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Best Yoga Poses for Diabetic Patients
Tree Pose 1.
Tree pose involves balancing on one leg while placing the sole of the other foot on the inner thigh By engaging the leg muscles and focusing on balance, this pose can help individuals with diabetes improve their overall stability and circulation throughout the body
2. Bow Pose
Dhanurasana is a back-bending pose where one lies on the stomach, bends the knees, and holds the ankles Regular practice of bow pose can help enhance the functioning of the digestive system and support better insulin regulation
3. Bridge Pose
Setu Bandhasana is a back-bending pose performed by lying on the back with knees bent and feet hipwidth apart.. By reducing stress and improving blood circulation, Setu Bandhasana can contribute to better diabetes management.
4. Child's Pose
Child's pose is a resting pose performed by kneeling on the floor, sitting back on the heels By reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation, Balasana can indirectly contribute to better blood sugar control