The Almanac January 18, 2017

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J A N U A R Y 1 8 , 2 0 1 7 | VO L . 5 2 N O. 2 0

W W W. A L M A N AC N E W S . C O M

A look at how the Menlo Park fire district pays its employees | Page 14

One-way traffic likely for months on section of Highway 84 | Page 9


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2 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017




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January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 3

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7SHUZ :WLJPĂ„JH[PVUZ TH` IL VI[HPULK H[ O[[W! ^^^ JP H[OLY[VU JH \Z IPKZ HZW_ at no cost. The Contractor shall be responsible for any addendums that may be posted on the Town’s website. :,(3,+ )0+: ^PSS IL YLJLP]LK H[ [OL VŃ?JL VM [OL *P[` *SLYR (ZOĂ„LSK 9VHK ([OLY[VU *HSPMVYUPH \U[PS 2:00 p.m. 7HJPĂ„J Standard Time on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. )PKZ T\Z[ IL MVY [OL LU[PYL ^VYR HUK ZOHSS IL Z\ITP[[LK PU ZLHSLK LU]LSVWLZ JSLHYS` THYRLK! )PK VM *VU[YHJ[VY MVY 2017 CAPE SEAL PROJECTâ€? HSVUN ^P[O KH[L HUK [PTL VM IPK VWLUPUN


Grind and replace approximately 25,000 square feet of asphalt to a six-inch depth. This work to include HSS ULJLZZHY` [YHŃ?J JVU[YVS HUK ^PSS PU]VS]L NYPUKPUN sweeping, tack coating, replacing asphalt to appropriate KLW[O PU HU HWWYVWYPH[L U\TILY VM SPM[Z HUK Ă„UPZO YVSSPUN WLY ;V^U VM ([OLY[VU :[HUKHYK ZWLJPĂ„JH[PVUZ HUK ZWLJPHS WYV]PZPVUZ :VTL OHUK ^VYR HYV\UK \[PSP[` HJJLZZ OVSL JV]LYZ ^PSS IL ULJLZZHY` ZWLJPHS WYV]PZPVU


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The Town of Atherton will accept bids for construction of the following public work:


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Cops, residents battle burglaries By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


very chair and seat in a back bleacher section was occupied in the auditorium of Laurel School Upper Campus during the Jan. 11 meeting to talk about a rash of burglaries that occurred in the Willows neighborhood of Menlo Park between September and December. While the number of overall burglaries did not increase in the Willows in 2016 compared with the previous year, the bulk of the burglaries occurred in the fourth quarter of the year, according to Menlo Park Police Chief Bob Jonsen. Twelve out of the 15 burglaries reported in the neighborhood occurred in those months, according to police spokesperson Nicole Acker. Since the arrest of two teens on Dec. 20, the residential burglaries have decreased, officers reported. Property crime is on the rise across the state, said Chief Jonsen, due in part to less severe penalties for petty theft after Proposition 47 was passed in 2014. Stealing anything worth $950 or less is a misdemeanor, he said. Violent crime is down, though, he said. When it comes to catching burglars, the Menlo Park Police Department has its best head starts when a house has an alarm system that’s triggered, or when neighbors call the police to report suspicious activity at somebody’s house, said Police Commander William Dixon. In the most recent rash of burglaries, the police department received 105 calls for service from people in the neighborhood, Chief Jonsen said. It’s the department’s job to respond to those calls for service, he said, even if that means

Photo courtesy Kirsten Keith

Menlo Park Police Chief Bob Jonsen tells residents about his department’s efforts to reduce burglaries in the Willows neighborhood.

contacting people who are just minding their own business, but who residents think look “out of place” or “suspicious.” People don’t have to be doing anything suspicious, he said, for the police to contact them. Chief Jonsen told attendees: “Trust your intuition” if “something about that individual doesn’t look right. ... Call us and let us do our job.” The police department is doing its own undercover investigations in the neighborhood, according to Ms. Acker. Menlo Park will have a home safety event on Feb. 26 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Arrillaga Family

Recreation Center, according to Mayor Kirsten Keith. Vendors of home safety systems will be there and people can register their surveillance cameras with the police. Home safety tips

Police Detective Jason Poirier offered some tips for people to keep their belongings safe. Don’t tempt burglars, he said. Leaving car and home doors unlocked with valuables visible creates an easy, low-risk opportunity for a burglar. Do take steps to make your home a less appealing burglary target. Home alarm systems, with signs near the entrances to the

home, can help, as can motionactivated lights. Some people may hesitate to get alarms, one resident pointed out, because the city’s false alarm fee is steep. The city charges the alarm owner $175 when the police respond to a false alarm — which may not even be a false alarm, if someone has attempted to break in and leaves the scene before the police arrive. Surveillance cameras are also helpful in recording home breakins, and are important evidence in the criminal prosecution of burglars. The Menlo Park Police Department asked residents who have security cameras to consider

registering them with the police, so if a burglary happens nearby, they can ask that resident to review footage. As far as home landscaping goes, Detective Poirier said, people should avoid planting shrubbery and plants that create hiding spaces for would-be burglars. Thorny bushes near windows create a good natural barrier to deter window entries. People should keep highly valuable items such as jewelry, passports or important documents in a safe. People should also maintain See BURGLARIES, page 6

Public comment sought on plans for flood-control project By Gennady Sheyner Palo Alto Weekly


he agency charged with improving flood protection around San Francisquito Creek is preparing for its next ambitious project and the public is invited to weigh in. The San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority, which includes elected officials from Palo Alto, Menlo Park, East Palo Alto and water agencies from San Mateo and Santa Clara

counties, is getting ready to kick off an environmental analysis for improvements upstream of the creek (west of U.S. 101) In the coming weeks, the agency plans to hold three public meetings to ask residents for input about the project’s objectives and the alternatives to be analyzed. The first meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the Laurel School Upper Campus Atrium Room, 275 Elliott Drive in Menlo Park.

The first meeting will be held Jan. 18 in Menlo Park. Meetings also will be held on Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. in the East Palo Alto City Hall Community Room, 2415 University Ave., East Palo Alto; and on Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. at the Palo Alto Art Center Auditorium, 1313 Newell Road.

The upstream effort is the second major project for the creek authority, which last year began construction downstream of the flood-prone creek. The downstream project includes a reconstruction of levees near the Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course, removal of debris and the widening of a channel to increase the creek’s capacity and protect the particularly vulnerable neighborhoods in East Palo Alto, which were flooded in a major storm in February 1998.

The upstream projects will build on these efforts by adding further flood-control measures. According to the creek authority’s “notice of preparation,” the objectives are to protect property and infrastructure from floodwaters exiting the creek; enhance the habitat within the project area, particularly for endangered species; create new recreational opportunities; minimize operational and See FLOOD-CONTROL, page 6

January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 5


Comment sought on flood-control project continued from page 5

maintenance requirements; and identify ways to make improvements that would not preclude further actions that would “bring the cumulative flood protection up to a 100-year flow event.� To do that, the creek authority is considering five alternatives (along with the state-mandated “no action� alternative). One would be to modify the Pope-Chaucer bridge and to widen creek channel bottlenecks

immediately upstream of the West Bayshore Road Bridge and between Newell Road Bridge and Euclid Avenue. Under this alternative, the Pope-Chaucer bridge (which also flooded in 1998) would be replaced to convey the flow at this location. Two other alternatives would aim to catch the water before it gets to the residential areas, either through upstream detention basins or through an underground bypass culvert. Another option is constructing flood walls along the channel between

U.S. 101 and the Pope-Chaucer bridge. The creek authority and partners are soliciting public comment on the project’s objectives, environmental issues and the alternatives to be analyzed. Comments may be made at the public meetings or sent to: SFCJPA, 615-B Menlo Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025; or by email to: Deadline to submit comments is Feb. 21. Go to for more information.

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PLEASE RSVP*: ŕ Ž 9LSHWZPUN4\S[PWSL:JSLYVZPZ,]LU[Z JVT ŕ Ž ŕ Ž 4:9:=7'HOTKPYLJ[ JVT 6 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017

Almanac Staff Writer


ne of Woodside Elementary School’s two principals is leaving the school midyear, telling parents in an email that she no longer has “the ability to continue to push myself every day� due to health problems “that appear to be related to stress.� Pam Duarte said she will leave Feb. 17 to become the education director of the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe in Nevada, overseeing education programs for tribal youth and adults. The job, she said “will enable me to continue to work in the area of education, but at a slower pace and with less demand.� The job also has health benefits her retirement will not provide. Ms. Duarte came to Woodside Elementary in 2014 from the Cupertino Union School District, where she worked for 23 years in numerous roles, including as a kindergarten-to-fifth-grade assistant principal. Before she was hired, the Woodside Elementary School District’s superintendent was also principal of the school, which has students in transitional kindergarten through eighth grade. In 2014, the school also promoted its assistant principal, Steve Frank, to be principal for the school’s sixth- through BURGLARIES


Joseph Lacy, MD

By Barbara Wood

continued from page 5

Hear from an MS expert and learn about an oral treatment option for relapsing MS.

Date and Time: 01/31/2017 at 6:30 PM Speaker:

Woodside elementary principal to depart district next month

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a registry of the serial numbers of their valuable objects, such as bikes, laptops and cameras, he said. He recommends that people gather the serial numbers of valuable items in a spreadsheet and email the spreadsheet to themselves. Neighborhood watch

Over the course of the meeting, the police department praised the Willows neighborhood for its extensive networking on the neighborhood website Nextdoor. When one officer asked how many people were members of the site, nearly every hand in the room rose. The site can be helpful for spreading information among neighbors and promoting an online “neighborhood watch� mentality, said Community

eighth-grade program. The school has 398 students and serves about half of Woodside, roughly between Interstate 280 and Philip Road, plus Woodside’s Emerald Hills neighborhood. Superintendent Polito said the district is looking for an interim principa l to serve the rest of the school year. She said the d i s t r i c t ’s board and Pam Duarte leadership team “will be working together to assess our administrative needs and determine how to efficiently staff our team for the future.� Ms. Duarte had been “a wonderful addition to our leadership team and a delight to work with over the past two years,� Ms. Polito said. Ms. Duarte said her decision to leave had been “difficult, but necessary.� “I will definitely be leaving a piece of my heart here,� she said. “Thank you for accepting and welcoming me into the Woodside community for the past two and a half years. The students, parents, and staff of Woodside are amazing and it has been an exceptional honor to be part of this incredible community,� she wrote. At see Ms. Duarte’s letter on the district’s website. A Services Officer Gonee Sepulveda, but the police department does not have access to what’s posted there. The department can only publish alerts on the site. More traditional means for contacting the police are still required to alert them, such as calling 911. The department is also active on Facebook and Twitter. One resident asked the police to join Nextdoor, saying the department could “discreetly monitor it.� Another suggested the possibility of installing fixed license plate readers to monitor entrances and exits to the neighborhood. Officer Sepulveda gave the residents advice on how to set up a neighborhood watch. Residents should pick block “captains� who will give their contact information to the police department, set up a phone or email network for distributing information, and have members attend a session on “how to be a good witness,� she said. A


