Portfolio jaislan gregate

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Jaislan Gregate`s

Portfolio Student of Graphic Design at UDESC (Brazil) Intrested in : Animation, Game Design, Concept Design, Character Design, Computer Graphics and Special Effects. Contact: gregate@gmail.com facebook.com/ jaislan.gregate +55 (48) 9946-7296

Editorial Project Alokosmo

Alokosmo Another world for hospitalized children Alokosmo is a conceptual magazine designed for children around 7 to 10 y.o. under hospitalization (specially oncology section). The aim of the project is to deliver the kid into another world full of happiness and fun in order to forget its illness/ treatment. For that, the magazine has 4 sections: Comics (intorducs the main story of the magazine linking the quests and the activities), Quests (missions to complete during the story), Activities (Enigmas and puzzles to do during the

Developed: Naming, Branding,

quests or comics) and Tale (part similar to a kid`s book

Comics, Editorial, Illustrations,

that tells a story made to do an interaction between the

Story, Concepts and Characters

kids and their parents.)

Alokosmo - Illustrations (Tale Section)

Alokosmo - Comic Pages

Alokosmo - Characters Due to the particularity of the project, characters were needed to be created, so they could tell the history of that

From right to left:

parallel world the kid is going to get into. The children characters must have something in common

Leo - The advernturer boy that acts spontaneously. He`s

to the kid that is reading the magazine, but they also

the leader on the quests and always the one who takes

needed to look healthy.


The solution was to make them bald or with little hair

Arlequim - Is the first person that lives on Alokosmo who

(wich is a side effect of cancer treatment) wearing

the kids had contact to. He`s the one always in trouble,

funny hats ( bandana, kerchief) and make this diference

who bring quests, and teaches a good way of solving

something that seemed like stylish or cool, that couldn`t

problems using imagination.

interfere on their personality. Mari - The wise sarcastic girl that always think before doing anything. She`s the one that likes enigmas and puzzles. She`s always observing the details on the places that she goes.




Mari Final Characters

Animation Project Uapeh

Uapeh An Unconditional Love Story Uapeh is an animation made with the stopmotion technique. It tells a brazilian legend of the orign of an amazonic plant (victoria regia). The story is about a little amazonic indian girl that fall in love the the god of moon, and to reach her beloved, she`s capable of jumping over anything that blocks her way. Developed: Naming, Branding, Concepts, Script, Character Design, Storyboards, Animatic, Animation, Ilumination, Photography, Visual Effects, Editing and Direction.

Uapeh Scene 01 - Shots

Uapeh Scene 01 - Storyboard

Uapeh Screens * full video at: http://vimeo.com/54117622

Uapeh Character Design - Naiah Naiah was made with cultural and physical references of the indian tribes of Amazon , specifically the garani tribes, wich has unique and exotic traces , specially on the face, and shows kind of inocence in the eye. She is simple and clean, but in the other hand, she`s also iconic and shows some brazilian traces of beauty. References


Final Version

Illustration Project Pally

Det. Khryo Pally Character Design Character created for the academic disciplin  “Presentation Drawing”. The project was to make a character and give it a history using a pre selected photo (below) and the design methodologies.


Sketches and Model Sheet

Det. Khryo Pally Dying Revenge Final illustration of Det. Pally in his main position and clothing. Done with watercolors, watercolor pencil, marquers, guache and pastels.

Det. Khryo Pally Office An extra part of the project that also the main scenario of the character shoud`ve been done aplying all the concept done previously. Done with: Watercolor, watercolor pencil, marquers, pastels.

Branding Project Anima & Pegasus

Anima is a company that focus on each client â€


individually, and deprives for a custom treatment,

Humanised Resourses

always keeping in mind that a client is a person, a

Anima is a rebrand project that was made for RDA

human, with all the problems, feelings and ambitions

company, a human resourses corporation.

that us humans have.

The company wanted a new brand that could say more

It presents a sentimental link with the client, and so

about their personality and their relation with the client,

the brand must have it. The concept was based on the

that is a diferent point in comparisson with the others on

Muiraquita (an amazonic indian hand-carved amulet

the same area.

made of mud, given to the beloved one), an affective amulet that will give all that the client will need to

Recursos mais humanos

succeed in its carreer.

Developed: Naming, Branding, Stationery, Brandbook.

