Invitation 17 18 suggested social media captions

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Alpha Invitation 17/18 Suggested Social Captions Target Audience

Core Messages


Social Channels


Church leaders

Alpha church congregations

TRY (guest-facing) // We all explore in different ways every day. Why not explore faith? #TryAlpha

RUN / INVITE (church-facing, guest-friendly) // Invite people to explore life, faith and meaning on Alpha. #RunAlpha

Develop engagement and interaction – create conversation around Alpha.

Increase brand awareness through shareable and authentic content.

Showcase Alpha’s global diversity and accessibility to both guests and churches by highlighting that Alpha is for anyone and can be run anywhere.

We will primarily use Facebook and Instagram for this invitation as these are the channels where we see the most engagement. We will continue to use Twitter for key updates such as the launch of each story. On the Alpha Global social channels, we will be launching the new invitation in two main phases: 1.

Tease (w/c 31 July) // Start using new location, food and group images alongside Bear and other content.


Launch (w/c 14 August onwards) // Share the ‘Explore More’ main invitation video and ‘Who Will You Invite?’ video followed by a new story every other week through to November.

In previous invitation launches, we have found Thunderclap to be an effective way to grab attention on social media and reach a large number of people with our messages organically. If you want to use Thunderclap to launch the Alpha Invitation in your country or region and would like some help or advice, please let us know and we will send you our recommended messaging.

YouTube Guidelines

As with previous invitations, we want as few uploads of the videos to YouTube as possible to make it easier for audiences to find the video they want. By accumulating views on as few videos as possible, we can ensure we make it to the top of the YouTube search rankings! Therefore, we ask please that: •

You only re-upload the new invitation videos if they are a translated version, e.g. Xola’s story with Spanish subtitles.

You title the translated video so that it is clear to anyone searching for the video that it is a translated version, e.g. Xola // Alpha Historias (Español).

Alpha Invitation 17/18 | Suggested Social Captions


Suggested Social Captions TEASE •

It’s good to explore. We’re built for it. Watch this space.

We all explore every day. In small ways, and big. Coming soon: 14 August

Poland, Malaysia, South Africa, Wales, Mexico, USA. Stories from around the world. Coming soon.

Life. Faith. Meaning. Alpha. Watch this space.


For all our searching – it’s rare to find time to think, and talk, about the big questions of life; about faith and reason and God and meaning. #TryAlpha

We all explore, every day. Watch stories from around the globe, exploring life, faith and meaning.

Exploring is good. We’re built for it. Learn more about Alpha and how to find one near you.

Explore life, faith and meaning at Alpha.

Watch stories of exploration from all around the globe at

We all explore, every day.

Why not take the time to explore life, faith and meaning?


Millions of people tried Alpha all around the world. Who will you invite to #TryAlpha?

Who will you invite to #TryAlpha?

“It all turned out to be life-changing...” Who will you invite to explore life, faith and meaning?

Alpha is an opportunity to explore life, faith and meaning. Know someone with questions about life? Invite them to Alpha.

Alpha is an opportunity to explore the Christian faith. Know someone with questions? Invite them to Alpha.


Millions of people have tried Alpha all over the world. Here are some of their stories:

Introducing stories of exploration and discover from all over the globe:

Last year we introduced the world to @beargrylls’ story. Bear is just one of the millions of people who have decided to #TryAlpha. Here are a few more stories.

We’re so excited to showcase stories of exploration from all over the world.

Alpha Invitation 17/18 | Suggested Social Captions



After getting arrested, Xola tried Alpha during his time in prison in South Africa. Watch his story.

“When I was younger I thought God was not for me.” Xola, South Africa.

Xola tried Alpha in prison in South Africa, now runs it in his local community. Hear about his journey.

“Alpha helped me to know God...” Hear about Xola’s experience of exploring faith on Alpha.

“After nine months in prison I started to know that there might be change in my life. I could not live the life I was living anymore.” Xola, South Africa.

“It was totally different from the gospel I had heard before.” Xola, South Africa.

“I’m not only focussing on coffees but also sharing our stories with people and listening to their stories as well.” Xola, Barista, South Africa.

