Warmonger Rules

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Warmonger Rules: 3rd Edition


e Rules

e Basics - Summary of play and Model Stats

Section 1: e Basics Introduction In Warmonger players lead Teams, in skirmish attacks against their opponents. Players build a Team and pit it against other players’ Teams. Teams consist of Leaders and their followers. Players use a normal deck of cards to resolve game events such as attacking and casting spells. Players can manipulate these cards to alter a duel's outcome. It takes a shrewd leader to manage a team’s resources, ensuring that he or she always has ready the cards needed to influence the destiny of the team.

Summary of play Before a game of Warmonger begins, players generate Goals and hire Teams. Players then deploy their Team and the conflict begins. A game consists of several game turns. During a turn, players draw their hand of cards, which are used to change the outcome of game events such as attacks, spell casting and so forth. Next, players determine who has the initiative, then alternate moveing, attacking, casting spells with each model. A turn ends after all models in play have had the opportunity to act. Game turns continue in this fashion until the turn limit is reached. Players then total the experience points earned by eliminating their enemies and achieving goals. ese points may then be spent on enhancing models in their team.

Model Stats Each model is defined by a set of stats, namely: Move, Weapon Skill, Ranged Skill, Defence, Magic and Health. Each stat is assigned a value. e stats are: Move (MV). A model’s move shows the number of inches it can move in a turn under normal circumstances. e usual number is 3 as almost all Models move 3" per turn, although they can move faster when they are charging, as you’ll see later. e move statistic cannot be reduced lower than 1 unless an effect specifically states so. Weapon Skill (WS). Weapon Skill is a measure of close combat ability – how good the person is at hand-to-hand fighting. Models use this stat when fighting hand-to-hand. Ranged Skill (RS). Ranged Skill shows how good a shot the individual is. Models use this stat when shooting at a target. Defence (DF). A model's ability to avoid being hit with an attack. Magic (MG). e model's ability to control the forces of magic. Models use this stat when casting Spells. Health (HT). A model’s Health value shows how many times a model can be wounded before he collapses and goes down dead or incapacitated.

Model Details

Weapon Stats A model's weapons have their own stats, representing each Weapon's capabilities in the hands of a model.

Cost. Generally this number represents the cost needed to hire the model.

Damage. Indicates the weapon's damageinflicting potential. Depending on the quality of a hit, a Weapon can inflict light, moderate or heavy damage.

Class. Models in Warmonger are grouped into following classes: Leaders, Warlocks, Champions, Minions and Rookies. Level. How skilled the model is. Standard Abilities. Most Abilities are considered active during the game unless otherwise indicated (as a Triggered Ability) and are applied whenever called for in the rules. is includes Abilities that grant the model additional or specific Action Points (AP’s), such as +1 AP Spells. Triggered Abilities. Listed with Abilities, Triggered Abilities have a stat symbol or abreviation and a suit symbol with their name and may be activated when the model meets these conditions. is means that when flipping a card for the noted stat, if the card is of the suit matching the suit symbol, the player may choose to use the ability. Disadvantages. ese are much the same as Abilities, except that they normally provide a negative effect for the model. Disadvantages are often picked up by characters injured badly in battle. Spells. Certain models may possess one or more Spells. Spells have a numerical and suit requirement after that indicates the target number and suit required by the caster to successfully cast the Spell.

e Cards e Deck Each player uses a deck of cards, to determine the success of attacks and other Actions as well as any random events in the game. Everything from determining initiative to resolving attacks, damage, and spellcasting is determined by the cards in a player's deck. Each player needs their own deck during the game. Players only use cards from their own deck, never from another player's deck. Warmonger is played with a standard set of cards composed of 54 cards in 4 suits and 2 jokers. Aces have a value of 1, and the face cards - Jacks, Queens, and Kings have the values of 11, 12 and 13 respectively.

Card Values and Suits Each card has a value and suit. When the rules refer to a card's value, they are referring to number printed on the card. Magic is divided into four sources, or suits: Hearts ( ♥ ), Spades ( ♠ ), Clubs ( ♣ ) and Diamonds ( ♦ ).

e Basics - Model Details, Weapon Stats and e Cards

As well as these stats, models have other details used in the game, namely: Cost, Class, Abilities, Disadvantages, and Spells.




e Basics - Jokers, e Hand, Using Cards, e Dicard Pile and Running Out Of Cards

e Jokers represent destiny and magic at its lowest ebb. A Joker has a value of 0 and no suit when it is revealed. A Joker must be used by a player when it is revealed. Additionally, the revealing player may not change destiny further. When making a damage flip with a Joker, the hit inflicts no damage. Any healing or damage prevention flips with a Joker heal and prevent no damage.

e Hand e Hand represents how effective a Team is at controlling the ebb and flow of destiny. Cards in a player's hand are drawn into the hand from the deck. ese cards can help Teams Change Destiny and change the outcome of a Duel.

Using Cards Since the cards in Warmonger can affect the game in different ways, the rules make a distinction between Drawing, Flipping/ re-flipping, Changing Destiny and Discarding them. A card is considered to be in play from the time it is flipped from the deck or played from the hand, until it is moved to the discard pile. Drawing. A player takes the top card from his or her deck and places it in his or her hand. Flipping/re-flipping. A player flips a card by turning over the top card from his or her Deck. A flipped card's value and suit are applied immediately. Re-flipping simply

means to discard the current card in play and replace it with a new one. e number of cards a player flips may be increased due to destiny modifiers applied to the flip. ese modifiers are flipped along with the initially flipped card. Changing Destiny. Playing a card from a hand to replace the card in play is called Changing Destiny. All models can Change Destiny but only when the rules allow them to do so. e played card becomes the new card, and is placed on top of the previous card until the event is resolved. Discarding. Discarding a card moves it from a player's Hand or from play to his or her discard pile, face up, without applying its value or suit.

e Discard Pile Player discard piles should be face up with only the last discarded or played card showing. Players may not look through any discard piles' neither their own nor another player's, and cannot change the order of the cards in a discard pile.

Running Out Of Cards When a player needs to draw or flip a card and his or her deck is empty, the player picks up his or her discard pile, re-shuffles it, and places it face down. is starts a new deck. Cards currently in play, or that reside in a hand, may not be shuffled into the new deck. Players should always give their opponents an opportunity to cut the deck after shuffling.

Changing e Odds

Some models possess one or more Triggers which can be used during duels. A trigger consists of the stat it's connected to, as well as the suit(s) a model needs in its Duel total for use. When the model is using the stat indicated in a duel and and flips the suit needed, it can declare it is using the Trigger. A model can only use one Trigger per duel.

e Game e Turn

0 : flip the one card as normal.

A Warmonger game consist of a number of turns in which players alternate activating models until both sides have activated their entire Team.

+ X : flip X (one, two or three) additional cards and choose one card to use.

Each turn is broken down into 3 phases Draw, Activation and Discard.

- X : flip X (one, two or three) additional cards. You must use the card with the lowest value. Players may not Change Destiny on a negatively modified flip.

Draw. Players draw cards from the top of their decks until they reach their maximum hand size (normally 4).

After totalling up Destiny modifiers:

Duels Duels are used to resolve events during the game. ere are two types of duels: tests and opposed. A test is a duel against a target number; an opposed duel is a duel against another model's total. During a duel, each model involved has an opportunity to affect the duels outcome by changing destiny.

Activation. At the start of the activation phase, each player flips a single card to determine the initiative order. Any tied flips are re-flipped. Beginning with the first player, each player, from highest to lowest initiative value, activates one model and uses all of its action points for the turn. is player order for activating models is called the turn's activation order. Players continue activating models until all of their models have activated once during the turn. Discard. Players may discard any number of cards in their hand.

