1 minute read
Brandy Huff Tarini
By: Amanda Cruz (Beta Omega 2018/Monmouth)
When Brandy was initiated into the Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau, her personal and professional life would change for the better. Before participating in her recruitment process, Brandy wanted to truly know if Alpha Sigma Tau was the sorority for her. She connected with Sisters on campus and found them admirable, saying, “They were very classy, and that’s what I loved about them.” After initiation, Brandy became very involved in her chapter and on campus. She was a campus ambassador and held a Vice President position in her chapter.
Brandy truly loved her experience as a collegiate member and is forever grateful for the opportunities Alpha Sigma Tau has given her. As an alumna, she has reinvested her commitment by becoming a recurring donor in our Friendship & Fidelity Monthly Giving Circle. She also shows up for the Upsilon Chapter during Founders Day of Giving!
Professionally, she is in pharmaceutical sales and was in the top five percent in leadership sales at her previous company. She currently volunteers at her children’s school. Brandy's eldest daughter is also attending The University of Central Arkansas, where she is interested in becoming a member of Alpha Sigma Tau.
I believe in the organization. Alpha Sigma Tau is more than just a Sisterhood – it’s a family. If it were not for them, I wouldn’t have been able to step out of my comfort zone and become the woman I am today. I wouldn’t have been as outgoing.
Knowing that there is a group of women that want you to represent them gives you a high level of confidence. Sometimes, you just need a group of people to believe in you - this was the affirmation that I need and that I have valued throughout the years. Alpha Sigma Tau has truly changed my life, and I want to pass forward that positive experience to others.