Why run alpha // Invitation 17/18

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WHY RUN ALPHA Alpha and the Local Church

04 — A Note from Our Leadership 06 — Our Vision and Mission 08 — What is Alpha? 10 — Uniting the Church 12 — Empowering the Local Church 14 — Alpha and Church Planting 16 — Global Impact Study 18 — Global Stories 20 — Resources 22 — Get Started


A Note from Our Leadership At Alpha we love the church. Our heart is to see it grow and advance for God’s kingdom and glory – both locally and globally. We want to equip and support you in the vision that God has given to each of you in your local churches and communities, so that whole societies and nations are reached and transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ. This vision is the number one reason I am working for Alpha and I feel hugely privileged to support this transformational work. It’s amazing to see how effective Alpha has been at not only encouraging unity around Jesus in the global church, but also at impacting culture. This is evident when we see guests feel welcome and part of the community – even before coming to believe in Jesus. Alpha creates a space to encourage a culture not only of invitation but also of empowerment, giving people the tools to share the gospel in their individual contexts and beyond. We want to ensure Alpha continues serving the church in helping people find and follow Christ, and it is my prayer that you will be blessed by it. Thank you very much. Mathew Neville CEO, Alpha International

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A Note from Our Leadership | 5

Our Vision and Mission At Alpha, our vision is to see the evangelisation of the nations, the revitalisation of the church and the transformation of society. Such change will come only through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore faith in the context of a local church community, where they can come and see Jesus, community and love at work.

We equip and serve the church in its mission to help people to discover and develop a relationship with Jesus through Alpha



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Our Vision and Mission | 7

What is Alpha? Alpha is an opportunity for anyone, anywhere, to freely explore their unique questions about life, faith and God. It is a series of interactive sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. Alpha is run all around the globe, in cafés, churches, schools, universities, homes, prisons – you name it. The sessions usually have three key elements: food, talk and discussion.




Most sessions start with food because it’s a great way to build community and get to know each other.

The talks are designed to engage and inspire conversation on big issues around faith. Usually around thirty minutes long, they can be given as a live talk or played as a film.

Probably the most important part of any Alpha: the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic in an honest, friendly and open environment, and simply discuss it in a small group. There’s no obligation to say anything and there’s nothing you can’t say (seriously).

Alpha explores these questions in the talks: Is there more to life than this? Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How can I have faith? Why and how do I pray?

Why and how should I read the Bible?

How can I make the most of the rest of my life? *

How does God guide us?

How can I resist evil?

Who is the Holy Spirit? *

Why and how should I tell others?

What does the Holy Spirit do? * How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? *

Does God heal today? What about the church?

* explored on the Alpha Weekend / Day.

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What is Alpha? | 9

Uniting the Church Alpha runs across all major Christian denominations, including the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and all mainline Protestant traditions. Alpha invites people to explore the basics of Christianity within a local church or parish, regardless of faith or background.

‘Alpha is a genius programme that has serious results in bringing spiritual formation to all ages, all individuals, from every background.’ Joel A’Bell, Hillsong Church

‘I especially appreciate the ecumenical spirit of Alpha: there is no pressure on anybody to join a different denomination, but just to join Jesus.’ Father Raniero Cantalamessa, Preacher to the Papal Household

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Uniting the Church | 11

Empowering the Local Church We train and equip local leaders to run Alpha, and as they do, not only are we seeing guests’ lives transformed, but also that churches are changed and renewed. A culture of hospitality, openness and invitation develops, leaders are released and congregations grow.

ALPHA IS REAL. Those who run Alpha are encouraged to be open and authentic, as this allows guests to be real themselves. People are welcome to ask questions and look for answers, with no pressure to contribute, and there’s no follow up if they don’t come back.

‘Alpha is the most predictably redemptive tool I’ve seen in forty years of ministry.’ Bill Hybels, Willow Creek Church, USA

‘Alpha aims to help people to either discover or rediscover the meaning and joy of the Christian message. It gives one an opportunity to leverage on the experiences of others in a friendly warm and simple atmosphere. Alpha is an invaluable tool for evangelisation.’ Archbishop Alfred Martins Archbishop of Lagos, Nigeria

ALPHA IS RELATIONAL. Alpha is based on real friendships that are built over a few weeks and often last for years afterwards.

ALPHA IS RELIANT. On Alpha we are reliant on the Holy Spirit because we realise that it is only God who changes people’s lives – we just introduce him. If we allow people to be themselves and ask their questions, and focus on building relationships and relying on the Holy Spirit, lives are changed.

