Digital Imaging with Photoshop

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Copyright © Zambak Yayýncýlýk ve Eðitim Gereçleri A.Þ. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher. Digital Assembly Zambak Typesetting & Design Editor Osman AY Language Proofreader Nanette DAY Page Design Mustafa ÇİMEN Publisher Zambak Yayýncýlýk ve Eðitim Gereçleri A.Þ. Printed by Çaðlayan A.Þ. Gaziemir / İzmir, August 2012 Tel: +90-232 252 22 85 +90-232 522 20 96 / 97 ISBN: 978-605-112-686-9 Printed in Turkey


Zambak Yayýncýlýk ve Eðitim Gereçleri A.Þ. Mahmutbey Merkez Mah. Soğuksu Cad. No. 31 Tek-er İş Merkezi Bağcılar / ÝSTANBUL Tel.: +90-212 604 21 00 Fax: +90-212 604 21 12



An Introduction to Digital Imaging.................................... 6

Task ......................................................................... 54

Raster Image......................................................................7

Step 1. Preparing The Workspace.....................................55

Vector Image......................................................................7

Step 2. Filling The Background..........................................56


Step 3. Adding Text...........................................................61


Step 4. Adding Pictures....................................................64

Color Modes.......................................................................7

Step 5. Adding Photos......................................................67

Fundamental Digital Image Manipulation Mehtods...............8

Project ......................................................................... 72

Photoshop Tools...............................................................11

Questions..................................................................... 73

Photoshop Palettes...........................................................12

Questions..................................................................... 20

CHAPTER 5: SMOKE CHAPTER 2: PHOTOMONTAGE Task ......................................................................... 22

Task ......................................................................... 76 Step 1. Preparing Workspace............................................77 Step 2. Filling Background And Add覺ng Text.......................77

Step 1: Changing The Hair................................................23

Step 3. Applying Filters.....................................................78

Step 2: Changing The Mouth.............................................26

Step 4. Adding Brushes....................................................82

Step 3: Adding The Glasses..............................................28

Step 5. Adding Texture......................................................83

Step 4. Changing The Body..............................................30

Step 6. Image Adjustment.................................................84

Step 5. Changing The Tie..................................................31

Project ......................................................................... 86

Step 6. Saving The File.....................................................32

Project ......................................................................... 34

Questions..................................................................... 86

Questions..................................................................... 35


Task ......................................................................... 88 First Approach. Using Channels........................................89

Task ......................................................................... 38

Second Approach. Refine Edge.........................................92

Step 1. Sketch-Up............................................................39

Project ......................................................................... 95

Step 2. Colorizing.............................................................40 Step 3. Sun And Clouds....................................................42 Step 4. Trace Of The Plane...............................................44 Step 5. Tree......................................................................46 Step 6. Butterflies.............................................................49

Project ......................................................................... 50 Questions..................................................................... 51

Questions..................................................................... 96

CHAPTER 7: RIBBON Task ......................................................................... 99 Step 1. Preparing Workspace............................................99 Step 2. Drawing The Ribbon...........................................100 Step 3. Adding Layer Styles............................................102 Step 4. Define A Pattern..................................................105 Step 5. Apply A Pattern...................................................105 Step 6. Last Changes.....................................................107

Project ....................................................................... 111 Questions................................................................... 112

CHAPTER 8: WEB BANNER Task ....................................................................... 115 Step 1. Preparing The Workspace...................................115

Project ....................................................................... 125 Questions................................................................... 126

CHAPTER 9: DESIGNING A WEB PAGE Basic Aspects Of Web Design.........................................129 Features Of Good Web Design........................................129 The Process...................................................................130 Step 1. Pre-Design 1......................................................131 Step 2. Pre-Design 2......................................................132 Step 3. Design................................................................133

Project ....................................................................... 147 Questions................................................................... 148 Answer Key................................................................ 149 Index ....................................................................... 150


An IntroductIon to DIgItal ImagIng Digital imaging is the art of making digital images – photographs, printed texts, or artwork - through the use of a digital camera or image machine, or by scanning them as a document. Each image is compiled of a certain amount of pixels, which are then mapped onto a grid and stored in a sequence by a computer. Every pixel in an image is given a tonal value to determine its hue or color.

Picture 1.1. A digital camera, pixels, and an all-in-one scanner


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Raster Image A raster image, also called a bitmap, is a way to represent digital images. The raster image takes a wide variety of formats, including the familiar .gif, .jpg, and .bmp. A raster image represents an image in a series of bits of information that translate into pixels on the screen. These pixels form points of color that create an overall finished image.

Vector Image Vector images are a collection of individual objects rather than picture elements. A vector image can be composed of points connected by lines, or nodes (control points) connected by Bezier curves.


Picture 1.2. Difference between vector and raster images

Pixel In digital imaging, a pixel (or picture element) is a single point in a raster image. The pixel is the smallest addressable screen element; it is the smallest unit of picture that can be controlled.

Resolution Resolution is the number of pixels or dots per inch (noted as ppi/dpi). The higher the resolution, the more detail is stored for the graphic. This means that a higher resolution image is higher quality, but its size is also larger. For example: if you want to print you work, you have to use 300 dpi resolution.

Picture 1.3. An example of a pixel

Color Modes Photoshop enables you to work with different color modes namely, RGB, CMYK, Lab, Greyscale, Bitmap, Indexed, and Duotone. RGB and CMYK are the two main color modes. RGB is used for displaying color on the monitor while CMYK is used in pictures that are published. Chapter 1 / Introduction


RGB (Red, Green, Blue) Photoshop’s RGB Color mode uses the RGB model, assigning an intensity value to each pixel ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white) for each of the RGB (red, green, blue) components in a color image. For example, a bright red color might have an R value of 246, a G value of 20, and a B value of 50. When the values of all three components are equal, the result is a shade of neutral gray. When the value of all components are 255, the result is pure white; when the values are 0, the result is pure black.

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key)

Picture 1.4: RGB model

CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key, or black. These are the four colors of ink used in the traditional method of printing hardcopies of images, called offset printing. The three colors, plus black, roughly correspond to the primary colors from which colors across the visible spectrum can be created. CMYK is a color-mixing system that depends on chemical pigments to achieve the desired hues.

Fundamental Digital Image Manipulation Mehtods Crop an Image Cropping is the process of removing portions of an image to create focus or strengthen the composition. You can crop an image using the Crop tool the Crop command.


Picture 1.5. Cropping an image.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Scale an Image Image scaling is the process of resizing a digital image. Scaling is a non-trivial process that involves a trade-off between efficiency, smoothness and sharpness.

Picture 1.6. Scaling an image.

Rotate an image Rotating, reversing, or flipping an image allows you correctly display an image that may have been taken with a camera at an angle or scanned in a scanner at a different angle.

Picture 1.7. Rotating an image.

Sharpen an Image Sharpening enhances the definition of edges in an image. Whether your images come from a digital camera or a scanner, most images can benefit from sharpening. The degree of sharpening needed varies depending on the quality of the digital camera or scanner. Picture 1.8. Sharpening an image.

Chapter 1 / Introduction


Adjust the Tone and colors of an Image The tonal range of an image represents the amount of contrast, or detail, in the image and is determined by the image’s distribution of pixels, ranging from the darkest pixels (black) to the lightest pixels (white).

Picture 1.9. Adjusting the tonal range of an image.

Color balance is the global adjustment of the intensities of the colors (typically red, green, and blue primary colors). An important goal of this adjustment is to render specific colors – particularly neutral colors – correctly; hence, the general method is sometimes called gray balance, neutral balance, or white balance.

Picture 1.10. Adjusting a color of an image.

Blend Images Blend modes (or Mixing modes) in digital image editing are used to determine how two layers are blended into each other. The default blend mode in most applications is simply to hide the lower layer with whatever is present in the top layer.

Picture 1.11. Blending an image (overlay).


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Apply filter to an image Image filtering is a process by which we can enhance (or otherwise modify, warp, and mutilate) images.

Picture 1.12. Applying a filter to an image.

Photoshop Tools The Photoshop Toolbox provides tools for selecting, drawing, and navigating around the Stage. It is divided up into several sections: selection tools, drawing and text tools, color tools, navigation tools, navigation and fill color selector, and tool options. Every tool has its own hotkey, which increases the speed of work in Photoshop.

Picture 1.13. Toolbox

Chapter 1 / Introduction


Photoshop Palettes Palettes are essential components of your tool set. For one, palettes help you define the nature of your tools. That is, palettes help you customize how the tools in the toolbox perform. For example, you might “sharpen” (make the line thin) or “dull” (make the line thick) your pencil tool using the “Brushes Palette”. Palettes also help you perform some of the more complex tasks such as layering or manipulating complex color schemes.

Picture 1.14. Palettes 12

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

3D When you select a 3D layer, the 3D palette shows the components of the associated 3D file. The top section of the palette lists the meshes, materials, and lights in the file. The bottom section of the palette shows settings and options for the 3D component selected in the top section.

3D palette displaying Scene options A. Display Scene, Meshes, Materials, or Lights options B. Render presets menu C. Customize render settings D. Select texture to paint on E. Cross section settings F. Toggle overlays G. Add new light H. Delete light

Picture 1.15. 3D palette

Action An action is a series of tasks that you play back on a single file or a batch of files—menu commands, palette options, tool actions, and so on. For example, you can create an action that changes the size of an image, applies an effect to the image, and then saves the file in the desired format. A. Action set B. Action C. Recorded commands D. Included command E. Modal control (toggles on or off ) Picture 1.16. Action palette.

Chapter 1 / Introduction


Animation In the standard version of Photoshop, the Animation palette (Window > Animation) appears in frame mode, showing a thumbnail of each frame in your animation. Use the tools at the bottom of the palette to navigate through the frames, set looping options, add and delete frames, and preview the animation.

Picture 1.17. Animation palette.

A. Selects the first frame B. Selects the previous frame C. Plays animation D. Selects the next frame E. Tweens animation frames F. Duplicates selected frames G. Deletes selected frames H. Converts to timeline mode (Photoshop Extended only) I. Animation palette menu

Brush In the Brush palette, you can select preset brushes from the Brush Presets palette, but you can also modify existing brushes and design new custom brushes. The Brush palette contains the brush tip options that determine how paint is applied to an image.

A. Locked B. Unlocked C. Selected brush tip D. Brush settings E. Brush stroke preview F. pop up menu G. Brush tip shapes (available when Brush Tip Shape option is selected) H. Brush options

Picture 1.18. Brush palette. 14

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Channels The Channels palette lists all channels in the image— composite channel first (for RGB, CMYK, and Lab images). A thumbnail of the channel’s contents appears to the left of the channel name; the thumbnail is automatically updated as you edit the channel.

A. Color channels B. Spot channels C. Alpha channels

Picture 1.19. Channels palette

Character The Character palette provides options for formatting characters. Some formatting options are also available from the options bar.

A. Font Family B. Font Size C. Vertical Scale D. Set Tsume option E. Tracking F. Baseline Shift G. Language H. Font Style I.Leading J. Horizontal scale K. Kerning

Picture 1.20. Character palette.