Housing Commission revamped to tackle displacement problem By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer



he devil’s in the details,” of the Caltrain station); re-evalseemed to be the most- uating policies about secondary repeated refrain of the housing units; buying lower-cost Menlo Park City Council’s study housing to add to the city’s belowsession on residential displace- market-rate housing program; ment, held Jan. 10 with the Hous- and promoting the work of HIP ing Commission and four local Housing, a nonprofit that connects people looking for somehousing experts. The devilish details of 15 possi- where to live with homeowners ble policies or programs to reduce who have empty bedrooms. Evelyn Stivers of the nonprofit residential displacement, the Housing Leadcouncil agreed, ership Counwould be left cil offered one to be ironed The council won’t creative suggesout, at least initially, by the consider rent control or tion: leverage city’s Housing a ‘just cause for eviction’ publicly owned land to get more Commission. ordinance, for now. housing, perThe comhaps by buildmission, which until now has met only quarterly, ing housing above the library or was instructed to rank the poli- as part of a parking structure. Go to for cies by priority and then come up with policy recommendations more information. for each. Tasked with a suddenly enormous workload, members No to rent control of the Housing Commission, who Two policies suggested for dishave expressed a desire to play the cussion that the council voted not same kind of policy advising role to pursue, at least for now, are rent as the city’s other commissions, control, which limits the amount appear to have gotten their wish. and frequency of rent increases, They will begin meeting and an ordinance that requires a monthly and could expand their landlord to cite a “just cause” for members from five to seven. Belle evicting a tenant. Haven residents Pam Jones and Councilman Rich Cline was Cecilia Taylor suggested the com- absent from the meeting and mission have more detailed meet- Councilman Ray Mueller was ing minutes that include informa- phoning in, but lost connection tion about public comments. once. At the meeting’s end, he said he was not asked for his opinion on rent control or a “just Job growth Jessica Mullin of San Mateo cause” eviction policy. He later County’s Sustainability Office told the Almanac he would have cited stark numbers behind the liked to talk to the experts in the housing crisis. From 2010 to 2015, room about rent control and ask she said, 65,000 jobs were added in whether ordinances from other the county and only 2,800 housing cities had been studied. However, the three coununits — a ratio of 23 to one. There isn’t much land to build cil members present said they on, either, she said. Seventy-five weren’t currently interested in percent of the land in the county pursuing rent control. “I don’t is preserved for open space and think that is useful at this time,” agriculture, and on the devel- Mayor Kirsten Keith said. Keith Ogden, a housing attoroped land, more than two-thirds of the housing stock is made up ney from Community Legal Serof single-family homes. That vices in East Palo Alto, said rent means “creative solutions” are control in East Palo Alto reduces required for getting more hous- tenant displacement. He also said he supported a “just cause” evicing built, she said. Ms. Mullin said a new county tion policy. Joshua Howard, senior vice website has 15 policy suggestions and resources for the county’s cit- president at the Tri-County diviies to deal with housing problems. sion of the California Apartment Some of the suggestions were Association, said rent control can also approved for further study by be difficult to implement and the Menlo Park council: reducing change, expensive to administer, parking requirements for afford- and can only apply to structures able housing (the council would built before 1995. look into it for only senior housing or housing within a quarter-mile See DISPLACEMENT, page 10


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January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 7

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The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Rotary Club of Menlo Park

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Ecumenical Hunger Program Provides emergency food, clothing, household essentials, and sometimes financial assistance to families in need, regardless of religious preference, including Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for more than 2,000 households.

Health Connected

ontributions to the Holiday Fund go directly to programs that benefit Peninsula residents. Last year, Almanac readers and foundations contributed $180,000 for the 10 agencies that feed the hungry, house the homeless and provide numerous other services to those in need. Contributions to the Holiday Fund will be matched, to the extent possible, by generous community organizations, foundations and individuals, including the Rotary Club of Menlo Park Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. No administrative costs will be deducted from the gifts, which are tax-deductible as permitted by law. All donations to the Holiday Fund will be shared equally among the 10 recipient agencies listed on this page.

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Provides after-school academic support, enrichment, and mentoring for 1,800 low-income K-12 youth at nine locations across Menlo Park, East Palo Alto, and the North Fair Oaks neighborhood of Redwood City.

Holiday Fund 2016

Serves over 5,000 students and their families each year through comprehensive sexual health education programs. Students learn to have on-going communication with parents and to make informed decisions which will apply to their lives, now and in the future.

LifeMoves Provides shelter/housing and supportive services across 18 sites in Silicon Valley and the Peninsula. Serves thousands of homeless families and individuals annually on their path back to permanent housing and self-sufficiency.

Project Read Provides free literacy services to adults in the Menlo Park area. Trained volunteers work one-on-one to help adults improve reading, writing and English language skills so they can function more effectively at home, at work and in the community. Basic English classes, weekly conversation clubs and volunteer-led computer enrichment are also offered.

Ravenswood Family Health Center Provides primary medical and preventive health care for all ages at its clinic in East Palo Alto. Of the more than 17,000 registered patients, most are low-income and uninsured and live in the ethnically diverse East Palo Alto, Belle Haven, and North Fair Oaks areas.

Sequoia Adult School Scholars Sequoia Adult School Scholars (SASS) empowers lowincome adults by providing them with financial support, tutoring, and other assistance so they can continue their education, get higher paying jobs, and serve as role models and advocates for their children.

St. Anthony’s Padua Dining Room

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Serves hundreds of hot meals six days a week to people in need who walk through the doors. Funded by voluntary contributions and community grants, St. Anthony’s is the largest dining room for the needy between San Francisco and San Jose. It also offers take-home bags of food, as well as emergency food and clothing assistance.

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Helps low-income, working families become selfsupporting members of the community by providing long-term solutions through educational programs for children and parents, as well as after-school programing at Siena Youth Centers. St. Francis Center also provides housing, food and clothing services to address shortterm needs.

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8 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017

Please make checks payable to: Silicon Valley Community Foundation Send coupon and check, if applicable, to: The Almanac Holiday Fund c/o Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2440 West El Camino Real, Suite 300 Mountain View, CA 94040 The Almanac Holiday Fund is a donor advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. A contribution to this fund allows your donation to be tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

StarVista Serves more than 32,000 people throughout San Mateo County, including children, young people, families with counseling, prevention, early intervention, education, and residential programs. StarVista also provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services including a 24-hour suicide crisis hotline, an alcohol and drug helpline, and a parent support hotline.


As of January 6, 2017 166 donors have donated $127,380 to the Holiday Fund 29 Anonymous ..................... $31,325

Individuals Stan Scott ..................................... 75 Gerald Anderson & Betty Howell .. 100 Donald Lowry & Lynore Tillim ....... 100 Oliver Hook ..................................... * Sue Crane ................................... 200 Barbara Bessey................................ * Maggie & Tom Johnson ................... * Bob Barrett & Linda Atkinson....... 250 Linda Craig & Evan Hughes.......... 500 Leonard Shar & Laura Hofstadter...500 Linda Keegan .............................. 500 Dianne Ellsworth ......................... 200 Marilyn Voelke.......................... 1,000 Maryann Chwalek ....................... 100 Helen Chen ................................. 300 Eleanor Hedenkamp .................... 100 C Friesman .................................. 100 Margaret & Jamis MacNiven ..... 1,000 Paul Perret .................................. 250 Volckmann Family .................... 1,000 Joel Jakubson & Krishna Mitra ..... 200 Barbara & Bill Binder ....................... * Joan Rubin ...................................... * Laura Reed............................... 1,000 Barbara Fullerton ........................ 100 Mark Weitzel ................................... * Kathleen Rice ................................ 50 Melba & Bill Rogoway ..................... * Cynthia Dusel-Bacon ................... 200 Joe Pasqua & Mary Kenney .............. * David Reneau.............................. 150 Mary Cooper ................................. 75 Cherise & Barry Thompson ........... 225 Kenneth Lajoie .............................. 50 Sany Shapero .............................. 100 Margaret MacKenzie ..................... 25 Alexandra Beasley ........................... * Karen Eckelmeyer ........................ 100 Maria Gault .................................. 30 Susan Kritzik ............................... 150 Alexander van Dijk ...................... 150 Douglas DeVivo ........................... 100 Michael Roberts ......................... 100 Margo Gordon ............................ 100 Margaret McAuliffe ..................... 100 Martin & Donna MacKowski ....... 100 Bruce & Donna Whitson ........... 1,000 Anne G. Moser ................................ * Lorraine Macchello ...................... 100 George & Sophia Fonti ................ 100 Tate Family ............................ 10,000 Lynne Fovinci................................. 75 E.R. & B.L. Dodd .......................... 100 Arna & Hersh Shefrin ....................... * Ann Morgan ............................... 200 Andrew Hall .................................... * Robert Page .................................... * D. Robin Toews.............................. 35 Ruth Barker ............................... 2000 Terri Bullock Family Foundation.. 1000 Paul Welander ............................... 25 Don & Catherine Coluzzi ................. * David Stamler.............................. 500 Bettina McAdoo .............................. * Barbara Jacobson ........................ 100 The Gallo Family .......................... 500 Catherine Cerny .............................. * Margo Sensenbrenner ............... 1000 Jim Lewis ....................................... * Pegasus Family Foundation ........ 1000 Robert Oliver ............................... 500 The Brennan Family ..................... 100 Elizabeth Blair & Ken Fenyo ......... 300

Connie & Bob Lurie ................... 5000 Kathy & Bob Mueller ................... 100 The Mendelsohn Family ............. 1000 Bill & Nancy Ellsworth ..................... * Anne Hillman & George Comstock .. 500 Julie Zier ..................................... 100 Betty Meissner ............................ 100 Laura Gran .................................... 50 Jennifer Bestor ............................ 100 Margaret Melaney ....................... 200 Ginger Walmsley ......................... 100 Karen Sortino .............................. 100 Debbie Nusinson ......................... 100 Leslie Airola-Murveit.................... 200 Sally & Bill Russ ............................... * Pat & Rog Witte .......................... 100 Marc & Maryann Saunders .............. * Joan Lane ................................ 2,000 Dorothy Saxe................................... * Lynne Davis ..................................... * Bruce & Ann Willard ................. 1,000 Joyce Firstenberger ................... 1,000 Paul Welander ............................... 25 Kayleen Miller ............................. 100 James Esposto................................. * Judy & Les Denend ...................... 500 Andrew Julian ............................. 400 Frank Adams & Susan Bryan ............ * Sybille Katz ................................. 100 Brian Donnellan .......................... 100 Bill Wohler .................................. 360 Chaulong Nguyen ....................... 200 Mayling Dixon ............................. 100 Barbara Simpson ............................. * Dorothy Kennedy ............................. * Victoria Rundorff ............................. * Barbara & Bob Ells ...................... 200 Judy & Doug Adams ........................ * Elizabeth Tromovitch.................... 150 Lucy Reid-Krensky ....................... 200 Clay & Nita Judd ............................. * Gail & Susan Prickett ................... 500

In Memory Of Alan Anderson ................................ * Scott Carey .............................. 1,000 Frances Tripoli.............................. 200 Bill Hewlett & Dave Packard ........ 500 Richard & Louise Barbour ............ 100 Peter & Marguerite Hurlbut.......... 100 Angelo & Celerina Atilano & Joseph Flores.............................................. * Celine & Frank Halet........................ * Annie Strem .................................... * Esther Johnson ................................ * Elizabeth G. Chamberlain ................ * Claire Smith-Sullivan ................... 150

In Honor Of Mar & Popo Russ............................. * Emily & David Liggett .................... 50 The Volunteers at Palo Alto Food Closet ...................... * Nancy Stevens ................................. *

As a Gift For Rob Kuhling ................................ 200

Organizations Del Secco Family Partnership... 11,000 Griffin & Sons Construction ......... 100 Mike’s Furniture ............................ 30 Menlo Park Firefighter’s Association500 Narrative Histories Maggie Markda Silva................... 150 Cartens Realty ........................ 10,000

Photo by Dave Boyce/The Almanac

Cars head west on Highway 84 in one lane on Saturday, Jan. 14, as they pass by a section of road just east of Grandview Drive that subsided as a result of erosion triggered by the Jan. 11 storm.