1 e Basics - Changing e Odds, Duels, Triggers and e Turn

Normally, players flip one card when a card flip is required. Destiny modifiers increase the number of cards flipped when resolving a game event and are indicated by the words Destiny Modifier and either a positive or negative value next to it. When a model is affected by one or more destiny modifiers, total up the modifier values to find out how may more cards to flip and the overall positive or negative effect. e total number of additional cards flipped after all modifiers have been taken into account may never be more than three.




e Basics - Ations and Making An Attack

Ranged Attack - Cost: 1 AP e model (attacker) targets another model (defender) that it is in range of its weapon and performs an opposed duel using its Ranged Skill (RS) value against the defender's Defence (DF) value. Note: Models engaged in close combat may not make a Shoot action.

Each model receives two action points (AP’s) at the start of its activation. Some Abilities and Disadvantages may increase or decrease the number of action points a model receives. Unless stated otherwise a model may take the same action any number of times as long as it has action points to spend. Some Abilities and Spells require actions points to use, these are detailed in the Ability's description.

Focus - Cost: 2 AP e model performs an Attack or Ranged Attack action with a +1 destiny modifier.

Movement actions

Other actions

Walk - Cost: 1 AP is model moves up to its Move stat in inches. Note: Models moving within 1” of an enemy model that is not engaged in combat, may not move past the enemy model.

Change Weapon - Cost: 1 AP Changes the weapon that a model is using.

Charge - Cost: 2 AP is model may take the Charge action if it is not already engaged in combat and has a target enemy model in its line of sight. e charging model must move up to twice its Move stat (Move x 2) towards the target. At the end of the charge move, if the charging model in contact with the target it makes an attack and receives +1 destiny modifier for the flip. If a model will not end the move in contact with the target, it must move its full distance and the charge action ends.

Combat actions Attack - Cost: 1 AP e model (attacker) targets another model (defender) that it is in contact with and performs an opposed duel using its Weapon Skill (WS) value against the defender's Defence (DF) value.

Making An Attack ere are a number of steps to follow when making an attack: Declare the target e target must be in the attacker's line of sight. If the attack is a ranged attack ensure that the target is within range by measuring the distance between the models. If the model is out of range, the attack has failed. If the model is within range proceed to the next step. Shooting into hand-to-hand combat Should you wish to shoot at a model already engaged in hand-to-hand combat, you must first make an additional flip and add the model’s RS. is is a test against the target number of 10. If the result is equal to or greater than 10, you hit the intended target. If failed, you must continue the attack against the model in combat with the original target. If the new target is a friendly model, you must make the flips for both models, but may only change destiny to increase a cards value and never to lower it.

Duel Perform a duel as indicated by the type of attack (WS vs. DF / RS vs. DF).

Starting duel total = Flipped card value (with modifiers taken into account) + stat value Compare the model's starting totals. e model with the highest total is winning the duel. If the totals are tied, the attacker is winning the duel. Changing destiny Starting with the losing model, each model may change destiny, but may do so only once. A player choosing to change destiny may replace the flipped card with a card from their hand. Place the new card on top of the flipped card. A model cannot change destiny if it had a negative modifier or if its current card is a joker. Determine the final duel total = Flipped card (original (with modifiers taken into account) or replacement ). + stat value. Declare Triggered Abilities Starting with the model with the lower total, or the defender if the totals are tied, each model may now declare one Triggered Ability that it has met the suit requirements for.

Damage To calculate the damage dealt by an attack, make a damage flip and add the difference between the attacker's and defender's totals. is number is called the combat total (CT). Destiny modifiers may be applied to damage flips and players may change destiny in the same way as they would for any other flip, unless they have an overall negative destiny modifier. To see how much damage has been inflicted, consult the attacker's weapon's damage stats. A weapon's damage stats converted the combat total (CT) into an amount of damage. For example a CT of 1-8 might inflict 1 damage, while a CT of 9-19 would inflict 2 damage and a CT of 20+ would inflict 3 damage.

Ranged Attacks On Models In Cover If an attack is being made against a model that is in partial cover, there are some additional modifiers that may need to be applied to Ranged Attacks: Target in soft cover (more than 50% of the model visible): Attacker's attack flip receives -1 destiny modifier. Target in hard cover (less than 50% of the model visible): Attacker's attack flip receives -2 destiny modifier.

1 e Basics - Making An Attack and Ranged Attacks On Models In Cover

Each player flips one card plus one card for each destiny modifier (+ or -) applied to their respective flips. If the flip had a positive modifier, then the model chooses which of the flipped cards to use. If the flip had a negative modifier, then the model must choose the lowest value card. e model's appropriate stats are then added to give the starting duel totals.

Determine Success If the defender's total is greater than the attacker's duel total then the attack is a failure. If the attackers duel total is equal to or greater than the defender's duel total the attack was a success and damage is calculated.



e Basics - Multiple Combats, Disengaging, KO’ed, Armour, Healing, Magic and Game Length

During its activation, a model may wish to disengage from one or more enemy models by moving out of contact. A model can do so, but may be blocked by the enemy. To find out if the model has been blocked make an opposed duel using the disengaging model’s Defence vs. the attackers Weapon Skill. If the disengaging model wins, it may move freely away. If the attacking model wins, the move is blocked and the disengaging model remains where it is.

KO’ed When a model has it’s health reduced to 0, the model is KO’ed and is removed from play. KO'ed models are not dead, they are just out of the battle. e fate of KO'ed models is decided once the game is over.

Armour Armour can be purchased as equipment and adds a bonus to the model’s DF stat. A model may only wear one set of armour at any time. In addition to armour, a shield may be equipped if the model is only equipped with a single-handed weapon.

Healing Game effects that heal wounds cannot raise a model's wound total higher than it's starting wounds stat. When an ability or event calls for a healing flip, flip one card. is flip cannot be changed.

Magic Spells have a Casting Cost (CC) value and suit

requirement after their name. is is the spell's target number the caster needs to equal or exceed to successfully cast the spell and the suit that must be present either through the casters proficiency or from the flip. Spells also have an action point (AP) number listed after their Casting Cost. is is the number of action points the caster must use to cast the spell. To cast a spell the caster must have line of sight to any targets of the spell. A casting flip is made and the caster's Magic stat is added to the flip. Destiny modifiers may be applied to casting flips and players may change destiny in the same way as they would for any other flip, unless they have an overall negative destiny modifier. If the target number is met or exceeded the spell is a success. Unless stated otherwise spells may be cast by a warlock even if they are engaged in close combat.

Game Length A standard encounter lasts 6 turns, but may carry on even longer. At the end of turn 6, the player who activated the last model flips a card. If the card value is 10 or higher, play another turn, but increase the value needed to continue the encounter on next turn's flip by one. e encounter ends when the flip is less than the value needed. If players wish to play a longer or shorter game a different number of turns should be agreed before the game starts and once the agreed number is reached, flips can be used to see if the game continues as described above.



Night of the Living Dead e Old O’Malley Building seems to be the only safe place during this night of the Undead. Too bad your opponent has the same idea. Place a building terrain (ideally at least 6"x6") feature in the centre of the table. e building should have a minimum of 1 point of entry per side. All entryways begin the game open. 30 XP if a player is the only one to have any models inside the building at the end of the game. 20 XP if a player has the most friendly models inside the building at the end of the game. A model may ‘Close Up’ an entry point by performing a Close Up action (1 AP). at will make a barrier of Defence (DF) 4 and Health (HT) 2 over the entry point (doorway etc.). is game will last 8 rounds as opposed to the normal 6 before the first ending flip is performed. If a player's models are completely eliminated, that player gains control of all Undead models. e Undead controller spawns 4 Zombie models at the end of each turn and the player with models remaining from their original team spawn none. Undead models do not count towards XP.

