2014 bts window directive final

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r t Back to School


Window Display Instructions




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2014 Back To School Window Directive

Time for the excitement of the new school year to begin! Fall is a time full of cool weather, bonfires, pumpkin picking and hayrides. Your window is a mix of fall colors, earth tones, and different textures that remind us of the wonderful memories of fall. The 2014 Fall Back to School window will be installed during the evening of Sunday July 27th 2014 and to be completed by opening on Monday July 28th. There are a few steps that need to be followed to prepare for your installation. This document will cover the processes necessary to complete your back to school window. 1. Preparing for your window set 2. Removal of Summer 3. Fall Installation.

Preparing For Your Installation:

Shopping- These are items that you will need to execute your window. Some are props and some are tools for installation. Inventory your supplies and make sure you have everything you need Items that need purchasing should be acquired by utilizing the Paid Out system on your register. If you already have any of these products on hand feel free to use those. Twine Tape Measure

1/2” “S” Hooks


20 lb. fishing line

Sewing needle

Staple gun


Hot Glue Gun

Hot Glue Sticks

Brown Felt- 1 Yard

•Twine- You will need twine to hang the wood panels, birch plaques, and chandeliers. Jute twine is available at Hobby Lobby or any craft store nearby. Make sure the Twine is thick and sturdy. You will also use the Jute twine when making the yarn garland. •“S” Hooks- You will need S hooks to hang each item from the grid. Ensure that you have 2

plenty of “S” hooks on hand. •Fishing Line- You will need fishing line to hang the yarn hangs from the grid. Make sure it is the 20lb for extra support. This is available at Wal-Mart. • Books- You will need to purchase a few books from GoodWill, or if you have any left over from the paper garlands that you made previously for this window, use those. These will be used to decorate the baskets that sit on the floor and complete any paper garland you may need. • Staple Gun- You will need to use a staple gun to hang the paper and yarn garlands in the fitting room mirrors. • Wood Beads- These large wood beads come in an assorted bag available at Hobby Lobby, they are dark brown, light brown, white and a red color. If you need more than the quantity you have received, you may purchase a bag or two from Hobby Lobby. • Brown Felt- Stores that have exposed back to the plaques may purchase brown felt from any craft store and cover the back of the plaque. Use hot glue to adhere it.


wooden beads

Prep Work:

This list will give you a head start on getting your window and displays ready for Sunday’s installation. The more prepared you are the easier the transition will be! 1.Paper Garland- You should have received instructions for how to make the paper garland a few weeks ago. By viewing your floor plan; you will know how many you need for your window(s) and fitting rooms. The fitting rooms will have a paper garland strung across the mirrors in every other room; the yarn garland will hang in the dressing rooms that do not have paper garland. When you make the paper garland, tear smaller pieces for the fitting room strands. These will be shorter. 2.God’s Eyes- You will need to make 2 per fitting room, 20 for shelving made with the wood dowel rods and 5 for the window using 12” birch branches. If you are not sure how to make a God’s eye attached at the end of the document is an instruction sheet! Have fun with it, be creative! Stores that have multiple sets of baskets will need more God’s Eyes. You may not have received enough Birch Branches to complete 5 God’s Eyes per




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basket set. Just evenly divide what you received. 3.Frames- Utilize your barn wood frames for your décor shelves. Wrap yarn and twine around the frame to create a design. Feel free to incorporate the small God’s Eyes with these as well. 4.Yarn Garland- (Note: This step should be completed the day of window installation. Because of the length you will need for your windows, it is easy for your garland to become tangled. Create garland when you are at that step of installing the window.) The yarn garland is the same concept as the paper garland except beads will be strung across the yarn strings. You should have around six strands of different colored yarn and jute twine. • When cutting your lengths, you want the strands to approximately be the length of your window. This will accommodate the swag of your garland. If needed you can cut the extra off. • Take 2 different yarns and 1 twine and twist together to make one string. You will need two sets of these for your garland. • Knot one end of the three strands before you twist. • The beads will be assorted in the pack so you have the freedom to choose which beads go where. • When placing beads on strings, tie a tight knot using one of the pieces of yarn around all of your strings on the end. Use something small to push yarn and twine through the bead. Make sure that all pieces of yarn and twine go through the bead at the same time. • Once you have this complete, knot the yarn and twine at the end. • Remember you need enough to make the string garland in the dressing rooms too. These will be shorter in length.

paper & yarn garland




Planning: • Take the time to pre-plan. This ensures a smooth installation and time managed execution. • Review your floor plans and understand all the elements that will be displayed in each window. • Understand the techniques and proper devices needed to perform the task • Schedule a team with each individual understanding their job for the day.

