Best Friends Teacher's Edition 1 for Unit 1

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For Teachers Teacher’s Edition Big Books for Levels 1 and 2 Classroom Audio CD Online Resource Package


978-981-4370-13-4 981-4370-13-4

Milada Broukal • Andy Cowle • Walter Henderson

Components: For Students Student Book with Workbook Student Audio CD Interactive Readers for Levels 3–6



Friends Te a c h e r ’s E d i t i o n

Te a c h e r ’s Ed i t i o n

The Teacher’s Edition offers: • full-size Student Book pages interleaved with easy-to-follow teaching notes; • ample opportunities to monitor, assess, and track students’ progress; • a bank of supplementary and testing materials; and • a program syllabus with clear lesson aims to guarantee students’ success.

Empowering Minds • Improving Lives

B est Friends

This motivating six-level course creates confident, independent young language learners of English. Addressing the varied learning styles and changing interests of primary school students, Best Friends provides: • an innovative mix of original stories, factual content, cartoons, and classical literature to develop literacy and information fluency; • realistic, playful characters to give a meaningful and memorable context to new language acquisition; • built-in Learning Posters to engage children in warm-up, practice, and assessment activities; • cross-curricular content pages for students to learn about the world around them using English; • integrated Workbook pages to extend or recycle classroom learning or for independent practice; • a Picture Dictionary (for Levels 1 and 2) or Illustrated Glossary (for Levels 3–6) to promote active vocabulary building; and • a Student Audio CD for additional listening practice of wonderful songs, stories, and dialogs.

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Te a c h e r ’ s E d i t i o n

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Friends 1

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Milada Broukal Andy Cowle Walter Henderson


Unit 1 Overview Learning Objectives Vocabulary

Colors: red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple Sizes: tiny, little, big Aquarium animals: shark, turtle, fish, dolphin, octopus, starfish Reptile House animals: frog, snake, (lizard) Pets: stick-bug, spider, hamster


Listen for specific information (colors) Follow instructions


Express social courtesies: Greetings Ask and answer questions

Grammar It’s a . . . Is it . . . ? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Teacher Resource Materials

Classroom Audio CD Best Friends 1 Big Book Online Phonics File Online Flashcards: colors, animals (part 1) Unit 1 Progress Test

Useful Websites For Students default.aspx?c=dd This is an animal guide where Ss can match the names of different sea creatures to their pictures.



index cards drawing paper colored pencils (or crayons and markers) scissors tape string blue paint paint brush shoe boxes or cereal boxes

For Teachers teachers_place/resources_teaching_activities.aspx A list of sea life-related activities for Ss in PreK2nd Grade

Unit 1

Using the Unit Opener (1) View and Identify

•Have Ss open their books to pages 6 and 7. Say: This is an aquarium. Look at the different animals in the aquarium. •Ask Ss if they have ever been to an aquarium. Have them talk about their experience in an aquarium. Conduct the discussion in the Ss’ language. If Ss mention unit vocabulary or concepts, translate their ideas into English. Say: You saw fish. You saw a shark. •If Ss have no personal experience visiting aquariums, have them talk about television programs or movies they have seen about ocean life.

(2) Preview Vocabulary and Structures

•Draw Ss’ attention back to the illustration in their books. Say: These children are visiting the aquarium. Point to the characters (l to r: Chris, Lois, and Sara) and read the exchanges while Ss listen: What’s your name? Is it a shark? Yes, it is. •Use the illustration to preview unit vocabulary. Point to the different animals in the picture and have the class say their names in their language. Say the names in English and have the Ss listen, point, and repeat. Say: turtle, octopus, fish, shark Point to the different pictures and ask: Is it a _________? Elicit Ss’ answers, Yes, it is.

Unit 1

(3) On-going Practice (after Student Book page 11)

•Organize students into pairs or groups of three. •Explain to Ss that they are going to work together taking turns to describe animals in the picture. They are going to use the expressions they have just learned and practiced. •If necessary, model the activity with a volunteer or volunteers. •Walk around the class and monitor Ss work. Offer assistance as needed, but do not interrupt the activity.

(4) On-going Assessment (after Student Book page 27)

•Repeat the activities in (3) above. •Ss should be able to give more information and produce more complex structures: It’s a blue shark. Is it big? Yes, it is.



