The Almanac January 11, 2017

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J A N U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 | VO L . 5 2 N O. 1 9

W W W. A L M A N AC N E W S . C O M

Imagination is 'a writer's playground,' says Portola Valley novelist Mary Waters-Sayer Page 16

Huge new apartment complexes opening in Menlo Park | Page 5


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2 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017



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NOTICE INVITING BIDS TOWN OF ATHERTON, CA Serving Menlo Park, Atherton, Portola Valley,

The Town of Atherton will accept bids for construction of the following public work: 2017 CAPE SEAL PROJECT Performing of Cape seals and Type II micro-surfacing per Town ZWLJPĂ„JH[PVUZ VU [OL SPZ[LK Z[YLL[Z ^OPJO PUJS\KLZ UV[PĂ„JH[PVUZ [YHŃ?J JVU[YVS WYLW ^VYR VPS HUK JOPW PUZ[HSSH[PVU JVTWHJ[PVU Z^LLWPUN HUK YL Z[YPWPUN WH]LTLU[ THYRPUNZ HZ ULLKLK ^P[O a 1-year guarantee. 7SHUZ :WLJPĂ„JH[PVUZ TH` IL VI[HPULK H[ O[[W! ^^^ JP H[OLY[VU JH \Z IPKZ HZW_ at no cost. The Contractor shall be responsible for any addendums that may be posted on the Town’s website. :,(3,+ )0+: ^PSS IL YLJLP]LK H[ [OL VŃ?JL VM [OL *P[` *SLYR (ZOĂ„LSK 9VHK ([OLY[VU *HSPMVYUPH \U[PS 2:00 p.m. 7HJPĂ„J Standard Time on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

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4 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

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The Almanac (ISSN 1097-3095 and USPS 459370) is published every Wednesday by Embarcadero Media, 3525 Alameda de las Pulgas, Menlo Park, CA 94025-6558. Periodicals Postage Paid at Menlo Park, CA and at additional mailing offices. Adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation for San Mateo County, The Almanac is delivered free to homes in Menlo Park, Atherton, Portola Valley and Woodside. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Almanac, 3525 Alameda de las Pulgas, Menlo Park, CA 94025-6558. Copyright Š2017 by Embarcadero Media, All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. The Almanac is qualified by decree of the Superior Court of San Mateo County to publish public notices of a governmental and legal nature, as stated in Decree No. 147530, issued October 20, 1969. Subscriptions are $60 for one year and $100 for two years. Go to circulation.

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Huge apartment complexes nearing finish By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


he 3600 block of Haven Avenue in eastern Menlo Park may look like a daunting mass of building frames, but it will soon become home for many. Two adjacent apartment developments under construction — Elan Menlo Park and Anton Menlo — are set to add a combined 540 housing units to Menlo Park. The developments have begun or will soon begin to lease apartments.

Elan Menlo Park

Elan Menlo Park, located on about 5 acres at 3645 Haven Ave., has started to lease its first 53 apartments, with occupancy set to begin in March. Fifty-three more apartments will be leased in April and another 40 will become available in May, according to staff at Greystar, the project’s developer. In all, the development will have 146 apartments: 74 one-bedroom units, 66 two-bedroom units and six three-bedroom units. None of the apartments will be part of the city’s “below market rate” program. Rent is expected to range from $3,365 to $3550 for a onebedroom apartment, $3,730 to $4,015 for a two-bedroom, and $4,600 to $4,675 for a threebedroom, according to the Elan Menlo Park website. The apartment complex will

Anton Development Company, LLC

A rendering of the 394-unit apartment complex under construction at 3639 Haven Ave. in Menlo Park.

have a fitness center, a resident lounge and interior courtyards with Wi-Fi, bike storage and maintenance, and a saltwater pool and spa, the website says. It will also have an outdoor area with fire pits, barbecue grills and TVs, and a pet area that measures roughly 50 feet by 10 feet, Greystar staff said. The development could be for families or employees that work at nearby tech companies, they said. It is located in the Redwood City School District.

The company declined to comment when asked if it had partnered or consulted with Facebook on the project’s development. Anton Menlo

Adjacent to Elan Menlo Park, at 3639 Haven Ave., a much larger apartment complex under construction called Anton Menlo, is expected to complete the first 59 of its 394 apartments in March and will be available for lease then, according to Tony Patillo, director of construction.

The project covers about 10 acres and is expected to contain 35 studio apartments, 208 onebedroom apartments, 139 twobedroom apartments and 12 three-bedroom apartments that range in size from 563 to 1,549 square feet, according to the city website. Thirty-seven of the apartments will be part of the city’s “below market rate” housing program, with 22 for very-lowincome renters and 15 for lowincome renters.

The project website reports it will have a sports lounge, cafe, pool, spas for pets and people, a bocce ball court, gym, rooftop terrace and chef demonstration kitchen. Not all of those amenities will necessarily be available when leasing begins, Mr. Patillo said. The project is expected to be fully completed in the fall, and more housing will become available in phases before then. The development was planned in partnership with Facebook. A

Menlo Park officials examine options to stem displacement By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


he Menlo Park City Council began the new year with a long-awaited discussion about residents being displaced by high housing costs. The council planned to meet with the city’s Housing Commission on Jan. 10 for a joint study session on the problem. Check for updates. The meeting was held after the Almanac went to press. In November, the council adopted an ordinance requiring many apartment landlords to give renters the option to sign a 12-month lease. That ordinance goes into effect March 6. Other policies are under

consideration, including mandatory mediation. Under such a policy, if a renter has a complaint about a rent increase or eviction notice, the landlord would have to meet with the tenant and a third-party mediator — such as a city employee, a contractor paid with city funds, or a volunteer — in an attempt to reconcile the differences. This is not binding arbitration. Any agreement the parties reached would be done so voluntarily. Such policies exist in Palo Alto, Mountain View and Campbell but have variations in how they’re administered. All three have clauses that ban retaliation by landlords against tenants who use the mediation program.

In a previous council discussion, it was pointed out that the policy could give renters false hopes. Rent increases in Menlo

One policy under consideration: mandatory mediation of tenant disputes. Park are unrestricted, and landlords don’t need a reason to evict tenants on a month-to-month lease. Under state law, landlords must give such tenants 60-days notice if the tenant has lived in the rental unit a year or more. Otherwise, the required notice is 30 days.

Other measures under consideration: Q Reduce the amount of parking required for affordable housing projects, which could cut development costs. Q Promote home-sharing programs, which could increase the number of residents living in the city’s existing housing. Q Change the city’s belowmarket-rate (BMR) housing guidelines so that homeowners of BMR houses can sublet rooms to renters at “affordable” rates. Q Change the city’s guidelines to allow residents who have been displaced to stay on the wait list for BMR housing for up to three years, which might allow community members forced elsewhere to move back.

Q Buy and maintain housing units that are less costly in the existing market and keep them available to renters at a belowmarket rate. Q Require landlords in some cases to give eligible renters they evict resources to help with moving costs. This would apply only to housing complexes of four units or more. Q Establish a displacement fund to help residents being displaced because of new development. Developers could be required to pay these fees if a study were to find that their development will increase nearby housing costs and displace renters. Q Pass an ordinance limiting See DISPLACEMENT, page 6

January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 5


Council to get reports on bills paid, as code requires By Dave Boyce


Almanac Staff Writer


hen the town of Woodside pays a phone bill or a consultant’s fee or buys a giant holiday wreath for the front door of Independence Hall, a check is cut in Town Hall and the transaction is recorded. So such records do exist, but they have not been seen much by the Town Council, contrary to what is specified in the municipal code. That absence of oversight will

change with the Jan. 24 council meeting, Town Manager Kevin Bryant told the Almanac. The town code calls on the town’s finance director — in Woodside, that’s the town manager — to “prepare and audit a register of demands against the Town and certify the register of demands to the Council at each regular Council meeting.” “You know, (a warrant list)

is something that hasn’t been done in all my time,” Mr. Bryant said, referring to the almost nine years he’s been on the staff. “I went to look to see if there is something in the code that spoke to it and in fact there is.” The council in Portola Valley receives a warrant list at every meeting. In Woodside, the matter came up recently when a member of the public asked someone on town staff about publicizing such expenses, Mr. Bryant said. “I actually just let the

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(Woodside) council know that Bryant said that it had not. “It’s very rare that we get as of this month, we’ll be providing that information to them,” anything that’s a questionable Mr. Bryant said on Jan. 6. A war- invoice,” he said. If something like that rants list will does happen, be a monthly it’s taken on addition to the The abseuce by the admincouncil meetof oversight will istrative sering packet. vices manager The council change with Jan. 24 an accounts already receives council meeting, city as payable mat“broad finanmanager says. ter, he said. cial reports” Mr. Bryant and has for said that he could not recall years, he added. Asked if some routine over- examining the finance director’s sight of the warrants list had “Powers and Duties” section of been taking place anyway, such the municipal code, “at least not as review by the mayor, Mr. for a long while.” A

Atherton home fire likely caused by fireplace ashes By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer

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fire at a home on Selby Lane in Atherton early Thursday morning, Jan. 5, appears to have been caused by a cardboard box of fireplace ashes placed on a patio table next to the house days earlier, fire officials say. Firefighters quickly put out the fire involving a garage and deck, but it spread to the exterior of the two-story home and caused an estimated $50,000 in structural damage and $5,000 in damage to property, according to Chief Harold Schapelhouman of the Menlo Park Fire Protection District. “It isn’t the first time we’ve seen this type of incident,” he said. Fireplace ash should be removed periodically, placed in a metal can and soaked in water, he advised. “The good news is the fire was discovered early, damage is minimal and no one in the home


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was injured,” he said. The homeowners reported the fire to county dispatchers at 2:26 a.m. and firefighters arrived by 2:32 a.m., Chief Schapelhouman said. All the residents had evacuated by that time. The fire was “knocked down” by 2:42 a.m., the chief said, but it had charred the exterior of the residential structure up to the second story eave line, so firefighters checked to make sure it hadn’t gotten into the home’s attic and walls. The district responded with five engines, a ladder truck and two battalion chiefs, with 21 total responders. “It appears the homeowner found the fire just in time and the quick response of the firefighters and knock down of the fire kept this from being a much worse situation,” Chief Schapelhouman said. “We are thankful that no one in the home was injured,” Battalion Chief Ben Marra said. The chief said the last unit left the scene at 5:02 a.m. A

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EMERGENCY SUPPLY WELL COMMUNITY MEETING This community meeting will discuss the project, explain what to expect during construction and answer questions. PROJECT DETAILS •

New emergency water supply well to be located at 333 Burgess Drive

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6 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

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DISPLACEMENT continued from page 5

how much rent can be increased, to minimize sudden, exorbitant rent increases. Such an ordinance could apply only to some apartments because of California law. Q Require landlords to give justification when they evict someone. This could also apply only to some apartments. Tenant assistance

The city of Mountain View requires landlords to provide relocation assistance to lowerthan-median-income tenants who honor their rent agreements

and are being evicted because of renovations or redevelopment. The landlord must refund the tenant’s security deposit; provide a 60-day subscription to a rental agency; pay the cash equivalent of three months of the median market rate rent for a similar size apartment; and pay an additional $3,000 to households with kids or with someone who is older than 62 or is disabled. A Q I N F OR M ATI ON Check for updates. The joint study session was held after this issue went to press.


Three-story building proposed Almanac Staff Writer


Dear Monica: I am ready to sell my home of many years but I am not certain the timing is good for sellers. Would you advise me to market my home now or wait? Jack D.

Image courtesy city of Menlo Park

A rendering of a three-story building proposed in downtown Menlo Park. It would be bordered by Santa Cruz Avenue, Ace Hardware, Chestnut Lane and Chestnut Street. Q MEN LO PARK

public meeting with neighboring businesses has been planned to get feedback on the project. “We are happy with what is there,� he said, but added that the Oros family is seeking to improve the site’s “potential� and the downtown area overall.

“It could be a long shot,� he said. In the meantime, he said, he has opened White Oak Works, a furniture showroom at 714 Santa Cruz Ave., next to Ace Hardware. The business, according to its website, builds and sells furniture, cabinetry, doors, gates and mantles made from white oak. Go to for more information. A

Federal circuit court rejects petition challenging FAA aircraft noise initiative By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


fforts aimed at reducing noise in the skies above Portola Valley, Ladera and Woodside as commercial aircraft head into San Francisco International Airport were dealt a setback recently by a threejudge panel in the U. S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. A related development, however, may give cause for optimism. The Federal Aviation Administration in November 2015 issued the “FAA Initiative to Address Noise Related Concerns in Santa Cruz/Santa Clara/San Mateo/San Francisco Counties,� a plan to optimize use of Bay Area airspace, concluding that it would not cause significant noise impacts above Peninsula communities. Four Peninsula residents, including the now deceased James Lyons of Woodside and with the assistance of Portola Valley attorney Vic Schachter, filed a petition in May 2015 claiming that the FAA had been “arbitrary and capricious� and had used a “flawed and unlawful process� in preparing the initiative. On Dec. 23, 2016, the court denied their petition, writing that the FAA did not prejudge

by Monica Corman

The Market in 2017

By Kate Bradshaw

he single-story building running from 706 to 716 Santa Cruz Ave., which currently houses the Japanese restaurant Juban Yakiniku and Union Bank, may be demolished and replaced with a three-story, mixed-use building. According to plans filed with the city of Menlo Park for the site at the corner of Santa Cruz Avenue and Chestnut Street, the new building would have retail space and parking on the ground floor, office space on the second floor, and four condominiums with private terraces on the third floor. The plans, prepared by Hayes Group Architects, would remove two heritage trees currently in the parking lot behind the building. According to Vasile Oros, manager of Menlo Park Ace Hardware and part-owner of the building, the project is still in an exploratory phase. “We don’t have very concrete answers because it’s not something certain still,� he said. A


environmental impacts as alleged, was not arbitrary and capricious in estimating future flights and flight tracks, properly assumed that its actions would not increase air traffic, and properly determined noise levels as the number of fights increases. The petitioners’ lawyer, Thomas V. Christopher, said his clients haven’t yet decided on whether to appeal. “We’re obviously disappointed,� he said. “I really think that we did our best. We put our best foot forward. We made the arguments as well as we could.� Boundaries stretched

In a related development, the FAA is now in possession of a 43-page report with suggestions on addressing aircraft noise above the Peninsula and the South Bay. The report’s author, the Select Committee on South Bay Arrivals, was a panel of 12 elected officials and 12 alternates from noise-affected communities in San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties. The committee was organized at the behest of the counties’ congressional representatives, Anna Eshoo, D-Menlo Park, Jackie Speier, D-San Mateo, and Sam Farr, D-Santa Cruz, and chaired by Santa Clara County

Supervisor Joe Simitian. Go to for a copy of the report.

