WARM SEASON FORAGES SORGHUM-SUDANGRASS A hybrid cross between forage sorghum and sudangrass; intermediate in size and yield. Fast-growing, highly productive, warm-season, annual grass bred to maximize summer forage. Most hybrids without the dwarfing trait can grow 8' tall if left uncut. Protein can reach 14% but the forage has less energy than corn silage, because it lacks grain. Best Use: Best suited for grazing, green chop, baleage, or silage. Adaptation: Good soils, but is drought tolerant. Likes hot weather. All hybrids we sell are resistant to downy mildew and anthracnose. Management: Usually harvested 45-55 days after seeding or when 40 inches tall, whichever comes first. Cut 6” above ground for best regrowth. Larger stems make drying for hay more difficult than with sudangrass. High planting rates produce finer stems which dry better with increased quality. Manage risk for prussic acid and nitrate concentrations during drought or following frost. As harvest is delayed, protein and digestibility will decrease, while yield, energy and fiber will increase. If planning to cut only once, select a hybrid with delated maturity or photoperiod sensitivity. Planting Date: Late-May – early July (soil temps 62°F+) Seeding: 20-40 lbs/acre drilled, 25- 45 lbs/acre broadcast. Use high end of the rate for finer stems and faster drydown. Plant ¾”-1½” deep.
VIKING 100 BRAND* • Non-BMR, lower digestibility than our BMR hybrids • Thin-stemmed type, highly palatable hybrid • Early maturing, multi-cut hybrid; 50-55 days to boot state • Excellent tillering and stay-green characteristics • High leaf-to-stem ratio • Good choice for dry cow feed, early winter stockpile grazing and cover cropping Conventional Untreated
$38/50 lb bag
VIKING 150 BRAND* • Non-BMR, lower digestibility than our BMR hybrids • Heads about 20-30 days later than Viking 100, widening the window for high-quality, vegetative harvest • Ideal for very high yield, single-cut harvest, saving time and trips across the field • Higher protein/digestibility than other conventional, non-BMR sorghum-sudangrass • Good choice for dry cow feed and early winter stockpile grazing Conventional Untreated
$44/50 lb bag
VIKING 200 BMR BRAND* • BMR (Gene 6) • Early maturing, multi-cut hybrid; 40-50 days to boot stage • Tops yield trials across the US • Reduced lignin for improved digestibility and daily gain • Sweet stalk for high palatability • Tillers profusely and has fine stalks; better choice for hay compared to other hybrids • Drying stalk trait; speeds dry time Conventional Untreated
$65/50 lb bag
VIKING 300 BMR BRAND* • Photo-period Sensitive BMR (Gene 6) • Long photo period requirement prevents plants from heading out until late September in the northern U.S. • Allows for a longer grazing period or later, single–cut silage harvest; our highest yielding hybrid in a 1-cut system • Retains nutritional quality for a wide window of harvest • Can postpone silage harvest up to 50”80”, wilt before ensiling • Can produce 7-10 tons DM/acre • Cut in 65-85 days; on earlier end of this range for two-cut system Conventional Untreated
$74/50 lb bag
• BMR (Gene 6), dry stalk, medium maturity • Brachytic dwarfing genes improve quality and standability • Shortened internode length; very high leaf-to-stem ratio • Shorter than other hybrids but produces equal or higher total tonnage with up to 50% more leaves • High sugar content improves palatability and feed intake • Superior regrowth for quicker harvests • First cut in 40-50 days (boot or preboot) Conventional Untreated
ORGANIC VIKING O-210 BMR* • BMR (gene 6) and juicy stalk traits • Early maturing variety usually ready to harvest in 40-55 days • Reaches boot stage in about 60 days • Widely adaptable, great drought tolerance • Excellent early-season growth and recovery following harvest • Plant no deeper than 1” (smaller seeded than other varieties) • Avoid planting on soils with pH above 7.5-8.0 to avoid chlorosis Organic
$100/50 lb bag
ORGANIC VIKING O-225 BMR* • BMR (Gene 12) and juicy stalk traits • Matures 30-45 days later than Viking 200 for a wider harvest window of high quality leaves before reaching boot stage • Harvest window wider before first cutting than for other SxS hybrids; between 40 and 90 days • Excellent standability • Excellent tillering, regrowth, and recovery following harvest • Excellent drought resistance • Great choice for grazing Organic
$85/50 lb bag
$68/50 lb bag * Variety Not Stated (VNS)
BMR-TYPE SORGHUM-SUDANGRASS Brown Mid-Rib (BMR)-type warm season annual grass forages contain a BMR gene (from conventional breeding techniques) that limits production of an enzyme needed for lignin formation as plants grow. BMR 6 and BMR 12 genes disrupt different enzymes in the lignin-forming process. With either gene, less lignin forms, resulting in higher digestibility of the forage and greater animal intake. The visually-evident brown midrib is a useful indicator of the trait.