Clone Source The Clone Source palette (Window > Clone Source) has options for the Clone Stamp tools or Healing Brush tools. You can set up to five different sample sources and quickly select the one you need without resampling each time you change to a different source. You can view an overlay of your sample source to make it easier to clone the source in a specific location. You can also scale or rotate the sample source to better match the size and orientation of the cloning destination.

Picture 1.21. Clone Source Palette Chapter 1 / Introduction


Color The Color palette (Window > Color) displays the color values for the current foreground and background colors. Using the sliders in the Color palette, you can edit the foreground and background colors using different color models.

Picture 1.22. Color palette.

A. Foreground color

C. Slider

B. Background color

D. Color ramp

Histogram The Histogram palette offers many options for viewing tonal and color information about an image. By default, the histogram displays the tonal range of the entire image. To display histogram data for a portion of the image, first select that portion.

A. Channel menu

D. Cached Data Warning icon

B. Palette menu

E. Statistics

C. Uncached Refresh button Picture 1.23. Histogram palette.

History You can use the History palette to jump to any recent state of the image created during the current working session. Each time you apply a change to an image, the new state of that image is added to the palette.

A. Sets the source for the history brush B. Thumbnail of a snapshot C. History state D. History state slider

Picture 1.24. History palette. 16

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Info The Info palette shows the color values beneath the pointer and, depending on the tool in use, gives other useful information. The Info palette also displays a hint on using the selected tool, gives document status information, and can display 8 bit, 16 bit, or 32 bit values.

Picture 1.25. Info palette

Layer The Layers palette lists all layers, layer groups, and layer effects in an image. You can use the Layers panel to show and hide layers, create new layers, and work with groups of layers. You can access additional commands and options in the Layers panel menu. A. Layers panel menu B. Layer Group C. Layer D. Expand/Collapse Layer effects E. Layer effect F. Layer thumbnail

Picture 1.26. Layers palette.

Masks You can add a mask to a layer and use the mask to hide portions of the layer and reveal the layers below. Masking layers is a valuable compositing technique for combining multiple photos into a single image or for making local color and tonal corrections. A. Select the filter mask. B. Add a pixel mask. C. Add a vector mask.

D. Panel menu. E. Apply Mask F. Layer mask G. Vector mask Picture 1.27. Masks palette and Properties palette

Chapter 1 / Introduction


Navigator Panel You use the Navigator panel to quickly change the view of your artwork using a thumbnail display. The colored box in the Navigator (called the proxy view area) corresponds to the currently viewable area in the window. A. Panel menu button

E. Zoom Outbutton

B. Thumbnail display of artwork

F. Zoom slider

C. Proxy preview area

G. Zoom Inbutton

D. Zoom text box Picture 1.28. Navigator palette.

Paragraph You use the Paragraph palette to change the formatting of columns and paragraphs. To display the panel, choose Window > Paragraph, or click the Paragraph panel tab if the panel is visible but not active. You can also select a in the options bar. type tool and click the Panel button

Picture 1.29. Paragraph palette.

A. Alignment and justification

E. Hyphenation

B. Left indent

F. Right indent

C. First line left indent

G. Space after paragraph

D. Space before paragraph

Paths The Paths palette (Window > Paths) lists the name and a thumbnail image of each saved path, the current work path, and the current vector mask. Turning thumbnails off can improve performance. To view a path, you must first select it in the Paths panel. A. Saved path B. Temporary work path C. Vector mask path (appears only when shape layer is selected) Picture 1.30. Paths palette.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Styles Photoshop provides a variety of effects—such as shadows, glows, and bevels— that change the appearance of a layer’s contents. Layer effects are linked to the layer contents. When you move or edit the contents of the layer, the same effects are applied to the modified contents. For example, if you apply a drop shadow to a text layer and then add new text, the shadow is added automatically to the new text. You can apply preset styles from the Styles palette. The layer styles that come with Photoshop are grouped into libraries by function. Picture 1.31. Styles palette

Swatches The Swatches palette (Window > Swatches) stores colors that you use often. You can add or delete colors from the panel or display different libraries of colors for different projects.

Picture 1.32. Swatches palette

Chapter 1 / Introduction


QUESTIONS 1. Which of the following tasks can you not do with Photoshop?

5. Which version of Photoshop can edit a video? A. Professional

A. Paint

B. Extended

B. Adjust photos

C. Ultra

C. Edit an audio file

D. X5

D. Make a web design

E. Video Pro

E. Create an animation

2. What must be the resolution of a photo if you want to print it out?

6. Which of the file formats can keep layer information? A. BMP

A. 72 dpi


B. 72.5 dpi


C. 100 dpi


D. 300 dpi


E. 96 dpi

3. Which of the following are NOT color modes?

7. Which of the following can you NOT define in a New Dialog Box ?


A. Resolution

B. Lab

B. File extension


C. Color mode

D. Levels

D. Width

E. Indexed

E. File name

4. What is the range of intensity value of a pixel in the RGB mode? A. 1-100 B. 0-254 C. 0-255 D. 1-99 E. 0-100


Digital Imaging with Photoshop


Photomontage is the process and result of making a composite photograph by cutting and joining a number of other photographs. The composite picture is sometimes photographed so that the final image is converted back into a seamless photographic print. A similar method, although one that does not use film, is realized today using image-editing software. This latter technique is referred to by professionals as “compositing”, and in casual usage is often called “photoshopping.”

Picture 2.1. Photomontage from two photos.

TASK The task of this chapter is to modify a portrait photo using photomontage techniques. During this process, you will make a selection and then copy, move, erase and transform the selected parts. You will use the marque, lasso, move, transform, and eraser tools.

Picture 2.2. Original.


Picture 2.3. Photomontage.

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Step 1: Changing The Hair 1. Open Original.jpg and 1.jpg from the folder (\Chapter 2\Materials). Go to File->Open on the main menu or press Ctrl+O or double click on the empty space in Photoshop.

Picture 2.4. Opening a file The Open dialog window opens and you can select the file to open.

Picture 2.5. Selecting files in the Open dialog window dialog.

Picture 2.6. Opened files. Chapter 2 / Photomontage


2. Select the hair.

Lasso Tool or press (L) on keyboard and start selecting the

Picture 2.7. Selecting hair using the Lasso Tool.

Picture 2.8. Result of selecting hair. Use the Lasso Tool for freehand, Polygonal Lasso Tool for straightedged, and Magnetic Lasso Tool for snap-to selections.

3. Go to Edit->Copy to copy his hair onto the clipboard or press Ctrl+C.

Picture 2.9. Copying hair. 24

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

4. Select Original.psd, the go to Edit->Paste to paste from the clipboard or press Ctrl+V.

Picture 2.10. Pasting hair into Original.psd.

5. After pasting the hair into Original.jpg, you will see that it is not located on his head correctly. Select the Move Tool or press (V) to move and place the hair in the correct position on his head.

6. Go to Edit->Free Transform or press Ctrl+T to change the size of the hair.

The Move Tool moves selections, layers, and guides.

The Free Transform command lets you apply transformations (rotate, scale, skew, distort, and perspective) in one continuous operation.

Picture 2.11. Applying Free Transform. Chapter 2 / Photomontage


Eraser Tool or press (E) on the keyboard and 7. Select the delete any unnecessary hair.

Picture 2.12. Erasing unnecessary hair.

Step 2: Changing The Mouth 1. Open 2.jpg (\Chapter 2\Materials) and select the Rectangular Marque Tool or press (M) to select the mouth. Copy the selection to Original. psd

The Eraser Tool erases pixels and restores parts of an image to a previously saved state. Eraser Tool - The Eraser Tool changes pixels to either the background color or to a transparent. Background Eraser Tool - The Background Eraser Tool erases pixels on a layer to transparency as you drag; this allows you to erase the background while maintaining the edges of an object in the foreground. Magic Eraser Tool - When you click a layer with the Magic Eraser Tool, the tool changes all similar pixels to be transparent.


Picture 2.13. Selecting the mouth.

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

The marquee tools let you select rectangles, ellipses, and 1‑pixel rows and columns. Rectangular Marquee Elliptical Marquee Single Row

Makes a rectangular selection (or a square when used with the Shift key). Makes an elliptical selection (or a circle when used with the Shift key).

or Single Column

Marquee Defines the border as a 1‑pixel‑wide row or column.

As you see, mouth is pasted to Original.psd but it doesn’t suits to our photo.

Picture 2.14. Copied mouth.

2. Press Ctrl+T to select the Transform Tool to change the direction of mouth in two ways: a. Select the pointer and drag to the left.

Chapter 2 / Photomontage

Picture 2.15. Resizing the mouth using Free Transform. 27

b. Change the Width of the selection from 100% to -100%.

Selection Tool

3. Delete the unnecessary part with the Eraser Tool and place the mouth on the face.

To select the Elliptical Marquee Tool you have press and hold the Rectangular Marque Tool or press Shift+M to change between tools. You can use Curves or Levels to adjust the entire tonal range of an image. Picture 2.16. Results of resizing the mouth.

Step 3: Adding The Glasses 1. Open Glasses.jpg (\Chapter 2\Materials) and select the Magic Wand Tool or press (W). Hold Shift and click on the white background under the glasses.

Picture 2.17. Selecting the background using the Magic Wand Tool. 28

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

2. Press Shift+Ctrl+I or go to Select->Inverse to make an inverse selection. Copy the selected graphic to Original.psd and apply a Free Transform to resize the glasses.

Picture 2.18. Resized glasses. 3. Delete any unnecessary parts of the glasses using the Eraser Tool.

Picture 2.19. Erasing unnecessary parts.

4. Resize the glasses using Free Transform and position the glasses as shown in Picture 20.

Picture 2.20. Resizing and positioning glasses. Chapter 2 / Photomontage

Picture 2.21. Result of positioning and resizing. 29

Step 4. Changing The Body 1. Open Medic.jpg (\Chapter 2\Materials) and select the Lasso Tool or press (L)

2. Select the body using the psd.


Polygonal Lasso Tool and copy to Original.

Picture 2.22. Opened file.

Picture 2.23. Selecting the medic’s body.

3. Resize the body using Free Transform. Go to Edit->Transform->Perspective to change the perspective of the body.

Picture 2.24. Applying Free Transform. 30

Picture 2.25. Applying Perspective to the body. Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Step 5. Changing The Tie 1. The next step is to change the tie. Open 3.jpg (\Chapter 2\Materials) and Magnetic Lasso Tool or press (L). Start selecting the tie and select the copy to Original.psd.

Picture 2.26. Selecting the tie using the Magnetic Lasso Tool.

Picture 2.27. Pasting the tie.

2. As you can see in Picture 27, the tie is not placed correctly. To create a more realistic look, go to Edit->Transform->Distort

Chapter 2 / Photomontage


3. Drag the pointers until you position the tie correctly.

Picture 2.28. Distorting the tie. 4. Erase the unnecessary parts of the tie using the Eraser Tool or (E).

Picture 2.29. Erasing the unnecessary parts.

Picture 2.30. Final result.

Step 6. Saving The File 1. Go to File->Save or press Ctrl+S; in the Save As dialog window, give a name for the file and select the *.PSD format, then press the Save button.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Graphic file formats differ in the way they represent image data (as pixels or vectors) and support different compression techniques and Photoshop features. To preserve all Photoshop features (layers, effects, masks, and so on), save a copy of your image in the Photoshop format (PSD).

