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2021-22 Leadership Consultants
The Fraternity's Leadership Consultant Team is back in the field to provide on-the-ground chapter support for the 2021–22 academic year. After summerlong training in Indianapolis, LCs set out to help chapters feel more confident during Primary Recruitment, provide programming and support collegiate officers in their leadership roles.
KACEY BAKER - Chapter: Gamma Zeta–University of Memphis Hometown: Dyersburg, Tennessee Degree: Integrative Studies - Youth Services
TRISTEN FITTS - Chapter: Gamma Delta–Auburn University Hometown: Gulf Shores, Alabama Degree: Finance
JENNA KELLY - Chapter: Epsilon–University of Kentucky Hometown: Vernon Hills, Illinois Degree: Social Work
LOUISA LEE - Chapter: Upsilon–University of Oklahoma Hometown: Abilene, Texas Degree: Creative Media Production
ANSLEY MARTIN - Chapter: Theta Mu–University of North Carolina Wilmington Hometown: Cornelius, North Carolina Degree: Elementary Education
Applications are now open for the 2022-23 Leadership Consultant Team. If you're a graduating senior and interested in serving in this once-in-a-lifetime role, visit 0 alphagammadelta.org/leadership-consultant to learn more and apply. Applications are due Monday, November 15, by 11:59 p.m. ET.