The Almanac January 25, 2017

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J A N U A R Y 2 5 , 2 0 1 7 | VO L . 5 2 N O. 2 1

W W W. A L M A N AC N E W S . C O M

As thousands rally, locals say how they plan to respond to Trump presidency | Page 5

Woodside drivers face perilous stretch of road | Page 7


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January 25, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 3


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How locals are responding to Trump presidency By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


ocal public officials and residents are pledging to get involved to organize and act, locally and in concert with communities, in response to the presidency of Donald J. Trump. Maryann Derwin, a councilwoman in Portola Valley, flew to Washington, D.C., to participate in the women’s march on Jan. 21. “To stand literally shoulder to shoulder with pink-hatted women, men and children from every corner of the country demonstrating our constitutional right of free speech was cathartic, awe-inspiring and joyful,” Ms. Derwin said in an email after returning home. “And make no mistake about it, this is just the beginning, not an isolated exercise,” she said. “We will keep our collective feet on the gas pedal all the way to the midterms and 2020.” One result: A local chapter in a nationwide initiative to re-envision the use of government as a tool to strengthen the economy and the nation, Portola Valley Indivisible, came together on Jan. 18 and already claims 77 members, according to an email about the chapter provided to the Almanac. Ms. Derwin also attended a Jan. 18 fundraiser in San

Carlos for four regional nonprofits that protect the interests of immigrants, the environment and low-income families and encourage women to run for office. Also there was Portola Valley Councilwoman Ann Wengert, who said she joined the 275 other attendees “to make a statement about what we are going to do going forward, which is to be a lot more active in local and regional government.” “The democracy is threatened,” Ms. Wengert said. “All of us are looking for various ways to engage in gatherings like this as a first step.” Menlo Park Mayor Kirsten Keith was there, too. She said she came “to show that we care about progressive values and that we’re not going away. Sometimes it takes a shock to bring people back together.” While Ms. Derwin was marching in Washington on Jan. 21, some 2,000 people gathered for a rally in Courthouse Square in Redwood City to respond to the Trump presidency. Woodside resident and artist Joan Baez led a singalong of “We Shall Not Be Moved” in English and Spanish. A key speaker was Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Menlo Park, who also spoke at the San Carlos fundraiser before flying back East to attend the inauguration. At the fundraiser in San

Photo by Alexandra Von Feldt

Maryann Derwin of Portola Valley was one of hundreds of thousands of people who marched in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 21 to protest the policies of President Donald J. Trump.

Carlos, Ms. Eshoo said her presence at the inauguration was meant as an example of citizenship — a state of being she called “the highest office in the land,” quoting from Barack Obama’s farewell speech. “The American people are good,” she added. “There’s more good than bad.” At the Redwood City rally, Ms. Eshoo welcomed everyone to “the day after” the inauguration

Photo by Natalia Nazarova/The Almanac

Advice for the new U.S. president was in good supply on signs held aloft in Redwood City on Jan. 21.

and the beginning of a communal effort. “We have to guard against the weakening of our values, because they make us who we are,” she said, noting in particular the values of truth, love, integrity and compassion. “Remember, we have to keep doing this,” she added, looking out at the crowd. “We strengthen each other. How proud I am, how proud I am, to represent a community of conscience.” The Almanac asked John Boyle, a Republican and former Menlo Park mayor, to comment. “(To) the degree people become more engaged in community politics locally, and statewide and at a national level, I think, on bottom line, that’s good,” he said. “And I think that’s one of the things that Trump spoke about (in his inaugural address) as well, about having people taking control of their politics more and not just turning it over to an establishment, so to speak.” “Obviously, he represents a lot more than that,” Mr. Boyle said, with a restrained chuckle, “and a lot of potential change that is causing that level of uncertainty. It always causes some anxiousness and discomfort for people. Change is always a little scary. I think that’s a lot of what we’re seeing.”

On the cover: Hundreds of people gathered in Redwood City in solidarity with Jan. 21 demonstrations worldwide protesting Donald. J. Trump’s inauguration as U.S. president. (Photo by Natalia Nazarova/ The Almanac.)

over on Jan. 21 drew hundreds of thousands of women (and men) to register their protest of Donald Trump’s presidency, many thousands of them wearing pink knitted hats made with corners on top — the “ears” of a pussycat. In comments before she sang, Ms. Baez said: “This is not my president. This is an illegitimate presidency,” perhaps alluding to an inauguration boycott sparked by a Jan. 14 comment by civil-rights-movement veteran Rep. John Lewis, D-Georgia, who denied the legitimacy of Mr. Trump’s presidency. In Redwood City, a police officer made an educated guess of about 2,000 people, many carrying handmade signs. “Resisting Trump will make us relearn the civics lessons we have forgotten,” said one sign. “Keep your small hands off Mother Earth,” said another. “Make America think again,” said a third. “That’s key, to think,” Jill McCreadie, a retired elementary school teacher from Redwood

The rally

Rallies and marches the world

See RALLY, page 16

January 25, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 5


Decision time on Greenheart complex By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


much-discussed project to build apartments, offices and shops totaling 420,000 square feet at 1300 El Camino Real in Menlo Park went before the City Council on Jan. 24, and city staff recommended approval. See for updates. The meeting was held after the Almanac went to press. The development, proposed by Greenheart Land Co., would have three buildings — two three-story office buildings fronting El Camino, and one L-shaped four-story apartment building fronting Garwood Way and Oak Grove Avenue. The buildings are designed in the “Spanish Revival” architectural style, with brown and red brick tile roofing and white or tan cement plaster walls. The site covers 6.4 acres and is bounded by El Camino Real, Oak Grove Avenue, Garwood Way and the Residence Inn hotel near Glenwood Avenue. The developer plans to clear the site of trees and existing buildings,

See for updates. The council meeting was held after the Almanac went to press.

with the exception of Jason’s Cafe and the Chevron gas station at the corner of Oak Grove and El Camino. In all, the development would have 183 apartments, up to about 200,000 square feet for offices and 29,000 square feet for restaurants, shops or “community-serving” businesses, such as exercise studios or salons. About 10,000 square feet may be converted into either office or retail space, depending on the market, Greenheart’s principal developers, Bob Burke and Steve Pierce say. According to a staff report, for the project to move forward, the council had to agree to a document called a “statement of overriding considerations,” which says that the proposed project’s benefits to the community would outweigh the expected negative environmental impacts. The council was also expected to vote Jan. 24 on a bevy of other documents and agreements

Community Plan

2018 General Use Permit

Image courtesy Greenheart Land Co.

This map shows the planned location of the Greenheart project’s two office buildings along El Camino Real and an L-shaped apartment structure fronting Garwood Way and Oak Grove Avenue.

related to the project. These include architectural plans; allowing outdoor seating at restaurants on the site; accepting an agreement that the developer will rent 14 apartments to low-income tenants and six

to moderate-income tenants; allowing 59 heritage trees to be cut down; and approving agreements by the developer to pay $2.1 million to the city, guarantee sales tax revenues, and build a public dog park in the city if the project is approved. The plan is to merge 15 land parcels covering 6.4 acres. Previously, the parcels belonged to other property owners, some of whom had proposed other developments there that had been approved, but were halted by the economic downturn in 2008. In December 2016, the Planning Commission voted 6-0, with one member absent, to endorse the Greenheart complex and recommend the City Council approve it. In September 2016, the council unanimously approved the terms of a development agreement for the project. Under those terms, the city would get a number of public benefits, including a one-time $2.1 million payment to the city; a guarantee of $83,700 in sales tax payments to the city each year; a publicly accessible, fenced dog park; 10 more apartments than would otherwise be required, to be rented at below-market rates; and a promise to market the office space to startups. Supporters vocal

Though the project has had critics, most recently, its supporters have been more vocal. Since it was made public that the council could approve the project Jan. 24, there were at least 19 emails submitted to the council, all endorsing the project. Former Menlo Park City Manager Glen Rojas wrote in an 6 Q The Almanac Q Q January 25, 2017

email: “Traffic is always a concern as it should be. … Yes, we will see increased traffic based on the condition of the site today but more importantly we will see more pedestrian traffic to our downtown!” Kamba Tshionyi, a Menlo Park resident, wrote: “From my perspective, it would bring a much needed sense of vitality and could be a catalyst in helping transform our downtown area — something that is particularly important to me now that I am raising a young family here.” Brian Roberts, a Menlo Park resident and founder of Nelson Roberts Investment Advisors, wrote: “I’m particularly encouraged by the desire to increase the diversity of the retail and food options in/around downtown Menlo Park. I look forward to an opportunity to both entertain my business clients and my family at that location.” A recent criticism of the project came from Former Planning Commissioner Vince Bressler, who told the Planning Commission he didn’t think it should be approved because of the potential danger of increased traffic so close to Caltrain. Project details

Aside from the main three buildings, the developer plans a large, two-story underground parking garage beneath the development. The garage, plus a small parking lot along Garwood Way, would have 991 parking spots in total. Plans include a central public courtyard measuring roughly 170 feet across and 120 feet See GREENHEART, page 8


REAL ESTATE Q&A by Monica Corman

Are Online Estimates of Home Values Accurate? Dear Monica: I am selling my home and have listed it at the price my agents have advised based on recent comparable sales. However, a well known online source values my home much higher. Which estimate should I trust? Timothy P.