Picture 2.31. Save As dialog window.

2. Go to File->Save As or press Ctrl+Shift+S to save your document in any other format or to change the name or location of the file. Save your file in the JPG format. In the Filename field, give the name, such as Original; for the format, select *.JPG.

Picture 2.32. Saving the file in another format. Chapter 2 / Photomontage


3. After you press the Save button, you need to adjust the JPEG options.

4. The quality range is from 1 to 12. The more quality you set, the large the file will be. Select the maximum, 12.

Picture 2.33. JPEG options Photoshop format (PSD) is the default file format and the only format, besides the Large Document Format (PSB), that supports all Photoshop features. It contains layers, color adjustments, history, etc. You can make changes after you open a PSD file. JPEG format is Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format ad is commonly used to display photographs and other continuous-tone images in hypertext markup language (HTML) documents over the World Wide Web and other online services. JPEG format supports CMYK, RGB, and Grayscale color modes, but does not support transparency. Unlike GIF format, JPEG retains all color information in an RGB image, but compresses file size by selectively discarding data.

PROJECT 1. Do a photomontage of your friend. Change him into a “fireman�. Use the different attributes of a fireman.


AFTER Digital Imaging with Photoshop

QUESTIONS 1. What is the hotkey for the Lasso Tool?

5. What we can NOT do with Free Transform?

A. Ctrl+L

A. Change the size

B. Shift+L

B. Change the width

C. L

C. Change the height

D. T

D. Change to opacity

E. Ctrl+Shift+T

E. Rotate an object

2. How many sub-tools does the Marquee Tool have?

6. How many sub-functions does Transform have? A. 3

A. 2

B. 4

B. 1

C. 5

C. 5

D. 6

D. 4

E. 1

E. 3 7. What is JPEG? 3. What is the hotkey for opening a file?

A. Jointed Picture Equal Grey

A. Ctrl+O

B. Joint Photographic Expert Group

B. O

C. Junior Photo Exposure Graphic

C. Ctrl+Shift+O

D. July Presentation in Empire Global

D. Shift+O

E. Joyful Program in English Grammar

E. Ctrl+F

4. What is the technique for selecting and area using the Polygonal Lasso Tool?

8. What kind of file format allows you to make changes after opening it? A. JPEG

A. Polygonal technique


B. Squared technique


C. Cornered technique


D. Straight-ended technique


E. Bezier technique

Chapter 2 / Photomontage


QUESTIONS 9. What does the Save As function do? A. Saves files only in the PSD format B. Allows you to save in other formats C. Saves for the web D. Does nothing E. Saves files only in the JPEG format

10. What is the combination of keys used to change between sub-tools? A. Key+Key B. Ctrl+Key C. Shift+Key D. Ctrl+Shift+Key E. Alt+Key


Digital Imaging with Photoshop


When you go outside, you see the blue sky, bright yellow sun, and green grass and trees, but this color palette changes every three months with the changing of each season. Why not memorialize these moments in digital form? In this chapter you will learn how to paint with brushes in Photoshop. The brushes have a huge number of settings and parameters that allows you to paint in a lifelike manner. This type of painting is called digital painting. Picture 1 shows some examples of digital paintings.

TASK The task for this chapter is to draw a “summer” as shown in Picture 2. You will learn how to adjust the brush, to make a realistic picture. You will use the Brush Tool, Pencil Tool, Mixer Brush Tool, and their properties.

Picture 3.2. “Summer”.

Picture 3.1. Digital Painting.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Step 1. Sketch-Up 1. Go to File->New or press Ctrl+N to open a new empty file.

Picture 3.3. Opening a new file.

2. When the New dialog window opens, (1) give the name “Summer,” (2) select the preset “Web,” and (3), select the size“1024x768”. (Picture 4)

Picture 3.4. Setting parameters for new file.

3. Press OK and an empty window will open.

Picture 3.5. New empty window. Chapter 3 / Seasons


4. Select the

Pencil Tool or press (B) on the keyboard and start drawing.

Picture 3.6. Drawing.

Step 2. Colorizing 1. Now let’s paint and colorize our sketch. Select the Brush Tool or press (B) on the keyboard. 2. Right-Click on the stage to set the size to 78 and hardness to 60% for the brush.

Picture 3.7. Changing the size and hardness of the brush. 40

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

3. Set the blue color as the foreground from the palette and start painting the sky.

Picture 3.8. Painting the sky.

4. After you finish painting the sky, it is time to paint the grass. There are a lot of types of brushes, like grass, stars, butterflies, leaves, and much more. RightClick on the stage, in the brush presets select Dune Grass.

Picture 3.9. Dune Grass selection.

Chapter 3 / Seasons


5. Select Foreground and Background colors for the grass, (light green and green, respectively) and start drawing. Set the brush size to 43.

Picture 3.10. Painting the grass.

Step 3. Sun And Clouds 1. Draw the sun to the top left corner. Select the Brush Tool or press (B) on the keyboard; set the brush size to 178 and hardness to 35%. Select yellow from the color palette.

Picture 3.11. Drawing a sun. 42

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

2. Change the size of the brush to 24 and hardness to 10%. Select white for the foreground color and draw the clouds.

Picture 3.12. Drawing clouds.

Chapter 3 / Seasons


Step 4. Trace Of The Plane 1. Select the Brush Tool or press (B) on the keyboard. Set the brush size to 12. Select white as foreground color. 2. Go to Window->Brush or press (F5) on the keyboard. You will see the Brush window open along the right side. In this window you can adjust more properties for any brush. 3. Press Shape Dynamics, set Control to Fade, value to 198 and Minimum Diameter to 63%.

Picture 3.13. Shape dynamics properties

4. Press Scattering from the left menu. Set the Scatter value to 342%, and Control to Fade, with a value of 102.

Picture 3.14. Scattering properties.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

5. Press Transfer from the left menu. Set Opacity Jitter to 78%, Control to Fade at the value of 25 and its minimum to 82%.

Picture 3.15. Transfer properties.

6. While you are applying properties to the brush, you can see a preview of the brush at the bottom of the Brush window. After you finish changing the properties of the brush, draw the trail of the plane.

Picture 3.16. Drawing trail of the plane. Chapter 3 / Seasons


Step 5. Tree 1. Select the Brush Tool or press (B) on the keyboard. Right-Click on the stage and select the Soft Round brush. Set the size to 20 and hardness to 25%. Select brown as the foreground color and draw a tree trunk.

Picture 3.17. Drawing a tree trunk.

2. Change the brush size to 8 and select orange as the foreground color; draw lines over the tree trunk.

Picture 3.18. Drawing lines over tree trunk. 46

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

3. Select the Mixer Brush Tool or press (B) on the keyboard. Right-Click on the stage, select the Round Fan Stiff Thin Bristles brush. Set the size to 15 and paint over the lines.

Picture 3.19. Selecting Mixer Brush.

Picture 3.20. Painting with Mixer Brush.

Chapter 3 / Seasons


4. Select the Brush Tool or press (B) on the keyboard. Right-Click on the stage and select the Soft Round brush. Set the size to 20 and the hardness to 25%. Select green as the foreground color and draw the tree leaves.

Picture 3.21. Drawing tree leaves.

5. Change the brush size to 10 and select light green as the foreground color and Draw lines over the tree leaves.

Picture 3.22. Drawing line over leaves. 48

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

6. Select the Mixer Brush Tool or press (B) on the keyboard. Right-Click on the stage, select the Round Fan Stiff Thin Bristles brush. Set the size to 15 and paint over the green lines.

Picture 3.23. Painting lines over leaves.

Step 6. Butterflies 1. Select the

Brush Tool or press (B) on the keyboard. Right-Click on the

stage, press the button, and choose the Special Effect Brushes from the list. Press Append in the opened dialog box; the brushes will be added to the current list. Select the Butterfly brush and set the size to 29. Select red as the foreground color and blue as the background color. Draw butterflies.

Picture 3.24. Selecting the Butterfly brush. Chapter 3 / Seasons


Picture 3.25. Painting butterflies.

PROJECT 1. Draw “Autumn.”


2. Draw a flower.

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

QUESTIONS 1. What is the hotkey for the Pencil tool? A. P B. Ctrl+P C. B and Shift+B D. Ctrl+Shift+B E. E

5. How do you change the size of the Brush Tool? A. Double-click on Brush Tool; in the opened window change the size B. Right-click on stage, move the slider or enter the number C. Press Ctrl+B; in the opened window change the size D. Press Shift+B; in the opened window, change the size


How many sub-tools does the Brush tool have?

E. Go to Edit->Tools->Brush->Size

A. 3 B. 4 C. 2 D. 5 E. 1

6. What is the name of this tool? A. Oil brush tool B. Paint brush tool C. Mixer brush tool

3. What is the hotkey for creating a new file?

D. Brush tool E. Pencil tool

A. Ctrl+O B. Ctrl+N C. N D. Shift+N E. Ctrl+F

7. What is the name of this brush? A. Round Angle Low Stiffness B. Round Point Stiff C. Flat Fan High Bristle Count

4. What is the default width of the Pencil Tool line?

D. Flat Curve Thin Stiff Bristles E. Round Fan Stiff Thin Bristles

A. 1px B. 3px C. 2px D. 4px E. 10px

Chapter 3 / Seasons


QUESTIONS 8. How do you add brushes to the preset? A. Select the Brush Tool, double-click on the stage, press Add Brushes in the opened window B. Select the Brush Tool, right-click on the stage, press the

button in the opened window

C. Press Ctrl+B, select Add Brushes in the opened window D. Go to Edit->Tools->Brush->Add Brushes E. Go to File->Open and Select brush files

9. How do you change the spacing value of the brush? A. Select the Brush Tool, press Ctrl+F and change the value B. Select the Brush Tool, press Shift+F and change the value C. Select the Brush Tool, press F6; in the Brush Tip Shape, change Spacing value D. Select the Brush Tool, press F5; in the Brush Tip Shape, change the Spacing value E. Select the Brush Tool, press Shift+F6; in the Brush Tip Shape, change the Spacing value

10. What is the name of this brush? A. Grass B. Single grass C. Dune grass D. Hair E. One hair


Digital Imaging with Photoshop


Do you want to make a gift for a friend? Do you want it to be original and handmade? Photoshop can help you. In this chapter we will learn how to create posters and prepare them for printing. Posters are mostly created for advertisement products, services, and entertainment. In Picture 1, you can see examples of posters.

Picture 4.1. Posters

TASK In this chapter we will prepare a poster as a birthday present. After you done, you can print it and give it to your friend. We will use tools such as the Paint Bucket Tool, Gradient Tool, and Type Tool. You will also learn how to work with Layers and their properties, including Opacity, Fill, Blending options, and Layer types. Picture 2 shows the poster that will be created.

Picture 4.2. Happy Birthday poster. 54

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Step 1. Preparing The Workspace 1. Go to File->New or press Ctrl+N on the keyboard to reate a new file. 2. In the New dialog window that opens, (1) name the file “Birthday,” (2) select the preset “International paper,” and (3) select the size “A4”. (Picture 3)

Picture 4.3. Setting parameters for the New File.

3. Press OK. An A4-sized window will open.

If your work will be printed, you must set resolution to 300 pixels/ inch, which is the resolution of real paper. The monitor resolution is 72 pixels/inch by default.

