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The Effect on the Demand of Single-Used Plastics Amidst Covid-19
The Effect on the Demand of Single-Used Plastics Amidst Covid-19
“87,4% of the excess waste was from hospitals, rather than from Individual use. PPE usage by Individuals contributed only 7.6% of the total, while packaging and test kits accounted for 4.7% and 3% respectively”
(Laville.S, 2021)
Specifically in Laos, the need of proper waste management is required to cope with medical and PPE waste from different fields. As Dr. Bouakham Tounnalom, the Deputy Director of Hygiene Management Division, Ministry of Health has stated, the concern of the Covid-19 waste management system such as having “waste collection, treatment, transport and disposal systems have limited capacity. Waste collection companies have to ensure proper use of PPE, and preventive measures and need to increase their frequency of picking up waste every week. Protocols and Contracts have been signed to ensure safety measures are put into place for such services”. (Somvorachit, A., et al., 2021).
In 2020, Lao PDR also adopted the state guidance in managing infected waste from hygiene centers, hospitals, quarantine facilities, and so on. The guidance consists of the process of collecting waste from each different place, the waste container, transportation, and the infected waste disposal. For example, in infected waste transportation, it is to be ensured that the waste would not be befallen in the time of transporting between the route of transportation between the building and the garbage stock point by using the garbage cart for carrying the dangerous waste only and spray the chlorine 0.5 % along the way
Plastic is designed to serve the convenience of individuals and it is undeniable that plastic is a part of our life e. Citizens prioritize convenience, rather than considering the long-term effect on the community. This is why, on a global scale, the message of reducing plastic is being spread in order to raise an eco-conscious generation. In terms of waste from the Covid-19 outbreak, the basic guideline of waste management from home is required. However, this will be easier i f we have a guide to advise how to throw or manage the waste in proper ways. The Covid-19 basic waste management guide should be published on social media platforms or made available as Posters to the public so it can be easily accessible. Furthermore, incorporating creativity like including colors, animations and graphics should be done in the guide as it would make it more comprehensible and eye-catching to the general public.
In my perspective, sometimes, we might throw face masks or gloves in the general waste but having a waste separate bin between general and hazardous waste will reduce the risk of spreading infection. In addition to that, wearing a cotton face mask could save our environment and it would be more economical as well. However, a cotton mask costs more than general masks, but by buying it, it can be used long-term as it can be washed after using it all day, as advised.
The pandemic outbreak has been proof that the demand for single-use plastic is increasing because plastic materials can reduce the risk of being infected with Covid19. However, having a proper waste management system would help in making the environment more sustainable. Thus, as a global citizens, being a voice alongside taking action are our fundamental responsibilities in order to make a balance to the environment as well as secure our lives in the future ahead.