One-way traffic likely for months with Highway 84 subsidence By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


rosion caused by surface and subterranean water during the Jan. 10-11 storms has weakened part of Highway 84 in the hills above Woodside. A 75-to-100-foot section located a few minutes north of Skylonda and just past Grandview Drive dropped by about 9 inches, according to a foreman directing a clean-up crew on Jan. 14. Traffic is one lane for several hundred feet and will likely remain one lane while the California Department of Transportation designs and builds a retaining wall to shore up a new section of road, said Granite Rock Construction Foreman Joel Duckworth, on the scene under contract to Caltrans. The Almanac sought a comment from Caltrans, but the offices were closed for the holiday. It could be a few months before normal two-way traffic resumes, Mr. Duckworth said. At both ends of the damaged section, flag crews will be on hand around the clock to direct traffic until temporary autonomous traffic lights go in, he said. Drivers are advised to consider alternate routes, including Kings Mountain Road in Woodside and, further north, Highway 92 across the Crystal Springs Reservoir. What happened

Residents near the damaged area have been complaining to


Caltrans for months about erosion along the downhill edges of the road, particularly a spot a halfmile to the east at the intersection of Highway 84 and Friars Lane. As for the current subsidence, Grandview Drive resident William Fender said he recalled seeing a “big crack” in the road as he drove down the hill. The road surface dropped 6 inches when crossing the crack, he said, adding that at one point, his entire vehicle was within the borders of the subsidence area.

Building a retaining wall will take a few months, the foreman said. “That’s mountain living,” he said at one point, and complimented crews who restored electrical power after a couple of outages during the storm. “That was great! They did a good job,” he said. Town Manager Kevin Bryant said that staff “constantly remind Caltrans that (erosion) is an issue” on Highway 84, and that Caltrans typically responds with a plan on how they’re going to address it. “I was always under the impression that (Friars Lane) was an urgent repair project,” he said. The roadbed of Highway 84 is subject to erosion because much of it happens to lie directly in the path of storm-water runoff descending steep slopes. In

the recent storm, enough water flowed on the surface to cause mudslides onto the road surface and the toppling of two major trees located on the uphill side of the road, Mr. Duckworth said. But water also ran below the surface, undermining support for the road, sending semiliquid soil to the bottom of the slope, and triggering the subsidence, Mr. Duckworth said, adding: “The road is failing.” To create a workable surface for a new road, a crew with an excavator has already built a temporary soil roadbed with a 3-foot berm between the road’s edge and the downhill slope. The retaining wall — now in the design phase, Mr. Duckworth said — will come after bore holes and soil testing indicate the most appropriate wall for the situation. Design will take a couple of weeks, and in a few months, “they’ll have a retaining wall,” he said. “They’ll have to dig way down. We’re talking big time,” Woodside Town Engineer Sean Rose said, taking care to note that he was speculating about the repair. Asked about Town Hall’s working relationship with Caltrans, Mr. Rose said that staff members contact Caltrans in response to residents’ calls about state roads. “We did that (for the Friars Lane spot) and that’s all we can do because they make the decisions,” he said. The staff did not receive calls about the current problem area, he said. Friars Lane “looks to me like it could go at any time,” he added. A

January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 9


John E. Egbert April 19, 1922 – January 5, 2017 John E. Egbert, longtime resident of Portola Valley, California, died peacefully in his sleep on January 5, 2017. He was 94. Jack, as his friends and family knew him, was born on April 19, 1922, and grew up in Buffalo, New York. After attending Middlebury College in Vermont, where he was a member of Chi Psi, Jack graduated in 1944 with honors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While at MIT, Jack enlisted in the U.S. Navy V-12 Program and Midshipman School at Annapolis, MD, followed by Radar School. In December 1944, Jack was deployed as a United States Navy officer to Pearl Harbor for advanced radar training. From June 1945 through June 1946, he worked as an instructor at the Fleet Radar School. Following WWII, Jack continued his radar duty as a Navy reserve officer aboard submarines. In 1946, Jack started his mechanical engineering career working as a designer for an aerospace company in Newton, Massachusetts, eventually becoming its National Sales Manager. In 1958 he was hired by Minneapolis Honeywell Aerospace and relocated to California. Two years later, in 1960, Jack founded his own corporation in Palo Alto, Egbert Engineering, specializing in sales within the aerospace industry. He retired in the early 2000s. Jack was an original entrepreneur in the computer industry. In the early 1980s, at the dawn of the personal computer, Jack developed a Random Access Database System called “Filemate,” for TRS-80 computers. His last contribution to the computer industry was in the 1990s for “Talarian,” a provider of real-time infrastructure software. Jack served on its board of directors. Jack married Lynne Forbis in 1951 in Wellesley, Massachusetts. They celebrated 52 years of marriage until her passing in 2003. Jack and Lynne were founding members of the Alpine Hills Tennis and Swim Club in Portola Valley, joining in 1959. He was an active tennis player and enjoyed the social scene, but his favorite pastime at the club was playing bridge, a game he mastered. In 1960, Jack designed and built his dream house on an acre of oak woodland in Portola Valley and spent 56 happy years there. In their senior years, Jack and Lynne enjoyed travel overseas, including their annual trip to Hawaii. After returning home, however, Jack would say that the most beautiful view in the world was from his deck — he loved the rolling hills and evergreen trees of the Valley. Jack also loved small boats and sailed competitively on the San Francisco Bay, winning numerous championships. Jack, his family and friends had good times at the Palo Alto Yacht club for many years. Jack was also an avid skier and runner. He ran his last San Francisco “Bay to Breakers” race at the age of 65. Jack was known for his relentless work ethic, lifelong passion for learning, as well as a big smile, unmatchable charisma, quick wit, and genuine care for others. He will be greatly missed. Jack is survived by his four sons, Steve Egbert of Carmel Valley, CA, Scott and his wife Venda Egbert of Medford, OR, John and his wife Shaun Egbert of Scotts Valley, CA, and Jeff and Alicja Egbert of Oakland, CA; his three grandchildren, Scott Jesse, Gina, Daniel; three great grandchildren; as well as his youngest sister, Alice Stevenson of Los Angeles, and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service is pending. PA I D


10 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017

Menlo Park explores displacement fixes continued from page 7

The California Apartment Association has filed lawsuits challenging voter-approved rentcontrol ordinances passed in Mountain View and Richmond in the Nov. 8 elections, according to its website. Mr. Howard suggested an optional program for landlords that gives them some validation or certificate for observing “best practices,” such as giving people 90 days’ notice before eviction or a rent increase, offering fixedterm leases, and limiting annual rent increases. He also suggested that the city subsidize safety-related renovations by landlords, such as adding fire safety sprinklers or, as Councilman Peter Ohtaki added,

making homes safer for earthquakes. The idea would be to keep those renovation costs from being pushed onto the renters and increasing housing costs. Both ideas were referred to the Housing Commission for further study. Other policies the Housing Commission will explore: Q An anti-retaliation ordinance to prevent landlords from punishing renters who complain by increasing rent or evicting them. Q Allowing people who have already had to move out of the community to get back on the city’s “below market rate” housing wait list. The wait list currently has about 450 people on it, said Jennifer Duffy, director of business development at Hello Housing, the nonprofit that administers Menlo Park’s “below market

Frances and Charles Riley In Loving Memory This past Spring our parents passed away 2 months apart. Our mother Frances L. Riley in March, then our father Charles W. Riley in May. They were married for 62 years. Our mother was born on June 20, 1929 to Mary and Everett Mann in New London, Connecticut. As the daughter of a U.S. Naval Officer she lived in a number of cities on both coasts of the U.S. She and Charles met through her brother Everett who was a classmate of Charles at the University of California, Los Angeles. Frances was a graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara and was an artist and teacher. Among the places where Frances’ artwork has been displayed are Gallery House and the Pacific Art League in Palo Alto, and at the Menlo Park Civic Center. Frances and Charles were married on January 2, 1954 at her parents’ house in Millbrae, California. Charles was born on September 16, 1925 in Salt Lake City, Utah to Erma and Charles W. Riley, Sr. His family lived in Washington state and California, primarily in San Francisco and Los Angeles. His father was a pilot who had flown with John A. MacReady in the 1920s and Charles developed an interest in flying early in his childhood. While in college he obtained his pilot’s license. Charles graduated from UCLA with an Engineering degree and had a career as an Aerospace Engineer. Charles had been a member of the Acacia fraternity at UCLA and was a lifetime member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. When Lockheed Missiles and Space Corporation moved to Sunnyvale Frances and Charles moved from Santa Monica to Palo Alto in 1956 with their one-year-old first son Charles. Soon after their arrival in Palo Alto their second son Robin was born. Their daughters Mary and Frances were born in 1958. In 1963 they moved their family to Menlo Oaks near Peninsula School where Frances spent most of her teaching career. They lived in Menlo Oaks for the next 53 years. They donated their bodies to the Stanford University Medical School. After retirement Frances and Charles got great joy from their grandchildren and great grandchildren. They enjoyed activities at Avenidas, a non-profit agency which helps Seniors stay active and independent. They are survived by their children Charles, Robin, Mary and Frances, and by their seven grandchildren, four great grandchildren, and Frances’ brother Robert Mann. PA I D


rate” housing program. The staff of Hello Housing could go back through their records since 2008 and see if anyone wants to be put back on the list. Q Allowing homeowners in the below-market-rate program to sublet rooms at below-market-rate rent. Q A mandatory, non-binding mediation program. Different cities do this differently, but the idea is to create a safe venue for a renter and a landlord to negotiate or meet with a thirdparty mediator to try to come to a compromise about a conflict. Councilman Ohtaki said that if Menlo Park were to pursue this policy, he’d want it to be limited to disputes about rent increases. Mr. Howard said that Mountain View’s program has led to 76 percent of cases being resolved. A resolved case doesn’t necessarily mean a win for the renter, though, Ms. Stivers pointed out. According to her, another city’s mediation program results in rent decreases or extended tenancies in only about 2 percent of cases. Q A rental relocation fund and policy to help renters who are displaced by the permanent removal of housing from the market and are looking for a new home. In basically saying yes to considering nearly all of the suggested policies and adding many of their own suggestions, the council should not expect anything too soon, City Manager Alex McIntyre said. “This is going to take a very long time to do,” he said. “This is a lot of work — work we will pursue and are happy to.” He noted, “I have two staff members who do this.” A Q B I RTHS

Menlo Park Q Katherine and Yuya Kobayashi, a son, Dec. 22, Sequoia Hospital.