Picture 4.4. New empty window.

4. Select the Zoom Tool or press (Z) on the keyboard; click on the top left corner to zoom in. Click on the ruler and drag the mouse to the right. Move the guideline to 0.5 cm. Do the same for all sides.

Guidelines help to orient objects on the stage. In this example, guidelines prevent you from exceeding the set range. When you print this paper, the printer will cut about 0.5 cm from each side.

Picture 4.5. Setting guidelines. Chapter 4 / Happy birthday


Step 2. Filling The Background 1. Select the Paint Bucket Tool or press (G) on the keyboard. Then select pink as the foreground color and left-click on the stage. The background of the stage becomes pink.

2. Go to Layer->New->Layer or press Shift+Ctrl+N (Picture 7); alternatively, you can press Create New Layer button in the Layer window to create a new layer. (Picture 8) Picture 4.6. Filling the background.

Picture 4.7. Creating a New Layer from the menu.

Picture 4.8. Creating a New Layer from the Layer window.

Layers Photoshop layers are like sheets of stacked acetate. You can see through transparent areas of a layer to the layers below. You move a layer to position the content on the layer, like sliding a sheet of acetate in a stack. You can also change the opacity of a layer to make content partially transparent.

3. Select Layer 1 from the Layer window, double-click on the “Layer 1” text, and rename it “GradientBack.”

Picture 4.9. Renaming the layer.

4. Select the

Gradient Tool or press (G) on the keyboard.

Picture 4.10. Selecting the Gradient Tool. 56

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

5. To change the colors of the gradient, click on the gradient button at the top and select linear gradient as the type.

Picture 4.11. Gradient button and gradient type.

6. When you press on the gradient button, the Gradient Editor Window opens. To change colors, (1 & 2) select the Color Stops, then (3) click on the color. (Picture 12)

Picture 4.12. Changing colors with Color Stops.

7. At the left color stop, select white; for the right color stop, selectpink.

Picture 4.13. Setting the colors using Color Stops. Chapter 4 / Happy birthday


8. To fill the background with a gradient, left click outside the stage and drag the mouse to the top, as shown ion Picture 14.

Picture 4.14. Filling the background with gradient.

9. Let’s apply texture to our background. Open the Paper.jpg file (Chapter 4\ Materials), press Ctrl+A to select the entire picture, and then press Ctrl+C to copy it. Then paste it to our stage.

Picture 4.15. Pasting Paper.jpg. 58

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

10. The pasted Paper size is not enough to fill the background, so we must resize it. Go to Edit->Free Transform or press Ctrl+T to show the transform pointers. Fit the paper size to the background.

Picture 4.16. Selecting Transform from the menu.


Picture 4.17. Resizing the Paper picture.

11. Rename “Layer 1” to “PaperTexture” in the Layer window.

Picture 4.18. Renaming the Paper layer.

12. Press Normal in the Layer window to change the Layer mode. (Picture 19) From the list, select Luminosity.

Picture 4.19. Layer mode

Chapter 4 / Happy birthday

Picture 4.20. Luminosity applied to texture. 59

Layer Mode With the layer modes, you can blend different images into each other.

Luminosity Creates a result color with the hue and saturation of the base color and the luminance of the blend color.



A good way of working in Photoshop is working with layers. On some projects, you might have 20 to 30 different layers. A good process is to name them each and group them.

Luminosity applied to all layers 13. To group layers, go to Layer->New->Group or press Create a new group button in the Layer window.

Picture 4.21. Creating a New Group from the menu.

Picture 4.22. Creating a New Group from the Layer Window.

14. While holding the Shift key, select the PaperTexture and GradientBack layers. Then drag them into the Group 1 folder.

Picture 4.23. Grouping layers. 60

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

15. Rename the Group 1 as “Background.”

Each part of the layers should be renamed and grouped for better performance.

Picture 4.24. Renaming the folder.

Step 3. Adding Text 1. Select the Type Tool or press (T) on the keyboard and type “Happy Birthday” on the stage. 2. Go to Window->Character to open the Character window, where you can adjust the text.

Picture 4.25. Typing text.

Picture 4.26. Character window.

3. Change the font to Jokerman (or to another font if you don’t have Jokerman); the size to 72, the leading to Auto, and the color to red. Picture 4.27. Adjusted text.

4. Select the Type Tool or press (T) on the keyboard, move your pointer to the middle of the text and click on the text. Press Enter to drop the world “Birthday” down to the next line.

Chapter 4 / Happy birthday

Picture 4.28. Dropping “Birthday” to the next line. 61

In Character window, you can change the parameters of the text. Font - is a set of printable or displayable text character s in a specific style and size. Font style - specifies the font style for a text. It can be Regular, Bold or Italic. Leading - refers to the distance between the baselines of successive lines of type. Kerning - is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result. Tracking - refers to the amount of space between a group of letters to affect density in a line or block of text. The graphic to the left contrasts kerning with tracking. While tracking adjusts the space between characters evenly, regardless of the characters, kerning adjusts the space based on character pairs. There is strong kerning between the V and the A, but no kerning between the S and the T. Baseline shift - describes the way significant changes to a system are measured against previous baselines, which themselves may represent significant changes from the original state of the system. Anti-aliasing - is the technique of minimizing the distortion artifacts known as aliasing when representing a highresolution image at a lower resolution.

5. Select all text. At the top of the properties of the Type Tool press Center text. The text will be aligned to the center. Picture 4.29. Align text to the center.

6. To create warped text, click on Create warp text in the top parameters of the Type Tool. Picture 4.30. Create warp text button.

7. When the Warp Text Window opens, select Arc from the list and set Bend to 25%.

Picture 4.32. Result of applying the warp effect.

Picture 4.31. Warp Text window. 62

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

8. Create a “Text” group and drag the Happy Birthday text layer into the group.

Picture 4.33. Creating the Text group.

9. Right-click on the text layer and select Blending Options. The Layer Style window opens.

Picture 4.34. Layer Style window. 10. Select the Drop Shadow menu from the left, set Opacity to 35, Angle to -90, Distance to 20 and Size to 30.

Picture 4.35. Drop shadow parameters. Chapter 4 / Happy birthday


11. Select the Stroke menu from the left, set Size to 14 and Color to White.

Picture 4.37. Result of applying the layer style.

Picture 4.36. Stroke parameters.

Step 4. Adding Pictures 1. Open the BK.png file from the folder (Chapter 4\Materials), press Ctrl+A to select the entire picture, then go to Edit->Copy or press Ctrl+C to copy. Open Birthday.psd; go to Edit->Paste or press Ctrl+V to paste the picture.

Picture 4.38. Pasting BK.png.

2. Select the Magic Wand Tool or press (W) on the keyboard. Click on the white space in the pasted picture to select it. Press (Del) on the keyboard to delete the white area.

Picture 4.39. Deleting the white area. 64

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

3. In the Blending Options select Drop Shadow and set Opacity to 50%, Distance to 0, and size to 25. 4. Open the BlueBallon.jpg and PurpleBalloon.jpg files from the folder (Chapter 4\Materials). Repeat the same operations from the first and second steps. 5. Place the blue balloons to the left of the cake and the purple ones to the right as shown in Picture 40.

Picture 4.40. Pasting balloons.

6. To position the balloons behind to cake, select the Cake’s layer and drag and drop it over the balloons layer.

7. Select the Cake layer; resize the picture as shown in Picture 42.

Picture 4.41. Changing the positions of layers.

Picture 4.42. Resizing the Cake layer. Chapter 4 / Happy birthday


8. Let’s add number candles to the cake. Select the Type Tool or press (T) on the keyboard and type “1”. Repeat the process and type “5”. In the end, you must have two text layers.

9. Right-click on the Happy Birthday layer and select Copy Layer Style. Select layers 1 and 2; while holding the Ctrl key, right-click on them and select Paste Layer Style.

Picture 4.43. Adding numbers.

Picture 4.44. Copy/Paste Layer Style.

10. Let’s place the numbers on the cake. Select the Eraser Tool or press (E) on the keyboard and delete the flames from the two middle candles.

Picture 4.45. Deleting candle flames. 66

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

11. Position the numbers on the candles as shown in Picture 46.

Step 5. Adding Photos 1. Create a “Photos” folder in the Layer window. Open the A2.jpg file from the folder (Chapter 4\Materials). Go to Image->Image settings or press Alt+Ctrl+I to open the Image Size window.

Picture 4.46. Positioning numbers.

Picture 4.47. Image Size window. 2. The size of the photo is very big. We have to decrease it. In the Pixel Dimension part, change “pixels” to “percent” and width to 50. Press OK. This will decrease the size of the photo.

Picture 4.48. Decreasing the size of the photo. Chapter 4 / Happy birthday


3. Press Ctrl+A to select the entire picture, then go to Edit->Copy or press Ctrl+C to copy it. Open Birthday.psd and go to Edit->Paste or press Ctrl+V to paste the copied picture.

Picture 4.49. Pasted photo.

4. Rename the photo’s layer to “A2”. Right-click on it and select Blending Options. Set the Drop Shadow parameters as follows: Opacity to 30, Angle to -90, Distance to 30, and Size to 40. Set the Stroke parameters as follows: Size to 30, Position to Inside and Color to White.

Picture 4.50. Drop Shadow parameters.


Picture 4.51. Stroke parameters.

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

5. Go to Edit->Transform->Warp and move the pointers as shown in Picture 52.

Picture 4.52. Warping a photo.

6. Open the A1.jpg file (Chapter 4\Materials) and go to Image->Image settings or press Alt+Ctrl+I to open the Image Size window. 7. In the Pixel Dimension part, change “pixels” to “percent” and width to 50. This will decrease the size of the photo. 8. Press Ctrl+A to select the entire picture, then go to Edit->Copy or press Ctrl+C to copy it. Open Birthday.psd and go to Edit->Paste or press Ctrl+V to paste the copied picture.

9. Rename the photo layer to “A1”. Right-click on the A2 layer and select Copy Layer Style. Then paste it to layer A1 by right-clicking on it and selecting Paste Layer Style.

Picture 4.54. Copy Layer Style from A2. Chapter 4 / Happy birthday

Picture 4.53. Pasted photo.

Picture 4.55. Paste Layer Style to A1. 69

10. Transform the A1 photo as shown in Picture 56.

Picture 4.56. Resizing A1 photo.

11. Open the A3.jpg file from the folder (Chapter 4\Materials) and go to Image>Image settings or press Alt+Ctrl+I to open the Image Size window. Repeat steps 7, 8, and 9. Rename the layer to A3. Transform the A3 photo as shown in Picture 57.

12. Drag and drop the A3 layer under A2.

Picture 4.57. Resizing the A3 photo.

Picture 4.58. Replacing A3 layer. 70

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

13. Open the BC.jpg and BC2.jpg files from the folder (Chapter 4\Materials). Copy and paste them into Birthday.psd.

Picture 4.59. Pasting hats.

14. Clean the white area from the pictures and transform them as shown in Picture 60.

Picture 4.60. Transforming and positioning hats. Chapter 4 / Happy birthday


PROJECT 1. Prepare a poster as a present for Mothers Day. Examples for inspiration:


Digital Imaging with Photoshop


What resolution do you have to use, if you want to print your work in good quality?

