The Almanac March 8, 2017

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A life of

SERVICE Former assemblyman Rich Gordon says government should bring people together Page 17

San Mateo County may put lid on ‘noisy aircraft’ | Page 5


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2 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017



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March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 3

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4 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

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County may put lid on ‘noisy aircraft’ By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


n what San Mateo County officials say is an effort “to address community concerns regarding San Carlos Airport noise,” the county has drafted an ordinance that would limit the hours and numbers of “noisy aircraft” landing or taking off from the airport. A preliminary draft of the ordinance was sent out Friday, March 3, to airport users and posted on the San Carlos Airport Association’s website. It says aircraft meeting the county’s definition of “noisy” would be banned from using the airport from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. From 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., each operator (such as Surf Air, a charter company, a flight school or a private individual) would be allowed only one takeoff and

one landing. Airplanes rated at a noise measurement of 74.5 decibels or louder are considered “noisy” in the draft ordinance. Among those affected by the curfew would be Surf Air, a startup airline that has engendered noise complaints since soon after it started flying into the San Carlos Airport in June 2013. Surf Air’s passengers pay one monthly price for unlimited flights on turboprop passenger planes, and the airline has steadily expanded since 2013. A list of aircraft posted on the airport users website shows 17 types of small airplanes not considered noisy, and 65 more that would be affected by the curfew, including all varieties of the Pilatus PC-12 flown by Surf Air. According to its current schedule, Surf Air now has 11 night flights that arrive or depart

between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. each week, which would have to be eliminated or rescheduled under the draft ordinance. Surf Air also currently has four weekday morning arrivals between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., and four more in evenings between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., which would have to be reduced to one a day in each time period. It has five weekday morning departures between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m., and five weekday evening departures between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. that would have to be reduced to one a day each time period. An email from airport manager Gretchen Kelly sent out with the draft ordinance says helicopters and jets are not covered by the draft ordinance. There will be public town hall-style meetings to discuss the curfew proposal as well as hearings by the Board of

Supervisors, Ms. Kelly said in the email. She said the curfew is part of the Aircraft Disturbance Study approved by the Board of Supervisors last March. When the study was approved, county Public Works Director Jim Porter said he hoped to bring a recommended action plan back to the supervisors by last June, but his report on the study has not yet been presented in public. On the airport association’s website, Carol Ford, the president of the association, said its board of directors “has been following the Surf Air problem closely and trying to work with County officials” for the past year. “The curfew was a surprise to us and is completely unacceptable,” she wrote. “We are currently pursuing various responses to the proposed curfew.” David Fleck, an Atherton resident who is on a working group

that has been meeting with Surf Air since late 2013, said the curfew is “heading in the right direction.” The curfew should have a significant impact on morning and evening aircraft noise, he said, confining higher-volume noisy aircraft flights mostly to the hours of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. “It will not generate any relief for the folks who spend time in their yards or homes during the day,” however, he said. Mike Callagy, assistant county manager, said it will be at least 60 days before the ordinance comes to the Board of Supervisors. In the meantime, county officials will work with the pilots’ association and meet with residents to get their input. At the next supervisors meeting, on March 14, he said, the board is scheduled to consider buying software to help track f lights in and out of the airport. A

How Stanford project may add to traffic woes By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


draft environmental impact report on Stanford University’s proposed 459,000-square-foot mixed-use development on El Camino Real was released Feb. 28 and, not surprisingly, the report shows that the complex is expected to make traffic worse in Menlo Park. The two residential and three office buildings proposed are expected to bring 512 residents and 500 employees to the site. These new people and visitors are expected to add about 2,658 daily vehicle trips, with 336 of those occurring during the morning peak commute hour and 326 during the evening peak commute hour, according to an analysis prepared by consultants from groups ICF International and W-Trans. While 2,658 sounds like a lot of trips to add to the already crowded and sometimes gridlocked El Camino Real, that projection is much lower than the 4,842 daily trips that the city estimated might be generated at the site when it approved its El Camino Real/ downtown specific plan. Stanford says it plans to take

Public comment period opens for Stanford’s proposed development on El Camino Real. Page 6.

a number of measures to reduce vehicle trips. The project

Stanford’s development would sit on 8.4 acres that run along El Camino Real from the Stanford Park Hotel at 100 El Camino to Big 5 Sporting Goods at 500 El Camino. The complex would have 215 one- and two-bedroom apartments occupying 305,000 square feet, 144,000 square feet of nonmedical office space, and 10,000 square feet of ground-floor retail space. The buildings would be a maximum of 60 feet tall, with facades facing El Camino Real at a maximum height of 38 feet. There would be about 960 parking places (910 would be in underground and surface-level garages, and 50 in uncovered surface areas). The number of proposed parking spots could be cut, depending on the results of a parking study that’s underway. About 3.9 acres would be “open space,” defined as landscape, hardscape, terraces and

Stanford University

A rendering of one of the two residential buildings Stanford University has proposed to build at 500 El Camino Real in Menlo Park.

balconies. Part of that would include a half-acre, publicly accessible plaza. Because Stanford’s proposal falls within the guidelines of Menlo Park’s El Camino Real/ downtown specific plan, the university was allowed to skip going through some analyses that were done in the environmental review for the specific plan. Out of all the potential new development that was approved in that downtown specific plan, this project is expected to claim 26 percent of the non-residential growth and 32 percent of the

new housing units allowed. Impacts

Intersections expected to be worst-hit by the added traffic are: Q El Camino Real at these intersections: Ravenswood/Menlo avenues, Middle Avenue, College Avenue, Harvard Avenue, Partridge Avenue, and Creek Drive. Q Middlefield Road at these intersections: Marsh Road, Glenwood/Linden avenues, and Willow Road. Q Middle Avenue between University Drive and El Camino. Regional roads expected to see

increased traffic are: Q Willow Road eastbound from U.S. 101 to Bayfront Expressway. Bayfront Expressway, both eastbound and westbound between University Avenue and Willow Road. A number of changes in the roads, such as adding turn- and through-lanes, were suggested to reduce traffic impacts, but many of the trouble spots are outside the city’s jurisdiction and could require approvals from Atherton or Caltrans. See STANFORD PROJECT, page 6

March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 5


STANFORD PROJECT continued from page 5

In other cases, road changes could negatively affect pedestrian and bicycle safety, and would need additional infrastructure to protect non-drivers. To reduce traffic, Stanford has said it plans to implement bike- and car-share programs, install showers and lockers onsite, use an online portal to help people coordinate carpooling, give preferential parking to car and van pools, offer a guaranteed ride home for employees, and

install do-it-yourself bike repair stands. Many bicycle parking spots would be built. Other potential environmental impacts were analyzed. There are contaminants left over from when the site had car dealerships with underground storage tanks, the report says. Those have been or will be removed according to a “site management plan” approved by the San Mateo County Environmental Health Department. The development is expected to take about 38 months to build, and could be completed as soon as August 2020. A

Public comment period opens on Stanford El Camino project The public is invited to comment on the draft environmental impact report on Stanford’s proposed 459,000-square-foot mixed-use development along El Camino Real. Go to to see the draft report. Comment may be made when the Menlo Park Planning Commission holds a public hearing

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Monday, March 27. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the council chambers at 701 Laurel St. in the Menlo Park Civic Center. Written comments may be submitted by mail or email to Jean Lin, senior planner for Menlo Park. The email address is jplin@ The mail address is: Jean Lin, City of Menlo Park, Planning Division, 701 Laurel St., Menlo Park, CA 94025. The comment period closes

Construction begins on Santa Cruz sidewalks By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


onstruction has begun on long-awaited sidewalks on Santa Cruz Avenue bewtween Olive Street and San Mateo Drive in Menlo Park. Sidewalks will be installed first on the south side of the street (odd-numbered addresses). That is expected to be completed by mid-April. In the meantime, the walking path on the south side of the road from Olive Street to San Mateo Drive is closed. Pedestrians are advised to use the crosswalks on both of those cross streets to cross the street and walk on the north side of Santa Cruz Avenue. Bike lanes will remain in operation on both sides of the street. The whole project is expected to be completed by late September, the city said.

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6 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

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April 13. Responses to the comments will be included in the final environmental impact report. Go to for more information. In addition, Stanford will hold an open house Thursday, March 16, for the public to learn more about the proposed development. The event will run from 6 to 8 p.m. at Little House, 800 Middle Ave. in Menlo Park. Stanford staff will answer questions and explain changes on a drop-in basis.

A community workshop will be held Thursday, March 9, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., at the Arrillaga Family Recreation Center to talk about plans to install bathrooms and renovate the dog park at Willow Oaks Park. The recreation center is at 601 Laurel St. in the Menlo Park Civic Center. Go to to respond to a survey on the topic. The deadline to respond is 8 p.m. on March 8.

Goodbye, trees An application to cut down 39 heritage trees at the Sharon Green apartment complex at 350 Sharon Park Drive in Menlo Park has been approved, according to Public Works Superintendent Brian Henry. The approval was granted on the condition that two trees be planted to replace each


heritage tree removed, and that the majority of the new trees be of a 24-inch box size. Other conditions: trees and an irrigation system must be installed in the Sharon Road median island, and non-heritage trees that are 13 to 14 inches in diameter must be maintained for four years.

Renewable electricity Electrical power used by SamTrans and Caltrain in San Mateo County will soon come from 100 percent renewable sources, such as solar, wind and small hydroelectric power. The agencies use electrical power for train signals, stations, bus depots and offices. The boards of directors for the transportation agencies voted March 1 (SamTrans) and March 2 (Caltrain) to switch from PG&E power to 100 percent renewable electrical energy through a joint powers authority in San Mateo County known as Peninsula Clean Energy. Peninsula Clean Energy operates as a public energy provider to enable PG&E customers to get electrical energy from renewable sources at rates competitive with PG&E’s. The program will soon become the default electrical energy provider in the county, unless customers choose to stick with PG&E. The default option will be a 50 percent renewable energy package that’s about 5 percent cheaper than PG&E. Users may choose to get 100 percent renewable energy for slightly more than PG&E’s current rates. The transition to renewable sources is expected to be complete by the end of May, according to Peninsula Clean Energy spokesman Dan B. Lieberman.