Q Shazeeye Kirmani and Dheeraj

Talreja, a son, Nov. 30, Sequoia Hospital. Q Katherine Sapsford and Alexis Chalklin-Sapsford, a daughter, Sept. 10, Sequoia Hospital. Q Celine Schiff Deb and Sidart Deb, a son, Sept. 13, Sequoia Hospital. Q Fikret Unsal Dogan and Emrecan Dogan, a son, Sept. 14, Sequoia Hospital. Q Silvia Lauble and Aaron Flores, a son, Sept. 15, Sequoia Hospital. Q Megan Mills and Eric Cretarolo, twin daughters, July 28, Sequoia Hospital. Q Diana and Alexander Starns, a daughter, June 7, Sequoia Hospital.

Woodside Q Meredith and David Noe, a son, Dec. 7, Sequoia Hospital.

Q Maria Paula and Brian Ferrari, a

daughter, July 1, Sequoia Hospital.

Atherton Q Lai Saelee and Brian Lee, a

daughter, July 4, Sequoia Hospital.


Woodside OKs larger floor areas for main residences By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


he Woodside Town Council has taken action on complaints registered in 2014 by residents of the Woodside Heights neighborhood over limitations on floor area allowed for main residences. A new ordinance will allow Woodside Heights houses to be as much as 10 percent larger. In the interest of fairness, the council’s action allows larger houses throughout town. In a unanimous vote on Jan. 10, with two council members absent, the council took the first of two steps in approving an ordinance to expand the maximum floor area of a main residence by up to 10 percent in most zoning areas. For the ordinance to pass, the council must approve it again in a second vote. If approved, the ordinance becomes law 30 days later. Councilwoman Deborah Gordon and Councilman Daniel Yost were absent for the vote. The council next meets on Tuesday, Jan. 24.

Months in making

In May 2014, residents of Woodside Heights — located in the SR zone, where the minimum

lot size is one acre — asked the council to shift 1,500 square feet from their maximum 15,000 square feet of impervious surface allowed and allow it to be added to the 4,000-square-foot maximum for main houses. In asking for larger homes, the residents noted trends of extended families living in the same house and more in-home offices. Current law allows Woodside Heights homeowners to add 1,000 square feet when granted an exception; the new law would increase that figure to 1,500 square feet, adding up to a 5,500-square-foot house and a 10 percent increase. Exceptions involve a combination of factors, including consistency with the town’s general plan, extenuating circumstances such as topology or obstructed views, building bulkiness, possibilities for vegetative screening and compatibility with the surroundings. The residents asked that the change be done in three months. That it took 34 months was not lost on anyone, and council members made commitments to deliberate more expeditiously in the future. The new ordinance would also streamline the process, placing

Newton (Al) Alger Montgomery November 17, 1927 – December 5, 2016

authority to grant an exception with the planning director and taking out of the loop the Planning Commission and review of the exception itself by the Architectural and Site Review Board. The total square footage of impervious surface allowed on a given piece of property would not change. The new maximum floor areas for main residences, when exceptions are granted, would be as follows: Q For the R-1 zoning area, a cap of 4,200 square feet. Q For the SR zoning area, a cap of 5,500 square feet on a parcel of at least 1.5 acres. Q For the RR zoning area, a cap of 8,800 square feet on a parcel of at least 4.5 acres. Q For the SCP-5 zoning area, a cap of 8,800 square feet on a parcel of at least 7.5 acres. Q For the SCP-7.5 zoning area, a cap of 8,800 square feet on a parcel of at least 11.25 acres. Q For the SCP-10 zoning area, a cap of 8,800 square feet on a parcel of at least 15 acres. Comment

In emails sent to the council ahead of the vote, opinions were running 3-to-1 in favor of more generous floor-area

limits for main residences. Opponents included resident Kevin Greenwood, who connected the council’s action with a “very small, very vocal and well organized group” skilled in using the web, media and personal relationships to advance personal wants and interests at the expense of the town’s rural character. In a related comment, resident Steve Lubin criticized the council for acting on house size without having first reconsidered total impervious surface and grading allowances in light of the open space and conservation goals in the general plan, revised in 2012. Two residents disparaged the ordinance as a drift toward Atherton-like generous floor-area regulations, a reality that inspired Woodside Heights residents to ask for larger homes, living as they do in close proximity to Atherton. Residents supporting the change cited the value of flexibility in the use of properties, the need to keep pace with other communities through “modest” changes, and the hope of changing the town’s reputation as a place that favors projects put forward by “aggressive and persistent” property owners. One supporter warned against

the influence of a “small but vocal constituency (that) override(s) the majority of citizens who approve of the changes.” A

Biotech firms make moves Two new biotech companies, Refuge Biotechnologies and AccuraGen, have moved offices into Menlo Park Labs, a life sciences research park owned by Tarlton Properties Inc. Refuge Biotechnologies develops cancer immunotherapies and AccuraGen develops “cell-free DNA based liquid biopsy technology for personalized cancer treatment,” according to an announcement by Tarlton Properites. “Refuge Biotechnologies and AccuraGen are on the forefront of cancer diagnostics and cancer immunotherapy and we are thrilled to have these teams base their R&D operations in Menlo Park,” John Tarlton, CEO of Tarlton Properties, said.

Community Plan

2018 General Use Permit

Newton (Al) Montgomery passed away peacefully at home on Dec. 5, 2016, with his loving wife Edna at his bedside. Al was born in Denver, Colorado. He spent most of his childhood in Piedmont and then Napa, California. He was drafted into the Army in 1946. He completed college on the GI bill and became a CPA. Al quickly found computers to be far more interesting. He joined IBM in 1960 and moved his family to Menlo Park. In 1970 he transferred to Memorex and worked for them until 1980. He went on to start Montgomery &; Mader. Al always said, “This is the end of working for someone else. I will retire and work only when I wish, and only for myself.” In his later years, he was active in the Mercedes Benz Club of Northern California. He and Edna enjoyed world travel. He loved learning, especially new skills. He taught himself to cane chairs and needlepoint. He even designed the blueprints for his daughter’s home. Al is survived by his wife of 64 years, Edna Montgomery, and his children Jane Reynolds and Glen Montgomery. He has six grandchildren: Matthew, Robert, and Scott Reynolds, Kailey and Cade Montgomery, Michelle King. He has a great grandchild, Connor Reynolds. A celebration of life will be held in the spring. Donations can be made to Alzheimer’s Association www. PAID


January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 11


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12 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017

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January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 13



A look at how the Menlo Park fire district pays its employees

Photo by Michelle Le/The Almanac

Menlo Park Fire Protection District firefighters battle a blaze during a recent fire safety demonstration at their training facility. (The cover photo is also by Michelle Le of the Almanac.)

This is one of a series of stories on the Menlo Park Fire Protection District’s budget and financing. The district covers Menlo Park, Atherton, East Palo Alto and nearby unincorporated areas.

By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


hen the board of the Menlo Park Fire Protection District voted on a new contract for its firefighters in August 2015, board member Chuck Bernstein was the only one of five board members who voted no. To make sure his arguments against the contract were heard, including the fact that in the four years of the contract total compensation for firefighters was predicted to increase by 41 percent, Mr. Bernstein outlined the reasons for his vote in a public letter before the vote. “I don’t think it’s any secret that I don’t like this agreement. I think we’re going to spend the next decade regretting it,” he said before the vote. He also voted against a separate contract with the district’s nonfirefighter employees. “I felt they weren’t consistent with community standards,” he said of the two contracts.

At the time, Fire Chief Harold Schapelhouman said the 41 percent projected increase was a “worst case” scenario. But, according to the fire district’s 2016-17 fiscal year budget documents, the amount of wages and benefits budgeted by the district for this fiscal year is 30 percent more than it was two years ago, in 2014-15. What Mr. Bernstein now says he didn’t know when he was voting against the new contract, however, is that even before it was signed, the district’s employees were already among the most highly paid public employees in the state. In 2014, before the contract was signed, according to the California State Controller’s website, the Menlo Park fire district’s average wage of $140,488 was the highest of any special district — including fire districts, transportation systems, health systems and utility districts — in California. In fact, in 2014, the fire district had the highest average wage in the state of all state and local public employers, including counties, cities, special districts, superior courts, state departments, fairs and expos, public K-12 education, community

14 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017

college districts, state universities, and the University of California system, according to the controller’s Government Compensation in California website. That website says the Menlo Park fire district has been in the top-10 list of average wages of

all state and local government employers in California every year since 2009, which is as far back as the website’s figures go. At its lowest ranking, the fire district was number 9 in the state in 2010. In 2015, with the new contract

in place, the state controller’s website shows the Menlo Park fire district’s $146,075 average wage falling to second highest in the state. However, the one agency with a higher average wage in 2015 was the Industrial Development Financing

Photo by Michelle Le/The Almanac

Firefighters “see the best and worst circumstances that happen to people,” says Fire Chief Harold Schapelhouman.


Advisory Commission, which has only one employee, an executive secretary in the CIDFAC/ State Treasurer’s Office who made $202,445 that year. Fire districts do tend to have among the highest average wages in the state, and eight of the top 10 public agencies in 2015 were fire districts. The Woodside Fire Protection District was No. 7 on the list with average wages of $122,170, and was No. 2 on the list in 2011 and 2013. But it is also true that the state controller’s office lists more than 440 fire districts in the state and only 15 of them have average wages of more than $100,000. (The state website figures average wage by taking the total paid in wages by the employer and dividing by the number of employees. It counts part-time and partial-year employees the same as full-time employees.) The district says that it was unaware of the two websites, and that the study it did of compensation at similar agencies did not show the district’s wages as being the highest. However, the district could not answer questions about exactly what was compared in the compensation study, and was attempting to locate the document to share with the Almanac as of Jan. 13.

Can’t afford to live here? It’s a refrain that’s been heard repeatedly in the past few years: housing prices have become so expensive in the Bay Area, and especially on the Midpeninsula, that essential public servants such as teachers and firefighters just can’t afford to live here. It seems, however, that it’s not really fair to lump firefighters and teachers together, at least when it comes to pay in this area. Menlo Park fire district employees are well-compensated. In 2015 (the latest year posted on the website), 16 of the district’s 136 employees had more than $300,000 in total compensation (which includes benefits). According to the California state controller’s website, the top earner, a fire captain who is also a paramedic, had nearly $360,000 in total compensation in 2015. There were 77 district employees whose total compensation topped $200,000 in 2015. The district says the 2015 figures were an anomaly, because they included six months of retroactive pay raises going back to July 2014 that were reported in 2015, as well as some lump sum settlements granted when the district lost two labor relations cases. But in 2014, before the new contract had been adopted, the district still had 49 of its 114

employees whose total compensation topped $200,000, with 11 of those who had more than $250,000 in total compensation. If the back pay had been paid in 2014 as part of regular wages, the totals would have been even higher that year. In 2014, excluding benefits, 25 fire district employees topped $175,000 in total pay (including overtime and other lump sum pay).