Photo by Natalia Nazarova/The Almanac

A perilous drop-off on La Honda Road, at Friars Lane in Woodside, is checked out Jan. 21 by elected officials as well as Caltrans and Woodside town staff. The condition is the result of storm-water erosion, has been a problem since at least March 2016. A retaining wall will be going in, a Caltrans official said.

Woodside drivers face perilous stretch of road By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


retaining wall is coming to La Honda Road (state Highway 84) at Friars Lane, in Woodside where the narrow road shoulder along the downhill lane runs perilously close to a steep dropoff. A vehicle traveling on this unlit road at night could easily run off the road and descend 15 to 20 feet into mud deposited there from erosion by storm water runoff. A retaining wall is also planned for a 75-foot-to-100foot area just east of Grandview Drive on La Honda Road that recently subsided about 9 inches after a Jan. 11 storm felled two trees and downed electric power lines. Crews have been directing one-way traffic past the damaged area.

Narrow road shoulder runs near 15-to-20-foot dropoff. The news of a wall at Friars Lane came from Bijan Sartipi, director of District 4 of the California Department of Transportation. Mr. Sartipi visited Friars Lane on Saturday, Jan. 21, in the company of state Sen. Jerry Hill, Assemblyman Marc Berman and Woodside Town Manager Kevin Bryant. The road condition at Friars Lane is “good for now,� Mr. Sartipi said. Before any decisions on how exactly to address the erosion, a geo-technical investigation will be necessary, he said. Granite Construction, the outfit working on the wall at Grandview Drive, will probably

Photo by Natalia Nazarova/The Almanac

Among those checking out the condition of La Honda Road on Jan. 21 are, from left, state Sen. Jerry Hill, Assemblyman Marc Berman, Woodside Town Manager Kevin Bryant and Caltrans District 4 Director Bijan Sartipi.

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be hired to do the work at Friars Lane as well, he said. Soil testing should reveal whether the site needs a temporary fix and one-way traffic, Mr. Sartipi said. Caltrans will be monitoring the area for any signs of change in the roadway’s condition, he said. “We’re giving this as much attention as every other location,� he said, adding that it’s not a second-tier project. Caltrans District 4 Branch Chief Robert Haus told the Almanac earlier that the site is now considered an “emergency repair project.� Making contact

Mr. Bryant said he contacted Sen. Hill about conditions at Friars Lane after the Jan. 11 storm, something the Almanac also did by sending photos of the erosion to the offices of Sen. Hill, Mr. Berman, Caltrans, the Silicon Valley Bike Coalition and Samtrans. The Route 85 bus — a school route — travels this section of Highway 84 periodically during the week. SamTrans spokesman Will Reisman said the agency had not heard concerns from bus drivers about “adverse conditions� on Highway 84, that the situation at Friars Lane has not affected bus service, and that they were sending someone to inspect the site. See WOODSIDE DRIVERS, page 16



Town looks at building affordable housing on town-owned land By Dave Boyce


Almanac Staff Writer


even residents of Portola harsher housing reality today Valley, all volunteers, will on the Peninsula. Mr. Toben said he felt caube studying the question of whether it’s feasible to build tiously optimistic about the small houses on town-owned committee and its goals. land that’s affordable to people “Any right thinking citizen who work in town but cannot of this county can’t help afford to live there, including but be concerned about teachers and Town Hall staff. t he grotesque imba lance Older residents wanting to between housing generation downsize their living spaces and jobs,” he said. He noted his roles as mediabut stay in the community may tor and facilitator in past also benefit. The volunteers are members community efforts, includof the new Ad Hoc Committee ing chairing a 2013 comfor Housing on Town-owned mittee looking at affordable Property created by the Town housing more broadly. As a Council to deal with this planning commissioner in 2003, he said the Nathhorst problem. Councilwoman Maryann Triangle rezoning left scars, Derwin recently spoke of a calling it “an earnest attempt Town Hall staffer who moved if unsuccessful one to provide diversity to Hay wa rd in the housing from the Peninsula after an Former councilman stock.” Mr. McInex t r aord i na r y Steve Toben tosh c ite d rent increase. trends in the Three ot her referred to last few years. staff members the ‘grotesque “I think the could face a similar situa- imbalance’ between biggest thing is the change tion, she said, housing and jobs. in the attitude adding that she and the willconsidered the situation “beyond crisis ... and ingness of people to accept the need for affordable housinto disaster.” Ms. Derwin is on the new ing,” he said, adding that committee, as are Council- he would employ forthright woman Ann Wengert and person-to-person conversaPlanning Commission mem- tions about the initiative bers Judith Hasko and Nicho- and engage opponents in the planning. las Targ. Mr. Warr said that withThe council on Jan. 11 interviewed five applicants for the out “broad-based community three seats open to residents, support and a broad-based choosing former planning discussion of the pros, the commissioner Arthur “Chip” cons, the economics, the aesMcIntosh, mediator and for- thetics, this doesn’t have a mer councilman Steve Toben, chance.” The town has plenty of skepand Carter Warr, an architect and former member of the tics, he said. The goal should Architectural & Site Control be to leverage that skepticism and be open about strategy for Commission. The council has twice tried gaining consensus on design to build small homes in town, and approval. “You don’t and faced determined resis- want it in the background or tance from residents on both pre-negotiated,” he said. Conoccasions. In 2003, the coun- jecture should be “completely cil rezoned 3.6 acres near taken out of it.” One possible strategy: sponAlpine and Portola roads — the Nathhorst Triangle sor a series of roundtable — with plans to build 15 to discussions, bringing skep20 small homes. In 2012, the tics and supporters together town planned to build about to address the question of eight homes on 1.68 acres at why such housing is needed. “If you build a consensus 900 Portola Road. Perhaps tacitly acknowledg- around ‘why,’ even the silent ing past opposition, council majority will support you,” he members have alluded to a said. A 8 Q The Almanac Q Q January 25, 2017

Image courtesy Greenheart Land Co.

The Greenheart Land Co. Complex along El Camino Real at Oak Grove Avenue in downtown Menlo Park would have an arched entryway for pedestrians bearing the development’s name, “Station 1300,” said principal developer Steve Pierce.

Decision time on Greenheart project continued from page 6

deep that people could access by walking between the two office buildings on El Camino Real. The courtyard would have a recirculating water feature, and a stepped amphitheater area. The entrance would have a decorative archway and a tree-lined walkway, according to the staff report. Restaurants on Oak Grove Avenue or El Camino Real could allow outdoor seating along the frontages of either of those streets, and in the interior courtyard. The residential area would have its own private courtyard with a lap pool, spa, deck, seating area and barbecue grill. The developer would extend Garwood Way so that it connects to Derry Lane and Merrill Street, near the Caltrain station. Signage and painted “sharrow” markers on Garwood Way would be added for bike safety. To replace the 59 trees that would be removed, Greenheart said it intends to plant

99 heritage tree replacements. All would come from at least 24-inch boxes, and seven would come from 48-inch boxes, each larger than the city’s minimum 15-inch box requirement. However, the replacement ratio would fall under the city’s standard 2 to 1 at a ratio of 1.7 to 1. Traffic impacts

The project was first submitted in 2013, after Menlo Park completed its El Camino Real/downtown specific plan. A lengthy environmental impact report was released earlier in 2016, and the community had a chance to respond to it. Go to to see the final version of the report, which includes staff and consultant responses to public comments. The environmental impact report found that traffic would likely increase on several roads and at a number of intersections. Intersections most likely to experience increased traffic are

