection to Santa Cruz Avenue. This means farmers will be unable to park their trucks in what is currently the parking area behind Wells Fargo Bank, and so will not have ready access to their produce. We will be faced with the triple threat of buildings in the plaza (why do we need a covered market?), reduced parking and limited access for farmers and customers. The Live Oaks Lions Club, our market manager and the majority of farmers believe the plan will threaten the long-term survival of the Sunday market. This is very different from the claim that the Farmers’ Market’s home will be enhanced. Finally, city officials say they have had one-onone interviews with downtown business owners and other important stakeholders, but so far the city has not approached the Menlo Park Live Oaks Lions Club for our opinion. We would welcome a contact. John Hickson is secretary and past president of the Menlo Park Live Oaks Lions Club.






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stay and listen to other comments about the high-speed rail project. At no time during his presentation was he “shouted down,� nor were people “rude� to him.†Any rudeness was that of Mr. Diridon, who couldn’t be bothered to stay and listen to any of the cogent and substantive criticisms which were made of the high-speed rail project. I am not surprised that he will not be coming to any further meetings because he is deaf to any criticisms of this boondoggle project. Incidentally, I did stay until the end of the meeting and at that time turned 180 degrees in my thinking about the high-speed rail project. There may be merit in highspeed rail from San Diego to San Jose, but it seems clear to me that what is needed is simple upgrading and connection of the present system from San Jose to San Francisco and Sacramento. Melvin C. Britton, MD Toyon Road, Atherton

Shopper finds Menlo’s downtown fine just as it is Editor: Downtown Menlo Park has everything — books, bakeries, banks, dry cleaners, drugstore, hardware, post office, stationers, and supermarkets — surrounded by the easiest parking on the Peninsula. †Although I live in Palo Alto, Menlo Park is the center of my household trips once or twice a week. I understand that Menlo Park is considering reducing the surface parking spaces and replacing them with high-rise parking. †This will destroy the current ease of doing business in Menlo Park. Please retain Menlo Park’s

current surface parking, which residents and non-residents value highly; I can always find a place to park within a block of my destinations. Alice Gross Palo Alto

Another deadly spill in the Gulf is ignored Editor: The good news from the Gulf of Mexico is that the oil-spouting BP well has finally been sealed, and that the devastating impacts of the massive oil spill on beaches, wildlife habitats, and marine ecosystem are gradually abating. The bad news is that there are no immediate plans to abate a much larger, deadlier, and continuing spill smothering life in the Gulf. Each day, the Mississippi River dumps into the Gulf of Mexico millions of tons of animal waste from Midwest factory farms and animal feed croplands. The nitrates in animal waste and fertilizer runoff produce vast algal blooms that suck up oxygen from the water, killing all marine life. The pesticides seal the deal. According to Wikipedia, the resulting “dead zone� extends over 8,500 square miles, roughly three times the size of the BP oil slick. We react dramatically to unanticipated threats like the BP oil spill and accidental deaths. Yet we tend to accept and tolerate the much more damaging, but routine, threats from animal waste discharges and deaths from killer diseases linked to meat and dairyladen diets. Miles Barne Sharon Park Drive, Menlo Park

Cardoza-Bungey Travel We Make Vacations Better! Tahiti & South Pacific Cruises this Fall

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International School of the Peninsula

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NEW CULTURAL CLASSES THIS FALL! Enroll Now! Classes Begin mid-Sept. (650) 251-8519 Palo Alto, CA

August 18, 2010 N The Almanac N 15





758 Center Drive, Palo Alto Fabulous chic remodel; 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths on corner lot; Palo Alto schools $3,195,000



150 Royal Oak Court, Menlo Park The largest floor plan at Royal Oak Court, Menlo Park’s newest community; Las Lomitas schools $3,495,000 co-listed w/ Denise Laugesen


71 Ralston Road, Atherton Excellent opportunity: 2 parcels each approx. .92 acre; beautiful level grounds $5,995,000

Atherton Avenue; excellent opportunity to build or remodel. Call for details.

K C G M a r ke t T r e n d R E P O R T

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215 194


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38 30

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DRE# 01438764

Shane Stent

16 N The Almanac N August 18, 2010

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Kristin Cashin


Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Data represents sales through MLS only.

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Frankie Stamey 1377 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA

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