Schools compared For the curious, in the Menlo Park City School District (with 510 people on its payroll), six employees had total compensation above $200,000 in 2015. The only employee whose total compensation was more than $250,000, the district’s superintendent, had wages and benefits totaling $269,000. All of those earning above $200,000 in the school district were administrators, with the highest-paid teacher receiving just under $153,000 in total compensation. Excluding benefits, six school district employees had total pay above $175,000 in 2015, and again all were administrators.

Wages are public records The money paid to public employees is a matter of public record because it comes from taxpayers, giving the public the legal right to know the details of what is paid to anyone working for a government agency. In addition to the state controller’s Government Compensation in California website, the information can also be found online on Transparent California, an independent website. The state lists pay details by job title and Transparent California lists pay details by employee name and job title. Both websites say their information came from the agencies, and some agencies have not provided their figures. The numbers listed on the two websites are not identical, but they are very close. Fire Chief Harold Schapelhouman said he did not know about either of the websites before they were brought to his attention by the Almanac. He said the district will take a close look at them to make sure their figures are correct. But in a meeting on Jan. 10, Kathleen Jackson, the district’s administrative services manager, said that the figures on the state website do appear to match the information provided by the district to the state controller’s office.

What the records show The two websites show that many of the fire district’s top earners aren’t administrators,


Firefighters deserve high pay, chief says By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


irefighters, says Menlo Park Fire Protection District Chief Harold Schapelhouman, deserve to be well paid. “We see the best and the worst circumstances that happen to people,” said the chief, a former firefighter. When kids come in to tour a fire station, “those are great days,” he said. On other days, though, firefighters must respond to situations such as the one in February 2105, when a woman was killed when her car was hit by a train. “The firefighters are the ones who have to extricate those victims,” Chief Schapelhouman said. “It’s a huge responsibility.” “We get paid to do the dirty

2014 Position 1) Division chief ops 2) Fire chief 3) Acting division chief 4) Captain-paramedic 5) Battalion chief 6) Engineer-paramedic 7) Division chief training 8) Engineer-paramedic 9) Acting division chief 10) Captain-paramedic

work,” he said. Firefighters have a risky job, the chief said, even when what they are doing isn’t responding to a fire. Firefighters get called when a car goes into a ditch, when a tree falls or, even, when a cat is stuck in a tree. Several years ago, he said, a firefighter was injured when a cat being rescued jumped on the firefighter’s face and he fell off a 14-foot ladder. The district serves Menlo Park, Atherton, East Palo Alto and some adjacent unincorporated areas with about 100,000 residents. Statistics from 2016 aren’t in, the chief said, but in 2015 the district received 8,457 emergency calls, with 187 of them for fires, and 5,532 for medical assistance. Every firefighter also has medical training of at least emergency

medical technician level. The district, fire board president Peter Carpenter said, “protects lives and property and it does it 24/7 without regard to the economic circumstances of the citizens we’re serving,” he said. “We don’t ask questions; we provide service.” The district also works to prevent fires. “We’d much rather prevent a fire than put one out,” Mr. Carpenter said. He said the district has three firefighters who could retire at 90 percent of their current pay, but choose to keep working because they enjoy their jobs, making only 10 percent more than if retired. Some of them might even be eligible for disability, he said, meaning “they may actually make more money if they retire than if they continue to work.” A

Pay for fire district staff Base wages


Other wages

$176,011 $211,331 $178,572 $132,000 $171,950 $95,359 $191,772 $113,331 $182,364 $129,010

$62,924 $0 $25,608 $58,352 $21,750 $104,465 $0 $90,279 $2,800 $52,475

$31,566 $31,129 24,538 $38,634 $21,703 $13,324 $13,200 $12,253 $13,200 $24,725

Total wages Retirement & Total health costs compensation $270,501 $242,460 $228,718 $228,986 $215,403 $223,148 $204,972 $215,863 $198,364 $206,210

$55,167 $65,657 $55,848 $48,034 $53,961 $44,712 $59,622 $42,574 $57,027 $47,386

$325,668 $308,117 $284,566 $277,020 $269,364 $267,860 $264,594 $258,437 $255,391 $253,596

Note: “Other wages” include one-time cash payouts for annual leave and comp time and pay for holidays, uniforms, paid leave, and living close to the fire district. These wages also include one-time payments for labor settlements and retroactive pay raises in 2015.

2015 Position 1) Captain-paramedic 2) Captain-paramedic 3) Engineer-EMT 4) Engineer-paramedic 5) Engineer-paramedic 6) Engineer-paramedic 7) Captain-paramedic 8) Captain-EMT 9) Captain-paramedic 10) Battalion chief

Base wages


Other wages

$112,418 $119,722 $111,540 $102,860 $97,398 $97,922 $107,121 $104,941 $113,934 $158,860

$81,594 $94,908 $106,428 $87,456 $127,998 $99,886 $90,386 $72,238 $88,302 $36,129

$100,358 $75,179 $68,555 $97,889 $61,998 $82,383 $67,697 $84,408 $54,420 $51,639

Total wages Retirement & Total health costs compensation $294,370 $289,809 $286,523 $288,205 $287,394 $280,190 $265,204 $261,587 $256,656 $246,628

$65,569 $67,090 $62,011 $57,362 $57,472 $56,782 $59,793 $60,635 $62,285 $71,750

$359,939 $356,899 $348,534 $345,567 $344,866 $336,972 $324,997 $322,222 $318,941 $318,378

These tables show the top 10 Menlo Park Fire Protection District employees in total compensation for 2014 and 2015. The district says the 2015 figures were an anomaly, because they included six months of retroactive pay raises going back to July 2014 that were reported in 2015, as well as some lump sum settlements from two labor relations cases the district lost. Source: California state controller’s website “Government Compensation in California” (

but firefighters. In 2014, the state list of the top 10 district employees in total compensation includes two engineer-paramedics and two captain-paramedics along with the four division chiefs, a battalion chief and the fire chief. No. 1 on the list made close to $326,000, and number 10 made just under $254,000, including benefits.

In 2015, the year that included the back pay and labor settlement payments, the top nine on the state website are all fire captain/paramedics or engineer/ paramedics. All but one of the employees with total compensation of $300,000 or more are in the fire suppression department, with the chief the only one who is not. In 2015, the district’s chief was at No. 12 for total

compensation. Without adding in benefits, when only total wages (base pay, overtime and other onetime or extra pay) are considered, the district’s highest-paid employee made $294,370 in 2015. The fire district had 47 employees who made more than $200,000 in total wages, with nine of those See CAUSE FOR ALARM?, page 16

January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 15

C O V E R CAUSE FOR ALARM? continued from page 15

making more than $250,000 in total wages in 2015. Once again, all of those making more than $200,000 were firefighters, except for the chief. In 2014 there were 24 fire district employees who made $175,000 or more in total wages, with 11 of those making $200,000 or more in total wages.

A lot of overtime Much of the reason for the fire district’s high pay totals appears to be overtime. The state website doesn’t break out overtime separately in its spreadsheet, but Transparent California says 28 district employees were paid more than $50,000 for overtime in 2015; 10 of those were paid more than $75,000 for overtime; and two of those were paid more than $100,000 ($127,998 and $106,428). The district says that some firefighters received back overtime pay in 2015, inflating the totals. In 2014, 11 district employees made more than $50,000 in overtime. The highest went to an engineer/paramedic who had $104,465 in overtime, nearly matching his base salary of

$117,477. Budget documents posted on the district’s website show the district spent $3.6 million on overtime pay in 2015-16 and that overtime is budgeted at $2 million in 2016-17. The district says the reason it spent so much on overtime is because it was understaffed coming out of the recession. Another reason is that the fire district sends a lot of its firefighters to help with fires and disasters in other areas. In California, those calls for help have been at record levels. In 2015-16, district employees responded to 16 California fires (mostly wildfires) and the district was reimbursed more than $546,000. Fire Chief Harold Schapelhouman said the district is reimbursed for the firefighters who help out with state fires, but they are not reimbursed for anything spent on overtime for firefighters who have to backfill for the missing firefighters. When firefighters travel to help out nationally, however, the district is repaid all its costs, including any overtime spent on backfilling for the absent personnel, the district says. Peter Carpenter, who recently became the president of the fire district’s board of directors, said



the deployments are valuable to the district. “The people who are deployed get experience and training that it would have cost us millions of dollars to do,” he said. The district hesitated to hire new firefighters for several years, Chief Schapelhouman said, partially because the district did not have a contract with its firefighters between 2008 and the adoption of the contract in August 2015. (It was retroactive to July 2014.) The district was also unsure how much it would have to pay into the state retirement system, which has been undergoing turmoil for several years. A key point about overtime pay, which Mr. Carpenter said the board has always used “as a key management indicator,” is that it does not count toward retirement pay, therefore neither the district nor the firefighters pay a percentage of it into the state retirement system. The district hired eight firefighters in 2015 and 12 more in 2016, and officials say the district is now fully staffed with the equivalent of 125.5 full-time employees, plus three full-timeequivalent employees funded by grants. Six filled new positions and 14 filled vacant positions. The district says 16 employees retired or resigned in the

2014-15 and 2015-16 budget years, and that the additional employees were figured in when predicting how much labor costs would rise over the term of the new firefighters’ contract.