4. What is the name of this tool?

A. 72 pixels/inch

A. Fill Tool

B. 100 pixels/inch

B. Gradient Fill Tool

C. 98.5 pixels/inch

C. Paint Bucket Tool

D. 300 pixels/inch

D. Color Bucket Tool

E. 80 pixels/inch

E. Paint Tool

2. What are Guidelines are used for? A. To orient objects on the stage. B. To draw straight lines on the stage. C. To define borders of the stage. D. To resize the stage. E. All of them above.

5. Which of the following does NOT create a New Layer? A. Layer->New->Layer B. Ctrl+N C. Shift+Ctrl+N D. Press the Create New Layer button in the Layer window E. Shift+N

3. How do you rename a Layer? A. Double-click on the layer name B. Right-click on the layer->Rename C. Right-click on the layer->Options->Rename D. Hold Ctrl, click on the layer name E. Hold Ctrl+Shift, click on the layer name

6. What is the hotkey for the Transform Tool? A. Ctrl+Shift+T B. Ctrl+T C. Alt+T D. T E. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T

Chapter 4 / Happy birthday


QUESTIONS 7. What is the hotkey for the Type Tool?

9. What is the name of the selected tool?

A. Ctrl+Shift+T B. Ctrl+T C. Alt+T D. T E. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T

A. Create round text B. Create warp text C. Rotate text D. Resize text E. Transform text

8. What is the name of the selected function? 10. What is the hotkey of Image size window? A) Alt+Ctrl+I B) Ctrl+Shift+I C) I D) Alt+Shift+I E) Alt+I

A. Tracking B. Leading C. Kerning D. Font size E. Baseline shift


Digital Imaging with Photoshop


It is time to make something extraordinary that people will admire, like the examples in Picture 1. This will take some practice; so we’ll start with an easy exercise and gradually increase the level of complexity.

Picture 5.1. Examples.


In this chapter we will create a smoke effect. You will learn how to use Filters, the Layer Blend Mode, Load brushes, and Image settings (Invert, Hue/ Saturation, Photo filter etc.)

Picture 5.2. Smoke result. 76

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Step 1. Preparing Workspace 1. Go to File->New or press Ctrl+N on the keyboard to create a new file. 2. When the New dialog window opens, (1) name the file “Smoke” and (2) set width and height to 1920x1200 pixels. (Picture 3) Setting such a large width and height allows you to resize the picture at your own monitor resolution easily.

Picture 5.3. Setting the parameters for a new file.

Step 2. Filling Background And Addıng Text 1. Press OK. Your stage is ready. Go to Layer->New->Layer or press Shift+Ctrl+N or press the Create New Layer button on the Layer window to create a new layer. 2. Fill Layer 1 with white using the Paint Bucket Tool (G). Then rightclick on Layer 1, select the Blending options. Set the Gradient Overlay parameters to Radial, and the stop colors to #007090 - #202b35. The result should look like Picture 5.

Picture 5.4. Creating new layer.

Picture 5.5. Gradient Overlay applied. Chapter 5 / Smoke


3. Select the on the stage.

Type Tool or press (T) on the keyboard and type “Smoke”

Picture 5.6. Inserting text.

Step 3. Applying Filters 1. Go to Filter->Blur->Motion blur. Use 90º for the Angle, and 40 pixels for the Distance.

Picture 5.7. Applying the Motion blur.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Once you have applied a filter, press Ctrl+F to repeat it.

Filters are used to change the appearance of an image, layer, or selection in Photoshop. They are like little programs inside Photoshop that add extra functionality. Filters are used to retouch the photos, add cool effects, reduce defects in the image, and convert photos into sketch drawings. Filters are grouped into different types, such as Artistic, Blur, and Brush strokes.

Photoshop’s Filter Gallery is basically a one-stop place for working with filters in your documents. In the Filter Gallery, you can browse through many different types of filters, apply them individually to your image, or even stack them on top of one another like you would with layers. You can get to the Filter Gallery by going to Filter > Filter Gallery.

Picture 5.8. The Filter Gallery Motion Blur blurs in the specified direction (from –360º to +360º) and at a specified intensity (from 1 to 999). The filter’s effect is analogous to taking a picture of a moving object with a fixed exposure time.

Chapter 5 / Smoke


2. Go to Filter->Distort->Wave. Set the Number of Generators to 3, the Wavelength to 10 and 346, and the Amplitude to 5 and 35. The Wave filter works much like the Ripple filter does, but with greater control. Options include the number of wave generators, wavelength (distance from one wave crest to the next), height of the wave, and wave type: Sine (rolling), Triangle, or Square.

Picture 5.9. Applying a Wave filter. 3. Go to Filter->Blur->Gaussian Blur. Set the Radius to 10 pixels. The Gaussian Blur quickly blurs a selection by an adjustable amount. Gaussian refers to the bell-shaped curve that is generated when Photoshop applies a weighted average to the pixels. The Gaussian Blur filter adds low-frequency detail and can produce a hazy effect.

Picture 5.10. Gaussian Blur applied.

4. Go to Layer->New->Group to create a new group. Move the Smoke 1 layer into Group 1. Change the Blend mode of Group 1 to Color Dodge. You will get a nice effect.

Picture 5.11. Changing the Blend Mode. 80

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Color Dodge looks at the color information in each channel and brightens the base color to reflect the blend color by decreasing the contrast between the two. Blending with black produces no change.

Picture 5.12. Color Dodge applied.

5. Create a new layer above all layers. Go to Layer->New->Layer or press Ctrl+Shift+N. Then go to Filters->Render->Clouds (make sure you have black and white for the background and foreground colors). Change the Blend mode of the new layer to Color Dodge. Clouds generate a soft cloud pattern using random values that vary between the foreground and the background colors.

Picture 5.13. Creating a cloud.

Chapter 5 / Smoke


6. Go to Layer->Layer Mask->Reveal All. With a very soft brush (0% hardness) and black color, hide some areas of the clouds layer. Use Picture 14 for reference.

Picture 5.14. Creating clouds and applying color dodge.

Step 4. Adding Brushes 1. Go to Layer->New->Group to create a New Group over all layers. Changes the group’s Blend Mode to Color Dodge and create a new layer in it. Then select the Brush Tool (B); from the list, select Smoke Brushes, set the foreground color to white, and paint over some letters. If you think the brush is not bright enough, just click twice. To add different brush, select the Brush Tool or press (B) on the keyboard. Right-click on the stage, press , and select Load Brushes from the list. When the Load dialog window opens, select Smoke Brush.abr from the folder (Chapter 5\Materials\). You can also download brushes from these websites: Brusheezy, Tutorial9, QBrushes, DeviantArt, and PSDTUTS.

Picture 5.15. Adding the Smoke Brush. 82

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

2. Add more layers and paint the remaining letters with other brushes. You can transform and resize them. Use the Eraser Tool (E) to delete unnecessary parts. Create something like Picture 16.

Picture 5.16. Result of adding brushes.

Step 5. Adding Texture 1. Go to Layer->New->Layer or press Ctrl+Shift+N to create a new layer. Move the new layer below all layers except Layer 1. Fill this layer with black and go to Filter->Texture->Texturizer. Set the Scaling to 100% and the Relief to 4. Use Canvas for the texture and Top for the light. This will add a nice texture to the image, but you need to change Opacity to 20%.

Picture 5.17. Applying texture. Chapter 5 / Smoke


Step 6. Image Adjustment 1. Go to Windows->Adjustments to open Adjustments palette. Select Invert adjustment from the palette.

Picture 5.18. Invert adjustment applied.

Image Adjustment Invert adjustment inverts the colors in an image. You can use Invert The as part of the process of making an edge mask to apply sharpening and other adjustments to the selected areas of an image. Hue/Saturation lets you adjust the hue, saturation, and lightness of a specific range of colors in an image or simultaneously adjust all the colors in an image. This adjustment is especially good for fine-tuning colors in a CMYK image so that they are in the gamut of an output device. A. Saturation B. Hue


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

2. To add the burnt paper effect, select the Hue/Saturation adjustment from the palette. Set Hue to +23, and Saturation to -12. Applying different Image adjustments gives you different interesting results.

Picture 5.19. Hue/Saturation parameters.

Picture 5.20. The result.

Chapter 5 / Smoke


PROJECT 1. Create fire text using filters.

QUESTIONS 1. What is hotkey for Motion Blur?

4. What is correct hotkey for the Brush Tool?

A. Ctrl+M

A. B

B. Ctrl+Shift+M

B. Ctrl+B

C. M

C. Shift+B

D. Shift+M

D. Alt+B

E. There is no hotkey

E. Ctrl+Shift+B

2. Choose the correct way to create a group. A. Group->New Group


Which hotkey repeats the previous filter applied?

B. Group->New->Group

A. Ctrl+F

C. Layer->New->Group

B. Ctrl+Shift+F

D. Layer->Group->New

C. F

E. File->New->Group

D. Alt+Shift+F E. Alt+F

3. Choose the correct way to apply the Clouds filter. A. Filter->Clouds B. Filter->Render->Clouds C. Layer->Filter->Clouds D. Layer->New Filter->Render->Clouds E. Layer->Clouds 86

Digital Imaging with Photoshop


A common task in glamor and fashion retouching is selecting a person’s hair to change its color or moving the person into another image. Although Photoshop offers some fairly powerful selection tools (Pen Tool, Lasso, Magic Wand, etc), they are often neither precise nor accurate enough to select fine strands of hair on a person’s head or coat or an animal’s fur. For such tasks (besides using an advanced selection plug-in), you’ll need to use some more advanced techniques in Photoshop such as: •• Creating masks from the channels in your image •• Employing levels adjustments to help create contrast between the hair and background •• Working with the Refine Edge Tool to reduce artifacts in your selection •• Selecting hair and people with the Extract Tool


In this chapter you will learn to select hair and put it into another picture in two ways. The first way uses Channels, Masks, and Color Range. The second advanced way uses Refine Edge. In this chapter, you work on the picture shown in Picture 1.

Picture 6.1. Example hair. 88

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

First Approach. Using Channels

1. Open Example.jpg from the folder (\Chapter 6\ Materials). Go to File->Open or press Ctrl+O or Double-click on the empty space in Photoshop.

Picture 6.2. Opening Example.jpg.


2. Go to Window->Channels to open the Channels palette. 3. Duplicate the Blue channel because it creates contrast between the hair and background.

Picture 6.3. Channels.

Chapter 6 / Hair selection

Picture 6.4. Duplicating the Blue channel.

Every Photoshop image has one or more channels, each storing information about color elements in the image. The number of default color channels in an image depends on its color mode. An image is basically a “channel sandwich” with one channel each for red, green, and blue in an RGB image or cyan, magenta, yellow and black in a CMYK image. In other words, to start with, there are 3 channels in an RGB image and 4 in a CMYK image.

Picture 6.5. Channel visualization


4. Select the Brush Tool or press (B) and paint with the black color on the duplicated layer. Make sure you don’t cover any stands of hair.

Picture 6.6. Filling the channel.

5. Go to Select->Color Range to select the finished black silhouette. Set Fuzziness to 200 and deselect the

Eyedropper tool.

The Color Range command selects a specified color or color range within an existing selection or an entire image.

