Centre for Arabic and Islamic Sciences
Contents 03
Welcome to Al-Salam Institute
About ASI
Our Programmes
Online and On-Demand
Islamic Scholarship Programme
Explaining the Syllabus
Foundation Level
Intermediate Level
Advanced Level
Short Courses
ASI On-demand
Sacred Sciences Journey
Knowledge Retreat
40 Teachers 42
How to Apply
+ 44 (0) 20 8090 1623 | | 2
In the name of Allah, Most High May peace be upon you. Welcome to Al-Salam Institute, Centre for Arabic and Islamic Sciences. As Muslims we all strive for peace, within ourselves and within the world around us. Knowledge is a pathway to peace, and yet striving for this necessitates effort and hard work. Here at Al-Salam we seek to facilitate ease upon this blessed and noble journey. At Al-Salam you will be able to pursue your intellectual curiosity in the company of like-minded individuals, whatever your background or location. You will be joining a community of some of the most capable and diverse teachers and students, helping you to develop as an independent thinker with a sound foundation in the Islamic sciences, God-willing. Seeking sacred knowledge is an immensely rewarding journey. We seek to equip Muslims with traditional knowledge in order to promote peace, understanding and guidance in today’s society. We hope you will find your studies a truly unique experience; a journey of knowledge, illumination and self-betterment. We look forward to welcoming you into our community. May God accept and be pleased with all your efforts.
Our mission is to deliver the teachings of Islam through classical texts with a profound awareness of the modern era.
About ASI Al-Salam Institute was established in Oxford (UK) in 2006 in order to provide students and working professionals with the opportunity to study Arabic and the Islamic sciences at a manageable pace. We live in the modern world and yet have a vast intellectual heritage as Muslims. Our mission at Al-Salam Institute is to deliver the authentic teachings of Islam through classical texts with a profound awareness of the modern era. Our vision is to produce a new generation of leading scholars and intellectuals who are characterised by their sound knowledge and understanding of the authentic sources, independence of mind and embodiment of Prophetic virtue. We seek to create a symbiotic relationship between traditional Islamic scholarship and contemporary advancements in technology in order to provide unique learning platforms for our students. Our presence in the heart of London alongside our global online outreach facilities means that we have been blessed to be able to provide tailor-made learning opportunities for Muslims all over the world. We now celebrate 10 years of service to the study of Arabic and Islamic sciences. 5
We provide our pioneering six-year Islamic Scholarship Programme (‘Alimiyyah) for live attendance just one day a week both online and onsite in London. As part of this programme, students gain an indepth understanding of classical Islamic texts and methodologies whilst also developing the critical thinking skills needed to translate theory into practice.
ASI Short Courses are changing the way Islamic studies are taught. Available online (via livestream) as well as on-demand, we provide courses on a wide variety of subjects, from theology and history to prophetic biographies and topical contemporary issues. Our short courses are open to all. Thoughtprovoking discussions take place between our instructors and the wider Muslim community, making the study of Islam both enjoyable and accessible.
In the past scholars travelled far and wide in pursuit of knowledge. Our annual Residential trips abroad provide a unique opportunity for ASI students to reconnect with this lost legacy. Alongside Shaykh Akram Nadwi, students will travel all over the world, visiting and studying under illustrious scholars in pursuit of sacred knowledge and ijazat (textual or subject authorisation).
Knowledge Retreat: Spain with Shaykh M Akram Nadwi Register Today 6
Online and On-Demand OUR ONLINE LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IS THE EPITOME OF CONVENIENCE ONLINE Al-Salam Institute provides online access for all its teaching. This means that students from anywhere in the world can attend the Islamic Scholarship Programme live as it takes place, as well as study any upcoming short courses from the comfort of their own home. The opportunity to livestream these classes means students can still benefi t from the classroom environment and interact with teachers during classes.
VIRTUAL MADRASAH Our Virtual Madrasah e-learning platform is truly unique. We all often wish we could go back and take better notes or listen again to a teacher’s explanation. Using the Virtual Madrasah, all students of the Islamic Scholarship Programme are able to do this and much more. Using the Virtual Madrasah you will be able to:
• • • • • •
Watch classes live Interact with your teachers Access all your learning materials Re-watch recordings of all your core classes Contact your teachers outside of the classroom Submit assignments and examinations
At ASI you will have the fl exibility to study at your own speed and convenience, fi tting your studies around work and family commitments. These recordings are available for the entire academic year. ON-DEMAND Al-Salam Institute now provides a new on-demand service open to all. This digitally remastered content is available anytime, anywhere. Sometimes we may have an interest in a particular class or series but are unable to attend. ASI OnDemand now enables you to watch a wide variety of classes, lectures and short courses at your own convenience. Find out more 9
The Islamic Scholarship Programme AT THE FOREFRONT OF ISLAMIC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMMES IN THE UK Our unique three-tier Islamic Scholarship Programme ensures students are able to enter the programme at the level best suited to them. You can enter at:
FOUNDATION LEVEL: Certificate in Classical Arabic and Islamic Sciences (1 year)
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: Diploma in Classical Arabic and Islamic Disciplines (3 years)
ADVANCED LEVEL: Licence in Islamic Scholarship (2 years)
Through part-time study (one day a week live attendance online or onsite) and a dynamic selection of modules, the course provides the opportunity for students and working professionals to study Arabic and the Islamic sciences to an advanced level. The entire six-year syllabus is primarily authorised by Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi. Students will graduate as an ‘Alim or ‘Alimah with a penetrating understanding of the fundamental Islamic sciences. This pioneering programme has already produced a number graduates who now teach with us as Al-Salam Institute course instructors.
