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The Alsana Culture

Treating with compassion


The Alsana culture is built on servant leadership, which places the client at the center of our model. We focus on caring for and empowering our teams so that they, in turn, can care for and empower our clients. Our culture creates a working environment of comuunication, collaboration, compassion and integrity that is necessary to establish high quality of care and successful outcomes for clients.

Our guiding principles:

Put Clients First

At our core, we are a client-centered organization. We provide customized care that builds off each client’s values and goals. From the moment clients enter our program, we embrace them as part of the community. Our success is defined by the client experience and extends well beyond treatment, as we all share the same goal of achieving sustainable recovery.

Follow Servant Leadership

Servant leadership means placing clients, and the teams that directly care for them, at the very top of our hierarchy of importance. Our company is built with this orientation, ensuring our teams have everything they need to deliver optimal care.

Let Your Light Shine

At Alsana we embrace each person’s uniqueness. Staff are encouraged to bring their creativity to work and to shine as their own unique person. Leading through example our staff creates an environment of freedom for clients to express thir own unique self and let their light shine as they step into recovery.

Be Accountable

We are accountable to ourselves and others, and embody these principles with our clients. Our data-driven, feedback-informed Adaptive Care Model™ embodies accountability so we can demonstrate success and quality of care to our clients, families and referral partners. We also guide clients to develop their own accountability and lead their lives with honesty and integrity.

Be Lovingly Direct

We owe it to each other, our clients and families, and our referral partners to be honest and kind. Loving directness is a key foundation in healthy relationships. We help clients develop this skill with staff, peers and thier families to create healthy relationshps that promote recovery.

Be Awesome

We understand that achieving excellence requires making mistakes and learning from them. We create and environment without blame so that teams can grow from mistakes. We apply this same philosophy to our treatment model. Clients with eating disorders are often plagued by presures for perfection and fears of failure. We help clients strive for excellence rather than perfection and embrace their own awesomeness in the process.