Student Book: Unit 1

Unit Opener



Lesson 1

Lesson 1 Nice to meet you. Preparation

Bring three cards to class with the character names: Chris, Lois, Sara. These can be blank index cards or post-its. •Review introductions. Introduce yourself. Say: I’m (Mr./Mrs./Ms.) _________________. What’s your name? •Introduce the series characters. Have Ss look at pages 6 and 7. Say: This is Chris. This is Lois. And this is Sara. •Ask for three volunteers. Have the volunteers hold or wear the character name tags. •Model introductions for the class. Say: Hello. I’m (Mr./Mrs./Ms.) _________________. What’s your name? •Elicit Ss’ answers, I’m (or My name is . . . ) (Chris/Lois/Sara). •Have volunteers walk around the class introducing themselves to different Ss.


Listen, point, and read.

•Draw Ss’ attention to page 8. Read the title. Ask: Who do you see in the pictures? Chris Who is he talking to? a turtle, fish •Play the audio. Have Ss listen and look at the pictures. •Play the audio again. Pause the audio after each exchange. Have Ss point to the picture and then read the exchange aloud. Play the audio as many times as necessary for the Ss to be able to read the exchanges fluently.

Student Book: Unit 1

•Have Ss read the exchanges aloud as a chorus, e.g. boys as Chris, girls as the turtle or fish. •If your class is small and there is sufficient space, have the Ss “swim” around as a turtle or fish. •Divide the class into four teams: Chris 1, Turtle, Chris 2, Fish. •Have Ss practice reciting their lines in unison. •Have Ss work in their team to decide on some movements that will work well with their lines. Bring the Chris 1 and Turtle teams together to perform for the rest of the class. Then have the Chris 2 and Fish teams perform.

Teaching tip In a classroom, play-acting is much more engaging if roles are played by groups of actors reciting their lines as a chorus and moving in sync. This keeps everyone busy. Having 2 or 3 Ss perform while everyone else is passively sitting is non-motivating and does not promote learning.


Big Book, page 4

Introduce the song.

k pages T181 and T182

Play the audio. Have Ss listen then sing along.


Lesson 2 Conversation T-3 Listen and repeat. •Have Ss open their books to page 9. •Draw Ss’ attention to the picture at the top of the page. •Ask Ss if they think these children are friends. •Explain to Ss that they are meeting each other for the first time. Ask Ss what they think they will say to each other. Say: What do they say? What do they ask? •Play the audio and have Ss repeat the conversation together as a chorus. •Ask for pairs of volunteers. Have Ss model the conversation for the class. •Organize Ss in pairs. Have them recite the conversation two times. •Explain to Ss that they are going to repeat the conversation, but they are now going to use their own names. •Model the exercise with a volunteer.

What’s your name? T-4 Listen and chant.

Practice Make greeting cards. •Organize Ss into small groups of 3­–5 students. •Give each S a blank index card. Distribute markers, crayons, or color pencils. •Have Ss open their books to page 9. Draw Ss’ attention to the sample cards on the page. Have Ss choose a card they want to make. Each S in the group must make a different card.

Play a game. Pick a card. Greet a friend. •If you have divided Ss into groups of 3, have them join another group to play the game. Have a team leader in each group collect the cards and place them face down at the center of the table or desk. •Ss take turns to pick a card and read or say it to the S on his/her right. The S on the right must respond appropriately and then begin his/her turn. •When everyone has had a turn, the team leader collects the cards and shuffles them placing them again upside down in the center of the table. •Continue the game until everyone has had 2 to 3 turns.

•Play the chant once. Have Ss listen. •Play the chant again. Have Ss mark the rhythm by clapping hands. •Play the chant again and have Ss read as they listen. •Play the chant again and have Ss chant the words as they listen.


Student Book: Unit 1

Lesson 2



Lesson 3

Lesson 3 Vocabulary T-5 Listen and read. •Have Ss open their books to page 10. Point out the names of the colors under the pictures on the page. •Play the audio and have Ss point to the words and repeat. •Say the words in random order and have Ss repeat and point. •Call on individual Ss to read out the words first in order (top to bottom) and then in random order. •Have Ss look at the white (uncolored) pictures on the page 10. •Elicit that these are sea animals. Explain that they all live in the ocean or in an aquarium. •Read the instructions. •Have Ss color the pictures on the page. Instruct them to color each one a different color. •Once Ss have finished coloring, have some volunteers come to the front of the room. Ask them to point to a picture and tell the class the color. Ask: What color is it? Elicit the response, It’s__(color)_. •Repeat a few times with different volunteers

Student Book: Unit 1

until everyone understands the activity. •Organize the Ss in pairs and have them take turns pointing to a picture on the page of their books and telling their partner the color. •As students finish their work in pairs, have 2 or 3 pairs come to the front of the class to model the activity. •Show the class different color pencils or crayons one by one and have them call out the colors. •Elicit a complete sentence, e.g. It’s green.

k pages T33 Workbook (for Homework or in class) Assign page 116.