Removal of Summer As you know, the summer window must be removed for the fall to take its place. When possible items may be sold to individuals. As before, please note this is not a strategy that is in place for you to house items until you have sold them. We understand that your space is limited and do not have room to house such things. Try announcing to individuals that seem interested when you will be dismantling the window and what price the item is. Selling items is huge because it helps us regain our expenses. If you are unable to sell the elements, we ask that you try to find an organization to donate it to. When all else fails, dispose or recycle the items. Bistro Set: $100

Picnic Area:Give Away Lantern:$5

Airstream Window: $25

Airstream Panel:$20 Motel & Café Signs: $35 Lounge Chair:$50

Cooler:Give Away


Fishing Supplies:Give Away

** Luggage will NOT BE SOLD. Utilize it as décor in your store. Refer to picture. ** Your glass vase bowls may be utilized as decor or to house jewerly on it. The flowers may be disposed of.





use trunks for decoration!

r t Window Display Installation: Step One:

Wood Panels

• Wood panels will hang in pairs. The left panel will hang closest to the wall while the right panel hangs slightly in front. • Use two S hooks and twine to hang each panel. • “S” hooks should be placed the width of the two top holes on wood panel. • Take a new piece of twine and thread though the front of the left hole on the top of the panel. Twist it in the direction that it is spun while inserting. This helps the twine fit through the hole on the panel. • Tie a knot with twine on top of panel. • Bring the twine piece up and through the first “S” hook then through the second. • Bring twine down and through the front of the top right hole on the panel. • Loop and pull tight. Do not tie complete knot until all panels are adjusted to be level in height. • Repeat steps for right panel, placing the panel approximately 6 inches in front of the left panel and 3 inches below to create dimension. • Overlap panels, but do not have right panel cover the twine on the left panel. Overlap about an inch. Note: Stores will be receiving wood panels with painted backs and non-painted backs. The painted back wood panels are for stores that have windows that are visible to customers from the inside of the store. Refer to your floor plan to make sure you have received the right panels. Step Two:

Large and Small Chandeliers

• Tie 4 pieces of twine around the rim of the large chandelier to hang. These pieces of twine should be equally spaced. • Connect all loose ends of twine together and tie a knot. • Make sure each piece of twine is equal in length so the chandelier 6

hangs straight. • Repeat these steps for the small chandelier. STORES WITH HIGHER CEILINGS: • Suspend large chandelier from ceiling using a separate piece of twine. • Tie knot around one “S” hook and drop twine down desired length. • The rim of the large chandelier should be equal to the top of the wood panel in the back row. • Connect the end of suspended twine to the knot on chandelier. • Use same steps for the piece of twine connecting the small chandelier to the ceiling. Suspend diagonally in front of large chandelier. DO NOT connect to small chandelier yet. • The piece of twine being used to suspend the small chandelier should be the same length as the piece suspending the large chandelier. • Cut three new pieces of twine, each approximately 3 feet in length. • Tie all three pieces in a knot at the end. • Braid the three loose pieces together and tie knot at the opposite end. • Connect braid to the large chandelier by tying one end of the braid around the knot that is already formed by the 4 loose pieces of twine on the large chandelier. • Drape braid over to the suspended piece of twine. • Take suspended piece of twine and tie knot around the braid. • Make sure you leave 1 foot after the knot to be able to suspend the small chandelier. • Tie end of braid around the knot formed by the 4 loose pieces of twine on the small chandelier. • Refer to picture. STORES WITH LOWER CEILINGS: • Suspend large chandelier from ceiling by connecting the knot tying up the loose ends of twine to 1 “S” hook. • The top of the large chandelier should be equal with the top of the wood panel in the back row. • Cut three new pieces of twine, each approximately 3 feet in length. • Tie all three pieces in a knot at the end. • Braid the three loose pieces together and tie knot at the opposite end. • Place another “S” hook approximately 6 inches diagonally in front of the larger chandelier’s “S” hook. • Connect braid to the large chandelier by tying one end of the braid around the knot




r t that is already formed by the 4 loose pieces of twine on the large chandelier. • Drape the braid over to the smaller chandelier’s S hook, leaving a foot to suspend the small chandelier. • Tie braid around the knot formed by the 4 loose pieces of twine on the small chandelier.