As it rains, state considers continuing drought rules By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


t may be difficult to think about conserving water as the rain continues to pound down, causing mudslides and flooding in some areas, but the California State Water Resources Control Board is considering keeping water use restrictions in place because, despite the rain, the drought may not be over. The state water board must

decide whether to extend or modify the current regulations on water use before they expire at the end of February. The water board’s staff has recommended extending the current regulations, which require water companies to develop their own conservation plans and goals based on their supplies, and to report usage monthly. Water uses that are considered wasteful, such as using

Ravenswood Avenue and Laurel Street, Middlefield Road and Glenwood Avenue, Oak Grove and Alma Street, Oak Grove Avenue and Derry Lane, El Camino Real and Ravenswood Avenue/Menlo Avenue. Roads with more traffic expected are Oak Grove Avenue between El Camino and Laurel Street, and Garwood Way between Glenwood Avenue and Oak Grove. With more residents and workers coming into Menlo Park, traffic could increase on Willow Road from U.S. 101 to Bayfront Expressway and Bayfront Expressway from University Avenue to Willow Road. The developer plans to try to reduce the traffic the new residents and workers would generate by giving them free Caltrain passes and having a car-share program at the site, among other steps. If the project is approved, it could be occupied sometime in 2019, according to Mr. Burke. A sprinklers within 48 hours of rain or having water features that don’t recycle water, are currently prohibited. has an earlier Almanac story on the current regulations. In a statement, the water board says water supply conditions, based on precipitation plus reservoir and snow pack storage, are better than they have been for the last several years. “However, we are only halfway through the traditionally wet period of the year. History shows that rains can stop suddenly and not return,” the board says. A

N E W S 4th Quarter 2016

Mounted Patrol leaders honored at 75th anniversary event By Kate Daly Special to the Almanac

Although this is not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened, what you should do, and what we are doing to correct this situation. Our water system is in violation of a secondary drinking water standard. Violation of a secondary standard does not pose an immediate threat to health. We routinely monitor for the presence of drinking water contaminants. Water sample results for the fourth quarter monitoring in 2016 have manganese levels of 46 ppb in well #1 and 130 ppb in well #2 (ppb=parts per billion). This is above the secondary drinking water standard, or secondary maximum contaminant level of 50 ppb. Manganese concentrations above the standard may have an effect on taste and tend to leave black deposits in some plumbing systems. What should I do? • You do not need to use an alternative water supply (e.g., bottled water). There is no health risk. Photo by Holly Winnen

Woodside couple Dean “Kip” and Rebekah Witter win awards from Mounted Patrol of San Mateo County.

formed in 1942 as a defensive move to provide horseback patrol on the coast during World War II. For 66 years the organization has hosted the Fourth of July Junior Rodeo at its Woodside clubhouse arena. The Woodside Pumpkin Patch in the fall is a more recent

addition to activities — along with member play days and riding clinics —that take place at the Mounted Patrol Grounds on Kings Mountain Road in Woodside. This year six new members were sworn in as well as a new captain, Victor Aenlle.

‘Mindfulness’ training may be ahead for Menlo Park police staff members By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer

Police Chief Bob Jonsen calls hough you probably it the ‘most re-energizing won’t see police officers training I’ve been to in my donning yoga pants at work anytime soon, the Menlo entire career.’


Park Police Department has a plan to help its personnel find a little more inner peace on the job. The department has requested from the City Council an expenditure of $59,000 to pay for 29 people, roughly a third of the police department staff, to attend a “mindfulness” training program from April 7 to 9 in Bend, Oregon. The plan is for all of the staff to go through the 16 to 20 hour training program sometime in the next 18 to 24 months, which is expected to add up to a cost of $177,000, including travel, course fees and overtime pay. Other trainings may be held closer to Menlo Park, Police Chief Bob Jonsen said. The program, called “Resilience

Este informe contiene información muy importante sobre su agua potable. Tradúzcalo o hable con alguien que lo entienda bien. The O’Connor Tract Co-Operative Water Company has levels of manganese above the secondary drinking water standard.


hen Mounted Patrol of San Mateo County recently celebrated its 75th anniversary with a dinner dance for 200 guests at Menlo Circus Club in Atherton, one Woodside couple stood out. On Jan. 14, Dean “Kip” Witter III was honored with the Jerry Williams Distinguished Service Award and Rebekah Witter was named Outstanding Horseperson and Citizen of the Year. Both have won championships at the state and regional levels in competitive trail trials, and have participated in and promoted various equestrian events over the years. They both enjoy riding in Woodside’s May Day Parade. He usually wears his Mounted Patrol uniform and she and her horse sport red, white and blue. Ms. Witter is a natural horsemanship trainer who has written books and articles about horses empowering people. She helped start WHOA! (Woodside-Area Horse Owners Association), a group that has backed Day of the Horse since 2005. The Mounted Patrol Foundation supports WHOA! The Mounted Patrol was


Immersion Training,” will be facilitated by Richard Goerling, who works as a police lieutenant in Bend, Oregon. According to the program’s website, the mindfulness training is designed to address the on-the-job stress that police and first responders experience. Skills developed in the program reportedly include “self-awareness, attunement to others, compassion, wisdom and peak performance.” The program has been vetted by Menlo Park Police Chief Bob Jonsen, who went through the program last November. He called it the “most re-energizing training I’ve been to in my entire career.” The program teaches law

enforcement officials routines and exercises like yoga and meditation that can help them stay calm or focused, Chief Jonsen said. He said he hopes to incorporate mindfulness practices into the daily routines of police staff once they have completed the training. The idea was suggested by Mayor Kirsten Keith, Chief Jonsen said. “Police officers have a very difficult, stressful job” and the training can help officers be more respectful and caring, and better equipped to use restraint when necessary, Ms. Keith said. “Mindfulness training can help officers to be more aware of their implicit biases, which every human being naturally has,” she added. Implicit bias training is not currently required training for the Menlo Park Police Department, according to Chief Jonsen. An implicit bias training curriculum is being developed at the state level, he said. A

What happened? What is being done? O’Connor Water has been above the secondary standard for manganese for many years, and this has been described to members in the annual Report on Water Quality Measurements. Recent state regulations have imposed stricter requirements for complying with the secondary standard for manganese. The state has issued the company a citation for noncompliance. The state ordered the company to start quarterly monitoring in February 2012, and this monitoring was completed in September 2012. The state also required that manganese monitoring be continued quarterly and that the results of these tests be reported to all water consumers. Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this public notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this public notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail. For further information contact: Secretary-Treasurer Telephone 650-321-2723 Email: O’Connor Tract Co-Operative Water Co., System 4110019 P.O. Box 1375, Palo Alto, California 94302-1375

6XSSRUW 7KH $OPDQDF·V coverage of our community. 0HPEHUVKLSV EHJLQ DW RQO\ SHU GD\ -RLQ WRGD\ 6XSSRUW/RFDO-RXUQDOLVP RUJ $OPDQDF January 25, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 9


Atherton ponders civic center funding options By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


therton has a problem. The town has almost all the funds it needs to build a new civic center, but it’s not allowed to spend much of them because of a 2012 ballot measure that limits public funding for new town and police offices. Atherton City Council members agreed on Jan. 18 to ask voters to reverse the 2012 measure, but just when the question should be put on the ballot and exactly what the source of the public money should be remain to be decided. The council met in a study session to discuss the funding before its regular meeting Jan. 18, when the council unanimously agreed to have City Manager George Rodericks start the process of putting a measure on the ballot as soon as June 6.

While final estimates won’t be available until February, the most recent estimate put the cost of the civic center, not including the separately funded new library, at about $21.8 million. With available funding, including donations from Atherton Now and other sources allowed by the 2012 measure, the amount needed is $14.5 million. Funds the town already has, including $4.7 in unallocated capital improvement funds and two years of unallocated “Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund” rebates, could further reduce the needed amount to $3.7 million. The town also expects close to $1.3 million more in revenues than spending this year, which could further reduce what is needed. Councilman Bill Widmer said the town might be able to reduce the cost of the project, or build it in stages.

Courtesy town of Atherton

This drawing shows what the courtyard of the new Atherton civic center might look like during a farmers’ market. To the rear can be seen town administrative, planning and building offices (left), police offices (center) and council chamber (right). Not shown is a new library.