Should Facebook fund new Menlo police unit? By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


proposal by the Menlo Park Police Department to accept a Facebook offer of $9.1 million over five years to fund a new police unit to cover the eastern area of Menlo Park along San Francisco Bay was met with mixed responses at the City Council meeting Feb. 28. The area is bordered by the Bay, the abandoned Dumbarton rail line, U.S. 101 and the Menlo Park approach to the Dumbarton Bridge. It does not include the Belle Haven residential area. The proposal was on the agenda for discussion only, so the police department would have to return to the council for approval. Council members voted 4-1, with Ray Mueller opposed, to have the police department continue looking into having Facebook fund the new police beat. The unit would be made up of five officers and one sergeant, according to a staff report. Facebook’s $9.1 million contribution is expected to cover the costs of salaries and benefits for the new officers, four police vehicles and other equipment. Police Commander William Dixon pointed out that there has been population and employment growth in the area, and more is coming. Officers are hired at a rate of 1 per 1,000 people in a city’s “service population,” which is calculated by adding together the number of residents and onethird of employees, Cmdr. Dixon said. At that ratio, acording to one analysis, three new police officers are expected to be needed to meet the needs of the new service population resulting from Facebook’s expansion, according to the staff report. In addition to major expansion projects by Facebook, leasing will begin on more than 500 new apartments at two complexes on Haven Avenue in the area. Work is underway on the Menlo Gateway hotel and offices, too. When the area is fully built out, the staff report says, the city may need as many as 17 new officers there. Police Chief Bob Jonsen said his department will have to hire new officers eventually, but without Facebook’s immediate funding, there may be an 18- to 24-month lag between the time many new residents and employees move in and when officers get

fully trained and prepared to do their jobs. Several council members asked if Facebook might get preferential treatment from the police. Chief Jonsen said Facebook has already funded the police department’s community services officer and neighborhood service center in Belle Haven, and the company has never asked for any favors in return. “I’m not on board,” said Councilman Ray Mueller. He said he thought it was “bad public policy” to accept gifts from companies in order to provide for basic city services. It would be a “best case scenario” he said, if the police do not give Facebook preferential treatment. Kirsten Keith said she sees the voluntary contribution as a type of in-lieu donation for the sales tax revenue that Menlo Park won’t get from the company. Cities across California are struggling with the loss of sales tax revenue to fund city services, she said. She said she’d prefer to see the Facebook contribution go to the police department as a whole, not just to increase police coverage in the Facebook area. Council members asked what would happen after five years, when the funding from Facebook ends. The idea, police executives said, is that by that time, some of the development allowed by the recent general plan update will be built, and that is expected to generate enough property tax revenue to support the added officers. A

Image courtesy city of Menlo Park

The salmon-colored area along the Bayfront shows the boundaries of Menlo Park’s proposed fourth police beat.

Photo by Michelle Le/The Almanac

Laurel School loses iconic oak Laurel School Lower Campus in Menlo Park lost what Principal Linda Creighton called “a breathtaking icon of Laurel School” when a huge heritage oak fell during the night of March 1. Ms. Creighton said the school will salvage some of the wood to create a memento of the tree at the school.

Stanford briefs city on expansion plans By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


tanford presented the Menlo Park City Council on Feb. 28 with its plans to expand its campus by 2.28 million square feet and add 3,150 housing units, many for graduate students, between now and 2035. The council plans to form a subcommittee to work with Stanford and stay up to date on the project. The council asked how Menlo Park might gain access to perks such as housing funds that have been distributed in Santa Clara County, since Menlo Park is a partner with Stanford’s other neighbors in bearing negative effects of the university’s expansion. During the presentation, Stanford University representatives Jean McCown and Catherine Palter said the university will commit to allow no net new car trips to result from the expansion. One way Stanford has been reducing car trips, Ms. McCown said, is by buying Caltrain passes for all of its employees. “We’re a very heavy consumer of the Caltrain service,” she said, adding that Stanford supports the electrification of the Caltrain line. Council members asked that Stanford consider improving transportation infrastructure for pedestrians and bikes outside the boundaries of campus. On the housing front, Stanford and Santa Clara County representatives said they would be willing to look into sharing the money that Stanford pays to Santa Clara County in housing fees.


The university currently pays the county a one-time fee of $20 for each square foot of academic floor area that it builds, representatives said. That has paid for affordable housing to be built in Palo Alto and Mountain View in recent years, they said, but added the fees might be shared with a neighboring jurisdiction in another county, such as Menlo Park. Much of the graduate student housing at Stanford goes toward meeting the state requirement

for affordable housing construction in Santa Clara County. Rent for graduate student housing is typically 40 percent below market rate, the representatives said. Stanford’s proposed expansion is expected to add 900 graduate student beds, which will likely count toward Santa Clara County’s state-mandated affordable housing requirements. In November, the university submitted an application to Santa Clara County for a new general use permit that would allow the university’s planned expansion. Go to for more information. A

REAL ESTATE Q&A by Monica Corman

Appraised Value is Not Always Market Value Dear Monica: My father died recently and we had a date of death appraisal completed by a fee appraiser. The appraiser found a relatively high value, which is good, but our realtor is saying that this value is too high to use as a list price. What do you think? James D.

however the appraisal was done without an actual purchase, then the value found is more subjective and not necessarily what the property would sell for on the market.

You and your realtor should discuss market value versus appraised value thoroughly so Dear James: If an appraisal is that you can see where your done to support a contract price property falls within the range of that was agreed to by a willing recent comparable sales. seller and a willing buyer, and the sale followed normal marketing You should price the property procedures, it is safe to say that according to the best recent the appraised value and the sales, rather than only relying on market value are the same. If the date of death appraisal. For answers to any questions you may have on real estate, you may e-mail me at or call 462-1111, Alain Pinel Realtors. I also offer a free market analysis of your property.

March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 7


If a tree falls on a road, who pays to move it? By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer



f a tree falls in Atherton, paid for by the private property who pays to get it out of the owner.” Since then the town has been road? That question was pondered by Atherton’s City keeping track of such work and Council at a March 1 study billing property owners. “It’s a public purpose to clear” session. City Attorney Bill Connors a fallen tree if “emergency had recommended the town vehicles and private traffic can’t continue a practice begun last get through,” Councilman Rick November of charging the own- DeGolia said, and the town ers of fallen trees in roadways should pay. “I think the town needs to all the costs of clearing them. But council members favored make sure the roads are open,” finding a way to revert to the Councilman Bill Widmer said. town’s previous practice. The Clearing the Atherton channel town had cleared trees from prevents flooding, he said. “We roadways at public expense, ought to allow for that as well,” leaving the homeowner to pay he said. Councilman Cary Wiest said for removing the rest of the tree from the roadside. Revert- if homeowners must pay for the work, they ing to that policy should also be might require changing town ‘It’s a public purpose able to choose who does it. “It’s laws, the council to clear’ a fallen a timing issue. was told. The issue came tree if ‘emergency It’s important to the roadup in Novemvehicles and private clear way,” he said. ber, when City traffic can’t get Mayor Mike Manager George Lempres said, Rodericks told through.’ however, that council memin other parts bers in his COUNCILMAN RICK DEGOLIA of the country monthly report that “the law is quite clear that property owners must pay for the Town cannot use public things that they have no confunds (staff time and resources) trol over, such as clearing snow for private benefit — even when from public walkways in front the staff time and resources are of homes. Council members asked to for clearing the public roadway or drainage channel. If the also get more information source of the issue is private, about the policies in other the cost of Town work must be communities. A

Atherton man buys Fox Theatre By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


eter Pau of Atherton, principal and founder of Menlo Park’s Sand Hill Properties, has acquired Redwood City’s Fox Theatre, it was announced on Feb. 28. Former owners Eric and Lori Lochtefeld will continue to run the theater for at least four more years. The Lochtefelds purchased the Fox out of foreclosure for $6 million six years ago with a Small Business Administration loan, Mr. Lochetefeld said. Their asking price for the theater was $20 million and they received multiple offers for the property, he said, but they are not releasing the sales price. He said they chose Mr. Pau as the new owner in part because he wants to continue to operate the theater as an entertainment venue. In a statement Mr. Pau said he sees “the Fox Theatre as the crown jewel of Redwood City real estate” and that he appreciates the historic architecture and character of the building. Mr. Pau said he hopes to use the theater to host many nonprofit events. Mr. Lochtefeld, who grew up in Menlo Park, said the theater will continue to operate as it has, as will the neighboring music venue, Club Fox, which is run by his brother, Charley Lochtefeld. Because the Fox Theatre has removable seats, it can serve as a sit-down event venue for up to 280 people at tables, as well as for entertainment events, he said. The sale includes 20,000 square feet of theater space, 10,000 square feet of office space and

Photo by Jim Kirkland

Lori and Eric Lochtefeld in front of the Fox Theatre, which they bought six years ago out of foreclosure and recently sold to Peter Pau of Menlo Park’s Sand Hill Property.

10,000 square feet of retail space. The Lochtefelds did not sell their business, Golden Fox Venues Inc., or the new office building they are developing behind the Fox with Harmony Capital of Redwood City. Mr. Lochtefeld said soon after he and his wife bought the theater they realized that unless downtown Redwood City grew they would not be a success. They helped form the Redwood City Improvement Association and worked to make improvements

in downtown Redwood City. “It almost felt like a full-time job focusing on the vibrancy of downtown,” he said. “My wife and I poured our heart and soul into making this theater successful,” he said, and made sure they found a buyer who would preserve the theater. “We knew (Mr. Pau) was the right buyer from the beginning,” Mr. Lochtefeld said. The Lochtefelds also own the Golden State Theatre in Monterey. A

St. Patrick’s Seminary names new president-rector By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer



650.289.5400 WWW.AVENIDAS.ORG #AVENIDASTECH2017 8 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

he Rev. George E. Schultze will be the new presidentrector heading St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, the Archdiocese of San Francisco announced on Feb. 16. Fr. Schultze, who has been at St. Patrick’s since 2005 as a faculty member and spiritual director, will take over the position on July 1. A statement by the archdiocese says a search committee looked at priests across the country before recommending Fr. Schultze to the archbishop and the seminary’s board of trustees. Fr. Schultze, a Jesuit, also served on the faculty and staff of the University of San Francisco College of Professional Studies for six years. He has been a Jesuit since 1984. He grew up in Mountain View and attended St. Francis High School there. He is on the board of the Catholic Charities of the

East Bay, and his biography on its website says his parents belonged to area labor unions, including the OperatRev. George ing Engineers TheSchultze Local 3, IBEW Local 2131, and the local cannery workers union. He attended the New York State School of Industrial Relations at Cornell, received an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley, and completed a doctorate in social ethics at the University of Southern California. His research and teaching focus on family life, work life and the Catholic social doctrine, according to the biography. The Rev. Daniel Donohoo, a graduate of St. Patrick’s Seminary who is currently a faculty member and dean of men, will become vice rector.

Fr. Schultze will be taking over when the members of the Sulpician order, who had run the seminary since its founding in 1898, leave at the end of the school year. It was announced on Oct. 21 that the six Sulpician faculty members and several administrators would leave at that time. There are currently 63 seminary students, but in February San Jose Bishop Patrick McGrath announced that at the end of this academic year he will transfer current seminarians and send future seminarians from his diocese to the University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Catholic San Francisco newspaper reported that most of the departing faculty members have been replaced and that Fr. Schultze plans to visit the bishops in other archdioceses and ask them to send their priests-intraining to St. Patrick’s. A

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Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Square footage and/or acreage information contained herein has been received from seller, existing reports, appraisals, public records and/or other sources deemed reliable. However, neither seller nor listing agent has verified this information. If this information is important to buyer in determining whether to buy or to purchase price, buyer should conduct buyer’s own investigation.

March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 9


MIDDLE PLAZA AT 500 EL CAMINO REAL Living, Working, Dining, Shopping at the Gateway of Menlo Park

Join us for a Community Open House to learn about an important update on the Middle Plaza Project at 500 El Camino Real in Menlo Park.

COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE Drop-in Hours: Thursday, March 16, 2017 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Little House at Nealon Park 800 Middle Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025 You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.

Learn how the project has incorporated community feedback, including: housing-first approach

larger and better located public plaza

enhanced village character 10 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

reduced office space


Woodside School: Voters to decide on parcel tax By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


egistered voters in the Woodside Elementary School District will receive ballots this week asking if they want to renew a $290-perparcel tax or let it lapse. The tax measure, called Measure Z, is the only item on the mail-in-only ballot, which must be returned by April 4. The tax is identical to a parcel tax expiring June 30. It would be adjusted annually for the local consumer price index and would expire in eight years. To pass, the measure must be approved by at least twothirds of district voters. Members of the Measure Z campaign committee say the parcel tax is needed to maintain Woodside Elementary School’s programs. Betsy Hobson, the grandmother of district students, said the district is “lucky� because of its community. “I don’t think anybody wouldn’t agree that we are the luckiest district in the world because of the support we get from the community,� said

Ms. Hobson, a former school board member. “Our program is spectacular, and we want to keep it that way.� But the district’s projections show that even without the parcel tax, the district will be able to maintain its projected level of spending through 2018-19. Superintendent Beth Polito said defeat of the parcel tax would mean a loss of about $300,000 a year, which would reduce reserves or force the district to cut two employees. The district’s annual revenues amount to about $10 million. The Woodside School Foundation donates about $1.8 million a year, about 20 percent of the budget. About 60 percent of funding comes from property tax revenues (not including the parcel tax). Claire Pollioni, president of the school district’s governing board, said the parcel tax, which has been renewed four times since it was first put in place in 1984, has helped the district “maintain or expand our curriculum and programs See PARCEL TAX, page 16

NOTICE OF MEASURE TO BE VOTED ON AT AN ALL MAIL BALLOT SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an All-Mail Special Election will be held in the Town of Atherton, County of San Mateo, California, on Tuesday, June 6, 2017. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that at the All Mail Ballot Special Election to be held in the Town of Atherton on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, the following measure is to be voted on: Should the Town of Atherton supplement private donations with available non-dedicated General Funds to meet the funding shortfall, ^OLYL VUL L_PZ[Z MVY JVUZ[Y\J[PVU VM [OL UL^ ;V^U *LU[LY&


NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 9282-9286 of the Elections *VKL VM [OL :[H[L VM *HSPMVYUPH [OL MVSSV^PUN KLHKSPULZ HYL OLYLI` LZ[HISPZOLK HZ [OL Ă„UHS KH[LZ VU which direct arguments and rebuttal arguments for or against the measure appearing on the ballot TH` IL Z\ITP[[LK [V [OL *P[` *SLYR ,SLJ[PVUZ 6ɉJPHS MVY WYPU[PUN HUK KPZ[YPI\[PVU [V [OL ]V[LYZ HZ required by law: ;OL KLHKSPUL [V Ă„SL H KPYLJ[ ^YP[[LU HYN\TLU[ UV[ [V L_JLLK ^VYKZ PZ! 12:00 p.m. on Friday, March 17, 2017 ;OL *P[` ([[VYUL`ÂťZ 0TWHY[PHS (UHS`ZPZ UV[ [V L_JLLK ^VYKZ! 12:00 p.m. on Friday, March 17, 2017 ;OL KLHKSPUL [V Ă„SL H YLI\[[HS ^YP[[LU HYN\TLU[ UV[ [V L_JLLK ^VYKZ PZ! 12:00 p.m. on Monday, March 27, 2017 Printed arguments submitted to voters shall be titled either “Argument in Favor of Measure ___â€? or “Argument Against Measure ___â€?, and “Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Measure ____â€? or “Rebuttal to Argument Against Measure ___â€? respectively. +PYLJ[ HUK YLI\[[HS HYN\TLU[Z ZOHSS IL Z\ITP[[LK [V [OL *P[` *SLYR ,SLJ[PVUZ 6ɉJPHS HJJVTWHUPLK by the printed name(s) and signature(s) of the author(s) submitting it, or if submitted on behalf of an organization, the name of the organization and the printed name and signature of at least one of its WYPUJPWHS VɉJLYZ ^OV PZ [OL H\[OVY VM [OL HYN\TLU[ (SS HYN\TLU[Z JVUJLYUPUN [OL HIV]L TLHZ\YLZ must be accompanied by an Argument Submission form statement to be provided by the City *SLYRÂťZ 6ɉJL 5V WYPTHY` HYN\TLU[ ZOHSS L_JLLK ^VYKZ PU SLUN[O 6US` VUL HYN\TLU[ PU MH]VY VM HUK VUL argument against each measure will be selected for printing and distribution to the voters. The City Council has already voted to authorize the City Council to submit the Argument in Favor of the measure. 5V TVYL [OHU Ă„]L ZPNUH[\YLZ ZOHSS HWWLHY ^P[O HU` HYN\TLU[

Carlton John Daiss Jr. May 19, 1925 – February 27, 2017 Carlton John Daiss Jr., a resident of Menlo Park, passed away peacefully on February 27th. He was 91. Chuck, to all who knew him, was born in Oakland on May 19th, 1925 to Lorene and Carlton Daiss. He grew up in Oakland, attended Piedmont High School and UC Berkeley where he was in the Sigma Nu fraternity and played on the tennis team. He was a B-24 radio operator in the US Army Air Corps during WWII, and returned to Berkeley to graduate with a BS in Business. In 1950, Chuck married Margaret (Peggy) Linforth. Chuck worked in sales in the utilities industry finishing his career as President of Safety Line Tool Company. Throughout, he sought to develop and improve equipment used by electric utility workers. Known for his wicked serve, Chuck played tennis every week until he was 90 years old. Chuck loved to play dominoes and bridge, and enjoyed social settings such as Foothills Tennis and Swim Club, the Bohemian Club and The Palo Alto Club. He had an exuberant personality, a big smile, and a strong handshake. Always eager to help people, he raised his hand to tackle many projects, and served regularly on volunteer committees. Chuck is survived by Peggy, his wife of almost 67 years; his children Jack (Susie) of Rochester NY; Dan (Nancy) of Portola Valley; Kim (Dan) of Lynchburg VA; and Carla (John) of Menlo Park, and nine grand-children. He was predeceased by his mother, father, and brother Robert. A family gathering is planned in lieu of a service. Donations can be made in Chuck’s honor to: East Palo Alto Tennis and Tutoring Program (EPATT), P.O. Box 60597, Palo Alto CA, 94306 or a charity of your choice. PAID

Town of Atherton

The authors of the primary arguments in favor of or against each measure may prepare and submit YLI\[[HS HYN\TLU[Z UV[ L_JLLKPUN ^VYKZ ;OL H\[OVYZ TH` H\[OVYPaL PU ^YP[PUN HU` V[OLY WLYZVU VY WLYZVUZ [V WYLWHYL Z\ITP[ VY ZPNU [OL YLI\[[HS HYN\TLU[ 5V TVYL [OHU Ă„]L ZPNUH[\YLZ shall appear with any rebuttal argument. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN [OH[ [OL M\SS [L_[ VM [OL TLHZ\YL [OL JP[` H[[VYUL`ÂťZ PTWHY[PHS HUHS`ZPZ HUK KPYLJ[ HYN\TLU[Z Ă„SLK ^PSS IL H]HPSHISL MVY W\ISPJ L_HTPUH[PVU PU [OL *SLYRÂťZ 6ɉJL MVY UV[ SLZZ [OHU JHSLUKHY KH`Z MYVT [OL KLHKSPUL MVY [OL Ă„SPUN VM [OL HYN\TLU[Z HUK HUHS`ZPZ (U` YLI\[[HS HYN\TLU[Z Ă„SLK ^PSS IL H]HPSHISL MVY W\ISPJ L_HTPUH[PVU PU [OL *SLYRÂťZ 6ɉJL MVY UV[ SLZZ [OHU JHSLUKHY KH`Z MYVT [OL KLHKSPUL MVY Ă„SPUN YLI\[[HS HYN\TLU[Z -VY HKKP[PVUHS PUMVYTH[PVU JVUJLYUPUN [OL YLN\SH[PVUZ MVY Ă„SPUN HU HYN\TLU[ VY YLI\[[HS WSLHZL JVU[HJ[ [OL *P[` *SLYR ,SLJ[PVUZ 6ɉJPHS H[ NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN [OH[ [OLYL ZOHSS IL ZL[ H JHSLUKHY KH` L_HTPUH[PVU WLYPVK MVY public review of said arguments. During this time, any registered voter, eligible to vote on the TLHZ\YL VY [OL LSLJ[PVUZ VɉJPHS TH` ZLLR H ^YP[ VM THUKH[L VY HU PUQ\UJ[PVU YLX\PYPUN HU` VY HSS of the materials to be amended or deleted. The review period for primary arguments in favor of or HNHPUZ[ IHSSV[ TLHZ\YLZ ZOHSS JVTTLUJL H[ ! 7 4 VU 4HYJO ;OL YL]PL^ WLYPVK MVY YLI\[[HSZ [V WYPTHY` HYN\TLU[Z PU MH]VY VM VY HNHPUZ[ IHSSV[ TLHZ\YLZ ZOHSS JVTTLUJL H[ ! 7 4 on March 27, 2017. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that voted Vote by Mail and Provisional Ballots for the Election held on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, shall be tallied at the location given below: County of San Mateo Registration & Elections Division 40 Tower Road San Mateo, CA 94402 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that at such election the polls will be open from the hour of 7:00 ( 4 [V [OL OV\Y VM ! 7 4 VU [OL KH` [OLYLVM (KKP[PVUHSS` H ISHJR IHSSV[ IV_ ^PSS IL ZL[ \W H[ ;V^U /HSS [OL TVU[O WYLJLKPUN [OL LSLJ[PVU MVY KYVW VɈ IHSSV[Z DATED: February 27, 2017 Theresa N. DellaSanta *P[` *SLYR ,SLJ[PVUZ 6ɉJPHS


March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 11



pring is in the air! And along with it, there are plenty of classes to keep you inspired and stimulated as the days get warmer, the sunshine stays longer and the pollen count inevitably increases. Now’s the time to revisit those resolutions you made in January — the ones you might’ve forgotten about — and sign up for that dance class you’ve always wanted to take or that cooking class that might jumpstart your nutritious eating goals. Whatever is on your to-do list for the year, this list is bound to fulfill at least one of your goals, interests or passions.


The Class Guide is published quarterly by the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice.

Work & technology CareerGenerations


2225 E. Bayshore Road, Suite #200, Palo Alto, 650-320-1639,, CareerGenerations offers group workshops and programs to meet the career needs of a variety of individuals, including college students looking for internships, graduates looking for employment and those re-entering the market.

440 Portage Ave., Palo Alto, 650-3191700, Equinox’s Palo Alto location offers a variety of fitness and wellness activities including cycling, Pilates, yoga, barre, conditioning, Zumba and more. It also hosts dance-based fitness classes by Danceation, which encourage movement, positivity and community.

