Generalized Curvatures
Contents- - 1 Motivation -Curves2 Motivation -Surfaces 3 Distance and Projection 4 Elements of Measure Theory5 Polyhedra 6 Convex Subsets 7 Differential Forms and Densities on EN8 Measures on Manifolds 9 Background on Riemannian Geometry 10 Riemannian Submanifolds 11 Currents 12 Approximation of the Volume 13 Approximation of the Length of Curves 14 Approximation of the Area of Surfaces 15 The Steiner Formula for Convex Subsets 16 Tubes Formula of the immersions 17 Subsets of Positive Reach 18 Invariant Forms 19 The Normal Cycle 20 Curvature Measures of Geometric Sets 21 Second Fundamental Measure 22 Curvature Measures in E223 Curvature Measures in E3 24 Approximation of the Curvature of Curves25 Approximation of the Curvatures of Surfaces 26 On Restricted Delaunay Triangulations EAN/ISBN : 9783540737926 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin Discussed keywords: Kurven Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Morvan, Jean-Marie
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