Find out more 10
ASI is proud to have an academic programme which boasts a strong focus on classical literature. Our syllabus is developed and delivered in a non-partisan manner and seeks to bring forth a genuine representation of the Prophetic Sunnah. The texts studied have been chosen on the basis of Shaykh Akram’s extensive learning and teaching experience. The syllabus therefore has the advantage of being independent, not merely copied from an existing religious seminary elsewhere in the Muslim world. In this manner, we aim to provide a new way for the Muslims to develop a profound understanding of their faith. By studying at ASI, you will be joining an institute which not only strives for intellectual excellence, but one in which the student is constantly reminded of their spiritual duty: that one should not only know the full Islamic personality, but one must have a full Islamic personality so that a genuine God-consciousness (taqwa) can fl ourish. Connecting all six years of the curriculum is the Islamic spirit of selfl essness and selfimprovement. It has been designed to ensure that students are able to learn more than just a fi xed doctrine or school of law. The Islamic virtues of steadfastness and commitment are connected to the technical elements of each module, with the aim of implementing the lessons learned in your day-to-day life.
QURANIC EXEGESIS The cultivation of an Islamic ethos of piety is felt most deeply in the Quranic Exegesis modules. For these classes, students from all levels of the ISP study a chapter (surah) of the Quran from a thematic and spiritual perspective, concerned with understanding and implementation. Whilst the sources of the lesson are from a mixture of classical and contemporary exegeses, the module is not assessed by assignment or examination. The primary objective of the module is for students to deepen their connection with their Lord and to strengthen their resolve to embody and enact the message of the Quran. In addition to the development of the inner dimensions of worship, the Quranic Exegesis module also serves to improve the student’s use and comprehension of classical Arabic. In conjunction with the Arabic Department (p16), Quranic Exegesis introduces new vocabulary and expressions that are often particular to the Book of Allah and the language of pre-Islamic Arabia. In order to convey an enriched understanding, linguistic and grammatical exposition is utilised throughout the course to foster a deep appreciation for the message of the Quran and advance the students’ progress in their Arabic studies.
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HADITH ASI enjoys international recognition as a provider of leading education in the fields of hadith transmission and classification (‘Ilm al-Rijal and Mustalah al-Hadith). In the initial years, students will be able to derive benefits from authentic ahadith in abridged compilations. Emphasis is placed on the essential meanings of hadith narrations, the character and personality of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and the many virtues of his companions. Students will then be introduced to the principles of Prophetic narrations in the Usul alHadith modules. To develop a deeper appreciation for the compilations and compilers of hadith, students will begin to learn the nomenclature and practices of those scholars who spent their lives in the accumulation, scrutiny and study of Prophetic narrations. Continuing on to the Intermediate level, students will be introduced to the notable text ‘Garden of the Hadith Scholars’ (Bustan al-Muhaddithin) in a dedicated seminar. This course will introduce students to every major hadith compilation, their authors and the methodologies that they adopted in compiling their books. Students will study aspects of the six primary sources (Kutub alSittah): Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan al-Nasa’i, Sunan Abu Dawud, Jami’ al-Tirmidhi and Sunan Ibn Majah over the course of three years.
Also taught in the Intermediate level is the Muwatta of Imam Malik. It is both the original book of hadith and the basis of the Maliki school of thought. Students will apply the principles of hadith narrations learnt at Foundation level to the narrations and narrators found in this text. With the chains of narration being very short, and the number of documented transmissions from Imam Malik being relatively high, it is the perfect compilation for students of hadith to learn the methods of the scholars. Students who progress on to the final years of the Islamic Scholarship Programme will study in one of the most advanced classes on Sahih al-Bukhari in Europe, and perhaps anywhere in the world. Scholars and senior students of hadith travel from all over the world to attend the Hadith Criticism and Fiqh Methodology classes with Shaykh Akram Nadwi. Some students may choose to specialise in this discipline, receiving advanced tuition for many years and receiving multiple ‘ijazat in hadith reading sessions.
One of the most advanced lessons of Sahih al-Bukhari in Europe, and perhaps anywhere in the world
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incrementally throughout the six years so that students are comfortable with the methodology and juristic reasoning found in one school before moving on to another.
ISLAMIC LAW The field of Islamic Law (Fiqh) is the most encompassing area of study taught at AlSalam Institute. These modules are taught by a number of expert scholars and seek to expose students to the fundamental values and concepts of Islamic Law. Through intellectual honesty and academic rigour, we endeavour to provide students with a pristine form of scholarship true to its intentions.
As the student progresses on to the Advanced level, subtleties and nuances in the development of Islamic law will become clearer. Contemporary notions of justice, freedom and equality will be analysed alongside the interplay between laws (hudud), rules (ahkam) and norms (sunnah) in both historical and contemporary societies. Each of these concepts or values has a measurable authenticity, a true understanding of which will enable the student to apply the principles of Islamic law to current and emerging aspects of day to day life, such as: politics, banking, business, family, contracts, personal hygiene and modern-day social issues.