ReBoot Accelerator 585 Broadway, Redwood City, 650-3873743,, ReBoot Accelerator for Women keeps local women current, connected and confident about re-entering the workforce. ReBoot offers 8-week and 5-day accelerator courses as well as a 2-day bootcamp and workshops to refine specific skills.

For the dancer Dance Connection

Emerson School


SUMMER WRITING CAMPS July 10 - July 28, 2017


• Expository Writing • Creative Writing • Presentation Techniques

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For applications and information:

Cubberley Community Center, L-5, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-285-2633, Dance Connection offers a preschool combination class for preschool-age children (beginning at age 3), graded classes for youth and adults, and other programs to meet dancer’s needs. Ballet, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, Pilates and more are available for students at various levels of ability.

DanceVisions Cubberley Community Center, L-3, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-324-8751, DanceVisions, a nonprofit community dance project, serves dancers of all ages and abilities. Types of dances taught range from modern to hip-hop, jazz, belly dancing, ballet and tap.

The great outdoors Advantage Aviation

+ 32 YEARS AND STILL GOING STRONG + A place where horses and humans can come together to learn and benefit from each other.

2017 Horsemanship Camp Spring Camp: Session 1: April 3rd-7th Session 2: April 10th-14th

Intermediate Camp: check website for details Summer Camp: Session 1: June 12th-16th Session 2: June 19th-30th Session 3 July 10th-21st Session 4: July 24th-August 4th Session 5: August 7th-18th 725 Portola Rd., Portola Valley • (650) 851-1114 •

12 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

Health & Wellness

1903 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, 650-494-7248,, With many instructors, Advantage Aviation has a selection of flying classes that train new pilots as well as help more experienced ones acquire needed licenses.

Kim Grant Tennis Academy 3005 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-752-8061, admin@kimgranttennis. com, The Kim Grant Tennis Academy organizes an array of tennis classes and programs for adults and children, as well as those with special needs. Spring clinics started on Feb. 27 and summer camps are now open.

Jacki’s Aerobic Dancing Mountain View Masonic Lodge, 890 Church St. Mountain View, 650-9411002,, Jacki’s Aerobic Dancing offers dance classes with abdominal work, strength training and easy-to-follow aerobic routines. Complimentary child care is available. Classes meet at 9 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays year-round.

Taoist Tai Chi Society Unity Church, 3391 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-396-9244, The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA, a charitable organization with nationally accredited volunteers, holds classes designed to improve balance, strength, flexibility, relaxation and health. Beginner classes are held a few days each week.

YogaWorks Palo Alto 440 Kipling St., Palo Alto, 650-468-2929, With locations across the nation, YogaWorks studio holds classes on yoga fundamentals; vinyasa, Hatha and Iyengar styles; restorative yoga; and circuit training.

Mind & spirit Ananda Palo Alto Ananda Temple, 2171 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-323-3363 ext. 0,, Ananda Palo Alto classes and events cover various topics including yoga, meditation and spirituality.

Integrated Healing Arts 4153-4161 El Camino Way, Palo Alto, 650-493-7030, iha@integratedhealing. org, Integrated Healing Arts instructors teach ongoing classes on meditation, self-development, self-realization, tai chi, qigong and spiritual health.

Music, arts & crafts Deborah’s Palm 555 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, 650473-0664,, Deborah’s Palm is a nonprofit community organization that aims to provide a warm and supportive environment

for all women. Its class offerings range from workshops on compassion and stress management to classes on cooking, dance, memoir writing and art.

Lingling Yang Violin Studio Middlefield Road and East Meadow Drive, Palo Alto, 650-456-7648, linglingviolin., This studio offers private violin instruction to children ages 7 and up and adults of all levels. Enrollment is offered year-round and auditions are required for intermediate and advanced violin players. Classes are taught by a classically trained violinist and experienced violin teacher.

The Midpen Media Center 900 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, 650494-8686,, The center offers workshops for a range of media arts, including video production, photo enhancement, studio work and more. The center suggests starting with one of its free hour-long orientation sessions.

Palo Alto Art Center 1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto, 650-3292366, Palo Alto Art Center classes and workshops — teaching children, teens and adults — cover such areas as ceramics, painting, drawing, jewelry, sculpture, Adobe PhotoShop and more.

Palo Alto Summer Strings First Lutheran Church, 600 Homer Ave., Palo Alto, 650-766-5084 This summer camp offers a chamber music workshop during which students will experience playing in a trio or quartet. Each five-day session includes coachings, a masterclass and a Friday concert. At least one year of private lessons is required, and the first session starts on June 12.

Sur La Table Cooking School Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, #57, Palo Alto, 650289-0019, cooking073@surlatable. com, Sur La Table offers hands-on cooking classes, guiding students in making regional cuisines, themed meals or special foods like bread, croissants and baked goods. Classes for kids, teens and adults are available.

Parent education Children’s Health Council 650 Clark Way, Palo Alto, 650-326-5530,, Children’s Health Council holds a variety of classes touching on childbehavior issues, dyslexia, anxiety and depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism and other topics related to encouraging all children’s success.




Parents Place

Milestones Preschool

200 Channing Ave., Palo Alto, 650-6883040, A resource center for parents, Parents Place on the Peninsula offers workshops on subjects ranging from sibling rivalry to building a child’s self-esteem and confidence. Parent and child activity groups are also organized.

3864 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650618-3325, preschool@abilitiesunited. org, Milestones Preschool offers a yearround, project-based program that fosters the social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of children ages 2 to 5.

School days German-American School GAIS Campus, 475 Pope St., Menlo Park, (650) 520-3646, contact@, Started in 1960, the German-American School of Palo Alto (GASPA), a Saturday school, teaches immersive German language classes, which also cover culture and traditions. Sessions are available for all skill levels and students ages 3 to 18.

Gideon Hausner 450 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, 650-494-8200, Instructing children in kindergarten through eighth grade, Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School provides strong academics, instruction in Jewish studies and the Hebrew language, enrichment opportunities and after-school programs.

Kehillah Jewish High School 3900 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, 650213-9600, This college-preparatory high school (grades nine through 12) features modern science and computer labs, art and music studios, a drama program, a full range of academic courses with small class sizes, sports teams and more.

OFJCC Leslie Family Preschool 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, 650-2238788,, The Oshman Family JCC’s preschool program provides one- to five-days-perweek options for children 18 months to 5 years old (ages 2 to 4 at Congregation Beth Am), with an emphasis placed on experiential learning, family involvement and play. Parent/caregiver participation programs are available for children 12 to 23 months old.

Living Wisdom High School 4000 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto, Cubberley Community Center, 650-6461066, kabir@livingwisdomhighschool. org, Living Wisdom High School serves ninth through 12th grade, and offers personalized learning as well as projectbased, study rooted in creativity, inner development, compassion, critical thinking and problem-solving. Daily yoga and meditation instruction is included, and curriculum includes a balanced approach to academics and well-being The school will open in the fall of 2017.

Living Wisdom School 456 College Ave., Palo Alto, 650-4628150,, Offering daily yoga and meditation and experiential, project-based learning, Living Wisdom School has 24 years of proven success and serves grades TK through eighth grade. It offers a 1:6 teacher-student ratio in kindergarten; an integrated arts program which includes music, theater, art and dance; a balanced approach to technology; and after-school care.

Can a high school offer both strong academics and personal well-being?

Peninsula School 920 Peninsula Way, Menlo Park, 650-325-1584, Peninsula School is a progressive institution teaching about 250 students from nursery through eighth grade, with an emphasis on choice and experience. Classes cover core subjects as well as instruction in music, physical education, drama, ceramics, woodshop and more.

Sand Hill School 650 Clark Way, Palo Alto, 650-688-3605,, Located at the Children’s Health Council, Sand Hill School teaches children from kindergarten through sixth grade (expanding to eighth) with language-based learning differences, and assists with the attention and social difficulties that go along with them.

Somethingforeveryone Avenidas 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto, 650-2895400, Avenidas offers a plethora of classes, as well as lectures and workshops, for seniors focusing on topics such as general health, physical fitness, languages, humanities, computing, music and writing. Membership costs, fees and class descriptions are listed on the website.

Palo Alto Adult School Palo Alto High School, Tower Building, 50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, 650-329-3752,, Computer, language, cooking, writing, art, outdoor and finance classes — and many other offerings — are available through the Palo Alto Adult School. Registration for the spring session is underway, and classes start on March 20.

Stanford Continuing Studies Littlefield Center, 365 Lasuen St., Stanford, 650-725-2650,, Stanford Continuing Studies organizes classes in liberal arts and sciences, creative writing and professional and personal development. Courses are held in the evenings or on Saturdays. Stanford Continuing Studies also presents lectures, performances, conferences and other events. Class Guides are published quarterly in the Palo Alto Weekly, Mountain View Voice and the Almanac. Descriptions of classes offered in Palo Alto, Stanford, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Atherton, East Palo Alto, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Portola Valley and Woodside are provided. Listings are free and subject to editing. Due to space constraints, classes held in the above cities are given priority. To inquire about submitting a listing for the next Class Guide, email Editorial Assistant Anna Medina at amedina@ or call 650-223-6515. To place a paid advertisement in the Class Guide, call the display advertising department at 650-326-8210.

At Living Wisdom High School, the answer is YES. We provide students with opportunities to uncover real meaning in their education through their personalized learning experiences. We know that a high-stress, one-size-fits-all approach to education is not a healthy learning environment. We know that teaching content without also teaching compassion is out of balance. And we understand the connection between students, academics, and happiness: our teachers connect with their students; our students find personal connections with their studies and one another; and, along the way, our students make a deep connection with their higher selves and with the world around them. There is a choice to be made when considering high schools, but it doesn’t have to be between academics and well-being. There is an alternative. Personal Learning Plan created for each student, based on personal interests and goals Core curriculum includes daily yoga and meditation Rigorous academics program, including college credit courses offered through partnership with Foothill College for upper grades Creativity, intuition, compassion, critical thinking, and problem-solving taught as life skills Measured approach to technology Annual field trips to India, Hawaii, and Italy provide adventure, real-world experiences, indepth study, and the opportunity for volunteer service

Visit for more information including admissions.

Opening September 2017 March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 13

DELEON REALTY ELKS SEMINAR SERIES You are cordially invited to DeLeon Realty’s Elk Seminar Series. Gain insight from Michale Repka, the managing broker and general counsel, and Deleon Realty’s esteemed buyer agents.