New fire stations Employee compensation is not the only thing the fire district has been spending money on. The district also has an ambitious program of capital improvements, with plans to build a new fire station every two years for the next 10 years. Construction of a new fire station in East Palo Alto (Fire Station 2) was completed in April 2016. Ground was broken on a new downtown Menlo Park fire station (Fire Station 6), and a fire district museum, on Jan. 9 (about six months later than originally scheduled). The district recently purchased a home at 114 Santa Margarita Ave. in Menlo Park, adjacent to the district’s administrative headquarters at 170 Middlefield Road, with the plan of renovating it to house additional administration and fire prevention employees. The district is also considering buying property at St. Patrick’s Seminary adjacent to Fire Station 1. A 10-year “deployment

action plan” presented by Chief Schapelhouman in March 2016 calls for the district’s station on Middlefield Road (Fire Station 1) to be rebuilt starting in June 2018, and the station on Chilco Street (Station 77) in Menlo Park to be replaced in 2020. In 2022 the plan calls for a new station to replace Station 4 on Alameda de las Pulgas in unincorporated West Menlo Park. By 2026, the plan sees potential daily staffing of 33 firefighters to work at the expanded stations. Since firefighters work two days on (48 consecutive hours) and four days off, that staffing plan would require at least 99 firefighters. A

Where to find information • Two websites contain compensation information for public employees in California: and • has the list of salaries paid to Menlo Park Fire Protection District employees ( • has wages for the district from 2009 to 2015 ( • has the list of the top average wages for public employers in California from 2009 to 2015 (


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16 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017


Atherton to discuss how to pay for civic center is admitting defeat. Atherton Now, formed to raise the money, reduced its goal to $10 million hen Atherton residents by the end of 2016, which several passed a 2012 ballot council members had said was measure limiting fund- their fundraising deadline. Atherton Now reported on Jan. ing for new town and police offices to mostly donations, only a 1, however, that it has raised only $6.3 million. few questioned On Wednesif enough donaday, Jan. 18, tions could be Atherton Now City Counraised. reports it has raised the cil will discuss In early 2014, only $6.3 million in other ways to with a master pay for the new plan showing a private donations civic center. new civic center toward building the The council would require will meet first between $20 new civic center. in a study sesmillion and $25 million in fundraising, City sion, starting at 5:30 p.m. in the Manager George Rodericks said town’s council chambers, 94 Ashmembers of the town’s Civic field Road, followed by a regular Center Advisory Committee were session starting at 7 p.m. One of the items on the regular meeting “comfortable” with that goal. Now, with the civic center agenda is a measure for the June 6 plans nearly complete, the town ballot allowing town money to be

By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


An American BBQ Experience… Ribs and a whole lot more!

used for the civic center. A report from town staff said the civic center’s cost (which does not include the separately funded new library) will be about $21.8 million. With available funding from Atherton Now and other sources allowed in the 2012 measure, the amount needed is $14.5 million. Funds the town already has, including $4.7 in unallocated capital improvement funds and two years of unallocated “Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund”

money, could further reduce the amount needed to $3.7 million, the report says. The town also expects close to $1.3 million more in revenues than spending this year, the report says, which could further reduce what is needed to complete the project. The report lays out options to raise the additional funding, several not requiring voter approval, such as certificates of participation, or COPs. The report figures the town could pay back the LET’S DISCUSS: Read the latest local news headlines and talk about the issues on Town Square at

WEST BAY SANITARY DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS GIVEN that the District Board of West Bay Sanitary District will conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday evening, February 8, 2017 in conjunction with its regularly scheduled meeting which commences at 7:00 p.m. The location of the meeting is at the District’s offices, 500 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, California 94025. The purpose of the Public Hearing will be to consider a proposed increase in Sewer Connection Fees for all District customers. The proposed rates are as follows: Connection Fee Dollars District Residential Unit (includes 30 gpd lateral I/I)

MacArthur Park proudly plans its third American BBQ Road Trip

money raised using COPs within five years. The council will also receive an update on the status of the civic center project at the meeting. A

Greater than 325 mg/l BOD and/or SS


$5,596.00 $6,919.00 +$1,740.20 $1,582.00

Supplementary Connection Fee $763.20 $1,037.70 (equivalent to 30 gpd lateral I/I) Non-Residential Use Equal or Less than 325 mg/l BOD and/or SS *per connection


$25.44/gpd $34.59/gpd $763.20* $1,037.70*

$25.44gpd $34.59/gpd

+$237.30 +$7.91/gpd +$237.30*


$7,336.20 $8,501.00 $1,000.50 $1,275.00

$33.35/gpd $42.50/gpd $1,000.50* $1,275.00*


(a) The connection fee for Authority expansion costs is calculated by multiplying $7.91/gpd times the average daily flow in gpd, times the ratio of the highest of the BOD and SS concentrations to 325 mg/l subject to a minimum connection fee $7.91/gpd plus $237.30 per connection. (b) The total connection fee is the sum of the District and Authority connection fees subject to a minimum connection fee of $33.35/gpd $42.50/gpd plus $1,000.50 $1,275.00 per connection. (c) The connection fee for a supplementary connection(s) to the same building shall be $1,000.50 $1,275.00 per connection. [Amended by General Regulation No.2012-01] (d) Minimum Non-Residential Use is based on 300 gpd daily flow.

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Accessory Dwelling Unit Pursuant to Section 65852.2 of the California Government Code the District will charge an Accessory Dwelling Unit Connection Fee based on the number of plumbing fixture units (FU). District establishes 20 FU’s per EDU (equivalent dwelling unit) as the basis for charging accessory dwellings. The connection fee per fixture unit (FU) would be multiplied times the number of fixture units in the accessory dwelling unit to charge a connection for the accessory dwelling unit. Formula Assumptions: #1 - District Connection Fee charge per EDU = $6,919, the charge per fixture unit would be $345.95 per FU ($6,919 divided by 20 FU). #2 - Authority connection fee charge per EDU = $1,582, the charge per fixture unit would be $79.10 per FU ($1,582 divided by 20 FU). #3 - $345.95 per FU plus $79.10 per FU equals $425.05 per fixture unit cost. Example: An accessory dwelling with 15 fixture units would be charged a connection fee of $6,375.75 (15 x $425.05) At the Public Hearing, any interested person may address the District Board. Written comments may be submitted at or before the Public Hearing by addressing them to the District Board at the address indicated above. /s/ Phil Scott Phil Scott District Manager Dated: January 11, 2017 January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 17


NOTICE REQUESTING BIDS WEST BAY SANITARY DISTRICT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION - NEW METAL STORAGE BUILDING Sealed proposals for the Design and Construction - New Metal Storage Building project will be received at the West Bay Sanitary District, 500 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, California 94025 until 2:00 PM on Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Bids shall be labeled "West Bay Sanitary District, Proposal for “Design and Construction - New Metal Storage Building." The Work will include the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, facilities, and other appurtenances for the Design and Construction of a New Metal Storage Building in the City of Menlo Park. The work includes, but is not limited to design and construction of new metal storage building and foundation, installation of skylight panels, roof ventilators, overhead doors, personnel entry doors, and other appurtenances; and excavation, grading, and construction of new improvements. The contract documents may be inspected at the office of the West Bay Sanitary District; San Francisco Builders Exchange, Attn: Deanna Johnson, 850 So. Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, California 94110; Peninsula Builders Exchange, Attn: Andrea Nettles, 737A Industrial Road, San Carlos, California 94070; Santa Clara Builders Exchange, Attn: Kanani Fonseca, 400 Reed Street, Santa Clara, California 95050; Builders Exchange of Alameda, Attn: Richard Owen, 3055 Alvarado Street, San Leandro, California 94577; Construction Bidboard Incorporated, Attn: Plan Room, 11622 El Camino Real, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92130; and, Contra Costa Builders Exchange, Attn: April Hamilton, 2440 Stanwell Drive, Suite B, Concord, California 94520. Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the office of the West Bay Sanitary District upon payment of a check or money order in the amount of $50.00 for each set. The check or money order must be issued to the West Bay Sanitary District. All payments are nonrefundable. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at 11:00 am on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at the West Bay Sanitary District Flow Equalization Facilities located at 1700 Marsh Road in Menlo Park, California.. Each bid proposal shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or a proposal guaranty bond payable to the order of the West Bay Sanitary District in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid as a guaranty that the bidder will execute the contract if it be awarded to him in conformity with the proposal. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond in an amount not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price and a labor and material bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. The District ("Owner") reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to determine which proposal is, in the judgment of the District, the lowest responsible bid of a responsible bidder or group of bidders and which proposal should be accepted in the best interest of the District. The District also reserves the right to waive any informalities in any proposal or bid. Bid proposals received after the time announced for the opening will not be considered. No bidder may withdraw his proposal after the time announced for the opening, or before award and execution of the contract, unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding forty-five (45) days.

Bradley’s Fine Diner closes About two years after taking over a large Menlo Park restaurant space to open Bradley’s Fine Diner, renowned chef Bradley Ogden has pulled out of the concept, citing “philosophical” and business differences with the parent restaurant group’s CEO. The restaurant at 1165 Merrill St., across from the Caltrain station, closed as of Jan. 1, Mr. Ogden said. He added that Christopher Vestal, CEO of Ogden Hospitality Group, which owned BFD in Menlo Park as well as a

location in Houston, Texas, that also closed this month, will be “rebooting the restaurant under a different name and company,” but he was unsure what that would be. He estimated they would reopen this spring. Two spinoff concepts in Menlo Park and Houston — Bradley’s Funky Franks, a hot-dog spinoff located in the same Merrill Street space, and Funky Chicken in Houston — have also closed. Go to to see more information on Elena Kadvany’s “Peninsula Foodist” blog.

Join our team! We’re looking for talented, highly-motivated and dynamic people Embarcadero Media is an independent multimedia news organization with over 35 years of providing award-winning local news, community information and entertainment to the Midpeninsula. We are always looking for talented and creative people interested in joining our efforts to produce outstanding journalism and results for our advertisers through print and online. We actively seek to recruit, develop and retain people with backgrounds and experience reflecting the diversity of the communities we cover. We offer a competitive compensation and benefits package including medical, dental, paid vacations and sick time, a 401(k) plan and a fun and supporting cast of characters. We currently have the following positions open:

Pursuant to the provisions of Public Contract Code Section 22300, and upon the request and at the expense of the Contractor, securities equivalent to the amount withheld by the District to insure performance under the Contract may be deposited with the District, or with a state or federally chartered bank as escrow agent who shall deliver such securities to the Contractor upon satisfactory completion of the contract. Only those securities listed in Government Code Section 16430 or other securities approved by the District are eligible for deposit. The deposit of securities with an escrow agent or the District shall be made in the form and on such terms and conditions as the District may require to protect the interest of the District in the event of the Contractor's default. The Contractor shall be the beneficial owner of any securities that are deposited and shall receive any interest thereon.

• Digital Inside Sales Representative Prospect and sell to local businesses to help brand and promote their products or events using our full-suite of digital solutions.

Pertaining to Sections 1770, 1773, and 1773.1 of the California Labor Code the successful bidder shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations. Copies of such prevailing rates are on file at the District office of the West Bay Sanitary District and which copies shall be made available to any interested party on request. The successful bidder shall post a copy of such determinations at each job site.

• Graphic Designer Creation/production of print and online ads, including editorial layout, in a fast-paced environment. Publishing experience and video editing a plus, highlymotivated entry-level considered.

In accordance with the provisions of California Public Contract Code Section 3300, the District has determined that the Contractor shall possess a valid Class B License or a combination of Class C-39 "Roofing Contractor ", C-43 "Sheet Metal Contractor" and C-54 "Structural Steel Contractor " licenses at the time this contract is awarded. Failure to possess the specified license(s) shall render the bid as non-responsive and shall act as a bar to award of the contract to any bidder not possessing said license(s) at the time of award.

• Multimedia Advertising Sales Representative Work directly with businesses to expand their brand identity and future success using print campaigns and various digital media.

• Online Coordinator/Sales Support Admin Management of all online advertising/email products. Excellent communication and attention to detail is a must. Will consider entry-level candidates.

• Receptionist Greet visitors, manage phones and various other duties. Part-time, non-benefit, temporary position.