Fiqh covers such a vast area in the study of Islam. In the first year, students will cover the Chapters of Worship. These are the timeless and immutable areas of central importance, such as the spiritual rituals of prayer and purification, which remain fixed and unchanged since they were first decreed over 1,400 years ago. Every student who completes the Foundation level of the ISP will complete the course with the ability to confidently practice the law covered in the chapters of worship: purification, prayer, charity, pilgrimage and fasting during the month of Ramadan. Those who attend the programme come from a diverse range of backgrounds. As a result, we often have students who are familiar with a particular school of Islamic jurisprudence whilst being relatively unaware of others. Accordingly, at ASI the four schools of thought are taught in an impartial manner in addition to other, less mainstream, schools. These are introduced
I really enjoy the discussion, the analysis and the contextualisation. Mohammed Fiaz Hussain Advanced Level Student
ARABIC The Arabic modules at ASI are taught in a truly holistic manner. with Arabic competency underpinning so much of the Islamic Sciences. One of the primary objectives at Al-Salam Institute is to enable students to access the earliest sources of Islam directly, especially the Quran. A lot of emphasis is placed on making sure that students are able to progress in their study of the language whilst still dedicating just one day a week of their time. We have developed a unique syllabus, a unique approach and a unique structure to Arabic studies that ties all six years of the Arabic language programme together, from Foundation level to graduation and beyond. We aim to strike a balance between applied Arabic, grammar and morphology in order to thoroughly acquaint students with the language. Aspects of Classical Arabic grammar and morphology are regularly taught in reference to a selection of Quranic verses. As the Quran is often the strongest connection that a beginner has to the Arabic language, it is often the most effective medium to transition students into a systematic mode of study. Rules and grammatical patterns are taught entirely in English to make sure that students are fully able to grasp the concepts. We also know that language is more than just grammar. It can have artful constructions and expressions, proverbs, 16
idioms and literary style. Focusing on the rules of the language alone can make study very dry - leaving little room for elevated expression. As a result, the second half of the Arabic module is taught entirely in Arabic. Necessity forces students to converse and express themselves in the language that they are learning, which improves reading, writing, pronunciation and comprehension immeasurably. This approach is the closest that we have found to replicating the kind of study experience that students would receive abroad in a native Arabic setting. Designated onsite teaching assistants provide help during classroom exercises in order to bridge the gap between the teacher’s Arabic instruction and the student’s correct understanding of it. Optional weekly Arabic tutorials take place online on weekday evenings to provide additional support to students and a platform to recap what has been taught in the classroom, and to discuss any homework set. Seminars with Shaykh Akram take place during the academic year and allow students to consolidate their notes and prepare them for a smooth transition through to Intermediate level. Once students have reached a certain level of proficiency in understanding and communicating in the Arabic language, the focus is then on exposing them to as broad a range of texts as possible. The primary objective is to ensure that students are able to improve their application of the language through the study of contemporary Arabic literature and workshops on Arabic rhetoric and composition. At the same time, classical texts of Arabic grammar and pre-Islamic poetry are taught in the final years of the ISP to improve the students understanding of the language in a move towards mastery. Assessment and examination of the Arabic modules after the first year take place entirely in Arabic, until students are ready at the end of the Advanced level to sit exams in all modules in the language of the Quran.
and undertake detailed study of the notable contributions that have occurred throughout the ages. Classical texts in Islamic jurisprudence such as al-Risalah of Imam Shafi’i will be studied alongside influential works of the modern era that have helped to revive or reshape the study of the classical Islamic sciences, such as Shah Wali Allah al-Dihlawi’s ‘The Profound Evidence of Allah’ (Hujjatullah al-Balaga). PRINCIPLES OF ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE The Principles of Islamic Sciences includes a number of modules that connect and underpin all other areas of study. Critical questions on the sciences of Islamic Law, Hadith and Quranic Exegesis will arise at different stages of the curriculum. For example, how are we to interpret any given Quranic injunction? What tools are in place for one to assess the strength of one hadith narration over another? How have the four well-known schools of thought developed over the centuries and why is it that others have not withstood the passage of time? The Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh) is one such module that spans the entire six years of the ISP. The module is introduced in the first year, alongside the Principles of Prophetic Traditions (Usul al-Hadith) and the Principles of Quranic Exegesis (Usul al-Tafsir), to be studied alongside the disciplines for which they provide a conceptual framework. These jurisprudential modules increase in scope and specialism up to the final year of the Intermediate level, culminating in the Objectives of the Islamic Law modules which are taught at the Advanced level. Throughout the duration of the programme students will study the inception and development of Usul al-Fiqh during the formative years of Islam. Its role in the development of Islamic legal schools will become clear during the first year of study. Thereafter, students will evaluate the historical progression of the science
During the final years of the Intermediate level, students will discover the contemporary applications of Islamic jurisprudence and determine how it relates to the day-to-day affairs of an individual, as well as how it provides a blueprint for understanding the global socio-legal affairs of the modern world.
I didn’t know anything about Usul al-Fiqh before joining Al-Salam Institute. I’m very pleased with the style of teaching and really enjoyed the classes. Yusuf Amin Foundation Level Student 17
hadith would commit to their studies, the manner in which they would take knowledge from their teachers and the sheer number of teachers that they would study under!