Special Occurrence for Turn 3: e Dead Walk! At the end of each turn, beginning with the last player to activate a model, each player must place 2 Zombie models on the table. Players may place a Zombie anywhere on the table, but no closer than 5” from any non-Zombie model. Zombie models may not be placed inside the building. Zombies move after all players move. Zombies have 2 actions per turn and will automatically charge or attack the nearest model or Closed Up entry point. is occurrence is in effect for the entire game.

Treasure Hunt Place one treasure counter at the centre of the table after deployment but before the game begins. Any model in base contact with the treasure counter may make a pickup action (1AP). A model may pass it to another model that it is in base contact with for 1AP. A model drops the treasure if it is KO'ed or changes position for any reason other than making a move or charge action. A model carrying the treasure has it's movement reduced by 1 (-1). Gain 18 XP and 25 C if your model is carrying the treasure at the end of the game. If no model is carrying the treasure, the controller of the closest model to the treasure gains 10 XP and 25 C.

e Basics - Scenarios

As well as playing a straight battle, players have the opportunity to agree on playing one or more scenario. Scenarios are agreed on by all players and are common knowledge. Below are a few examples of scenarios.


Scout mission Divide the table into equal quarters.

e Basics - Scenarios and Goals

Gain 10 XP for each quarter of the table with more of your models in than any other opponent at the end of the game. Models within 2" of the centre of the table do not count. A model may only occupy one quarter. If one of your models is on a boundary, you may decide what quarter it is in.

Escort You have been hired to escort a model on their journey and protect them from danger. Place a model to represent the escortees with each team. At the end of the turn after the last player has moved their last model, move the escortee model 4" directly towards the centre of the table. e escortee has Defence (DF) 3 and Health (HT) 3. A model may not attack the escortee with ranged attacks or use spells that target them. A model may not attack an escortee if they are in base to base contact with an enemy model. Gain 18 XP and 20 C if your escortee is within 2" of the centre of the table and your opponent's is not. Gain 10 XP and 10 C if your escortee is within 2" of the centre of the table. Gain +5 XP if you damaged your opponent's escortee. Gain +5 XP if your escortee is undamaged at the end of the game.

GOALS Goals are lesser objectives your crew can attempt to achieve during the encounter to gain additional experience points (XP). Goals should be kept secret from opponents. Players agree the number of goals each side will have before the game starts. To see what goals a player has, each player draws a number of cards equal to the number of goals agreed. ese cards are kept to one side until the end of the game and are not shown to other players. Players then consult the list of goals to see what their allocated goal conditions are. At the end of the game, each player declares what goal they drew and checks if they have completed the goal and earned the additional experience points. If a player draws the same value card more than once, that player gains experience for each copy of the card. If a player draws a joker they get no goal for the card. Note: If both players are uhappy removing cards from their decks they may agree to use a seperate deck to draw goals from.

e Reveal At the end of an encounter, players reveal all secret goals and add up the experience points earned from them.

Assigning Experience From Goals After the players have worked out how much experience they have gained, they may divide the experience as they choose between their models that are still in play at the end of the game. Each surviving model must be allocated at least 1 XP if possible per goal achieved.


List Of Goals 7 Bloodthirsty

Let's do some huntin'! Gain 10 XP if the first model KO'ed was an opponent's model.

Make war, not love! Gain an additional 6 XP for each model KO'ed by one of your models.

2 Keep back

8 Breakthrough

Stopping our enemies is reward enough! Gain 10 XP if you opponent does not have a Leader or Warlock on your half of the table.

We will take their land and leave them nothing! Gain 20 XP if you have more models on your opponents half of the table than they do.

3 Bodyguard

9 Eye for an eye

ey must be protected at all costs! Secretly note down one of your models. If that model and at least one other model is still in play at the end of the game you gain 10 XP.

Send one of ours to the infirmary... Gain 10 XP if the number of models you and your opponent have in play is equal, or gain 5XP if the difference is only 1.

4 Stake a claim

10 Hold on

is is my spot. Within the first two turns, you may nominate (tell the other players) a point in the play area that you have a model to be the point you are going to protect. Place a marker at this point. If at least one of your models is in contact with the marker at the end of the game you gain 10 XP.

ey won’t take our land leavin’ us wit nowt. Gain 10 XP if there are no enemy models on your half of the table.

5 Framed for murder

11 Kill the protege Someone's getting too big for their boots. Gain 10 XP if you kill the enemy model with the highest XP.

We’ll fit him up propper. Secretly note down one of your models. If that model is KO'ed by an opponent's Leader, you gain 10 XP.

12 Feel the steel

6 Assassinate

13 Magical mystery tour

Your opponent's leader must die at all costs! You gain 10 XP for each opponent's leader that is not in play at the end of the game.

Warlocks have ways of making their voices heard. Gain 10 XP if you successfully cast at least 4 spells.

ey will bear the mark of our blades! Gain 15 XP if each of an opponants models took at least 1 damage.

e Basics - List Of Goals

0-1 First blood


Section 2: Campaigns

Campaigns - Tech Level and Magic

Although it is perfectly acceptable to fight one-off games, a campaign gives you the opportunity to watch your team develop, to see old models gain new skills while new models join and the team grows ever more famous. A campaign allows a team to progress from modest and obscure origins to power, glory and great wealth. ere are two things you must agree before you start a campaign. First the players must agree on a Tech Level for the campaign. Secondly, if magic is going to be used.

TECH LEVEL e tech level will determine what sort of weapons, equipment and armour can be used by teams in the campaign. e higher the tech level the more advanced the weaponry. e weapons available to the teams will be all weapons of equal or lower tech level than the campaign tech level.

Tech Levels: 0 - No sharp weapons, just clubbing weapons (e.g. cavemen) 1 - Edged weapons including swords axes spears etc and basic ranged weapons (e.g. medieval knights) 2 - Basic gunpowder firearms (e.g. pirates) 3 - Some limited firearms (e.g. wild west) 4 - Automatic firearms, machine guns (e.g. modern warfare)

5 - Advanced firearms, sci-fi weaponry but no lasers (e.g. pulse rifles) 6 - Light sci-fi including basic lasers - note that at tech level 6 only, teams cannot use items of tech level 4 or 5. (e.g. steampunk) 7 - Advanced sci-fi weapons including blasters, light swords, laser cannons (e.g. star wars)

MAGIC In addition to the numeric tech level, it is also necessary to decide if any magic can be used in the campaign. If you decide to allow magic to be used in the campaign, just add the letter 'M' after the tech level. For example to have a typical Fantasy campaign your tech level would be 1M. You can start the campaign as soon as two players have decided on the Tech Level and recruited their teams. New players can join the campaign at any time thereafter. Although new teams will be less developed they will soon learn new skills. Fighting other, more powerful teams will enable them to develop more quickly. OPTIONAL RULE:

Rebalance Teams If players feel that teams become too unbalanced but still wish to be able to play with models that they have developed, they may find it helpful to agree a team value before the start of the game. Players can then select models from their team as long as the team value does not exceed this limit.


Section 3: Team Recruitment • Minimum 3 models: A team must have at least three models. • Leader: Your team must have one leader. Not more. Not less! • Minions: You can include as many minions as you can afford. • Champion: A team can have up to two champions but no more. • Rookies: No more than half the team can be made up of rookies. • Warlock: A team may recruit 1 warlock for every 2 non-Warlock models in the team up to a maximum of 3.