For more information about Embarcadero Media, details about these current job openings and how to apply, visit:

West Bay Sanitary District Board of Directors San Mateo County, California /s/ Phil Scott District Manager Dated: 18 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017

January 10, 2017

450 Cambridge Avenue | Palo Alto, CA 94306 | 650.326.8210 | |



By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


rightly colored paintings spilled off of large canvases and onto the walls of the soon-to-open Art Ventures Gallery in downtown Menlo Park that was transformed into a painting studio for three days last week. Gordon Studer, the gallery’s artist liaison, said he and gallery owner Katharina Powers decided to invite 10 Bay Area street artists to the future gallery at 888 Santa Cruz Ave. and “let them go crazy.” The canvases the artists painted will be used in a future exhibition, but the walls will be painted over soon to prepare for the gallery’s official opening on Feb. 1, which will show the paintings of Paton Miller. The artists were asked to develop a work that was related to the theme “provoke,” and each responded in a different way. Street artist Chor Boogie, who now lives in San Rafael, says the importance of his work lies in the eye of the beholder. He relies on color in particular to spark the emotions and imaginations of the viewers of his works. Different colors, he says, have different “healing attributes.” He likes bright colors because they are an exciting

contrast to the bland ones on some buildings, hospitals and jails, which he says keep people calm, docile and bland. Bud Snow, who is originally from Vancouver but now lives in Oakland, took a personal approach, aiming to capture what felt important to her in the moment, whether political or familial or supernatural, she says. One image she uses she calls “idiot boy,” which is a figure walking forward but looking back — a commentary on the cultural obsession with nostalgia, she says. Nina Wright, who also goes by Girl Mobb, has worked on murals and exhibitions with Bud Snow. Her work showed a figure evocative of Botticelli’s Venus, sitting atop an overturned police car on fire. She says that while she chose to repeat the motif because it had proven provocative elsewhere, it’s not intended to be antipolice but is more a symbol of power, she says. Lynnea Holland-Weiss, also an Oakland artist, painted a scene of several people postured as if they were looking down at their phones, but without the phones. What was left was the hunched, bizarre body language of people looking down with their hands clustered near their faces. A

Photos by Michelle Le/The Almanac

Above: Artists painted canvases and walls Jan. 11 at the new Art Ventures Gallery in Menlo Park, which is due to open Feb. 1. Left: Oakland artist Bud Snow works on her installation at Art Ventures Gallery on Jan. 11. She says her work has been influenced by skateboard graphics and zines (small-circulation, self-published magazines or online publications).

Concerts showcase music of African American composers The January tradition of musicians and composers coming together for two rousing concerts benefiting Eastside College Preparatory School in East Palo Alto lives on: The African American Composer Initiative concerts are set for Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 28 and 29, at the school. Among the performers taking the stage at “Let the Knowing Speak: A Celebration of Music by African American Composers” will be the Initiative founders: Menlo Park pianist Josephine Gandolfi, pianist/vocalist (and former judge) LaDoris Cordell, and pianist/vocalist Deanne Tucker. The concerts feature “music drawn from the traditions of spirituals, jazz, blues, opera and concert music,” Ms. Gandolfi writes in a press release. Composers represented include Zenobia

Powell Perry, Margaret Bonds, Florence Price, Jacqueline Hairston, Dolores White, Dizzie Gillespie and Bobby Timmons. Three new compositions will be premiered: “Tapestry,” a jazz tribute to Langston Hughes by Valerie Capers; “Disco-cioso,” a trio for the Picasso Ensemble by John Robinson; and “Let God Bring Tomorrow,” a musical memorial to those killed last year in a nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, written by Joshua McGhee. Modern dancers of Eastside Prep, under the direction of Morgan Mallory, will perform a dance sequence from Zenobia Powell Perry’s opera, “Tawawa House,” based on the history of a resort hotel in Ohio that became a stop on the Underground Railroad, and was later converted to a school for black youth, eventually becoming Wilberforce University.

Photo by Laurie Naiman

Keyboard collaboration in the name of art is represented here by the hands of retired judge and pianist LaDoris Cordell and Menlo Park pianist Josephine Gandolfi, who with Deanne Tucker founded the African American Composer Initiative.

The program also includes spirituals for soprano and tenor from that opera; “Troubled Water,” by Margaret Bonds, for cello solo and piano; and Dolores White’s setting

of poetry by Maya Angelou for tenor, soprano and piano. Performers include acclaimed Bay Area musicians and New York guest artists Valerie Capers, piano,

and John Robinson, bass. A reception for performers and the audience will follow the Sunday performance. The Santa Rosa-based nonprofit apprentice program “Worth Our Weight” is providing the fare for the reception. All ticket proceeds benefit Eastside Prep, a private, nonprofit school whose students attend on full scholarship. The school has an extensive arts program, in addition to its rigorous academic offerings. The concerts will be in the school’s state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center at 1041 Myrtle St. in East Palo Alto. Tickets are $20 for general admission, $10 for seniors and $5 for students. Go to to buy tickets online through Brown Paper Tickets. Go to, or call (650) 6880850, for more information.

January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 19

F O R Q POL I C E C A L LS This information is based on reports from the Menlo Park Police Department and the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office. Under the law, people charged with offenses are considered innocent unless convicted. Police received the reports on the dates shown. MENLO PARK Residential burglaries: Q Someone kicked in the front door of a home in the 800 block of Woodland Avenue and stole jewelry, three tote bags, a pillow, a gym bag and kitchen items, including a handheld mixer. Estimated loss: $20,835. Dec. 26. Q A burglar kicked a hole in the front door of a house on Concord Drive, entered the house through the hole and stole three electronic devices, jewelry and passports. Estimated loss: $13,427. Jan. 3. Q A thief kicked in the front door of a house on Madera Avenue and stole a gaming console, jewelry, two tablet computers and some loose change. Estimated loss: $4,347. Dec. 28. Q Someone forced open the front door of a home on Concord Drive and stole a computer. Estimated loss: $3,000. Jan. 4. Thefts: Q A resident of Terminal Avenue responded to an unsolicited email about a job promising a yearly salary of $90,000 plus bonuses. The job entailed setting up purchase orders, with the resident using his own money to buy gift cards, then forwarding the card numbers to his New York contact. The contact cashed in the cards, but did not compensate the resident, who later determined that he had been scammed. Estimated loss: $7,800. Dec. 23. Q Someone stole an unlocked bicycle from in front of a home on Lennox Avenue. Estimated loss: $2,000. Dec. 23. Q A thief stole an unlocked bike parked in front of the Safeway supermarket at 525 El Camino Real. Estimated loss: $2,000. Dec. 28.

Q Someone entered an unlocked vehicle parked on Harvard Avenue and stole a camera lens and sunglasses. Estimated loss: $1,100. Jan. 4. Q A thief stole a gym bag containing a tennis racket from an unlocked vehicle parked on Cambridge Avenue. Estimated loss: $550. Jan. 4. Q From the rear of an unlocked vehicle parked on Modoc Avenue, someone stole a San Francisco Giants sweatshirt, three DVD movies and 10 “sports hats.” Estimated loss: $440. Dec. 26. Q A thief entered Menlo Park Hardware on Santa Cruz Avenue using the back door and stole two ladders. Estimated loss: $375. Jan. 4. Q Someone stole a set of keys and a wallet from inside a vehicle parked on Artisan Drive. In the wallet were a driver’s license, credit and debits cards and $90 in cash. Estimated loss: $349. Dec. 23. Q Someone stole a dress shirt, vehicle registration documents and an earthquake emergency kit from an unlocked vehicle parked at Bedwell Bayfront Park on Marsh Road. Estimated loss; $276. Dec. 23. Q A runner had hidden his bicycling clothing in a bag in some bushes before going on a run at the park, but returned to find that his possessions had been stolen. Estimated loss: $250. Dec. 28. Q A thief entered an unlocked vehicle parked in the 1100 block of Willow Road and stole a backpack, cleaning supplies, two cellphones and a car cleaning kit. Estimated loss: $240. Jan. 5. Q Employees at CVS pharmacy at 700 El Camino Real confronted a man about to leave the store with merchandise he hadn’t paid for. The man returned some but not all of the merchandise and fled with a cigarette lighter and sunglasses. Estimated loss: $26. Jan. 5. Q Someone entered an unlocked vehicle parked on Cambridge Avenue and stole two “care packages” containing toothpaste, cash and socks from the front floorboard. Estimated loss: $10. Jan. 4. Q A thief stole $5 from the center console of an unlocked vehicle parked on Yale



Road. Jan. 4.

Q A thief stole about $4 in change from an

unlocked vehicle parked on Cotton Street. Jan. 4. Auto burglaries: Q A burglar smashed a rear side window of a vehicle parked at Bedwell Bayfront Park on Marsh Road and stole a purse, a tablet computer and $750 in cash. Estimated loss: $2,450. Dec. 23. Q A thief entered a vehicle by means unknown parked in the 500 block of El Camino Real and stole a purse, a wallet, rosary beads and $150 in cash. Estimated loss: $1,253. Dec. 23. Q Someone smashed a window on a vehicle parked on Sharon Road and stole a leather briefcase containing papers and legal documents. Estimated loss: $500. Q A burglar smashed a rear side window of a vehicle parked on Noel Drive and stole a gym bag from the back seat. The owner said the stolen items were of no value. Dec. 28. Shoplifting: Q Police caught up with and arrested a man at the Caltrain station suspected of having stolen merchandise from the CVS pharmacy at 700 El Camino Real. Police charged the man with burglary and possession of narcotics paraphernalia and released him. The merchandise was recovered. Jan. 2. Q Police arrested a man suspected of shoplifting about $138 in merchandise from the Safeway supermarket on Sharon Park Drive, issued the man a citation and released him. The merchandise was recovered. Jan. 3. Stolen vehicles: Q Police arrested a 13-year-old boy driving a red Toyota Prius in the vicinity of Euclid Avenue and O’Connor Street in East Palo Alto on suspicion of possessing stolen property. Police say the vehicle had been stolen the previous night. The vehicle’s three passengers, 14, 15 and 21 years old, were released to their families, police said. Jan. 14. Q A gold 1991 Honda Accord from a parking lot in the 1300 block of Willow Road. Dec. 24.

