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Introducing: Girls Who Code
Alpha Sigma Tau Welcomes Girls Who Code to Growing List of Women’s Wellness Initiative Partners
By: Emily Hamsher Kindred (Beta Delta 2008/Duquesne)
Alpha Sigma Tau is a women’s organization committed to empowering women to excel in life, both within our Sisterhood and beyond. Through our National Philanthropy, the Women’s Wellness Initiative, members of Alpha Sigma Tau enrich the lives of women through hands-on service with our National Service Partners, and the Sorority is excited to welcome Girls Who Code to this growing list! The missions of Girls Who Code (GWC) and Alpha Sigma Tau closely align, with both organizations striving to empower women and girls to reach their full potential within a community of sisterhood.

Epsilon Iota/NYIT volunteered in August 2019 at Girls Who Code x MetLife by guiding girls around campus and answering STEM-related questions.
What is the Women’s Wellness Initiative?
The Women’s Wellness Initiative is Alpha Sigma Tau’s National Philanthropy. Established in 2016, the Initiative empowers Alpha Sigma Tau members to improve women’s wellness through service activities and projects.
Through the Initiative, Alpha Sigma Tau has established relationships with Dress for Success and Girls Who Code. Through hands-on service with our National Service Partners, members of Alpha Sigma Tau empower women and girls to excel in life within six dimensions of wellness.

What is Girls Who Code?
Girls Who Code is an international nonprofit organization working to close the currently widening gender gap in technology.
Their programs inspire, educate, and equip girls with the computing skills they need to pursue 21st-century opportunities. With the increasing development of automation, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and other technological advancements, computing jobs are among the fastest-growing in the U.S economy. Though women make up nearly half of the American workforce, they remain significantly outnumbered in often high-earning fields, such as computer science.
Girls Who Code values diversity, equity, and inclusion and, as an organization, focuses its work not only on gender diversity but also on young women who are historically underrepresented in computer science fields.

Girls Who Code positively impacts girls in three key ways:
• Provide learning opportunities for students and alumnae to deepen their skills in the realm of computer science.
• Create clear pathways for GWC alumnae to enter the computing workforce.
• Provide a supportive sisterhood of peers and role models.
Through their elementary, middle, and high school Club programs, College Loops, and summer immersion programs, Girls Who Code has served more than 185,000 girls to date.
- National President Tiffany K. Street (Delta Mu 1998/Cumberland)

Why Alpha Sigma Tau + Girls Who Code?
With Girls Who Code and other National Service Partners of the Women’s Wellness Initiative, Alpha Sigma Tau members have more opportunities for community service and philanthropy that are relevant to the Sorority’s mission and values. The mission of Girls Who Code aligns directly with that of Alpha Sigma Tau.
Through the partnership, Alpha Sigma Tau members and chapters will be connected with resources to directly engage with GWC to create Clubs and benefit women and girls in their own communities.
How Can I Get Involved with Girls Who Code?
Alpha Sigma Tau encourages members and chapters interested in the mission of Girls Who Code to establish a Girls Who Code “Club” in their community.
Clubs are free extracurricular programs for 3rd-5th and 6th-12th grade girls that teach participants about Computer Science (CS) in a fun and safe environment.
Clubs meet 8-10 times throughout the academic year and are hosted at nonprofit locations, such as schools, libraries, churches, and community centers. They serve as a place for girls to spend time together while learning about CS and building their confidence.
Clubs are led by volunteer Facilitators (this could be you!), who use provided curriculum and resources. Facilitators with more than three registered participants qualify for a $300 grant from Girls Who Code that may be used for any Club need including supplies, snacks, or field trips.
Girls Who Code Clubs provide participants with a sisterhood of supportive peers and role models and an opportunity to use their skills to positively impact their community.

Ready to Get Started with Girls Who Code in Your Community?
Both collegiate and alumnae members of Alpha Sigma Tau are encouraged to bring Girls Who Code to their campus and local communities by becoming a Club Facilitator.
Getting started and running a Club is easier than you might think. It requires no out of pocket expenses, and a background in computer science is not a prerequisite for getting involved with GWC.
Use the checklist to the right to see if you’re ready to get started, and then visit alphasigmatau.org/gwc to view additional resources including a list of frequently asked questions, a step-by-step guide, and a 20 minute pre-recorded webinar.
- Dr. Tarika Barrett, COO of Girls Who Code