Court rejects local petition challenging FAA initiative to address noise concerns. Issued in November, the report represents six months of deliberations with Glen Martin, the FAA’s Western-Pacific Region regional administrator, along with abundant public commentary. The effort included three community meetings, 10 working meetings and five technical briefings. The FAA is expected to respond early in 2017. The committee was responding to six “feasible� noisereduction actions proposed by the FAA. The committee did address those six, but added 17 more. Also added: five longterm issues, such as aircraft speed and noise measurement methods, and three process issues, such as ensuring compliance by pilots and air-traffic controllers. “We really stretched the See AIRCRAFT NOISE page 12

Dear Jack: As 2017 begins, there is very little inventory for buyers to consider. If you list your home now, and price it carefully, i.e., not aggressively high or low, as well as present it well, you will likely sell it quickly at a good price. Prices have already risen substantially in RXU DUHD LQ WKH SDVW ÂżYH \HDUV DQG as a seller in this market, you should no longer expect big multiple offers VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ DERYH \RXU SULFH (YHQ though employment is high, salary

levels cannot sustain continually rising prices. Many buyers have been priced out of markets that would have been available to them a few years ago. However, with inventory so low, buyers are willing to pay reasonable prices in areas they can afford. Interest rates, too, are still very low, although they have begun to rise. Higher interest rates will put downward pressure on prices, and if buyers need to sell in a few years, they may not be able to get back what they paid for their home. If you are ready to sell your home, there is no reason to wait. If the timing suits your needs, you would do well to sell now.

For answers to any questions you may have on real estate, you may e-mail me at or call 462-1111, Alain Pinel Realtors. I also offer a free market analysis of your property.

NOTICE INVITING BIDS TOWN OF ATHERTON, CA The Town of Atherton will accept bids for construction of the following public work: 2017 SPRING PATCHING PROJECT Grind and replace approximately 25,000 square feet of asphalt to a six-inch depth. This work to include HSS ULJLZZHY` [YHŃ?J JVU[YVS HUK ^PSS PU]VS]L NYPUKPUN sweeping, tack coating, replacing asphalt to appropriate KLW[O PU HU HWWYVWYPH[L U\TILY VM SPM[Z HUK Ă„UPZO YVSSPUN WLY ;V^U VM ([OLY[VU :[HUKHYK ZWLJPĂ„JH[PVUZ HUK ZWLJPHS WYV]PZPVUZ :VTL OHUK ^VYR HYV\UK \[PSP[` HJJLZZ OVSL JV]LYZ ^PSS IL ULJLZZHY` ZWLJPHS WYV]PZPVU 7SHUZ :WLJPĂ„JH[PVUZ TH` IL VI[HPULK H[ http://www. at no cost. The Contractor shall be responsible for any addendums that may be posted on the Town’s website. :,(3,+ )0+: ^PSS IL YLJLP]LK H[ [OL VŃ?JL VM [OL *P[` *SLYR (ZOĂ„LSK 9VHK ([OLY[VU *HSPMVYUPH until 2:30 p.m. 7HJPĂ„J :[HUKHYK ;PTL VU Tuesday, January 31, 2017, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be for the entire work, and shall be submitted PU ZLHSLK LU]LSVWLZ JSLHYS` THYRLK! ¸)PK VM *VU[YHJ[VY for 2017 SPRING PATCHING PROJECTâ€?, along with date and time of bid opening.

Support 7KH $OPDQDF¡V print and online coverage of our community. Join today: January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 7

Boys & Girls Clubs

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Holiday Fund Your gift helps local children and families in need


The organizations below provide major matching grants to the Holiday Fund.

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Rotary Club of Menlo Park

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The David and Lucile Packard Foundation The Almanac will make every effort to publish donor names for donations unless the donor checks the anonymous box. All donations will be acknowledged by mail.

The Almanac

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Ecumenical Hunger Program Provides emergency food, clothing, household essentials, and sometimes financial assistance to families in need, regardless of religious preference, including Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for more than 2,000 households.

Health Connected

ontributions to the Holiday Fund go directly to programs that benefit Peninsula residents. Last year, Almanac readers and foundations contributed $180,000 for the 10 agencies that feed the hungry, house the homeless and provide numerous other services to those in need. Contributions to the Holiday Fund will be matched, to the extent possible, by generous community organizations, foundations and individuals, including the Rotary Club of Menlo Park Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. No administrative costs will be deducted from the gifts, which are tax-deductible as permitted by law. All donations to the Holiday Fund will be shared equally among the 10 recipient agencies listed on this page.

DONATE ONLINE: almanac-holiday-fund

Provides after-school academic support, enrichment, and mentoring for 1,800 low-income K-12 youth at nine locations across Menlo Park, East Palo Alto, and the North Fair Oaks neighborhood of Redwood City.

Holiday Fund 2016

Serves over 5,000 students and their families each year through comprehensive sexual health education programs. Students learn to have on-going communication with parents and to make informed decisions which will apply to their lives, now and in the future.

LifeMoves Provides shelter/housing and supportive services across 18 sites in Silicon Valley and the Peninsula. Serves thousands of homeless families and individuals annually on their path back to permanent housing and self-sufficiency.

Project Read Provides free literacy services to adults in the Menlo Park area. Trained volunteers work one-on-one to help adults improve reading, writing and English language skills so they can function more effectively at home, at work and in the community. Basic English classes, weekly conversation clubs and volunteer-led computer enrichment are also offered.

Ravenswood Family Health Center Provides primary medical and preventive health care for all ages at its clinic in East Palo Alto. Of the more than 17,000 registered patients, most are low-income and uninsured and live in the ethnically diverse East Palo Alto, Belle Haven, and North Fair Oaks areas.

Sequoia Adult School Scholars Sequoia Adult School Scholars (SASS) empowers lowincome adults by providing them with financial support, tutoring, and other assistance so they can continue their education, get higher paying jobs, and serve as role models and advocates for their children.

St. Anthony’s Padua Dining Room

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Serves hundreds of hot meals six days a week to people in need who walk through the doors. Funded by voluntary contributions and community grants, St. Anthony’s is the largest dining room for the needy between San Francisco and San Jose. It also offers take-home bags of food, as well as emergency food and clothing assistance.

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St. Francis Center

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Helps low-income, working families become selfsupporting members of the community by providing long-term solutions through educational programs for children and parents, as well as after-school programing at Siena Youth Centers. St. Francis Center also provides housing, food and clothing services to address shortterm needs.

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8 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

Please make checks payable to: Silicon Valley Community Foundation Send coupon and check, if applicable, to: The Almanac Holiday Fund c/o Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2440 West El Camino Real, Suite 300 Mountain View, CA 94040 The Almanac Holiday Fund is a donor advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. A contribution to this fund allows your donation to be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

StarVista Serves more than 32,000 people throughout San Mateo County, including children, young people, families with counseling, prevention, early intervention, education, and residential programs. StarVista also provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services including a 24-hour suicide crisis hotline, an alcohol and drug helpline, and a parent support hotline.


As of Dec. 29, 2016 144 donors have donated $79,355 to the Holiday Fund 26 Anonymous ....................... $8,275

Individuals Linda Keegan .............................. 500 Dianne Ellsworth ......................... 200 Marilyn Voelke.......................... 1,000 Maryann Chwalek ....................... 100 Helen Chen ................................. 300 Eleanor Hedenkamp .................... 100 C Friesman .................................. 100 Margaret & Jamis MacNiven ..... 1,000 Paul Perret .................................. 250 Volckmann Family .................... 1,000 Joel Jakubson & Krishna Mitra ..... 200 Barbara & Bill Binder ....................... * Joan Rubin ...................................... * Laura Reed............................... 1,000 Barbara Fullerton ........................ 100 Mark Weitzel ................................... * Kathleen Rice ................................ 50 Melba & Bill Rogoway ..................... * Cynthia Dusel-Bacon ................... 200 Joe Pasqua & Mary Kenney .............. * David Reneau.............................. 150 Mary Cooper ................................. 75 Cherise & Barry Thompson ........... 225 Kenneth Lajoie .............................. 50 Sany Shapero .............................. 100 Margaret MacKenzie ..................... 25 Alexandra Beasley ........................... * Karen Eckelmeyer ........................ 100 Maria Gault .................................. 30 Susan Kritzik ............................... 150 Alexander van Dijk ...................... 150 Douglas DeVivo ........................... 100 Michael Roberts ......................... 100 Margo Gordon ............................ 100 Margaret McAuliffe ..................... 100 Martin & Donna MacKowski ....... 100 Bruce & Donna Whitson ........... 1,000 Anne G. Moser ................................ * Lorraine Macchello ...................... 100 George & Sophia Fonti ................ 100 Tate Family ............................ 10,000 Lynne Fovinci................................. 75 E.R. & B.L. Dodd .......................... 100 Arna & Hersh Shefrin ....................... * Ann Morgan ............................... 200 Andrew Hall .................................... * Robert Page .................................... * D. Robin Toews.............................. 35 Ruth Barker ............................... 2000 Terri Bullock Family Foundation.. 1000 Paul Welander ............................... 25 Don & Catherine Coluzzi ................. * David Stamler.............................. 500 Bettina McAdoo .............................. * Barbara Jacobson ........................ 100 The Gallo Family .......................... 500 Catherine Cerny .............................. * Margo Sensenbrenner ............... 1000 Jim Lewis ....................................... * Pegasus Family Foundation ........ 1000 Robert Oliver ............................... 500 The Brennan Family ..................... 100 Elizabeth Blair & Ken Fenyo ......... 300 Connie & Bob Lurie ................... 5000 Kathy & Bob Mueller ................... 100 The Mendelsohn Family ............. 1000

Bill & Nancy Ellsworth ..................... * Anne Hillman and George Comstock........................ 500 Julie Zier ..................................... 100 Betty Meissner ............................ 100 Laura Gran .................................... 50 Jennifer Bestor ............................ 100 Margaret Melaney ....................... 200 Ginger Walmsley ......................... 100 Karen Sortino .............................. 100 Debbie Nusinson ......................... 100 Leslie Airola-Murveit.................... 200 Sally & Bill Russ ............................... * Pat & Rog Witte .......................... 100 Marc & Maryann Saunders .............. * Joan Lane ................................ 2,000 Dorothy Saxe................................... * Lynne Davis ..................................... * Bruce & Ann Willard ................. 1,000 Joyce Firstenberger ................... 1,000 Paul Welander ............................... 25 Kayleen Miller ............................. 100 James Esposto................................. * Judy & Les Denend ...................... 500 Andrew Julian ............................. 400 Frank Adams & Susan Bryan ............ * Sybille Katz ................................. 100 Brian Donnellan .......................... 100 Bill Wohler .................................. 360 Chaulong Nguyen ....................... 200 Mayling Dixon ............................. 100 Barbara Simpson ............................. * Dorothy Kennedy ............................. * Victoria Rundorff ............................. * Barbara & Bob Ells ...................... 200 Judy & Doug Adams ........................ * Elizabeth Tromovitch.................... 150 Lucy Reid-Krensky ....................... 200 Clay & Nita Judd ............................. * Gail & Susan Prickett ................... 500

In Memory Of Bill Hewlett & Dave Packard ........ 500 Richard & Louise Barbour ............ 100 Peter & Marguerite Hurlbut.......... 100 Angelo & Celerina Atilano & Joseph Flores ............................... * Celine & Frank Halet........................ * Annie Strem .................................... * Esther Johnson ................................ * Elizabeth G. Chamberlain ................ * Claire Smith-Sullivan ................... 150

In Honor Of The Volunteers at Palo Alto Food Closet ..................................... * Nancy Stevens ................................. *

As a Gift For Rob Kuhling ................................ 200

Organizations Griffin & Sons Construction ......... 100 Mike’s Furniture ............................ 30 Menlo Park Firefighter’s Association ................................. 500 Narrative Histories Maggie Markda Silva................... 150

Your gift helps


local children and almanac-holiday-fund

families in need

When you pay property taxes, where does the money go? By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


ost property owners think about the property taxes they pay only twice a year when tax payments are due, and most have only a vague idea about what happens to the money once they’ve made the payments. Atherton is trying to help its residents better understand where their property tax payments go by adding a feature to the town’s website that allows residents to look up exactly how much of their taxes go to local agencies including the town and various districts: fire, sewer, library, and elementary and high school districts. Figuring it out isn’t easy, especially because Proposition 13, adopted in 1978, means that almost every homeowner pays a different amount of taxes, based on 1 percent of the assessed value of a home when it was purchased (or after construction or a major remodel) and increased a maximum of 2 percent each year. The net effect of that is that everyone in a tax rate area should get the same services, but some taxpayers, especially recent buyers, are subsidizing their neighbors’ services. Knowing where property taxes go is also made more difficult by the fact that each town or city is broken into scores of different tax rate areas because of the wide array of special districts with different boundaries, such as school districts and sewer districts. Even though Atherton is small, it has 32 different tax rate areas within its boundaries. Nearly 84

percent of the town’s residents are in one of six of those tax rate areas. Property owners can find their tax rate area by looking at a property tax bill or by visiting a county website. At on the county’s website, property owners can look up their property tax bill, including their tax rate area, by address.

