Supporting & Expanding Your Web/Mobile App

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Supporting & Expanding Your Web/Mobile App Alpha Bravo Development









Hosting & Server Management

HostingandServerManagementistheprocessofmaintainingandmanagingthehardware andsoftwarecomponentsofaservertoensurethatitisrunningsmoothlyandefficiently.This process includes monitoring server performance, making necessary configuration changes, installing and updating software applications, responding to security threats, and troubleshootinganyserverissuesthatmayarise.

Hosting and Server Management services can be provided by a professional IT team or an external service provider, depending on the sizeandcomplexityoftheserverenvironment.Byutilizingtheseservices, businessescanensurethattheirserversarerunningoptimallyandtheir dataissecureandprotected.

Security Monitoring

Securitymonitoringistheprocessofmonitoringandprotectingcomputersystems,networks, and data from unauthorized access, malicious attacks, and other cyber threats. It involves theimplementationofsecuritymeasuressuchasfirewalls,antivirusprograms,andintrusion detectionsystems(IDS)todetectandpreventmaliciousactivity.

It also involves regularly monitoring logs and other data sources for suspicious activity and responding quickly to any potential threats. Security monitoring is an essential component of any company’s security strategy, as it helps to protect the organization from data breaches,cyber-attacks,andothersecuritythreats.

Platform Optimization

Platform optimization is the process of optimizing a platform to improve its performance, scalability, and reliability. This typically involvesoptimizingtheplatform'ssoftware,hardware,andnetworkto reduce latency, improve compatibility, and ensure reliability. This process can also involve improving the platform's design, architecture, and security to reduce the risk of data breaches and othersecuritythreats.

Platform optimization can also help to reduce costs and reduce the time it takes to develop anddeploynewapplicationsandservices.

Data Management

Data management is the process of collecting, organizing, storing, and maintaining data. It also includes creating and managing policies, procedures, and tools for obtaining, validating, storing, protecting,andprocessingdata.

3rd Party API Management

3rdPartyAPIManagementistheprocessofmanagingandmaintainingsecureaccesstoAPIs whichareownedandoperatedbyexternalvendorsorpartners.

App & Software Development Company AlphaBravo Developmentisatop ratedappand softwaredevelopment companybasedin Miami,FL.
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