12 minute read

Community News

A New Addition to Los Raimundos

Los Raimundos is a hamlet of some 20 houses at the end of the Filabres mountain range between Antas and Bédar. Its origins date back to the end of the 19th century, when Don Raimundo Contreras built his first farmhouse there. It is home to a mix of Spanish and British, only a few of whom (mainly British) live there full time. A group of British residents got together recently to improve the entrance to the hamlet by landscaping a piece of ground and creating a small garden area. Then one of them found a discarded bed frame by the local basura one day and thought he could turn it into a bench to enhance the planted area. He got to work and, with help from neighbours, the result is now clear to see. The mayor of Antas, Pedro Zamora, fellow councillors Félix Rodríguez Belmonte a n d Pe d r o Ro d r í g u e z G a r c í a , a n d L e a -A n n e Honeyman (acting as interpreter), kindly agreed to attend the unveiling of the new garden area. They were all impressed by what they saw and pleased to see how the community’s efforts had improved the look of the entrance to Los Raimundos. They – and other visitors – will always be welcome in future to rest awhile whenever they are passing through!


Lea-Anne Honeyman and mayor Pedro Zamora unveiling the garden bench.

El Bandido Runners Donate to PAWS / PATAS

El Bandido Runners have been respecting social distancing by meeting at 8am and 9am (so there aren’t too many of us at the same time) to run, jog or walk the 5km Mojácar Paseo del Mediterráneo, with some attendees donating one euro to support local charities. Although we were unable to run during lockdown and numbers were down due to fewer visitors, 220 euros was handed over to the PAWS / PATA S c a t s h e l te r i n L o s G a l l a r d o s .

The running group, set up by Ironman Kevin Rowe in June 2018, started with a small number of regulars and has grown with runners, joggers and walkers, from permanent residents to regular visitors and holiday makers. We meet every Wednesday and Saturday opposite the Best Indalo Hotel, but on the first Saturday of each month, we meet at the Red Cross roundabout end of the Paseo for a ‘reverse’ run, and then go to Heladeria Blu for a post-run breakfast. All ages, nationalities and speeds are welcome! If you are interested in joining us, you will receive a warm welcome, meet active people and make new friends.

We also have a road cycling group, El Bandido Ciclistas, and together with Zen Cycle Mojácar (www.zenbodyandmind.com), meet on Sundays for a social ride and on Tuesdays for a longer, faster ride. If you would like more information please contact Kevin on ironmankev08@gmail.com and follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook. com/pg/elbandidorunners and https://www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p s / 2 9 9 2 2 6 3 0 07372 8 4 .

Community News

PAWS / PATAS - Fostering and Adopting Dogs and Cats Press Release by Chrissie Cremore It’s always absolutely wonderful to have the support of the local press. Looking back at my scrap book cuttings, it’s so heart-warming to see that all the kittens, cats, puppies and dogs which have been featured in the Focus magazine over the past 4 years (since I took on the role of publicity) now have their “forever homes” either in Spain, Holland, Germany or the UK. In fact, the two beautiful little black dogs featured in the October Focus magazine have now been adopted. Some of the dogs often suffer with stress disorders due to living in shelter conditions and these disappear once they feel safe and secure in a loving home. Thankfully, the cattery had 39 kittens and cats adopted during the month of September but there are still 59 left to care for. Anyone interested in fostering or adopting should email dogs@paws-patas.org or cats@paws-patas.org.

For further information regarding donating or volunteering in one of our outlets in Mojácar, Turre or Las Buganvillas, ground work, DIY, fundraising, collecting overseas volunteers from the airport or Vera coach station or long-haul driving; transporting the animals to Holland and the UK...please visit the website: www.paws-patas.org. PAWS-PATAS would like to send a HUGE “thank you” to all their supporters b e c a u s e t h ey c a n n o t ex i s t w i t h o u t YO U ! Volunteers aren’t paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.