Atherton sets up a website feature to help residents follow the money. Then, by going to the town’s website, property owners can look at a spreadsheet with the distribution of property taxes in their tax rate area. is the town’s municipal services page, with a section on tax rate areas and a link to the spreadsheet. For example, here’s what the spreadsheet shows how taxes are distributed in Atherton’s 1001 tax rate area, which covers almost 39 percent of the town, including the Lindenwood neighborhood and the part of West Atherton closest to Menlo Park: • 23.6 percent to San Mateo County • 16.6 percent, Menlo Park City School District • 15.7 percent, Menlo Park Fire Protection District • 15.6 percent, Sequoia Union High School District • 10.6 percent, town of Atherton • 6.8 percent, San Mateo County Community College District

Trader Joe’s wants to host wine and beer tastings By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


rader Joe’s has applied for permits to hold wine and beer tastings at its Menlo Park store at 720 Menlo Ave. Menlo Park’s Planning Commission was scheduled to discuss the item at its meeting Monday, Jan. 9, held after the Almanac went to press. Go to for updates. Also on the commission’s agenda is a proposal to convert a day spa (“Spa in the Park”) at 103 Gilbert Ave. in the Willows into a pediatric office operated by Stanford Children’s Health. Beer, wine tastings

Trader Joe’s plans to set up a


permanent wine and beer tasting area near the alcoholic beverages section of the store, according to documents submitted to the city.

Tasting licenses have been approved at Safeway, BevMo and Willows Market. The area would be about 105 square feet and would be enclosed by 4-foot-tall cedar walls. The company says it has such tasting areas in two Southern California locations: Temecula

• 3.5 percent, San Mateo County Office of Education • 1.8 percent, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District • 1.5 percent, Sequoia Healthcare District • 0.35 percent, San Mateo County Harbor District • 0.21 percent, Bay Area Air Quality Management District • 0.19 percent, San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District • 0.18 percent, Atherton Channel Drainage District The figures do not include parcel taxes (additional taxes approved by voters in the town of Atherton and several school districts) or bonds that are paid off with property taxes. Further complicating the matter of where property tax revenues go is the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund, which takes some of the property taxes that would go to the county, towns, cities and special districts. The money is used to meet state obligations to schools and other agencies, and if not used is given back. Atherton’s report says the ERAF shift reduces its annual property tax take from $9 million to $7.9 million and the fire district’s from $13.4 million to $11.8 million. The amount of taxes paid to the various agencies varies from tax rate area to tax rate area. For example, Atherton residents see between 6.4 percent and 10.7 percent of their basic property tax revenues go to the town and between 12.8 and 17.5 percent go to the Menlo Park Fire Protection District, depending on tax rate area. A (Riverside County) and Del Mar Heights (San Diego), according to a staff report. Similar Menlo Park tasting licenses have already been approved at the Safeway at 525 El Camino Real, BevMo and Willows Market. If Menlo Park grants a permit, Trader Joe’s would still have to get permission from the state before opening the tasting area. Pediatric office

According to the proposal for the pediatric office, there would be eight employees: three pediatricians, two medical assistants, a registrar, a clinic manager and a receptionist. There is expected to be enough parking to meet demand, a city staff report says. Renovation plans include making the interior kid-friendly and converting an accessory building into a staff break room. A

January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 9


Surf Air, locals ask FAA to let airline fly over Bay Peninsula as it heads to the San Carlos Airport, the letter says. The letter, dated Dec. 30, but ocal residents, officials and distributed via email on Jan. 3, Surf Air are all trying to says the alternate flight path, convince the Federal Avia- known as the Bayside approach, tion Administration to let the “was developed for use by Surf commuter airline continue to fly Air in an effort to reduce aircraft an alternate route that has allowed noise for approximately 140,000 Surf Air flights to go over the Bay residents living near the GPS instead of Midpeninsula neigh- approach into the San Carlos borhoods 60 percent of the time, Airport.” The letter says Surf Air while the federal agency evaluates used the alternate route for about 60 percent of its flights during a six-month trial of the route. the trial period. San Mateo Surf Air started County officials using the San announced last week that the Surf Air must go back Carlos Airport route over the to using the original in June 2013 now schedBay the comGPS route that takes and ules as many as muter airline 38 flights a day had been using it over residential arriving at or as it headed to neighborhoods and departing from the San Carlos a number of schools San Carlos. Its Airport, when customers pay weather and air in Menlo Park and a monthly fee traffic condiAtherton. for unlimited tions allowed, flights within is no longer an option while the FAA evaluates California and to Las Vegas. The the six-month trial of the route. airline recently started a separate operation in Europe. The trial began in July. Soon after Surf Air started up A letter from San Mateo County Assistant County Manager with only a few flights a day, local Mike Callagy says that starting residents began complaining Thursday, Jan. 5, Surf Air no about the noise from the Pilatus longer had FAA permission to PC-12 turboprop planes used use the alternate route, at least by the airline, which have been until the FAA evaluation of the tested to be louder than jets. Although all involved admit trial is over. Instead Surf Air must go back to they knew that use of the Bayside using the original GPS route that route was a trial, most seemed takes it over residential neighbor- surprised by its abrupt halt. “We’ve known from the beginhoods and a number of schools in Menlo Park, Atherton, North ning that this was a six-month Fair Oaks and other parts of the test,” said Jim Sullivan, Surf Air’s By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer









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senior vice president of operations. “We really didn’t know what was going to happen at the end.” He said Surf Air pilots “are going to be pretty disappointed” to no longer be able to use the Bayside route. “They enjoyed flying it.” Mr. Sullivan said he had been in touch with the FAA and other officials to make sure Surf Air can’t keep using the route during the evaluation. He said he does not know how long the FAA’s evaluation of the trial will take. County officials also said they

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The green line on this map shows the route over the Bay that Surf Air has been using for the past six months when weather and air traffic conditions allowed. The red line is the GPS approach the airline used at other times and will be its only option while the FAA evaluates the six-month trial of the alternative route.


10 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

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also were not sure of details of the evaluation. Mr. Callagy said the county hopes the FAA sees the continuation of the alternative route “as not the perfect solution to this ongoing issue, but rather the best solution for now to bring some relief to those most impacted by commercial flights coming into the San Carlos Airport.” Atherton Mayor Mike Lempres said he had received numerous emails from residents upset about the ending of the Bayside route trial. He said the town would let the FAA know “we don’t want this to go back to the

old way” and try to get permission to continue to use the route during the evaluation period. “It’s clearly important to our residents,” he said. Adam Ullman, a resident of North Fair Oaks who lives directly under Surf Air’s GPS flight path to the San Carlos Airport, said he was “not surprised, but I’m obviously very disappointed” about the ending of the trial. Use of the Bayside route meant “we would still hear the planes but the frequency was reduced — absolutely reduced,” he said. “Instead of it being a constant nuisance, it became a more infrequent one.” However, he admitted, “we’ve always known that this was a sixmonth test period and we could go back to square one. Here we are at square one.” Board of Supervisors President Don Horsley said he at first had believed the FAA’s approval of the Bayside route was permanent. “Only later did the county become aware that this was a ‘test’ and the county didn’t necessarily know that the FAA would abruptly end the test,” he said. In March, the county’s Board of Supervisors authorized a study of noise issues connected to the San Carlos Airport. Issuing of the final report and recommendations from the study has been delayed several times, and in December Supervisor Horsley said the report should be back before the supervisors in January or February. Mr. Callagy’s letter says the FAA’s analysis will look at “environmental, operational and community impacts and will include an opportunity to provide public comments.” A

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January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 11


Judith Delsman Robinson

Court rejects petition on aircraft noise issue

May 1, 1941-Dec. 25, 2016 Atherton, California Judith Robinson, at her Atherton home in the presence of her beloved husband of more than 50 years, Walter J. Robinson, and her two cherished daughters, Katherine Delsman Robinson and Anne Wylde Robinson, passed away on Christmas morning. The cause of death was cancer. Judy was born in 1941 in Seattle, Washington. Along with her dear brother, Alan Delsman, of Brooklyn, New York, she was raised by her parents, Mark and Marjorie Wylde Delsman in West Seattle. Judy spent leisurely childhood summers in a cabin on Hood Canal, Washington, with her extended family including her dear cousin, Cicely Wylde Oubrerie. Many bullheads were caught and nightly campfires blazed. She graduated from West Seattle High School with high scholastic honors and from the University of Washington magna cum laude. While studying at the UW as a history and a romance language major, she received several academic honors, including being elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Judy was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, where she served as scholarship chairman; her nightly plea was for “Quiet hours!” to encourage good study habits among her fellow members. They did earn all-campus scholastic recognition! Following graduation from the UW, Judy entered graduate school at the University of Florida where she earned an MA in Latin American history. With her master’s degree in hand, she returned to the UW briefly as a Spanish instructor. The low grades she gave some of the athletes in her class drove her Huskiesloving family crazy. In December 1964, she married the love of her life, Walter Robinson, another UW grad, who was attending University of Chicago Law School. While residing in Hyde Park in Chicago, Judy taught in a high school and then a middle school in the southern suburbs. In 1966, when her husband began teaching at Stanford Law School, she began her teaching career at La Entrada Middle School in the Las Lomitas School District, where she taught until the birth of her second daughter in 1978. She lived in Atherton for 45 years where she and her husband happily raised their family. Judy loved life, her family and friends, literature, travel, the arts, gardening, and Duke basketball. With her husband, she attended the American Conservatory Theater for 49 seasons and the San Francisco Ballet for many years. Judy also was involved with the Contemporary Collectors Circle at Stanford’s Cantor Arts Center.

Reflecting her interests in history and in other cultures, she and her husband took pleasure in planning trips and traveling to many parts of the world. An involved community volunteer, she was active in the Junior League of Palo Alto and in her daughters’ schools. Judy was co-president of UMA, a student and parent schoolwide organization at MenloAtherton High School. She tutored freshman students who needed support in their advanced standing classes at that school. She was a Girl Scouts leader and introduced the Art in Action program to Phillips Brooks School. As a former English teacher, she was a stickler for grammar and made certain that her children were well versed in the proper use of “I” and “me.” Judy loved her Atherton neighborhood, Lloyden Park, and spearheaded celebrations there including an annual Fourth of July party and Christmas caroling. The Robinson family thanks Judy’s loving friends for their kind thoughts and deeds during her illness. Their ongoing support was a gift to her and to her family alike. In addition to her immediate family, Judy is survived by her sons-in-law, Todd Rose of Menlo Park and Kevin Moriarty of Washington, D.C., and her four grandchildren, Caroline Rachel Rose, Lucia Delsman Rose, Charles Robinson Moriarty, and Graham Wylde Moriarty. She is also survived by her deeply loved brother, Alan Delsman, sisters-inlaw Barbara Delsman, Marcia Robinson, Mary Ann Robinson, brother-in-law Dale Robinson, and several dear cousins, nieces, and nephews. A celebration of Judy’s life will take place at Trinity Episcopal Church, 330 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 19, 2017. A reception will follow at the Menlo Circus Club, 190 Park Lane, Atherton. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that donations be made in Judy’s memory to the Judith Delsman Robinson Fund at Stanford Medicine in support of Dr. Jonathan Berek for uterine cancer research. Gifts can be made by check or on-line. Checks must be made payable to Stanford University. Please indicate “The Judith Delsman Robinson Fund” on the memo line. Mail checks to: Stanford University, 3172 Porter Drive, Suite 210, Palo Alto, CA 94304. To make a gift online go to: goto/medgift. Please (1) note on the Special Instructions, “Gift to support Dr. Berek for The Judith Delsman Robinson Fund” and (2) check in “Honor/Memory” and list “Judith Delsman Robinson.”

continued from page 7

boundaries of what they expected us to do,” said committee member and Portola Valley Councilwoman Ann Wengert. “We didn’t necessarily accept that their ideas of feasible were the only possible solutions. Their feasible solutions were limited.” The deliberations elicited activism and thoughtful commentary from well-informed members of the community, Ms. Wengert said. “It was incredibly intense,” she said, adding that “it was a ton of work in a very short time.” The most common emotion she experienced, she said, was frustration over “not being able to make an immediate change to give people relief. ... There’s a great sense of anger and frustration and hopelessness (in the public) that was transferred to us. It increases your desire to make as many substantive changes as you could and particularly changes that are going to stick, that are going to be lasting changes.”