“The shortfall seems pretty small to me right now,” said Councilwoman Elizabeth Lewis. “We can get there without draconian things.” Mayor Mike Lempres said

the town should avoid a bond measure. “I think we should do everything possible in our power to do this without a tax increase,” he said, and other council members agreed.

If the council decides to put a measure on the June ballot, it must act at its February meeting, when it is also scheduled to see the final civic center plans and estimated cost. A

Third-graders take on computer coding By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


K class, write your last line of code,” Nhi Vu, an instructor at Code for Fun tells a wiggly pack of third-graders at Belle Haven Elementary School on a recent Thursday afternoon. By the end of the lesson, the kids in Michelle Chamapwat’s class had activated rudimentary digital animations to draw polygons on a set of coordinates.

Once a week, the students take a break from traditional classwork to dive into teambased computer coding lessons, prepared by Code for Fun, a nonprofit that teaches kids about computer science. The program aims to give kids in grades K-8 in the Ravenswood City School District 10 hours of computer science instruction a year, with lessons that fit what the kids are learning in the classroom. For instance, this lesson was about angles and degrees,

Thomas James Matthews Thomas James Matthews ( who liked to be called”Tom”), passed into glory, peacefully in his home in Menlo Park on January 12. He was born in Indiana. He served in the United States Navy during WW II. During this time, he met the love of his life, Tessie, and was married after being discharged at the end of his service. He then attended music and arts college New York City and also in San Francisco. Music was a big part of his life, playing in dance bands and later in “fun after 50” bands. Tom worked for PG&E and California Water Service Company until his retirement. He and Tessie were married for 70 years. He is survived by his daughter Melani Bray of Menlo Park, three grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Services were held Saturday, January 21 at First Baptist Church, 787 Walnut St., San Carlos 94070. PA I D


10 Q The Almanac Q Q January 25, 2017

and introduced concepts Ms. Champawat said the students are expected to learn about later in the year. By the time those students graduate from eighth grade, their grasp of computer science should enable them to make their own video games, according to Servane Demol, founder and CEO of Code for Fun. Facebook has committed to fund the program at Belle Haven Elementary and other schools in the Ravenswood City School District for four years, said a Facebook executive. The program is expected to reach 1,400 students, the executive said. In that time, the nonprofit is expected to teach the schoolteachers how to instruct the coding classes themselves. This opportunity, the executive said, “could be life-changing for some of these kids. We hope to see them down the road back here working for us.” To some, the program might seem an extravagance, given the low English language and math scores at Belle Haven School. According to 2016 test results from the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, 81 percent of thirdthrough eighth-graders did not meet grade-level standards for English language arts and 89 percent did not meet grade-level standards in mathematics. However, Ms. Champawat said, the coding program can help build academic confidence in students who struggle in other areas.

Photo by Kate Bradshaw

Third-grade students of teacher Michelle Champawat participate in a computer coding class at Belle Haven School.

“Kids take to it like penguins to water,” Ms. Champawat said. The collaborative focus of the program can help unleash student abilities and familiarize them with math and science concepts. “Computers speak to the part of the brain that needs structure,” she said. One third-grader, who Ms. Champawat said struggles in most other areas at school, is a whiz when it comes to the coding class. That student told the Almanac that Code for Fun is his favorite class. Another student who has excelled at Code for Fun is eighth-grader Christian, who has high-functioning autism, according to his mother. Last summer, Christian attended a Code for Fun camp with his younger sister. The coding program has boosted his confidence in science, math and social skills, his mother said. Now Christian plans to become a marine biologist, and is already

preparing himself for the kinds of calculations and coding he must learn to dive deep into the sea safely. “Nobody wants to go into a submarine knowing they can get squished to death,” he explained. While Facebook has also assembled a toolkit to help kids learn to code on their own, that approach has limitations. (The toolkit is accessible at techprep. Many Belle Haven students don’t have computers or Wi-Fi access at home, explained Chelsea Card, a school administrator. “We couldn’t go paperless,” she said. Code for Fun gives students “more exposure to things they don’t get in their home lives,” she said. Christian’s mother said that while their family falls into the “extremely low income” bracket, she goes the extra mile to help her kids get internet access via Wi-Fi at places such as Starbucks and public libraries. A


Police sergeant’s career highlight: her K9 partner By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


n 1981, Sharon Kaufman, at age 20, was the oldest participant in the Menlo Park Police Department’s “Explorer Program.” The program lets youth go on police ride-alongs and learn about working in law enforcement. Something must have clicked for her. By the following year, she was in the police academy. Within another year, she had been hired by the city as a reserve officer. Between then and 34 years later when she retired from the police department at the end of 2016, Sgt. Kaufman worked at various times as a communications dispatcher, a traffic patrol officer, an administrator, and a detective. There was a time, she said, when she was the only female officer in the department.

“Even in the early 1980s when it could have been very prevalent,” she said, “I never experienced any gender bias. ... The only thing they were concerned about was whether you could handle yourself. Once you could do that, it wasn’t an issue.” The highlight of her career, she said, was a roughly eightyear span when she worked with a K9 (dog) partner, a Ger-

partner kept situations from escalating while she was on patrol and human backup hadn’t yet arrived. One time, she said, she found someone driving a stolen car and asked the driver to pull over. She told the driver, “My partner is here,” after which Falk gave a timely bark. Hearing the bark, the driver became compliant. “I’m not sure it would have come out the same had (Falk) not been there,” she said. The department today deals less with violent crime and more with property crime and identity theft than when she began her career, she said. “I’m grateful to the city of Menlo Park for the opportunity to spend 34 years there and all the education I was provided in service to the community,” she said. A

A German shepherd named ‘Falk’ became her partner round-the-clock, fighting crime with his narcotics-sniffing superpowers by day and relaxing with her family by night. man shepherd named Falk. Falk, she said, became her par tner round-t he-clock, fighting crime with his narcotics-sniffing superpowers by day and relaxing with her family by night. She said having a K9 as her

Photo courtesy Sgt. Sharon Kaufman

Sgt. Sharon Kaufman with Falk, her K9 partner, circa 1988, at a former dog training field across from Witmer-Tyson Imports on Haven Avenue. It is now a FedEx location.

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Providing award-winning care to clients in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Portola Valley, Woodside and Atherton! January 25, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 11

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12 Q The Almanac Q Q January 25, 2017


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January 25, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 13

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Hartwig to head schools in Portola Valley for two more years


Hear from an MS expert and learn about an oral treatment option for relapsing MS.

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LET’S DISCUSS: Read the latest local news headlines and talk about the issues at Town Square at

Eric Hartwig, hired as interim superintendent of the Portola Valley School District when Superintendent Lisa Gonzales abruptly left the district in October 2015, has ag reed to stay at the district for at least two more years, through June Eric Hartwig 2019. The word “interim” is no longer part of his title. The contract for Mr. Hartwig increases his base salary to $225,000 a year, up from his current $210,000. Mr. Hartwig began his career as an English teacher in middle and high school before becoming assistant principal at Capuchino High


School, and then principal at Menlo-Atherton High, a job he held for nine years. He served as superintendent of the Las Lomitas Elementary School District for five years before retiring in 2012.

Arts grants The period to apply for funding from the Menlo Park Grant for the Arts is now open. The city will give five organizations $500 to $1,000 to subsidize the rental costs of hosting performances at the Menlo-Atherton Performing Arts Center between July 2017 and June 2018. Application deadline is March 1. Go to for more information.

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14 Q The Almanac Q Q January 25, 2017

C A L E N D A R Q C A L E N DA R Go to to see more local calendar listings


Âś'HDG $FFRXQWV¡ Theresa Rebeck’s dark comedy examines conflict between Main Street and Wall Street, flyover state values versus coastal state values and the humor within a family in turmoil. When Jack, a New York banker, suddenly shows up at his parents’ Cincinnati home in the middle of the night with a sack full of ice cream and no wife, his sister Lorna wants to know what’s going on. Jan. 26-Feb. 19, Thursday-Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m. Dragon Productions Theatre Company, 2120 Broadway St., Redwood City. Âś&ULPHV RI WKH +HDUW¡ Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and NY Drama Critics Circle Award, this TheatreWorks production follows three hardluck Mississippi sisters who are betrayed by their passions. Jan. 11-Feb. 5, times vary. $35$85. Lucie Stern Community Center, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto.