PRINCIPLES OF PROPHETIC TRADITIONS The study of the Principles of Prophetic Traditions provides an unparalleled opportunity to study the sciences of hadith classification under a systematic programme of discussion and analysis. Beginning in the first year of the ISP with the study of the commonly-used terminology and nomenclature, students will then progress on to the history of hadith and chains of narration (isnad) to provide a solid contextual foundation in Usul al-Hadith studies. Critical evaluation of prominent texts and the doctrinal standardisation of the science will be studied from a theoretical perspective, as well as a thorough look into the biographies of prominent hadith scholars from the first generation of Muslims to the present day. An in-depth study of the lives of the hadith scholars will enable students to derive a multitude of benefits, both inside and outside of the classroom. For instance, by focusing on the exact wording used by a particular hadith narrator, students will begin to recognise some of the more technical elements of hadith classification – such as those that have been utilised by Imam Bukhari and Muslim. In addition, studying the biographies of hadith scholars provides an insight into their way of living. Students will learn first-hand the etiquettes of study that have been practised by the earliest generations of Muslims and those who followed them; the prevalence of travelling in pursuit of knowledge, the unyielding focus with which the students of 18
Moreover, this study provides a unique insight into early Islamic societies from a scholarly perspective. Students will benefit from the monumental research conducted by Shaykh Akram on the lives and teachings of female hadith scholars and the societal role of women in the history of Islam. All those who were engaged in the study of hadith considered it a life-long vocation; from Imam Shafi’, who had memorised the Muwatta of Imam Malik by the age of 10, to Aisha bint Abd al-Hadi al-Maqdasiyyah, who continued to teach Sahih al-Bukhari until she was the last surviving student of Ahmad alHajjar in the world. Through this unique combination of theoretical and practical training, students will be well-equipped to take part in thorough discussions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of particular hadith narrations, as well as the effectiveness of different authenticity measures. Development of these skills will prepare students for the final year units on Hadith Criticism and Fiqh Methodology, where students will cover in-depth the Muwatta of Imam Malik, the Jami’ of Imam Tirmidhi and the Sahih collection of Imam al-Bukhari.
Students will benefit from the monumental research conducted by Shaykh Akram Nadwi on the lives and teachings of female hadith scholars and the societal role of women in the history of Islam
graduate with a deep insight and awareness of the development of the traditional disciplines as they have been understood and conveyed by scholars of Islam throughout the ages. This, added to the mastery of the Arabic language, will ensure that students are well-equipped to continue their religious instruction independently and begin to convey what they have learnt to others in a more official capacity. PRINCIPLES OF QURANIC EXEGESIS The modules on the Principles of Quranic Exegesis are concerned with the rules of interpretation of the Noble Quran. The development of this science as a formal area of study helps us to determine how to understand the Quran as a book of guidance, legislation and spirituality. It also provides the tools which enable us to determine whether we are able to interpret the Quran through these lenses. For instance, in the modern era of empirical evidence there has been an unprecedented amount of scientific readings of the Quran. The study of Usul al-Tafsir provides a framework which governs the degree to which we may accept these interpretations and understand the Quran in light of modern scientific discoveries. Throughout this module, students will cover introductory texts such as al-Tashil of Ibn Juzayy and longstanding pillars of Usul al-Tafsir, such as the Muqaddimah of Ibn Taymiyyah and al-Fawz al-Kabir of Shah Wali Allah al-Dihlawi. The study of these texts will assist students in understanding the units on Quranic Exegesis that appear throughout the programme as well as in their personal readings of the Quran. By the end of the Intermediate level, students will have refined their critical thinking skills and will progress on to detailed study of different classical and contemporary works of tafsir. By studying the Islamic sciences modules over the course of six years, students will
The content of the course is great and its focus on applying knowledge and becoming better people is definitely a highlight. Maryam Taylor Foundation Level Student
spanning from the Prophetic era to the formation of some of the major early Muslim sects and beyond, helps us to appreciate the dogma of the “politics of belonging” and why prominent thinkers hold the positions that they do.
POLITICS, THEOLOGY AND HISTORY The taught modules on Politics, Theology and History cover nearly all aspects of human activity. The breadth and diversity of the units within this module provides a unique opportunity for students to explore their interests across an array of subjects, ranging from the political and theological groupings in the formative period of Islam, to the sciences of reasoning and argumentation as introduced by Greek logicians and philosophers. Studying this vibrant selection of modules is more than a highly rewarding intellectual pursuit; it is the development of an entire skill set for understanding complex issues and reapplying these skills in the real world. Critically evaluating the impact of Greek logic and philosophy on the intellectual heritage of Islam provides a blueprint for understanding real world reactions to cultural assimilation and traditional conservatism. The study of Islamic history,
This unique focus on the realities of political, theological and historical Islam is designed to equip the next generation of leaders with the skills of rigorous thinking and analysis that will always remain with them. In the Advanced level of the ISP, students will undertake an exhaustive textual analysis of remarkable works in order to cement the tools of reasoning and appraisal that enables one to confidently contribute to the international scholarly community.
Studying this vibrant selection of modules is more than a highly rewarding intellectual pursuit; it is the development of an entire skill set for understanding complex issues and reapplying these skills in the real world.
The Lawful and The Prohibited FIQH OF MUSLIM LIFE IN THE MODERN WORLD By Shaykh M. Akram Nadwi 20
contains a lot more freedom for the author to determine their own thesis in terms of content, style and direction. As such, a postgraduate level dissertation with supervision and advice from members of the ASI faculty will ensure that graduates of ASI are fully prepared to transition into the world of academia and contribute discussions and conclusions developed during their own personal, independent research. RESEARCH AND DISSERTATION In the final year of the Advanced level, students are required to submit a 10,000word dissertation on a subject of their choice, including a theoretical background of their subject. Students must demonstrate the ability to carry out independent academic research to a publishable standard. ASI seminars and workshops on study skills and academic writing will be held throughout the year to provide students with the necessary skills for their essays and dissertations. Students will also be allocated a supervisor to help them prepare for their transition into academia and contribute to discussions on their specialised subject. Writing as an authority on any given subject of the religious sciences may seem a daunting prospect. The objective is not for students to merely opine on the contentious or unresolved areas of uncertainty. Rather, the aim is for students to become familiar with the style of writing for an academic dissertation; planning the title and hypothesis, structuring the paper, researching the sources and information, organising thoughts and ideas and presenting the finished thesis to a body of experts. The module has been designed in order to bridge the gap between essay writing and scholarly publications. The former is undertaken with thorough guidance and rigid parameters, whereas the latter
The paper can be linked to one or more of the taught modules of the ISP – at any level – or it may cover an entirely new area which the student has covered independently. The final submission should be of publishable quality, which includes a complete theoretical background, a viable research topic and also fulfilling the requirements of a scholarly piece of research.