One recommendation affecting Portola Valley, Woodside and Ladera: that pilots and air-traffic controllers comply with the 8,000-foot minimum altitude when crossing the Santa Cruz mountains above Woodside, as specified in a 2001 agreement between the FAA and Ms. Eshoo. The FAA hasn’t even been following its own agreements, which undermines its credibility, Ms. Wengert said. “How can we believe they will do what they say?” she asked. The committee paid special attention to night flights, Ms. Wengert said, because it’s at night that new flights will be added to the mix. It will be up to the FAA to cooperate with the communities, and it will probably require congressional oversight, she said. Asked if she thought the committee and the FAA were on the same page, she said it was hard to tell. “They’ll never say ‘Yes’ to anything,” she said. “I think we were all impressed with the amount of time they put into it. They certainly invested time like I’ve never seen them do.” A

Mary Joanne Gainer December 7, 1937 – December 26, 2016 Joanne Gainer passed away at age 79 peacefully on Dec. 26, 2016. Born Mary Joanne Gainer at Palo Alto Hospital on Dec. 7, 1937 to Mary Regina Harrington and Thomas Francis Gainer. She grew up in Menlo Park attending St. Joseph’s elementary, then Sacred Heart and finished her college education in teaching at San Jose State University. She earned her teaching credential and taught at La Honda Elementary School for over 20 years. Joanne retired from teaching at age 55. After retirement, she had more time to pursue her passion for gardening and floral arranging. Joanne was an avid gardener, cook, and crafter enjoying all of these activities throughout her life. She also loved to travel and continued exploring new destinations. Joanne’s joyful approach to life will be dearly missed by family and friends. Joanne is survived by her sister Mary Marcia Gainer of Menlo Park, CA and cousins Barbara Walczykowski of Alexandria, VA, Mary Ellen Harrington of San Mateo, CA, Richard J. Harrington of Menlo Park, CA, Thomas V. Harrington and Kristoffer V. Harrington of Las Vegas, NV. A Mass celebrating Joanne’s life will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Jan. 13, 2017 at Church of the Nativity, 210 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025. The rosary will proceed the mass at 10:45 a.m. and a reception will be held after mass in the O’Hare Center directly behind the church. Donations are requested in Joanne’s name to the Oakwood Rest Home, 140 Valpariso Ave., Atherton, California 94027 or the Boys and Girls Club-Peninsula, 415 Ivy Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025. PAID


12 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017




Caltrans responds to ‘adopt road’ question A spokesperson for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has responded to an Almanac inquiry regarding a story that ran in the Jan. 4 issue and online about a local group’s nine-year quest to adopt a stretch of Woodside Road in Woodside. As reported in the story, Susan Doherty of Woodside applied in 2007 to adopt a two-mile stretch of Highway 84/Woodside Road between Southgate Drive and Martin Lane. She finally received a response from Caltrans in the spring of 2016 and has signed a contract on behalf of Over The Hill Club, a group of local bike riders, promising to pick up litter on both sides of the roadway through May 2021. Caltrans did not respond to a number of Almanac requests for comment on why it took nine years to get permission to adopt the roadway.

Filoli names retail head Raymond McKenzie brings more than 20 years of experience in retail to his new position as head of retail Raymond operations at McKenzie Filoli, the historic Woodside estate. He comes to Filoli after five years in retail for the Asian Art Museum and six years at the Museum of Craft and Design, both in San Francisco. “I came to Filoli because I have a personal passion for the country estate living of the late 19th and early 20th century,” Mr. McKenzie says. With his museum store experience, “Ray will bring the already beautiful garden shop to a new level,” Filoli Executive Director Kara Newport says.


Lasting Memories Search obituaries, submit a memorial, share a photo. Go to: obituaries

After the Almanac went to press, the agency responded. Caltrans spokeswoman Gidget Navarro said maintenance records show that stretch of highway was adopted by the Woodside-Atherton Garden Club from February 2008 to February 2013. The garden club opted not to renew its contract and “there was a waiting list of five groups for it,” Ms. Navarro said. “After review,” she said, Ms. Doherty’s application surfaced. Ms. Navarro said she is uncertain why there was a three-year gap between contracts, but said somewhere along the line a longtime Caltrans employee retired in the district involved and a new director was hired, and that may have interrupted the process.

City meets on home burglaries By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


n response to a number of residential burglaries in Menlo Park’s Willows neighborhood, the city will hold a public meeting to discuss the problem at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11, at Laurel School Upper Campus (275 Elliott Drive). Police spokesperson Nicole Acker said undercover surveillance is continuing in the Willows, where there were 15 residential burglaries in 2016, three more than in 2015 and the most of any Menlo Park neighborhood. Of those 15 burglaries, 12 occurred from September to December, she said. On Dec. 20, two 16-year-old boys from East Palo Alto were arrested on suspicion of residential burglary in the Willows. They were booked into Hillcrest

Anita Hedberg Douglas August 5, 1929-December 7, 2016 Anita Hedberg Douglas passed away unexpectedly and peacefully at her home in Portola Valley on December 7. Born in Örnsköldsvik in northern Sweden to Conrad and Esther Hedberg, Anita came to the United States at age 22 looking for work and adventure. Within two weeks she found a job with the Scandinavian Travel Bureau in Rockefeller Center, and it was in New York that she eventually met Hugh Douglas of the Arizona branch of the Douglas copper-mining family. They married in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1953 and returned to New York for a year before her husband’s work took them to Turkey and then on to Libya. During that time the couple had three sons. They returned to the U.S. in 1962, eventually settling down in Atherton where Anita had a daughter in 1969. She loved art, travel, cooking, and was an active volunteer in numerous civic organizations, including SWEA, Allied Arts Guild in Palo Alto, where she was due to receive her 50 years of service recognition in 2017, and the Kiwanis. She was known among family and friends for her cooking, especially her Christmas Eve smörgåsbord. She happily passed her recipes on to her children and grandchildren. Anita parlayed her love of travel into her work as a travel agent, establishing her own travel agency in 1984 with a partner until 2004 and then continued working as an independent travel agent thereafter. Anita traveled the world, visiting more than 100 countries. Her most recent trip abroad was to France last June, when she spent two weeks participating in a French language program and then hosting a two-week family reunion in Provence for all 16 members of her immediate family. She was still working up to the day of her passing. Anita is survived by her children Hugh (Amy), Ian (Dany), Craig, and Ann Jessen (Leif); and her seven grandchildren Will, Erik, Ethan, Peter, Anita, Catherine, and Henry; and her brother Sture (Gudrun) in Sweden; her mother-in-law Betty, and sister-in-law Laurenne (Carl). She will be deeply missed for her compassion, wisdom, generosity, ebullient spirit, optimism, graciousness and love of adventure. A memorial and celebration of her life will be held at Trinity Church, 330 Ravenswood, Menlo Park at 2pm on January 21, 2017. PA I D


Juvenile Detention Facility on two counts of residential burglary each. At the meeting Wednesday, Menlo Park Mayor Kirsten Keith, Police Chief Bob Jonsen, Police Commander William Dixon and city police officers will discuss how they are addressing the burglary problem and answer questions. Detective Jason Poirier will talk about crime prevention “through environmental design.” The concept, according to the

city’s website, is that people can reduce crime near their homes by “eliminating criminal opportunities in and around your property.” Well-maintained, well-lit and difficult-to-access properties, for instance, can be less appealing targets for burglars. Community Service Officer Gonee Sepulveda will talk about the police department’s neighborhood watch program. Go to for more information. A

Patricia Nell Ferguson Weaver August 9, 1944 to September 16, 2016 Resident of Palo Alto Patricia Nell Ferguson Weaver passed away peacefully in her sleep September 16, 2016, surrounded by her loving family. Born in Dallas, Texas, Patricia Nell Ferguson the daughter of Julia and Charles Ferguson, spent her elementary and junior high school years moving back and forth between Texas and California as her father’s jobs in the insurance industry changed. Graduating from John Muir High School in Pasadena, California, she attended Stanford University where she earned a BA in French and an MA in Education. While at Stanford, she met Richard Weaver whom she married in 1966 following a two-year courtship. Patricia and Richard settled in their “forever house” in Palo Alto, where they lived since 1974. Patricia’s professional path always involved teaching. Before interrupting that career to have children, she taught French, History, and Girl’s Physical Education at Hopkins Junior High and Irvington High in Fremont. When her children got older, she returned to teaching, as an SAT tutor, as a grader for Advanced Placement History and English classes, and occasionally as a classroom teacher, teaching English at Menlo-Atherton High School and Sacred Heart Prep as a long-term substitute or as a temporary replacement. However, her enthusiasm for helping people learn to think and write led her to fulfill her real passion which was to develop a tutoring and mentoring practice that she actively continued until just a few months before her death. In addition to working with students, Patricia helped to develop curriculum for local high school English departments while mentoring teachers, helping them to hone their skills. Always a committed Christian, Patricia loved the Lord. Her twenty-seven year battle with breast cancer energized her to share God’s love with all whom she came in contact. Instead of being embittered by her condition, she enthusiastically embraced each day as a gift from God that was to be lived with dignity and grace. Her ability to actively listen to others, empathize with their situations, and to provide thoughtful suggestions for solutions to their problems made her a much sought after friend, counselor, and companion. Although family and friends sorely miss her, they all rejoice in the certainty that she is in heaven, free from her earthly pain and suffering. Patricia leaves behind her husband of 50 years, Richard Weaver of Palo Alto, CA, her daughter and son-in-law Tricia and Charlie Moss of San Francisco, CA, her son and daughter-in-law David and Katelyn Weaver and her granddaughter Clara Anne Gravelle Weaver of Seattle, WA, and her stepmother Bobbie Mitchell Ferguson of Palm Desert, CA. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that contributions be sent to the women’s cancer help organization – Sense of Security California, 2636 Judah Street #133, San Francisco, CA 94122. PA I D


January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 13


Live street art expo seeks to ‘provoke’ by pseudonyms, she said. A native of Germany, Ms. Powers said the gallery will display the efore she opens Art Ven- work of European and California tures Gallery in downtown artists, usually one artist at a time. She operates an artist-in-resiMenlo Park, owner Katharina Powers is converting the walls dence program in Napa, where of the gallery into artwork, and she she provides housing for 80 days, has invited the public to watch it mainly for artists who reside outside the United happen. States. The galFrom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. TuesThe public is invited lery will display those creations. day, Jan. 10, to watch the street She said she has through Thurslined up several day, Jan. 12, a artists at work. European arttotal of 10 Bay Area street artists and muralists ists for the gallery, including those are painting two canvases and an from Bulgaria, Poland and Italy. Going to art galleries when she 8-by-10-foot stretch of an interior wall at the gallery, located at 888 lived in Europe was an important Santa Cruz Ave. Their task? To ritual to help her become calm create art reflecting a one-word when she was stressed out, she said. In fast-paced Silicon Valley, theme: provoke. The canvases will later be for she said, she hopes to provide locals with an outlet for finding sale. Listed artists are: Chor Boogie, that same sense of calm. The gallery will officially open Eddie Colla, Cannon Dill, Brett Flanigan, Amanda Lynn, Mario on Wednesday, Feb. 1, with an Sanchez, Bud Snow, Jim Seibold, exhibition by Paton Miller. There Lynnea Holland-Weiss and Nina will be a reception held at the galWright. These aren’t necessary lery from 5 to 7 p.m. Go to the real names of the artists, Ms. Powers said. Street artists often go for more information. By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


14 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

Photo courtesy Art Ventures Gallery

Art Ventures Gallery, located at 888 Santa Cruz Ave. in downtown Menlo Park, will open to the public Feb. 1 with an exhibition of art by Paton Miller.



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Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Square footage and/or acreage information contained herein has been received from seller, existing reports, appraisals, public records and/or other sources deemed reliable. However, neither seller nor listing agent has verified this information. If this information is important to buyer in determining whether to buy or to purchase price, buyer should conduct buyer’s own investigation.

January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 15




writing Boredom can be a friend to imagination, Portola Valley novelist says By Dave Boyce


ortola Valley resident Mary WatersSayer, author of “The Blue Bath,” a well-received first novel recently published by St. Martin’s Press, says in an interview that she sees boredom as an opportunity for interesting thoughts and feelings, and that the absence of such moments is undesirable in the long run, particularly for children. Childhood today “is really profoundly different in terms of distraction and the lack of boredom,” Ms. Waters-Sayer, who is 49, says. “I’m a big believer in having that empty space to fill in with your imagination.” Her novel “is almost entirely a product of my imagination, which is great fun,” she says. “It’s a writer’s playground.” “I think the way I write owes a lot to (the fact that) much of my childhood was spent without TV,” she says, including summers with her family on an island with no TV and no phone. Rain was not uncommon, which presented an opportunity to stay inside and read, she says, including works by Willa Cather and John Updike. Both her parents were “very, very avid” readers, she says. “It was what they did to relax. It was what they did for enjoyment. I grew up in a house surrounded by books.” Ms. Waters-Sayer’s novel opens with an American woman living in London with her entrepreneur husband and young son. She learns of an exhibit showcasing the works of an artist with whom she once had an affair in Paris. She visits the crowded gallery and is astonished and disconcerted to see her younger self on the walls in paintings she once posed for. “She finds herself drawn back into the sins and solace of her past,” Ms. Waters-Sayer says. “The book explores the intersection of life and art, the subjective nature of perception and the lingering light and shadow of young love.”