3RHWU\0XVLF &KDPEHU -D]] From Shakespeare to Robert Frost to Pablo Neruda, the chamber jazz duo PoetryMusic perform poems that have been set to music. Feb. 8, 7 p.m. Free. Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park. 6WDQIRUG 3DQ $VLDQ 0XVLF )HVWLYDO presents “Music from Shanghai� in celebration of the Chinese New Year. Symphony Silicon Valley conducted by Jindong Cai with a 120-person chorus from local Chinese community, and soloists from Shanghai Conservatory of Music and Peking Opera Company. Feb. 3, 7:30 p.m. $15-$40. Bing Concert Hall, 327 Lasuen St., Stanford.

Talks & Lectures 8QXVXDO 6RXUFHV RI 7VXQDPLV )URP .UDNDWRD WR 0RQWHUH\ %D\ Eric Geist, USGS research geophysicist, explores how not all tsunamis are generated by earthquakes and how they can be caused by

volcanoes, landslides and even atmospheric disturbances. Jan. 26, 7-8 p.m. Free. US Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park. 6LPRQ &XUWLV 6- .LQFDLG DQG (ULQ 6XPPHULOO Kepler’s celebrates the launch of three new books (“Boy Robot,� “The Diabolic� and “Ever the Hunted�) from three new voices in young adult literature. Feb. 3, 7-8 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. $XWKRU $\HOHW :DOGPDQDWLRQ joins In Deep’s Angie Coiro for conversation on micro-dosing, family, marriage and how it all ties together (or sometimes doesn’t). Jan. 25, 7:30 p.m. $35, premier (includes book); $20, general; $10, student. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. -RQ (OVH LQ FRQYHUVDWLRQ ZLWK 'U &OD\ERUQH &DUVRQ In 1985 and 1986, Jon Else spent much of his time with Henry Hampton helping create the television series on the civil rights movement, “Eyes on the Prize.� Mr. Else discusses what went into the tumultuous 18-month production. Jan. 26, 7:30-9 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. $XWKRU 3DEOR +LGDOJR is a creative executive and resident Star Wars authority within Lucasfilm Story Groups. He has written several titles including, most recently, “Star Wars The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary.� Kepler’s Books celebrates all things Star Wars; costumes are encouraged. Jan. 28, 3 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. $XWKRU .HYLQ :LOVRQ discusses his new novel, “Perfect Little World,� which tells the story of a quixotic psychologist as he attempts to create a utopian family. Jan. 30, 7 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. 7KH &KLQHVH 5DLOURDG :RUNHUV LQ 1RUWK $PHULFD 3URMHFW at Stanford University, a research project that now involves more than 100 scholars in North America and Asia, is trying to reconstruct the story of the thousands of Chinese migrants that toiled to construct the first transcontinental railroad across North America. As co-director of the project, Shelley Fisher Fishkin will talk about how the project is trying to give a voice to these Chinese migrants through an

online digital archive available to all, along with books, articles, digital visualizations and exhibits. Jan. 31, noon. Free. Stanford University, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford. events. 0LFKDHO .UDVQ\, host of KQED’s Forum, discusses and signs his new book, “Let There Be Laughter: A Treasury of Great Jewish Humor and What It All Means.� Feb. 2, 7:30 p.m. $30, includes book; $15, general admission; $10, student. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park.

Family 3DUHQWV &OXE RI 3DOR $OWR DQG 0HQOR 3DUN¡V )XQWDVWLF :LQWHU $UWV &UDIWV 'D\ Morning of arts, crafts and activities in winterthemed, indoor setting. Feb. 5, 10 a.m.-noon. $10, PAMP members; $20, non-members (per family). Arrillaga Center, Sequoia Room, 601 Laurel St., Menlo Park. 0DJLFLDQ 'DQ &KDQ performs tricks. Jan. 25, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. )DPLO\ +LNH DW :XQGHUOLFK 3DUN is a 1.5mile loop. Children encouraged to attend with parents; jogging strollers welcome. Learn about plants and animals that live there. Hike takes about 1.5 hours; rated easy with gradual climb of a few hundred feet. Jan. 28, 2-4 p.m. Free. Wunderlich Park, 4040 Woodside Road, Woodside. events/ 6WRU\ 7LPH ZLWK 7LP 0F&DQQD, a local children’s author and musician, discusses his new book, “Watersong,â€? a journey of a fox seeking shelter from a rainstorm told in onomatopoeia. Feb. 4, 2 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park.

Film .HYLQ 6PRNOHU %UDW 3DFN $PHULFD $ /RYH /HWWHU WR V 7HHQ 0RYLHV Technology and culture writer Kevin Smokler scoured the country interviewing actors, writers and directors from this iconic era in film. Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. 0RYLH 1LJKW Âś:KDOH 5LGHU¡ (PG-13, 2001, 1 hour and 41 min.) tells story of love, rejection

Showcasing color Menlo Park artist Mitchell Johnson’s oil-on-canvas painting “Piaggio� is among the artwork on exhibit in “Spectral Hues� at the Palo Alto Art Center. The exhibit, curated by Sharon Bliss, spotlights the work of a range of artists who are exploring the optical and emotional influence of color, or its absence, on the viewer. A reception is set for 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, at the center, located at 1313 Newell Road in Palo Alto. and triumph. Free. Downstairs Program Room, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park. menlopark. org Feb. 7, 6:30 p.m.

Et Alia

.QLWWLQJ 0HHWXS This is a time for adult knitters to get together and enjoy camaraderie, laughter and stitches. Jan. 25 and Feb. 22, 7 p.m. Free. Menlo Park Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park. +LNH ZLWK WKH )ULHQGV features 5-mile loop to McGarvey Flat with stop for lunch. Docent Tom Davids leads hike and talk about nature and history. Feb. 3, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Huddart Park, 1100 Kings Mountain Road, Woodside.

)RU 7HHQV Stephanie Garber and Stacey Lee discuss their novels, “Caravalâ€? and “The Secret of a Heart Note.â€? Jan. 31, 7-8 p.m. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. /RVW $UWV (PERVVLQJ &DUGV &ODVV Participants learn a technique for making beautiful, one-of-a-kind cards. Jan. 26, 1-2:30 p.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley. <RXQJ :ULWHU¡V &OXE features creative writing activities. Materials provided; open to students in grades 1 through 5. Last Tuesday of each month, 3:30 p.m. Free. Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley.

OPEN SUNDAY January 29 • 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. 4 Surrey Lane, Atherton • 1912 Atherton carriage house on a cul-de-sac

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Square footage and/or acreage information contained herein has been received from seller, existing reports, appraisals, public records and/or other sources deemed reliable. However, neither seller nor listing agent has veriďŹ ed this information. If this information is important to buyer in determining whether to buy or the purchase price, buyer should conduct buyer’s own investigation.

January 25, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 15


Lights that the rain did not extinguish By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


ain fell in torrents at times in downtown Menlo Park on Jan. 20, the day of President Donald Trump’s inauguration. But getting wet did not daunt the 20 or so people who gathered in Fremont Park at the corner of University Drive and Santa Cruz Avenue at 6 p.m. carrying candles that largely remained alight, and batterypowered portable lights. The evening to celebrate kindness began with a group prayer, led by the Rev. Matthew R. Dutton-Gillett of Trinity Church in Menlo Park, expressing opposition to behaviors of “intimidation, bullying, bigotry and exclusion,” and pledging to “honor and protect each unique individual.” After a singalong of “We Shall Overcome,” the group walked a couple of blocks through the business district and returned to the park for coffee and conversation. Victoria, a Menlo Park resident, said she has friends who voted for Mr. Trump, including one who told her that “’for years, I felt like I couldn’t say what I really thought ... so now

you know what it’s like.’ She was pretty snarky about it, actually,” Victoria added. “She was in a minority and not feeling like her views could be heard.” Suzanne Butler of Menlo Park said she came to the candlelight event because she “wanted to do something,” then added, “I’m going to start crying. The whole election’s been so upsetting to me.” “Anything we can do to make people aware that compassion is needed now,” said her husband Eric Butler. “Accepting everybody is a good thing.” Mr. Butler said he watched the inauguration, whereas Ms. Butler said she did not. “I’m waiting to watch Alec Baldwin,” she said. “That’s the only way I can stomach watching (Trump).” Molly Titley of Menlo Park said she wants to be more active in politics and civics and that she came “for just a moment of peaceful reflection about the next four years and about setting an intention to do more.” With the new administration, “I’d like to be sure that my voice is heard. ... I appreciate the community coming together for this moment. It was a sweet night.” Jennifer Fisher of Menlo Park said she came for a “kind of


solidarity with people that feel the same way that we do about the direction this country is taking now. It’s kind of scary.” Patricia McBrayer of Menlo Park said “it’s less about politics and more about people standing up for what’s right, standing up for peace and justice. (It’s a sentiment) that comes from the heart. It comes from who we should all be as people.” Asked if a religious outlook was essential, Linda Beyce said it was not. “I want my 17-year-old son to have these traits of compassion and empathy, and even just have basic manners. You know, to treat everybody with dignity. It’s such a critical life lesson,” she said. “We can’t be quiet,” Ms. Fisher said. “We have to be strong in our beliefs, and we need to encourage by example, and we need to teach our children. I have teenagers at home and they’ll be voting in four years, and they need to vote with their heart.” A WOODSIDE DRIVERS continued from page 7

The Almanac also contacted Pacific Gas & Electric Co. about the status of an eroded power pole at Friars Lane. After requesting photos, PG&E spokeswoman Andrea Menniti replied: “The safety of our employees and the communities we serve is always our top priority. Earlier today our crews were notified about a weather-related slide near our power pole along Highway 84 near Woodside.