A PIECE OF MENLO PARK HISTORY Open Sunday, Jan 22 1:00 - 4:00

Greenheart project goes to Menlo Park council A 420,000-square-foot housing, office and retail development proposed at 1300 El Camino Real by the Greenheart Land Co. is scheduled to go before the Menlo Park City Council on Jan. 24, according to City Manager Alex McIntyre. The developer proposes to build 183 rental apartments, Q An unlocked red 2006 Ford Focus

that had the vehicle key in the ashtray. Dec. 26. Q An unlocked black 2007 Acura TSX with the engine running from a parking lot on Hamilton Avenue. Jan. 5. WOODSIDE Dog bite: A resident of Northridge Lane told a deputy that his dog had been bitten by his neighbor’s dog, and that the neighbor shouted racial slurs and brandished a shotgun after the biting incident. Dec. 12, 2016. PORTOLA VALLEY Soliciting: After receiving several calls from residents about a man going door to door trying to sell books and magazines, a deputy located the man in the vicinity of Tan Oak Drive and issued a citation. It was the same man who’d been cited three days earlier in Woodside for the same offense, deputies said. Dec. 12. Suspicious circumstances: A resident of Golden Oak Drive told deputies that

up to about 200,000 square feet of offices, up to 29,000 square feet of retail space and underground parking on 7.2 acres at Oak Grove Avenue and El Camino. In mid-December, the Menlo Park Planning Commission (with one member absent) unanimously endorsed the proposal. he’d heard his mailbox being closed after seeing a man walking back and forth on the street in front of his house. After the man drove away, the resident checked his mailbox and reported nothing missing. Deputies searched the area but did not find any suspects. Dec. 13. WEST MENLO PARK Theft: Someone entered an unlocked vehicle parked in the 2000 block of Sand Hill Road and stole several items from inside. Estimated loss: $1,150. Dec. 16. Soliciting: A deputy met with and issued a citation to a door-to-door salesman who’d been soliciting without a permit in the vicinity of Altschul Avenue. Dec. 14. Dispute over cellphone: A resident of Hillside Avenue told deputies that she’d contacted an Uber driver after mistakenly leaving her cellphone in the driver’s vehicle. She said she called the driver after tracking her phone to the driver’s residence. In a conversation with the driver that included an argument, she told deputies that she was unsuccessful in retrieving her phone. Dec. 16.


magine going back to 1920, when this classic home was surrounded by orchards, wild mustard and rolling grasslands! Truly, one of Menlo’s oldest estates, this home was occupied by such renowned names as Crocker, Admiral Nelson and Edy (of Edy’s Ice Cream)! Current family members, after occupying this home for over 50 years, have listed the property for sale! The home and grounds are mostly in original condition, so let your imagination run wild. Plenty of opportunity to expand, remodel or decide that the time has come for a new improvement. Ideally located within blocks of Downtown Menlo, quality schools and many parks; the property is also graced with many VHRZ HUK Z\YYV\UKLK I` [HSS YLK^VVKZ ;OPZ PZ HU VɈLYPUN [OH[ rarely comes along in Menlo Park! OFFERED AT $5,195,000 At a glance: ࠮ 5BD/5BA+ den, detached garage and workshop, 3700 s.f. ࠮ Huge Formal Dining Room ࠮ Rough Beam Ceilings in Living Room and Library ࠮ +LU 6ɉJL ^P[O 7YP]H[L )H[O ࠮ Full Masonry Fireplace in Living Room ࠮ Oak Hardwood Floors Throughout ࠮ Extensive Built-Ins and Custom Cabinetry ࠮ Forced Air Gas Furnace ࠮ Large Patio and Oversized Pool

Tom Boeddiker Realtor | BRE#00970807


1109 Valparaiso Avenue, Menlo Park 20 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017

Brand New Menlo Park Home 1980 Santa Cruz Ave, Menlo Park

Downtown Menlo Park 640 Oak Grove Ave, Menlo Park 650.847.1141

Offered at $2,890,000 Bedrooms 4 | Bathrooms 3.5 Home ±2,311 sq ft | Lot ±5,532 sq ft

Annette Smith, Sales Associate 650.766.9429 License No. 01180954 January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 21

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Public Notices 995 Fictitious Name Statement MATHNASIUM OF PALO ALTO-MENLO PARK FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271770 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park, located at 605 A Cambridge Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): GIRL FROM PAPAYA LLC 605 A Cambridge Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on Nov. 1, 2011. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 16, 2016. (ALM Dec. 28, 2016; Jan. 4, 11, 18, 2017) EL RANCHO INN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271693 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: El Rancho Inn, located at 1100 El Camino Real, Millbrae, CA 94030, San Mateo County; Mailing address: 950 Tower Lane Suite 1225, Foster City, CA 94404. Registered owner(s): ANTON MILLBRAE, LLC 950 Tower Lane Suite 1225 Foster City, CA 94404 California This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on December 23, 2016. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 9, 2016. (ALM Dec. 28, 2016, Jan. 4, 11, 18, 2017) YIHUA WANG CONSULTING CO. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271782 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Yihua Wang Consulting Co., located at 1307 Melbourne St., Foster City, CA 94404, San Mateo County; Mailing address: 1780 Clear Lake Ave. Ste. 236, Milpitas, CA 95035. Registered owner(s): WEI WANG 1307 Melbourne St. Foster City, CA 94404-3739 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 20, 2016. (ALM Dec. 28, 2016; Jan. 4, 11, 18, 2017) ONE BY ONE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271814 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: One By One, located at 201 Yarborough Lane, Redwood City, CA 94061, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): JASMINE NEWTON

201 Yarborough Lane Redwood City, CA 94061 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 24, 2016. (ALM Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2017) 2LAMBIE 2LAMBIE CREATIONS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271856 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) 2Lambie, 2.) 2Lambie Creations, located at 3130 Alpine Rd., Ste. 288-140, Portola Valley, CA 94028, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): LISA REID DESIGNS, LLC 3130 Alpine Rd., Ste. 288-140 Portola Valley, CA 94028 California This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on October 7, 2015. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 29, 2016. (ALM Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2017) WILSON PINEDA PAINTING FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271857 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Wilson Pineda Painting, located at 561 Lancaster Way, Redwood City, CA 94062, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): WILSON PINEDA 561 Lancaster Way Redwood City, CA 94062 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 29, 2016. (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25, Feb. 1, 2017) ROMO JANITORIAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271923 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Romo Janitorial, located at 1820 W. Bayshore Rd. #23, East Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): MARIA DEL REFUGIO ROMO 1820 W. Bayshore Rd. #23 East Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 4, 2017. (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25; Feb. 1, 2017) STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. M-250716 The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business

THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM statement that was filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s Office. The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). RAE MARTIN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): ASSOCIATED ENTERTAINMENT CONSULTANTS GROUP, INC. 2 Dwight Road Burlingame, CA 94010 FILED IN SAN MATEO COUNTY ON: June 1, 2012 REGISTRANT’S NAME(S): RAE MARTIN 2 Dwight Road Burlingame, CA 94010 THIS BUSINESS WAS CONDUCTED BY: Corporation. This statement was filed with the County Clerk Recorder of San Mateo County on January 9, 2017. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017) GIGNRAE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271975 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Gignrae, located at 2 Dwight Road, Burlingame, CA 94010, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): DENNIS LOUIS XIFARAS 2 Dwight Road Burlingame, CA 94010 RAE LYNN MARTIN 2 Dwight Road Burlingame, CA 94010 This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 9, 2017. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017) MOMENTUM GLOBAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271952 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Momentum Global, located at 533 Airport Blvd., 4th. Floor, Burlingame, CA 94010, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): MIN TING KWONG 182 Poplar Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 01-06-2017. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 6, 2017. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017)

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Bank of America, N.A. and the other business/organization mentioned in this advertisement are not affiliated; each company is independently responsible for the products and services it offers. Bank of America may compensate select real estate companies and builders for marketing its home loan products and services. Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. ©2014 Bank of America Corporation. Credit and collateral are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. ARK69DJ5 HL-113-AD 09-2014

CROSSING POINT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271853 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Crossing Point, located at 8 Gardenia Court, East Palo Alto, California, 94303, San Mateo County. Is (Are) hereby registered by the following owner(s): BOB E. JONES 8 Gardenia Court East Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 29, 2016. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017)

court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Wed. February 8, 2017, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room: 2D, of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC Date: December 27, 2016 /s/ John L. Grandsaert JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25, Feb. 1, 2017)

NIBAN FISH FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272002 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Niban Fish, located at 208 Estrella Way, San Mateo, CA 94403, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): KENJI ISHIMARU 208 Estrella Way San Mateo, CA 94403 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on June 12, 2012. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 11, 2017. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017)

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No.: 16CIV02992 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: KAYLA GARRY filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: KAYLA ANN GARRY to KAYLA ANN BARANZELLI. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Wed. February 8, 2017, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room: 2D, of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC Date: December 28, 2016 /s/ John L. Grandsaert JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25; Feb. 1, 2017)

997 All Other Legals ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No.: 16CIV02229 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: MICHELLE THERESE MATEJKA filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: MICHELLE THERESE MATEJKA to MICHELLE THERESE LIEFWALKER. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two

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223-6578 January 18, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 23


Price Upon Request





Country estate built in 2012 to LEED Silver standards. Aprx 3+ stunning ac in Central WDS. 5 BR 5 full + 2 half BA Erika Demma CalBRE #01230766 650.851.2666

155 Kings Mountain Rd Stunning estate in Central Woodside. Renovated and expanded on 5 flat sunny acres. 5 BR 4 full + 2 half BA Erika Demma CalBRE #01230766 650.851.2666

618 Manzanita Wy Beautifully remodeled home, equestrian facilities + pvt pool & spa, on 2.6+ landscaped ac. 4 BR 4.5 BA Erika Demma CalBRE #01230766 650.851.2666

Portola Valley

Menlo Park

Portola Valley




20 Cordova Ct Stunning 1+ acre offers breathtaking views and amazing deck & pool area. 20CORDOVA.COM 5 BR 3 BA Ginny Kavanaugh CalBRE #00884747 650.851.1961

1760 Holly Ave. Remodeled home in move-in condition. Grand LR, 2 FR’s & huge open DR. Prvt yard & patios. 5 BR 4 BA Sam Anagnostou CalBRE #00798217 650.851.2666

183 Vista Verde Way Expansive and modern home with commanding views of Foothills Park, the valley and Bay. 4 BR 3.5 BA Ginny Kavanaugh CalBRE #00884747 650.851.1961


Menlo Park

Los Altos




41 Maple Ave Charming Atherton Cottage w/ MP Schools. Country chic appeal in a tranquil garden setting. 4 BR 4 BA Tim Kerns CalBRE #01800770 650.324.4456

844 Partridge Ave Spacious & inviting w/dramatic 20” ceilings. 1180 sf Basement/garage w/custom built-ins. 3 BR 3 BA Wendi Selig-aimonetti CalBRE #01001476 650.324.4456

701 Meadow Lane 4 BD/2 BA home located on expansive lot just over 11,000 sq ft. 4 BR 2 BA Katie Hammer Riggs CalBRE #01783432 650.324.4456

Los Altos Hills

Menlo Park

Redwood City




14486 Liddicoat Cir Gorgeous Views! Spacious home with high ceilings, pool, & guest house. Palo Alto schools! 5 BR 3 BA DiPali Shah CalBRE #01249165 650.851.2666

461 Burgess Dr Charming updated condo across from Burgess Park. Spacious living area and private balcony. 2 BR 2 BA Bob Johnston CalBRE #01228365 650.324.4456

431 Vera Ave Charming remodeled home on XL lot! Walking distance to downtown Redwood City! Don’t miss! 3 BR 2 BA Tom Huff CalBRE #00922877 650.325.6161

San Carlos

Menlo Park

San Carlos


416 Portofino Dr 206 Cozy and Updated Condo in San Carlos! Must see! 2 BR 2.5 BA David Thomas CalBRE #01946017 650.324.4456


2140 Santa Cruz Ave A305 Sought after penthouse at Menlo Commons. Complex includes pool, spa, exercise rm. 2 BR 2 BA Beth Leathers CalBRE #01131116 650.324.4456 |

/cbcalifornia |

/cb_california |


941 Holly St Original hardwood floors, cozy fireplace, and lovely French doors. 2 BR 1 BA Gordon Ferguson CalBRE #01038260 650.325.6161

/cbcalifornia |


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24 Q The Almanac Q Q January 18, 2017

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