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Joining Together
Giving back plays a large part in Alpha Chi Omega’s mission. In addition to chapterspecific philanthropy and service projects, chapters across the country join together with other campus organizations to work toward a common goal – supporting their community. Members are eager to join in on the fun with these campus-wide philanthropy projects. Whether it’s tapping into their artistic abilities by putting on extravagant shows or testing their physical abilities, they dedicate themselves to giving back to their communities.
Members of the Phi (University of Kansas) chapter team up with other campus groups to participate in Rock Chalk Revue event and fundraiser every year. The campus event, which started more than 70 years ago, is a great way for the whole chapter to get involved. Rock Chalk Revue is a large-scale production that pairs up sororities, fraternities and other campus organizations. These pairs then create a short musical production and compete for one of the five highly competitive spots in the show.
If the Phi chapter’s pairing is selected by the judges, 25 sisters are chosen to be a part of the show and begin working on all of the fine details with their partner organization. Preparation for the event takes place almost a year in advance. “We typically pair up with another organization and then start working on creating a script and the music,” says Rosie Pennington, one of her chapter’s Rock Chalk directors. Countless hours are spent on script writing, rehearsals and even set design. With art and music being an integral part of Alpha Chi Omega’s history, members truly get to tap into their creative side and explore.

This past year, the Phi chapter was paired with the members of the university’s Beta Theta Pi chapter. The team was chosen by the judges to be part of the production and perform their show, “Paint the Town.”
“The storyline followed a town without color and the journey of the characters as they work to get the color restored,” Rosie explains. “Our directors designed every aspect of the show, including costumes, sets and story development. Our show won two awards, Best Story and Best Comedic Performance!”
Members loved working on the show, practicing songs and running through dance numbers. Even sisters who aren’t performing in the actual production get to be involved and feel excited for the show. “I think it’s one of our biggest morale boosts as a chapter,” says Chapter President Anna Cashatt. “We all get to band around the members that are out there performing and cheer them on. We also get to showcase how strong our sisterhood is to people around campus.”
Rock Chalk Revue also gives members the opportunity to make lasting connections and friendships with sisters and fellow community members. “I have met some of my best friends, even in Alpha Chi, that I maybe wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to work so closely with until Rock Chalk. It’s an amazing way for all of us to grow closer,” says Rosie about her experience with the last production.
At the end of the show, the proceeds from sponsorships and ticket sales go to a local charity near the campus –and in recent years, the chosen charity has had a special connection to the Phi chapter. “It’s really cool that the past three years, the charity has been the Willow Center, which is for survivors of domestic violence. It’s great to know that the money from this goes to a cause we are all so passionate about,” says Rosie. Since the first show, Rock Chalk Revue has contributed more than $2.5 million to local charities and more than 2,500 hours of community service in the Lawrence, Kansas community from food drives and raffles.
The Phi chapter isn’t alone in coming together with the community for unique philanthropic events.
Many chapters participate in events like Relay for Life or dance marathons. For example, Delta Omega (University of Kentucky) chapter participates in a 24-hour dance marathon, Dance Blue, to spread awareness and fundraise for children with pediatric cancer. This event gets students across the community involved, including our Alpha Chi Omega sisters who participate by forming a team and dancing for the children who can’t. The chapter loves participating in this event and supporting one another during the long 24 hours. Over the past 15 years, Dance Blue has made a major difference, raising more than $17 million from fundraising and sponsorships.
Events like these have massive impacts financially while also spreading positivity. Sisters across the country continue to participate in campus-wide philanthropic events in hopes of creating relationships with fellow students on campus – but more importantly, making an impact on the community around them.
Does your collegiate or alumnae chapter participate in a campus or community philanthropy event? Let us know at editor@alphachiomega.org, and make sure to submit pictures to photos.alphachiomega.org.