RALLY continued from page 5

City, told an Almanac reporter. “We’ve gotten too complacent.” “I’ve been disgusted since (Donald) Trump led as a candidate,” said Stephani Katz of Pleasanton. “And I’m appalled that he actually won.” “I was glad the world didn’t end the day after the election,” said Yami Forman-Schwartz, a high school sophomore from Los Altos and a citizen of Israel. “We’re very concerned that (Trump) will not bring peace to the Middle East,” said Yami’s mother Tamara Forman. “We’re concerned he’ll bring more violence.” “Men of quality do not fear equality,” said a sign. A toddler upheld the message: “I have better manners than the president.” Another, also held by a kid, read: “If I called somebody a loser, I’d be sent to timeout.” More than one sign used the word “nasty,” echoing Mr. Crews inspected the pole, and will make repairs safely and as quickly as possible to the base of the pole.” A later visit showed a large quantity of gravel dumped above and below the pole. Mr. Bryant told the Almanac that he’d been frustrated with Caltrans’ apparent approach of waiting for the road to fail before taking action. “To my view, this was not really being handled in the right way,” he said. “Every time it rains, I worry about it.”

“There’s no place like home.”

The Town of Woodside is currently developing plans for improvements to its existing emergency access easement located at 100 & 110 Stadler Drive between Skyline Boulevard and Stadler Drive. The Town is planning improvements within the easement for emergency access through the easement, including: ࠮ 9LTV]HS VM L_PZ[PUN IHYYPLYZ" ࠮ 0UZ[HSSH[PVU VM NH[LZ MVY LTLYNLUJ` ]LOPJ\SHY HJJLZZ" ࠮ 7H]LTLU[ PTWYV]LTLU[Z HUK NYHKPUN" HUK ࠮ .LULYHS ZP[L JSLHU\W HUK THPU[LUHUJL ;V^U Z[HɈ ^PSS OVZ[ H TLL[PUN MVY HSS ULPNOIVYZ SVJH[LK within 300 feet of the subject properties and/or within the Skywood Acres Subdivision. The meeting is intended to provide a forum for neighbors to comment on and ask questions about the proposed project. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 1, 2017, 3:30 – 4:30 P.M., at Independence Hall, 2955 Woodside Road. If you have any questions about the proposed emergency access improvements, please contact Sean Rose, Town Engineer, at (650) 851-6790 x114, or e-mail him at

Matched CareGivers Matched CareGivers is nurse owned and operated and has provided the best in home care and case management on the peninsula for over 25 years. Our trained caregivers provide personal care, bathing, dressing, companionship, exercise and mobility assistance, medication reminders, meal planning and preparation (including specialized diets), transportation and errands, coordination of social activities, light housekeeping and laundry. All the caregivers are our employees and are fingerprinted, have a current TB clearance and trained in First Aid and in other subjects. The agency handles all the liabilites so you do not have to worry.

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Photo by Natalia Nazarova/The Almanac

Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Menlo Park, spoke in Redwood City on the importance of maintaining a spirit of activism during the administration of President Trump.

Trump’s use of that word to describe Hillary Clinton during the campaign. “And you thought I was a nasty woman before?,” said one sign, followed by: “Buckle up, Buttercup.” A Richard Haiduck, who lives nearby, made his own efforts to get something done at Friars Lane, including contacting Town Hall and Sen. Hill’s office. “I kept thinking that somebody’s going to fix this,” he said. “Naive me.” He filed a maintenance service request with Caltrans in March 2016. “The shoulder of the roadway is rapidly eroding,” he wrote, “and there is now less than 6 inches of margin left between the highway and a 15 foot drop off. I suspect one more big rain and a significant portion of the road will collapse and slide into the drop off. “I believe that Caltrans has seen the problem, as a cone was put up and more recently sandbags around it. But the sandbags are unlikely to be a lasting solution. I believe taking some action now can prevent a damaging and road closing collapse.” The sandbags are still there but more soil has been lost since he filed the request, Mr. Haiduck said. He said Caltrans told him that there were “a lot of projects” that had a higher priority. Mr. Haiduck had a good words for Woodside’s Public Works Director Sean Rose, who “was very helpful, very responsive.” In an earlier story on the Grandview Drive subsidence, Mr. Rose said that Town Hall will contact Caltrans when residents complain about state roads. “We did that (for the Friars Lane spot) and that’s all we can do because they make the decisions,” he said. Friars Lane “looks to me like it could go at any time,” he added. A




Portola Valley: Suspects E. Gary Smith sentencing postponed again until Feb. 10 at 9 a.m., for what term of eight years and that the in prowling incident ID’d Mr. Wagstaffe said is “hopefully court could order payment of By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer

The San Mateo County Sheriff ’s Office has identified the two men arrested on Jan. 19 in connection with a Portola Valley resident’s 911 call to report two prowlers in her backyard. Jesus Franco, 19, and Jose Rodriguez, 18, both residents of Redwood City, are in custody at the county jail on suspicion of attempted burglary, conspiracy and possession of burglary tools, Sheriff ’s Office spokesman Detective Salvador Zuno said. Shortly after noon on Jan. 19, deputies were called to the 100 block of Golden Oak Drive in Portola Valley on a report of two men in a backyard. The men f led upon the deputies’ arrival, but were found after deputies set up a perimeter and searched the area, deputies said. The search, which lasted from 30 to 45


Sheriff’s Office photos

Jesus Franco, left, and Jose Rodriguez.

he sentencing and restitution hearing for Edwin Gary Smith, the former owner of Menalto Dry Cleaners in Menlo Park’s Willows neighborhood, has been postponed once more, at the request of Mr. Smith’s defense attorney, according to San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. The hearing was postponed

the last time.� Mr. Smith, 65, was accused of making unauthorized charges to his customers’ credit card accounts. In July 2016, he pleaded no contest to eight felonies, including seven counts of identity theft. The sentencing was originally set for Oct. 4. In a plea bargain, Mr. Smith agreed to a maximum prison

minutes, included the use of at least one police dog, deputies said. The case remains under investigation. Deputies are asking anyone with information that may pertain to this incident to contact Detective John Sebring at (650) 363-4057 or Jsebring@ C a l lers w i sh i ng to remain anonymous can use the anonymous tip line at 1-800-547-2700.

We CARE! • We are owned and managed by nurses who have been caregivers too. • We take the time to fully understand our clients’ needs and make sure that their needs always come ďŹ rst. • We take good care of our caregivers. We teach, support, and encourage bVS[ b] enjoy their role and do it well.