A postgraduate level dissertation with supervision and advice from members of the ASI faculty will ensure that graduates of ASI are fully prepared to transition into the world of academia
Find out more 21
Foundation Level (One Year) CERTIFICATE IN CLASSICAL ARABIC AND ISLAMIC SCIENCES Our Foundation Level in Arabic and Islamic Sciences is tailored for students of Islamic knowledge who are just beginning their journey. The course provides a solid basis in Islamic scholarship through part-time study with some of the most renowned and accomplished teachers in the UK, including Shaykh Akram Nadwi. Students who successfully complete all modules of the Foundation Level (including written assignments and examinations) will be awarded a Certificate in Classical Arabic and Islamic Sciences.
Since starting with Al-Salam Institute I’ve not once had to waste time on pointless debates about sectarianism etc. From the staff, to the teachers, to the students, to the venue... I really enjoy my time studying at ASI. Abu Abdullah, Foundation Level
Arabic Language
Unit 1: Access to Quranic Arabic Unit 2: Applied Arabic Seminar 1: Principles of Arabic Grammar (Text: Mabadi al-Nahw) Seminar 2: Principles of Arabic Morphology (Text: Mabadi al-Tasrif) Tutorial: Applied Arabic Language and Literature
Hadith Studies
Unit 1: Hadith Analysis (Text: Riyadh al-Salihin) Seminar 1: Introduction to Hadith and Chains of Narration Seminar 2: The Six Primary Hadith Compilations (Text: Bustan al-Muhaddithin)
Islamic Law
Unit 1: Chapters of Worship (Text: Mukhtasar al-Quduri) Seminar 1: Muslim Life in the Modern Era Workshop 1: Physiology of Menstruation and Rules of Purification Workshop 2: Zakah Calculation Workshop 3: Rituals of Burial
Quranic Studies
Unit 1: Quranic Exegesis Seminar 1: Exegesis of The Last Ten Surahs
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Unit 1: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Text: Mabadi fi Usul al-Fiqh) Seminar 1: Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence and Legal Theory Tutorial: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Principles of Prophetic Traditions
Unit 1: Principles of Hadith Classification (Text: Mabadi fi Usul al-Hadith wa al-Isnad) Seminar 1: Introduction to Hadith Classification and Nomenclature Tutorial: Principles of Prophetic Traditions
Principles of Quranic Exegesis
Unit 1: Principles of Quranic Exegesis (Text: Al-Tashil li ‘Ulum al-Tanzil) Seminar 1: Introduction to Quranic Exegesis and Interpretation Tutorial: Principles of Quranic Exegesis
Skills and Training
Unit 1: Rules of Quran Recitation Unit 2: Art of Quran Recitation Seminar 1: Etiquettes of a Student Seminar 2: Academic Writing and Research Methodology
Intermediate Level (Three Years) DIPLOMA IN CLASSICAL ARABIC AND ISLAMIC DISCIPLINES Al-Salam Institute’s Intermediate Level is designed to enhance and build upon the modules studied in the Foundation Level. Students will be educated in both classical and contemporary perspectives, thereby cultivating a comprehensive understanding of Islam. The three-year course forms the second level of ASI’s six-year Islamic Scholarship Programme (‘Alimiyyah), but can also be studied as an independent programme. Students who successfully complete all three years of the Intermediate Level (including written assignments and examinations) will be awarded a Diploma in Classical Arabic and Islamic Disciplines.
INT-1: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL YEAR ONE The first year of the Intermediate level follows on directly from the modules taught in the previous year. Modules on the Islamic sciences (Principles of Jurisprudence, Hadith and Tafsir) will be taught in an applied manner so that students are able to appreciate the thinking and reasoning of usuli scholars. History and theology will be introduced at this stage for the first time, as well as the Islamic laws of inheritance and family life.