Model Classes Cost: 25 C


Cost: 120 C


Starting Level: 9 Starting XP: 66 Every team needs a leader. He keeps the team in line and decides where to fight, when to recruit new models, and how to spend the team's hard-earned stash. Weapons: e team leader may be armed with weapons chosen from the Basic, 2Handed, Ranged and Special Weapons lists. Special Rules: Leaders start the game with one triggered ability chosen from the list below: Hearts ( ♥ ) - Dodge Clubs ( ♣ ) - Strong Blow Spades ( ♠ ) - Perfect Strike Diamonds ( ♦ ) - Frenzy Stats: 3






Starting Level: 1 Starting XP: 0 Rookies are inexperienced youngsters eager to join a team and become fighters. ey are poor fighters and unreliable, but with time they will improve and become valuable members.

Starting Level: 9 Starting XP: 62 Champions are highly experienced and battle hardened characters.

Weapon: Rookies may be armed with weapons chosen from the Basic and Ranged Weapons lists.

Weapons: Champions may be armed with weapons chosen from the Basic, 2-Handed, Ranged and Special Weapons lists.









Cost: 80 C








Team Recruitment - Model Classes, Rookie, Leader and Champion

You have 320 credits (C) to spend recruiting and arming your team within the following rules.


Cost: 50 C


Team Recruitment - Model Classes, Minion and Warlock

Starting Level: 5 Starting XP: 24 Minions usually form the bulk of every team. î “ey are dependable and experienced fighters. Weapons: Minions may be armed with weapons chosen from the Basic and Ranged Weapons lists. Stats: 3





4 Cost: 80 C


Starting Level: 9 Starting XP: 62 Warlocks use powerful magic. Players taking a Warlock must decide what magic they will be proficient in. î “ey then produce the appropriate suit when using the Magic stat. Although Warlocks start by specialising in a single type of magic, they may learns spells from any of the spell lists and may become proficient in multiple types of magic as they gain experience. Weapon: Warlocks may be armed with weapons chosen from the Basic, Ranged Weapons and Special Weapons lists. Special Rules: Warlocks start the game with one spell randomly generated from the spell list that shares the same suit as the Team Leader's chosen starting ability. Stats: 3







A Dwarf is a strong fighter, most skilled in hand to hand combat and are notoriously tough. Advantages: +1 Disadvantages: -1

(HT), +2 (MV), -1

(WS) (RS)

Note: A Dwarf may not start as a Warlock. Cost: +10 C

GOBLIN Goblins are small and feeble, but are skilled in magic and ranged combat. Advantages: +1 Disadvantages: -1

(RS), +1 (MV), -1

(MG) (WS)

Cost: +15 C Elves have sharp senses and perceptions. î “ey are said to be much more gifted in magic but physically weaker than humans.


Advantages: +1

(RS), +1


Magic resistance - Spells cast by other models targeting this model have a -2 destiny modifier to their casting flip. Disadvantages: -1

(DF) Cost: +15 C


Orcs are primitive fighters, often fighting first and grunting questions later. Advantages: +1 Disadvantages: -1

(HT) (MG)

Note: An Orc may not start as a Warlock.

3 Team Recruitment - Races, Goblin, Dwarf, Elf and Orc

Normally characters you recruit are human. However if your campaign is using magic, it is possible to recruit other races. Below is the additional cost to recruit a number of races. Simply recruit the character as normal, but add the additional cost on and edit the character’s stats and abilities as described in this section.

Cost: +10 C



Cost: +20 C


Team Recruitment - Races, Troll, Fae and Character Sheets

Trolls are large lumbering beasts. ey are very tough and many think they have regenerative abilities. Advantages: +1 Disadvantages: -2

(DF), +1



Special rule: Trolls cast a large shadow. Note: A Troll may not start as a Warlock. Cost: +20 C


e Fae are magical beings that existed long before humans. ey favour peaceful existence over fighting. Advantages: +1 Disadvantages: -1

(MV), +1 (WS), -1

(MG) (RS)

Note: A Fae may not start as a Leader.

CHARACTER SHEETS As you will see from the character sheets, they have been designed to help you quickly and easily keep track of a model's details during play. To the right is a diagram of what a filled out character sheet might look like. e front contains the basic information such as model stats, experience and weapon stats. e back of the sheet has an area to fill in any abilities, spells or special items obtained.

One of the main points worth noting is that underneath the main stat circles on the front of the sheet, there are faint icons of the four suits. is is so that you can put a mark against the stat if your model obtains a Triggered Ability that would be triggered by flipping a card of the appropriate suit when using the ability. In contrast, the magic stat has the suits to indicate what type of magic they are schooled in. is means the suit that they add to all of their flips using the magic stat. ese can be ticked as and when they are acquired.

WEAPONS A model can carry only one 2-handed weapon. He can have any number of other weapons.


Damage Flip 1-14 15-25 26+ Wounds 0 1 2

Any model without a weapon has the following damage stats.



Basic Weapon Damage Flip 1-10 11-19 20+ Wounds 1 2 3

TL: 1 Cost: 10 C


Basic Weapon Damage Flip 1-12 13-20 21+ Wounds 1 2 4

TL: 1 Cost: 15 C


Basic Weapon Damage Flip 1-11 12-15 16+ Wounds 1 2 3

TL: 1 Cost: 5C


Basic Weapon Damage Flip 1-10 11-19 20+ Wounds 0 1 2

TL: 1

3 Team Recruitment - Weapons and Weapons list

Each model you recruit can be armed with one or more weapons.

Some weapons note that they require a free hand. When using the weapon a model may not carry items in the other hand (such as a shield or extra weapon). If a model carrying the weapon needs to change weapon they must use 1 action point (1AP) to change weapon.


Range: 8”

Team Recruitment - Weapons list

Ranged - Needs a free hand Damage Flip 1-8 9-18 19+ Wounds 0 1 2

Cost: 15 C

TL: 1

Range: 12” 10” Ranged - Needs a free hand Damage Flip 1-13 14-21 22+ TL: 1 Wounds 1 2 3

Cost: 25 C


Cost: 15 C


Ranged Damage Flip Wounds

1-8 0

REVOLVER Ranged Damage Flip Wounds

Range: 7” 9-18 19+ 1 2

TL: 1

Range: 9” 1-4 0

5-20 21+ 1 3

Cost: 15 C

TL: 3


Range: 7” Ranged - Needs a free hand Damage Flip 1-8 9-20 21+ TL: 3 Wounds 1 3 4

Cost: 20 C


Cost: 25 C

Range: 14” Ranged - Needs a free hand Damage Flip 1-10 11-19 20+ TL: 3 Wounds 1 2 3


5-18 19+ 1 2

Cost: 15 C

TL: 4


Range: 14” 10” Ranged - Needs a free hand Damage Flip 1-18 19-25 26+ TL: 4 Wounds 2 3 4

Cost: 25 C


Range: 16” Ranged - Needs a free hand Damage Flip 1-10 11-23 24+ TL: 7 Wounds 2 3 4

Cost: 35 C


Cost: 25 C

Range: 10”

Ranged Damage Flip 1-17 18-24 25+ Wounds 2 3 4


Ranged Damage Flip Wounds

1-6 1

TL: 7

Range: 10”

7-17 18+ 2 3

TL: 7 Cost: 60 C


Special Weapon Damage Flip 1-10 11-19 20+ Wounds 3 4 5

Cost: 25 C

TL: 7

3 Team Recruitment - Weapons list

Ranged Damage Flip Wounds

Range: 9”


Cost: 45 C

2 HANDED SWORD Team Recruitment - Weapons list

2-Handed Damage Flip 1-12 13-19 20+ Wounds 2 3 4

TL: 1 Cost: 40 C


2-Handed Damage Flip 1-14 15-22 23+ Wounds 2 3 5

TL: 1

Cost: 40 C


2-Handed Damage Flip 1-14 15-20 21+ Wounds 1 2 5

TL: 1 Cost: 40 C


2-Handed Damage Flip 1-10 11-17 18+ Wounds 1 2 4

TL: 1





Armour can be purchased as equipment and adds a bonus to the model’s DF stat. A model may only wear one set of armour at any time. In addition to armour, a shield may be equipped if the model is only equipped with one single-handed weapon.