The story is not from her own experience, she says, though she lived in London for 12 years and had a child there. The novel’s characters walk the same London and Paris streets that she walked, in locations that do reflect her memories, she says. “Paris is not the kind of place you have to try hard to remember,” she says. Her first day there she spent simply walking, she says. “It was so overwhelming. It had a huge impression on me and it still does.” On writing

“The Blue Bath” is remarkable for its capture of the moment. Early in the book, protagonist Kat Lind is walking around Paris in April, recording what she sees with a film camera as the sky darkens with the threat of a storm. “Alone, she savored the cool, smooth feel of the machinery in her hands and the deliberate, metallic blink of the camera. ... Following the low line of linden trees that led to the river, her lens caught on a tall figure with wide shoulders, standing very still in the middle of a path, hands in his pockets. What little light remained was behind him, having the effect of making him appear in her lens as a dark angular tear in the fabric of the Tuileries. As she brought his face into focus, she was surprised to find that he was looking directly at her.” It is quite a difference from the press releases she used to write for the Securities and Exchange Commission on corporate filings and mergers and acquisitions. She did some creative writing in college and to amuse herself, but the Wall Streetoriented work helped her develop confidence, she says. “It’s almost like working different muscles. I think it gave me a thicker skin,” she says. She worked with an editor, but says she edits herself by reading her writing out loud. “It’s

16 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

Photo by Udi Edni

Mary Waters-Sayer of Portola Valley credits the absence of TV as contributing to her interest in writing. (Cover photo also by Udi Edni.)

almost like music,” she says. “There’s a rhythm and it helps carry a story along.” Poet Robert Frost had a notion he called the sound of sense, something experienced when hearing a sentence spoken from behind a closed door so that the words are inaudible. Ms. WatersSayer says she is unfamiliar with this notion, but that she “absolutely agrees” with it. Most people “do not write with their hearing,” Mr. Frost wrote in a letter to a friend. “Ask yourself,” he wrote, “how these sentences would sound without the words in which they are embodied:” “One, two, three, go!” “No good! Come back — come back.” “Haslam go down there and make those kids get out of the track.” Ms. Waters-Sayer comments: “When Mr. Frost speaks of ‘the ear being the only true writer and the only true reader,’ I think that my childhood summers without television may have made me more focused on the auditory world, which helped shaped me into an auditory reader and writer.” “The Blue Bath,” published by St. Martin’s Press (2016). 310 pages. $25.99. Available in hardcover, e-book and audiobook formats, at local bookstores, including Kepler’s and Books Inc., and online at and


At SLAC, atoms, diamonds self-assemble into tiny wires For specialists who work in operate with both light and nanotechnology and manipu- electricity, and fabrics that can late materials on an atomic and generate electricity as a result of molecular level, it is fortunate movement. “The process is a simple, that some atoms, when they’re placed near enough to each one-pot synthesis,” said Hao other, will respond to natural Yan, a Stanford postdoctoral forces of attraction and assem- researcher and lead author of a ble themselves into tiny shapes paper published in the journal Nature Materials. “You dump such as tubes and spheres. the ingredients In a recent together and breakthrough, scientists at The development may you can get in half Stanford Unihave uses in creating results an hour. It’s versity, the D e p a r t m e n t superconductors that almost as if the diamondoids of Energy’s conduct electricity know where SLAC Nationwithout losses. they want to al Accelerator go.” Laboratory in The particles fit together in Menlo Park and other research centers exploited this tendency ways similar to LEGO blocks, to develop a method to create said Fei Hua Li, a Stanford self-assembling wires, according graduate student who was key to a recent SLAC announcement. to synthesizing the wires and Investigators allowed atoms of determining how they grew. copper and sulfur to collaborate “The copper and sulfur atoms with diamondoids — tiny bits of each building block wound of diamond found naturally in up in the middle, forming the liquid petroleum. The resulting conductive core of the wire, and wires are three atoms wide and the bulkier diamondoids wound up on the outside, forming the insulated (by the diamonds). Materials of “just one or two insulating shell,” she said. “You can imagine weaving dimensions ... can have very different, extraordinary properties (such wires) into fabrics to compared to the same material generate energy,” said study made in bulk,” the scientists say. co-author Nicholas Melosh, The development may have an associate professor at SLAC uses in creating superconduc- and Stanford and investigator tors that conduct electricity with SIMES, the Stanford Instiwithout losses, devices that tute for Materials and Energy

Woodside woman crowned rodeo queen Leandra Steenkamp of Woodside was crowned rodeo queen at the recent Grand National Rodeo at the Cow Palace. The recent graduate of Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont won the title of Miss Grand National 2017 after a day of competition against three other contestants. Each contestant competed in a horsemanship contest, was interview by judges, sold at least 100 tickets to the rodeo, and gave a speech. Ms. Steenkamp’s speech was on the Exceptional Rodeo for special needs children sponsored by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. The Miss Grand National crown and chaps were handed over to Ms. Steenkamp by Emilie Montoya, Miss Grand National 2016. As rodeo queen, Ms. Steenkamp will represent the Cow Palace Grand National Rodeo and the western way of life by traveling around Northern California to various events, including rodeos and parades. Ms. Steenkamp says she plans to return to Notre Dame de Namur University this year to get a master’s degree in clinical psychology. “I hope to use my education toward one day opening up my own therapeutic ranch.” Sciences at SLAC. “This method gives us a versatile toolkit where we can tinker with a number of ingredients and experimental conditions to create new materials with finely tuned electronic properties and interesting physics,” he said.

JNJ photography

Leandra Steenkamp, right, of Woodside has been named Miss Grand National 2017 by the Grand National Rodeo. She is with her predecessor, Miss Grand National 2016, Emilie Montoya.

An article at the website How Stuff Works notes that two graduate students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology proposed flexible floors that generate electricity as people step on them. Since one footstep generates about

enough electricity to light two 60-watt bulbs for one second, many footsteps would be needed for a practical application, but such floors could potentially generate power in train stations and malls, the article says. A

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Lic# 414700002 January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 17


Photo by Alexandra Hall

The book evolved from dirigible trips along the California coast by, from left, Rowan, Jamis, Tyler and Dylan MacNiven.

Woodside’s Jamis MacNiven goes sky-high with latest book airship, which, measuring just shy of 247 feet long, is named Eureka, runs on helium, and fter running Buck’s res- needs a 20-person crew. Alexandra and Bryan Hall, taurant for 25 years in Woodside, the future who live near Los Gatos, took has come true for owner Jamis Mr. MacNiven and his famMacNiven. In 2004 he told the ily on multiple trips in their Almanac his next career would dirigible before selling it off to be writing books, and he has someone in Germany. Mr. MacNiven compares self-published a new one called “California from 500 Feet, a Eureka to a “really comfortable RV” or sailStory of the boat except for Coastline.” the time they The 191-page Owner of Buck’s a serious hardback fearestaurant tells more hit updraft over tures 312 color Big Sur and photos and colorful stories even the three many tall tales about the state’s lesser-known pilots onboard felt panicked history, or is it more accurate when the alarms kept going off. Otherwise, Mr. MacNiven to say HIS story? Mr. MacNiven interweaves enjoyed “looking at the world his own personal anecdotes from 500 to 1,000 feet, where throughout the book, starting you can open the big winwith the story that got the book dows and yell at people on the off the ground. Five years ago ground, and land in places that he spotted a Zeppelin dirigible are totally inaccessible.” He cruised from the Mexican floating in the sky and told border to Oregon and loosely himself, “I gotta have it.” He then set out to befriend uses the voyages to delve into the people who owned the vignettes of what has happened By Kate Daly

Special to the Almanac


— or may have happened —below. A few stories overlap with his earlier book, “Breakfast at Buck’s, Tales from the Pancake Guy,” but the rest are new material based on his experiences or years spent reading Wikipedia entries and some firsthand accounts written by authors such as Bayard Taylor, a journalist who covered the Gold Rush. “I can’t think of anything that isn’t fact-based, except for what are already tall tales,” Mr. MacNiven says, pointing out that “history is the recitation of what someone says happened.” He gives the example of the claim that early in the Gold Rush, shirts were shipped from San Francisco to China to be laundered at a cost of $15 a dozen. Mr. MacNiven wonders, even after California state historian Kevin Starr confirmed this, how could it possibly be true that anyone would wait five months for a clean shirt? Born in Japan in 1948, Mr. MacNiven moved to California at a young age. He begins a

chapter on Venice, California, with: “Venice used to be great and it is pretty cool now but when Jim Morrison and I lived there it was a rodent flavored garbage dump featuring truck tires, headless plastic dolls and condoms floating in the canals with exhausted neighborhoods too played out to support drug dealers.” Mr. MacNiven says: “Flying over Malibu changed my life, seeing a 50,000 square-foot Federal period mansion next to an Iron Man-like house, next to a ring of grass huts on a $20-million lot ... there are more movie stars per capita there than anywhere.” He writes about Art Linkletter (a popular TV personality in the 1950s and 1960s) telling him: “A young cartoon animator came to see him one day and thought he could outdo that Knott’s fellow so Walt Disney began planning Disneyland just down the street from Knott’s. Walt had Art out to see the construction site and asked Art if he cared to invest. Art said

he laughed all the way home. Later Art was able to regain control of his funny bone when he saw that Walt had a hit on his hands but then it was too late to invest.” In another chapter Mr. MacNiven writes: “One reason Silicon Valley exists is because the people of Sunnyvale sold the federal government several square miles of land where Moffett Field is today for $1 if they would locate the dirigible program there,” which in turn attracted “f ledging avionics firms such as Fairchild, Raytheon and Ampex.” Buck’s restaurant has a reputation for being the place where many of the Silicon Valley’s deals are made. Mr. MacNiven feels fortunate to meet “the most amazing people here.” Mr. MacNiven estimates he spent six hours a day writing for three years and was surprised how much fun it was. “I wrote this book for my own pleasure,” he says. “I just want my friends to read it.” The book is only available at Buck’s, retailing for $30 or $40 with tax and shipping (it weighs three pounds). Mr. MacNiven ordered a run of 1,000 copies and admits to giving away more than he’s selling. For his next writing project he is contemplating a novel about his great uncle Wilhelm Fricke’s life as a carnie 100 years ago. Mr. MacNiven says: “I have the flea circus, posters, and tickets, I have it all in a suitcase.” Mr. MacNiven displays some of these artifacts at Buck’s, but doesn’t have a lot of facts to go on. Still he feels the ingredients are there for a good story because “the characters are magnificently odd, you have a lot of deformed people emotionally and physically.” Alongside writing, Mr. MacNiven’s restaurant career continues to grow. He has expanded beyond running Buck’s with his wife, Margaret, to serving as co-owner with their sons (Rowan, Dylan and Tyler) of two Woodhouse Fish Co. restaurants and a West of Pecos restaurant — all in San Francisco. A

Wednesday: Transportation committees set joint meeting By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


o one would deny that what happens on the streets in Menlo Park affects Atherton, as well as the reverse. At 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11, the transportation committees of the two jurisdictions will hold a joint meeting to discuss some shared issues.

On the agenda for the meeting, to be held in the Menlo Park council chambers at 701 Laurel St., is work planned for the Willow Road and U.S. 101 interchange, bike lanes on Middlefield Road and Marsh Road, Atherton’s El Camino Real study, and the pedestrian-activated stoplights on El Camino at Alejandra and Isabella avenues. The committees will talk

18 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

about making sure both towns know in advance about issues that might affect their communities, such as developments on El Camino or major construction. Atherton’s new mayor, Mike Lempres, said he pushed for the joint meeting. “There is no big ‘problem,’ or overriding issue that led to this joint meeting,” he said. Instead, it is intended as

a way for neighboring cities to discuss common concerns, he said. “It is very clear that transportation decisions in Menlo Park affect Atherton and vice-versa,” he said. “Each city can do its job better if it knows what the other is planning. Increased communication will help both communities do a better job on transportation related issues,

such as traffic, bicycle and pedestrian routes.” If the meeting proves useful, he said, he hopes it will become a regular event, and that other Atherton and Menlo Park committees can hold similar meetings. “We hope to reach out to Redwood City to share information with our neighbor to the north also,” Mayor Lempres said. A



Five local youths attain Eagle Scout rank Five boys — Jack Hansen, Trevor Kelly, Henry Marks, Nicholas Nolasco and Marshall Williams — all of Menlo Park Troop 222, earned their rank of Eagle Scout and were honored at a recent Court of Honor at Menlo Church. The troop is headed by Scoutmaster Jay Hansen. Jack Hansen, son of Jay and Christine Hansen of Menlo Park, is a sophomore at Menlo-Atherton High School. He plays football and lacrosse. His Eagle project involved refurbishing and repainting a ramp at BOK Ranch. He has served as assistant patrol leader, patrol leader and quartermaster. He has completed five 50-mile hikes during his tenure as a scout. Trevor Kelly, son of Roland and Carol Kelly of Menlo Park, is a senior at Summit Preparatory High School. A nationally recognized rower, he competes with the varsity crew team at NorCal Rowing. His service project was building a 16x12-foot pergola at Summit Prep for students and faculty to enjoy. Henry Marks, son of Doug and Sidney Marks of Menlo Park, is a senior at MenloAtherton High School, where he is on the swim and water polo teams. His Eagle project involved the revitalization and renovation of the plant identification trail at Menlo Civic Center. As a scout, Henry has completed five 50-mile hikes, including three with his father. Nicholas Nolasco, son of Tony and Cyndi Nolasco of Menlo Park, is a senior at MenloAtherton High School. He is senior class co-adviser and part of the Grab Bag Theatre. His project included building two benches, a planter box, a canopy at the Menlo Park Senior Center and refurbishing the path leading to them. Marshall Williams is the son of Brandon and Stephanie Williams of Menlo Park, a sophomore and home-schooled. A student, athlete and musician, his scouting journey has spanned three states, New York, Florida and California, and four Scouting units. His leadership project involved co-leading, creating, and filling five trailers with emergency supplies for the Menlo Park Community Emergency Response Team that can be used should an emergency strike the community.