Arabic Language
Unit 1: Applied Arabic Unit 2: Arabic Grammar (Text: Mabadi al-Nahw) Unit 3: Arabic Morphology (Text: Mabadi al-Tasrif) Tutorial: Applied Arabic Language and Literature
Hadith Studies
Unit 1: Study of Evidences of the Sunnah (Text: Al-Ihkam) Seminar 1: Index of the Major Hadith Collections (Text: Bustan al-Muhaddithin)
Islamic Law
Unit 1: Family Law (Text: Mukhtasar al-Quduri) Unit 2: Inheritance Law (Text: Al-Siraj) Seminar 1: Marriage and Family Life Seminar 2: Education and Entertainment Seminar 3: Critique of Al-Siraji fi al-Mirath (Text: Al-Siraj) Seminar 4: Medical Ethics Workshop 1: Islamic Wills and Trusts
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Unit 1: Applied Islamic Jurisprudence (Texts: Al-Manar; ‘Ilm Usul al-Fiqh) Seminar 1: Critique of al-Waraqat (Text: Al-Waraqat) Tutorial: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Principles of Prophetic Traditions
Unit 1: Applied Hadith Classification Seminar 1: Nukhbat al-Fikr Tutorials: Principles of Prophetic Traditions
Principles of Quranic Exegesis
Unit 1: Applied Quranic Exegesis (Text: Muqaddimah fi Usul al-Tafsir) Seminar 1: Al-Muqaddimah fi Usul al-Tafsir Tutorials: Principles of Quranic Exegesis
History and Theology
Unit 1: History of Early Muslim Sects Unit 2: History of Contemporary Muslim Groups Unit 3: Theology and Beliefs (Text: ‘Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah) Seminar 1: History of Early Religious and Political Sects Seminar 2: History of Political Islam and Contemporary Muslim Groups Seminar 3: Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah Workshop 1: Understanding Evolution Workshop 2: Understanding Atheism
Quranic Studies
Unit 1: Quranic Exegesis Seminar 1: How to Approach the Quran
Skills and Training
Unit 1: Rules of Quran Recitation Seminar 1: Orientalism and Islamic Studies Seminar 2: Islamic Etiquettes (Text: Min Adab al-Islam)
INT-2: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL YEAR TWO The second year of the Intermediate level introduces students to classical texts in Arabic language and literature, and presents the first three centuries of Islamic history alongside studying contemporary features of modern day society. Training begins to enable students to conduct themselves properly and to prepare them for leadership roles in the coming years. MODULES
Arabic Language
Unit 1: Applied Arabic Unit 2: Arabic Grammar (Text: Qatr al-Nada) Unit 3: Arabic Morphology (Text: Shaz al-‘Araf) Tutorial: Applied Arabic Language and Literature
Hadith Studies
Unit 1: Study of Evidences of the Sunnah (Text: Al-Ihkam) Seminar 1: Muwatta and the Books of the Four Imams (Text: Bustan al-Muhaddithin)
Quranic Studies
Unit 1: Study of Legal Verses (Text: Tafsir Ayat al-Ahkam) Unit 2: Quranic Exegesis Seminar 1: Coherence of the Quran Seminar 2: Understanding the Application of Legal Verses
Islamic Law
Unit 1: Commercial Law (Text: Mukhtasar al-Quduri) Seminar 1: Islamic Finance
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Unit 1: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Text: Usul al-Shashi) Seminar 1: Qiyas, Ijma’ and Ijtihad Tutorial: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Seminar 1: Sirah of the Prophet Seminar 2: Lessons from the Sirah Seminar 3: History of the Four Caliphs Seminar 4: Umayyad Period Seminar 5: History of Sufism
Islam and Society
Seminar 1: Islam, State and Society Seminar 2: History of Islam in Britain Seminar 3: Jihad and Extremism Seminar 4: Islam, Women’s Rights and Feminism Seminar 5: Challenges of Modernity
Skills and Training
Unit 1: Rules of Quran Recitation Seminar 1: Ethics of Disagreement Workshop 1: Fiqh of Khutba and Art of Public Speaking Workshop 2: How to Read a Book Workshop 3: Time Management Workshop 4: Dawah Training
INT-3: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL YEAR THREE In the final year of the Intermediate level students will study the language of pre-Islamic Arabia to ensure that they graduate from the level with full competence to access the earliest sources of Islam directly. Critical analysis of classical texts will provide a deep insight into the essence of the religion whilst tuition in local history and modern philosophy will ensure that students are well-equipped to find solutions to challenges of the modern era. MODULES
Arabic Language
Unit 1: Applied Arabic Unit 2: Pre-Islamic Poetry (Text: Al-Mu’allaqat) Unit 3: Arabic Rhetoric (Text: Al-Balaghah al-Wadihah) Unit 4: Arabic Literature (Text: T. Hussain: ‘Ala Hamish al-Sirah, A. Amin: Hayati) Workshop 1: Arabic Rhetoric Tutorial: Applied Arabic Language and Literature
Hadith Studies
Unit 1: Hadith Criticism and Fiqh Methodology of Malik (Text: Al-Muwatta) Seminar 1: How to do Takhrij Seminar 2: Introduction to Sahih Muslim
Islamic Law
Unit 1: Comparative Islamic Law (Text: Bidayat al-Mujtahid) Seminar 1: Introduction to Hanafi School of Thought Seminar 2: Introduction to Maliki School of Thought Seminar 3: Introduction to Shafi’i School of Thought Seminar 4: Introduction to Hanbali School of Thought Seminar 5: The Legal Position of Following a School of Thought
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Unit 1: Legal Maxims (Text: Qawa’id Faqiyyah) Unit 2: Objectives of Islamic Law Seminar 1: Critique of Maqasid al-Shari’ah (Text: Maqasid al-Shari’ah)
Quranic Studies
Unit 1: Study of Legal Verses (Text: Tafsir Ayat al-Ahkam) Unit 2: Quranic Exegesis Seminar 1: Coherence of the Quran
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Principles of Quranic Exegesis
Unit 1: Principles of Quranic Exegesis (Text: Al-Fawz al-Kabir) Seminar 1: Critique of al-Fawz al-Kabir
History and Religion
Seminar 1: European Religious History: The Medieval Period Seminar 2: European Religious History: The Middle Ages Seminar 3: European Religious History: The Renaissance Seminar 4: European Religious History: Age of Enlightenment Seminar 5: European Religious History: PostEnlightenment Period Seminar 6: Introduction to World Religious History
Logic and Philosophy
Seminar 1: Introduction to Greek Logic Seminar 2: Introduction to Philosophy Seminar 3: Refutation of Greek Logic (Text: Radd ala al-Mantiqiyyin) Seminar 4: Modern Logic and Philosophy
Skills and Training
Unit 1: Rules of Quran Recitation Workshop 1: Imam and Leadership Workshop 2: Islam and the Media
Once someone really goes through the syllabus and the method that we’re taught you can really appreciate how much work has been put behind it. Zaynab Caunhye, Intermediate Level
Al-Salam Institute is unique in that it also allows you to mantain a healthy family, social and work-life balance. My only regret is that I didn’t sign-up earlier! Dr Omar Taha, Intermediate Level
Advanced Level (Two Years) LICENCE IN ISLAMIC SCHOLARSHIP (SHAHADAT AL-‘ALIMIYYAH) Al-Salam Institute’s Advanced Level is designed to equip students with the means and ability to access the sources of Islam directly. The intent is to enable students to develop into leading thinkers and scholars for the coming age, characterised by their sound knowledge of the authentic sources, independence of mind in their application and their embodiment of religious virtue. The two-year course forms the third and final Level of the six-year Islamic Scholarship Programme. This Level is equivalent to the final years of an ‘Alimiyyah degree at a traditional madrasah in the Indian subcontinent. Accordingly, students are expected to have a proper command of Arabic grammar, Islamic Law and the Principles of Islamic Sciences. Students who successfully complete the final exams will graduate from ASI with a ‘Shahadat al‘Alimiyyah’ or Licence in Islamic Scholarship.