20 C


+1 DF


50 C


+1 DF


70 C


+2 DF


100 C


+3 DF -1MV


120 C


+3 DF

Stat modifiers

Section 4: Post Battle Sequence


After the battle is over the players work their way through the following sequence.

Post Battle Sequence - Serious Injuries and Serious Injuries Chart

1. Determine the extent of injuries for each model KO’ed at the end of the game. Models. See the Serious Injuries section. 2. Allocate Experience points for your models and make any Advance flips. See the Experience section. 3. Use models to earn money for the team. 4. Recruit new models and buy new equipment. 5. Adjust the model’s Points Values and calculate your Team Points Value and you are ready to fight again.

SERIOUS INJURIES During a game some models will be KO'ed and are removed from play. During the game it doesn’t matter whether a man who goes out of action is dead, unconscious, or badly injured – in terms of the game he is no longer capable of fighting and that is all that matters. When you are playing a campaign it matters a great deal what happens to models who go out of action! ey might recover completely ready to fight in the next battle, or they might sustain debilitating injuries. Possibly they are captured by the enemy, or maybe they have to spend a while recovering their strength. Worst of all they might die or be so badly injured they have to retire.

You will notice that the Serious Injuries chart doesn’t just include serious injuries, it covers a range of things that might befall your model. To find out what happens to models who are KO'ed, make a flip and consult the Serious Injuries chart. If a model flips an injury that it already has, ignor the result.

Serious injuries chart Joker - DEAD e model is killed in action and his body abandoned. All the weapons and equipment carried by the character are lost. Reflip this result if it reduces the number of models in a team to less than 3. 1 - SPOOKED e model is traumatised by battles. From now on this model must be the last model you activate in a turn. 2 - CHEST WOUND e character has been badly wounded in the chest. He recovers but is weakened by the injury and has his Defence is reduced by 1 (-1). 3 - LEG WOUND e fighter has smashed a leg. He recovers from his injuries but he can no longer move quickly. e fighter’s Move stat is reduced by 1 (-1).

4 Post Battle Sequence - Serious Injuries Chart

4 - ARM WOUND e character has smashed one arm. Although he recovers from his injury his strength is permanently reduced as a result. e character’s Weapon Skill stat is decreased by 1 (-1). Models with an arm wound may not use 2-Handed weapons or weapons that require 2 hands. 5 - HEAD WOUND A serious head injury leaves the model somewhat Dazed. e model suffers a -1 destiny modifier on all Weapon Skill and Ranged Skill flips. 6 - BLINDED IN ONE EYE e model survives but loses the sight of one eye. A character with only one eye has his Ranged Skill reduced by 1 (-1). 7 - OLD BATTLE WOUND e character recovers but his wound has weakend him. His Defence is reduced by 1 (-1). 8 - HIDEOUS SCARS e character is alive but has suffered some terrible scaring. e model gains the ability ‘Fear’. 9 - ROBBED e model manages to escape, but all his weapons, armour and equipment are lost.

10 - BITTER ENEMY Although he makes a full physical recovery, the model has been psychologically scarred by his experiences. He develops a bitter hate for the team that was responsible for his injury. From now on, the model hates the following (make a flip). 1-7 e individual enemy who inflicted the injury (if unknown, the team leader). 8-10 e leader of the team who inflicted the injury. 11-13 e entire team responsible for the injury. HATRED A model with hatred must always move towards, charge or attack (or cast offensive spell towards) the model it hates unless it is already in combat. If the model hates an entire team, this applies to the nearest model of the team. 11-12 - FULL RECOVERY e model has been knocked unconscious or suffers a mildly incapacitating wound from which he makes a full recovery. 13 - SURVIVES AGAINST THE ODDS e model regains consciousness alone in the darkness, given up for dead by his companions and overlooked by his enemies. Despite his injuries he makes his way back home. He recovers fully and his uncanny survival earns him an additional 8 Experience points.


Earning Experience Experience points are always added to the character’s total after the game is over.

Experience Points In addition to experience points earned from goals, Models who take part in the game earn experience points as noted below. 5 Survives If a model survives the battle then 5 experience points are earned. Even models who are KO'ed receive experience for taking part. 8 Per model KO'ed A model earns 8 points for each enemy model he KO'ed during the battle. Make a note on the character sheet every time the model KO's an enemy model.

When a team fights an enemy team with a higher Team Points Value then its models gain extra Experience points and Credits just for taking part in the battle. e bigger the difference in the Team Points Value, the more Experience and Credits the underdog team will gain. At the end of the battle, the underdog gains the difference between the two teams Points Values divided by 10 (rounded up) in Experience and in Credits. UNDERDOG BONUS = (HIGHEST TEAM POINTS VALUE LOWEST TEAM POINTS VALUE) 10


If playing a multiplayer game, only the team with the lowest Team Value gains the underdog bonus. If more than one team share the lowest team rating, no team earns the underdog bonus.

Post Battle Sequence - Experience, Earning Experience and Underdogs

Models earn Experience points when they take part in a battle. Once a model has enough Experience points he gains an advance. is takes the form of either an increased stat or a special skill. Models who survive long enough may progress to become mighty heroes with many special abilities that they have picked up over the course of their combat career. When models are recruited they already have some experience. is is listed with the model classes.




Experience Advances

Post Battle Sequence - Experience Advances



As models earn more experience points they are entitled to make advance flips. e table shows how many experience points a model must earn before he can make a further advance flip.



Green Rookie









Top Rookie




New Minion (Rookies that reach this level become Minions.)





















High Lord/Lady















Warmonger Hero



Warmonger Hero



Warmonger Champion



Mighty Warmonger (A model that reaches this level may not advance any further)

Once a Rookie has earned 21 or more experience points he becomes a fully fledged Minion. You can re-arm the model as a Minion rather than a Rookie. Note that his profile stays the same – however, he is now experienced enough to be a fully fledged Minion. Note that when a Minion reaches 61 or more experience points he does not become a Champion or Leader but remains a Minion – albeit a particularly tough and dangerous one called a Team Hero.

Title (Notes)


Flip Result Joker - Flip two cards and use the result of the lowest card flipped. 1-4 New Skill. Make a flip to see what Skill table you will gain a skill from. en randomly generate a skill from it. 0-1= Agility, 2-3= Combat, 4-6= Muscle, 7-9= Ferocity, 10-11= Team, 12-13= Shooting. 5-7 Stat Increase. Flip again: 1-6 = +1 Weapon Skill 7-13 = +1 Ranged Skill 8-9 Stat Increase. Flip again: 1-6 = +1 Magic 7-13 = +1 Health 10-11 New Skill. Select one of the standard Skill tables and randomly generate a skill from it. If the model has a magic stat of 4 or more, you may choose to randomly generate a new spell instead of a skill if you wish. 12-13 New Skill. Choose any of the Skill tables and choose a skill from it. If the model has a magic stat of 4 or more, you may choose a new spell instead of a skill if you wish.

ere are seven types of skill and each has its own separate table: Agility, Combat, Muscle, Ferocity, Team, Shooting, and Magic. If you refer to these tables you’ll see that each offers different skills. To determine a new skill for a model, pick the type of skill you want from those available, then make a flip to determine which skill has been learned. If you flip a skill that the model already has or that he is not allowed to take for any reason, you may pick any skill of that type.

Stat Increase An advance flip of 5-9 will increase one of a model's stats. Record stat increases for each model on the character sheet. Maximum stats: Some stats, such as Weapon Skill (WS), Ranged Skill (RS), Magic (MG), Defence (DF) and Health (HT) have a maximum number that once reached cannot be exceeded. For all of these stats, the maximum number is 10. If a stat increases beyond this through a stat increase re-flip the result. Minimum stats: Permanent reductions to stats, like injuries, cannot reduce a stat below the value of 0. Any further reduction to that stat is ignored.