One sentenced, two plead not guilty to theft charges By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


f three men who were arrested in December on suspicion of attempting to steal tools from the Menlo Gateway construction site at 100-190 Independence Drive in Menlo Park, two have pleaded not guilty, and one has pleaded no contest to charges of commercial burglary and grand theft, according to the San Mateo County District Attorney’s office. Rafael Perezmosqeda, 22, of San Jose, who pleaded no contest, has been placed on three years’ supervised probation and will serve 90 days in county jail, getting credit for one day already served. He will have to pay $400 in fines, receive genetic marker testing, and be subject to search and seizure. He may have to pay restitution in an amount to be determined. He and Filimon Acosta Paredes, 26, of San Jose, and Faustino Carreramorales, 21, of San Francisco were arrested Dec. 7 after a Menlo Park police officer noticed a hole in the gate surrounding the site, where a hotel, offices and

parking structures are under construction. The men were wearing gloves and police found wirecutters and a pile of power tools valued at about $9,000, prosecutors said. Mr. Paredes was arrested without resistance. The two others were charged with resisting arrest. They stayed in hiding until they were threatened with a K9 officer, prosecutors said. Mr. Paredes and Mr. Carreramorales pleaded not guilty to the charges, and Mr. Perezmosqueda pleaded no contest. Mr. Paredes is scheduled for a preliminary hearing March 23. Mr. Paredes had been employed as a worker at the hotel site but was fired before Thanksgiving, according to District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. The three men knew each other, Mr. Wagstaffe said, but neither Mr. Carreramorales or Mr. Perezmosqueda had worked at the construction site. Mr. Carreramorales remains in custody. He is scheduled for a disposition or to confirm a jury trial on Jan. 24. Mr. Perezmosqeda and Mr. Paredes are out of custody on $25,000 bail bonds. A

LET’S DISCUSS: Read the latest local news headlines and talk about the issues on Town Square at

restitution to all victims and on all counts, including counts that were dismissed, prosecutors said. According to prosecutors, the initial charges against Mr. Smith included 40 counts of identity theft, 20 counts of credit card fraud, and 19 counts of elder abuse in connection with losses of over $350,000. Mr. Smith is out of custody on $350,000 bail. A

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2. 17288 Skyline Boulevard (Alice’s Restaurant) CUSE2013-0003; VARI2013-0003; ASRB2016-0017 Andy Kerr Planner: Sage Schaan, Principal Planner Review and approval, conditional approval, or denial of a Formal Design Review, Variance to Setback Requirements, and a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) amendment to an existing CUP (File No. CUP95003) that was most recently updated by an approval from the Planning Commission on July 18, 2007. The project includes removal of an unpermitted enclosed dining area on an existing deck at Alice’s Restaurant to replace it with a new dining enclosure with an operational louvered roof that would have the capability to be opened as desired by the property owner. The proposal also includes an addition/remodel of the existing detached restrooms to be compliant with the American with Disabilities Act. The newly enclosed dining area and expanded restrooms require approval of a Variance to the required 200-foot setback from Skyline Boulevard. It should be noted that the Town Council approved an Ordinance to remove the 200foot setback requirement on January 10, 2017, which will become effective on February 9, 2017. The proposal also includes minor adjustments to the current CUP Conditions. No change to the maximum number of indoor/outdoor seats permitted (70 seats) is being proposed at this time. All application materials are available for public review at the Woodside Planning and Building Counter, Woodside Town Hall, weekdays from 8:00 – 10:00 AM and 1:00 – 3:00 PM, or by appointment. For more information, contact the Woodside Planning and Building Department at (650) 851-6790. January 25, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 17



Crunching the numbers on funding our schools By Jennifer Bestor


e went house hunting years ago with a fixed budget. We looked at similarly priced houses in six local school districts. While we heard there were “better” districts, I never realized how dramatically different the amount of per-student property tax funding flowing to my child’s education would be, even though my property tax payments would be about the same. Why is that? Here in central Menlo Park and Atherton, base property taxes funded $8,700 of the Menlo Park City School District’s $14,300 cost to educate each elementary school GUEST child last year. In the Las Lomitas District just west of us, they provided $11,200 per child. In Portola Valley and Woodside, they provided about $15,500; in Emerald Hills/Redwood City, $5,000; and in Palo Alto, $12,500. Most people realize that local districts receive dramatically different amounts of property tax based on underlying property values. Logically, more expensive areas pay more tax on each parcel than others, so their “wealthy” school districts must get more, right? Not necessarily. Of the two Menlo Park-Atherton districts, Las Lomitas actually has a slightly lower average and median property value. When you look at local per-child school funding, five other key factors kick in: Q Uplift from nonresidential property, i.e., commercial, agricultural, and vacant parcels within the district. Q Downward pressure from a high proportion of early Proposition 13 base years. QThe allocation of property tax revenue that actually flows to a school district district vs. other local services (city, county, fire). Q Any residual Redevelopment Agency debt-service commitments borne by the school district. QThe number of children in the district. Although underlying property values — especially house prices — are similar, these factors result in MPCSD’s receiving $2,500 less per child than Las Lomitas. How do these additional factors favor one district over another? First, Las Lomitas has enjoyed a lot of recent commercial expansion along the Sand Hill Corridor, providing a nice uplift from commercial property tax revenues. Second, it has a much smaller proportion of pre-1985

LE TTE R S Our readers write

‘New Error’ threatens the vulnerable Editor: I congratulate the Almanac for the editorial “Compassion needed as the vulnerable face uncertainty” (Dec. 28, 2016) on efforts by some of the residents and a council member, urging Menlo Park to become a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants. It should also be emphasized that — given the childish, retaliatory behavior of the

base year properties: just 14 percent of Las Lomitas’ single-family residences carry the most-advantaged pre1985 property tax bases, versus 22 percent in MPCSD. Furthermore, Las Lomitas actually receives a larger percentage of the taxes collected — 20.9 percent vs. 18.6 percent for MPCSD. (0.5 percent just because it never had a redevelopment agency within its jurisdiction. MPCSD will continue to see a portion of its property taxes removed to service the debts of the city of Menlo Jennifer Bestor is a longtime Menlo Park’s Redevelopment Agency for Park resident whose years.) son is a former Finally, there are few multistudent in the family residential properties in Menlo Park City Las Lomitas and three of the School District. largest ones changed ownership recently (hence they make a much OPINION higher property-tax contribution). Those that exist include senior, executive and student housing, and thus send a smaller number and proportion of children to the Las Lomitas district. (And only 17 percent enjoy the most tax-advantaged pre-1985 bases, compared with 36 percent of apartment buildings in MPCSD.) Had MPCSD had Las Lomitas’ allocation rate alone, $1,000 more per child would flow to the district. Had residential property owners in MPCSD sold their properties at the same rate, $600 more would flow to the district per child. Woodside and Portola Valley enjoy even higher base values, higher allocation percentages, no redevelopment agencies, and, although they enjoy little commercial property uplift, they also have (virtually) no multi-family residential property to add student headcount. All of these factors contribute to their significantly higher 2015-16 School Year

Est. Base Prop Tax per ADA (child) % Allocation to District % from Nonresidential

Menlo Park City School District




Las Lomitas Elementary District




Portola Valley Elementary




Woodside Elementary




Emerald Hills/Redwood City Elementary




Palo Alto Unified




est. Palo Alto Elementary only




president-elect thus far — a wider umbrella of citizens, even those documented, and institutions may be made vulnerable, too. This includes media, which makes your editorial even more appreciated. January 20 marked the end of an Honorable Era, and the beginning of a New Error (!). Henry Organ Euclid Avenue, Menlo Park

Build more housing to stem displacement Editor: Unfortunately I was not surprised by the contents of the article entitled “Menlo Park

18 Q The Almanac Q Q January 25, 2017

property tax funding per child. Redwood City has lower property values, a higher allocation percentage, proportionally more significant commercial uplift, but higher Redevelopment Agency debt service to bear, and a large percentage of children from lower-valued multi-family residential properties. Only $5,000 of base property tax funds each child. That district did, however, receive state funding, supported by property tax from Atherton, Menlo Park, Woodside, and Portola Valley, which brought its comparable per-student total to $8,600. The difference, lest you scratch your head (as one sure could as we split hairs here), is that the property tax has been taken to satisfy other of the state’s debts to local municipalities and does not flow directly to Redwood City Elementary (or Ravenswood or other low-revenue districts in San Mateo County). It did so originally, from 1992 - 2004, and some still does in other counties. Can we change any of these factors? Probably not. We are left to decide what quality educational experience we will offer our neighborhood children. I originally bought in MPCSD assuming we’d move to the “better” Palo Alto school district when our kids were ready for school. However, the community made a significant investment to improve our schools, including significant parcel taxes and donations. So when my child was ready, we could stay in a place where he knew every neighbor’s name. Thank you, neighbors. Now, let’s keep our community the kind of place where families want to buy — and want to stay. Measure X on the March ballot would renew a parcel tax that expires at the end of June. The parcel tax revenue has been critical in maintaining district programs at a level we as a community have long supported. I urge you to vote yes on Measure X.