March 16th, 2017 6:00pm - 8:00pm Topic: Real Property Tax – From the Seasoned Citizen’s Point of View Speaker: Michael Repka March 30th, 2017 6:00pm - 8:00pm Topic: How to Purchase a Silicon Valley Home for Less than Fair Market Value Speaker: DeLeon Realty Buyer Agents April 13th, 2017 6:00pm - 8:00pm Topic: How to Prepare Your Home to Sell for Top Dollar Speaker: Michael Repka


Palo Alto Elks Lodge 4249 El Camino Real Palo Alto, CA For more information:

Please RSVP by contacting Kathryn Randolph at 650.543.8500 or at 6 5 0 . 5 4 3 . 8 5 0 0 | i n f o @ d e l e o n r e a l t y. c o m | w w w . d e l e o n r e a l t y. c o m | C a l B R E # 0 1 9 0 3 2 2 4 14 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

127 Pinon Drive Portola Valley Offered at $16,988,000 Lavish Woodland Sanctuary

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6 5 0 . 4 8 8 . 7 3 2 5 | i n f o @ d e l e o n r e a l t y. c o m | w w w. d e l e o n r e a l t y . c o m | C a l B R E # 0 1 9 0 3 2 2 4 March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 15


Two sought in burglary of occupied PV home San Mateo County sheriff’s deputies are looking for a man who smashed the glass on a rear door of an occupied home in the 100 block of Wayside Road in Portola Valley at about 11 a.m. Thursday, March 2, and escaped with property. The man is one of two people sought in connection with the burglary of the home, which occurred at about 11 a.m. Sheriff ’s deputies said the man was “scared off” when he found the homeowner inside the house; he fled in a red sedan waiting for him. The homeowner was not injured. The sedan, driven by an

accomplice, was last seen heading north on Portola Road. Deputies said the burglar is of unknown race, about 6 feet tall; he wore a dark gray hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. The burglary is one of a series of recent residential break-ins in Portola Valley, and comes at a time when the town is taking steps to address property crime. Deputies ask that anyone with information about the burglary to contact Detective Jonathan Sebring at (650) 363-4057 or To provide a tip and remain anonymous, call 1-800- 547-2700.

How to deter property crimes Menlo Park Mayor Kirsten Keith and Police Chief Bob Jonsen will host community meetings in downtown Menlo Park and Sharon Heights to talk about residential burglaries, vehicle burglaries and crime prevention. The meetings will be held:

Q Wednesday, March 8, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the La Entrada School multi-use room, 2200 Sharon Road in Sharon Heights. Q Wednesday, March 22, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the Garden Room at Menlo Church, 950 Santa Cruz Ave. in downtown Menlo Park.


$5.5 million in the 2013-14 fiscal year to a projected $6.6 million in 2016-17, a 20 percent increase. Over that period salaries and benefits increased from 79.9 percent of the budget in the 2013-14 fiscal year to a projected 84.3 percent in the 2016-17 year. A three-year budget forecasts that percentage increasing to 84.8 percent by 2018-19, including an annual state-mandated increase in retirement costs of about 2 percent each year. The district recently discussed eliminating one administrator when one of its two principals left, but Superintendent Polito said she decided both were needed. Until three years ago the district’s superintendent was also its principal. The combined salary and benefits of the two principals in 2015 was $330,821. According to the state’s website, in 2014-15, the last year for which data is available, Woodside had an average class size of 15.5 students, had a ratio of one credentialed teacher per 10.5 students, and one administrator per 109.5 students. Those numbers are all improved from the 2010-11 school year, when the district had an average class size of 17.6 students, 1 credentialed teacher per 14.2 students, and one administrator per 151 students. A

continued from page 11

while keeping our class sizes small.” She said the board is “mindful of the fact that changes to the state of California’s pension system will result in a significant impact on our district’s expenses” and could impact the budget and reserves. She said renewal of the parcel tax “will help the district to meet our pension obligations, maintain our programs and class sizes, and continue to offer an excellent education to the district’s children.” The parcel tax measure will be the fifth district schoolfunding election since 2001. Voters approved parcel tax measures in 2001 and 2009, and bond measures in 2005 ($12 million) and 2014 ($13.5 million). According to state figures, the district, which has only one school, spent $24,901 per student in 2015-16. Only 24 schools in the state spent more per student, most of those in tiny districts. Only two had more than 100 students, and 18 had fewer than 50 students. Since the 2013-14 school year, Woodside Elementary School’s enrollment has fallen from 452 students to the current 401, a drop of 11.2 percent. During that time, the school’s property tax revenues rose from

16 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

Council votes for change on architectural review board By Dave Boyce Almanac Staff Writer


oodside’s Architectural and Site Review Board was set this week to conduct a design review of a proposed single-family home on Mountain Wood Lane. The meeting is the first to include John Carvell, who was appointed to the board by the Town Council on Feb. 28 on a 4-1 vote. Five-year board member Maggie Mah, who had applied for re-appointment, received one vote. Mr. Carvell, who lives in the Woodside Hills neighborhood east of Interstate 280, joins former councilman William McSherry, another Woodside Hills resident, who was appointed to the board by the council on Feb. 14. Mr. Carvell is a partner at Portola Valley-based 38 Degree Advisors, where his specialty is taking Silicon Valley startup companies through to initial public offerings and beyond, according to a company bio. He has a bachelor’s degree in management science from the University of California at San Diego and a master’s degree in business from UC Berkeley. In the 4-1 vote, council members Tom Livermore, Deborah Gordon, Chris Shaw and Daniel Yost voted for Mr. Carvell. Councilwoman Anne Kasten voted to reappoint Ms. Mah. Not voting were councilman and architect Peter Mason and councilman and general contractor Dave Tanner, both of whom occasionally bring business before the review board. Mr. Tanner was present but recused himself and left the room. Mr. Mason did not attend the meeting. Ms. Kasten, asked to comment on her vote, said: “I’d just as soon not get into it. This has been too hard for the town. I think the decision has been made. Extremely painful.” Mr. Yost said he based his vote on public testimony, Mr. Carvell’s remarks and communications with residents. “I felt that, on balance, a new voice with a new perspective would be preferable,” he said. Mayor Livermore said it was

Photo by Dave Boyce/The Almanac

Financial adviser John Carvell was appointed as a new member of Woodside’s Architectural and Site Review Board.

“time for a change.” “Maggie has done a great job, a lot of effort,” he added. Ms. Gordon did not respond to a request for comment. Mr. Shaw said he voted for Mr. Carvell based on his (Mr. Shaw’s) success in the 2015 Town Council race as the “candidate of change” running against then-review board member Nancy Reyering, a target of board critics. Flash points

The review board had become a flash point for critics complaining that some members were inappropriately subjective in assessing residential projects against the town’s design guidelines. Ms. Reyering recently chose not to reapply for her seat after the mayor and town attorney engaged an outside attorney in mid-2016 to investigate allegations of ethics code violations brought by former councilman Dave Burow, a board critic. (The council dropped the matter in February after spending nearly $27,500 on the investigation and before determining whether Ms. Reyering had, in fact, violated the ethics code.) Ms. Mah, asked about critics who associate her with Ms. Reyering and board member Thalia Lubin, told the Almanac that the crux of the issue is that not every site can support the maximum house size while meeting design guideline standards. She and her two colleagues helped revise the general plan and understand the design guidelines’ role in

Check online for election results Polls were to be open Tuesday, March 7, in the Menlo Park City School District for voters to decide on a proposed $360 annual parcel tax that would expire after seven years. Results

were released after the Almanac went to press. will have results posted as soon as they are released by the San Mateo County Elections Office.

upholding the plan’s values. “In expressing our opinions, we get accused of being arbitrary and unreasonable,” she said. “I certainly would like to say that I think I’ve learned a fair amount about this whole process, and if I said anything that ruffled anybody’s feathers, it was out of passion,” Ms. Mah told the council. Darlene Batchelder, a Woodside Glens resident, commended Ms. Mah on her passion, recalling a long ago home-building experience that was “incredibly contentious.” Had Ms. Mah been on the board, her defense of rural character would probably have led her to “really scrutinize and analyze and push back on plans,” Ms. Batchelder said. “A lot of the push back that we got was warranted,” she said, despite the frustration and expense. “It’s a slippery slope ... and might really be quite easy,” she said, for town character to approach that of Atherton or Los Altos. Mr. Carvell told the council that he’d remodeled homes of his own in Woodside, Menlo Park and Atherton. He said he’d “heard stories about how difficult it was to build” in Woodside, saying that some contractors he’d worked with told him that working in Woodside was “not worth their time or energy.” “I think it’s important for (board) members to have the experience of having gone through the process so they can appreciate what applicants are going through as far as trade-offs and budget constraints,” Mr. Carvell told the council. Board members should put aside personal aesthetics and inclinations to micro manage or redesign the house, he said. The design guidelines are “quite clear,” said Glens resident Annie Kaskade in support of Mr. Carvell. “Anybody, anybody, should be able to read them and administer them. In my mind, fresh eyes and a fresh perspective (are) going to interpret them as they are written.” Residents need to know, she said, that when they follow the rules, their projects will be approved. A Officials there say they will have counts on Election Day starting at 8:05 p.m., updated at 9 p.m. and each half hour after that until all precincts have reported. Results will be updated on March 9, 10, 14 and 17 at 4:30 p.m.



S T O R Y Rich Gordon at his home in Menlo Oaks. This and the cover photo are by Michelle Le of the Almanac.

By Dave Boyce

he role of government is to serve the common good, says Rich Gordon, a former United Methodist minister, former state assemblyman, former San Mateo County supervisor and advocate of bipartisanship. The common good has long been Mr. Gordon’s aim, whether in his efforts with troubled youth, with a public education system that does not serve all students equally, with creating housing affordable for people with low and moderate incomes, with protecting a natural environment that is under threat. “Government, I believe, should help bring people together, help us find areas of community togetherness,” Mr. Gordon told the Almanac in a recent interview. “I also believe that government is one of the ways in which we take care of each other. Not the only way. It can’t be. But it is one way.” There may be more to come from Mr. Gordon’s efforts toward the common good, and this time the issue is taxes. Mr. Gordon, a Democrat and resident of Menlo Oaks for 28 years, will be running in 2018 for a seat on the five-member state Board of Equalization, which administers and collects, including sales, property and use taxes He was recently termed out of the state Assembly after six years of representing a district that includes Menlo Park, Atherton, Woodside and Portola Valley. Before that, he served 12 years as a San Mateo County supervisor and five years on the county Board of Education — a 23-year career in which he never lost an election. Serving on the tax board is a “wonky” job, particularly the administration side of it, but one well-suited for someone with his management background, Mr. Gordon said. “Making a deep dive into the policy arena is something that intrigues me very much,” he said. “For me, I think it’s a good fit. ... We need to make sure we collect what is rightfully owed to California, and collect it fairly and equitably.” Mr. Gordon will be running to succeed former assemblywoman Fiona Ma, who has announced her candidacy for the 2018 race for state treasurer. Asked if he might seek another legislative office, Mr. Gordon, who is 68, said that while he has learned never to say never, if he wins a four-year term on Board of Equalization, a second term might follow. “I don’t see much beyond that,” he said. Proposition 13

It’s time, Mr. Gordon said, “to have a conversation about

funding government more difficult if we don’t find a system that does right by employees and yet is fair to the taxpayer. ... It ought to be part of the conversation in the next governor’s race.” Core values

A life of service Former assemblyman Rich Gordon says government should bring people together

reforming Proposition 13,” which voters approved in 1978 to regulate increases in property taxes. Over time, Mr. Gordon said, inequities “built into the system” have appeared, including widely varying tax obligations among residential neighbors and between commercial and residential property owners, and varying tax revenue streams to public agencies. The Menlo Park Fire Protection District, for example, receives significantly more in property tax revenues than the combined total received by the cities the district serves: Atherton, East Palo Alto and Menlo Park. Proposition 13’s purpose made sense and continues to make sense, Mr. Gordon said. The key is figuring out whether there is a way to solve the inequity while maintaining the predictability of the tax rate and protecting people from being priced out of their homes. Being on the Board of Equalization would give him a platform for raising such issues, perhaps through public forums, he

said. But essential to the process will be public interest, legislative hearings and the will to generate solutions, he said. While Proposition 13 will be a priority, transparency in government — particularly on the Board of Equalization — will be another, along with addressing the state government’s dependence on volatile and wildly swinging income and capital gains taxes.

he had dropped out of the Assembly race. Mr. Gordon said he told Mr. Berman that he thought he had a future in politics, but that he should run for city council first, which Mr. Berman then did. Mr. Berman is inquisitive, Mr. Gordon said. “To do public service well and participate in the state Legislature, you’ve got to have a high level of intellectual curiosity,” he said, meaning “a desire to learn something new every day.”

