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For her countless younger Sisters, Kellie offers this advice: “You are allowed to change your mind!” After exploring various career paths, Kellie moved to Boston ten years ago, where she realized she desperately missed her Sorority and volunteering with her chapter.

Her inspiration: raising money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in honor of her husband Dave and his cancer diagnosis. She said, “My husband was treated there in 2021, and we owe them everything. The $15,000 I raised will help countless families like ours have successful treatment.”

Kellie crushed milestone after milestone by setting small goals for herself and conjuring up the soft skills learned while in her collegiate chapter, such as time management, connections, patience, and confidence. She stated, “The confidence I gained as a collegian has stayed with me throughout my life, and without that spark, I wouldn't have been able to run the marathon. I think the biggest [value], though, is graciousness. The gratitude I feel for my body and those that believe in me is unparalleled. To leave a graceful impact on this world is what I strive for.”

Soon after, she started volunteering at a community garden, where she realized her true passion was non-profit work. She wanted to dedicate her life to the betterment and enrichment of others' lives. “I realized how much I loved non-profit work, went back to school for a Masters of Public Administration,” said Kellie, “and now fundraise for an anti-hunger non-profit... and the rest is history! I've been in a job I love for over four years and am constantly working to advance in my field.”

With determination and a desire to give back to others, Kellie completed the Boston Marathon and raised $15,000 for cancer patients and her other half, Dave, along the way. With this significant life achievement planted proudly in her personal history, Kellie now finds joy in gluten-free cheesecake, spending time with her husband, and a welldeserved vacation with her family to Costa Rica.

“Fashion has helped with building my confidence,” says Khadesia. “I love being able to creatively express myself and my personality through my outfits. Nothing makes me feel more confident than putting on my favorite outfit.”

Joining Alpha Sigma Tau connected Khadesia to a network of women who helped her throughout her college career, and later into the world of fashion. “The sisterhood made my Penn State Altoona campus feel like home, even though I was miles away from my actual home in Connecticut,” says Khadesia.

When she joined Alpha Sigma Tau, Khadesia became the Merchandising Coordinator for the Delta Omega Chapter, designing sorority apparel and organizing large orders for the chapter, while managing budgets and licensing standards.

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