APSA Animal Rescue in Albox 2020 is a difficult year for fund raising, so we rely m o re t h a n e v e r o n o u r C h a r i t y S h o p ! Please remember that we can use all your unwanted items- clothes, kitchen items, jewelry, shoes, books, toys, CDs... If you're cleaning out and have any stuff you don't need any longer, please collect it and bring it to us! It will be a big help for us to raise funds!

We're looking for volunteers for our shop in Albox. It's a great way to meet new people, have some fun time out of the house and do something good at the same time by helping dogs in need. We're open Monday to Saturday, from 10.00 - 13.30. If you have some spare hours, any day of the week, and would like to join the shop team, please contact us for more details. Thank you for your support! apsaanimalrescue@gmail.com Tel: 677 60 15 88

What’s On

Cultural events in Almería city, Roquetas de Mar and Águilas are still very sparse. Large orchestral concerts, operas and ballets have all been postponed because the stages can’t cope with social distancing for the performers. A number of Spanish plays are being put on as with a small number of a c t o r s t h i s i s m u c h e a s i e r. Almería

The Almería City Orchestra have a concert on November 7th at 7.30pm at the Maestro Padilla Auditorio. They are performing the S c h u b e r t R o s a m u n d a b a l l e t excerpt, Rodrigo Concer to de Aranjuez with soloist Tomatito and B e eth ove n’ s f i f th s y m p h o ny. T i c ke t s a r e 15 & 2 0 e u r o s .

The 28th Almeria International Jazz Festival that takes place until November 8th has been re-named Almeríjazz. On November 4th at the Maestro Padilla Auditorio there i s a l a r g e c o n c e r t w i t h t h e performers accompanied by the Classijaz Swing and Funk Big Band. Also at the auditorio on November 5th the famous British saxophonist and singer Ray Gelato performs with his ‘The Giants’ band on their 25th anniversary. On November 6th at the Teatro Apolo the famous jazz guitarist Paco Rivas, who originates from Almería, appears with Julián Maeso on keyboards and Dani García on drums. On November 7th at the Apolo, the pianist Daniel García Diego is joined by the Cuban performers Michael Olivera and Reynier Elizarde. The closing event on November 8th at the auditorio w i th th e C l a s s ij a z z B i g B a n d f e a t u r e s P e d r o R u y B l a s , considered to be the most famous jazz singer in Spain in the last 50 years. Their dedicated website www.almerijazz. com has full details of all the events together with ticket prices.

The musical ‘I Wanna Dance the 80s’ comes to Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on December 6th at 8.30pm. It is performed by the Alzamarad company and invited soloists. Tickets are 10 euros in advance or 12 euros at the door.

La Bella y La Bestia ‘El Musical’ (The musical Beauty and the Beast performed in Spanish) takes place at Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on January 2nd at 5pm and is intended for children. Tickets are 12 & 15 euros.

What’s On

Luar na Lubre, the celebrated folk group comes to Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on the amended date of date of March 12th at 9.30pm. They are performing their 19th album which portrays aspects of the pilgrims who walk the Camino de Santiago. Tickets are 20 euros in advance or 25 euros at the door. La Barbarie Teatro Musical p re s e n t L o s M i s e r a b l e s ( L e s Miserables performed in Spanish) at Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, on January 2nd at 9.30pm. Tickets are 12 & 15 euros.

Tickets for concerts in Almería (except Teatro Cervantes) available from the ticket office in the Teatro Apolo, 25 Rambla Obispo Orberá,

Almería , tel: 950 230 922. Mon- Fri, 10.30am-1.30pm & 6-8pm, or Sat, 11am-1pm. Tickets can be purchased from 2hrs before performances at t h e v e n u e o r f r o m w w w. t i c ke t m a s t e r. e s o r c a l l Ticketmaster: 902 1500 25. Main b r a n c h e s o f ‘ C a i xa B a n k ’ h ave m a c h i n e s w h i c h i s s u e t i c ket s ; including Vera near the church square. Tickets for Teatro Cervantes, Almería city, from box office at Calle del Poeta Villaspesa,1. Open Mon-Fri, 11am-1pm & 4pm-7pm, Saturday from 11am-2pm, or 1hr before performances, or from w w w . t o d a s l a s e n t r a d a s . c o m


La Zapatera Prodigiosa is a flamenco ballet in memory of Frederico García Lorca that comes to the auditorio on December 12th. No ticket prices were shown at time of going to press.