Early endorsement

In the 2016 race to succeed him, Mr. Gordon endorsed the eventual winner, then-Palo Alto Councilman Marc Berman, in June 2015 for a primary race in June 2016. At the time, the only other Democrat running was Mountain View Councilman Mike Kasperzak, but more Democrats eventually joined the race. Asked why he endorsed Mr. Berman so early, Mr. Gordon said he wanted to be succeeded by someone with local government experience, and that he had contacted Mr. Berman in 2010 after

Pension payments

During Mr. Gordon’s time in state office, he participated in legislating reforms to the system of pensions for public employees, including requiring employees to contribute more, and ending the practice of spiking, in which employees manipulate their endof-career salaries to increase their long-term benefits. “I always saw that (legislation) as the start and not the finish. Often times, elected officials declare victory and they’re done,” he said. “It is a problem that is going to make

Mr. Gordon is a San Mateo County native. An oft-told story around his family dinner table as a child concerned his grandmother who, at the start of the Great Depression, moved with her husband to Oakland. The couple had an income when many families did not. Mr. Gordon’s grandmother made a daily pot of stew she put on the back porch to feed people from a nearby homeless encampment. “If you were fortunate enough, you gave it away. You served others,” Mr. Gordon said. College for him began in 1966, a time of upheaval. The Vietnam War, the anti-war movement, the civil rights movement and the women’s movement had a profound impact on him, he said. He majored in sociology at the University of Southern California and then in divinity for a master’s degree from Northwestern University. Mr. Gordon’s interest in working with groups, and growing up in a church-going family, drew him to the ministry, particularly with role models such as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and Daniel and Philip Berrigan, Roman Catholic priests engaged in anti-war and anti-nuclear protests. “I saw the church and the ministry as a way to help make social change,” he said. He was ordained a deacon in the United Methodist Church, the first of a two-step process, but never took the second step to become an elder. Assigned a street ministry in Chicago, he worked with at-risk youth, which became a commitment. He continued youth work at YMCAs in Orange County and Redwood City, and in nonprofits he founded, including Daybreak, an eight-bed facility for homeless youth in Redwood City, and Mime’s cafe in Redwood City, an outlet where students at the Opportunities Industrialization Center West practiced culinary arts before it closed in 2008. He is now working part-time in government relations at Caminar for Mental Health in San Mateo. Asked how the ministry affected his outlook, Mr. Gordon noted the core values of respect for others and for diversity, a belief in human dignity and potential. “That’s all a core part of who I am, what I do and how I do it,” he said. Continued on next page

March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 17


Willows residents press city to fight cut-through traffic By Kate Bradshaw Almanac Staff Writer


rivers cutting through the Willows neighborhood of Menlo Park to get to U.S. 101 and Bayfront Expressway are creating increasingly hazardous conditions, particularly for children, say residents of the area who want the city of Menlo Park to come up with mitigation measures. “Even while we watch our boys as they play in the front yard or ride their scooters on the sidewalk, we don’t quite feel our children are safe, and we don’t feel the cut-through problem is being addressed adequately,” said Willows residents JD and Monica Kuchinski in an email to the Menlo Park City Council. Traffic has increased “severalfold” in the neighborhood in the last year or so, said Willows resident Ross Wilson, who suggested the city install signs prohibiiting cut-through traffic and



consider installing license plate readers. Addressing cut-through traffic in the Willows is on the council’s work plan for 2017, but city staff members say they are overloaded with other work. They asked the council on Feb. 28 to merge the project with plans to develop safe routes to school for Laurel Upper Elementary School. The merger proposal was approved by the council on a vote of 4-0-1, with Councilman Ray Mueller abstaining. He said he supports the Willows project, but doesn’t want it merged with the safe routes to school work. Assistant City Manager Chip Taylor said the city has contacted people at Waze, the Google-owned traffic navigation app, and they were “not overly cooperative,” with the city’s request that the app reroute commuters away

from Willows’ residential streets. He said the company would, however, incorporate into its algorithm actions the city takes to reduce cut-through traffic, such as posting signs that prohibit certain turns at peak hours. The council plans to discuss the matter further at its March 28 meeting. Councilman Ray Mueller also asked the other council members to consider having a closed session with the city attorney to discuss potential legal actions the city could take against the navigation app. “How a city designates that street will affect what safety precautions are in place,” he said in an interview. Streets designated as residential, he said, are not designed to handle as much traffic as those with other designations and can create a need to spend additional city resources to Continued on page 21

Continued from previous page

Bipartisan in deed

And what has Mr. Gordon done? As a county supervisor, he said, he is most pleased with his work establishing the Housing Endowment and Regional Trust, a public/private partnership to create affordable housing. And there’s Mirada Surf, a 49-acre county park on a coastal bluff just north of Half Moon Bay. Developers owned it and could have built houses there, but would have faced lawsuits over the use of open space, Mr. Gordon said. The supervisors found land-trust funding that they matched with $3 million in county funds — money the county would have spent anyway as a party to the lawsuits, Mr. Gordon said. In the Assembly, 70 percent of legislation he introduced became law, Mr. Gordon said, including bills that cap the cost of highprice drugs for people suffering from illnesses such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis and AIDS. Legislation he wrote also increased the recycling of plastic bottles and created jobs in the state, he said. Then there is his legacy of bipartisanship. Mr. Gordon had Assembly colleagues with (R) after their names who thought that government should not be helping but should be letting the private sector do the helping. Or

the person could help himself or herself via the proverbial bootstrap-pulling-up method. “Rarely did we vote alike,” Mr. Gordon said, “but we liked each other.” Although Democrats were in the majority, Mr. Gordon worked assiduously to build bridges. Upon arriving in Sacramento for his first term, Mr. Gordon said, he paid a visit to the offices of the each of the other 79 Assembly members. He went further. Married to a good cook, Mr. Gordon would invite three Democrats and three Republicans to dinner in Sacramento once a month. “I worked hard at trying to build relationships (and) build respect,” he said. The dinners were great, he said, a chance to talk as human rather than political beings. The Assembly has a ritual for saying goodbye: the “tribute,” in which members stand on the Assembly floor and honor the person leaving their midst. Mr. Gordon’s tribute lasted over an hour, he said, adding: “Lots of folks wanted to say ‘Thank you.’” “It was an incredible experience,” he said of his six years there. “I do miss the work, but as every day goes by, I get further away from it, moving on to other things.” A Republican Assembly colleague told him he was going to pick up the bipartisan-dinner baton, Mr. Gordon said. A


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18 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

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March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 19


Town considers allowing Airbnb-type rentals By Barbara Wood Almanac Staff Writer


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fter hearing from an friends or family in Atherton. She suggested the town anonymous Atherton resident who called try out allowing legal rentherself “the face of Airbnb” als with a one-year permit, and told about her long charging a “hotel” tax on the experience renting part of rentals. The council also saw an her home to everyone from cancer patients to Internal anonymous letter from a Revenue Service employees, resident that said its author Atherton City Council mem- was “house-rich and cash bers asked the city manager poor” and living off Social to look further into the rami- Security and income from an fications of allowing legal Airbnb rental in another city. short-term rentals in the “I ... have never had a single complaint from any of my town. Currently, Atherton treats neighbors,” the letter said. The letter also said Airbnb any rental of less than 30 days as a commercial enter- has a feature on its website prise that violates town to allow people to register complaints about neighregulations. bors’ rentals If complaints that will bar a are made, the Atherton treats host from renttow n’s code enforcement any rental of less ing through the website. officer investhan 30 days as Two council tigates. Acting members said, Police Chief a commercial despite the tesJoe Wade said enterprise that timony, they the hosts are violates town didn’t believe warned to stop At he r ton rent i ng for regulations. should allow short terms, and if they don’t, they are short-term rentals. “Our general plan docufined. Only one fine was imposed ment says we are a rural last year, he said, but in a community, residential only,” report to the council he said said Councilwoman ElizaAirbnb currently listed 13 beth Lewis. “We have 2,500 Atherton rentals as available. parcels and if every one of The speaker, who said she our parcels started to do had lived in Atherton for this ... that would change more than 60 years, said she the character of our town has both stayed in Airbnb’s significantly.” “I think your story is really — including in Paris and Beverly Hills — and host- a lovely story,” she said to the ed Airbnb guests for many speaker, “but I just don’t see that we as a town ... should years. She said her guests have relax those regulations at this ranged from government time.” Councilman Bill Widmer workers to a Stanford heart transplant patient. She charg- agreed. He and his neighbors es $129 to $149 a night have had “experiences with (including a full breakfast), short-term rentals that have less than half what is charged not been positive,” he said. for a local motel room, she However, he said, if someone is renting a home short-term, said. Most rewarding as a host is “and no one’s made a comgiving a place to stay to “the plaint, more power to you.” “If they’ve been reported families of patients that are dying at Stanford Hospital,” we need to do something about it,” he said. she said. But other council members “Atherton is not a tourist destination. They come here urged at least further investibecause they must be here,” gation. “My perspective is we do have these very large parshe said. “The people who come” to cels” where it is unlikely anythis area “are good people one would even notice extra and they can’t afford (the renters in a home, Councilrates) on El Camino, the man Cary Wiest said. “Maymotels that are $300 to $500 be it’s something we should look at a little bit closer,” he a night,” she said. Sometimes, she said, her said. “Obviously there’s a guests are in town visiting need.” A




Photo courtesy of Woodside Priory

Continued from page 18

‘Can we all get along?’

maintain the street. Commissions merge

Amelia Hoffmann joins her fellow Woodside Priory players to journey back to 1992, the year of Rodney King and the riots that ravaged South Central Los Angeles. “Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992,” by Anna Deavere Smith, tells stories of the riots through verbatim interviews — of rioters, families, police chiefs, politicians and Reginald Denny, whom rioters pulled from his truck and beat up. Shows are at 7 p.m. on Thursday through Saturday, March 9 -11, and at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 12, at 302 Portola Road in Portola Valley. Tickets, at $15 for adults and $5 for students and children, are available at the door or on

The council voted 4-1 on Feb. 28, with Rich Cline opposed, to merge the bicycle and transportation commissions. Mr. Cline said he voted against it because he thinks the commissions serve different purposes. As he sees it, the Bicycle Commission focuses more on advocating for better, safer resources for bikes, while the transportation commission is supposed to prioritize the needs of all transit modes. All commission members will keep their posts during the oneyear trial of the merger, said Nikki Nagaya, the city’s transportation manager.

