(A) Look Inside Newsletter

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3.2013 AON Programs

AON Videos

vol. 2

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AON CCAD Teen Member Jackie Collins portrays her feelings of how negative media brainwashes youth today. Her self produced promo spot for face the music calls for more content awareness for our youth and young adults. Click to play

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Road To Victory - Video Presentation for local artist Doug “Sub-z” Willingham. this song was engineered and recorded as part of the future producers after-school program AON CCAD administers that assist youth to engineer and record positive, uplifting media for their peers.

AON CCAD Takes an Active Stance Against Violence and Negative Media for Youth and Young Adults

The winter of 2011 left a community in disbelief as

reports of community leader, father and business owner Joseph Buckner - 34, was killed from fatal gunshot wounds sustained in an attempted robbery outside his Kankakee, IL home. Residents throughout the community gathered for what seemed to be the first in a long line of candle-light viguals that followed throughout the spring and summer of 2012 in Illinois. Concerned citizens and city officials gather at the face the music community meeting held in 2012 to develop an action plan that will help detour violence throughout the community and help recover from recent shooting sprees.

In direct response to the outpour of community concerns, AON CCAD formed what would be one of the most well adapted initiatives of the organizations programming structure.

The Face the MUSIC Movement was initiated with support from city officials, community organization leaders and the city of Kankakee Police Department. This movement’s main objective is to call attention to vast amount of negative and derogatory media and entertainment targeted at youth and young adults and to provide a more positive and uplifting alternative to youth media while engaging the community in positive, constructive learning opportunities. The Movement’s model - Stop the Violence Campaign - targets communities nation-wide that have issues of violence. In addition, Face the MUSIC Movement has already been adapted by school districts, social service agencies and youth programming developers as a strategic approach to detouring the spread of negative behaviors and assistance with retention in youth based programming. Face the MUSIC is more than just a programmatic approach, our aim is to effect social change throughout communities, in the way young people accept responsibility with producing content and media on local levels that engages their peer groups and audiences. With the strategic planning and focus on uplifting of positive events, social streams and individuals, the mindset of what is socially acceptable as entertainment to youth and young adults will begin to change. As that mindset changes so will the nature of activities that leads to violence and damaging characteristics among individuals. AON CCAD is taking an active stance against negative media and entertainment for youth and young adults. With the development of our new Teen Media Studio, AON CCAD has committed to providing youth and young adults an alternative outlet for creating positive and constructive media and entertainment content to be distributed throughout communities. AON CCAD, AON MeDIA Productions and our partners envision this to be the start of Stopping the Violence throughout our neighborhoods. Help Us fulfill Our Goal of Providing Better Media and Entertainment to Youth and Young Adults.

Donate To the AON CCAD Today Thank You to our Sponsors for the continued support for the AON Center for Community Arts & Development

Comcast | AMPS Magazine Chicago | Nailah Davis Photography | Unity in Action Magazine | One Raw Nation | Eight-Fifteen Creative Solutions | Kalco Media Inc | Kalmese Wellness | Consciousness Magazine | Baylor Youth Foundation | BlueBerri Designs | AON Center for Community Arts & Development [AON CCAD] is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and contributions or donations made to AON CCAD are deductible for federal income tax purposes. The mission is to transform the lives of individuals through its commitment to education, empowerment, and economic self-reliance. The 3 Core Approach is Eduction, The Arts, and Community. AON Center for Community Arts & Development


803 W. Tawney Court


Champaign, Illinois 61820


Phone: (217) 607-7873


Email: info@aonccad.org


Web: www.aonccad.org

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