Picture 6.7. Color Range.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

6. Go to Window->Masks. Select the Add pixel mask button and press the Apply Mask button. The result will be something like Picture 8. Masks When you select part of an image, the area that is not selected is “masked,� or protected from editing. In other words, when you create a mask, you isolate and protect areas of an image as you apply color changes, filters, or other effects to the rest of the image. You can also use masks for complex image editing such as gradually applying color or filter effects to an image. Picture 6.8. Adding a pixel mask.

Pixel mask reveals the entire layer. Layer mask is basically a way of hiding and revealing certain parts of a layer. Quick mask is a special mode in Photoshop that is devoted to defining a selection. Vector masks. The Custom Shape Tools are a kind of a layer mask. When you draw a custom shape, a vector mask layer is created for the shape.

A. Layer mask thumbnail

B. Vector mask thumbnail

C. Vector mask link icon

D. Add mask

Chapter 6 / Hair selection


Apply mask and you will 7. Press see than background is empty and hair is selected. (Picture 9)

Picture 6.9. Applying a mask.

8. Open Fountain.jpg from the folder (\Chapter 6\ Materials). Copy the picture to the stage. Move Layer 0 over the picture.

Picture 6.10. Final result.

Second Approach. Refine Edge 1. Once again open Example.jpg from the folder (\Chapter 6\ Materials). Duplicate the Background layer.

Picture 6.11. Layer duplicate. 92

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

2. Select the Quick Selection Tool or press (W) on the keyboard. Then select most of the hair and face, as in Picture 12.

Quick Selection Tool You can use the Quick Selection Tool to quickly “paint” a selection using an adjustable round brush tip. The selection grows as you paint. If updating is slow, continue to drag to allow time to complete work on the selection. As you paint near the edges of a shape, the selection area extends to follow the contours of the shape’s edge.

Picture 6.12. Selecting the hair with the Quick Selection Tool.

3. Go to Select->Refine Edge or press Alt+Ctrl+R to open the Refine Edge function. Select Smart Radius, set the Radius to 60, Contrast to 24, Shift Edge to 7 and Output to New Layer.

The Refine Edge option improves the quality of selection edges, letting you view the selection against different backgrounds for easy editing. You can also use Refine Edge options to refine a layer mask.

Picture 6.13. Settings parameters.

Chapter 6 / Hair selection


Refine Radius Tool (E) to paint over the edge areas to select 4. Select the details. After finishing the selection, press OK.

Refine Radius Tool This tool lets you precisely adjust the border area in which edge refinement occurs.Â

Picture 6.14. Selecting the edge areas.

5. Open Fountain.jpg from the folder (\Chapter 6\ Materials). Copy it to the stage. Move the layer under the Background copy 2 to create the result shown in Picture 16.

Picture 6.16. Result.

Picture 6.15. Moving a layer. 94

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

PROJECT 1. Use your own photo and change the background to a different picture. Use the two methods that were explained in this chapter and compare them.

Chapter 6 / Hair selection


QUESTIONS 1. How many channels does an RGB image have? A. 3

4. What is the correct hotkey for the Quick Selection Tool?

B. 4

A. W

C. 2

B. Q

D. 1

C. S

E. 5

D. Ctrl+Q E. Ctrl+S

2. Choose the correct way to apply the Color Range? A. Layer->Color Range

5. What is the correct hotkey for the Refine Edge function?

B. Layer->New->Color Range

A. R

C. Select->Color Range

B. Alt+R

D. Select->Layer->Color Range

C. E

E. Image->Color Range

D. Alt+Ctrl+R E. Shift+R

3. What is the correct definition of a Pixel Mask? A. Reveals the entire layer B. Basically a way of hiding and revealing certain parts of a layer C. Special mode in Photoshop that is devoted to defining a selection. D. All of above E. None of the above


Digital Imaging with Photoshop


A ribbon is a thin band of material typically cloth, but also plastic or sometimes metal used primarily for binding and tying. Cloth ribbons, most commonly silk, are often used in connection with clothing, but are also applied for innumerable useful, ornamental and symbolic purposes. Ribbons are also used in computer design, such as posters, ads, and websites.

Picture 7.1. Examples of ribbons.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

TASK In this chapter, we will draw a ribbon for website using tools like Pen, Shape, and Custom shapes. We will also define a pattern.

Picture 7.2. Task.

Step 1. Preparing Workspace 1. Go to File->New or press Ctrl+N to create a new file. Name it “Ribbon�; set the width and height to 1000x450 pixels. Fill the background with the #e4e4e4 color.

Picture 7.3. Creating a new file.

Chapter 7 / Ribbon


Before you start drawing the ribbon, it is important to understand the parts. The ribbon consists of 3 parts: the end of the ribbon, the fold, and the main part as shown in Picture 3.

Picture 7.4. Structure of ribbon.

Step 2. Drawing The Ribbon 1. Select the

The Pen Tool lets you draw smooth-edged paths.

Pen Tool or press (P) on the keyboard. Be sure that the path

type is selected as Shape layer. Go to View->Show->Grid or press Ctrl+’ to show the Grid; that helps orient the stage. Zoom your stage to 200% by pressing Ctrl+(+). Start drawing the ribbon end as shown in Picture 5.

Shape Layers create a shape on a separate layer. You can use either the Shape or Pen Tools to create shape layers. Because they are easily moved, resized, aligned, and distributed, shape layers are ideal for making graphics for web pages. Paths are outlines that you can turn into selections, or fill and stroke with color. You can easily change the shape of a path by editing its anchor points.

Picture 7.5. Drawing the ribbon end.

The Grid is useful for laying out elements symmetrically. The grid appears by default as nonprinting lines but can also be displayed as dots.

2. Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool or press (U).


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Set the Radius to 3 pixels, the height of the rectangle to 9 small cells, and the width to 10 big cells. Choose orange to highlight the difference. Draw as shown n Picture 6.

Picture 7.6. Drawing the ribbon main.

3. Select the Pen Tool or press (P) on the keyboard. Select yellow to highlight the difference. Draw a ribbon fold as shown in Picture 7.

Picture 7.7. Drawing the ribbon fold.

4. Rename the layers as End, Fold, and Main. Duplicate the End and Fold layers. Move them as shown in Picture 8.

Picture 7.8. Rename and duplicate layers. Chapter 7 / Ribbon


5. Move the Fold copy and End copy to the right side of the Main on the stage. As shown in Picture 8.

Picture 7.9. Moving parts to the right side.

6. With the two layers selected, go to Edit>Free Transform or press Ctrl+T on the keyboard. In the Free Transform parameters, set the horizontal scale to -100%.

Picture 7.10. Set the horizontal scale.

Step 3. Adding Layer Styles 1. Select the Main layer, right-click and select Blending Options or doubleclick on layer. Add a Gradient overlay, select the linear gradient, and set the color stops to #c90000 and #ff0000. Also, add Stroke, setting the size to 1 and color to #b30000.

Picture 7.11. Setting the parameters for Layer Main. 102

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

2. Right-click on Layer Main, press Copy Layer Style and paste the style into the other layers.

Picture 7.12. Duplicating the layer style.

3. Open Blending Options for the Fold Copy layer. Change the gradient angle to -140.

Picture 7.13. Fold Copy layer parameters.

4. Open the Blending Options for the Fold layer. Change the gradient angle to -140 and select the Reverse check box.

Picture 7.14. Fold layer parameters. Chapter 7 / Ribbon


5. Open the Blending Options for the End layer. Change the gradient angle to 180.

Picture 7.15. End layer parameters.

6. Open the Blending Options of the End Copy layer. Change the gradient angle to 180 and select the Reverse check box.

Picture 7.16. End Copy layer.

At the end of these operations, you will see something similar to Picture 17.

Picture 7.17. Result. 104

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

STEP 4. DEFINE A PATTERN 1. Go to File->New or press Ctrl+N to create a new file. Set the width to 4px and height to 4px. 2. Create a new layer (press Ctrl+Shift+N). Delete the Background layer.

Picture 7.18. 4x4 pixel stage.

Picture 7.19. Deleting a layer.

3. Select the

Pencil Tool (B) and draw a line as shown in Picture 20.

4. Go to Edit->Define Pattern to make a pattern. Change the pattern name to Line. Picture 7.20. Drawing a line.

Picture 7.21. Naming the pattern.

Step 5. Apply A Pattern 1. Select all layers, right-click on them, and select Rasterize layers. Ctrl+click on the Main layer, create a new layer (press Ctrl+Shift+N), and go to Select->Modify->Contract. Set the pixels to 5.

Picture 7.22. Contract. Chapter 7 / Ribbon


Then select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) select the pattern you created earlier, and fill the selection.

Picture 7.23. Filling the selection with the pattern.

2. Repeat the previous step. Go to Select->Modify->Contract. Set the pixels to 5. Press OK. Once the selection is resized, press Del to delete the inside of Layer 1, leaving the patterned borders as shown in Picture 24.

Picture 7.24. Patterned borders. 3. Open the Blending options in Layer 1. Add a Color overlay and set the color to #fe5b5b. The result should be as shown in Picture 25.

Picture 7.25. Changing the color. 4. Select the border from left and right sides, the press Del.


Picture 7.26. Deleting borders. 106

The border is increased or decreased by the specified number of pixels. Digital Imaging with Photoshop

5. Do the same operation to the End and End Copy layers. The result should be similar to the image shown in Picture 27.

Picture 7.27. Ribbon with borders.

Step 6. Last Changes

Type Tool or (T) and 1. Select the add text buttons over the ribbon as shown in Picture 28. Use the font Century Gothic, setting the font size to 16 and the color to #535353.

Picture 7.28. Adding buttons.

2. Add text to the ribbon: For “Almat Kurmashev,” use the font Century Gothic, size 30, color white. For “personal website,” use the font Century Gothic, size 16, color #750000.

Picture 7.29. Adding text. Chapter 7 / Ribbon


3. Ctrl+click on the Main layer. Add a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Select the Brush Tool or (B), load the brush Grunge.abr from the folder (\Chapter 7\Materials) and paint some grunges in the selected area as shown in Picture 30.

Picture 7.30. Adding grunge brushes.

4. After you finish, set the layer Opacity to 5%.

Picture 7.31. Changing the opacity.

5. Do the same operation for the End and End Copy layers. The result should look like Picture 32.

Picture 7.32. Result of adding brushes.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

6. Open the Grass.jpg from the folder (\ Chapter 7\Materials). Copy it to the stage and position the image as shown in Picture 33. Move the layer under the Main layer.

Picture 7.33. Adding an image.

7. Apply the Blending Options to the image. Add a Drop Shadow: Opacity 44%, Distance 0, Size 10. Add Stroke: Size 7, Position Inside, Color white.

Picture 7.34. Blending Options parameters. Chapter 7 / Ribbon


8. Let’s add shadow to the main ribbon. Open the Blending Options for the Main layer and add a Drop shadow: Opacity 43%, Angle 90, Distance 4, Size 10.

Picture 7.35. Drop Shadow parameters.

When all steps are finished, you should see a result like the one shown in Picture 36.

Picture 7.36. Final result.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

PROJECT 1. Draw these ribbons. Colors and texts can be different.