La Zapatera Prodigiosa

What’s On

La Desnudez is a ballet featuring Daniel Abreu and his company that won the Spanish National Dance award in 2019. It comes to the auditorio on January 16th at 9pm. No ticket prices were shown at time of going to press.

Aguilas tickets from Victoria T r a v e l 9 6 8 4 1 0 9 2 9 & w w w . b a c a n t i x . c o m , M u s e o Arqueológico, www. auditorioaguilas.org or from 2hrs before performances at the box office. Huércal-Overa

Charlie, a musical about Charlie Chaplin, is per formed by the Fernando Hurtado dance company at the Teatro Villa on November 10th at 9pm. Tickets are 12 euros from the box office on Mondays to Thursdays 10am-1.30pm and 5pm-8pm, Fridays morning only, f r o m o n e h o u r b e f o r e t h e p e r f o r m a n c e , o r f r o m www.entradasho.es

Vera Gata Brass Band perform a jazz concert on Friday, November 27th at 8pm at Vera Auditorio. Tickets are 7 euros from www.giglon.com o r 5 e u r o s i n a d va n c e f r o m Convento de la Victoria.

Stompin around is a jazz concert by the Potato Head Jazz Band on Saturday, November 28th at 8pm at Vera Auditorio. Tickets are 7 euros from www.giglon.com or 5 euros in advance from Convento de la Victoria.

La música de las tres culturas de Al Andalus by the Aquitania c o m p a ny c o m e s to th e Ve r a Auditorio on Saturday, December 5th at 8pm. Tickets are 7 euros from www.giglon.com or 5 euros in advance from Convento de la Victoria.

The Ballet Flamenco company of José Huer tas from Valencia per form Don Quijote at Vera Auditorio on Saturday, November 7th at 9pm. Tickets are 12 euros from www.giglon.com or 10 euros in advance from Convento de la Victoria.

Roquetas de Mar

T h e c a n c e l l e d S y m p h o n i c Queen Rhapsody concert at the Roquetas auditorio, with orchestra, rock band and international soloists has been postponed until Saturday, March 27th at 9.30pm, assuming the pandemic allows it to take place. T i c ke t s a r e 3 0 & 3 5 e u r o s

Roquetas de Mar Auditorio tickets are on sale at www.teatro auditorioroquetas.org or the ticket office open Tuesdays to Fridays f r o m 11 a m - 1 p m & 6 p m - 8 p m Miscellaneous

PAWS-PATAS The next book sale at Scotty's El Tropico will be Tuesday November 10th, 10.30am - 1pm. Donations of books accepted on the morning of the sale.

Send details of your events to almeriafocus@gmail.com or call 670 84 92 65

What’s On

Market Days

Monday: Huércal-Overa, Antas, Berja Tuesday: Albox, Los Gallardos, Cuevas del Almanzora Wednesday: Mojácar, Bédar, Lubrin, Vélez Blanco, Palomares, Tabernas Thursday: Cuevas del Almanzora, Olula del Río, Carboneras, Sorbas Friday: Garrucha, Turre, Zurgena Saturday: Aguilas, Vera, Arboleas, Vélez Rubio Sunday: Villaricos, Purias, San Juan de los Terreros, Fines

Rastros, Car Boot Sales, etc.

Saturday: Los Llanos, between Arboleas & Albox Sunday morning: Multiple Use Centre (Artisan Centre), Mojácar Village 2nd Sunday of the month: Bédar, from 9am

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