1 minute read
Spot a Squirrel

Alyse Rynor, Beta Omicron–Illinois State University, spotted this squirrel gravy boat while visiting her daughter in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and purchased to use on her Thanksgiving dinner table.

Angela Manzella, Gamma Upsilon–University of Montevallo, spotted Mardi Gras squirrels on Dauphin Street in Mobile, Alabama.

This Squirrel helped with the Central Florida Alumnae Club's chili cook-off fundraiser for Fighting Hunger, and they also collected food donations for Second Harvest Food Bank.

Lisa Coshey Burner, Theta Lambda–University of West Florida, submitted a photo of her daughter's military patch.

Celebrating Thanksgiving with squirrel salt and pepper shakers are Jessica Davis, Xi–Illinois Wesleyan University , and Beta Eta–Southern Illinois University at Carbondale alumane Sarah Mitchell Merideth and Denise Adams Brown.
SPOT A SQUIRREL: Submit your photos online at: alphagammadelta.org/quarterly-mag.