Officials Examine Options to Stem Displacement,” in the Jan. 11 issue of the Almanac. Of the laundry list of measures to be considered by the city of Menlo Park to reduce renter displacement, none of them actually addresses the real problem: the city has artificially restricted supply for decades in the face of increasing demand. Indeed, a story entitled “Housing Crisis” in the Aug. 30, 2016, Almanac pointed out that “Prior to current construction projects, there had not been any market-rate apartment buildings of 10 units or more built in Menlo Park since 1974.” If you don’t add to the rental housing supply for over

40 years, of course there will be a housing crisis as supply fails to keep up with demand. The only real and sustainable way for Menlo Park to “stem displacement” of lower-income renters is to increase the supply of rental housing — build more apartments. Sadly for those lower-income renters, the zerogrowth crowd will continue to fight that every step of the way. Brian Schar Laurel Avenue, Menlo Park

Eagle Scouts Editor: This is to show appreciation for the space given to the five

Scouts receiving the rank of Eagle. Though never a Scout, I recall my years as a Cub Scout Den leader in Pack 222 over 40 years ago pointing boys to becoming Boy Scouts. This activity should contribute well to their bright futures. Bill Russ Cotton Street, Menlo Park

Write us: Tell us what’s on your mind by sending your letters to letters@ Or snail-mail them to: The Almanac, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306.


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January 25, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 21

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Home Services 715 Cleaning Services Isabel and Elbi’s Housecleaning Apartments and homes. Excellent references. Great rates. 650/670-7287 or 650/771-8281 Silvia’s Cleaning We don’t cut corners, we clean them! Bonded, insured, 22 yrs. exp., service guaranteed, excel. refs., free est. 415/860-6988



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751 General Contracting A NOTICE TO READERS: It is illegal for an unlicensed person to perform contracting work on any project valued at $500.00 or more in labor and materials. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500.00 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board.

754 Gutter Cleaning Rain Gutter Cleaning Call Dennis (650) 566-1393 Fully Licensed and Insured. 20 Yrs experience. Free Est. Roofs, Gutters, Downspouts cleaning. Work guar. 30 years exp. Insured. Veteran Owned. Jim Thomas Maintenance, 408/595-2759.

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Public Notices 995 Fictitious Name Statement

2015. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 29, 2016. (ALM Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2017) WILSON PINEDA PAINTING FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271857 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Wilson Pineda Painting, located at 561 Lancaster Way, Redwood City, CA 94062, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): WILSON PINEDA 561 Lancaster Way Redwood City, CA 94062 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 29, 2016. (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25, Feb. 1, 2017) ROMO JANITORIAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271923 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Romo Janitorial, located at 1820 W. Bayshore Rd. #23, East Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): MARIA DEL REFUGIO ROMO 1820 W. Bayshore Rd. #23 East Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 4, 2017. (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25; Feb. 1, 2017) STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. M-250716 The information given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business statement that was filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s Office. The following person(s) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). RAE MARTIN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): ASSOCIATED ENTERTAINMENT CONSULTANTS GROUP, INC. 2 Dwight Road Burlingame, CA 94010 FILED IN SAN MATEO COUNTY ON: June 1, 2012 REGISTRANT’S NAME(S): RAE MARTIN 2 Dwight Road Burlingame, CA 94010 THIS BUSINESS WAS CONDUCTED BY: Corporation. This statement was filed with the County Clerk Recorder of San Mateo County on January 9, 2017. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017)

ONE BY ONE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271814 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: One By One, located at 201 Yarborough Lane, Redwood City, CA 94061, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): JASMINE NEWTON 201 Yarborough Lane Redwood City, CA 94061 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 24, 2016. (ALM Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25, 2017)

GIGNRAE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271975 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Gignrae, located at 2 Dwight Road, Burlingame, CA 94010, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): DENNIS LOUIS XIFARAS 2 Dwight Road Burlingame, CA 94010 RAE LYNN MARTIN 2 Dwight Road Burlingame, CA 94010 This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 9, 2017. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017)

2LAMBIE 2LAMBIE CREATIONS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271856 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) 2Lambie, 2.) 2Lambie Creations, located at 3130 Alpine Rd., Ste. 288-140, Portola Valley, CA 94028, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): LISA REID DESIGNS, LLC 3130 Alpine Rd., Ste. 288-140 Portola Valley, CA 94028 California This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on October 7,

MOMENTUM GLOBAL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271952 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Momentum Global, located at 533 Airport Blvd., 4th. Floor, Burlingame, CA 94010, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): MIN TING KWONG 182 Poplar Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 01-06-2017. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 6, 2017. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017)

CROSSING POINT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271853 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Crossing Point, located at 8 Gardenia Court, East Palo Alto, California, 94303, San Mateo County. Is (Are) hereby registered by the following owner(s): BOB E. JONES 8 Gardenia Court East Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 29, 2016. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017) NIBAN FISH FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272002 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Niban Fish, located at 208 Estrella Way, San Mateo, CA 94403, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): KENJI ISHIMARU 208 Estrella Way San Mateo, CA 94403 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on June 12, 2012. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 11, 2017. (ALM Jan. 18, 25; Feb. 1, 8, 2017) NAMBE FALLS PROPERTIES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272044 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Nambe Falls Properties, located at 5090 La Honda Road, San Gregorio, CA 94074, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): THOMAS STAFFORD 5090 La Honda Road San Gregorio, CA 94074 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 1/17/17. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 17, 2017. (ALM Jan. 25; Feb. 1, 8, 15, 2017) REBEL MONK PRODUCTIONS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271989 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Rebel Monk Productions, located at 679 Coleman Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): MARIA LAURA FERRO 679 Coleman Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on January 10, 2017. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 10, 2017. (ALM Jan. 25; Feb. 1, 8, 15, 2017) ADELANTE COACHING + CONSULTING FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271977 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Adelante Coaching + Consulting, located at 115 Springwood Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): ADELANTE ALMA, INC. 115 Springwood Way SSF, CA 94080 California This business is conducted by: A Corporation.

LEHUA GREENMAN "Wise men still seek him. Let there be peace on earth."

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THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on Dec. 15, 2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 9, 2017. (ALM Jan. 25; Feb. 1, 8, 15, 2017)

objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Wed. February 8, 2017, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room: 2D, of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC Date: December 27, 2016 /s/ John L. Grandsaert JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25, Feb. 1, 2017)

KIMBERLY’S CATERING FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 271843 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Kimberly’s Catering, located at 1079 Garden Street, East Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): KIMBERLY BROWN 1079 Garden Street East Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on December 28, 2016. (ALM Jan. 25; Feb. 1, 8, 15, 2017)


997 All Other Legals ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No.: 16CIV02229 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: MICHELLE THERESE MATEJKA filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: MICHELLE THERESE MATEJKA to MICHELLE THERESE LIEFWALKER. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written

interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Wed. February 8, 2017, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room: 2D, of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC Date: December 28, 2016 /s/ John L. Grandsaert JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (ALM Jan. 11, 18, 25; Feb. 1, 2017)

PROTECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS If it has been 5 years since you filed your Fictitious Business Name Statement (your D.B.A.), you must file again to protect your legal rights. Check your records now to see if your D.B.A. expires this year. It’s inexpensive and easy. We can handle all your legal publishing needs. To assist you with your legal advertising needs call Alicia Santillan (650) 223-6578 or e-mail her at:

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mmaculate, Pristine Light-filled End Unit Tuscan Townhome. Large Living Room with warm romantic stucco dual fireplace separating it from the dining room which overlooks the backyard lush gardens. Spacious Eat-In Gourmet Kitchen with black marble counters, custom cabinetry, stainless steel appliances with Thermador Chef 's gas stove. The family room overlooks elegant landscaping of the side yard and backyard. Enjoy wonderful days and evenings in the patio backyard filled with a variety of plants, flowers and fruit trees. A powder room, washer and dryer and 2 car garage with cabinetry completes the first level. The second level has a huge loft office. Spacious Master Suite w/walk in Closet. To enjoy cool evenings while soaking in the oversized tub is warm dual fireplace. Beautiful full bath is shared with the other bedrooms. The most discriminating buyer will enjoy every aspect of this home.

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Standard Text Message Rate Apply January 25, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 23 PORT TO OL LA V VA ALL LLEY EY

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131 Mimosa Way $2,595,000 Updated 4 bedroom Ladera home on quiet cul-de-sac. Open floor plan, high ceilings & kitchen-family great room. Large patio & flat lawn. Las Lomitas.

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