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You may have noticed that The Anchor has been on a hiatus since 2020. For so many reasons, it has been a long two years. And a lot has changed – for the better. While many were scrambling to ensure Alpha Sigma Tau’s continued success in the face of a global pandemic and new virtual world, the organization still pulled off a great deal: we held our first and only virtual Convention; established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee; updated our legacy policy to give all women who meet our values an equitable path to membership; launched the AΣΤ Excel program; and raised $164,945 in 2020 and $234,980 in 2021 during our annual Founders Day of Giving events.
During this time, many of our members also continued onward and have shown us all how to live joyously and valiantly. These two words sum up our Creed and embody what it means to live by it every day. And what you may have discovered while reading these stories is that regardless of whether they're 360 miles above the Earth’s surface or with two feet planted on the ground, the common denominator is that the hard work and efforts these women make every day are for others. It’s no coincidence that another line in our Creed mentions contributing our share to the progress of humankind.
Our individual members, moving through their lives in a meaningful way and living our values, make Alpha Sigma Tau the organization that it is – past, present, and future. Our Sisters help us persevere in the face of adversity, overcome challenges when all seems impossible, contribute to and fight for meaningful causes, and add happiness to our lives.
Living joyously and valiantly is what being an Alpha Sigma Tau is all about.
Here’s to health, happiness, and a joyous new start in 2022!
In Sisterhood,
Kate Sweeney
Gamma Theta 2004/Penn State Behrend Editor, The Anchor