Lesson 4 Grammar T-81 Warm Up •Play the audio. Have Ss listen then sing along. •If time permits, re-introduce the song using the Big Book, page 4.


pages T181 and T182

T-6 Listen and read. •Have Ss open their books to page 11. Direct their attention to the picture at the top right of the page. Say: Who do you see in the picture? Chris and Sara Where are they? At the aquarium What do they see? A turtle •Play the audio and have Ss point to the speech bubbles and repeat. •Present or re-teach the vocabulary in the sidebar at the left of the page. Say: Where do we see these animals? At the aquarium •Point to each picture and ask: What is it? It’s a . . . What color is it? It’s . . .

Practice with a partner. •Divide Ss into pairs and have them continue in the same fashion with the pictures in exercise 1–3. •Ask for volunteers to model the activity for the class. •Repeat the answers in a choral recitation.


Answers 1 It’s a fish. It’s yellow. 2 It’s a shark. It’s blue. 3 It’s a starfish. It’s orange.


Listen and read.

•Direct Ss attention to the next picture. Say: Who do you see in the picture? Lois, Chris, and Sara Where are they? At the aquarium What do they see? A shark •Play the audio and have Ss point to the speech bubbles and repeat. •Ask for three volunteers to act out the dialog.

Practice with two partners. •Divide Ss into small groups and have them continue in the same fashion with the next picture. •Walk around the classroom and monitor the activity. •Ask for volunteers to model their new dialog for the class. •Repeat the new dialog in a choral recitation.

On-going Practice k page T5 k

page T35 Workbook

(for Homework or in class) Assign page 119.

Student Book: Unit 1

Lesson 4



Lesson 5

Lesson 5 Phonics Lesson (optional) Online Phonics File

• Check-out the Online Phonics File for any of the following: Alphabet presentation and review activities Initial consonant sounds

Pronunciation: sh T-8 Look and listen. • Have Ss open their books to page 12. Direct their attention to the picture at the top of the page. Say: Who do you see? Martha What is she doing? (Have students mime the “shh” action.) •Ask Ss when they would normally make this sound. Have Ss respond in their first language. •Write “sh” on the board. Mime the action as Ss read the sound. •Point to the pictures. Ask: What is it? It’s a fish. What is it? It’s a shark. •Play the audio. Have Ss listen to the words. Ask them to point to the letters that make the “sh” sound.


Listen, read, and say.

•Play the audio. Have Ss listen to the sentence. Ask them to point to the words as they listen and read. Ask: What words have the “sh” sound? shark, fish •Play the audio again. Have Ss listen and repeat.

Listening: What color is it?

•Review or re-teach the color words. Have Ss return to page 10. Call out the names of the colors in random order and have Ss point to

Student Book: Unit 1

the correct word and/or picture on the page. Walk around the room pointing to different items or students’ clothing. Ask: What color is this?

T-10 Listen and check. •Have students open their books to page 12. Draw their attention to the Listening activity on the page. Ask: What do you see? crayons •Have students point to the exercise numbers. Draw their attention to the groups of three crayons each. Make sure that all Ss appreciate that there are three different colored crayons in each group. Say: Listen to the number and for the name of the color. Then check the box. •Draw a check mark on the board. •Ask if there are any questions. Tell Ss they must listen quietly to complete the exercise. Let them know you will repeat the recording if they need to hear it again. •Play the audio. Audio Script 1. It’s purple. 2. It’s green. 3. It’s yellow.

4. It’s red. 5. It’s blue. 6. It’s orange.

Teaching tip More than any other skill, listening takes training. It’s important that Ss know exactly what they are expected to do before you play the audio. Explain the exercise and ask if anyone has questions before you play the audio. Remind Ss that you will play the recording twice (or as many times as required). Ss need to understand that they must listen quietly to be able to do the exercise.


Lesson 6 Reading: Pets in the Reptile House Introduce the Story

•Ask Ss if they have ever read a story book. •Ask them what their favorite stories are and about their reading experiences. Carry out the discussion in the Ss’ first language. Ask: What story did you read? Who read the story with you? Did you like it? What was your favorite part? •Have Ss open their books to page 13. Draw attention to the storybook cover. Read the title aloud. •Have Ss discuss the pictures on the cover in their first language. Ask: What do you see? animals, pets What do you think the story is about?

Story Words

•Have Ss turn to the pre-reading activities on pages 14 and 15. Draw Ss attention to the picture at the top of the page. Say: These are frogs – a big frog, a little frog, and a tiny frog.