2. Draw this ribbon. The result must be identical to the picture.

Chapter 7 / Ribbon


QUESTIONS 1. How many parts does a ribbon consists of? A. 1

A. Marquee Tool

B. 2

B. Rectangle Tool

C. 3

C. Rectangle Shape Tool

D. 4

D. Rounded Rectangle Tool

E. 5

2. What is the hotkey for the A. Ctrl+P B. Shift+P C. P D. Ctrl+Shift+P E. Alt+P

4. What is the name of this tool?

E. Rounded Rectangle Shape Tool

Pen Tool?

5. Choose the CORRECT definition for Contract. A. The border is increased by the specific number of pixels. B. The border is cut by the specific number of pixels. C. Creates a border with the fixed number of pixels. D. Deletes a border of the layer with the specific number of pixels. E. Deletes a border of the layer with the fixed number of pixels.

3. How can we show a Grid? A. Layer->Show->Grid B. View->Layer->Grid C. View->Show->Grid D. Edit->Preferences->Grid E. Window->Show->Grid


Digital Imaging with Photoshop


When you visit websites, you can often see banners that encourage people to click on them. They can be static or have animation. There are different formats known as standard banner sizes. The standards evolved from guidelines that several market leaders worked out in the early days of Internet development. Full Banner (468 x 60 pixels):

Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels):

Rectangle (180 x 150 pixels):

Square Button (125 x 125 pixels):

Of course, everybody is free to define their own formats but it’s recommended to design banners using standard formats to correspond with most advertisers. Here are some examples:


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

TASK We will create an animated web banner using Photoshop. Generally web banners or any other animation on web-sites are created using Adobe Flash, but in this chapter we will use Photoshop’s animation features. You will learn about Timeline, Position, Opacity, Style, and Web Images.

Picture 8.1. Task.

Step 1. Preparing The Workspace 1. Create a new file; go to File->New or press Ctrl+N on the keyboard. Name the file “Banner” and set the size as width 468 pixels and height 60 pixels.

Picture 8.2. Creating new file.

2. Go to Window->Animation to open the Animation window and all its features.

Picture 8.3. Animation window.

Chapter 8 / Web banner


ANIMATION An animation is a sequence of images or frames, displayed over time. Each frame varies slightly from the preceding frame, creating the illusion of movement or other changes when the frames are viewed in quick succession.

Animation panel (timeline mode) A. Enable audio playback

B. Zoom out

C. Zoom slider

D. Zoom in

E. Toggle onion skins

F. Delete

G. Convert to frame animation In the timeline mode, the Animation panel displays each layer in a Photoshop Extended document (except the background layer) and is synchronized with the Layers panel. Whenever a layer is added, deleted, renamed, grouped, duplicated, or assigned a color, the changes are updated in both panels.

Current-time indicator. Drag the current-time indicator to navigate frames or change the current time or frame. Keyframe navigator. Arrow buttons to the left of a track label move the current-time indicator to the previous or next keyframe from its current position. Click the center button to add or delete a keyframe at the current time. Time-Vary stopwatch. Enables or disables keyframing for a layer property. Select this option to insert a keyframe and enable keyframing for a layer property. Deselect to remove all keyframes and disable keyframing for a layer property.

Work area indicators. Drag the blue tab at either end of the uppermost track to mark the specific portion of the animation or video that you want to preview or export.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

3. Open the Background.jpg from the folder (\Chapter 8\Materials). Copy the image to the stage.

Picture 8.4. Background image

4. Create a text layer using the Type Tool (T), and write “Visit.” Set the font to Segoe UI, size to 30, and tracking to 50.

Picture 8.5. Adding the Visit text.

5. Let’s start to animate our text. At the bottom of the Animation window, you will see that the Layer 1 and Visit line appeared. Press the arrow icon on the Visit layer, to expand the parameters. There you will see Position, Opacity, Style, and Text Warp.

Picture 8.6. Expanding the parameters. Chapter 8 / Web banner


Time-Vary Stopwatch to add a keyframe and move the text 6. Press on the Visit outside of the stage. Also, add a key frame for Opacity and change the Opacity of the layer to 0%. Then change the Time Indicator to the 00:10 , move the text to the center of the position, add a key frame (^) stage, add a key frame for Opacity, and change the Opacity of the layer to 100%.

Picture 8.7. Adding the position and opacity.

7. After you finish, you can see the animation by pressing the Play button.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

8. Move the Time indicator to the 00:11 frame. Create a new text layer using the Type Tool (T); write the text “my” and repeat the step 6, starting from frame 00:11 and finishing 00:21.

Picture 8.8. Animating the text “my”. 9. Move the Time Indicator to the 00:22 frame. Create a new text layer using Type Tool (T); write the text “website” and repeat the step 6, but the start from the frame 00:22 and finish at 01:02.

Picture 8.9. Animating the text “website”. Chapter 8 / Web banner


10. Move the Time Indicator to the 02:00 frame. Add the Opacity key frames to all text layers. Then, move the Time Indicator to the 02:10, add the Opacity key frames for all text layers, and change their Opacity to 0%.

Picture 8.10. Changing the opacity of all layers.

Type Tool 11. Move the Time Indicator to 02:11. Create the text using the (T); add the text “� or any other text. Set the font to Segoe UI, the size to 30, the style to Bold, and the tracking to 0. Open the Blending Options for the layer and add a Drop shadow: Angle 90, Distance 3, Size 5, Add a Gradient Overlay with the custom stops #d0d0d0 and #ffffff. Set the right stop position at 50%.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Picture 8.11. Blending Options parameters. 12. After you finish adding the parameters for the Blending Options, your text should look like on Picture 12.

Picture 8.12. Result of applying the Blending Options. Chapter 8 / Web banner


13. Add a key frame to the Opacity at frame 02:11 and change the layer Opacity to 0%. Move the time indicator to the 03:00 frame. Add a key frame for the Opacity and change the layer Opacity to 100%.

Picture 8.13. Changing the opacity.

14. Move the Time Indicator to 04:00. Add the key frames for Position and Opacity. Move the Time Indicator to the 04:15 frame; add key frames for Position and Opacity. Move the text down, outside of the stage, and change the layer Opacity to 0%.

Picture 8.14. Finishing animation.

Don’t forget to play the animation to see if you have made any mistakes. 122

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

15. Move the Animation window scroll to the end, select Work Area End and move to the 04:06 frame. When you save your file, the animation will be stopped on this frame.

Picture 8.15. Moving to the Work Area End.

16. Go to File->Save for Web & Devices or press Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S. In the opened window select the 2-Up, tab and change the Optimized file format to GIF. Press Save.

Save For Web & Devices saves an optimized image for Internet or mobile devices.

Picture 8.16. Save for Web & Devices.

Chapter 8 / Web banner


Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is the file format commonly used to display indexed-color graphics and images in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents over the World Wide Web and other online services. GIF is an LZWcompressed format designed to minimize file size and electronic transfer time. The GIF format preserves transparency in indexed-color images; however, it does not support alpha channels.

Your web banner is ready. Open it with Internet Explorer to see the animation.

Picture 8.17. Viewing the animation.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

PROJECT 1. Create a web banner that promotes your favorite mobile phone. The size must be 240x150 pixels.

2. Create a web banner for the “Balloon� Company, which sells balloons. The size must be 450x150 pixels.

Chapter 8 / Web banner


QUESTIONS 1. What is the size of a full banner? A. 100x100 pixels

4. What is the hotkey for the Save for Web & Devices?

B. 468x60 pixels

A. Ctrl+S

C. 486x60 pixels

B. Ctrl+Alt+S

D. 728x90 pixels

C. Ctrl+W+D

E. 180x150 pixels

D. Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S E. Shift+S

2. Which hotkey opens the Animation window? A. A B. Ctrl+A C. Shift+A D. Shift+Ctrl+A E. There is no such hotkey

5. Choose the CORRECT definition for the Save for Web & Devices. A. Saves an optimized image for the Internet or mobile devices. B. Saves a compressed image. C. Saves an uncompressed image for the Internet or mobile devices. D. Saves an image with a big file size E. Saves images in BITMAP color mode.

3. What is the name of this function? A. Clock B. Stopwatch C. Keyframe D. Time-Vary stopwatch E. Timer


Digital Imaging with Photoshop


Web design is the process of planning and creating a website. Text, images, digital media and interactive elements are used by web designers to produce the page seen on the web browser Web designers utilize markup language most notably HTML for structure and CSS for presentation as well as JavaScript to add interactivity to develop pages that can be read by web browsers. Every website is an information display container, just as a book is a container; every web page is like a page in a book.






Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Basic Aspects Of Web Design Basic aspects of web design





Content: The substance and information on the site should be relevant to the site and should target the area of the public with which the website is concerned. Usability: The site should be user-friendly, with the interface and navigation being simple and reliable. Appearance: The graphics and text should include a single style that flows throughout, to show consistency. The style should be professional, appealing and relevant. The structure: The tree-like hierarchical view of all the elements of the site, including information sections and subsections.

Features Of Good Web Design Certain features can help you distinguish a good web design from a bad one. The 4 features of a good web design are given below. 1. Links: Links are important parts of a web page. Links need to be underlined so that the visitor can locate them right away. In a good web design, the color of the links usually coordinates with page colors.

Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page


2. Navigation: A user shouldn’t encounter any problems when navigating from one page to another. There, there should be a navigation theme that is reflected throughout the website. The navigation buttons and bars should also be designed in such a manner that they are clearly visible. The characteristic of a good web design is that user can enter the site through any of the web pages, not only through the homepage.

3. Text: The text should neither be too large nor too small to be difficult to read. Moreover, a user should not encounter any difficulties reading the text, which should not be camouflaged with the background color.

4. Graphics: Graphics are an important part of web design. The buttons on a well-designed web page are never clunky or too big. In addition, every graphic link should have a matching text link. It is also important that the graphics load fast.

Before you start, it’s good if you divide this chapter into parts. Week 1: Introduction and PreDesign 1. Week 2: Pre-design 2 and Design, and Week 3: Design and Work on mistakes.


The Process The process of web design consists of 4 steps: pre-design 1, pre-design 2 (color), design, and final result.

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Step 1. Pre-Design 1 The best way to start a web design is to draw some sketches of your page design. Use a piece of A4 paper and a pen, pencil, or marker as a drawing tool. Draw a home page design like the one shown in Picture 1.

Picture 9.1. Pre-design 1. Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page


Step 2. Pre-Design 2 Now, that we have the sketch of our home page, it’s time to colorize the page. You can use brushes, paints, color markers, crayons, pencils, etc. You can add small changes that don’t change the structure at all. See the result in Picture 2.

Picture 9.2. Pre-design 2. 132

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Step 3. Design

Once the two pre-designs are finished, and you are satisfied with results, you can start drawing in Photoshop. 1. Open Internet Explorer and open a blank page. Maximize the window and, press the PrtSc button to take a screenshot of your screen. Then, open Photoshop and go to File->New or press Ctrl+N to create a new file. In the New File window, you will see the Clipboard as a preset, and size of your resolution.

Picture 9.3. New file window.

2. Press OK. Our screenshot is now in the buffer. To insert it on the stage, go to Edit->Paste or press Ctrl+V.

Picture 9.4. Pasting an image from the buffer.

Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page


Crop Tool

3. Select the Crop Tool (C). Select only browser area, except for the taskbar at the bottom.

Cropping is the process of removing portions of an image to create focus or strengthen the composition. You can crop an image using the Crop Tool  and the Crop command.

Using the Crop Tool. Picture 9.5. Crop the image.

4. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M). Select the white space after the text, the selection must be bigger in height. Go to Edit->Free Transform or press Ctrl+T to select the Transform tool; resize the selection toward the text; and cover the text about:blank.

Picture 9.6. Clearing the text about:blank.

5. Repeat step 4, with the Blank Page text.

Picture 9.7. Clearing the text Blank Page. 134

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

6. Select the Type Tool (T). Set the font to Tahoma, type to Regular, size to 11, color to black, and anti-aliasing to None. Write in the address bar and then as shown in Picture 8.

Picture 9.8. Changing the text.

7. A website consists of many parts, including the Cap, Body, Footer, Left menu and Right Menu. To make the proportions same and correct, we have to use the Slice Tool which allows you to draw areas (borders). Select the Slice Tool (C) and draw the areas as in your design.

Picture 9.9. Slicing.

Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page


Slice Tool

8. Select the Rectangular Marque Tool (M), and then select the area numbered 3. This is the background of your page. Create a New Layer (Ctrl+Shift+N), select the with white color.

Paint Bucket Tool (G), and fill the selection

Picture 9.10. Filling the background of the page.

9. Go to Layer->New->Group to create a New Group. Rename the group Browser. Move all layers created before into this group. Also, rename Layer 2 to Main back.

Picture 9.11. Grouping layers. 136

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

You need to create groups for each part of the page. As described in the previous step, you’ll also need to select the area of the part, fill with white color, and rename the titles of these parts. This design has: cap, top menu, left menu, right menu, body and main back parts. Carrying out these actions is good practice for working in Photoshop, and helps optimize workflow and reduce the time spent on task.

Picture 9.12. Preparing the design.

10. Open Logo.png from the folder (\Chapter 9\Materials). Copy the image to the stage and move it into the Cap group. Resize as shown in Picture 13.

Picture 9.13. Inserting a logo.

11. Select the Type Tool (T) and write SOCCER.KZ. Set the font to Bebas Neue and size to 22. Apply the Blending Options: Add a Drop Shadow: Opacity 50, Angle 90, Distance 0, Size 1; add a Gradient Overlay: Angle 90 and Color Stops to #bc4500 and #ffb960. Place the text as shown in Picture 14.

Picture 9.14. Adding text. Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page


12. Assume that light is coming from the top; so let’s add glass reflection on the text. Ctrl+click on Text Layer to select the text contours. Create a new Layer Rectangular (Ctrl+Shift+N) and fill it with white color. Then, select the Marque Tool (M), and delete half of the layer. Set Opacity to 20%.

Picture 9.15. Glass reflection. 13. We know that light is coming from the top, so it will be better if we add a shadow for the logo. Select the Elliptical Marque Tool (M), and draw an ellipse under the logo. Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N), move it under the Logo layer, and fill the selection with black color. Go to Filter->Blur>Motion Blur, and set Angle to 0 and Distance to 45. Set the layer Opacity to 70. 138

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Picture 9.16. The process for creating a shadow.

Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page


14. Select the Top Menu layer. Open the Blending Options, and add a Gradient Overlay: Angle 90, and color stops to #bc4500 and #ffb960.

Picture 9.17. Top Menu gradient overlay.

Type Tool (T), write 15. Select the Home, News, Videos, Gallery, and Forum on different layers. Set the font to Tahoma, size to 12, type to Bold, and Anti-Aliasing to None.

Picture 9.18. Adding text buttons. Anti-aliasing Anti-aliasing produces smooth-edged type by partially filling the edge pixels. As a result, the edges of the type blend into the background.

None: Applies no anti-aliasing Sharp: Type appears at its sharpest Crisp: Type appears somewhat sharp Strong: Type appears heavier Smooth: Type appears smoother Anti-aliasing set to None (left), and Strong (right). 140

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

16. Select the Left Menu layer. Open the Blending Options and add a Color Overlay with color - #bfbfbf.

Picture 9.19. Left Menu fill.

17. Select the Rectangular Marque Tool (M), and draw a rectangle. Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N), and fill the selection with white color. Open the Blending Options; and add Stroke: Size 1, Position Inside, Color #969696. Select the Type Tool (T), and write Search inside the rectangle. Set the font to Arial, size to 12, type to Italic, and color to #bfbfbf.

Picture 9.20. Adding Search bar.

Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page


Custom Shape Tool (U), and open the 18. Select the Shapes list from the top. Add All shapes from the list select the


Picture 9.21. Adding All shapes.

19. Draw a Magnifier shape inside the rectangle. Set the color to #bfbfbf, then Rasterize the Shape layer. Picture 9.22. Drawing a shape.

Single Row Tool, left+click 20. Select the and move the line to the selection under the Search bar. Create a new Layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) and fill the selection with the #d7d7d7 color. Delete the line that is outside the Left Menu.

Picture 9.23. Single Row line. 142

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

21. Select the Type Tool (T), and write the text buttons for the Left Menu. Select font Tahoma, size 12, and color white.

Fonts, sizes, anti-aliasing On the web, mostly Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman, and Helvetica fonts are used because these fonts are present in any system, and if you want that your text is displayed correctly, you have to use standard system fonts. Actually there are no rules that regulate the size of fonts, but as previously explained, the text must be readable meaning neither too big or not so small. Therefore it is a good choice to use 11-12 point font for text, and 16-20 point font for headers.

Picture 9.24. Left menu text buttons.

22. Open the VideoPlayer.jpg from the folder (\Chapter 9\Materials). Copy it to the stage and resize as show in Picture 25.

Picture 9.25. Adding a video player.

Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page


23. Select the Type Tool (T), and add headers for the videos. Type: “Barcelona vs. Arsenal” set the font to Arial, size to 22, type to Regular, antialiasing to Sharp, color to #cb4600.

Picture 9.26. Adding text. 24. Add additional text below the video player. “1/8 Final. Barcelona vs. Arsenal. Arshavin scored the decisive goal.” Use these parameters: font Arial, type Regular, Size 12, color black, anti-aliasing None.

Picture 9.27. Adding comment. 25. Repeat the previous two steps, to add a second video player with texts. The second comment text should “1/8 Final. Arsenal vs. Barcelona. Return match.”

Picture 9.28. The body is ready. 144

Digital Imaging with Photoshop

26. Select the Left Menu layer. Open the Blending Option, and add a Color Overlay: (color #bfbfbf) to get the same color for the Right Menu.

Picture 9.29. Colorizing the Right Menu.

Look at Right Menu in your Pre-design 2 to draw it in Photoshop using the. Previously describes techniques. The result should be like Picture 30.

Picture 9.30. The result of Right Menu.

Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page


27. Select the Main back layer in the Browser group. Open the Blending Options, and add a Drop Shadow: Angle 90, Opacity 75%, Distance 0, Size 8. Then, Select the area of the browser.

Rectangular Marque Tool (M), and select the white

Picture 9.31. Selecting the white area.

28. Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N), select the Paint Bucket Tool (K), and set the source for the fill area to: Pattern. Load SubtlePatterns.pat from the folder (\Chapter 9\Materials). In the list, find Beige Paper, and fill the selection.


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Picture 9.32. The final result.

PROJECT 1. Create a design for a website for your city. Follow the steps that were explained in this chapter.

Chapter 9 / Designing a web-page



How many basic aspects does web design have? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 2 E. 7



Which of the following is NOT a feature of good design?

4. What is the hotkey for the Crop Tool? A. C B. S C. Ctrl+S D. Ctrl+C E. There is no hotkey

5. What is the hotkey for the Slice Tool?

A. Links

A. C

B. Text

B. S

C. Graphics

C. Ctrl+S

D. Media

D. Ctrl+C

E. Borders

E. There is no hotkey

Which button takes a screenshot of the desktop? A. Scr Lk B. PrtSc C. Pause/Break D. F7 E. Ins


Digital Imaging with Photoshop

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

1. C

1. C

8. B

1. A

8. B

2. D

2. D

9. B

2. B

9. D

3. D

3. A

10. C

3. B

10. C

4. C

4. D

4. A

5. B

5. D

5. B

6. C

6. D

6. E

7. B

7. B

7. E

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

1. D

8. B

1. E

1. A

2. A

9. B

2. C

2. C

3. A

10. A

3. B

3. A

4. C

4. A

4. A

5. B

5. A

5. D

6. B 7. D

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

1. C

1. B

1. B

2. C

2. E

2. D

3. A

3. D

3. B

4. D

4. D

4. A

5. A

5. A

5. A

3D 13 3D layer 13 3D palette 13

A Action 13 Animation 14, 116 Animation palette 14 Anti-aliasing 140, 143 Appearance 129 Apply mask 92

B Bezier curves 7 Bitmap 7 Blending options 65, 68 Blend modes 10, 81 Brush 14 Brush palette 14 Brush presets palette 14 Brush tool 82

C Channels 15, 89 Character 15 Clipboard 133 Clone source 15 Clone stamp tools 15 Clouds 81 CMYK 7, 8 Color 16 Color balance 10 Color dodge 81 Color modes 7 Color range 90 Content 129 Contract 106 Copy layer style 66

Create new layer 77 Crop 8 Crop tool 134 Current-time indicator 116 Custom shape tool 142

H Healing brush tools 15 Histogram palette 16 History palette 16 HTML 124 Hue 84

D Define pattern 105 Design 133 Digital imaging 6 Drop shadow 65, 109 Duotone 7

E Elliptical marque tool 138 Eraser tool 66 Eyedropper tool 90

I Indexed 7 Info 17 Info palette 17 Invert adjustment 84

K Keyframe navigator 116

L F Filter 11 Filter gallery 79 Frames 116 Free transform 102 Fuzziness 90

Lab 7 Layer mask 91 Layers palette 17 Layer styles 102 Links 129 Load dialog window 82



Gaussian blur 80 GIF 124 Graphics 130 gray balance 10 Greyscale 7 Grid 100 Group 136

Magic wand tool 64 Magnifier 142 Masks 17, 91 Motion blur 78, 79

N Navigation 130 Navigator panel 18 Neutral balance 10

New group 82

P Paint bucket tool 77 Paragraph palette 18 Paste layer style 66 Paths 100 Paths palette 18 Pattern 105 Pen tool 100 Photoshop palettes 12 Photoshop tools 11 Pixel 7 Pixel dimension 67 Pixel mask 91 ppi/dpi 7 Pre-design 131

Single row tool 142 Slice tool 135 Smart radius 93 Stroke 64, 68 Structure 129

T Text 130 Texture 83 Time-vary stopwatch 116 Tone 10

U Usability 129

V Q Quick mask 91 Quick selection tool 93

Vector image 7 Vector mask 18, 91

W R Raster image 7 Rasterize layers 105 Rectangular marquee tool 134 Refine edge 93 Resolution 7 RGB 7, 8 Ribbon 98 Rotate 9 Rounded rectangle tool 100

S Saturation 84 Save for web & devices 123 Scale 9 Shape layers 100 Sharpen 9

Wave filter 80 Web design 128 White balance 10 Work area indicators 116 Workspace 99

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