The science of hadith, with its academic rigour, objectivity, ways of dealing with uncertainty, demonstration of methods (so that findings are open to scrutiny and criticism), has striking resonances with modern scientific endeavour, and Shaykh Akram brings this to life. The ASI classes have been the highlight of my week for the past two years and I hope they provide continued benefit to the ummah, and to humanity in general. Dr Omar Mahroo, Advanced Level
Hadith Studies
Unit 1: Hadith Criticism and Fiqh Methodology of Bukhari (Text: Sahih al-Bukhari) Unit 2: Hadith Criticism and Fiqh Methodology of Tirmidhi (Text: Sunan al-Tirmidhi)
Islamic Law
Unit 1: Book of Transactions (Text: Al-Mughni) Seminar 1: Introduction to Kitab al-Hujjah ‘ala Ahl al-Madinah Seminar 2: Introduction to Kitab al-Umm Seminar 3: Book of Marriage (Text: Badai al-Sanai) Seminar 4: Issuing Legal Verdicts (Text: Fatawa)
Quranic Studies
Unit 1: Classical Quranic Exegesis (Text: Tafsir al-Kashshaf) Seminar 1: Quranic Exegesis Seminar 2: Introduction to Tafsir al-Tabari Seminar 3: Introduction to Tafsir al-Kabir Seminar 4: Introduction to Tafsir al-Baydawi
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Seminar 1: Introduction to Usul al-Sarakhsi Seminar 2: Introduction to Al-Risalah Seminar 3: Introduction to Al-Ashbah wa al-Naza’ir
Objectives of Islamic Law
Unit 1: Objectives of Islamic Law (Text: Hujjatullah al-Balighah) Seminar 1: Introduction to Al-Muwaffaqat
Arabic Language
Unit 1: Arabic Grammar (Text: Al-Mufassal) Workshop 1: Arabic Composition
Seminar 1: Abbasid Period Seminar 2: History of Indian Scholarship Seminar 3: Muslim Spain Seminar 4: Ottoman Period
Islam and Society
Seminar 1: Muslims without Islamic Governance: A study of Juwayni’s al-Ghayathi Seminar 2: Islamic Law’s Recognition of the Secular: A Study of the Equity Courts Seminar 3: Boundaries of Orthodoxy: A Study of Awni’s Takfir Ahl al-Shahadatayn
Research and Dissertation
Unit 1: Dissertation (10,000 words) Workshop 1: Academic Writing and Research Methodology
Short Courses LECTURES AND SERIES ON A VAST ARRAY OF FASCINATING SUBJECTS Al-Salam Institute provides a number of bespoke short courses throughout the year on classical topics and contemporary issues. These short courses are delivered as seminars, taught by specialists and experts in the field, and are open to all. Students can join us live onsite or online and also access these later on-demand. Our short courses cover:
Arabic Language
Hadith Studies
Islamic Law
Quranic Studies
Islam and Society
Objectives of Islamic Law
Principles of Quranic Exegesis
Principles of Prophetic Traditions
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Skills and Training
History and Theology
Logic and Philosophy
For a full list of our available lectures and upcoming courses, and for more on information about our on-demand service, please visit:
ASI On-demand Our new on-demand platform brings together seminars and seminar series available to study at your convenience. With ASI On-demand, students will be able to study around their timetable and at their own pace. With new seminars added every month, students can choose from a growing number of courses:
Academic Writing and Research Methodology
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Education and Entertainment Ethics of Disagreement Etiquettes of a Student Fiqh of Dawah Fiqh of Muslim Life
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History of Indian Scholarship Imam Abu Hanifa: His Life and Legacy Index of the Major Hadith Collections Introduction to Arabic Grammar Introduction to Arabic Morphology Introduction to Hadith and Isnad Islam and Modernity
Islam, Women and Scholarship:
Life, Work and Methodology of Imam
Marriage and Family Life Misquoting Muhammad on Women Nukhbat al-Fikr Orientalism and Islamic Studies Physiology of Menstruation and Rules of Purification
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Principles of Hadith Classification Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Principles of Quranic Exegesis Qiyas Ijma’ and Ijtihad Rituals of Burial Rules of Quran Recitation The Concept of Tawhid in Islam The Legal Position of Following a School of Thought
Islam, State and Society
Then and Now 34
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History of Early Religious and Political Sects
Life, Work and Methodology of Imam
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Islamic Finance
Al-Muqaddimah fi Usul al-Tafsir Al-Muwatta and the Books of the Four
Islam, Women’s Rights and Feminism
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The Six Primary Hadith Compilations Zakat Calculations
SEMINAR SERIES Garden of Hadith Scholars This seminar series introduces all of the major works of hadith, based on the famous work of Shah ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Dihlawi: Bustan alMuhaddithin.