yarn hangs


Step Three:

4’ Yarn Hang, 3’ Yarn Hang & 2’ Yarn Hang

• Place 2 S hooks in your grid about the width of your yarn hangs. These should be positioned about ½ way in your window front to back. • Take fishing wire and tie it around the left end of the 4’ yarn hang. • Tie the knot about 3 inches in from the left side of your branch. • Take the fishing wire and thread it up through the two “S” hooks. • Pull down and wrap around the right side of the 4’ yarn hang, equal distance as you did the left side. • Pull fishing wire until desired height is reached and tie off. • The branch of your 4’ yarn hang should be approximately 6’ from the ground. • Repeat steps for the 3’ and 2’ yarn hangs. (some stores will have a set of 3’ and 2’ yarn hangs.) • The left end of the 3’ yarn hang should be lined up in the middle of the 4’ yarn hang. These two variations should hang just in front of your longer yarn hang and be overlapped about ¼’ in front of the longer. Note: Adjustments may be needed depending on the size of your window. Step Four:

Birch wood Plaques

**** PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE Birch Plaques are very fragile and cannot be bent! • Place 2 “S” hooks approximately 1 foot away from each other. Use best judgment and refer to floor plan on composition of plaques and where to place them in your window. 8

• Start by tying a piece of twine to the left side of the second and first branch on the Birch wood plaque. • Thread twine through the “S” hooks and bring down to top of plaque. • Tie knot around the right side of the two branches. • Adjust plaques so they are hanging straight making sure your heights are varied and creates interest. Note: There are four different styles of plaques with different color yarns. Depending on the size of your window, you may not have four plaques. * If a wood plaque arrives broken, purchase a small piece of wood from Lowes and use a staple gun to reattach. You may need to use hot glue for extra strength. ** Stores that have exposed back to the plaques may purchase brown felt from any craft store and cover the back of the plaque. Use hot glue to adhere it.

Step Five:

Paper Garland

• Using the paper garland that you created for your store window, start by hanging the longest garland first. • Place an “S” hook towards the end of your store window, and just forward of the middle of the ceiling. • Attach paper garland to the “S” hook and drape it across the window. • Do this by taking the extra fishing wire and tying a knot around the “S” hook. • Position the opposite “S” hook behind the center point of your window. You want the garland to hang so it isn’t straight across the window. • Make sure the garland has drape to it and is not pulled tight. • Secure the other side of the paper garland with an “S” hook. • Take second paper garland and attach it to an “S” hook, on the opposite side of the window. • Cross it with the large garland and attach with “S” hook. • Adjust the drape of the garlands if necessary.




r t Step Six:

String Garland

paper and string ends


• Take all strands of the string garland you made for your store and tie a knot at the very end. • Start on the left side of the window and place an “S” hook behind and approximately 3 feet to the right of the paper garland. If 3 feet is too much, use your best judgment to accommodate your window. Refer to photo. • Hang the string garland from the “S” hook using the knot that you tied at the end. • Run the string garland across the window and pull tight. • While one person holds the end of the garland not yet attached to the ceiling, begin to pull down each individual string to create the swag. •Have another person eyeing the swag to make sure it’s appropriate • The swag should fall more towards the center of the window. • Move the beads around on the strings to keep your swag even and not weigh down the center. • The strings should fall between the paper garland and yarn hangs. • It should look like your string garland and paper garland are overlapping. • Once you have the strings draping correctly, tie a knot where your strands meet. • Place an S hook in line with the first hook you placed and hang the garland by the knot. • Cut extra yarn off if there is any remaining. Step Seven:

