2022 Portfolio

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Portfolio Andrew Portugal 2019-2022

+1 714-262-0795Architecture Student

Bio Andrew Portugal Anaheim, CA alportugal@cpp.edu

My name is Andrew, and I am a 5th-year student at Cal Poly Pomona. I’m looking to gain experi ence in a design firm environment where I can grow my professional and design-thinking abili ties. My design interests are focused on creating sustainable and uplifting architectural futures for the communities around me, both in terms of combating the oncoming climate crisis and aiding those who live in places underserved by urban, architectural, and environmental infra structure.


Valencia High School (Placentia) 2014-2018

3.53 GPA

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 2018-Present (Graduation: 2023)

B. Arch 3.52 GPA

Danish Institute for Study Abroad Copenhagen, Denmark 2021-2022


Rhino+V-Ray Revit AutoCAD Bluebeam Microsoft Office G Suite Adobe Suite



Fluent in writing, understanding Proficient in speaking

Fabrication Skills

Lasercutting Hand Drafting Hand Sketching Watercolor, Acrylic Painting 3D Printing Flatbed Printing Woodshop

English Native


CPP AIAS Board Member

Held the ENV Representative position in CPP’s chapter of AIAS (F20-F21)

CPP President’s Honor List S21

CPP ARC Dean’s List S21

CPP NOMAS Board Member

Held the Vice-President position in CPP’s chapter of NOMAS (F22-S23)


Collections and Curations: A RepositorySans Serif Chronicles at Cal Poly Pomona


CPP ARC Interim Exhibition F19, F21

Vetter Mountain Scientist Retreat Los Feliz Mixed-Use Housing 14 6 Additional Work 38 Skovshoved Sailing Roof 28 Selected Works Fall 2019 - Spring 2022

Vetter Mountain Scientist’s Retreat

Students were tasked with designing a research facility situated atop Vetter Mountain, a summit with 5911 feet of elevation sitting amongst the San Gabriel Mountains in the Angeles National Forest. The facility would act as a retreat for 2 scientists to conduct astronomical research for one month at a time and as an education center for the general public, visitors, and recreational guests such as hikers and bikers.

The proposed design exentuates the idea of the building acting as a vehicle of circulation across the site. A bridge structure connected to a tower spans across the site and touches down on the upper and lower summit pads. An ‘attachment’ is added to the southern facade, which allows for circulation across the site and in to the facility’s main program space which exists in the bridge portion. A sprawling ramp works in tandem with the building to provide for a continuous flow of circulation between the summit pads and private scientist quarters.

Fall 2020 | ARC 3011L Marta Perlas

Perspective from ramp to northern facade
8 Selected Works Site Plan
1st Floor Plan Ground Floor Plan
9 Vetter Mountain Scientist Retreat

Selected Works

Southern Elevation Western Elevation
Section A Section B
11 Vetter Mountain Scientist Retreat

Selected Works

Detailed section, floor & roof details
Vetter Mountain Scientist Perspective of bridge, summit observation pad

Los Feliz Mixed-Use Housing

The market-rate, mixed-use housing proposal in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles focuses on the use of a terraced structure and splaying mass pattern. These concepts respond to sunlight, wind patterns, views, and harbor an interactive tenant community connecting to the surrounding neighborhood.

Ample bridges extrude from terraces at each residential level of two towers, connecting circu lation paths as well as activating generous common open spaces for residents. The bridges foster a highly interactive community connected through community gardens, lounging areas, and stairwells. By stepping downwards, the terraced masses also allow for views in both di rections for residents while allowing for lighting and shade at different times of day.

A stripe-painted pattern with a raised crosswalk connects the project to a public plaza visu ally and physically. This enhanced connection with the public realm creates a gateway to the neighborhood of Los Feliz, establishing a shared public gathering space for residents, pedes trians, and tourists.

Spring 2021 | ARC 3021L Roberto Sheinberg

Building Axonometric


Works Site Plan
17 Los Feliz Mixed-Use Housing Podium Floor Plan

Selected Works

Clockwise top
10 40 60 20100 18
left: basement plan, 1st floor plan, 2nd floor plan, 3rd floor plan

Los Feliz Mixed-Use Housing

Horizontal Circulation

Vertical Circulation

Counter-clockwise from top left: 4th floor plan, 5th floor plan, circulation/ means of egress diagram.

10 40 60 20100 19

Selected Works

From top to bottom: western elevation, corresponding building section.

5’ 10’ 20’ 30 50 20

Los Feliz Mixed-Use Housing

From top to bottom: southern elevation, corresponding building section.

5’ 10’ 20’ 30 50 21


Unit Stacking Diagram

Los Feliz Mixed-Use

Clockwise from top left Studio floor plan, 1 bedroom unit floor plan, 1 bedroom slanted unit floor plan, 2 bedrom unit floor plan.


Unit Wall Section
Structural Axonometric
25 Los Feliz Mixed-Use Housing


Street view perspective from Hollywood Blvd.
Los Feliz Mixed-Use Housing Interior Perspective - Balconies

Skovshoved Sailing Roof

Located at the tip of Skovshoved Harbor -- a former fishing village 5 miles north of Copenha gen, Denmark -- the project aims at creating a beacon of Danish seafood culture that pays homage to the maritime history of the site. Underneath its sweeping roof form inspired by the flowing sails and masts scattered across the harbor landscape, a transparent flow of cooking, learning, and teaching is facilitated through a glass curtain wall construction sup ported by flying steel beams and gridded columns.

Visitors are invited in to the building by the pathways that sprawl out of it and across the site, facilitating circulation between the indoor teaching kitchens and outdoor learning spac es. The pathways change in size to accommodate space requirements for exterior cooking spaces and mimic the form of the undulating roof. The expansions and contractions of the roof on the exterior of the building help denote these exterior learning spaces, further engag ing the public in both traditional and newer, more sustainable methods of seafood preparation emerging within the community and country at large.

Spring 2022 | AD Studio (DIS)

Building Axonometric


Works Organizational Diagram Working/Teaching Main Kitchen/Teaching Space Outdoor Cooking/Learning Living/Relaxing
31 Skovshoved Sailing Roof Site Plan


Works 1 2 1 1. Food Storage 2. Dry Food Depot Basement Plan

Skovshoved Sailing

Roof Ground Floor Plan 1. Food Library 2. Office 3. Flex Kitchen/ Learning Lab 4. Outdoor Cooking/Learning Area 5. Production Kitchen 6. Cafe 7. Outdoor Cafe Seating 8. WC 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 78 1 2


Works Section A 1. Flex Kitchen / Learning Lab 2. Outdoor Cooking / Learning Area 3. Food Storage 3 1 2 3


Exterior Perspective - Outdoor cooking space
Sailing Roof
Physical Model - Aerial View
36 Selected Works
Skovshoved Sailing Roof Physical Section Model

Sans Serif Chronicles

In this intermediate digital design studio, students explored and created a 3-dimensional structure from a 2-dimensional fields of letters from the Sans Serif font family. A heirarchy of spaces was created and a stair was inserted to connect these spaces within the object. Students then spliced the object through the creation of a ‘drawdel’: a hybrid drawing-model creation.

The resulting drawdel attempts to highlight the verticallity of spaces and the circulation between them within the object. This is acheived through the use of an axonometric section projection mixed with 3-D printed printed model pieces that coincide with the section cut.

B gq b DQ Richard Molina

L 38 Additional Work Fall 2019 | ARC 2500A Instructor:
40 Selected Works
41 Sans Serif Chronicles
42 Selected Works
43 Sans Serif Chronicles

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