Working From Home? 10 Exclusive Tips For Staying Productive
The world is undergoing a critical situation in this COVID-19 pandemic. Cities are locking down across the world and people can’t go out. Offices are compelled to be closed to let their employees stay home. The whole world has become standstill. But business can’t be shut down for long. Regular business operations need to be run. So the only solution is working from home. Many offices already have adopted this strategy of work from home. But it’s challenging to be efficient while working from home. There are a lot of distractions present at home. Besides, there is no one to monitor you. Hence, less accountability and less communication directly affect your productivity and efficiency. However, this doesn’t mean that being productive while working from home is impossible. It’s tough but there are some ways to turn the odds to your favour and working productivity from any location, either in-office or from home. I’ve come up with some proven tips for you. Whether you are working from home only for this contingency period or you work regularly from home, these tips can be always helpful for you to efficiently work from home and get best out of your remote work hours.
10 Tips For Staying Productive While Working From Home 1. Work Within Your Regular Work Hours This is the first step for being productive while working from home. It creates the zeal of working in yourself. It’s important to be consistent with your work. And when you stick yourself to the regular office hours it gets easier to maintain consistency. Working in your regular work hours helps you to be accountable for your work and get the best output from you. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to always work 9-5 like your office. You can set your time according to your comfort and when you’re most productive. But make sure you are working consistently and complete the total work hours like your office even though you’re working from home.
2. Plan Your Day And Schedule The Tasks Accordingly
The next step for ensuring efficiency while working from home is planning your day and scheduling your tasks. Before starting your workday, make sure you know what are the priorities for today, how long you need
to complete those and what you’ll do after that. Then plan your workflow according to this. You should plan your schedule before starting work. It’s wise to plan your day on the previous night when you go to bed for sleeping. You can simply make a draft plan for the next day and save it on your smartphone. Then have a sound sleep, get up early in the morning and make the detailed schedule according to the draft that you made last night. However, keep the most priority tasks in the first place of your to-do list and do the hardest tasks at that time when you’re most energetic throughout the day.
3. Keep Aside Your Personal Time From Your Work Hours It’s not unusual that you may have a lot of personal tasks while staying home even though you are working remotely. You might be chatting or gossiping with someone, or doing whatever other things that aren’t related to your works. These things greatly hamper your efficiency and productivity. You lose your concentration when you keep your mind on another thing while working from home. Your concentration gets diverted to another thing and your efficiency is reduced. So keep aside all of your personal tasks from your working period just like you used to do in your office.
4. Make A Work Station At Your Home It might be appealing to work from your balcony, sitting on a couch or even from your bed while you’re working from home. But it could greatly reduce your productivity as it wouldn’t let you feel like you’re in your office. So, make a workstation at your home to give the office-like feel to you. Arrange your workstation with a desk and a comfortable chair and whatever you need to feel comfy. Personalize your workstation according to your own choice and comfort. This will make you feel more confident and more organized while working from home.
5. Ensure A Stable Internet Connection One most important things for working from home is a stable internet connection. Because most of the work from home jobs are full of such works that require the internet. Besides, you have to be connected with your other colleagues while working from home which isn’t possible without a stable internet connection. Actually the efficiency of working from home greatly depends on a stable internet connection. So, ensure this in the first place.
6. Keep People Outside Your Workstation Being efficient working from is all about concentration. And this concentration doesn’t come until you keep yourself isolated while working from home. Make boundaries for kids, your spouse or your other family members or even for your pet when it is your working time. Encourage them to leave you alone while you’re working so that you can stay focused. This will enhance your productivity while working from home.
7. Take Regular Breaks Working consistently doesn’t necessarily mean that you should work all day long sitting by your desk. You should take regular breaks within your work hours while working from home. Try to take multiple short breaks rather than taking a long break. Take the break when you finish a task and feel like being cheered up before starting another. Breaks are important to charge up your energy and give relief to your brain. You should move from your desk when it is break time. Take some healthy snacks or fresh juice or a cup of coffee and talk to your family members. Then return to your desk with full energy.
8. Put Aside All Distractions From Your Desk It’s important to stay focused on your work while you’re working from home. So, you must put aside all the distractions from your desk. The biggest distraction is your smartphone. It’s tough to resist our hands to take the phone when we hear a notification. So, put aside it from your desk while working. Besides, you have to keep your desk net and clean and remove all clutters. Because a cluttered workstation leads to a cluttered mind and reduces your productivity.
9. Stay In Touch With Your Co-workers It’s important to collaborate with your co-workers constantly while you’re working from home. Luckily there are many online tools for staying in real-time collaboration. These tools create a virtual office and don’t let you feel that you’re not in the office. You should get used to these tools to work more productively from home.
10. Keep You Inspired Since you’re working from home, there’s no possibility to disturb your co-workers. So, you can do whatever things that inspire you and keep you cheered up which is important for being productive. You can play
favourite music loudly if that keeps you moving. Personally, I prefer to play nature sounds like rains, birds chirping, waves when I work from home. This gives me a charming and peaceful feeling which boosts up my energy to work more efficiently. You can try this too. So, you can follow these tips in your daily work hours while you’re working from home. If you follow these tips, you’ll be definitely more productive and efficient working from home than ever before. What do you think about working productively from home? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below. However, don’t forget to upskill yourself while staying home. Check out the essential skill courses that would help you in personal development to advance your career.