Man, 26, killed in single-vehicle crash The San Mateo County Coroner’s Office has identified the man who died in a solo-vehicle car crash in Menlo Park early on Saturday morning, March 4, as Jonathan Ferguson, 26, of Newark. The vehicle he was driving left the eastbound lanes of Bayfront Expressway adjacent to the Facebook campus and struck a concrete culvert pipe abutment in a drainage ditch, firefighters and police said.

The plan is to not replace members who are termed out or quit, until the commission has seven members, she said.

The crash occurred at around 3:15 a.m. just east of Chilco Street. Mr. Ferguson was the only occupant of the vehicle. Upon arrival, police found Mr. Ferguson suffering from major injuries. Paramedics administered lifesaving techniques, but he was pronounced dead at the scene. “We don’t know exactly why this occurred, but this isn’t the first time we have responded to a significant vehicle accident involving this unprotected

drainage ditch,” Fire Chief Harold Schapelhouman of the Menlo Park Fire Protection District said in a statement. “We’ll be talking to (the state Department of Transportation) about that. Over the years we’ve advocated for various safety improvements on this stretch of roadway.” Anyone who may have witnessed the incident is encouraged to contact Menlo Park Traffic Officer Brent Hughes at (650) 330-6300.

6 Bergesen Court

IT hiring

The council unanimously approved recommendations to add staff to the city’s administration services department. The city will hire two full-time provisional employees: an enterprise applications support specialist for five years to work on the city’s information technology master plan, and an entry-level management analyst for three years to work on the master plan and other management needs. Also to be hired are a full-time senior accountant and, on a contract basis, a network systems engineer. A


Q Two men stole a walker from a wom-

Residential burglary: Someone smashed a window of a home on Santa Maria Avenue, ransacked the interior and stole jewelry. Estimated loss: $59,000. Feb. 23. MENLO PARK Thefts:

Q Thieves stole two spools of copper

wire from a construction site in the 1300 block of Willow Road. Estimated loss: $34,000. Feb. 27.

an waiting for a ride from a friend in the vicinity of Chestnut Street and Menlo Avenue. Inside the walker’s storage compartment were groceries. Police described the men as black, cleanshaven and about 6 feet tall. Estimated loss: $210. Feb. 28. Residential burglary: Someone stole action figurines and other collectible items, Christmas decorations and camping equipment from a storage locker in the first block of Willow Road. Estimated loss:$9,400. March 2.

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March 8, 2017 Q Q The Almanac Q 21



Black men’s encounters with police suggest need for civilian oversight of department we have yet to go in race relations in this country. “Every once in a while, your gut is going to tell you he poignant stories of DeBraun Thomas, that individual ... doesn’t look right. Trust your intuition Jonathan Turner, and JT Faraji, black men ... Trust it, and call us and let us do our job.” This was featured in the Almanac’s cover story by Kate the message that Police Chief Bob Jonsen gave to Menlo Park residents at a community Bradshaw (“Policing, race and meeting to discuss residential community,” Feb. 22) deeply LaDoris H. Cordell burglaries. While undoubtedly saddened me. These young men is a retired Superior well-intentioned, his message described their encounters with Court judge and was deeply flawed in that he Menlo Park police, oftentimes former independent failed to even mention the issue in response to calls from white police auditor for of race. There was no reminder residents who found the young San Jose. She resides to residents that people of color men’s presence on their streets in Palo Alto are not, by definition, “suspito be suspicious. cious.” There was no statement Unfortunately, their stories are GUEST OPINION from him about the importance not uncommon in neighborof residents examining their own hoods throughout this country. During my time as the independent police auditor in personal racial biases before making that 911 call. Race San Jose, our office frequently fielded complaints from must no longer be the elephant in the room. Race is African American and Latino men about police-initiated integral to policing in the 21st century. Ms. Bradshaw’s second article in the same issue traffic stops and pedestrian stops that did not result in citations or arrests. Indeed, a recent analysis of stops in (“Wrongful arrest suit: Racial profiling alleged”) the city of San Jose revealed that black and Latino drivers described the racial profiling lawsuit filed by Francisco were more likely to be stopped, more likely to be inter- Guevara, who alleged that a Menlo Park police officer rogated, curb-sat, handcuffed and searched than whites. racially profiled him in August 2015. The truth of that That Mr. Turner can no longer deliver food for Door- allegation will be decided in federal court. What I Dash in Menlo Park because he is fearful of residents found most striking about the article was the boastful calling the police on him speaks volumes about how far statement by Menlo Park City Attorney Bill McClure:

By LaDoris H. Cordell


Live up to your principles; end the Pig Scramble promoting equestrian pursuits. We salute your history and commitment to ongoe are Woodside residents who ing public service. We recognize you as love our town and feel fortu- a valuable community asset and a source nate to live here — we appre- of local pride. We also have common ground with ciate its natural beauty and outdoor lifestyle, the civic engagement of its you. We have a deep respect and appreciation for aniresidents and the mals, in particular friendly greetings Dr. Bonnie Yoffe of Woodside has been service and farm we receive while practicing veterinary medicine for over animals, who give walking our dogs 30 years, the last 20 as city veterinarian so much to us. on local trails. We for the city of Palo Alto. Lorien French For this reavalue the vibrant has a horticultural consulting and fine gardening son, we are against equestrian culture business based in the mistreatment here and enjoy seeWoodside. She and her dogs of any animal and ing horses in our have volunteered in canine-assisted we wish to see midst as part of therapy at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital for an end to the Pig the everyday fabric over 10 years. Both authors are Committee for Scramble. There is of our neighbor- Humane Woodside members. a much different hood. One of us is a understanding of horse owner whose GUEST OPINION animals nowadays daughter is an avid than was prevaequestrienne. We wish to speak now to the Mounted lent in the 1950s through 1980s. A pig Patrol from the heart. We are members of “scramble” doesn’t align with modern the Committee for Humane Woodside, farm animal welfare standards or best and understand that our committee’s practices. The Mounted Patrol has argued that efforts to eliminate the Pig Scramble event have made you fearful that your “we don’t speak pig” so how do we know way of life is under siege; this, how- these animals are suffering? Here’s how: ever, is not the truth. We honor you and professionals in veterinary medicine, your dedication to horsemanship and animal behavior and animal agriculture

By Bonnie Yoffe and Lorien French


22 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

“We’ve never had any case where an allegation of racial profiling was upheld or validated ... [Racial profiling] has been a non-issue.” Since the city of Menlo Park does not have independent oversight of its police department, we are left to rely entirely upon the word of Mr. McClure that all is well in his city, that racial profiling doesn’t exist, the experiences of Mr. Turner, Mr. Faraji, and Mr. Thomas, notwithstanding. In Menlo Park, as in every city on the Peninsula, save San Jose and Palo Alto, complaints of misconduct from the public, such as racial profiling or excessive force or discourtesy, are investigated by the very agencies against whom the individuals have complained. In other words, in those cities, the police police themselves; there is no independent civilian oversight. As a result, we have no idea how many complaints of racial profiling have been filed against the police in Menlo Park, whether the complaints were investigated thoroughly, and whether the findings were objective and unbiased. Independent civilian oversight would give us that information. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The time is always ripe to do right.” As Ms. Bradshaw’s articles demonstrated, the relationship between communities of color and the Menlo Park Police Department could be far better. Independent civilian oversight of the Menlo Park Police Department would be a major step in building a better relationship. The time is ripe for the city of Menlo park to do right.

understand that body language tells us when a creature is in distress or is suffering. And don’t we all know when our dogs or horses are scared, hungry, or stressed and need our care and attention? It is the same with pigs — they are prey animals who are frightened by loud noises, rough handling and sudden movements. The young pigs in the “scramble” repeatedly squealed and ran toward safety. They tried to hide under their transport trailer only to be forced back — dragged, or in some cases thrown haphazardly onto the arena floor. All the while, they made high-pitched continuous vocalizations that are expressions of extreme stress in pigs. These pigs were clearly communicating their fear and distress during the “scramble,” but sadly, no one was listening. This activity constitutes animal abuse and cannot be given a pass as “entertainment.” The Pig Scramble, held at the annual July Fourth Rodeo, is not even part of the Northern California Jr. Rodeo Association’s lineup of activities, and the association does not sanction it. We and 150-plus Woodside residents have signed a petition seeking to end this event. Hundreds within neighboring towns have also signed. Thirty Peninsula-based veterinarians have signed a statement opposing this activity. Mounted Patrol, why not replace this activity with one that is engaging and educational, and encourages kids to interact with animals with respect and kindness rather than chase small,

frightened pigs for a trophy? This would be in keeping with your highest principles as men who value and strive to act as good stewards of horses and farm animals. We and many other folks here in Woodside will gladly support this event. Town Council, please demonstrate that you do not support this abusive activity by passing a resolution condemning animal scrambles in Woodside. Alternatively, you can wait until public outcry against this inhumane event becomes so loud that the cost to ignore it outweighs the benefit. Other localities and one state, Minnesota, have passed laws that effectively ban cruel and pointless animal “scrambles” or similar events. Fairs and rodeos in both the U.S. and Canada have voluntarily dropped animal scrambles in response to turning public sentiment. Woodside can be a model for a vibrant, modern town that embraces the best of its rural heritage while respecting the animals in its midst and championing their welfare. That is a winning combination for horses, pigs and people.

What’s on your mind? Are you eager to share your thoughts on an issue of interest to the community? Tell us what’s on your mind by sending your letters to Or snail-mail them to: The Almanac, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306.


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Public Notices 995 Fictitious Name Statement File No. 272274 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SAN MATEO FOOT AND ANKLE CARE, 101 S. San Mateo Drive, Suite #212, San Mateo, CA 94401, County of San Mateo Registered Owner(s): COMPREHENSIVE FOOT & ANKLE CARE, INC., 2483 Paddock Drive, San Ramon, CA 94583 This business is conducted by: a corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signature of Registrant: Kenneth J. Passeri Print name of person signing. If corporation, also print corporate title of officer: Kenneth J. Passeri, President This statement was filed with the County Clerk of SAN MATEO COUNTY on February 02, 2017. Notice - In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. Except, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). Original MARK CHURCH, COUNTY CLERK SAN MATEO COUNTY BY: ANSHU NAND, Deputy Clerk CN933657 Feb 15,22, Mar 1,8, 2017 File No. 272272 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: EVgo, 1250 Jefferson Ave., Redwood City, CA 94062, County of San Mateo Registered Owner(s): EVgo Services LLC, 1000 North Post Oak Road, Suite 240, Houston, Texas 77055, Delaware This business is conducted by: a limited liability company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 1/29/2013. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signature of Registrant: Terry O’Day Print name of person signing. If corporation, also print corporate title of officer: Terry O’Day, V.P.