Henry Marks

Alyn Beals 153 Marva Oaks Drive

ASRB2016-0026; GRAD2016-0003 Planner: Corinne Jones, Assistant Planner

Presentation and consideration of a proposal requiring Formal Design Review, to construct a two-story main residence with an attached garage and a partial basement; an accessory structure (workshop); an Accessory Living Quarters (gate house); a swimming pool; and, associated landscaping and landscape lighting. Formal Design Review is being completed by the Planning Commission because the project includes an additional entitlement, a Grading Exception (GRAD2016-0003), in order to exceed 1,500 cubic yards of grading. This item was continued to a date certain, from the December 21, 2016, meeting, due to a lack of quorum. 3. California Water Service Near 3760 Woodside Road

Jack Hansen

Marshall Williams

CUSE2015-0001; VARI2016-0011 Planner: Sage Schaan, Principal Planner

Review and approval, conditional approval, or denial of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a proposal WR PRGLI\ DQ H[LVWLQJ VPDOO GDP RQ %HDU *XOFK &UHHN DQG FRQVWUXFW D ÀVK ODGGHU WR DOORZ IRU WKH XSstream migration of steelhead trout. A CUP is required for the project as it is located within a designated stream corridor. The project is partially located within the Town of Woodside and partially within the unincorporated area of County of San Mateo County. San Mateo County is Lead Agency under CEQA and has adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the entire project, and has approved the portion of the project within the unincorporated County area. This review is of a CUP for the portion of the project within Woodside. All application materials are available for public review at the Woodside Planning and Building Counter, Woodside Town Hall, weekdays from 8:00 – 10:00 AM and 1:00 – 3:00 PM, or by appointment. For more information, contact the Woodside Planning and Building Department at (650) 851-6790.


Nicholas Nolasco

Campp Connectionn ion Attentio Camp Diirrectors!

Trevor Kelly

Kiwanis Club’s speaker lineup An eclectic lineup of speakers is scheduled to appear at the Menlo Park Kiwanis Club’s weekly meetings in January. The service club meets each Tuesday over lunch from noon to 1:15 p.m. at the Allied Arts Guild in Menlo Park at 75 Arbor Road. Non-members can attend by contacting the club through its website ( or by emailing Bruce Wellings at Lunch for first-time visitors is free. On Jan. 17, Becky Sanders, a communications and

PLANNING COMMISSION January 18, 2017 6:00 PM

marketing manager at the MidPeninsula Media Center, will talk about opportunities for high school students to get involved in digital media. On Jan. 24, Jody DiMauro, a probation services manager at the San Mateo County Probation Office, will give a presentation called, “A Day in the Life of a Probation Officer.” On Jan. 31, Kira Reginato, author of “Tips for Helping your Aging Parents (Without Losing your Mind),” will talk about the pros and cons of staying in one’s home or moving to a retirement community.

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(650) 223-6570 January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 19


Submitting items for the Calendar

M E E T I N G S , M U S I C , T H E AT E R , F A M I LY A C T I V I T I E S A N D S P E C I A L E V E N T S Go to to see more local calendar listings

Theater )UDWHOOR 0DULRQHWWHV Âś7KH &DUQLYDO RI WKH $QLPDOV¡ In this show, the puppet and puppeteer are seen in full view of the audience on a raised stage. Three classic fables will be interwoven against the backdrop of the “Carnival of the Animalsâ€? score. Jan. 24, 3:30 p.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. +RZ 7R 7UDLQ <RXU 'UDJRQ :RUNVKRS for anyone who wants to know what it takes to self-produce an artistic event. Artists who attend are given extra consideration when applying for the 2018 2nd Stages Series. Jan. 10, 7-8:30 p.m.; Jan. 22, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Dragon Productions Theatre Company, 2120 Broadway St., Redwood City.


.LQJ +ROLGD\ &HOHEUDWLRQ The Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute hosts open house and Sunday service as part of its annual King Holiday celebration. This year’s theme honors 50th anniversary of King’s call to action in “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?� Jan. 13, 3-5 p.m.; Jan. 15, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Martin Luther King Research and Education Institute, 466 Via Ortega, Palo Alto. 2SHQ 0LF 1LJKW Nick “Toothless Monkey� Peters from Toothless Monkey Music hosts an open mic night. Any and all family-friendly acts are encouraged, from music to comedy to poetry. All ages welcome. Two mics and two guitar amps will be ready, and the limit is two songs or 10 minutes per performer/ group. Fourth Monday of the month,7:30 p.m.,sign ups; 8-10 p.m., performances. Free. Freewheel Brewing Company, 3736 Florence St., Redwood City. 6LQJ)HVW Ragazzi’s free half-day minicamp is for 7 to 10-year-old boys. Participants will find out what choral singing is all about, and no-obligation auditions are included during the day. Boys sing a brief concert for their parents at pickup time. Jan. 14, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Ragazzi Boys Chorus, 178 Clinton St., Redwood City. 6WDQIRUG 1HZ (QVHPEOH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RQWHPSRUDU\ (QVHPEOH Music by Stanford composer Mark Applebaum, the late Pauline Oliveros and Steve Reich will be performed in this collaboration of the Stanford New Ensemble and the International Contemporary Ensemble. Jan. 19, 6:30 p.m. Free. Stanford University, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford. events.

Film /RVLQJ D /RYHG 2QH WR $O]KHLPHU¡V $ 'DXJKWHUV 'LOHPPD Program features screening of short film, “The Isle of Capri,â€? a film documenting the challenges faced by a daughter who lost her mother to Alzheimer’s. Jan. 18, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Bethany, 1095 Cloud Ave., West Menlo Park. 3OD\LQJ *RG ,V 6FLHQFH *RLQJ 7RR )DU" This program features a filmed interview with Ron Stoddart, an adoption attorney and embryo adoption advocate. During the program, participants will have the opportunity to discuss whether embryo adoption is a viable adoption choice or a form of playing God. Jan. 11, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Bethany, 1095 Cloud Ave., West Menlo Park. Âś<HOORZ 7LFNHW¡ ZLWK $OLFLD 6YLJDOV “The Yellow Ticketâ€? is a 1918 silent film starring actress Pola Negri, made in Europe before Negri emigrated to Hollywood. The film tells the story of a young Jewish woman from a Polish shtetl who, due to anti-Semitic laws, is constrained to lead a double life in a brothel while attending medical school in Tsarist Russia. The film includes rare footage of the Jewish quarter of Warsaw. Jan. 18, 7:30 p.m. Free. Tressider Union, 459 Lagunita Drive, Stanford.

Talks & Lectures ,Q 'HHS ZLWK $QJLH &RLUR 2PDU 6DLI *KREDVKTalk show host Angie Coiro moderates a discussion with United Arab Emirates ambassador to Russia, Omar Saif Ghobash. The discussion will center on letters Ghobash has written to his sons about what it means to be a Muslim in the 21st century. Jan.

11, 7:30-9 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. %ULDQ )LVKPDQ 7KH 0DVWHU 3ODQ ,6,6 $O 4DHGD DQG WKH -LKDGL 6WUDWHJ\ IRU )LQDO 9LFWRU\ Counterterrorism expert Brian Fishman explores one of history’s darkest and most destructive regimes: The Islamic State. During this event, he will discuss ISIS — its origins, operations and the internal disputes that just may lead to its demise. Jan. 12, 7:309 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. &DUROLQH :LQWHUHU LQ FRQYHUVDWLRQ ZLWK -DPHV - 6KHHKDQ Stanford historian Caroline Winterer turns a critical eye to one of America’s most coveted origin stories. In her new work, Winterer follows the threads of 18th century utopian philosophies and the influence of intellectual salons as they radiated outward to the New World. Winterer, director of the Stanford Humanities Center and professor of history at Stanford University, will discuss her new book with the Stanford historian James J. Sheehan. Jan. 17, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. 0HHW WKH $XWKRU +HQU\ 7 *UHHO\ Stanford Professor Henry (Hank) T. Greely will be at Stanford Bookstore signing his book “The End of Sex and the Future of Human Reproduction.� In the book, Greely explains how within 20, maybe 40, years most people in developed countries will stop having sex for the purpose of reproduction. Instead, prospective parents will be told as much as they wish to know about the genetic makeup of dozens of embryos, and they will pick one or two for implantation, gestation and birth. Jan. 24, 6 p.m. Free. Stanford University, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford. 65, 2UJDQRQ 7RDVWPDVWHUV 0HHWLQJ SRI Organon Toastmasters provides a supportive and positive environment where members have the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills. SRI Organon Toastmasters welcomes members of the community to visit and join. Tuesdays, ongoing, 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Menlo Park City Hall, 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park. business. 6XVDQ 'HQQDUG LQ FRQYHUVDWLRQ ZLWK $OH[ %UDFNHQ Young Adult literature fans are invited to celebrate two highly anticipated sequels — “Windwitch� by Susan Dennard and “Wayfarer� by Alexandra Bracken. Jan. 13, 7 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park.

Kids & Families 5HG *UDPPHU &KLOGUHQ¡V &RQFHUW Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter performs. Doors open at 10 a.m. with firstcome seating. Showtime at 10:15 a.m. and lasts approximately 60 minutes. Jan. 15, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. $5 per seat; free for children in lap. Woodside High Performing Arts Center, 199 Churchill Ave., Woodside. %DE\ 6LJQ 6WRU\WLPH This class is for infants (0-18 months), their caregivers and expectant parents. Baby Sign language gives children the opportunity to communicate long before they can verbalize their wants and needs. Each session introduces signs that are based on American Sign Language (ASL). Jan. 14, 11 a.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. 0DJLFLDQ 'DQ &KDQ performs tricks during a show for the whole family. Jan. 25, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. )DPLO\ 6WRU\WLPH Books and songs are chosen to span age differences and engage children on multiple levels. Pajamas are welcome. Tuesdays, ongoing, 7 p.m. Free. Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park. /(*2 &OXE LEGOs are provided to foster imagination. Duplo building blocks are available for youngest builders. Jan. 14, 11 a.m.-noon Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. 3UHVFKRRO 6WRU\WLPH includes books, songs and activities for a preschooler’s curious and ever-growing mind. Fridays, Jan. 13-Feb. 10, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. 7RGGOHU 6WRU\WLPH features songs, stories and movement activities to encourage children to listen and read. Age-appropriate toys will be brought out at the end for playtime. An activity

20 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

Go to and see the Community Calendar module at the top right side of the page. Click on “Add your event.� If the event is of interest to a large number of people, also e-mail a press release to

Photo by Bill Widmer/The Almanac

Michael Killen talks about his painting, “George Shultz’s Energy/Climate Recommendation to the New President,� in the Atherton council chambers.

Killen paintings on display in Atherton Works by Menlo Park artist Michael Killen, who says he uses his art to share messages on climate change, ocean change, energy and emissions, will be on display in Atherton’s town offices and the library through January. About 45 people recently will follow the storytime on the third Tuesday of the month. Tuesdays, Jan. 10-Feb. 7, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley.


35292.( Art Ventures Gallery launches !PROVOKE!, a pre-opening event featuring 10 artists painting live. Jan. 10-12, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Art Ventures Gallery, 888 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park. provoke

Food & Drink 0LJJL¡V .LWFKHQ &RRNLQJ 'HPR IRU /XQDU 1HZ <HDU San Mateo County Libraries celebrate Lunar New Year 2017, the Year of the Rooster. Chef Miggi Demeyer will prepare food samples and demonstrate three dishes: spring roll with plum sauce, braised beef shank cold cut with master sauce, and three cup chicken — the most popular chicken dish in Taiwan. Jan. 21, 1 p.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. 0RUQLQJ 7HD DW WKH /LEUDU\ In honor of national tea month, adults are invited to drop in for a cup of tea and a tasty treat. Wednesdays in January, 11 a.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. 3RUWROD 9DOOH\ )DUPHUV¡ 0DUNHW This weekly farmers’ market offers local, seasonal fruits, vegetables, nuts, fresh juices, specialty foods, traditional and gluten-free baked goods, pies, toffee, vegan nut butters and spreads, farmstead meats, chickens and eggs, honey, fresh seafood, food demos, jewelry, body products, crafts and music. Thursdays, ongoing, 2-5 p.m. Free. Portola Valley Town Center, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley.

Lessons & Classes

+RRSOD ,QVWUXFWLRQ In this class, participants will learn about Hoopla, a free e-media service from the library. Instruction will be provided on creating an account and selecting and checking out materials. Attendants are

heard Mr. Killen talk in the Atherton council chambers about the inspirations for his paintings, including the 6-by 15-foot work, “George Shultz’s Energy/Climate Recommendation to the New President.� The Nov. 9 event was sponsored by the town and the encouraged to bring their San Mateo County Library card and their device. Jan. 13 and 27, 1-2 p.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. 6S\ $FDGHP\ During four weeks of training, students will learn the tricks of the trade such as decoding secret messages, using all one’s senses, solving mysteries and more. This event is for children ages 7 and up. Thursdays, Jan. 12-Feb. 2, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free, but please register at 650-851-0560. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. 6WDQIRUG $UFKHU\ /HVVRQV Those interested are invited to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow with the Stanford Archery Team. All of the coaches have at least a USAA Level 1 Certification. Sundays, Jan. 15, Feb. 5-19 and March 5, 11 a.m. $50-$115. Stanford University, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford. archery.