4 Post Battle Sequence - Advance Flips

To make an advance flip, flip the top card of your deck and consult the advance flip table below.

New Skills


Section 5: Skill Tables

Skill Tables - Agility Skills and Combat Skills

e skill tables are used to randomly determine skills earned as advances.

AGILITY SKILLS 1-3: Sprint e model may triple its movement rate when it charges, rather than doubling it as normal. 4-7: Dash Discard a ♣ card from your hand. is model gains +1 move (MV) for this turn. is ability may only be used once each turn.

TRIGGERED AGILITY ABILITIES 8-10: Dodge + ♥ (DF + Hearts) Reduce the damage this model suffers from this attack by 1. 11-13: Recoil + ♥ (DF + Hearts) After this model is damaged by an enemy attack, move it 4” directly away from the attacker.

3-4: Quick Witted is model’s controller may discard a card from their hand to prevent an enemy model gaining the normal +1 destiney modifier when charging this model. 5: Close Combat Expert Discard a ♠ card from your hand. is model receives +1 AP for this turn that may be spent on the ‘attack’ action only. is ability may only be used once each turn. 5: Close Combat Master Discard a ♠ card from your hand. is model receives +2 AP for this turn that may be spent on the ‘attack’ action only. is ability replaces the "Close Combat Expert" ability. is ability may only be used once each turn. 6-7: Unfailing Close combat attack flips receive a +1 destiny modifier.


COMBAT SKILLS 1-2: Dual Wield If the model carries a weapon in each hand that are of the same type (two hand-to-hand weapons or two ranged weapons), such as two pistols or two swords, then the model gains a +2 Destiny Modifier to all attacks and a +2 Destiny Modifier to all damage flips with the weapon they chose to be the lead weapon (the weapon used to calculate the damage inflicted).

8-9: Perfect Strike + ♠ (WS + Spades) When damaging a defender with a close combat attack, the defender suffers +1 damage. 10-13: Decapitate + ♠ (WS + Spades) When damage is dealt to a defender with a close combat attack, KO the defender unless it’s controller discards 2 cards from their hand.


While this model has 2 or more Wounds remaining when it suffers damage, it may only be reduced to 1 Wound by a single damage source.

is model cannot be attacked by models with only 1 Health.

3-4: Tough Damage flips against this model receive a -1 destiny modifier. 6-7: 2-Handed Weapons is model may use 2-Handed Weapons. If the model could already use 2-Handed Weapons, re-flip the result. 8: Not Without a Fight When this model is KO'ed, it immediately takes a 1AP action before being removed from play.

4: Vampirism is model may immediately heal 1 wound after it KO’s a non-undead model with a close combat attack. 5-6: Survivor When making a flip on the serious injuries chart, flip one additional card and choose one card as the result. 7-8: Brawler When unarmed this model uses the following damage stats. Flip 1-12 13-24 25+ Wnd 1 2 3

TRIGGERED MUSCLE ABILITIES 9-10: Wild Blow + ♣ (WS + Clubs) All enemies within 2” of this model are considered a defender of this attack. Make a seperate damage flip for each defender.


11-12: Strong Blow + ♣ (WS + Clubs) When damaging a defender, the damage flip receives a +1 destiny modifier.

10-11: Disarm + ♦ (WS + Diamonds) e enemy model drops their weapon. ey may pick the weapon back up by using 1 AP.

13: Defending + ♣ (DF + Clubs) For this attack, the defender receives +3 DF.

12: Fury + ♦ (WS + Diamonds) e model’s attack inflicts +1 damage.

9: Hardened is model is immune to ‘Fear’.

13: Frenzy + ♦ (WS + Diamonds) After damaging a defender, this model may immediately make another free attack.

5 Skill Tables - Muscle Skills and Ferocity Skills

MUSCLE SKILLS 1-2: Hard to Kill


TEAM SKILLS 1-3: Healer

Skill Tables - Team Skills and Shooting Skills

is model may spend 2APs to make a model within 2” make a healing flip. 1-4 = heal 0 wounds, 5-10 = heal 1 wound, 11-13 = heal 2 wounds. 4-5: Leadership Draw 1 additional card in the draw phase and discard down to your maximum hand size. Only 1 additional card may be drawn in this way each turn per player. 6-7: Chameleon When this model is in soft cover, treat it as though it was in hard cover. 8-11: Medic After each battle, you may make a single flip. On a result of 10+ you may remove one of any of your model’s serious injuries. 12-13: Warmonger Strike During a WS vs. DF duel the model’s controller may discard 4 cards from their hand to flip another card and add the result to the model’s current total. Note: May only be gained if the model is at Warmonger level (201 or more XP).

SHOOTING SKILLS 1-2: Gunfighter e model can aim and fire a pistol from each hand. He may make two ranged attacks at the same target each time it would make a single attack as long as it is carrying two pistols. is does not require the model to use any more action points. Note: If the campaign has a Tech Level lower than 2, re-flip this result.

3-4: Hunter is model ignores cover penalties when using ranged attacks. 5: Ranged Expert Discard a ♥ card from your hand. is model receives +1 AP for this turn that may be spent on the ‘ranged attack’ action only. is ability may only be used once each turn. 5: Ranged Master Discard a ♥ card from your hand. is model receives +2 AP for this turn that may be spent on the ‘ranged attack’ action only. is ability replaces the "Ranged Expert" ability. is ability may only be used once each turn. 6: Adaptable Fighter is model may use it’s ranged weapon to make close combat attacks. 7-8: Ace Shot Ranged attacks receive a +1 destiny modifier. TRIGGERED SHOOTING ABILITIES 9-10: Headshot + ♦ (RS + Diamonds) When damage is dealt to a defender with a ranged attack, KO the defender unless it’s controller discards 2 cards from their hand. 11: Fastest Shot + ♥ (DF + Hearts) If an enemy misses with a ranged attack and is within range of this model’s weapon, deal damage to enemy using it’s own combat total. 12-13: Sure Shot + ♥ (RS + Hearts) When damaging a defender, the damage flip receives a +1 destiny modifier.


1: Magic resistance Spells cast by other models targeting this model have a -2 destiny modifier to their casting flip. 2: Channel is model may spend 1 Action Point (AP) in addition to the normal AP cost of spells to give his casting flip a +2 destiney modifier. Only 1 additional AP may be spent in this way per spell being cast. 3: Drain Souls Sacrifice a friendly model within 6” to flip another card and add the result to the model’s current total. Note: is ability may be used at any point before a damage flip is made. Only 1 model may be sacrificed per turn. 4: Counterspell When this model is targeted by a spell, you may discard 2 cards from your hand or 1 ♣ (Clubs) card to cancel the spell. 5: Secret of Mana Spells that this model casts that cause damage flips receive a +1 destiny modifier to the damage flip. 6: Furious Casting Discard a card from your hand. is model receives +2 AP’s that must immediately be used to cast spells these extra AP’s are lost.

7: Casting Master Discard a ♦ card from your hand. is model receives +2 AP for casting spells this turn. is ability replaces the "Casting Expert" ability. is ability may only be used once each turn. 8: School of ♥ (Hearts) is model provides the ♥ (Hearts) suit when casting spells.

9: School of (Clubs) is model provides the ♣ (Clubs) suit when casting spells. 10: School of ♠ (Spades) is model provides the ♠ (Spades) suit when casting spells. 11: School of ♦ (Diamonds) is model provides the ♦ (Diamonds) suit when casting spells.

