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baby and kids



Special for co-sleeping
Anti-Suffocation Hypoallergenic Breathable 136
Referencia Riferimento Reference Référence Medidas cuna / cama Misure lettino / letto Bed / cot size Mesures du lit bébé / junior Medidas del colchón Misure del materasso Mattress size Mesures du matelas ZA60-120 60 x 120 58 x 118 x 12 cm ZA70-140 70 x 140 68 x 138 x 12 cm Especial colecho Ideale per il co-sleeping Specially for co-sleeping Spécialement pour le cododo Altura Altezza Height Hauteur Certificado textil Certificato tessile Textile certification Certificat textile Antiácaros Anti-acaro Anti-mite Anti-acariens Tejido Strech Tessuto elasticizzato Stretch fabric Tissu stretch Tejido 3D Airfresh Tessuto 3D Airfresh 3D Airfresh fabric Tissu 3D Airfresh Lavable Lavabile Washable Lavable Doble cara Double face Double-side Double face Antiplagiocefalia Anti-plagiocefalia Anti-plagiocephaly Anti-plagiocephaly Desenfundable Sfoderabile Removable cover Déhoussable Transpirable Traspirante Breathable Respirante Garantía 3 años Garanzia 3 anni 3-year warranty Garantie 3 ans 137


COLCHONES | MATERASSI MATTRESSES | MATELAS Antiplagiocefalia Viscofresh Breathable
Seasons Anti-Suffocation Summer Winter 138


Referencia Riferimento Reference Référence Medidas cuna / cama Misure lettino / letto Bed / cot size Mesures du lit bébé / junior Medidas del colchón Misure del materasso Mattress size Mesures du matelas ZH60-120 60 x 120 58 x 118 x 12 cm ZH70-140 70 x 140 68 x 138 x 12 cm ZH55-70 CREA1 / CREA3 55 x 70 x 12 cm Viscofresh Viscofresh Viscofresh Viscofresh Antiahogo Anti-soffoco Anti-suffocation Anti-étouffement Doble cara Double face Double-side Double face Antiplagiocefalia Anti-plagiocefalia Anti-plagiocephaly Anti-plagiocephaly Desenfundable Sfoderabile Removable cover Déhoussable Transpirable Traspirante Breathable Respirante Certificado textil Certificato tessile Textile certification Certificat textile Antiácaros Anti-acaro Anti-mite Anti-acariens Tejido Strech Tessuto elasticizzato Stretch fabric Tissu stretch Tejido 3D Airfresh Tessuto 3D Airfresh 3D Airfresh fabric Tissu 3D Airfresh Lavable Lavabile Washable Lavable Garantía 3 años Garanzia 3 anni 3-year warranty Garantie 3 ans 139
Viscofresh Easy Clean Hipoallergenic Referencia Riferimento Reference Référence Medidas cuna / cama Misure lettino / letto Bed / cot size Mesures du lit bébé / junior Medidas del colchón Misure del materasso Mattress size Mesures du matelas ZM48-78 48 x 78 (Yakarta) 48 x 78 x 7 cm ZV60-120 60 x 120 58 x 118 x 12 cm ZV70-140 70 x 140 68 x 138 x 12 cm ZV90-150 90 x 150 90 x 146 x 12 cm ZY50-80 50 x 80 (Equo & Moai) 54 x 80 x 6 cm ZM48-78 ZV60-120 / ZV70-140 ZY50-80 Certificado textil Certificato tessile Textile certification Certificat textile Antiácaros Anti-acaro Anti-mite Anti-acariens Tejido Strech Tessuto elasticizzato Stretch fabric Tissu stretch Garantía 3 años Garanzia 3 anni 3-year warranty Garantie 3 ans Lavable Lavabile Washable Lavable Desenfundable Sfoderabile Removable cover Déhoussable 140
Viscofresh Hypoallergenic 2 Seasons Referencia Riferimento Reference Référence Medidas cama Misure letto Bed size Mesures du lit junior Medidas del colchón Misure del materasso Mattress size Mesures du matelas ZC90-200 90 x 200 90 x 200 x 22 cm ZN90-190 90 x 190 90 x 190 x 15 cm Summer Winter Doble cara Double face Double-side Double face Certificado textil Certificato tessile Textile certification Certificat textile Antiácaros Anti-acaro Anti-mite Anti-acariens Tejido Strech Tessuto elasticizzato Stretch fabric Tissu stretch Viscofresh Viscofresh Viscofresh Viscofresh Garantía 3 años Garanzia 3 anni 3-year warranty Garantie 3 ans 141
2 Stages Anti-Suffocation Breathable Referencia Riferimento Reference Référence Medidas cuna / cama Misure lettino / letto Bed / cot size Mesures du lit bébé / junior Medidas del colchón Misure del materasso Mattress size Mesures du matelas ZR60-120 60 x 120 58 x 118 x 12 cm ZR70-140 70 x 140 68 x 138 x 12 cm BABY years 0-1 BABY years +1 Doble cara Double face Double-side Double face Desenfundable Sfoderabile Removable cover Déhoussable Altura Altezza Height Hauteur Certificado textil Certificato tessile Textile certification Certificat textile Antiácaros Anti-acaro Anti-mite Anti-acariens Garantía 3 años Garanzia 3 anni 3-year warranty Garantie 3 ans Antiahogo Anti-soffoco Anti-suffocation Anti-étouffement 142

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