“Alpha is a great way to connect with people and to connect with the community as well.”

“Most people don’t like being invited to church but Alpha is different.”

“It offers a relaxed environment. People like the conversations and getting to know each other and answering the questions they’ve been asking themselves.”


Emma explored faith at Alpha in Puebla, Mexico. Watch her story.

After her sister died tragically, Emma tried Alpha and found hope, community and peace. Watch her full story.

In Puebla, Mexico, Emma found friendship and explored faith at Alpha Youth. Watch her full story.

“As the sessions went by I started to open up more with people...” Hear about Emma’s experience on Alpha.

Watch Emma’s personal story of exploring faith, from Puebla, Mexico. Learn more about Alpha and find one near you.

“Within the space of a day I went from being the youngest child to an only child”. Emma, Mexico.

“One day my dad said to me, ‘Look there is free food; go!’” Emma tried Alpha after her dad dared her to go. This is her story.

“As the sessions went by I started to open up more with people.” Emma, Mexico.

“Finding faith helped me to take back my life and move forwards”. Explore Emma’s story.


Next stop in our Alpha adventure is Swansea, Wales – stay tuned for Beth’s story.

Beth tried Alpha Youth when she was at school and now she runs the #AlphaYouthSeries in her local community. Watch her story.

Beth was invited to #TryAlpha by a friend at school. Discover what happened next.

“As a kid I was really worried about fitting in and it became a common theme of my life...” Watch Beth’s story.

“It gave me the information I needed to make an informed decision about what I thought about my faith.” Learn more about Alpha.

She’d found security, identity and acceptance and I really wanted that for myself.” Beth, Wales.

Through Alpha I met Jesus and my whole life changed” Watch Beth’s story.

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Maggy is a radio DJ from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Discover what happened when she explored faith on Alpha.

“There are days when I have to put on a smile and just go to work and it is very challenging.” Watch Maggy’s story.

“I wasn’t sure what it was, it was just a random invitation.” Maggy was invited to Alpha by a friend via Facebook. This is her story.

“It was where I got to clear my doubts and the questions I had about faith…” Maggy, Malaysia.

“Alpha was a safe place where I could say out loud whatever I had to say.” Maggy, Malaysia.

“All the dots started to connect, I just knew.” Watch Maggy’s story.

“God has changed the way I look at my career.” Maggy, Malaysia.


Krzysztof is a drift biker from Poland. This is his story.

“I thought that following God meant giving up all the things I enjoyed about life...” Krzysztof, Poland.

Krzysztof is a drift biker from Poland. This is his story of exploring life, faith and meaning on Alpha.

“Through Alpha I learned more about who God is and as a result I felt like I began to better understand who I am too...” Krzysztof, Poland.

“I love the rush of drift biking and the way that everything else in life stops.” Krzysztof, Poland.

“I didn’t really know what to expect from it.” Krzysztof was invited to try Alpha by a friend. Watch his story.

“Through Alpha I learned more about who God is and as a result I felt like I began to better understand who I am too.” Krzysztof, Poland.

Krzysztof worried that becoming a Christian meant giving up everything ‘fun’. Explore what happened when he tried Alpha.


Richard explored life, faith and meaning at Alpha in California. Watch his story.

Richard, a hairdresser in Long Beach, USA, explored faith at Alpha. Watch his full story.

From Long Beach, California, Richard discusses why he decided to explore faith at Alpha. Watch it now.

“I got to the point where I needed something more, I needed community.” Watch Richard’s story of trying Alpha.

“It’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced...” Hear about Richard’s experience of running Alpha.

“I started resenting my parents for all the things I felt I couldn’t do.” Richard, USA.

“I got into deeper and darker things as I got older and at around 25 I realised that I was just going too far.” Find out what happened when Richard tried Alpha.

“I just got to the point where I needed something more, I needed community.” Richard, USA.

“The hardest part for me was just showing up the first night.” Richard, USA.

“It was a place where I could air all my questions and dirty laundry and nobody looked at me any differently.” Richard, USA.

Alpha Invitation 17/18 | Suggested Social Captions


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