TRIGGERED MAGIC ABILITIES 12: Sub Zero + ♦ (DF + Diamonds) After this attack, immediately end the attacker’s activation. 13: Power Surge + ♣ (MG + Clubs) This model immediately gains +2 to its magic (MG) stat until end of turn.

5 Skill Tables - Magic Skills

Note: Models may only gain magic skills if they have a magic stat of 4 or more.

7: Casting Expert Discard a ♦ card from your hand. is model receives +1 AP for casting spells this turn. is ability may only be used once each turn.

6 e Spell Book - Ancient Magic

Section 6:

The Spell Book

Ancient Magic 1-3:


CC: 13 ♣ 1AP

Push target model within 10”, 3” directly away from this model. If multiple copies of the Clubs suit are produced when casting Push the target model moves an additional 2 inches for each Club beyond the first. 4-5:


CC: 14 ♣ 2AP

Target an enemy model within 8”. Make a MG Vs. MG duel with the target. If you win, you may make 1 AP action with the target model. is spell has no effect on models with Magic stat of 5+. Note: is spell may not be cast by a Warlock engaged in close combat. 6-7:


CC: 14 ♣ 1AP

Push all models within 6” another 2” directly away from this model.


Alter Beast

CC: 14 ♣ 1AP

is model turns into a beast. is model gains +2 WS and +1 DF until it receives a wound. Multiple castings on the same model have no effect. 10-11:

U’Zhul’s Fire

CC: 16 ♣ 2AP

e Warlock shoots a fireball with a range of 12" that hits the first model in its path. Make a duel with the hit model using the Warlock’s Magic stat vs. the defender’s Defence. (MG vs. DF). If successful the fireball damages as: 1-10 = 1 damage, 11-23 = 3 damage, 24+ = 5 damage. Note: is spell may not be cast by a Warlock engaged in close combat. 12-13: Flight of Zira CC: 16 ♣ 2AP e Warlock may immediately move anywhere within 10", including into base contact with an enemy, in which case he counts as attacking. Note: is spell may not be cast by a Warlock engaged in close combat.


the newgods 1-3:


CC: 14 ♥ 2AP

Make a model within 6” make a healing flip: 1-5 = 0 damage, 6-10 = 1 damage, 11-12 = 2 damage, 13 = 3 damage. If multiple copies of the Hearts suit are produced when casting Heal, heal an additional 1 wound for each Heart beyond the first. 4-5:


CC: 12 ♥ 1AP

Move target model within 10” its move stat towards this model. If it ends within 1” of this model, immediately make a single free attack against the model. is spell has no effect on models with Magic stat of 5+. Note: is spell may not be cast by a Warlock engaged in close combat. 6-7:

God’s Fist

CC: 13 ♥ 1AP

e caster’s damage flip is reduced by 4 (-4) until the end of the turn. All damage he inflicts cause double damage (eg, 2 wounds instead of 1). Multiple castings on the same model have no effect.


CC: 13 ♥ 2AP

All enemy models within 4" of the Warlock suffer a blast with damage flip: 1-6 = 1 damage, 7-10 = 2 damage, 11-13 = 3 damage.


Earth’s Anger

CC: 16 ♥ 2AP

At the command of the Warlock, the very earth raises up against his enemies. Draw a 10” direct line from the Warlock in any direction. e line is 1” wide and absolutely straight. Make a flip for each model in its path, damaging as: 1-7 = 0 damage, 8-12 = 1 damage, 13 = 2 damage. Note: is spell may not be cast by a Warlock engaged in close combat. 12-13:

Faith Shield

CC: 16 ♥ 1AP

e Warlock is immune to all spells. Make a flip each time this model becomes active. On a result of 1-8 the shield wears off.

e Spell Book - Prayers To e New Gods

Prayers to


6 e Spell Book - Magic Of e North

Magic of the North 1-3:


CC: 12 ♦ 1AP

Target a model within 5”. All of the target model’s flips receive a -1 destiny modifier until the end of the next turn. 4-5:

Ice shield

CC: 12 ♦ 1AP

is model ignores the first 1 damage from each attack it receives until it moves. If multiple copies of the Diamonds suit are produced when casting Ice shield prevents an additional 1 damage for each Diamond beyond the first. 6-7:

Icy fate

CC: 14 ♦ 1AP

Target a model within 8”. Target model may not change destiny until the end of this turn. 8-9:

Ice of Arha

CC: 16 ♦ 2AP

e Warlock shoots a blast of ice arrows with a range of 14". Make a duel with the targeted model using the Warlock’s Magic stat vs. the defender’s Defence. (MG vs. DF). If successful it damages as: 1-10 = 1 damage, 11-18 = 2 damage, 19+ = 4 damage. Note: is spell may not be cast by a Warlock engaged in close combat.

10-11: Word of Power CC:15 ♦ 1AP e Warlock utters the true name of Asuryan, the Northern god. Shaken by his awesome power, the enemies of the warlock become weak and ineffective. Any enemies within 5” of the Warlock suffer a -2 Weapon Skill (WS) penalty, down to a minimum of 1. Lasts until the end of the turn. Multiple castings on the same model have no effect. 12:

Phoenix Crown

CC:16 ♦ 1AP

A crown of white flames appears above the head of the Warlock, enveloping him within a glorious array of flames. e Warlock gains +2 to his Defence and +3 to his Weapon Skill. Lasts until the end of the turn. Multiple castings on the same model have no effect. 13:

Ice Rain

CC:17 ♦ 1AP

Ice shards rain down all around the warlock. Any models within 3” of the warlock immediately suffers 1 damage.





Raise dead

CC:17 ♠ 2AP

10-11: Wings of Night CC:16 ♠ 2AP Wings of darkness unfurl from the Warlock’s back and engulf him. He disappears, only to reappear in nearby shadow.

Place one Zombie model into play, up to 2” from this model. If the caster of this spell is KO’ed, the zombie roams free and after the last player has moved the last model all free roaming Zombies will charge or attack the nearest model. Note: is spell may not be cast by a Warlock engaged in close combat.

is spell may only be cast if the Warlock is within 1" of a wall*. He is instantly moved up to 10" to a place that is also within 1" of a wall*. If moved into contact with an enemy model, the Warlock counts as charging.


BITE 6-7:



Damage Flip Wounds

3 1-4 0

Pool of Shadow


e Warlock may cast this spell at any enemy model within 8" of him and within 2" of a wall*. e target suffers a single automatic hit damaging as: 1-5 = 0 damage, 6-12 = 1 damage, 13 = 3 damage.

Each Warlock may only summon a number of Zombies equal to the number of models KO'ed during the game.


CC:15 ♠ 2AP

Shadows around the target suddenly writhe as if alive and strike.

CC:16 ♠ 2AP

All models within 8” suffer 1 damage. If multiple copies of the suit are produced when casting, models suffer an additional damage for each Spade beyond the first. 4-5:

Living Shadows


5-14 15+ 1 2

CC:12 ♠ 1AP

e Warlock is surrounded by twisting shadows. is spell allows the Warlock and all within 5" to hide, exactly as if there were a wall between them and their enemies. In addition, all affected count as being in heavy

12-13: Shadow


CC:16 ♠ 1AP

Shadows form a barrier around the Warlock. e Warlock may cast this spell on himself or a member of his team within 8". e target receives +3 Defence until the end of the turn. Multiple castings have no effect. *Several of the Shadow Magic spells mention that the target must be within a certain distance of ‘a wall’. is is not literally restricted to walls, but includes any terrain that could be expected to cast a large shadow.

e Spell Book - Shadow Magic

Shadow Magic

cover against enemy shooting. is spell lasts until the end of the turn.


Section 7: Jobs & Opportunities

Jobs & Opportunities

After experience has been gained and injuries have been flipped for, players may use each of their models to try to earn more money by taking jobs or going on quests.