Health & Wellness

+LNH ZLWK WKH )ULHQGV This hike will be a 5-mile loop to Alambique Flat and the Meadow, with a stop for lunch. Docent Tom Davids leads the hike and will talk about nature and history along the way. Participants are asked to bring a sack lunch and meet at the stables. The hike will take place rain or shine. Jan. 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Wunderlich Park, 4040 Woodside Road, Woodside. (YHQLQJ )XVLRQ )LWQHVV This class is a full body workout designed for active Baby Boomers. It includes exercises for aerobics, strength training, balance and agility. Mondays, ongoing, 7-8 p.m. $195, 13-class session. Portola Valley Town Center, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. )XVLRQ )LWQHVV IRU %DE\ %RRPHUV This class aims to strengthen the back, chest, shoulder and leg muscles; improve posture and endurance while strengthening the core; decrease belly fat; and reduce under arm “jigglies.� Participants will listen to music from

Atherton Arts Foundation, a nonprofit formed in 2009 to acquire and display public art and to sponsor art shows, classes and other educational events. Go to to learn more about the artist and his work. the 1960s to the present as well as partake in the camaraderie of fellow Baby Boomers. Wednesdays, ongoing, 10-11 a.m. Valley Presbyterian Church, 945 Portola Road, Portola Valley. 7DL &KL DQG &KL .XQJ In this class, students will learn Tai Chi and Chi Kung with instructor Ben Dineen who will lead a 60-minute class in the Redwood Grove next to the Town Center Community Hall. These centuries-old Asian exercises help relieve stress and build stronger bodies, better balance and sharper minds. This class is open to all ability levels. Wednesdays, Jan. 4-Feb.1, 10 a.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley.

Home & Garden 3HQLQVXOD 2UFKLG 6RFLHW\ WK $QQLYHUVDU\ 6KRZ 6DOH will feature displays of blooming and fragrant orchids. There will be informative seminars and demonstrations. Jan. 14 and 15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $3, seniors and children; $5, general. Community Activities Building, 1400 Roosevelt Ave., Redwood City.

Business +RZ WR )LQG <RXU 'UHDP -RE LQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 3XEOLF 6HUYLFH Stanford Law School Practitioner in Residence Sareta Ashraph leads a discussion about how find one’s dream international law job, including applying to UN jobs, how to network effectively, and how to pinpoint areas of interest in international law. Jan. 17, 12:45 p.m. Stanford Law School, room 280B, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford.

Community Groups

.QLWWLQJ 0HHWXS This is a time for adult knitters to get together and enjoy camaraderie, laughter and stitches. Jan. 25 and Feb. 22, 7 p.m. Free. Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park.



Parcel tax a wise investment in community’s future By Rebecca Bloom


ur Menlo Park City district schools are outstanding for a reason — this community consistently invests in our common future, the public school students of Menlo Park. That future — one where our students become well-educated, engaged citizens — is not something to be taken lightly. I am, therefore, writing in support of Measure X, a carefully considered initiative that is the product of extensive collaboration by all stakeholders. In 2010, I was honored to serve this incredible community as a co-chair of the Measure C campaign. Along with an army of passionate and intelligent volunteers, I met with many voters and worked hard to get the message out: If we want the quality of our schools to mirror our values about education and youth empowerment, we need a community partnership to make it happen. State funding will never suffice and property taxes on an upward trajectory will

Rebecca Bloom is a community volunteer, writer, editor and retired lawyer. She was a co-chair of the 2010 Measure C parcel tax campaign.

GUEST OPINION only get us part of the way (and they aren’t always increasing). Over the years we’ve experienced growing enrollment that has outstripped projections and a cost of living that continues to rise dramatically. Even with robust support from the Menlo ParkAtherton Education Foundation (which we are lucky to have), there’s only one way to ensure that our schools stay great and that amazing teachers want to work at them — parcel taxes. That’s what we told voters in 2010. And, gratifyingly, they overwhelmingly supported Measure C, which will

sunset this year. As with Measure C, the proposed Measure X has been earnestly considered in terms of both dollar amount and duration. If it fails, thousands of parents, students, community members and families who put their time, energy and efforts into supporting the district will watch so much good work unravel. We’ll lose hard-won programs and valuable personnel and, even worse, it will signal a change in our community’s core values. In addition to many of the challenges faced in 2010, there is another wrinkle now: a mandatory pension obligation that must be met. As a former pension attorney I understand the nature of this requirement — it is wholly non-negotiable and out of the hands of the district. Reasonable minds can differ about issues around unions, benefits, pay structures and the myriad complexities that running a school district entails. An active public can and should wrestle respectfully with controversial issues when input can help craft

solutions. I myself have appeared before the school board more than once to discuss policies or decisions with which I disagreed. But this new pension obligation, which alters school district budgets significantly, was made in Sacramento. The Menlo Park City School District must comply and face the challenge of absorbing the increased expenditure. In any case, opposing Measure X, a reasonably conceived initiative that is the product of much research and reflection on the part of the district, is not an effective way to protest legislative decisions made in Sacramento. The only results of the measure’s failure, should it fail, would be degradation of the educational opportunities of current and future MPCSD students and declining morale among the excellent district staff. “Yes” votes for Measure X will do more than renew the lapsing parcel tax — they will reinvigorate our collective priorities. With this in mind, I will vote “Yes.” I urge Almanac readers to join me.

Small gains for cyclists; big losses for everyone else By Dana Hendrickson


ake a mental note: Dec. 6, 2016, will prove to be a more important date than most Menlo Park residents now realize. That day, three City Council members — Keith, Ohtaki and Carlton, with Mueller and Cline absent — approved a one-year field trial of the Oak Grove-Crane-University Bike Project without understanding its true benefits and negative impacts, and with little input and feedback from residents. Why? For the simple reason the council did not require a high-quality needs and impact analysis. Dana Hendrickson is a 30-year resident, an avid cyclist, the founder of the disabled veteran support nonprofit Rebuild Hope, and the editor of Re-Imagine Menlo Park.

GUEST OPINION Instead, the three council members acquiesced to the sustained advocacy of the well-meaning Bicycle Commission, a small group of volunteers that unsurprisingly lacks bike network design expertise. While I enthusiastically support city efforts to make meaningful improvements to our bike network and, like other residents, waited more than a decade for our city to close critical gaps (see identified long ago (2004), this project will serve only a small number of bicyclists at the expense of all Menlo Park residents. It will also jeopardize a superior bike project that would provide more bicyclists better access to a greater number of popular Menlo Park destinations both downtown

and on the opposite sides of El Camino. The value of the proposed project remains solely an “article of faith.” The project study report ( claims 21 destinations will “attract” bicyclists but ignores two important considerations: Most would not be popular with bike riders, and the few that are are already easily reached using existing bike lanes. For example, seven are churches and a monastery. Five on the list — downtown destinations like Draeger’s and Walgreen’s — are highly questionable entries since the proposed bikes lanes on University Drive and Oak Grove Avenue do not provide good bike access to them. And five of the six schools are already conveniently accessed using existing bike lanes on Valparaiso, Glenwood and Laurel. This list of destinations will not attract many bicyclists. So why should residents accept the significant sacrifices required by this misguided project? Although the city has not made a credible attempt to quantify the negative impacts of this bike project, the likely harm is easily understood. For example, a total of 183 street parking spaces will be eliminated at the expense of motorists, homeowners, businesses and apartment renters who have long depended on them. And the creation of problematic intersections on downtown Santa Cruz Avenue at Crane and on Oak Grove Avenue between El Camino and Alma will generate significant new delays for motorists. The new Crane Street bike route will also encourage bicyclists to ride on downtown Santa Cruz — a dangerous idea given the narrow lanes, parked cars, and new onstreet dining areas. Downtown distractions also reduce the safety of street sharing by bicyclists and motorists. (Note: bicyclists should be encouraged to access downtown destinations from side streets and walk

Oak Grove-Crane-University Bike Project (abridged list) Destination


Popular Bike Destination

Better Bike Access*

Camp Fremont Park




Curtis Street Parklet








Farmers Market


Sunday Morning


Trader Joe’s








Caltrain Station




Menlo School




M-A High School




Nativity Elementary




Nealon Park




Sacred Heart




St Raymond




Nativity Church




Menlo Church




St Raymond’s




Station 1300 (2019)




This project would provide better bike access to only a few popular Menlo Park destinations.

bikes on sidewalks to their destinations.) Finally, the loss of downtown parking is likely to prevent the implementation of a more valuable project: the addition of bike lanes on University Drive and Menlo Avenue, and a bike path near Ravenswood between El Camino and Laurel. This eastwest bike corridor would allow bicyclists who prefer Middle and Santa Cruz to more directly access downtown businesses, the train station, the library, Menlo-Atherton High School, recreational facilities at Burgess Park, the Civic Center, SRI, and more than a dozen office buildings on Middlefield Road. The bike corridor would also better serve east-side bicyclists who prefer Ravenswood and Willow and want more direct access to downtown. This project would eliminate less than half of

the parking spaces lost with the Oak GroveCrane-University project. So what should the City Council do? First, it makes no sense to conduct a field trial during the construction of Station 1300, the Garwood Way extension, and new bike lanes on the adjacent section of Oak Grove. Second, the city needs to fairly and professionally evaluate both bike projects before conducting any field trial. This evaluation should clearly present and quantify benefits, negative impacts and trade-offs. Menlo Park has the opportunity to make big improvements in its bike network and should not settle for much less. Residents can view a more detailed presentation ( of both projects at the Re-Imagine Menlo Park website.

January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 21




Portola Valley attorney appointed as judge By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


lizabeth C. Peterson, a resident of Portola Valley and a partner in the Palo Alto law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, is starting the new year as a Santa Clara County Superior Court judge. Gov. Jerry Brown announced her appointment Dec. 23. The annual compensation is $191,612. Ms. Peterson, 45, has been a partner at Wilson Sonsini since 2008, specializing in white collar criminal defense, corporate internal investigations, and complex commercial civil litigation. She came to Wilson Sonsini from the international law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer and Feld LLP. She was counsel for Akin, Gump from 2007 to 2008 and had been an associate there from 1997 to 2002. She represented clients in cases that involved Medicare fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, corruption, conspiracy, bribery,

and extortion, according to a Wilson Sonsini bio. From 2002 to 2007, Ms. Peterson, a Democrat, was Elizabeth an assistant Peterson U.S. attorney in Minnesota. She prosecuted more than 100 cases, including cases involving money laundering; bank, mail, and wire fraud; narcotics and violent crimes; terrorism-related offenses; and international crime, the bio says. In prosecuting a case involving an international internet pharmacy and the distribution of illegal prescription drugs for millions of dollars in profits, her work resulted in a commendation from the FBI director and an award from the U. S. Food and Drug Administration. Ms. Peterson has a bachelor of arts degree from Smith College and a law degree from the University of Michigan. She fills a vacancy left by retiring judge Edward J. Davila. A

Photo by Michelle Le/The Almanac

Work in progress Excavators work to dig out what will be a two-story underground parking garage beneath the halfacre site of a new hotel at 1400 El Camino Real in Menlo Park. The hotel, under development by Pollock Financial Group, will have 61 rooms and be four stories tall.

Open Saturday & Sunday 1:30 - 4:30 1701 STONE PINE LANE, MENLO PARK


his beautifully remodeled, 2,200 square foot home is a perfect blend of sophistication, design and comfor t close to downtown Menlo Park. The two bedroom, 2.5 bath, three-level home has dramatic living room with floor-to-ceiling windows, gorgeous kitchen, large master bedroom suite with walk-in closet, beautiful floors, a private patio garden and access to park-like common area grounds and pool.

Offered at $1,850,000





BRE #01111473

BRE #01911643

Monica was ranked #160 by The Wall Street Journal

Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Sq. ft. and/or acreage information contained herein has been received from seller, existing reports, appraisals, public records and/or other sources deemed reliable. Neither seller nor listing agent has verified this information.

2016 Nationwide List of Top Real Estate Professionals

22 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Buyer to verify all information to their satisfaction.

Warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and the road downhill all the way to your door. /DI>@ II #MDͻOCN R<N < QD>@ KM@ND?@IO <O JMIDNC <I? <M@T <I? < OJK <B@IO <O JG?R@GG <IF@M /C@ DN IJR OC@ IPH=@M JI@ M@A@MM<G <B@IO OJ OC@ HJNO NP>>@NNAPG =MJF@MN DI ,<GJ GOJ )@IGJ ,<MF ,JMOJG< 2<GG@T <I? 3JJ?ND?@ "JM NP>>@NNAPG M@NPGON DI KPM>C<NDIB JM GDNODIB TJPM CJH@ TJP ><I @H<DG II <O <IIHBMDͻOCNΆCJOH<DG >JH JM ><GG C@M <O

40 years in residential Real Estate selling properties in Atherton, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Portola Valley and Woodside Million $ Club Menlo-Atherton Board of Realtors Vice President Cornish & Carey Top Salesperson Coldwell Banker

Ann Griffiths 650-561-3291 650-752-0722

January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 23


Alain Pinel Realtors®




8140 Pescadero Creek Road | Land Q. Grimm/D. Chesler | 650.529.1111



83 Tum Suden Way | 5bd/4ba Stephanie Nash | 650.529.1111



251 Vista Verde | Land Wayne Rivas | 650.529.1111


Over 30 Offices Serving The San Francisco Bay Area 866.468.0111

24 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017



22 Starwood Drive | 5bd/6ba S. Hayes/K. Bird | 650.529.1111



588 Quartz Street | 3bd/2ba Quetzal Grimm | 650.529.1111



150 Back Road | Studio w/loft Stephanie Nash | 650.529.1111

OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JANUARY 14 & 15, 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

41 MAPLE AVENUE, ATHERTON • Country chic appeal in a tranquil garden setting with pool and spa • Just over one-quarter acre (approximately 11,250 square feet) • 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms arranged over two levels • Approximately 2,550 square feet • Spacious living room, formal dining room, granite-finished kitchen, and family room

• Detached 1-car garage and adjacent parking space plus ample off-street parking on the gated driveway • Excellent Menlo Park schools: Encinal Elementary, Hillview Middle, MenloAtherton High (buyer to confirm) • Just blocks to the Atherton Library, Town Center, and Holbrook-Palmer Park | Offered at $3,195,000





CalBRE #01800770

CalBRE #01991015

January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 25

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Jobs 500 Help Wanted Sales Representative California Trade Association located in Sacramento is seeking someone with strong knowledge for Advertising, print, digital and social media solutions, great with detail, an amazing attitude, and a passion for selling content and integrated partnerships. 3-5 years experience a plus. We offer a competitive base salary, commission and bonus plan, along with great benefit package. Email Resume and Salary History to EOE (Cal-SCAN) SW Engineer Pluribus Netwks seeks Principal SW Engr for Palo Alto, CA jobsite to dev netwkng SW. Reqs Masters+4 yrs exp. Send resume: jobs@pluribusnetworks. com. Must ref Job #978.

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Business Services 604 Adult Care Offered A PLACE FOR MOM The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted,local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-550-4822. (Cal-SCAN) Adult Caregiver Available 2pm to 9pm, Mon-Fri. Exp., prefer P/T. Call 408/585-8471

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628 Graphics/ Webdesign DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. Adults read content from newspaper media each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email (Cal-SCAN)

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640 Legal Services DID YOU KNOW Information is power and content is King? Do you need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s hostile business climate? Gain the edge with California Newspaper Publishers Association new innovative website and check out the FREE One-Month Trial Smart Search Feature. For more information call Cecelia @ (916) 288-6011 or (Cal-SCAN) Xarelto users Have you had complications due to internal bleeding (after January 2012)? If so, you MAY be due financial compensation. If you don’t have an attorney, CALL Injuryfone today! 1-800-425-4701. (Cal-SCAN) Think Globally, Post Locally.

Home Services 715 Cleaning Services Isabel and Elbi’s Housecleaning Apartments and homes. Excellent references. Great rates. 650/670-7287 or 650/771-8281 Silvia’s Cleaning We don’t cut corners, we clean them! Bonded, insured, 22 yrs. exp., service guaranteed, excel. refs., free est. 415/860-6988

748 Gardening/ Landscaping J. Garcia Garden Maintenance Service Free est. 25 years exp. 650/366-4301 or 650/346-6781 LANDA’S GARDENING & LANDSCAPING *Yard Maint. *New Lawns. *Clean Ups *Irrigation timer programming. 20 yrs exp. Ramon, 650/576-6242

751 General Contracting A NOTICE TO READERS: It is illegal for an unlicensed person to perform contracting work on any project valued at $500.00 or more in labor and materials. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500.00 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board.

754 Gutter Cleaning Roofs, Gutters, Downspouts cleaning. Work guar. 30 years exp. Insured. Veteran Owned. Jim Thomas Maintenance, 408/595-2759.

757 Handyman/ Repairs Alex Peralta Handyman Kit. and bath remodel, int/ext. paint, tile, plumb, fence/deck repairs, foam roofs/repairs. Power wash. Alex, 650/465-1821 Handyman Services Lic. 249558. Plumb, electrical, masonry, carpentry, landscape. 40+ years exp. Pete Rumore, 650/823-0736; 650/851-3078.

759 Hauling J & G HAULING SERVICE Misc. junk, office, gar., furn., green waste, more. Local, 20 yrs exp. Lic./ ins. Free est. 650/743-8852

771 Painting/ Wallpaper Glen Hodges Painting Call me first! Senior discount. 45 yrs. #351738. 650/322-8325, phone calls ONLY. Learn How to Paint your own home. What tools and materials to use to prep and paint. 40 years exp. 650/380-4335


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775 Asphalt/ Concrete Roe General Engineering Asphalt, concrete, pavers, tiles, sealing, artificial turf. 36 yrs exp. No job too small. Lic #663703. 650/814-5572

Real Estate 801 Apartments/ Condos/Studios Downtown Palo Alto, 2 BR/2 BA - 3700

805 Homes for Rent Redwood City (emerald Hills), 2 BR/2.5 BA - $3650

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855 Real Estate Services DID YOU KNOW Information is power and content is King? Do you need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s highly competitive market? Gain an edge with California Newspaper Publishers Association new innovative website and check out the Smart Search Feature. For more information call Cecelia @ (916) 288-6011 or (Cal-SCAN)

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To place a Classified ad in The Almanac, The Palo Alto Weekly or The Mountain View Voice call 326-8216 or at No phone number in the ad? GO TO


Public Notices 995 Fictitious Name Statement GUS PARKING & COURIER SERVICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271575 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Gus Parking & Courier Services, located at 112 Abelia Way, E. Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County; Mailing address: 2279 University Ave., E. Palo Alto, CA 94303-1717. Registered owner(s): AUGUSTO A. YAP 2279 University Ave. E. Palo Alto, CA 94303-1717 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 10/25/2006. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on November 29, 2016. (ALM Dec. 21, 28, 2016; Jan. 4, 11, 2017) HORIZON TRAVEL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271684 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Horizon Travel, located at 173 Wheeler Ave., Redwood City, CA 94061, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): ADRIATIC ADVENTURES 173 Wheeler Ave. Redwood City, CA 94061 California This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 9, 2016. (ALM Dec. 21, 28, 2016; Jan. 4, 11, 2017) THRIVE TELETHERAPY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271629 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Thrive Teletherapy, located at 812 Jefferson Court, Apt. A, San Mateo, CA 94401, San Mateo County. Is (Are) hereby registered by the following owner(s): VALERIE HOOVER 812 Jefferson Court, Apt. A San Mateo, CA 94401-2276 NATHAN EWIGMAN 812 Jefferson Court, Apt. A San Mateo, CA 94401-2276 This business is conducted by: Married Couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 2, 2016. (ALM Dec. 21, 28, 2016; Jan. 4, 11, 2017)

MATHNASIUM OF PALO ALTO-MENLO PARK FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271770 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park, located at 605 A Cambridge Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): GIRL FROM PAPAYA LLC 605 A Cambridge Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on Nov. 1, 2011. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 16, 2016. (ALM Dec. 28, 2016; Jan. 4, 11, 18, 2017) EL RANCHO INN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271693 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: El Rancho Inn, located at 1100 El Camino Real, Millbrae, CA 94030, San Mateo County; Mailing address: 950 Tower Lane Suite 1225, Foster City, CA 94404. Registered owner(s): ANTON MILLBRAE, LLC 950 Tower Lane Suite 1225 Foster City, CA 94404 California This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on December 23, 2016. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 9, 2016. (ALM Dec. 28, 2016, Jan. 4, 11, 18, 2017) YIHUA WANG CONSULTING CO. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271782 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Yihua Wang Consulting Co., located at 1307 Melbourne St., Foster City, CA 94404, San Mateo County; Mailing address: 1780 Clear Lake Ave. Ste. 236, Milpitas, CA 95035. Registered owner(s): WEI WANG 1307 Melbourne St. Foster City, CA 94404-3739 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 20, 2016. (ALM Dec. 28, 2016; Jan. 4, 11, 18, 2017) FILING YOUR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT? We Offer Professional Help. ALMANAC • 223-6578.

ONE BY ONE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271814 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: One By One, located at 201 Yarborough Lane, Redwood City, CA 94061, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): JASMINE NEWTON 201 Yarborough Lane Redwood City, CA 94061 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 24, 2016. (ALM Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2017) 2LAMBIE 2LAMBIE CREATIONS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271856 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) 2Lambie, 2.) 2Lambie Creations, located at 3130 Alpine Rd., Ste. 288-140, Portola Valley, CA 94028, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): LISA REID DESIGNS, LLC 3130 Alpine Rd., Ste. 288-140 Portola Valley, CA 94028 California This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on October 7, 2015. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 29, 2016. (ALM Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2017) WILSON PINEDA PAINTING FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271857 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Wilson Pineda Painting, located at 561 Lancaster Way, Redwood City, CA 94062, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): WILSON PINEDA 561 Lancaster Way Redwood City, CA 94062 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 29, 2016. (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25, Feb. 1, 2017) ROMO JANITORIAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271923 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Romo Janitorial, located at 1820 W. Bayshore Rd. #23, East Palo Alto, CA

94303, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): MARIA DEL REFUGIO ROMO 1820 W. Bayshore Rd. #23 East Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 4, 2017. (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25; Feb. 1, 2017)

997 All Other Legals SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN MATEO UNLIMITED JURISDICTION MARY E. MOHOROVICH, Plaintiff, vs. KEVIN J. KUHLOW; LPL FINANCIAL LLC, and DOES 1 through 60, inclusive, Defendants. Case No.: 16CIV01923 MARY E. MOHOROVICH’S STATEMENT OF INTENT TO SEEK PUNITIVE DAMAGES PURSUANT TO CCP 425.115 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT KEVIN J. KUHLOW: Plaintiff Mary E. Mohorovich (Mohorovich) reserves the right to seek $4,500,000 in punitive damages when it seeks judgment in the suit filed against you. DATED: November 15, 2016. COMMINS & KNUDSEN Professional Corporation By: /s/________________ David H.S. Commins Attorneys for Plaintiff Mary E. Mohorovich (ALM Dec. 21, 28, 2016; Jan. 4, 11, 2017) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No.: 16CIV02229 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: MICHELLE THERESE MATEJKA filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: MICHELLE THERESE MATEJKA to MICHELLE THERESE LIEFWALKER. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Wed. February 8,

We handle all your

LEGAL publishing needs

2017, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room: 2D, of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC Date: December 27, 2016 /s/ John L. Grandsaert JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25, Feb. 1, 2017) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No.: 16CIV02992 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: KAYLA GARRY filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: KAYLA ANN GARRY to KAYLA ANN BARANZELLI. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Wed. February 8, 2017, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room: 2D, of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC Date: December 28, 2016 /s/ John L. Grandsaert JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25; Feb. 1, 2017)


PROTECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS If it has been 5 years since you filed your Fictitious Business Name Statement (your D.B.A.), you must file again to protect your legal rights. Check your records now to see if your D.B.A. expires this year. Then call the Almanac for assistance in refiling. It’s inexpensive and easy.


223-6578 January 11, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 27


Price Upon Request





Country estate built in 2012 to LEED Silver standards. Aprx 3+ stunning ac in Central WDS. 5 BR 5 full + 2 half BA Erika Demma CalBRE #01230766 650.851.2666

155 Kings Mountain Rd Stunning estate in Central Woodside. Renovated and expanded on 5 flat sunny acres. 5 BR 4 full + 2 half BA Erika Demma CalBRE #01230766 650.851.2666

618 Manzanita Wy Beautifully remodeled home, equestrian facilities + pvt pool & spa, on 2.6+ landscaped ac. 4 BR 4.5 BA Erika Demma CalBRE #01230766 650.851.2666

Portola Valley

Menlo Park

Portola Valley


20 Cordova Ct Stunning 1+ acre offers breathtaking views and amazing deck & pool area. 20CORDOVA.COM 5 BR 3 BA Ginny Kavanaugh CalBRE #00884747 650.851.1961


1760 Holly Ave. Remodeled home in move-in condition. Grand LR, 2 FR’s & huge open DR. Prvt yard & patios. 5 BR 4 BA Sam Anagnostou CalBRE #00798217 650.851.2666


183 Vista Verde Way Expansive and modern home with commanding views of Foothills Park, the valley and Bay. 4 BR 3.5 BA Ginny Kavanaugh CalBRE #00884747 650.851.1961

THIS IS HOME Mountain View


506 S Shoreline Blvd Charming 1928 craftsman cottage has been partially renovated w/beautiful hardwood & more. 2 BR 1 BA Jean & Chris Isaacson CalBRE #00542342/01754233 650.851.2666

Menlo Park

This is where snow ball fights take place, the great outdoors are enjoyed and warm and cozy jackets are a must. Coldwell Banker. Where Home Begins.


461 Burgess Dr Charming updated condo across from Burgess Park. Spacious living area and private balcony. 2 BR 2 BA Bob Johnston CalBRE #01228365 650.324.4456

Menlo Park


2140 Santa Cruz Ave A305 Sought after penthouse at Menlo Commons. Complex includes pool, spa, exercise rm. 2 BR 2 BA Beth Leathers CalBRE #01131116 650.324.4456

#ThisIsHome |

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28 Q The Almanac Q Q January 11, 2017

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