English Class #1

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How Important?


In learning English, vocabulary has an important role. The more vocabulary we have, the easier it will be for us to understand the speech or writing of other people in that language and the easier it is that we can express the contents of our thoughts in that language orally or in writing. On the contrary, the less English vocabulary we have, the more difficult we will be to understand other people's speech or writing in English and the harder it will be to express our thoughts in English, both orally and in writing..


1. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. When we break down both written and spoken language, we’re left with two basic things – vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulary represents the meaningbearing units of language and grammar provides the rules and structures for assembling these units. Grammar vs. Vocabulary While grammar is undoubtedly important, it’s not a vital part of language. In most situations, you can ignore grammar rules and still get your message across. For example, even though the sentence “please coffee want one me” is just a collection of words with no specific grammar, you can probably understand that this person wants to order a coffee. On the other hand, vocabulary is essential for effective communication. As British linguist David Wilkins famously stated, “without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed”.


2. The larger your vocabulary, the easier it becomes to learn new words. Learning new words is one of the most difficult parts of studying a new language, especially for beginner and intermediate students. For most people in this stage, the only way to learn vocabulary is through rote memorization. You learn to recognize the new word in the target language, you learn the meaning of the word in your own language, and you repeat the word/meaning pairs over and over until you can recall them without thinking.



What makes English Vocabulary difficult?


What makes English vocabulary difficult? Because of the pronunciation of certain words. Research shows that words that are difficult to pronounce are more difficult to learn. Many learners find that words with clusters of consonants such as “health” or “crisps” are problematic. Length or complexity of the words is another characteristic of the difficulty of English vocabulary. A long word will be more difficult to memorize than a short one. Also, variable stress of words such as “necessary” and “necessity” can add to their difficulty. The meaning of the words is another controversial feature of the English vocabulary. When two words overlap in meaning, students are likely to confuse them. An example in this case would be the difference between “make” and “do.” These words have the same meaning, but are used in different expressions. You “make a decision”, but you “do homework.” Students might find the use of these two words confusing.



The simple way to increase your vocabulary ability.


#Strategy 1. Reading - Curiosity - Find out! Curiosity is very important in memorizing vocabulary. A great curiosity makes your desire to learn and find out what you want to want to know more intensively. If strategy 1 directly memorizes from the dictionary, you are guaranteed to be bored and stuck in just a few words. Start by reading various types of reading in English, highlighter or underline words that are strange to your ears, then find out what they mean. For example, what is happening now about elections in Indonesia or the 2018 World Cup. Search for English-language websites or newspapers that contain about it, for example, The Jakarta Post or Bali Daily. #Strategy 2. Take advantage of technology. a. If you are the type of person who doesn't like to be complicated, your smartphone or tablet might be used as a learning medium. Simple, you can take it everywhere, just find a new word, just take notes, want to read the latest English news, you can browse. Don't know what it means? There are many dictionary applications that can be downloaded for your smartphone. There is also an application to learn English. Make new sentences every day with new words that you meet, and write your progress in an application like a diary. b. You don't have a smartphone yet? Prepare colored post-it paper. Decorate your room or notebook with the new words you find. Before going to sleep, look for a moment, memorize in your heart. For those of you who suffer froam insomnia, this is very effective to minimize this c. Do you prefer to struggle with a computer or laptop? Microsoft Excel spreadsheets really help you with this. Don't forget to write a new word in the sticky note application and add it to the desktop along with the date. Write a minimum of 3 to 5 new words. If you feel you have memorized, delete the word and replace it with a new one.


#Strategy 3. Say it, Understand it. The dictionary gives you the correct way to say a word or phrase in English. Can be in writing, or also spoken directly by native speakers. A dictionary that has this feature makes it very easy for you to learn. Say a word correctly and understand its meaning. Do it over and over again. #Strategy 4. Write, Practice and Perform Exploration. If you already know the meaning of a word that you find difficult, have written in a notebook too, well ... use the word to make a sentence. The simplest sentence, which is commonly used for everyday conversation. The next step you can practice the sentence while talking, usually it is more sticky in the head and can memorize without having to train it. Eits, remember, don't be afraid of being wrong! The mistake actually makes you try to keep learning to fix it. Explore your vocabulary by listening to English songs, watching movies without subtitles, or watching overseas broadcasts. Vocabulary will certainly continue to grow because you will definitely try to find the meaning of the lyrics obtained. Usually English is very flexible, especially if you like watching movies.



Legal Vocabulary


Legal Vocabulary ○

A suspect : Tersangka

Indictment : Dakwaan

Death Penalty : Hukuman Mati

Judge : Hakim

Argue : Membantah

Judgement : Keputusan

An Appeal : Banding

Judicial Review : Peninjauan Kembali

Article : Pasal

Jurisprudence : Putusan Hakim

Code : Kitab Undang-Undang

Juvenile court : Peradilan anak

Court : Pengadilan

Law : Hukum

Declaration : Pernyataan

Lawyer : Pengacara

Detention : Pidana Kurungan

Legal Standing : Kedudukan Hukum

Equity : Persamaan

Notarize : Notaris

Evidence : Fakta-fakta / Bukti

Objection : Keberatan

Felony : Kejahatan

Petition : Petisi

Government Regulation : Peraturan Pemerintah

Plea : Permohonan

Regulation : Peraturan

Guilty : Bersalah

Right : Hak

Injuction : Perintah

Supreme Court : Mahkamah Agung



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