T-11 Listen and point. •Play the audio and have Ss point to the words and repeat. •Say the words in random order and have Ss repeat and point. •Call on individual Ss to read out the words first in order (left to right) and then in random order.


Practice with a partner. Talk about the pictures.

•Read the speech bubbles. Have Ss point at the picture you describe. •Point to a picture. Have Ss describe it. •Organize the Ss into pairs and have them take turns to describe the different pictures. •Walk around the classroom and monitor the activity.

Before You Read T-12 Listen and read. •Have Ss focus their attention on the pictures at the top of page 117. Say: Characters are the people and animals in a story. These are the characters in this story. •Play the audio and have Ss point to the words as they read along. Repeat the audio or re-read the text aloud for the Ss. •Check for comprehension. Ask: Who’s Manny? the stick-bug Who’s Martha? the hamster Who’s Frank? the spider


page T34 Workbook

(in class) •Have Ss cut out the pet finger puppets on page 117. •Have Ss use the finger puppets to review and practice introductions and greetings. •Model the language for the Ss. Say: My name’s Manny. I’m a stick-bug. •Have Ss work in pairs to describe their finger puppets. Alternatively they can play a guessing game. e.g. Student A: I’m tiny and green. Student B: Are you Manny?

Student Book: Unit 1

Lesson 6



Lesson 7

Lesson 7 T-13 (1) Read the Story

•Prepare Ss to read the story. Have them open their books to page 16. •Play the audio completely through to the end of the story. Ask: Did you like the story? What happened? •Allow Ss to react to the story in their first language.

Teaching tip

Turn to pages 20–21. Have Ss point out the characters on this page. Have them point out the place: the lizard “house”.

(3) Build Comprehension

•Set a purpose for reading. Say: Let’s see what the pets do at the Reptile House. They take photos, look at the animals, and play. •Have Ss notice details. Ask: What animals do they see? a big snake, a tiny frog •Have Ss make inferences. Ask: What other animal can they see? a lizard

Ss should view reading as a pleasurable experience. Always provide Ss with an uninterrupted first reading of the story. Play the audio to mark the correct reading pace. The illustrations in the stories should provide all the support the Ss need to understand and follow the text.

(2) Teach Story Elements: Characters and Setting

•Write these questions on board. Elicit the answers from the class. Who is in the story? Frank, Martha, and Manny Where does the story happen? The Reptile House •Do a Picture Walk. Turn to pages 16–17. Have Ss point out the characters on this page. Have them point out the place: the snake “house”. Turn to pages 18–19. Have Ss point out the characters on this page. Have them point out the place: the frog “house”.

Student Book: Unit 1



Lesson 7

Lesson 7 (4) Personalize

• Have Ss look through the pages of the story again. Ask about their experiences. Ask who has been to a Reptile House. Ask who would like to go to a Reptile House. Ask what they would like to see there. • Ask Ss what animals they liked or disliked in the Reptile House. •Ask what they would do at a Reptile House. Ask if they would do the same things as Martha, Manny, and Frank.

•Write the sentence on the board: This is fun! •Have Ss give examples of things that are fun. •Have Ss draw their pictures and then share them with a partner or in a small group.


page T36 Workbook

(for Homework or in class) Assign page 120.

(5) Class Reading

•Divide the class into three groups. Assign each group a role: Martha, Manny, or Frank. •Play the audio again. Have the Ss read along. •Have the class perform a choral reading of the story.

Comprehension Read and circle.

•Write the sentence on the board: It’s a snake. •Use the sentence to present and/or re-teach the concept of word boundaries. Show Ss the difference between letters, words, and a sentence. •Have Ss count the letters. Have Ss count the words. •Have Ss read the sentence. •Ask for volunteers to come to the board and illustrate the sentence (by drawing a snake). •Have Ss open their books to page 22. Draw their attention to the example at the top of the page. Have Ss complete the exercises on the page. Ask for volunteers to read the sentences and point to their answers.

Read and draw.

Student Book: Unit 1



Lesson 8

Lesson 8 Writing

•Tell Ss they are going to write a composition about one of the animals they read about or talked about in this unit. •Have Ss review Unit 1 and choose an animal. •Have them read their animal’s name carefully. •Have them count the letters in the name. •Have the Ss review the color words. Have them check the spelling of their animal’s color.


•Have Ss turn to page 23. Draw their attention to the model composition in the upper-left-hand corner of the page. Ask for a volunteer to read the composition. •Ask Ss if they are ready to write their own compositions. Ask if they have chosen an animal, checked the spelling of its name, and its color. •Have Ss write their compositions. Remind Ss that they should use their best handwriting in writing their compositions.


