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Beta Mu Celebrates 40 Years at Salisbury University
By: Joanna Barrett, Epsilon Epsilon
In November 2018, the Beta Mu Chapter at Salisbury University in Maryland celebrated the 40th anniversary of their Installation.
“I think that it's so important for us to celebrate our anniversaries and to hear firsthand from Gail Shockley Fowler [Past National President], Debi Flaig Meeks [Founding Member, Beta Mu] and Tammy Brummell Bresnahan [colonizing member, Beta Mu] on how the chapter was established,” said Adele Black, alumna and former Assistant Chapter Advisor of the Beta Mu Chapter.
“Celebrating chapter anniversaries is extremely important. Not only does it give collegians and alumnae a reason to come together, but it also reminds us of the history and traditions that Alpha Sigma Tau was built on,” said Julia Mann, Chapter President of Beta Mu.
The celebratory weekend festivities included a BBQ, a project of collecting 2500 pairs of new and gently used shoes to donate to impoverished countries, a slideshow of photos, the Candlelighting Service, and social gatherings.
“I think what made our 40th anniversary weekend so special was that Sisters of all ages were brought together and were able to share stories from both past and present,” Julia noted. “It was so cool comparing composites from the 70's to ours, and hearing about all the different experiences Sisters had throughout various generations.”
At the formal banquet, a roll call of all the member classes, from the Founding Members to the chapter’s Fall 2018 new member class, was read, as well as an excerpt from The Anchor’s 1978 issue, the year Beta Mu was founded. Additionally, the chapter recognized some of their accomplishments of recent years and reflected on the past and present activities of the chapter.
“I was just in awe the entire evening, feeling the energy, sisterhood, and love for Alpha Sigma Tau in that room,” Adele gushed. “The event drew to an end and being a part of the Candlelighting Service—seeing the circle grow from the founding Sisters to the newest members, decade by decade—was an awesome experience.”
Julia also remembered the evening fondly. “After dinner, the founding members honored me and the chapter with a gift of a gavel and flowers. The banquet was my favorite part of the celebration because we all enjoyed an evening of reminiscing and embracing the present.”
Debi believes that celebrating a milestone is not just for Alpha Sigma Tau. She said, “It is for all of us regardless of affiliation,” as she reflected on fraternity and sorority life on campus. “Times have changed, but our values and traditions have not.”
“Alpha Sigma Tau’s legacy at Salisbury University means carrying on all of the traditions our alumnae have created and carried on for us, and also paving our own path and making our mark on campus and in the community,” Julia remarked. “You make an impact on those around you and make connections and memories to last a lifetime.”