This statement was filed with the County Clerk of SAN MATEO COUNTY on February 02, 2017. Notice - In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the Office of the County Clerk. Except, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). Original MARK CHURCH, COUNTY CLERK SAN MATEO COUNTY BY: ANSHU NAND, Deputy Clerk CN934024 10205199 SO Feb 15,22, Mar 1,8, 2017 SKEETER JONES JANITORIAL SERVICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272304 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Skeeter Jones Janitorial Service, located at 655 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025; Mailing address: P.O. Box 603, Menlo Park, CA 94026 , San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): REGINALD E. JONES 1110 Eucalyptus St. Manteca, CA 95337 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 6, 2017. (ALM Feb. 15, 22; Mar. 1, 8, 2017) BETI IN HOMECARE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272360 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Beti IN HomeCare, located at 2200 Menalto Ave., East Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): SOKOPETI VIMAHI 2200 Menalto Ave. East Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 8, 2017. (ALM Feb. 15, 22, Mar. 1, 8, 2017) DODGE WILLIAMS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272372 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Dodge Williams, located at 1502 Stafford St., Redwood City, CA 94062, San Mateo County, USA. Registered owner(s): BRIAN CLIFFORD 2950 Briarfield Ave. Redwood City, CA 94062 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 2-9-17. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 9, 2017. (ALM Feb. 15, 22; Mar. 1, 8, 2017) THE COAST RIDGE GROUP FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272132 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: The Coast Ridge Group, located at 91 Hillbrook Drive, Portola Valley, CA 94028, San Mateo County. Is (Are) hereby registered by the following owner(s): JAMES R LUSSIER 91 Hillbrook Drive Portola Valley, CA 94028-7933 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 01/03/2011. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 24, 2017. (ALM Feb. 22; Mar. 1, 8, 15, 2017) ESTILO BEAUTY SALON FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272476 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Estilo Beauty Salon, located at 377 Grand Ave., So. San Francisco, CA 94080, San Mateo County.

Registered owner(s): OMAR GONZALO LOPEZ RANGEL 1716 Bermuda Way Antioch, CA 94509 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 17, 2017. (ALM Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017) ANDRES GONZALEZ GARDEN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272308 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Andres Gonzalez Garden, located at 120 Grace Ave., E. Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): ANDRES GONZALEZ TORRES 120 Grace Ave. E. Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 6, 2017. (ALM Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017) File No. M-258320 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF THE USE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Name of the person(s) abandoning the use of the Fictitious Business Name: NRG eVgo Name of Business: NRG EV Services LLC Date of original filing: 10/30/2013 Address of Principal Place of Business: 211 Carnegie Ctr., Princeton, NJ 08540 Registrant’s Name: NRG EV SERVICES LLC Residence Address: 211 Carnegie Ctr., Princeton, NJ 08540 The business was conducted by: limited liability company. Signed by owner: Glen Stancil This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Mateo County on February 15, 2017 MARK CHURCH, Assessor-County ClerkRecorder & Chief Elections Officer. BY: DIANA SIRON, Deputy Clerk CN934026 10205199 SO Mar 1,8,15,22, 2017 File No. M-250389 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF THE USE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Name of the person(s) abandoning the use of the Fictitious Business Name: eVgo Name of Business: NRG EV Services LLC Date of original filing: 5/14/2012 Address of Principal Place of Business: 211 Carnegie Ctr., Princeton, NJ 08540 Registrant’s Name: NRG EV SERVICES LLC Residence Address: 211 Carnegie Ctr., Princeton, NJ 08540 The business was conducted by: limited liability company. Signed by owner: Glen Stancil This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Mateo County on February 15, 2017 ARK CHURCH, Assessor-County ClerkRecorder & Chief Elections Officer. BY: DIANA SIRON, Deputy Clerk CN934025 10205199 SO Mar 1,8,15,22, 2017 R A TILE AND STONE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272223 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: R A Tile and Stone, located at 1410 Hess Rd. Apt. #5, Redwood City, CA 94061, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): ELDER ROCAEL ALVARADO MARROQUIN 1410 Hess Rd. Apt. #5 Redwood City, CA 94061 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 30, 2017. (ALM Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017) PIX & PIECES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272528 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Pix & Pieces, located at 325 Sharon Park Dr., Ste. 731, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): DEBORAH MAUFER 350 Sharon Park Dr. Apt. S 26 Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 12-30-2011. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 23, 2017. (ALM Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017)

GABCIN TRUCKING FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272472 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Gabcin Trucking, located at 1390 Bay Rd., E. Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): ELDER EDUARDO MEJIA MORALES 1390 Bay Rd. E. Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 2-16-2017. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 16, 2017. (ALM Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017) SINCARE MEDICAL TOUR CONCIERGE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272432 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Sincare Medical Tour Concierge, located at 1670 S. Amphlett Blvd., 214-19#, San Mateo, CA 94402, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): JACKIE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE FACILITY INC. 1670 S. Amphlett Blvd., 214-19# San Mateo, CA 94402 CA This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 3/2016. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 14, 2017. (ALM Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017) SORIA’S AUTO MOBILE DETAIL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272467 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Soria’s Auto Mobile Detail, located at 1837 Clarke Ave., #21, East Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): JUAN SORIA 1837 Clarke Ave., #21 East Palo Alto, CA 94303 IVAN SORIA 1837 Clarke Ave., #21 East Palo Alto, CA 94303 This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 16, 2017. (ALM Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2017) THE MONTEREY OFFICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272565 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: The Monterey Offices, located at 617 Veterans Boulevard, Ste. 118, Redwood City, CA 94063, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): RICHARD M. EBERLI, Trustee 2020 Avy Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 PATRICE W. EBERLI, Trustee 2020 Avy Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is conducted by: A Trust. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 2-27-2017. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 27, 2017. (ALM Mar. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017) RaverSwag FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272548 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: RaverSwag, located at 88 Claremont Avenue, #8, Redwood City, CA 94062, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): ELEONORA BABAYANTS 88 Claremont Avenue, #8 Redwood City, CA 94062 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 2/10/2017. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 24, 2017. (ALM Mar. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017) CLOUD PRINCIPALS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272579 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Cloud Principals, located at 503 Iris St., Redwood City, CA 94062, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): JOSE PEREZ-ZAMARRON 503 Iris St. Redwood City, CA 94062 This business is conducted by: An

Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on Feb. 2017. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 28, 2017. (ALM Mar. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017) MENLO LABS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272427 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Menlo Labs, located at 2107 Camino de los Robles, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County. Registered owner(s): ROBERT KRAUSE 2107 Camino de los Robles Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 14, 2017. (ALM Mar. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017) LITTLE SKY BAKERY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 272628 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Little Sky Bakery, located at 915 Arnold Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County. Is (Are) hereby registered by the following owner(s): TIAN TIAN MAYIMIN 915 Arnold Way Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 3/3/2017. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on March 3, 2017. (ALM Mar. 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017)

997 All Other Legals ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No.: 17CIV00335 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: LESLIE LEE BUCHALTER filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: LESLIE LEE BUCHALTER to LESLIE LEE HERLEIKSON. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Wed. March 22, 2017, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, of the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, located at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC Date: February 6, 2017 /s/ Susan Irene Etezadi JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (ALM Feb. 22; Mar. 1, 8, 15, 2017)


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Woodside $8,788,000 17900 Skyline Blvd Large home on over 23 ac of privacy. Bright & open flrpln, lg formal LR, DR & gourmet kit. 6 BR/7 BA + 1 half BA David Kelsey CalBRE #01242399 650.851.2666

Woodside $6,995,000 100 Phillip Rd Craftsman-style estate in Central Woodside. Apprx. 3 flat sunny acres w/pool. Studio apt. 5 BR/4 BA + 1 half BA Erika Demma CalBRE #01230766 650.851.2666

Menlo Park $4,495,000 1040 Hermosa Way A rare offering of its caliber just blocks from downtown. Exceptional 5bd/4ba built 2010. 5 BR/4 BA Billy McNair CalBRE #01343603 650.324.4456

Portola Valley $4,350,000 20 Cordova Ct Stunning 1+ acre offers breathtaking views and amazing deck & pool area. 20CORDOVA.COM 5 BR/3 BA Ginny Kavanaugh CalBRE #00884747 650.851.1961

Redwood City $4,295,000 9 Colton Ct Private gated villa on 1/2 ac resort lot w/pool. Huge custom open flrpln. Sep in-law ste. 5 BR/4 BA + 1 half BA Sam Anagnostou CalBRE #00798217 650.851.2666

Menlo Park $3,598,000 1337 Sherman Ave Brand new West Menlo Park home offers comfortable & flexible living! 4 en-suite bedrooms 4 BR/4 BA + 1 half BA Judy Shen CalBRE #01272874 650.325.6161

Portola Valley $3,595,000 183 Vista Verde Way Expansive and modern home with commanding views of Foothills Park, the valley and Bay. 4 BR/3 BA + 1 half BA Ginny Kavanaugh CalBRE #00884747 650.851.1961

Menlo Oaks Area $3,325,000 570 Berkeley Ave Lot over 30,000 sq. ft. Build your dream home with all the extras! BR/ BA Nancy Goldcamp CalBRE #00787851 650.325.6161


$2,698,000 NEW PRICE! 355 Lloyden Park Lane Tasteful & private 11,700 sf lot. New kitchen, master bath, & interior doors. MP/ATH high. 4 BR/2 BA Camille Eder CalBRE #01394600 650.324.4456

Stanford $2,395,000 920 Mears Ct Rare Stanford campus property. Available to faculty and senior staff only. 3 BR/2 BA + 1 half BA Barbara Joyiens CalBRE #01937572 650.325.6161

Menlo Park $1,895,000 162 Linfield Drive This less than 10 year old home features a beautiful open floor plan, & 3 spacious bds. 3 BR/2 BA + 1 half BA Katie Hammer Riggs CalBRE #01783432 650.324.4456

Sunnyvale $1,398,800 363 Orchard Ave Major remodel and expansion. Upbeat, open plan. Great room opens to deck and yard. 3 BR/3 BA Nancy Goldcamp CalBRE #00787851 650.325.6161

Los Altos $1,189,000 470 Gabilan St. 4 Bright & inviting. Open floor plan. Recently remodeled. Close to downtown.Los Altos school 2 BR/1 BA + 1 half BA Hossein Jalali CalBRE #01215831 650.324.4456

Menlo Park $849,000 25 Willow Rd 49 Single level, ground floor, remodeled condominium. Impeccable finishes throughout. 1 BR/1 BA Billy McNair CalBRE #01343603 650.324.4456

Menlo Park $758,000 2140 Santa Cruz Ave A101 Opportunity to own at Menlo commons-end unit-1st floorpool-easy access to I-280. 2 BR/2 BA Beth Leathers CalBRE #01131116 650.324.4456

Mountain View $749,888 49 Showers Dr E152 Bright and spacious 1st floor condominium in the desirable Old Mill Complex. 1 BR/1 BA Hossein Jalali CalBRE #01215831 650.324.4456 |

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28 Q The Almanac Q Q March 8, 2017

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