Pegasus Artworks An academic conceptual branding design for a graphic design studio with the concept based on the surnames and tastes of each member of the crew.

Pegasus is a mythological creature that was born

The concept for this brand was: fantasy, organic,

different from the other horses and with different

motion, classic, and ink. And researching the link

purpose, and for that can reach higher places naturally.

between these words, “Pegasus� was the chosen name

And that is the same ideal of the studio: break the limits,

and the studio would work with illustration, character

reach the top and work in exclelency.

design and branding. Developed: Naming, Branding, Stationery, Brandbook.

Pack aging Project Unicef , Shout & Split

Unicef Humanitary Compaign Against Starvation This is a conceptual package made to be sell around children`s day (oct 12 th) by the Seven Boys Corporaton. The objective of the exercise was to make a link between the corporation (that sells different types of bread) and UNICEF, and then generate a publicitary campaign with

The package would be part of a customizable toy made of three parts (head,

this packaging.

body and feet) that can be colectible and changed in different ways.

The chosen product to do the package was “bisnaguinha� (a mini bread made for children carry on backpacks for lunch time at school) due to its proximity with the target and also because it is a product that can show diferent ways of fun packing. The concept to create the package was: sharing, contribute, playful, modularity, iteraction and colectible item. The base of the campaign is that when the kid buy one bisnaguinha with that package a porcentage of the profit would go to UNICEF and the kid would be helping

During the campaign the display of the product would be highlighted on the

in the fight against starvation on Africa.

supermarket`s hall, always with an attendant by side to explain how does it Developed: Packaging Design,

works and a complete model with all three parts showing the children how

and Concept of the illustration

it is played.

Shout It`s all about you Shout is a conceptual package for frozen pizza that brings the universe of street art as a way of expression. In a world that the “web 2.0” and the concept of

Pizza Shout, as being in the category of worldwide

The exteriorization of thoughts, that can be defined as

“perpetual beta” are part of the people`s daily, there is

food like the street art, would be an incentive agent

the key word of the concept of the package, shoud be

a need of thoughts and ideas exposure to afirmate the

for those who fear or don`t know how to let their mind

represented as in the format as in the main features

individuallity of each person in a time that everything is

flow. A material representative of exteriorization and

of the package, in other words , in itens that are

connected. Street art would be a symbol of expression

valorization of great ideas.

perceivable without a thorough analysis of the box.

freedom and ideas disclosure. The aesthetics would contrast between stencil,

To reinforce the concept, besides the visual aspects, the

wheatpaste and grafitti, following a chromatic palette

package would have a transparent film with a dotted

that valued as the color of the third, as the absence of

mesh wich the dot could be removed then making a

great quantity of colors of the first two. The typografie

customizable stencil mask. Also the package should

would follow the same aesthetics, prioritizing the

come with special souces the could be used as the taste

readability without seem displaced.

of the consumer. Developed: Naming, Packaging and Product Design

Split Sustainable ideal Split is an academic conceptual project that aimed on

The solution adopted would solve, or at least decrease,

design a package that shoud be innovator, as on visual

great part of the problems listed. For the implementation

programming as on materials used, considerating

of the package it would be necessary to rise in 1 cm the

the functions of the package and its relation with the

height of the box, and also the pizza would be sold

sustainability. The object analysed was pizza packages.

cut divided in two overlapping parts inside a vacuum packing made of green plastic in order to don`t happen any type of problem with the ingridients.

The main problems diagnosed with the actuals frozen pizza packages are related with their dimention and format. Specifically for the consumer, the package is hard to transport after the purchase because the

14 cm

supermarket`s bags weren`t designed to fit these packages accordingly, besides the difficulty of put them

Developed: Packaging Design,

away on the fridge or even discart.

Naming and Material Research

4 cm 33 cm

In a wide vision, these packages have problems related

With these alterations the volume of the package would

to their material, wich are difficult to recycle, or the

drop 50% and the quantity of paper used 44%. The

reclycling rate is low. Also there are problems with the

transport from the industry would be cheapened, a the

transportation from the industry, once the package

consumer would have more convinience carrying the

is quite large, wich ends causing a large volume of

product from supermarket to home. The decrease on the

garbage, besides a high value of paper necessary for the

volume also facilitate the discard. The quantity of ink on

fabrication of the package.

the package would also be reduced in high proportion, besides the absence of glue on the setting, only fittings.

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