Multi-Level Strategies Starter

Have the student show his/her drawing to a small group or the class. Have him/her read his/her composition.

Medium Challenge

Have the student show his/her drawing to a small group or the class. Have him/her describe his/her composition. Have him/her answer yes/no questions. Is it big? Is it small? Is it tiny?


page T37 Workbook

(for Homework or in class) Assign page 121.

•Have Ss illustrate their compositions. •Remind Ss that their illustrations must match their writing. It must be the same animal and the same color they wrote about.


Use the Multi-Level Strategies suggestions to guide students as they give their presentations at their own level of proficiency.

Student Book: Unit 1


Lesson 9 English across the Curriculum: Art Class Let’s make colors. Read and color.

•Review the color words with the class. Have Ss take out their crayons, colored pencils, or markers. Call out the color words in random order and have Ss hold up the correct color. •Repeat the exercise, but have the Ss repeat the name of the color. •Walk around the room and point to different objects. Ask: What color is it? It’s . . . •Ask Ss who have combined paints to make different colors. Ask them to tell the class what colors they made. •Have Ss open their books to page 24. Draw their attention to the different images on the page. •Explain to Ss that they are going to use English for Art Class. They are going to use English to learn about colors and how to combine colors. •Read the different color formulas and have Ss repeat the sentences after you, Red plus blue equals/makes purple. •Have Ss color the different paint splashes to complete the page. •Have students color the last paint splash in their favorite color.


Play a favorite color chain game.

•Go up and down the rows asking Ss their favorite color. •Have the first S say his/her favorite color. My favorite color is blue. •Have the second S say the first S’s favorite color and then his/her favorite color. John’s favorite color is blue; my favorite color is red. •Continue until someone forgets a favorite color.

Student Book: Unit 1

Lesson 9



Lesson 10

Lesson 10 Team Project: Let’s make an aquarium. Pre-class Preparation

•Have Ss bring an empty cardboard box (a shoebox or cereal box) to class. •Make sure all the following materials are available for Ss. •Ask Ss if they remember what they can see in an aquarium.


drawing paper colored pencils (or crayons) scissors tape string blue paint paint brush shoe boxes or cereal boxes

Student Book: Unit 1


•Tell Ss they are going to make their own aquarium. Have them look at page 25 in their books. •Have Ss look at the steps they need to follow to make their aquarium. •Hand out the drawing paper so they can draw, color, and cut out the sea animals and plants they want in their exhibit. •Organize Ss into groups so they can share tape, string, and blue paint to prepare their boxes for their aquarium exhibit. •Prepare an area to exhibit finished Ss’ works.


Unit Review Review In-class Activity Preparation

•Divide Ss into small groups. •Ask Ss to take out a small personal object as markers, e.g. a pin, an eraser, a hair pin, that they can recognize. Have them put these objects on their desk. •Have each group take out a coin.

Flip a coin. Move your marker. Say.

•Direct Ss’ attention to pages 26 and 27 in their books. •Explain that they will take turns and flip a coin. Heads moves two squares. Tails moves one square. •Each time a S lands on a square, he/she must describe the square. It is . . .


Student Book: Unit 1

Unit Review


More Practice Workbook page 116

Learning Objective: Student will be able to read and understand the color words. Materials: crayons or markers Directions: Color each crayon to match the color word.

Workbook page 117

Learning Objective: Student will be able to identify the characters and use the puppets to practice greetings and introductions. Materials: scissors, tape or glue, and craft sticks (optional) Directions: Follow the cutting lines to cut out each individual puppet. Tape the ends and insert the puppet on Ss’ fingers (probably three). Alternatively paste the puppet onto a craft stick.

Workbook page 119

Learning Objective: Student will be able to write declarative sentences with It is as well as write short affirmative and negative answers to Is it questions. Materials: pen or pencil Directions: Look at the picture and read the question. Write a short answer. If the answer is negative, describe the picture with an affirmative statement.


Workbook page 120

Learning Objective: Student will be able to recall the conclusion of the story. Materials: pencil, crayons, or colored pencils Directions: Draw Martha, Manny, and Frank on the picture as they appear in the last scene of the story. In some cases, it is permissible for students to write the names of Matha, Manny and Frank instead.

Workbook page 121

Learning Objective: Student will be able to complete sentences to describe a picture with the correct noun or adjective + noun structure. Materials: pen or pencil Directions: Look at the picture. Read the sentence. Complete with the correct word from the word box.

Workbook: Unit 1

Workbook: Unit 1



Workbook: Unit 1

Workbook: Unit 1



Workbook: Unit 1







Workbook: Unit 1


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