The Lawful and The Prohibited The Lawful and The Prohibited series is designed to provide students with the essential rulings and evidences for everyday life in the modern era.
Studying this well-known anthology of hadith sciences and the major collections provides a detailed understanding of the principles of hadith compilation, introduces the science of hadith and isnad criticism, and provides an overview of the style and methodologies of the authors of these great works.
The six-part series endeavours to provide an in-depth, practical handbook; a go-to guide for answers concerning the customary issues of day-to-day life for Muslims living in modern societies. Beginning with personal matters relating to employment and fundamental beliefs, the series progresses through the Islamic law of finance, family life, education, society, and dawah.
Mabadi Series The Mabadi Series follows a collection of five primers written by Shaykh Akram Nadwi in order to introduce students to the sciences of Quran, Hadith, Fiqh and Arabic language. These works provide an introduction to the Islamic disciplines in a concise yet comprehensive manner, making the series ideal for beginners. Students will be introduced to the key principles of Islamic scholarship that have developed over the centuries and continue to evolve unto the present day.
Find out more 35
Sacred Sciences Journey TRAVEL BROADENS THE MIND AND EXPANDS OUR UNDERSTANDING At Al-Salam we seek to reconnect students to their scholarly lineage, taking them to different countries all over the world in order to sit with and benefit from a number of notable scholars. On these trips students develop a profound understanding of the efforts of our predecessors in their pursuit of knowledge. You come away with a truly global perspective.
On the Sacred Sciences Journey you will travel with your peers and teachers following a tailormade programme of study. As well as being able to perfect your studies in the Arabic language and sit with various teachers, this programme enables students to graduate from Al-Salam Institute with a portfolio of ijazat from some of the world’s leading Muslim scholars. From Makkah to Morocco our students have sojourned with us. The journey is open to all who are keen to seek knowledge. We invite you to join us on our next Sacred Sciences Journey coming up soon. 36
We had the opportunity of being in the company of Dr Akram Nadwi, a scholar of the highest calibre, and were able to meet some renowned scholars... I would highly recommend Al-Salam Institute and this trip to all serious students of knowledge from anywhere around the world Dr Abu Zayd, USA 37
Knowledge Retreat RETREAT & RECONNECT The Knowledge Retreat is for both the mind and heart. This programme is designed to bring knowledge to life by providing participants with a chance to refl ect upon, and internalise, Islamic teachings in a secluded environment. The combination of learning, day trips and activities, communal living and breathtaking scenery all contribute to a truly holistic experience.
This programme is open to all, whilst also aiming to provide ASI students with the chance to add a further dimension to their weekly studies. Attendees will get to spend time with Shaykh Akram Nadwi and visiting scholars whilst studying an intensive syllabus based on the Quran, hadith and spirituality. 38
My objectives when coming to this retreat were mainly to study with Shaykh Akram, because that’s the only thing I knew and was exposed to. So I’d say in some ways I’ve exceeded my objectives, because I created new ones as I was trying new activities. So, alhamdulillah, I’ve managed to learn a lot, I’ve met some wonderful people who I hope to stay in contact with and [I hope] to continue to learn with ASI. Hannah Rana, Knowledge Retreat 2017
Teachers Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi is a world-renowned scholar of Indian origin, who has now resided in England for many years. He is recipient of the Allama Iqbal prize for contribution to Islamic thought and is the Principal and co-founder of Al-Salam Institute. After receiving advanced in-depth training in the traditional Islamic disciplines at Nadwat al-Ulama (Lucknow, India) and receiving a PhD in Arabic literature from Lucknow University, he became a Research Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies where he conducted research for a number of years (including on the topics of hadith and Sufi orders in India). He has published widely in Urdu, Persian, Arabic and English. This includes translations (such as his work on Shah Wali Allah), editions of Arabic texts (such as a renowned critical edition of Usul al-Shashi in Hanafi jurisprudence), and original monographs (on Islamic law, hadith sciences and figures such as Abu Hanifa and Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi). As co-founder of Al-Salam Institute, he continues to teach short courses and Advanced Level modules on the Islamic Scholarship Programme. He is also author of Al-Muhaddithat: The Women Scholars in Islam, a monumental 53-volume biographical dictionary which charts some of the significant contributions made by female hadith scholars over the centuries. FACULTY MEMBERS
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Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi Dr Abdul-Hakim Vazquez Ustadh Abdul-Malik Sheikh Ustadh Abdullah Muhammad Ustadh Abid Khan Ustadh Abu Aaliya Ustadh Abu Huraira Dr Afifi al-Aikiti Dr Ahmad Barouni Dr Aisha Janjua Ustadh Akhlaaq Choudry Ustadha Arzoo Ahmed Ustadh Ayman Abdel-Haleem Ustadh Hussan Mahmood Dr Ibrahim Harvey Dr Mehrunisha Suleman Ustadh Sabih Khwaja Shaykh Shafiur Rahman Dr Shameq Sayeed Ustadh Tariq Pandor Dr Usaama al-Azami
For teacher biographies and more information on our faculty please visit:
What can be more amazing than a chain where the Prophet (peace be upon him) is the fi rst person and you are the last? Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi
How to Apply Step 1: Choose your course. Visit Step 2: Check the entry requirements Step 3: Complete the online application form before the deadline Step 4: Arrange payment of tuition fees Step 5: Welcome to ASI APPLICATION TIMELINE
Applications Open
Application Deadline
Online Induction
To find out more visit
Pre-enrolment Period
Semester Begins
Tuition Fees The tuition fees for the academic year are:
Single Payment
Instalment Plan