ALPHA IS REPRODUCIBLE. Alpha empowers ordinary people to be a part of this extraordinary work. Alpha can be run by anyone and in any context in collaboration with the local church. We often witness that the things that seemingly are small and insignificant often have huge impact when Jesus gets involved.

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‘Alpha prepares everyone to be a leader with a purposeful, meaningful, exciting, worthwhile and exemplary life.’ The Most Rev. Datuk Ng Moon Hing, Archbishop of the Anglican Province of South East Asia

‘For many years now and in various parts of the world, Alpha has shown itself powerful in bringing faith alive in all kinds of people. Its focus is on Jesus, its method is simple and its appeal is wide-ranging. It is also well-adapted for use in Catholic communities looking to provide the kind of ignition we need if we are to become a more missionary church.’ Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane, Australia

Empowering the Local Church | 13

Alpha and Church Planting We hear from Alex Wood in Portsmouth, UK, about his journey from trying Alpha after being invited by a housemate, to using it as a key tool in church planting.

Alex became a Christian on Alpha at HTB church in London in 2007. He had been living and working in London for a few years after graduating from university and a friend invited him to try Alpha. He went along expecting to disprove Christianity but experienced quite the opposite. He says, ‘I went to Alpha as an atheist I guess, perhaps agnostic, and I certainly didn’t believe that Christianity was relevant or would make any difference to my life. ‘And then on the Alpha Weekend, I had a moment when I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and I knew in that moment that God was real and that he loved me and that everything would be different from then on.’

After Alpha, Alex felt God calling him into full-time ministry, and he began training to become a vicar in the Church of England. In May 2016, he moved from his curacy in Brighton to plant a church in the heart of Portsmouth city centre, on the south coast of England. Alpha is at the heart of his new church’s vision for their city. He says that the course is one of the most effective tools he has come across to create a culture of invitation in his church and to help build an authentic community, visible and attractive to those outside the church.

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‘We decided from the very beginning that we wanted to be a church for the 200,000 people living in Portsmouth who don’t know Jesus yet. ‘Alpha is the best way we know to reach people with the good news of Jesus in a relaxed environment, and we encourage our whole church to invite their friends to come and try Alpha, to experience what it is like to know Jesus for themselves.’

‘We wanted to be a church for the 200,000 people living in Portsmouth who don’t know Jesus yet.’ Alpha and Church Planting | 15

Global Impact Study

Church Impact

After Alpha...

Over 200 churches across 11 countries and all major denominations participated in our first ever global Alpha study in 2016, conducted by the Barna Group, a US-based research company. Countries and churches were selected from across the world to reflect a variety of ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds that is representative of Alpha’s reach. 670 Alpha guests and 278 church and course leaders participated in an online survey. We were hugely encouraged to see the specific, significant impact that Alpha is having worldwide.

Guest Impact

82% of non-Christians described themselves as followers of Jesus

93% of church leaders will definitely recommend Alpha to another organisation

of Christian, non-active church goers became more committed 78% to regularly attending a Christian church service or Mass

91% of Christian, regular church goers have a more intimate relationship with Jesus Although becoming a follower of Jesus does not necessarily equate to conversion to Christianity, a variety of data points demonstrate significant spiritual impact, and even radical life change, among the 82% of non-Christians who described themselves as followers of Jesus since doing Alpha. For example, 88% of non-Christians became more committed to growing their knowledge of the Bible after Alpha, and 80% became more committed to sharing their faith in Jesus with others.

Changes in views after Alpha



for guests who described themselves as non-Christian before Alpha:


of church leaders say Alpha is an effective tool for evangelisation


of church leaders say Alpha is an effective tool for discipleship

‘I am not interested in learning about Jesus and exploring his teachings’

‘Faith and religion are not very important to me’

Before 46%


Before 56%








Changes to commitment levels after Alpha for guests who described themselves as non-Christian before Alpha:


of church leaders say Alpha has created a safe place for people to come and ask questions about the Christian faith


of church leaders say Alpha has been successful at drawing people to Jesus


of guests were more committed to having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ


of guests were more committed to growing their knowledge of the Bible


of guests were more committed to sharing their faith in Jesus with others


of guests were more committed to serving in the church

Readers should note that the guests who completed the survey were likely those who continued until the end of the course, and therefore the results may not represent those who dropped out. The guest retention rate of Alpha for the churches who took part in this study was 78%, as measured by the number of guests at the last week of Alpha compared to the first week.

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Global Impact Study | 17

Global Stories

‘The Marriage Preparation Course helped my wife Suzanne and I understand how our up-bringing and families affected our communication styles. Now we can handle this with love instead of finding tension in our differences. I would recommend this course to anyone getting married.