WaNTed dead or aLIVe

Freddy Long Neck Requires

Laborer Needed




No experience needed. We need hard working people for lifting, passing tools and making tea. Make a flip for each model doing the job.

0-3 4-5 6-8

You fail to get out of bed and to work on time ... YOUR FIRED!!! You do the job and get paid you 4C for the day. e foreman is amazed at you fast work. e constructionjob is now 2 days ahead of schedule thanks to you. Receive you 4C plus a 2C bonus.

9-10 11-12 13




He saw you, stabbed you up and left you for dead. Flip on the serious injury table. He sees you and makes a get away. You don’t get anything. He sees you and makes a run for it. You manage to a get shot in and clip his shoulder. You follow the path of blood as long as you can and take the info back to Bobby who gives you a slap and 2C. You got him. Its a messy job but you did it. You later find out it was the wrong guy but get 4C as it happens it was someone lower on the hitlist. Bullseye. You get you 9C. Head shot. You did a professional job. You receive the 9C plus 3XP.

7 Jobs & Opportunities

Lord Jeffery Garland needs three soldiers of fortune to escort him on his expedition into the heart of the Tootnga rain forest. Each escort will receive 3C upfront and a further 6C after the expedition is complete. You and your team get captured by headhunters. You and the rest of your team members escape but Lord Jeffery is killed (and possibly eaten). Your team can only collect the 3C each and the team member with the lowest XP must flip on the serious injury table. Two of your team get lost in the jungle but make it back alive. Lord Jeffery is injured and you only 3C each. You are attacked by a pack of ape men. You all get separated but manage to make it home. You don't know what happened to Lord Jeffery and you don't really care as you got your 3C and are glad to be out of that hell hole. Also one of you found a large ruby embedded in a stature and sold it for 4C. One of your team goes missing in the jungle but you managed your mission all the same without them. The missing member (the team member with the lowest XP) only receives 3C and has to flip on the serious injury table but the other two get their 9C. You did it. It all went almost to smoothly for your liking but you received 9C each. You did it plus you seem to have discovered the lost BLACK MOON AXE city of Goona Goona. You all receive you 9C each. 2-Handed One of you steals an artifact know as the Black Damage Flip 1-8 9-18 19+ Moon Axe of the Menwahbie people.





7 6-8 You find and rescue the maiden.

Jobs & Opportunities

s a maiden Lord Skeldon ha le Hisnark. captured in Cast ily are m fa The maiden’s of 20C rd wa re offering a . rn tu re fe sa for her

Gain 20C. Lord Skeldon vows to pursue you and have revenge. During your next game. At the start of turn 2, place a model in the area that you started. At the end of each turn, after the last player has moved their last model, Lord Skeldon moves 2" towards the nearest model from your team. If at any point it is within 1" of a member of your team Lord Skeldon immediately strikes at WS 9. Lord Skeldon may not be KO'ed.

9-12 You find and rescue the maiden. Gain 20C. 13 You kill Lord Skeldon. One member of


Any number of models with combined WS of 13+ Make a flip:


You fail to find the castle and get completely lost. You get nothing.


While searching for the maiden Lord Skeldon finds you and you flee from the castle.

your team with the highest XP takes his helm and sword. Holding Skeldon's Sword and wearing the Helm of Hisnark, the model kills the maiden. The model gains +1 DF from the helm and gains the skills Fear and Vampirism. Only this model may use these items.

Skeldon’s Sword Damage Flip 1-6 Wounds 1

7-19 20+ 5 3

Testico Research Labs

Are seeking volunteers to participate in research trials!




The tests go wrong. Make a flip on the serious injury table.


The tests go wrong. Make a flip on the serious injury table, but get paid compensation of 10C.

7-12 13

All goes well and you earn 7C. You gain a random skill from either (make a flip): Agility (1-7) or Muscle (8-13). You also earn the 7C.

SneegarLtasir Make a flip: The beast bites the member of your team with the lowest XP (randomly determine if a tie). That model must make a flip on the serious injuries chart. You escape with nothing. You wound the beast but don't kill it. Gain 15C. Now the beast is free. At the beginning of the next game, place a model to represent The Sneegart in the centre of the game area. At the end of each turn, after the last player has moved their last model, The Sneegart moves at it's full movement towards the nearest model. If at any point it is within 1" of a model it immediately strikes. If killed, the model that killed The Sneegart gains 10C and 10XP.

The Sneegart 4






You killed the beast. You are rewarded 25C and gain 8XP.

Jobs & Opportunities





7 Jobs & Opportunities

Entertainer Needed

A magic skill of 4+ is required to keep lively children quiet. Make a flip: Your tricks are rubbish. Ballon animals are simply not good enough. No payment.


Must have Medic or Healer Skill. Make a flip:


At least you made the ballon animal come to life. Nice tricks. Gain 5 C. Sawing that child in half was amazing. Astounding! Gain 9 C.

Smith’s A

Make a flip:



Terrible. You gain nothing.


Good. You are rewarded for your work with a sword.

8-11 12-13

Very Good. You are rewarded for your work with an axe. Excellent. You may pick any tech level 1 weapon.

9-11 12-13

Not bad. Gain 10 C. Good. Gain 15 C. ey live. Gain 20 C.


To help keep ou r inn’s kitchen well stocked. Must have Hu nter or Ace Sh ot skill. Make a flip:

0-5 - You caught some rabits. Gain 2 C. 6-8 - You caught a boar. Gain 6 C. 9-11 - You caug ht many boar . Gain 10 C. 12-13 - You caug ht a bear.


GAME 5 credits to play

Gain 18 C.

Make a flip: 0-6 You loose your 5 C.


You win a couple of hands. Keep your 5 C and gain 5 C.


You play well. Keep your 5 C and gain 9 C.


You take hand after hand. Keep your 5 C and gain 18 C.

Section 8: Ready to fight again

Team Points Value Each model has a “Points Value”. To calculate a model’s Initial Point Value, add together its class cost, any costs for races, and the cost of any items carried (weapons and armour). INITIAL POINTS VALUE = COST OF MODEL + COST OF RACE + COST OF ITEMS You will need to adjust each model’s Points Values after every game. To adjust the model’s Points Value, add an additional 10 points for each level the model has gained and minus 5 points for each injury the model has suffered. Remember to make any adjustments to costs of items the model may have. ADJUSTED POINTS VALUE = INITIAL VALUE + (10 x NUMBER OF LEVELS GAINED) - (5 x NUMBER OF INJURIES SUFFERED) Note: Make any adjustments for items carried To calculate the total Team Value, just total up the value of all models in your team.

THAT’S THAT at’s all of the rules that currently exist for the game, but as Warmonger is all about having fun, feel free to add rules, create scenarios and goals and even invent your own abilities.

Models Although the rules refer to models, Warmonger can be played with anything that might represent characters battling each other. Some alternatives include; Lego minifigures, chess pieces and if you are happy with scaling up distances for movement and range, even larger action figures can be used.

Note: Jedi (Star Wars) If you decide to play a TL7 game in the setting of Star Wars, play as if magic (Force Powers) were available, but that all spell lists include only the following spells: Push, Obey, Shockwave, U'Zhul's Fire, Lure and Phoenix Crown. Also, substitute races as you see fit.

Character Sheets ere is also a full blank character sheet for you to photocopy, cut out and use for your new characters. is character sheet is intended to be cut out and folded to make a double sided character sheet, making it easier to keep track of all of the abilities, spells and items that your characters gain throughout their lives.

Ready to fight again - Team Points Value, at’s at

Once jobs and quests have been completed, you may purchase weapons and recruit new models to your team. en the only thing left to do is calclate your team’s rating.


Cut here

Blank Character Sheet Please photocopy this page as many times as you need.

Cut here



Cut here

Fold here


Character Sheets - Blank character sheet


Cut here





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