Baskets and Bench

• There should be three baskets placed in your windows. Refer to your floor plan for quantities. • The two baskets that are lying on their side should have yarn bundles in them. Use the extra bundles that were sent to you. • Pull some strands of yarns out of the bundles to help fill your baskets. • For the third basket, crumple up extra book pages and fill up the basket. • Have some pages spill out and lie on the ground. • Set God’s eyes with birch branches on the ground next to baskets. Refer to picture. • If you do not have a bench, use a suitcase or any other antique to help create a level for the accessories. • You may put bags, shoes, boot, books, etc on the bench and add a little extra yarn or paper to it. • Make sure your display is not overloaded with accessories. 10

utilize your merchandise for the window display!





paper and God’s eyes




r t Mannequins

• The outfits on the mannequins in the main window should be centered around the boho look. • Secondary windows will display romantic looks. • If you have a third window, the outfits will resemble mod classic. • If your store only has one window, have a mixture of boho and romantic, but primarily boho. • Make sure romantic leans more towards the Bohemian look and feel. Note: Don’t forget we don’t want soldiers. Create interest by grouping mannequins. They should be placed to create depth and dimension. Use the circles below to identify a color story for your mannequins

f g h s a Cut Out Window:

• Hang two strands of paper garland in cutout window. • Place one strand of garland in the right corner and another strand of garland in the left corner. • Staple to secure the garland. • The overlap should be a little off center. • Hang the string garland from corner to corner, placing it in front of the paper garland. • Staple to secure garland. • Leave extra yarn attached and let it hang to the side. Refer to picture. • Hang 1 Birch wood plaque to the right of the window, about 3 feet from the top of the window. • Dress mannequins to coordinate with the table display in front of the cut out window, but do not use the same product that is on the table. • Remember to use more of a Bohemian look.


fpaper garland


Fitting Rooms:

yarn garland

There are two different treatments for your fitting rooms. You will alternate rooms, one will have paper garland and one with string garland. There will also be two god’s eyes hanging from each side of the mirror with quotes attached.

Paper Garland Rooms:

• Drape a strand of paper garland from one corner of the mirror to the opposite corner. • The lowest point on the garland’s drape should hit about 6 inches below the top of the mirror. Remember: You don’t want the garland too low so it obstructs your customers view. • To attach garland to mirror, try to staple the strand into the side of the mirror if your store has a thick enough frame. • Stores with a thinner frame, attach to front of the mirror. • Use a staple gun to hang a god’s eye from each corner of your garland. • Staple the end to the top of mirror behind garland. • Make sure each God’s eye is at a different level. • Glue the quote to the center of the God’s eye. Make sure to bend paper in the middle to give it a raised effect.

String Garland Rooms:

• Drape a strand of string garland from one corner of the mirror to the opposite corner. • Attach one end of the string garland to the left side of the mirror. • To attach garland to mirror, try to staple gun the strand into the side of the mirror if your store has a thick enough frame. 13



r t • Stores with a thinner frame, attach to front of the mirror. • Pull string garland tight and drape each individual strand, varying string’s levels. • The lowest point on the garland’s drape should hit about 6 inches below the top of the mirror. • Adjust beads on garland if needed. • To hang God’s eyes, utilize same instructions as above.

Barn Wood Frames:

Use the decorated barn wood frames to add around your store. Place these frames on shelves and mix them in with your antiques. Feel free to add God’s eyes to your frames as well.


God’s Eye DIY Blog

What you need: Yarn Scissors 2 Sticks Hot Glue + Gun




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Step One: Cross your sticks to form an “X� and hot glue them together in the center where they meet. Once the glue is dry, take your yarn and tie a knot.


Step Two: Once the glue is dry, tie a knot with your first color of yarn. After your knot is tied, take your working yarn in one hand and hold your sticks in the other. We are going to start clockwise. Take the yarn under and around one stick, under and around the next, and so on. Keep doing this. It may look a little funny the first time around, but once you do this for a couple more rounds, it will start to take the shape of a diamond.

Step Three:




r t Once you are ready to switch yarn colors, get to a good stopping point with your yarn, making sure all the sides have equal amount of rows on them. Take your working yarn and cut it, but keep it long enough where you are able to tie a knot. Take your other color and tie it to the yarn you were using before it. You will then repeat step two. Note: push your knots through the yarn so you can only see them in the back of your God’s Eye. This will keep it looking cleaner.

Final Step: When you are finished with wrapping your God’s Eye, cut the yarn and tie it to another piece of yarn. You can do this, or you can try to hot glue the end piece to the stick.





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