‘To be a good leader you need passion, confidence and a love for God – Alpha gives you that confidence. Every teenager has the same burning questions. Alpha just creates a safe space to ask them, a space that most people don’t have.’

Having enjoyed everything about The Marriage Preparation Course, we decided to try Alpha. Alpha offered relaxed friendship and deep discussion that helped me form my own opinion on faith for the first time. I want to share the love and peace I’ve found through Alpha with others, so now I’m leading a course myself.’ Wesley, The Netherlands Guest on The Marriage Preparation Course and Alpha

Annie, UK Runs Alpha Youth with her church

‘Before trying Alpha, I thought that faith was just about being a better person or about helping others. However, on Alpha I encountered God and experienced the love that he has for me. Discovering and understanding this love has made all the difference in my life. I now run Alpha because I want to share my journey and faith in God with others.’ Pablo, Mexico Runs Alpha in a Catholic context

‘I tried Alpha when I was in prison. I was able to process what had happened in my past and I became a new person. Since leaving prison, I’ve also started to run Alpha with my church – I love that I can share my experience and give people – just like me – the chance to hear about God and the Christian faith.’

‘Alpha helped me to understand the foundations of my faith. I learned not to be afraid of difficult questions and to rely on God. I think that community involvement at Alpha is also very important – whether it is in facilitating or praying for the participants, there can be a role for anyone. A community that is rooted in God’s love is like a city on a hill! It attracts people to look inside.’ Chelsea, Singapore Ran Alpha at her university

Xola, South Africa Tried Alpha in prison 18 | Why Run Alpha – Alpha and the Local Church

Global Stories | 19

Resources Alpha has been filmed in three different formats, so you can find the one that works for you.

Also from Alpha:

i. Alpha Film Series

Bible in One Year

The Marriage Courses

Alpha reimagined for a new generation. Nicky Gumbel and two new presenters, Toby Flint and Gemma Hunt, walk us through the traditional Alpha material in a way that everyone can relate to. The crew have been all around the world, filming in Canada, UK, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Kenya and Chile. The episodes feature inspiring stories and interviews, as well as visual illustrations and motion graphics.

The Bible in One Year is a free Bible reading app with a daily commentary by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel. Since its development in 2009, the app has had over 2 million users across 194 countries, many of these readers being Alpha guests.

The Marriage Courses provide couples with the opportunity to invest in their relationship through a series of ‘date nights’ with practical talks and private discussions. Based on Christian principles, the courses are for any couple; whether engaged, married, cohabiting or simply exploring marriage, and regardless of their faith background.

ii. Alpha Youth Series The Alpha Youth Series is a brand new series designed for young people between the ages of 13 and 18. Each episode is interactive – with short breaks that make space for discussion in small groups. The Alpha Youth Series will be released in English in October 2017. Until it’s released in your country and language, the Alpha Youth Film Series is available.

It is available in five languages and boasts a new audio commentary by British actor David Suchet. Free to download on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Visit themarriagecourses.org for more information on The Marriage Course and The Marriage Preparation Course and to access a full range of resources.

iii. Alpha with Nicky Gumbel Alpha pioneer Nicky Gumbel delivers a complete set of 29-minute Alpha talks. Filmed live at HTB Church in London, where Alpha began, these videos provide the definitive version of Alpha talks for churches of all denominations around the world.

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To access any of these Alpha resources in your language, please contact your National Alpha Office: alpha.org/global

Resources | 21

Get Started INVITE


Invitations are vital in spreading the news about your Alpha. Encourage your church and wider community to get on board and invite their friends. Registering and promoting your Alpha on Alpha Builder (alpha.org/run) will also help in letting people know about it.

The thing that can most affect the success of any Alpha is training your Alpha team. Even if they have experience leading, helping or hosting groups, it’s still essential that they understand the idea and principles behind Alpha, especially hospitality and small group dynamics. You can find all the training videos and guides in the ‘Learn How’ section of Alpha Builder (alpha.org/run).



Prayer is vital to the effectiveness of Alpha and we believe that when we pray, anything can happen. Some suggestions include getting your whole church praying in your Sunday services and small groups, getting people together to pray before each session, and getting hosts and helpers praying for each guest by name throughout Alpha.

You might want to consider hosting an informal ‘launch party’. This makes it even easier to invite guests along to hear about Alpha and what it involves.

Go for it! You’ve invited people, trained your team and have people backing you in prayer – now enjoy Alpha!

Visit alpha.org/pray and join us to pray for the work of Alpha around the world. For more ideas on how to pray, visit 24-7prayer.com/prayer.

Get everything you need to run the best Alpha possible on Alpha Builder: alpha.org/run

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Get Started | 23

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